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A splitter electronically isolates the lower frequencies of the telephone signal from the higher frequencies of the DSL signals. Splitters are the main device used when running a homerun (dedicated wiring for the DSL signal) because they also physically isolate the DSL and POTS wiring. Splitters are more robust than the standard in-line microfilters supplied in the self install kits and eliminate the need to have filters on every phone.

Four main types are available:
External Splitters - Encased in separate, weather-proof enclosures for stand alone installation.
Internal NID Splitters - Designed to fit completely inside a residential NID (Network Interface Device).
Home Security Alarm Splitters - Designed to work with RJ-31X alarm system connections. More information is available here.
INI Splitters - Designed for apartments/condominiums that use an INI instead of a NID. More information is available here.

Note: The appearance of these links in no way constitutes any endorsement and they are provided as a convenience only. No representation is made as to the suitability of these or any other commercial links included here.
eBay is a great source for new splitters at very good prices. Also, several retailers sell to the general public. Please check the following links:

Hometech Solutions
Santa Cruz Electronics
TII Authorized Vendors

Siecor/Corning External Splitter

Bourns Internal Splitter

TII Internal Splitter

Keptel Internal Splitter

Siecor Dual Line Internal Splitter

Wilcom Splitter

Excelsus RJ-31X Security Alarm Splitter

Siecor INI Splitter (Wallplate)

Siecor INI Splitter (Wall Mount)

Andy Houtz DSL

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by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2006-12-21 23:52:17