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The gateway is the IP address of your Dslam router in your CO.
It your first Hop out to the Verizon network and the last hop in it is basically transparent to the network. It will not always show up when you do a tracert or Ping test from yourself or from a service. It can also be a killer bottleneck for an invisible latency.

FAQ by kadar

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • If you were on a Public Static IP, your standard default GW IP would show up as the 2nd hop.

    2012-12-04 14:46:56 (aefstoggaflm See Profile)

  • this may be incorrect, this means you are configured on PPPoE - that 10.x.x.x IP is the PPPoE concentrator private IP - the router will have a public IP. If you were DHCP, your standard default GW IP would show up as the 2nd hop.

    2010-12-01 11:59:38 (hubrisnxs See Profile)

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by edited by kadar See Profile
last modified: 2002-08-26 17:03:08