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There are TONS of ads for these "digital descramblers". They are NOTHING MORE THAN A HIGH PASS FILTER! They do not work!

What these things do is prevent a cable modem or digital cable box from talking back to the cable company, therefore it will not report Pay-Per-View purchases back to the cable company. Here's the catch though: The cable company is constantly polling the digital box for signal levels, purchases, and troubleshooting information. If it doesn't hear back from the box, they will flag your account and roll a service call truck on it. Since there is no way for you to clear the PPV purchases out of the boxes' memory, you're going to end up getting charged someday anyway.

Don't waste your money.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • please tell me more. Interested, thanks DarShawn

    2010-05-30 06:00:11

  • how long will it be before they figure out how to clear the ppv purchases out of memory?

    2010-02-28 22:59:25

  • Filter Scam, see link. http://www.digital-cable-filter-scam.com/index2.html Sam O. - Houston, Texas

    2008-01-05 11:58:00

  • What about there calm that they can clear the memory from the box? I understand that without a digital box you wont be able to unscramble the signal but I think that you can clear the memory

    2007-12-10 13:34:52

  • so resetting the box as they mention in the ads will not clear out the PPV memory?

    2007-11-26 16:24:51

Expand got feedback?

by Raydr See Profile
last modified: 2003-03-19 06:45:53