Guest Author

Guest Author

WordStream’s guest authors are experts, entrepreneurs, and passionate writers in the online marketing community who bring diverse perspectives to our blog on a wide range of topics.

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5 Essential Agency Metrics to Improve & Protect Your Profitability

This post walks you through 5 expert-recommended metrics to help improve your digital agency's profitability and strategies.

20 Neuromarketing Techniques & Triggers for Better-Converting Copy

Use the power of neuromarketing to create better-converting copy.

Performance Marketing 101: Everything You Need to Know

Get the rundown on all things performance marketing.

How to Ask for a Raise (& Actually Get It!)

Wondering how to ask for a raise? These expert tips (+email templates!) from a recruiter will guide the way.

The 7 Best Ecommerce Marketing Strategies for New Store Owners

Generate traffic, sales, and repeat customers to your online store!

How to Use HARO for Backlinks & PR (with a Free Pitch Template)

Use these tools, templates, and tips to connect with journalists, get backlinks, and land some media coverage!

21 Copywriting Mistakes to Avoid for Better Marketing Results

Too many adjectives? Not enough benefits? Keep your copy in check!

What Is an SSL Certificate? (& Why Your Website Needs One)

SSL simplified! For SEO, cyber security, and satisfied customers.

Why (& How) to Set Up Conversion Paths in Google Analytics (Successfully!)

Learn what conversion paths are in Google Analytics, why they're important, and how to set them up to optimize your marketing campaigns.