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Adam Michael

Union Affairs Officer

About me

Hi, I’m Adam, and I’ll be returning as your Union Affairs Officer for 2023/24! My role looks after democracy and representation in Bristol SU and ensure that students are at the heart of Union decision-making. I’m responsible for how students interact with the Union including effective communication channels and oversight for Union services, including those provided for societies, and volunteering & fundraising (RAG).

I remain committed to hearing the stories of students, and improving representation and democracy here at Bristol SU. There is nothing more valuable to me than giving a voice to the voiceless.

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with friends, recreational sports (I’ve started running recently!) and am a HUGE nerd for pro wrestling (come chat to me about WWE!)

My Priorities

Democratic Reforms II

  • Review the SU’s Rep Structures and Democratic Events, engaging with student leaders throughout.
  • Continue the SU Public Forums and improving it to make it more engaging.
  • Tighten our governance document, known as our Byelaws.

Develop Partnerships to Improve Student Development Opportunities

  • Triple the SU’s Activity Hardship Fund pot, while developing a long-term solution to sustain the fund.
  • Work with SU and University colleagues to ensure there are no further barriers to participation in student groups and opportunities.
  • Work with SU and University colleagues to ensure students get the best career and personal development outcomes from experience gained out of participating in student groups and activities

Finalise University Guarantor Scheme

  • Continue work built on from last year on the University Housing Guarantor Scheme.
  • Develop a pilot in the short-term to enable a long-term provision.

What I've Been Working On


I was actively championing issues around Prayer Space and informal study space in Temple Quarter. I did so by voicing out concerns in a university committee relating to future student experience in Temple Quarter.


I was a judge for the Outstanding Plus Award panel. Over 100 students applied to become a 1 of 1 in 8 categories. It was a huge honor for me to be part of this and hear about the wonderful things our students do.


Along with members of staff, I secured support for the SU 100 Years program from the Alumni Association.

My Previous Updates

September 2022
  • I continued working on the new public forums, the specifics have been finalised and the date for the first forum is close to being set 
  • I attended the Russell Group Student Collective residential with Lu on August 17th-19th 
  • I worked on and been having meetings on engagement efforts and potential opportunities
  • I attended Student Leaders Residential in Chester where I met and got to know many of the part time officer
  • I was at Welcome Fair for the whole day, meeting student groups and interacting with students
  • I helped clear up comms issues for students that had trouble registering for the year
  • I attended the Pom Cheerleading Give it a Go session and the International Students Network Karaoke
  • I attended the UEB Residential and networked with University Senior Executives
  • I worked with University Senior Executives, the International Students Network Chair and students on the response to the Iranian crisis, including attending the event held at the Global Lounge to support students that were affected
  • I worked on communications for the Bristol SU Forums & TB1 Elections
  • I attended Standing Committee with the rest of the Full Time Officers and the Part Time Officers 
October 2022
  • I chaired the first ever Bristol SU Public Forum, one of my manifesto promises!
  • I meet with the MP of Bristol West alongside other officers to discuss student concerns
  • I sat on the Special Events Panel & Affiliation Committee within Bristol SU, as part of my work to support student groups
  • I attended meetings as a Trustee of the SU 
  • I chaired a forum with student leaders and the MP for Bristol West, Thangham Debbonaire
  • I visited Temple Quarter alongside Izzy, where we had a chat with the Shadow Universities Minister, Matt Western
  • I attended the first meeting of the Democratic Standards Committee
  • I continued supporting students affected by the crisis in Iran
  • I attended the ISoc Charity Week Auction Dinner, where over £7000 was raised
November 2022
  • In addition to my own graduation, I attended graduation ceremonies on Thursday as a Sabbatical Officer
  • I was part of a panel for a Careers Service event aimed at International Students
  • I continued working on delivering Islamophobia Awareness Month this month
  • I attended a crucial meeting with University stakeholders regarding supporting the students affected by the crisis in Iran
  • I attended a meeting with Russell Group SUs, called the Russell Group Student Collective
  • I attended a meeting with the Development & Alumni Relations Office (DARO) alongside the International Students Network Chair on developing an International Students Alumni Network
  • I've been heavily involved with the planning and delivery of Islamophobia Awareness Month. I did the call to prayer (Adhan) at Open Jummah (Friday Prayers).
  • Alongside Lucy, I interviewed the Vice Chancellor on key issues that students are facing
  • I attended and supported the joint rally by UCU and UNISON
  • I attended the JCR Forum to hear from students about issues in their accommodation
December 2022
  • I gave the opening statement at the Islamophobia Awareness Month Public Forum
  • I attended the Renaming Buildings forum organised by the University
  • I attended meetings on efforts to empower student groups
January 2023
  • I made significant progress on developing the University Guarantor Scheme
  • I supported several student groups with their efforts going into TB2
  • I attended and supported the free exam breakfast in the SU Living Room
  • I was a guest speaker at an event in the Malaysian High Commission
  • Lu and I went to Sheffield for the Russell Group SUs Residential
  • I discussed Election rules alongside Democratic Standards Committee and the Student Council Chair
  • I attended Refreshers Fair alongside other officers and the Liberation & Campaigns Team to promote elections and AMM
  • I attended Give it a Go! sessions on Saturday Jan 21st for Give it a Go! Takeover Day
February 2023
  • Held the Tea Time with the SU Officers event, which boosted the number of candidacies at the SU Elections
  • Deliberated on Annual Members' Meeting with Democratic Standards Committee and the Chair of Student Council
  • Attended and delivered Officer Updates at Annual Members' Meeting
  • Met with and supported student groups on several issues important to them
  • Attended a meeting regarding University finances
  • Attended the UMT Plenary on the University Strategy
March 2023
  • Participated in the SU Elections
  • Attended the Student Group Affiliation Panel
April 2023
  • Sat on the panel of Activity Hardship Fund, for which I secured additional funding for (this was a re-election manifesto achievement)
  • Went on a significant period of leave, where I visited my home country, Malaysia
  • Organised the ‘Ramadan Bazaar’ & Eid al-Fitr Event in the SU Living Room 2 alongside the SU Events Team and 6 Student Groups. For the first time ever, we brought the cultural experiences of our diverse student body together through how they celebrate Eid.
  • Continued working on the University Guarantor Scheme and being involved in discussions surrounding what the scheme would actually look like.
  • Encouraging nominations for the SU Awards, and sitting on the panel for Society Awards
  • Continued work on a wider Governance Review done by the SU
May 2023
  • Chaired the last Finance, Audit, Risk & Governance Trustee sub-committee for the year
  • Supported senior University recruitment
  • Supported the SU Academic Advice Team's free exam breakfasts which were attended by hundreds of students
  • Attended the International Student Support Group Meeting
  • Attended the Russell Group Students' Unions Conference alongside Lu
  • Had meetings with society presidents to support them with any issues
August 2023
  • I participated in a conference with members of the University's Executive Board, lobbying them to adopt some of the Officer Team priorities as their priorities for the year. I focused on Cost of Living mitigation measures, including the Guarantor Scheme, cheap food on campus, and warm spaces on campus.
  • I've been building a rapport with other senior reps in the SU, proactively participating in the SU Student Leader Residential, and attending events organised by SU Network Chairs and Faculty Reps. Through this rapport, I've had conversations regarding the democratic structures of the SU.
  • The Activity Hardship Fund pot has been tripled (and then some). This has enabled the fund application cap to be increased from £100 to £150. Not only are more students now able to benefit from the fund, but they can also get more benefit from the fund. This is a manifesto promise fulfilled.
September 2023
  • I've been working to increase candidacies for the TB1 elections. I've participated in many outreach efforts to raise awareness about the elections and promoting students putting themselves forward for elected roles. I've also had 1:1 meetings with students who were interested in roles and wanted to speak in greater detail about said roles. You can now nominate yourself until Monday 9 Oct at 09:00 so don't miss your chance to lead!
  • I've been working with relevant SU staff and SU Senior Reps on the Representation Review, getting people on board with the need to reform our rep structures and democratic arenas.
  • I was able to participate in many Welcome Week events. From school talks, to yoga, to karaoke, and meeting student group leaders at the Welcome Fair; I renewed my familiarity with student activities, interests and the concerns of student groups. There are still Give it a Go! events on, so make sure to try something new this term!
October 2023
  • I supported work around TB1 Elections, meeting with students at events to encourage candidacies in the elections. I paid special attention to encouraging candidacies for Democratic Standards Committee, as they have a big role to play in the upcoming Representation Review.
  • Through meeting student groups and attending their events, as well as engaging with the Officer Drop Ins organised by SU Staff, I managed to encourage more than 15 people to put themselves forward for an elected role in TB1 Elections.
  • I attended Give it a Go events, including Malaysian Cultural Society's GIAG which was also attended by Pat, the Sport and Student Development Officer, and Evelyn Welch, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Bristol.
November 2023
  • I’m involved in four campaigns going on in November: Islamophobia Awareness Month, Interfaith Week, International Students Week, and Sustainability Month. I’m organising some and participating in events throughout this month. I’m most looking forward to the Islamophobia Awareness Month Public Forum which is taking place on Tuesday 21 November!
  • I’ve been working hard on the Representation Review, along with SU Staff and the Democratic Reforms Select Committee to ensure that the review will be in line with students’ concerns and what they want.
  • I successfully passed four motions as either proposer or seconder, two of which were crucial for the Representation Review. In one motion I updated the quoracy of Annual Members’ Meeting, which mitigates the risk of AMM not being quorate and motions not being able to be implemented.
  • I led on Islamophobia Awareness Month, bringing in the Ask a Muslim Instagram Takeover, the IAM x Sustainability Month talk with Naseem Talukdar and Sheila el Dieb, and most importantly, the IAM Public Forum, which I delivered the opening statement.
  • I've been working hard alongside the Democratic Reforms Select Committee on the Democracy & Representation Review. We've had weekly two hour meetings and have discussed on important recommendations for the review.
  • I was very active at the first Student Council of the year, passing four motions - three as a proposer and one as a seconder. Two of these motions were related to the Representation Review, progressing the review to the next stage by passing these motions.
December 2023
  • Alongside the Democratic Reforms Select Committee, I completed the DRSC Report which is aimed at informing decisions surrounding the democracy and representation review. This was a research paper that led to recommendations from the student leaders involved in the Select Committee, suggesting reforms to the Officer Roles, Networks, Academic Representation, and Democratic Events.
  • SU World Cup Tournament has progressed significantly. We have over 16 Team sign-ups already and have secured funding for the event, and are progressing towards Player sign-ups. This will be an interesting first-ever event in our SU!
  • Secured funding for the Bristol SU World Cup Tournament! I was also at MASFest, the Malaysian Food Festival, which was an excellent showcase of our cultural diversity.
January 2024
  • I, along with the Malaysians, did loads of cheering at the World Cup, leading to the Malaysians winning the Best Supporters Prize.
  • The Bristol SU World Cup Tournament has happened! It was a spectacular event involving hundreds of attendees. Make sure to read the full Bristol SU World Cup Tournament Round-up!
  • The Representation Review is progressing with the Liberation reform happening at Annual Members’ Meeting this year. I’ve worked very hard to get us to this stage.
  • Activity Hardship Fund received an additional £10,000 boost for this year, while a commitment is being negotiated for a long-term provision.
March 2024
  • The Ramadan Bazaar event for 1445H took place on Wednesday 13 March. This event not only provided free iftars for over 150 students, but also brought the Ramadan experiences of the diverse backgrounds of our student body to one room.
  • The changes passed at Annual Members' Meeting relating to the Representation Review meant that Network Chair elections became a lot more competitive and inspired a much higher degree of turnout than in previous years. I also worked very hard on the ground to ensure students come out to vote, playing my part in helping the SU break its all-time turnout record!
  • I've pushed forward discussions surrounding Prayer Rooms with Campus Division.
  • I will be cheering on Pat at Derby Day!
April 2024
  • Student Council 2 was at the top of my list after coming back from leave! I passed 2 motions relating to the Representation review, one of which had a 100% majority which was unprecedented!
  • I hosted an open house attended by 100+ people, including Pat! This was on Eid al-Fitr which marks the end of Ramadan which I had fasted for 30 days :)
  • I supported the Intramural Finale which was done by our Intramural Coordinator Alex. It was attended by hundreds of students and was a huge success.