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A SLC96 (also known as Slick 96) is a Lucent Technologies "pair-gain" system that multiplexes 96 telephone lines onto eight pairs of twisted-pair wires. It is used extensively in the public telephone network to provide telephone service to areas that do not have enough twisted pairs to meet customer needs. The SLC96 actually uses four T1 circuits (24 lines per T1) to achieve the 96-line transport. The SLC96 is configured in a cabinet, one for inside rack-mount central-office use and the other (far end) as an outdoor cabinet. The circuit cards that are incorporated into the SLC96 design are separate and redundant power cards, battery back-up for the remote end, common equipment (control) cards, and a separate card for every two lines that are multiplexed (48-line cards for a full system).

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by Andy Houtz See Profile
last modified: 2004-01-26 09:41:42