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How AI is gonna change the
eCommerce landscape till 2020
CEO, Omniconvert
> Serial entrepreneur from Bucharest, Romania
> Founded 4 companies
(1 good exit, 1 painful failure, 2 running)
> Father of 2, husband of 1
30 years ago…
30 years ago...

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Delivering the Future to the Shelf Edge
Delivering the Future to the Shelf EdgeDelivering the Future to the Shelf Edge
Delivering the Future to the Shelf Edge

- AI will transform the role of merchants by providing "software-as-a-coach" to empower them through tools like automated price optimization and recommendations based on experimentation. - Amazon has increasingly automated retail tasks like forecasting, ordering, and pricing using algorithms, initially allowing humans to override but now discouraging overrides as the machines prove more precise. - Dynamic pricing experiments run by AI at the shelf-edge level can uncover "magic price points" and track performance at the item and category level to balance sales and margins toward objectives.

nrfnational retail federationnrf 2019
Digital Transformation in Retail - How Brands are Preparing for the Holidays
Digital Transformation in Retail - How Brands are Preparing for the HolidaysDigital Transformation in Retail - How Brands are Preparing for the Holidays
Digital Transformation in Retail - How Brands are Preparing for the Holidays

How retailers prepare for and handle the holiday shopping season is often a sign of what is to come in the industry. Retailers bring in huge revenues during the final quarter of the year as consumers rush out to purchase gifts for one another. As a result, the months spent preparing for the holiday shopping period are often indicative of the most important developments in the retail sector. This year is no exception. The National Retail Federation predicted that retail sales in November and December will total between $682 billion and $655.8 billion this year. These sales projections represent a year-over-year increase of between 3.6 percent and 4 percent. With significant growth coming in this year’s holiday season, retailers are working hard to prepare for the high volume of sales and heated competition on its way. Let’s explore the themes coming out of the build-up to this year’s holidays and look at what they mean for the overarching evolution of the retail sector. Learn more about digital transformation in retail >

digital transformationretail softwareretail sales
Powering B2B Sales with Digital
Powering B2B Sales with DigitalPowering B2B Sales with Digital
Powering B2B Sales with Digital

1) B2B buyers have become omnichannel in their purchasing, using 10 or more channels, while sales organizations are adjusting to this change. 2) Technology could better enable both buyers and sellers by providing expertise on demand and analytics to prioritize efforts. 3) Companies may consider accelerating their adoption of sales technologies to improve performance metrics like revenue, pipeline conversion, and time to close, which could represent an added competitive advantage.

b2bdigitaldigital marketing
30 years ago...
30 years ago...
30 years ago...

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Creating the Connected Associate
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Creating the Connected Associate

Presentation from NRF 2019 Retail's Big Show Ian Hutchinson, Head of Business Development B2B Mobile for Retail John Soricelli, Director, Technology Analytics, The Home Depot Uzma Rauf, Senior Director, Consumer, Shopper and Market Insights, Samsung George Lawrie, Vice President & Principal Analyst, Forrester

nrfnational retail federationnrf 2019
Empowering Retailers with Customer Insight
Empowering Retailers with Customer InsightEmpowering Retailers with Customer Insight
Empowering Retailers with Customer Insight

Retailers generate petabytes of data from various devices that can provide customer insights. Analyzing both internal and external open data sources like social media can help retailers better understand customers and their shopping behaviors. Correlating sales data with life events like pregnancies found in birth registries allowed one retailer to predict a customer's pregnancy before even her father knew.

retailbig data
Building retail moments that matter across digital and physical environments
Building retail moments that matter across digital and physical environmentsBuilding retail moments that matter across digital and physical environments
Building retail moments that matter across digital and physical environments

The document discusses three big ideas for the future of retail: make the store a destination by offering novel experiences, maximize intelligence by uncovering customer and business insights, and build a programmable store to enable agility and experimentation. It describes how Cisco DNA Spaces can help retailers digitize their physical spaces by using wireless connectivity to see, act on, and extend insights about customers and inventory in stores. The document promotes developing retail solutions using the Cisco DevNet Retail Developer Center.

To connect them, the
eCommerce vendors have spent
$108BN in 2016.
It is estimated they’ve jointly lost
$60BN of them

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Chick-fil-A's Evolution Using Visual Analytics to Help Customers
Chick-fil-A's Evolution Using Visual Analytics to Help CustomersChick-fil-A's Evolution Using Visual Analytics to Help Customers
Chick-fil-A's Evolution Using Visual Analytics to Help Customers

Presentation from NRF 2019 Retail's BIG Show Jeff Huckaby, Global Segment Director, Retail, and Consumer Goods, Tableau Karen Hinson, Lead Analyst

nrfnational retail federation#nrf2019
Leveraging AI to Predict Demand and Drive Just-in-Time Operations
Leveraging AI to Predict Demand and Drive Just-in-Time OperationsLeveraging AI to Predict Demand and Drive Just-in-Time Operations
Leveraging AI to Predict Demand and Drive Just-in-Time Operations

This document discusses how leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) can help companies predict demand and enable just-in-time operations. It highlights how DataRobot's automated machine learning platform can help companies build hundreds of predictive models to optimize business processes across various functions like marketing, supply chain, and customer service. The document also notes that while AI has great potential, many companies struggle due to lack of data science expertise and resources to develop models at scale. Automated machine learning helps address this challenge by accelerating AI adoption and increasing a company's modeling capacity.

nrfnational retail federationnrf 2019
The growth of artificial intelligence in e commerce (1)@
The growth of artificial intelligence in e commerce (1)@The growth of artificial intelligence in e commerce (1)@
The growth of artificial intelligence in e commerce (1)@

AI-driven solutions can piece together a variety of insights to automate ecommerce developments for easing the lives of users. Making informed decisions in a matter of seconds is what AI in ecommerce stands for.

ecommerce app developmentecommerce development company
The 3 abilites
eCommerce websites are
now using
> Users
> Products
> Results
> Feedback
> Behaviour
> Metrics
> Emotions
> Barriers
> Offers
> Ads
> Website
> Price
> 1st party data
> Customer’s name
> Customer’s address
> Number of orders
> Average Order Value
> Lifetime value
> Days since first/last transaction
> Total amount spent
> Products previously added to cart
> Geolocation (city, country, temperature, weather
> Technology (device type, operating system, browser,
> Behavior (time on site, days since first/last visit, viewed
products/categories, etc)
> Traffic source (direct, search, email, social media, direct)
Real-time data

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Google Shopping In Ireland
Google Shopping In IrelandGoogle Shopping In Ireland
Google Shopping In Ireland

Google Shopping has launched in Ireland, bringing new opportunities for Irish e-commerce retailers. To take advantage, retailers must register on the Google Merchant Center and provide accurate product data feeds that meet Google's requirements. Properly structuring Google Shopping campaigns and optimizing product feeds and bids can help retailers promote their products and drive sales.

shopping adsgoogle shoppinggoogle pla ads
The Changing Face of B2B Marketing
The Changing Face of B2B MarketingThe Changing Face of B2B Marketing
The Changing Face of B2B Marketing

Business-to-business marketing (or B2B marketing, as it is often called) involves the sale of one company’s product or service to another company; however, the world of B2B marketing is changing rapidly! Here are the top 5 myths revealed in recent findings which every B2B marketer should know.

b2b marketingmyths
Ecommerce in 2018
Ecommerce in 2018Ecommerce in 2018
Ecommerce in 2018

E-commerce sales continue to grow, generating over $300 billion in the U.S. alone in 2015. But e-commerce still remains a small percent of overall retail sales at approximately 10%. So what can multichannel and ecommerce retailers do to increase their online sales? How would e-commerce look in 2018? What skills Solution Providers would need to support retailer's technology needs?

> Demographics (sex, age, marital
status, parenting status, etc)
> Hobbies
> Interests
> Brand affinities
3rd party data
A/B testing editor for the website content
Personalized welcome over-layers / on-exit intent
Video content
Recommended products
Delivery of personalized ads in real-time, showing
the most relevant products to each
individual, based on the enriched data points
Automated emails triggered
on behavioral events
Manually track...
- Website behaviour
- Product performance
- Lifetime value
Humanly understanding
- Of the emotional triggers
- Of Big Data
- Of the unseen patterns

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A starter's guide for Police Departments, Citizen Services Depts, Govt Dept.s.. on getting your social media strategy started

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State of Analytics: Retail and Consumer Goods
State of Analytics: Retail and Consumer GoodsState of Analytics: Retail and Consumer Goods
State of Analytics: Retail and Consumer Goods

There is little doubt that Business Analytics will become a core differentiator in consumer industries, but even though Retail and Consumer Goods companies view analytics as extremely strategic, they struggle to effectively leverage it across the enterprise. EKN has studied the adoption and impact analytics in these industries for the last 5 years, and this counterpoint presentation will summarize key trends in analytics and shares fresh 2016 data on the state of analytics. Presented by Joe Skorupa (Editorial Director, RIS News) & Gaurav Pant (Senior VP Research & Principal Analyst, EKN Research) at the 2016 SPI Conference.

Risk: Don’t let this four-letter word be a curse in your business
Risk: Don’t let this four-letter word be a curse in your businessRisk: Don’t let this four-letter word be a curse in your business
Risk: Don’t let this four-letter word be a curse in your business

This document discusses risks in retail and how to manage them. It contains the following key points: 1. Retail has become more complex with the rise of online shopping and expectations of fast delivery and easy returns, creating new risks around inventory, fraud, and fulfillment. 2. Managing risks effectively requires integrating store inventory and fulfillment into the online order process through approaches like ship-from-store, in-store pickup, and multi-node fulfillment networks. 3. Adopting modern order management systems is important to gain visibility and control over the fulfillment process and meet rising consumer expectations. Fraud management also requires balancing machine learning and human review to approve orders while minimizing losses.

Humans are...
- Merchandising products
- Setting the pricing strategy
- Manually building sliders
- Manually create banners
- Manually setting ad campaigns
- “Spray & pray” advertising methodology
- Generating insights to do AB testing &
These times are about to end
The 7 levels
of using the online consumer’s behavior
No data, no understanding, no personalisation
10% of the current eCommerce startups &
Back in 1999 :)

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Session Slides: Top 5 Takeaways from the NRF Big Show 2016Session Slides: Top 5 Takeaways from the NRF Big Show 2016
Session Slides: Top 5 Takeaways from the NRF Big Show 2016

These are the slides that I will be using as part of my discussion during this webcast on Feb 9, 2016:

retailbig dataanalytics
True AI from vapor: Retail ROI with deep learning for retail
True AI from vapor: Retail ROI with deep learning for retailTrue AI from vapor: Retail ROI with deep learning for retail
True AI from vapor: Retail ROI with deep learning for retail

NRF 2019: Retail's Big Show David Bessis, Founder and CEO, Tinyclues Francois Laxalt, Sr. Dir., Product Marketing, Tinyclues

Web Analitycs Wednesday Waw Paris Mai 2008
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Web Analitycs Wednesday Waw Paris Mai 2008

Les web analitycs présentés par Unica lors de la première WAW en France en mai 2008.

Big data, no understanding, no personalisation
> Bricks & mortar that just landed online
> Mid-level eCommerce websites with no skilled data
Big Data, manually understanding quantitative
and qualitative data, manually (rule-based)
> eCommerce websites with a growth-oriented marketer
Big Data, automatically recognizing patterns &
creating clusters from 1st party data,
rule-based (manual) personalisation
> Mid-level eCommerce players with a data-driven
approach and an optimization team
Big Data, automatically recognizing patterns &
creating clusters from 1st, 2nd & 3rd party data,
manually personalisation
> eCommerce websites with skilled data scientists,
growth teams

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Analytics in E-commerce
Analytics in E-commerceAnalytics in E-commerce
Analytics in E-commerce

E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services online. Analytics in e-commerce helps businesses optimize their websites, grow their customer base through marketing campaigns, and retain customers through predictive analytics. Predictive analytics can help e-commerce businesses enhance product recommendations, pricing, and supply chain management. A case study shows how Amazon plans to use predictive analytics for anticipatory shipping to ship items before orders are placed. Another case study outlines how Mu-Sigma helped a CPG company improve revenue management through a strategic revenue management platform integrating data from multiple sources. The future of e-commerce is expected to see continued growth in online sales and mobile commerce.

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Discover 7 actionable ways to improve the conversion rate of your ecommerce website and boost your sales

Leveraging Web Analytics to Increase Conversion - Market STL Presentation
Leveraging Web Analytics to Increase Conversion - Market STL PresentationLeveraging Web Analytics to Increase Conversion - Market STL Presentation
Leveraging Web Analytics to Increase Conversion - Market STL Presentation

In this presentation given to a group of attendees at the Market St. Louis Interactive Marketing Conference on April 1, 2010, I go over the basics of using Google Analytics to track activity on your site, increase conversion rate, gain business intelligence about your customers, and use alerts & reports to measure performance.

Segment your audience and choose who sees what. Choose from:
Traffic Source Weather Temperature Weather Conditions Country Conversions
Average Revenue Returning / New Visitors Days since first visit UTM Parameters Operating System
Device Type
...and many others
GTM dataLayer attribute Browser name/version Answers to previous surveys
Smart Big Data, automatically track & manually
understand the unified customer profile6
> Top 1% eCommerce players
Automatically track behavior, automatically
understand & unify the customer profiles &
automatically personalize the offer to each
profile on all the channels with no human intervention
> No one, yet :)
Endangered online marketing jobs
Banner designer
Ad campaign manager
Junior digital marketer
Demand generation specialist

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Mindbox b2c marketing automation platform
Mindbox b2c marketing automation platformMindbox b2c marketing automation platform
Mindbox b2c marketing automation platform

All-in-one innovative platform to collect and merge consumers data, built consistent communication and offers in all touchpoints, run deep-personalised promos and loyalty, use bidgata predictions to drive sales and customers satisfaction

triggered messagingcloudcustomer loyalty
SAP Hybris Marketing - Cosmin Costea
SAP Hybris Marketing - Cosmin CosteaSAP Hybris Marketing - Cosmin Costea
SAP Hybris Marketing - Cosmin Costea

Marketer accepts a 2% conversion rate as ‘good’, ignoring the effect on the 98% who do not convert. The customer is one of hundreds of thousands of targets, and is bombarded with irrelevant marketing. The Hybris Marketing suite enables real-time contextual marketing. Engage customers, delight them, and cultivate brand relationships by marketing to an audience of one.

Dip Digital Marketing Digitalplanning V1
Dip Digital Marketing Digitalplanning V1Dip Digital Marketing Digitalplanning V1
Dip Digital Marketing Digitalplanning V1

This document provides an overview of a diploma course in digital marketing. It includes information about assessments, assignment deadlines, and references. The course covers topics like online and traditional marketing concepts, environmental factors impacting online plans, and digital media evolution. Students are asked to consider questions about various companies and digital marketing strategies.

digital marketingcam diploma
Demand generation
Website optimization
Stock management
Retention programs
Customer support
Name a single one of these
areas which can’t be 100%
automated thanks to A.I.
Growth marketing platform for eCommerce
A/B testing - wysiwyg editor, split
URL testing, multi-page testing
Actionable Surveys - Cart abandonment surveys with
real time objection treatment, Net Promoter Score,
Buyer Persona identification
Web Personalization - change the visitor'sexperience
in real time using on-page variables based on your
Overlays - pop-ups, bars, widgets which can be
triggered on load, on scroll, on the exit intent of the
Advanced Segmentation - available across all above
features e.g. Geo-targeting, Weather condition, new vs
returning, mobile vs desktop, traffic source, pages
visited in the current session, GTM, data layer, first
party data etc.)
A fun team
35 real people - Passionate about Marketing & Technology
Aiming to develop the easiest the best growth marketing platform in the world
3TS Capital Partners is investing in Technology & Internet, Media &
Communications and Technology-Enabled Services.
Investors in the current and past 3TS funds totaling over €300 million
include EIF, EBRD, Cisco, OTP, Sitra, 3i and KfW among others.
Omniconvert is backed by one of the leading European technology focused private
equity and venture capital firms.

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Systematix_Credential_Presentation_latest (1)Systematix_Credential_Presentation_latest (1)
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This document provides information about a digital technology company that builds digital platforms for clients across industries. It discusses the company's 9+ years of experience, team of 180+ professionals, and locations in several countries. It then summarizes the company's offerings such as websites, mobile apps, digital marketing, and technology solutions. Finally, it provides examples of projects completed for clients like OLX, Naukri, Shell, DTDC, Eicher Motors, and others.

Omniconvert Platform Presentation
Omniconvert Platform PresentationOmniconvert Platform Presentation
Omniconvert Platform Presentation

Omniconvert is a growth marketing platform for conversion rate optimization. It empowers eCommerce, lead generation, and SaaS marketers do A/B testing, web personalization, and surveys.

omniconvertab testingsurveys
Customer Data Platform ( CDP ) and Marketing Automation for FMCG
Customer Data Platform ( CDP ) and Marketing Automation for FMCGCustomer Data Platform ( CDP ) and Marketing Automation for FMCG
Customer Data Platform ( CDP ) and Marketing Automation for FMCG

Integrated customer activations for FMCG using Customer Data Platform ( CDP ), Marketing Automation and receipts scanning

customer data platformcustomer relationship managementcdp
Our product is used all over the world!
We have users from more than 60+ countries
Proud to work with
For 600k free tested views with Omniconvert
(Available only till 25th of May)

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How AI is gonna change the eCommerce landscape till 2020 - ecommday2017 presentation

  • 1. How AI is gonna change the eCommerce landscape till 2020
  • 2. VALENTIN RADU CEO, Omniconvert 3 > Serial entrepreneur from Bucharest, Romania > Founded 4 companies (1 good exit, 1 painful failure, 2 running) > Father of 2, husband of 1
  • 11. 4 Customers Products To connect them, the eCommerce vendors have spent $108BN in 2016. It is estimated they’ve jointly lost $60BN of them
  • 13. The 3 abilites eCommerce websites are now using
  • 14. TRACK ADAPT UNDERSTAND > Users > Products > Results > Feedback > Behaviour > Metrics > Emotions > Barriers > Offers > Ads > Website > Price
  • 15. > 1st party data > Customer’s name > Customer’s address > Number of orders > Average Order Value > Lifetime value > Days since first/last transaction > Total amount spent > Products previously added to cart 4Customers
  • 16. > Geolocation (city, country, temperature, weather conditions) > Technology (device type, operating system, browser, resolution) > Behavior (time on site, days since first/last visit, viewed products/categories, etc) > Traffic source (direct, search, email, social media, direct) 4 Real-time data
  • 17. > Demographics (sex, age, marital status, parenting status, etc) > Hobbies > Interests > Brand affinities 4 3rd party data
  • 18. A/B testing editor for the website content Personalized welcome over-layers / on-exit intent over-layers Video content Surveys Recommended products 4 Website AdvertisingEmail Delivery of personalized ads in real-time, showing the most relevant products to each individual, based on the enriched data points Automated emails triggered on behavioral events
  • 19. Manually track... - Website behaviour - Product performance - Lifetime value
  • 20. Humanly understanding - Of the emotional triggers - Of Big Data - Of the unseen patterns
  • 21. Humans are... - Merchandising products - Setting the pricing strategy - Manually building sliders - Manually create banners - Manually setting ad campaigns - “Spray & pray” advertising methodology - Generating insights to do AB testing & optimization
  • 23. The 7 levels of using the online consumer’s behavior
  • 24. No data, no understanding, no personalisation 1 10% of the current eCommerce startups & Amazon Back in 1999 :)
  • 25. Big data, no understanding, no personalisation 2 > Bricks & mortar that just landed online > Mid-level eCommerce websites with no skilled data scientists
  • 26. Big Data, manually understanding quantitative and qualitative data, manually (rule-based) personalisation 3 > eCommerce websites with a growth-oriented marketer
  • 27. Big Data, automatically recognizing patterns & creating clusters from 1st party data, rule-based (manual) personalisation 4 > Mid-level eCommerce players with a data-driven approach and an optimization team
  • 28. Big Data, automatically recognizing patterns & creating clusters from 1st, 2nd & 3rd party data, manually personalisation 5 > eCommerce websites with skilled data scientists, growth teams
  • 29. RULE-BASED PERSONALIZATION Segment your audience and choose who sees what. Choose from: Traffic Source Weather Temperature Weather Conditions Country Conversions Average Revenue Returning / New Visitors Days since first visit UTM Parameters Operating System Device Type ...and many others GTM dataLayer attribute Browser name/version Answers to previous surveys
  • 30. Smart Big Data, automatically track & manually understand the unified customer profile6 > Top 1% eCommerce players
  • 31. Automatically track behavior, automatically understand & unify the customer profiles & automatically personalize the offer to each profile on all the channels with no human intervention 7 > No one, yet :)
  • 32. Endangered online marketing jobs Banner designer Merchandiser Ad campaign manager Junior digital marketer Demand generation specialist
  • 33. Demand generation Website optimization Merchandising Assortment Stock management Retention programs Customer support Fulfillment Name a single one of these areas which can’t be 100% automated thanks to A.I.
  • 34. Growth marketing platform for eCommerce A/B testing - wysiwyg editor, split URL testing, multi-page testing Actionable Surveys - Cart abandonment surveys with real time objection treatment, Net Promoter Score, Buyer Persona identification Web Personalization - change the visitor'sexperience in real time using on-page variables based on your preferences Overlays - pop-ups, bars, widgets which can be triggered on load, on scroll, on the exit intent of the visitors Advanced Segmentation - available across all above features e.g. Geo-targeting, Weather condition, new vs returning, mobile vs desktop, traffic source, pages visited in the current session, GTM, data layer, first party data etc.)
  • 35. A fun team VALENTIN RADU ALIN DOBRA IRINA LAM 35 real people - Passionate about Marketing & Technology Aiming to develop the easiest the best growth marketing platform in the world CEO CTO HEAD OF SALES
  • 36. 3TS Capital Partners is investing in Technology & Internet, Media & Communications and Technology-Enabled Services. Investors in the current and past 3TS funds totaling over €300 million include EIF, EBRD, Cisco, OTP, Sitra, 3i and KfW among others. PART OF A BIGGER FAMILY Omniconvert is backed by one of the leading European technology focused private equity and venture capital firms.
  • 37. Our product is used all over the world! We have users from more than 60+ countries
  • 38. Proud to work with
  • 39. THANK YOU! USE ECOMMDAY2017 For 600k free tested views with Omniconvert (Available only till 25th of May)