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Paid Search Marketing

Paid search marketing is a critical tool for any marketer or small business owner. But it’s not easy. From navigating the world of bidding, to writing ad copy that resonates, to setting up Google Ads conversion tracking and more: there are a lot of skills that fall under the paid search marketing umbrella. At WordStream, we’re here to help you refine those skills. Check out our paid search marketing blogs and get the knowledge you need to succeed.

How to Use Google Lead Form Extensions to Drive More Leads

Here, we're sharing what a lead form extension is, what you need to know about the new extension, and how you can create some to start boosting your mobile conversion rate!

Google’s Newest Ad Policy Restricts Debt Services Ads & Bans Credit Repair Ads

Google recently announced that ads for credit repair and debt management services will need to be certified. We're sharing what this means, when it will happen, how to get certified, and more!

Google Call-Only Ads with No Headlines Cut CPA by 28% [Case Study]

Google call-only ads are great when your prospective customer need your help right this second. We dug into a hunch that Google call-only ads helped your prospective customers get your help faster when they don't have headlines.

Is Your Company Rebranding? Follow These 11 Tips to Update Your Google Ads

Rebranding a company isn't easy, especially when it involves a name change. Here are 11 steps for updating your Google Ads account for your company rebrand, from updating or creating new campaigns to monitoring progress after launch and everything in between!

Guest Author
September 24, 2019 | Paid Search Marketing

10 Ways to Spend Less Time in Google Ads

Let's face it: Google Ads can be intimidating to use and time-intensive to manage. Here are 10 ways that you can start spending less time in Google Ads, including automated reports, saved filters, and more!

4 Google Ads Audience Exclusions You Need to Try Next

Sometimes a successful paid media campaign requires the “less is more” approach, and that's where audience exclusions come in. Here are four underused Google Ads audience exclusions that can help you sift out unfit audiences to save you money, including app audiences, site searches, and more!

So Long, SKAGs; Hello, Single Theme Ad Groups

With Google's recent match type changes, using singe keyword ad groups, or SKAGs, is no longer a reliable strategy. Instead, we recommend using single theme ad groups—or as we like to call them, STAGs. Here, we explain why you need to change your SKAGs and how STAGs will help.

The 11 Best Competitive Ads We’ve Ever Seen on Google

Running competitive ads in the Google search results is a super effective way to win new customers. Check out this guide to learn everything you need to know about how great competitive advertisements work.

Goodbye, Average Position: Everything You Need to Know

Earlier this year, Google announced its plan to retire average position. Now, the metric will be officially gone in September. Here's what you need to know, including how to prepare your account and how to to use Google's new metrics.

7 Surprising Lessons I Learned While Creating My First Google Ads Campaign

Setting up your first Google Ads campaign can be intimidating, but we promise it's not as difficult as it seems. Here are some of the lessons our summer intern learned in the process of setting up her very first Google Ads campaign.

Big Changes Coming to Phrase Match & Broad Match Modifier

Your phrase match and broad match modifier keywords will now match to same-meaning close variant queries. How will this affect your Google Ads campaigns? We've got everything you need to know!

7 Cost-Effective Ad Types for Small Businesses

Learn the seven most effective ad types for a shoestring budget, with success stories for inspiration!

11 Reasons Your Google Ads Aren’t Showing (& How to Fix!)

If your Google ads aren't showing, don't panic: There's a perfectly reasonable (and fixable) explanation. Check out this complete guide to learn more!

Everything You Should Know About Google’s NEW Campaign-Level Conversions

At Google Marketing Live 2019, Google announced a new bidding control: campaign-level conversion setting. Here, we tell you everything you need to know about the new control, including how to set it up, how it can help, and why you should be excited about it!

6 Mobile Marketing Strategies You Probably Haven’t Considered

Mobile marketing is extremely powerful, but it’s easy to get stuck in a rut with techniques that don’t deliver the results you were hoping for. So to help you out we’ve come up with this list of six super-effective but easily missed mobile marketing strategies that you can try today!

When (& When Not) to Use Google Dynamic Search Ads

Dynamic Search Ads can be great ways to drive high volume and increase your profit—but this ad type can also cannibalize your budget and waste your funds. Whether you're just starting out or already using DSAs, here's everything you need to know to set your campaign up for success.

4 Tips for PPC Specialists in the Automation Age

Automation is changing the workforce across industries all over the world, and digital marketing is no exception. But that doesn't mean that automation will replace PPC specialists. Here are 4 tips for PPC specialists to compete and excel in the age of automation!

5 Strategies to Target Your B2B Audience Online

Finding your target B2B audience for PPC can be a challenge, but your audience is all over the web, just like B2C audience. Here are five B2B audience targeting strategies to help find your target users!

5 Things You Need to Know About Discovery Ads

Discovery ads allow advertisers to target prospects in the moments in which they’re most open to finding something new. Here are five vital things you need to know about them.

Google’s NEW Gallery Ads: Everything You Need to Know

Google's new gallery ads, which combine the intent of search with the creative of display, are beyond promising. Get everything you need to know here!

9 Massive Changes Coming to Google Ads #GoogleMarketingLive 2019

Google Marketing Live 2019 was jam-packed with massive announcements. Check out our wrap-up blog post to learn everything you need to know about new ad types, campaign settings and other changes on the way!

How to Use Google Ads for Account-Based Marketing

Many B2B and SaaS companies use acount-based marketing, or ABM, as their strategy for winning enterprise-level clients. Not a lot of these marketers use Google Ads in their ABM strategies—and that's a huge missed opportunity. Here's how you can use Google Ads for better account-based marketing.

The 5 Mistakes You’re Making in Your Google Ad Copy

With SERPs only getting more crowded and more confusing, your ad copy is more important than ever. You need to grab attention to get those clicks, and you can't afford to have any Google ad copy mistakes. Here are the top five that you need to avoid!

Michelle Morgan
April 22, 2019 | Copywriting

8 Audience Targeting Strategies from Digital Marketing Experts

Audience targeting enables you to reach consumers interested in your business. Here are eight proven audience targeting strategies for Google, Facebook, and more!

5 Strategies to Improve PPC Lead Quality

To improve your lead generation campaigns, you need to focus on lead quality, not lead quantity. Here are five ways to improve the quality of your leads, including targeting long-tail keywords, using back-end data to optimize and more!

Battle of the SERP: Combining SEO & PPC Forces to Win

Ever get your listing bumped from the coveted page-one spot on the SERP? Here's how you can use SEO and PPC together to maximize your marketing efforts and rescue those listing.

Google Ads Account Takeover? What You Need to Know

Unless they opt out, certain Google Ads users will have their accounts taken over by Google. Check out our coverage to learn what this means for you.