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Paid Search Marketing

Paid search marketing is a critical tool for any marketer or small business owner. But it’s not easy. From navigating the world of bidding, to writing ad copy that resonates, to setting up Google Ads conversion tracking and more: there are a lot of skills that fall under the paid search marketing umbrella. At WordStream, we’re here to help you refine those skills. Check out our paid search marketing blogs and get the knowledge you need to succeed.

Google Shuts off Tech Support Ads

Google has begun restricting ads from all third-party tech support providers globally. If your tech suppor ads have been suddenly pulled from Google, here's what you need to know.

Mark Irvine
September 10, 2018 | Paid Search Marketing

Coming Soon: Exact Match Keywords to Match to Even MORE Variants

Starting in October, your exact match keywords are going to get even less exact -- again! Mark Irvine reviews the changes to how exact match keywords work and offers five ways to prepare your Google Ads account for the changes to exact match.

Mark Irvine
September 7, 2018 | Paid Search Marketing

3 Incredibly Useful Google Ads Features You’re Probably Not Using

There’s a good chance these three underused tools are going to make managing your Google Ads campaigns much, much easier, improving your results along the way.

Get Visible: Using Paid Search & Social for Brand Awareness

Paid search and social ads, from Google ads to Facebook to YouTube to LinkedIn, are an incredibly effective way to raise brand awareness and get a broader audience interested in your company and what you offer. Here's how to get started with your own brand awareness campaigns.

Google Expands Your Search Ads AGAIN! What You Need to Know

Google's brand new expanded text ads will allow advertisers to show up to 3 headlines and up to 2 descriptions: the biggest ads on the SERP, ever. Check out our coverage to get all the information you need to succeed!

7 Reasons You Should Be Using Scripts in Google Ads

Using scripts in Google Ads is a great way to automate tasks and free up your time to tackle other projects. And scripts aren't as difficult as you think. Check out these seven ways that AdWords scripts will make your life better.

Save Time & Money Managing Bing Ads with Scheduled Imports from Google

Bing Ads scheduled imports allow advertisers to save time by importing changes made to their AdWords accounts into their Bing Ads accounts. Learn why this is a no-brainer, and how to set it up in your own paid search accounts.

Top 5 Mind-Blowing Statistics from Google Marketing Live 2018

Google just announced some seriously exciting new features coming to Google Ads; and it seemed like behind each new feature was a riveting, previously unknown statistic. Check out our top 5 mind-blowing statistics from Google Marketing Live.

11 Big Changes Coming to Google Ads: What You Need to Know

There are whole slew of exciting new Google Ads features and innovations in the works! Check out the 11 most interesting features and changes announced at Google Marketing Live this year, plus our always piquant analysis.

Google Responsive Search Ads 101: Best Practices You Need to Know

Google responsive search ads: 15 headlines, 4 descriptions, 7 best practices, and thousands of permutations.

The Case Against SKAGs

SKAGs, or, Single Keyword Ad Groups, are popular with some search engine marketers. But despite the simplicity of targeting with SKAGs, they're not for everybody. Here are some of the problems you could run into with single-keyword ad groups in your campaigns.

Goodbye, AdWords. Hello Google Ads

Google has made the executive decision to consolidate its overwhelming abundance of ad products under three brand new umbrellas: Google Ads, Google Marketing Platform, and Google Ads Manager. Behold, logos!

How to Double Click-Through Rates with HTML5 Ads

Ready to move beyond static display ads? Learn what HTML5 ads are and how to make them so you too can achieve a 276% increased click-through rate. You'll also see examples of effective HTML5 ads in action.

5 Things You Need to Do Before the Old Google Ads UI Is Retired

As of July 10, 2018, the new Google AdWords UI will be the only option for advertisers. Here are the five steps you must take before the transition date when the old AdWords interface is officially retired forever.

Paid Search Conquesting: How to Squash Competitors Without Starting a War

Competitive keyword bidding is notorious for starting bidding wars, where both parties can be negatively impacted as their brand name visibility is threatened and their CPCs increase. However, competitive search campaigns are also a way to capture brand visibility and awareness among a highly relevant audience. Learn how!

The Definitive Guide to Negative Keywords in Google Ads

Determining your most profitable keywords and creating relevant ad groups, ads, and landing pages based on those keywords is crucial to succeeding in paid search. Learn how to uncover and add negative keywords at scale in Google Ads!

NEW! In-Market Audiences Debut in Search Campaigns

Long gone is the world of managing search campaigns with keywords alone! In fact, the search marketer has almost as many tools to target their ads with different audience solutions as they do with keywords. Today, advertisers have a new tool to reach their audiences on the SERP – In-Market Audiences! WordStream Senior Data Scientist Mark Irvine dives into this new features, outlining what it is and how you should use it to target more qualified prospects on the SERP!

Advanced Remarketing: How to Build an Intent Map (And Get More Conversions)

I’m willing to bet a paycheck that you can make a few key changes and squeeze more out of your existing remarketing strategy, starting with kicking its degree of sophistication up a notch. In this post, we dive into how you can segment your remarketing audiences based on inferred intent, prioritize your audiences, and align your offers and ad creative to improve ROI.

The GDPR Is Coming. Here’s How It Will Affect Your Google Ads Account

If you’re based—or advertise to prospects—in Europe, there’s a pretty decent chance you’re familiar with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Today, we tackle how the GDPR will impact your Google AdWords account, touching on everything from conversion tracking and remarketing to custom audiences. Learn how to avoid regulatory nightmares in the coming months!

Google Gives Advertisers the Ability to Target Cord-Cutters Through YouTube

Google is making it possible for advertisers to reach a key segment of the millennial population: cord cutters. Through a slew of new YouTube TrueView features, including the ability to target tv screens, a light tv viewing audience segment, and an ad experience through Google Preferred that mirrors the tv-watching experience, Google has expanded your ad reach to the biggest screen in most people's homes.

Google Locks up Bail Bonds Ads

Yesterday, Google announced that it will soon ban all bail bond ads from its platforms due to the fact ads in this space tend to prey on people of color. Google's newest ad policy will not impact advertising for legal services, including criminal defense, but it will cost the search titan significant revenue: after all, bail bonds keywords are some of the most expensive in AdWords!

Google Resumes Ads for Certified Drug & Alcohol Rehab Facilities

In September of 2017, Google restricted search ads for rehab facilities in order to crack down on exploitation. Recently, they’ve announced a new path for qualified advertisers. Learn what you need to do to get your account back up and running again!

7 Smarter Ways to Approach Mobile Search Ads

More than half of marketers claim that their desktop and mobile campaigns are basically the same. This won't work in paid search! Here's what you need to do to make sure your mobile search campaigns are at least as effective as your desktop search campaigns.

5 Seriously Underused Paid Search Strategies

AdWords is one of the best ways to raise brand awareness and acquire new users, but it can be tricky. In this article, Asi Dayan outlines five effective paid search strategies that most advertisers tend to overlook.

A Look Inside Google Ads’ New Ad Suggestions Feature

Ad Suggestions are designed to help busy advertisers who aren't diligently split testing their ad copy do just that. Learn what ad suggestions are, how they work, and how they can positively impact your Google Ads account.

Google’s "More Results" Test Could Spell Drastic Change in Paid Search

In this post, we’ll give a full rundown on the More Results test as it has unfolded, and discuss the potentially substantial ripples it could send throughout the world of paid and organic search.

4 Boxes to Check Before You Think About Scaling Your Online Ads

Think it's time to scale your Google AdWords or Facebook ads? Think again! If you're not prepared, your wallet and your well-being could implode. Learn the four essential items you must complete prior to scaling your paid advertising efforts.