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Microfilters and/or in-line filters are required on all jacks that have POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) equipment attached. POTs devices include: phones, cordless phones, CallerID boxes, TeleZappers, fax machines, etc. They isolate the POTS signals from the DSL signals so there is no interference. An assortment of microfilters are shipped with the self-install kit along with your modem. BellSouth's current Self-Install Kit includes 1 wall mount filter and 4 in-line filters. Other common microfilters are also shown below. Microfilters can by purchased online from the BellSouth Order Request Site or at most larger electronics stores like Circuit City, Radio Shack, or Comp USA, BestBuy, etc.

Important Note: Because each filter increases line loss users should not use more than 5 microfilters on their inside wiring. There are active microfilters specifically designed for homes that require more than 5 filters or you should create a homerun with a single dedicated splitter.

Important Installation Note: The BellSouth supplied dual line filters have two outputs. One line out is marked "phone" and is used to connect to all POTS devices. The other line out is marked "ADSL/HPNA" or "Data" and is used to connect the DSL modem. Single line filters are also available and are used when only a single phone (no modem) is connected to that specific wall plate. It is critical that you install the filters correctly. Failure to do so will create poor performance and speeds. It may even keep the modem from synching at all.

Andy Houtz DSL

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by Andy Houtz See Profile edited by FAQFixer See Profile
last modified: 2009-02-18 11:47:06