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Agile Overview
The Data Warehouse Institute – St. Louis
Twitter: @paulholway
5/28/ 1
Bluetooth enabled - Moxie Shower by Kohler
Why go Agile?
How does it relate to
the Business
Intelligence space?
Why is agile adoption rising?
Version One 2012 Survey of Agile Results:
5/27/ 2
The Real Reason
70%* of Business Intelligence Solutions industry-wide fail to
meet the business user expectations
Some cited reasons:
• Lack of business involvement
• Executives find it difficult to find information**
• Difference between insights and data
• Bias vs. fact
5/27/ 3
•Gartner: 2012 Business Intelligence still subject to non-technical challenges
•** Business Week Research Services

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Meetup#2 SAFe Patrick & Maxence
Meetup#2 SAFe Patrick & MaxenceMeetup#2 SAFe Patrick & Maxence
Meetup#2 SAFe Patrick & Maxence

The document describes the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) for implementing agile practices at scale across multiple teams. It covers the key aspects of SAFe at the team, program, and portfolio levels including events like sprint planning, reviews, retrospectives, and program increment planning. It also briefly summarizes some alternative scaled agile frameworks like Nexus, LeSS, DAD, Spotify's model, and Henrik Kniberg's approach. The overall document provides an overview of SAFe as a framework for scaling agile practices to multiple teams working on large programs and portfolios.

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Value Driven Development by Dave Thomas
Value Driven Development by Dave Thomas Value Driven Development by Dave Thomas
Value Driven Development by Dave Thomas

Agile, OOP... are like good hygiene in the kitchen, it results in meals with consistent quality and predictable prep and service times. It doesn't result in great meals nor substantially impact the ROI! Lean Thinking clearly shows that the only way to make a significant impact is to improve the value chain by improving flow. If everyone is following best practices no one has competitive advantage. Major improvements in the value chain depend on continued disruptive innovations. Innovations leverage people and their ideas. We use case studies to illustrate the different business and technical innovations and their impact. We conclude with a discussion of how to build and leverage an innovation culture versus a sprint death march when dealing with high value time to market projects. More details:

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An Agile Journey
An Agile JourneyAn Agile Journey
An Agile Journey

The document discusses the transformation of a program to an agile methodology. It begins with an introduction to agile, discussing why it was adopted and how it differs from traditional software development lifecycles. It then outlines the initial problematic state of the program and how agile principles could help address issues like product quality, team dynamics, and outdated architecture. The document goes on to describe the agile journey, significant phases of progress, and how practices like frequent delivery, customer collaboration, and team empowerment were implemented. It contrasts agile and waterfall methodologies and principles.

Data is coming from everywhere
5/27/ 4
Sensors invade and expand Big Data use
5/27/ 5
Back to Basics
5/29/ 6
The Agile Mindset
Business involvement throughout the project
Business participation on a daily basis helps ensure that business value is achieved by regularly prioritizing work based on business value,
by providing rapid ongoing feedback to the team on features as they are built, and by verifying that features provide the expected
Empiricism and experimentation
During the last 50 years of software development a lot of time has been spent upfront trying to figure out and lock down requirements,
design and test plans for an entire set of features. In agile development teams will become familiar with the agile concept that it’s better not
to think too deeply about each feature until it’s time to build them. In agile empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience and
making decisions based on what is known. In practice, this means that, as we build software, we also build experience so that we can
replace detailed up front planning and processes with just in time inspect and adapt cycles.
Build working software frequently within a short, fixed timeframe (i.e. timebox)
Building working software means software that has been verified to work as it should in production. Teams will become familiar with the
agile concept of completing working software that doesn’t have all of the features envisioned but only those that can be completed during
the current timebox knowing that additional features will be developed during subsequent cycles.
Small team size
As a general rule, smaller teams will tend to be more efficient and productive because communication overhead is reduced, there is less
unproductive waiting time and fewer handoffs. Within small teams, each team members skill-set will increase and broaden so that each
member can begin to be involved in more than one part of the software development process.
Open sharing of the state of the work will serve to encourage participation and to expose decisions, challenges and successes to the much
broader team. It means that decisions are made out in the open—subject to broader scrutiny, which in turn leads to better decisions and
more of a sense of ownership from team members. In addition, the transparency found in Agile practices will impart better visibility and a
greater sense of ownership to all stakeholders, encourage Close coordination and build mutual trust amongst stakeholders, and bring all
stakeholders on the ‘same page’ in terms of project progress and expectations
5/27/ 7
Agile is not only a development approach but also a mindset based on the principles of the agile
manifesto. To be successful with agile, there needs to be cultural a shift, not an imposed afterthought.
Below are just some of the paradigm shifts that take place when transitioning to agile.

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Iffat maliha agile ncr ppt-adaptive accompaniment - agile and big data v1.1Iffat maliha agile ncr ppt-adaptive accompaniment - agile and big data v1.1
Iffat maliha agile ncr ppt-adaptive accompaniment - agile and big data v1.1

The document discusses adapting agile practices for big data analytics projects. It notes the increasing complexity of IT environments and challenges of applying agile holistically in big data domains. Key takeaways include understanding agile nuances in big data analytics, structuring an agile transformation journey, and increasing agile fluency through coaching. Common challenges are addressed through disciplined agile delivery practices and differentiators like product focus, logical grouping, and exploratory testing. A multi-level transformation journey and dos/don'ts are outlined to smoothly adopt agile and sustain benefits like incremental value delivery and reduced downtime. Catalysts like DevOps collaboration and improved automation are discussed to accelerate adopting agile.

Intro to Agile and Lean Software Development
Intro to Agile and Lean Software DevelopmentIntro to Agile and Lean Software Development
Intro to Agile and Lean Software Development

This document provides an overview of agile and lean principles for software development. It discusses concepts like the agile manifesto, scrum, extreme programming (XP), kanban, and lean software development. The document aims to introduce audiences to fundamental agile and lean concepts and encourage them to continue learning through references and future events.

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1 - What is technical debt? 2- Cost of debt from various perspectives 3 - Managing your debt using Continuous Integration 4 - Conclusions

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5/27/ 8
Introduction: Agile vs. Traditional approaches
Agile Approach Traditional Approach
Leverage continual feedback to deliver business value
as early and often as possible.
Invest in a detailed plan, and then execute on it.
 Adapts to changing priorities through a continual
feedback loop and iterative work planning.
 Upfront analysis, requirements and design that
“lock in” key designs early
 Short, iterative design, development, testing,
and deployment efforts.
 Long delivery phases to develop and test
software; working software is delivered at the
end of a phase.
 Project status is measured by the working
software that is delivered.
 Project status is measured against a detailed
project plan.
 Avoids painful change request situations by
embracing new requirements as they emerge
 Changes in requirements result in contentious
change requests.
 Established upfront cadence determines delivery
date(s) and are based on consistent iteration and
release schedules.
 Upfront contract based on many unknown items
specifies delivery date and project cost.
 Architects the right solution – “end-to-end”
development continually validates that a design
supports the product’s features.
 Long delivery cycles limit ability to introduce
new functionality quickly as well as make
architectural improvements.
Agile is not about IT or for the benefit of IT. Agile is about increasing competitive advantage for the business.
Agile serves to address the needs of the customer impacted by ever-changing business climate, economic
conditions and external regulations.
5/27/ 9
Components Of a Successful Agile Execution
Today, few technology managers or developers will admit to not understanding agile. The Agile Manifesto*
serves as an excellent foundation, but we know there’s more to delivering on budget, on schedule, and with real
people. In our experience, you need 4 things:
 Your agile approach needs
to be defined as a starting
point. What activities occur
during planning, Sprints,
deployment and feedback
cycles? Who is responsible
for what? What
mechanisms are in place to
help the team execute and
improve those processes?
Processes Technology
 The highly iterative nature of
agile development drives a
need for solid development
practices. Test driven
development, continuous
integration, and test
automation help an agile team
create and sustain a
consistent delivery pace.
 What is required to convince
more than just the IT
organization to embrace
agile? (success ultimately
depends on this) What
techniques will you use?
 If your entire company is
not Agile, how will you
create metrics and work
with more traditional IT
management functions like
PMOs, architecture boards,
and centralized support
Define Your Agile Process
Our project experience tells us a “one size fits all” approach to Agile does not work. Centric’s
approach to Agile is to methodically define the appropriate Agile process for the specific project and
project team.
Components of a Successful Agile Execution
In an agile project, the first thing to getting started is establishing a cadence.
• Prioritization
• Estimation
• Learning and Adapting
• Garnering Feedback
• Releasing
• Keeping in Sync.
Establishing Cadence
Often we receive so many ideas and requirements, because users are afraid of
missing the “Feature Bus”. They will not get your attention back again. By
establishing cadence, you effectively install more stops that they can get on/off.
Why is cadence is so important?

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Agile and Lean Software Development
Agile and Lean Software DevelopmentAgile and Lean Software Development
Agile and Lean Software Development

My presentation at VTU's Faculty Development Program (FDP) organised by Computer Society of India (CSI) Bangalore on Jan 11, 2013.

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Current Trends in Agile - opening keynote for Agile Israel 2014
Current Trends in Agile - opening keynote for Agile Israel 2014Current Trends in Agile - opening keynote for Agile Israel 2014
Current Trends in Agile - opening keynote for Agile Israel 2014

Yuval Yeret, AgileSparks’s CTO will give trends overview session – What is hot, what is not, in the lean agile industry/community – with the aim of exposing people and giving a big picture view that places the different trends as well as sessions in the conference into the right context. We will discuss trends like Scaling Agile (SAFe, Less, DAD), DevOps / Continuous Delivery, Modern Management aspects, Modern Change Management approaches such as Open-Agile-Adoption, What is going on in the world of Kanban, Agile Fluency, Technical Safety / Anzeneering, and maybe more.

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The Values and Principles of Agile Software Development
The Values and Principles of Agile Software DevelopmentThe Values and Principles of Agile Software Development
The Values and Principles of Agile Software Development

The document discusses the values and principles of agile software development. It begins by introducing the presenter and their experience and background. It then outlines the core values of agile development as defined in the Agile Manifesto: individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. The document continues by explaining that principles guide behavior towards upholding these values. It proceeds to define several key agile principles in more detail, including continuous delivery of customer value, welcoming change, and collaborating daily across functions.

agile software developmentagile principlesagile values
How The Cycle & Levels Work Together
The Centric agile approach model is defined by cycles of Plan, Execute, Feedback & Done that are repeated throughout
the Program, Release, Sprint, and Story levels of the work lifecycle. The Cycle and the Levels work together – the Cycle
runs on each Level. Each Level runs through a full Cycle, then passes control back up to the Level above.
• Plan: Planning and work breakdown, with appropriate detail for the Level
• Execute: Execute cadence for the Level + one or more full Cycles for the Level below
• Done: Verify work completed against Definition of Done for the Level
• Feedback: Implement feedback cycle appropriate for the Level, per Cadence
The Levels
The Levels provide us with constructs to facilitate talking about and managing work. We start by
treating work at a very high level, then gradually hone our way in over time until we are talking about
work at the level or detail needed to actually do it. This idea incorporates two key agile concepts:
 Just in Time: Don’t think about the details of a work item until it is time to do that work.
 Just Enough: Do the work in very small chunks.
A sample cadence
Key Decisions
1. Time required to deliver Release.
2. Breakdown of Work Into
Governed By
Release Owner
Governed By
Product Owner
Governed By
Steering Committee
Key Decisions
1. User Stories, Epics or other imperatives to be included in the
next release.
2. Commitment of Release Owner.
The Steering Committee represents the business in
evaluating analytic needs. While most of these needs are
strategic in nature, some immediate demands may at times
be given precedence.
As the BI Team approaches completion of a Release the
Steering Committee will decide the next Release to be
delivered. They will also identify a Release Owner who will
oversee delivery.
A Release Owner, having been assigned by the,
oversees the delivery of one or Steering
Committee more User Stories in a Release. They
are responsible for ensuring that the analysis truly
delivers the expected business capability.
The Release Owner will work with the BI Team to
plan all releases comprising the release. They will
also identify a Product Owner to represent the
business in a SME and advisory role.
The BI Team will
implement a Release in
Iterations. The intent is
to frequently provide
business users with a
quality working
product, thereby
increasing feedback
Portion of Release
delivered to business
Challenges to the Release Date
Unlike traditional App Dev projects, BI teams must deal with uncontrollable
enterprise data and systems. This may occasionally introduce delays to a release.
• Source system data quality
• Source system up-time
• Unexpecteddata volatility
• Non-existent data.
• Information not persisted in data
• Unavailability of SMEs
Program Communication
Key Decisions
1. Develop the Release Charter with the BI Team
2. Commitment of Product Owner.
Key Decisions
1. Time required to deliver Release.
2. Breakdown of Work Into
Daily Report
A Team driven activity focused
on how healthy the board is, and
how the team can help.
5/27/ 15

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The Agile PMO: Ensuring visibility and governance
The Agile PMO: Ensuring visibility and governanceThe Agile PMO: Ensuring visibility and governance
The Agile PMO: Ensuring visibility and governance

The document discusses how an agile project management office (PMO) can help ensure visibility and governance of agile projects. It outlines some pitfalls that can jeopardize a traditional PMO and attributes of a successful PMO. The document then discusses how agile benefits PMOs by helping them align projects to goals, improve success rates over time, enhance competence, develop standards, promote a collaborative tone, and encourage continuous learning. An agile PMO can achieve these benefits through practices like a whole team approach, transparency, integrated tooling, and continuous process improvement.

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Opportunities for Project Managers in the Lean-Agile Enterprise with SAFe
Opportunities for Project Managers in the Lean-Agile Enterprise with SAFeOpportunities for Project Managers in the Lean-Agile Enterprise with SAFe
Opportunities for Project Managers in the Lean-Agile Enterprise with SAFe

The shift towards Lean-Agile approaches for software and systems development continues to grow at an accelerated rate. As a result, the opportunities for Project Managers in the midst of this transition have never been greater. Over 70% of the Fortune 100 are using the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) to implement Lean-Agile practices. In this webinar, SAFe Fellow Richard Knaster (PMP, PMI-ACP) and SAFe Senior Program Consultant Trainer Dr. Steve Mayner (PMP, PMI-ACP) will outline the opportunities for Project Managers within the context of SAFe, as well as how SAFe addresses core PMI knowledge areas such as: - Scope management - Time management - Cost management - Quality management - Risk management There will be an opportunity for Q&A at the end of the presentation.

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Agile project management using scrum
Agile project management using scrumAgile project management using scrum
Agile project management using scrum

Overview of Agile Project Management Using SCRUM and How to Pass PMI-ACP Certification Exam in a Month

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A story should be
The unit of work. Should strive to be the smallest possible chunk that provides business value.
The Story
As a <role>
I can <activity>
So that <business value>
As a financial analyst, I want
to see profit by customer
account per order so that I can
view the profitability of order
types while making forecast
decisions for August budget
As a Consumer, I want
to be able to see my
daily energy usage so
that I can lower my
energy costs and usage
5/27/ 18
Role Analysis Capability
What is the perspective
of the user?
What analysis do they
want to perform?
What business
capability is being
delivered (business
process, decision,
How does it
strategically impact
the organization?
What are the criteria for
this capability to be
successfully delivered?
As a campaign manager, I need to assess our members’
engagement level within individual campaigns so that I can measure
the efficacy of the campaign. This allows me to determine how
engaged members were so that we can predict the campaign's
impact related to gaps in care and other factors. Strategically, this
enables our company to articulate the effectiveness of campaigns
and identify which campaigns are successful and which ones are not.
In order to be successful, this analysis must include our entire
historical set of data. We must also have project metadata (start
date, end date, campaign type, population demographics, etc.)
incorporated into the analysis.
5/29/ 19
• As a team create a list of what
went well, what did not go well, and
what suggestions for
• The list should be team focused,
not externally focused.
• The list should be kept running
across iterations.
• The list should be prioritized by the
team in each retrospective.
Create a process and mechanism to continually improve
2 Categorize
3 Disposition
4 Assign
1 Retrospective
XX to do YY by ZZ
Pick the top 2-
3 topics
5/28/ 20
Centric's Agile Approach – Agile Technology Practices
Many Agile transformations focus solely on the Agile process. But the technologies used to execute successful
Agile delivery are equally important. Early Sprints need to define the technologies and the extent to which
they will be used. Do not attempt to do this on the fly!
Components of a Successful Agile Execution

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Single Point Continuous Flo1
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Single Point Continuous Flo1

This document describes a process called Single Point Continuous Flow that combines elements of Scrum and Kanban for executing small, self-contained projects quickly. Key aspects include: limiting work-in-progress to one story per developer; having developers work on stories from start to finish with minimal interruptions; maintaining a prioritized backlog of ready stories; and applying lean principles like continuous flow and minimizing waste. The process evolved over six months for a team that saw their throughput increase by 60% when adjusted for hours, demonstrating the effectiveness of this Scrumban-inspired approach for small, focused development efforts.

Lean-Agile PMO
Lean-Agile PMOLean-Agile PMO
Lean-Agile PMO

Learn how an evolved PMO can bring discipline to project prioritization, track project portfolios, and provide the support teams need to embrace Agile.

Laimonas Lileika — Hybrid Project Management: Excellence Behind a Buzzword
Laimonas Lileika — Hybrid Project Management: Excellence Behind a BuzzwordLaimonas Lileika — Hybrid Project Management: Excellence Behind a Buzzword
Laimonas Lileika — Hybrid Project Management: Excellence Behind a Buzzword

Laimonas Lileika will encourage you to unleash your Project Management creativity by combining Agile and Waterfall paradigms. This speech is for you if you are interested in: - Importance of Context in Project Management; - Most frequent misperceptions about Agile and Waterfall models; - Pragmatic approach to project management: how to make a hybrid work in real.

5/29/ 21
Beyond Process
A new process alone will not yield a truly agile organization. Depending on your organization and culture,
several items about the way your technical team works will need to change.
- A focus away from component perfection into business unit value
- Embrace refactoring
- Move toward evolutionary design patterns
- Build Quality In
- Automate everything
5/27/ 22
Agile does not mean faster or with less quality. In fact, quality takes a larger role in agile.
-Quality is a first class citizen in the conversation.
-Testing is included in the iteration
-Is this testable? How?
How will we perform regression as time goes by? The push for automation. Lack of automation is a major
source of agile failure.
Build Quality In
5/28/ 23
Centric’s Agile Approach – Organizational Change Management
Agile is very different than traditional development approaches – different roles, different interactions, different
reporting structures. We see similar concerns on across many different engagements when taking on an Agile
approach. Types of concerns and reasons for them differ by role.
Components of a Successful Agile Execution
5/27/ 24
Centric’s Agile Approach – Organizational Change Management
Managers Non-managers
Loss of power and control Lack of understanding around the vision and need for change
Overload of current tasks, pressures of daily activities and
limited resources
Comfort with the status quo and fear of the unknown
Lack of skills and experience needed to manage the change
Corporate history and culture
Fear of job loss Opposition to the new technologies, requirements and
processes introduced by the change
Disagreement with the new way or skepticism about the need
for change
Fear of job loss
Common reasons for being concerned about moving to an agile development approach.
Role Concerns About Agile
Business Analyst "A big requirements document is no longer my focus, what is?”
Developer "Agile changes how projects are planned, but shouldn't impact how I write code, right?”
Quality Analyst "Why do I need to be involved so early in the process? What do I do?”
Resource Manager "If developers are fully allocated to a single team and are self-organizing to tasks, what role do I
"Do performance evaluations need to be different now?”
PMO Lead “Why shouldn't we have agile teams follow the same phase gates as the other projects?”
Stakeholder "They have new questions for me every other day. Why not spend a week at the start of the project
and talk all of this out?”
Common concerns when going from a traditional approach to an agile approach.

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DevOps, Agile methods and Continuous Improvement in the Software development ...
DevOps, Agile methods and Continuous Improvement in the Software development ...DevOps, Agile methods and Continuous Improvement in the Software development ...
DevOps, Agile methods and Continuous Improvement in the Software development ...

This document discusses DevOps, Agile methods, and continuous improvement in the software development lifecycle. It covers these topics at a superficial level. Agile and DevOps can mean different things to different people, involving a set of values, principles, methods, practices, and tools. The Agile Manifesto prioritizes individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. Agile principles include satisfying customers through early delivery, welcoming changing requirements, measuring progress through working software, collaboration between business and developers, and continuously improving effectiveness. DevOps similarly values early delivery and working software, and treats infrastructure as code.

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Agile lean software development principles
Agile  lean software development principlesAgile  lean software development principles
Agile lean software development principles

Agile software development is a process that supports the agile philosophy of being able to move quickly and easily. It is suitable for small or medium sized projects or for custom system development within an organization. Lean software development applies lean manufacturing principles to software development with the goal of reducing waste and providing high value for the customer. The key principles of lean software development are to eliminate waste, amplify learning, defer commitment, deliver fast, respect people, build in integrity, and optimize the whole system rather than sub-optimizing parts. Success stories found lean software development resulted in on time delivery, reduced scrap and rework, lower costs, and improved productivity.

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Introduction to Agile and Lean Software Development
Introduction to Agile and Lean Software DevelopmentIntroduction to Agile and Lean Software Development
Introduction to Agile and Lean Software Development

The document provides an introduction to agile and lean software development. It discusses traditional vs agile development, defines agile as iterative and incremental using a plan-do-check-act approach with empowered cross-functional teams relying on automation. It covers the agile manifesto, principles and core practices including short iterations, deming's PDCA model, and the agile software development lifecycle. Lean concepts are introduced such as eliminating waste, amplifying learning, deciding late and delivering fast to empower teams and build integrity.

5/28/ 25
Centric’s Agile Approach – Organizational Interfaces
During an Agile transformation it is critical that Agile Teams provide information and feedback outside of
their team in order to support other organization needs. Our approach recognizes these needs, and provides
thinking and tools to support.
Components of a Successful Agile Execution
5/28/ 26
Components Of Successful Agile Execution – Organizational Interfaces
During an Agile transformation it is critical that Agile Teams provide information and feedback outside of
their team in order to support other organization needs. Recognize these needs, and provide the thinking and
tools to support.
5/29/ 27
What to do next?
Do not:
• Focus on Process only
• Let the simplicity of the philosophy be misintepreted
• Say, “we do that”
• Get an experienced coach
• Pick a pilot team/project and learn what works for your org
• Start bottom-up, not top-down
• Invest in testing
• Run retrospectives
5/27/ 28

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Nowadays, all organization works on the principle of Agile methodology, there might be many people like me who don't even know the meaning of Agile and Scrum Master. I have made the docs from the source available on the internet with all due respect have copied the URL LINK. The motive behind posting this is you can get an Agile understanding in one document. Thanks

agileagile software developmentscrum
Top 50 Agile Interview Questions and Answers.pdf
Top 50 Agile Interview Questions and Answers.pdfTop 50 Agile Interview Questions and Answers.pdf
Top 50 Agile Interview Questions and Answers.pdf

Top 50 Agile Interview Questions and Answers Many organizations and businesses are taking notice of the agile technique. In today's world, it has become the benchmark for project management and software development. Various firms now use agile methodologies to offer high-value goods to their clients in the lowest amount of time. In recent years, the agile technique has grown in popularity, and as a result, businesses have adopted it into their organizational structures. As a result, professionals with knowledge of agile are in high demand. As a result, you may have a lucrative career in this field. These Agile interview questions and answers are great for you if you are planning to attend an agile interview and are preparing for one. We hope that this post will familiarize you with some of the top agile interview questions that are most commonly raised in the interview. These flexible agile interview questions will improve your chances of passing your forthcoming interview. 50 top agile interview questions along with concrete answers We have formulated the top agile interview questions and answers based on three different levels of entry into the profession along with scenario-based questions. Beginner/Entry-Level Agile Interview questions and Answers 1. Explain agile methodology. Agile methodology is a software development paradigm that emphasizes iterative and incremental development. The agile strategy is based on delivering a product in tiny operational increments or builds. Every program built is a better and more advanced version of the previous one. The development team and stakeholders are constantly collaborating on enhancements and changes in requirements. Alternatively, we can describe the agile approach as the process of continuously providing functioning software while maintaining regular communication with stakeholders in order to ensure customer satisfaction. 2. How many types of Agile Methodologies are there? Enumerate them. Agile Methodologies are classified into seven different types. They are: • Scrum • Kanban • Extreme Programming • Feature-Driven Development (FDD) • Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) • Lean • Crystal 3. What are the merits and demerits of the agile technique? The following are some of the most noteworthy benefits of the agile methodology: • Agile software development is one of the quickest and most flexible methodologies available. • During the development phase, customers might adjust their needs at any time. • It largely focuses on the software product's regular release. As a result, clients have the opportunity to see the product in its early stages of development. • Customers have the option of providing comments on any working deliverable they receive. • Because the development team focuses on creating a product that matches the customer's needs, this strategy ensures customer happiness. • It focuses mostly on the product's good design.

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Presentation by lavika upadhyay
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Presentation by lavika upadhyay

This document describes the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) which is a framework for implementing agile development practices at the enterprise level. It discusses how SAFe addresses the limitations of traditional waterfall development and scales agile to meet the needs of large projects. SAFe incorporates key lean principles and consists of three levels - Team, Program, and Portfolio. At each level it defines roles and practices for planning, prioritizing work, and delivering value in short iterations. The goal of SAFe is to synchronize collaboration across many agile teams to continuously and predictably deliver working software.

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TDWI STL 20140613 Agile - Paul Holway

  • 1. NOTICE: Proprietary and Confidential This material is proprietary to Centric Consulting, LLC. It contains trade secrets and information which is solely the property of Centric Consulting, LLC. This material is solely for the Client’s internal use. This material shall not be used, reproduced, copied, disclosed, transmitted, in whole or in part, without the express consent of Centric Consulting, LLC. © 2014 Centric Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved Agile Overview The Data Warehouse Institute – St. Louis 314-265-3403 Twitter: @paulholway
  • 2. WHY GO AGILE? 5/28/ 1 Bluetooth enabled - Moxie Shower by Kohler Why go Agile? And How does it relate to the Business Intelligence space?
  • 3. Why is agile adoption rising? Version One 2012 Survey of Agile Results: 5/27/ 2
  • 4. The Real Reason 70%* of Business Intelligence Solutions industry-wide fail to meet the business user expectations Some cited reasons: • Lack of business involvement • Executives find it difficult to find information** • Difference between insights and data • Bias vs. fact 5/27/ 3 •Gartner: 2012 Business Intelligence still subject to non-technical challenges •** Business Week Research Services
  • 5. Data is coming from everywhere 5/27/ 4 Sensors invade and expand Big Data use
  • 8. The Agile Mindset Business involvement throughout the project Business participation on a daily basis helps ensure that business value is achieved by regularly prioritizing work based on business value, by providing rapid ongoing feedback to the team on features as they are built, and by verifying that features provide the expected functionality. Empiricism and experimentation During the last 50 years of software development a lot of time has been spent upfront trying to figure out and lock down requirements, design and test plans for an entire set of features. In agile development teams will become familiar with the agile concept that it’s better not to think too deeply about each feature until it’s time to build them. In agile empiricism asserts that knowledge comes from experience and making decisions based on what is known. In practice, this means that, as we build software, we also build experience so that we can replace detailed up front planning and processes with just in time inspect and adapt cycles. Build working software frequently within a short, fixed timeframe (i.e. timebox) Building working software means software that has been verified to work as it should in production. Teams will become familiar with the agile concept of completing working software that doesn’t have all of the features envisioned but only those that can be completed during the current timebox knowing that additional features will be developed during subsequent cycles. Small team size As a general rule, smaller teams will tend to be more efficient and productive because communication overhead is reduced, there is less unproductive waiting time and fewer handoffs. Within small teams, each team members skill-set will increase and broaden so that each member can begin to be involved in more than one part of the software development process. Transparency Open sharing of the state of the work will serve to encourage participation and to expose decisions, challenges and successes to the much broader team. It means that decisions are made out in the open—subject to broader scrutiny, which in turn leads to better decisions and more of a sense of ownership from team members. In addition, the transparency found in Agile practices will impart better visibility and a greater sense of ownership to all stakeholders, encourage Close coordination and build mutual trust amongst stakeholders, and bring all stakeholders on the ‘same page’ in terms of project progress and expectations 5/27/ 7 Agile is not only a development approach but also a mindset based on the principles of the agile manifesto. To be successful with agile, there needs to be cultural a shift, not an imposed afterthought. Below are just some of the paradigm shifts that take place when transitioning to agile.
  • 9. 5/27/ 8 Introduction: Agile vs. Traditional approaches Agile Approach Traditional Approach Leverage continual feedback to deliver business value as early and often as possible. Invest in a detailed plan, and then execute on it.  Adapts to changing priorities through a continual feedback loop and iterative work planning.  Upfront analysis, requirements and design that “lock in” key designs early  Short, iterative design, development, testing, and deployment efforts.  Long delivery phases to develop and test software; working software is delivered at the end of a phase.  Project status is measured by the working software that is delivered.  Project status is measured against a detailed project plan.  Avoids painful change request situations by embracing new requirements as they emerge  Changes in requirements result in contentious change requests.  Established upfront cadence determines delivery date(s) and are based on consistent iteration and release schedules.  Upfront contract based on many unknown items specifies delivery date and project cost.  Architects the right solution – “end-to-end” development continually validates that a design supports the product’s features.  Long delivery cycles limit ability to introduce new functionality quickly as well as make architectural improvements. Agile is not about IT or for the benefit of IT. Agile is about increasing competitive advantage for the business. Agile serves to address the needs of the customer impacted by ever-changing business climate, economic conditions and external regulations.
  • 10. 5/27/ 9 Components Of a Successful Agile Execution Today, few technology managers or developers will admit to not understanding agile. The Agile Manifesto* serves as an excellent foundation, but we know there’s more to delivering on budget, on schedule, and with real people. In our experience, you need 4 things:  Your agile approach needs to be defined as a starting point. What activities occur during planning, Sprints, deployment and feedback cycles? Who is responsible for what? What mechanisms are in place to help the team execute and improve those processes? Processes Technology Practices Organizational Interfaces Change Management  The highly iterative nature of agile development drives a need for solid development practices. Test driven development, continuous integration, and test automation help an agile team create and sustain a consistent delivery pace.  What is required to convince more than just the IT organization to embrace agile? (success ultimately depends on this) What techniques will you use?  If your entire company is not Agile, how will you create metrics and work with more traditional IT management functions like PMOs, architecture boards, and centralized support organizations?
  • 11. Technology Practices Organizational Interfaces Change Management 5/28/2014 Define Your Agile Process Our project experience tells us a “one size fits all” approach to Agile does not work. Centric’s approach to Agile is to methodically define the appropriate Agile process for the specific project and project team. Components of a Successful Agile Execution Processes
  • 12. In an agile project, the first thing to getting started is establishing a cadence. • Prioritization • Estimation • Learning and Adapting • Garnering Feedback • Releasing • Keeping in Sync. 5/29/2014 Establishing Cadence Often we receive so many ideas and requirements, because users are afraid of missing the “Feature Bus”. They will not get your attention back again. By establishing cadence, you effectively install more stops that they can get on/off. Why is cadence is so important?
  • 13. 5/27/2014 How The Cycle & Levels Work Together The Centric agile approach model is defined by cycles of Plan, Execute, Feedback & Done that are repeated throughout the Program, Release, Sprint, and Story levels of the work lifecycle. The Cycle and the Levels work together – the Cycle runs on each Level. Each Level runs through a full Cycle, then passes control back up to the Level above. • Plan: Planning and work breakdown, with appropriate detail for the Level • Execute: Execute cadence for the Level + one or more full Cycles for the Level below • Done: Verify work completed against Definition of Done for the Level • Feedback: Implement feedback cycle appropriate for the Level, per Cadence Plan ExecuteVerify Feedback
  • 14. 5/27/2014 The Levels The Levels provide us with constructs to facilitate talking about and managing work. We start by treating work at a very high level, then gradually hone our way in over time until we are talking about work at the level or detail needed to actually do it. This idea incorporates two key agile concepts:  Just in Time: Don’t think about the details of a work item until it is time to do that work.  Just Enough: Do the work in very small chunks.
  • 15. 5/27/2014 A sample cadence Key Decisions 1. Time required to deliver Release. 2. Breakdown of Work Into Iterations Governed By Release Owner Governed By Product Owner Governed By Steering Committee Key Decisions 1. User Stories, Epics or other imperatives to be included in the next release. 2. Commitment of Release Owner. Prioritization The Steering Committee represents the business in evaluating analytic needs. While most of these needs are strategic in nature, some immediate demands may at times be given precedence. As the BI Team approaches completion of a Release the Steering Committee will decide the next Release to be delivered. They will also identify a Release Owner who will oversee delivery. Release A Release Owner, having been assigned by the, oversees the delivery of one or Steering Committee more User Stories in a Release. They are responsible for ensuring that the analysis truly delivers the expected business capability. The Release Owner will work with the BI Team to plan all releases comprising the release. They will also identify a Product Owner to represent the business in a SME and advisory role. Iteration The BI Team will implement a Release in Iterations. The intent is to frequently provide business users with a quality working product, thereby increasing feedback frequency. Portion of Release delivered to business users. Challenges to the Release Date Unlike traditional App Dev projects, BI teams must deal with uncontrollable enterprise data and systems. This may occasionally introduce delays to a release. • Source system data quality • Source system up-time • Unexpecteddata volatility • Non-existent data. • Information not persisted in data • Unavailability of SMEs Program Communication Key Decisions 1. Develop the Release Charter with the BI Team 2. Commitment of Product Owner. Key Decisions 1. Time required to deliver Release. 2. Breakdown of Work Into Iterations Daily Report A Team driven activity focused on how healthy the board is, and how the team can help. Stakeholder Communication
  • 17. A story should be Independent Negotiable Valuable Estimable Small Testable 5/27/2014 The unit of work. Should strive to be the smallest possible chunk that provides business value. The Story As a <role> I can <activity> So that <business value> As a financial analyst, I want to see profit by customer account per order so that I can view the profitability of order types while making forecast decisions for August budget cycle. As a Consumer, I want to be able to see my daily energy usage so that I can lower my energy costs and usage
  • 18. 5/27/ 18 CREATING OUR BACKLOG – TASKS, EPICS, and STORIES Role Analysis Capability Impact Criteria What is the perspective of the user? What analysis do they want to perform? What business capability is being delivered (business process, decision, etc.) How does it strategically impact the organization? What are the criteria for this capability to be successfully delivered? As a campaign manager, I need to assess our members’ engagement level within individual campaigns so that I can measure the efficacy of the campaign. This allows me to determine how engaged members were so that we can predict the campaign's impact related to gaps in care and other factors. Strategically, this enables our company to articulate the effectiveness of campaigns and identify which campaigns are successful and which ones are not. In order to be successful, this analysis must include our entire historical set of data. We must also have project metadata (start date, end date, campaign type, population demographics, etc.) incorporated into the analysis.
  • 19. 5/29/ 19 • As a team create a list of what went well, what did not go well, and what suggestions for improvements. • The list should be team focused, not externally focused. • The list should be kept running across iterations. • The list should be prioritized by the team in each retrospective. Create a process and mechanism to continually improve 2 Categorize 3 Disposition 4 Assign 1 Retrospective TOPICS BACKLOG 5 Measure and Feedback Stop Start Keep XX to do YY by ZZ Pick the top 2- 3 topics
  • 20. 5/28/ 20 Centric's Agile Approach – Agile Technology Practices Many Agile transformations focus solely on the Agile process. But the technologies used to execute successful Agile delivery are equally important. Early Sprints need to define the technologies and the extent to which they will be used. Do not attempt to do this on the fly! Organizational Interfaces Change Management Processes Technology Practices Components of a Successful Agile Execution
  • 21. 5/29/ 21 Beyond Process A new process alone will not yield a truly agile organization. Depending on your organization and culture, several items about the way your technical team works will need to change. - A focus away from component perfection into business unit value - Embrace refactoring - Move toward evolutionary design patterns - Build Quality In - Automate everything
  • 22. 5/27/ 22 Agile does not mean faster or with less quality. In fact, quality takes a larger role in agile. -Quality is a first class citizen in the conversation. -Testing is included in the iteration -Is this testable? How? How will we perform regression as time goes by? The push for automation. Lack of automation is a major source of agile failure. Build Quality In
  • 23. 5/28/ 23 Centric’s Agile Approach – Organizational Change Management Agile is very different than traditional development approaches – different roles, different interactions, different reporting structures. We see similar concerns on across many different engagements when taking on an Agile approach. Types of concerns and reasons for them differ by role. Technology Practices Organizational Interfaces Processes Components of a Successful Agile Execution Change Management
  • 24. 5/27/ 24 Centric’s Agile Approach – Organizational Change Management Managers Non-managers Loss of power and control Lack of understanding around the vision and need for change Overload of current tasks, pressures of daily activities and limited resources Comfort with the status quo and fear of the unknown Lack of skills and experience needed to manage the change effectively Corporate history and culture Fear of job loss Opposition to the new technologies, requirements and processes introduced by the change Disagreement with the new way or skepticism about the need for change Fear of job loss Common reasons for being concerned about moving to an agile development approach. Role Concerns About Agile Business Analyst "A big requirements document is no longer my focus, what is?” Developer "Agile changes how projects are planned, but shouldn't impact how I write code, right?” Quality Analyst "Why do I need to be involved so early in the process? What do I do?” Resource Manager "If developers are fully allocated to a single team and are self-organizing to tasks, what role do I play?” "Do performance evaluations need to be different now?” PMO Lead “Why shouldn't we have agile teams follow the same phase gates as the other projects?” Stakeholder "They have new questions for me every other day. Why not spend a week at the start of the project and talk all of this out?” Common concerns when going from a traditional approach to an agile approach.
  • 25. Technology Practices Change Management Processes Organizational Interfaces 5/28/ 25 Centric’s Agile Approach – Organizational Interfaces During an Agile transformation it is critical that Agile Teams provide information and feedback outside of their team in order to support other organization needs. Our approach recognizes these needs, and provides thinking and tools to support. Components of a Successful Agile Execution
  • 26. 5/28/ 26 Components Of Successful Agile Execution – Organizational Interfaces During an Agile transformation it is critical that Agile Teams provide information and feedback outside of their team in order to support other organization needs. Recognize these needs, and provide the thinking and tools to support.
  • 27. 5/29/ 27 What to do next? Do not: • Focus on Process only • Let the simplicity of the philosophy be misintepreted • Say, “we do that” Do: • Get an experienced coach • Pick a pilot team/project and learn what works for your org • Start bottom-up, not top-down • Invest in testing • Run retrospectives