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No, it will affect your DSL service. You can change your long distance or international carrier, but you have to keep Verizon as your local carrier. DSL is put in the same category as phone extras, like caller ID, Call waiting, etc. If you cancel Verizon you lose the extras.

FAQ by kadar

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • And now, the answer is no. See http://www.dslreports.com/shownews/Verizon-Stops-Selling-Standalone-DSL-to-New-Users-119107

    2012-05-16 20:37:16 (aefstoggaflm See Profile)

  • The answer to this question may now be YES. Verizon has recently bagan offering DSL without the need to have a Verizon phone. It's interesting that the prices with or without a phone are the same. This would mean that you can probably drop their phone service and keep their DSL. You could then get phone service via another provider (i.e. such as Vonage or a cable company).

    2008-10-31 09:05:19 (MrDJ009 See Profile)

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by edited by sashwa See Profile
last modified: 2010-06-29 21:09:47