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C++ In SOA

         Nandika Jayawardana
         Tech Lead, WSO2, Inc
Introduction to SOA in C++
●   In this presentation we will look in to the
    implementation of SOA using Web Services in
    the C/C++ world from a native Web Services
    Stack's point of View.
Why use C++
●   C++ is still widely used in the industry due to
     ● Performance advantage of the native code

     ● Flexibility available from object oriented

     ● Tight control over memory and CPU
Typical applications that use
●   Applications which require high performance
    and the ability to handle large volumes of
    ●   Financial Market Applications
    ●   Large E-Commerce applications
    ●   Banking Applications
    ●   Telecommunication Systems
    ●   Data Base Systems
●   Applications which require tight control over
    memory and CPU
    ●   Operating Systems (C/C++)
    ●   Embedded Systems
Some Use cases
●   A legacy C++ system which has been performing
    useful work for a long time. This has remained
    isolated while all other systems in the
    organization evolved and connected together.
●   Need to integrate this system with other
    applications to use its functionality in a broader
●   Options
    ●   Rewrite the system ( Costly )
    ●   Integrate using EAI
    ●   Integrate using a native Web Services Stack
Some Use Cases


System              Secure, Reliable, Binary
                        Web Services

Some Use cases
●   A high performance application is used in an
    organization (Telecommunication, Banking )
●   Need to provide new products and services
    using the system on a regular basis to keep up
    with market competition
●   Difficult to keep changing, adding new
    functionality to the existing system
●   Does a better way exist to cater for the new
    requirements without the hassle of change or
    loosing the performance ?
Some Use cases
●   I need my embedded system (camera, car,
    printer, robot, ... ) to be able to talk to
    external systems which are running
    heterogeneous hardware and software
●   Decomposing business function into
    reusable, independent components which
    communicate using standard protocols with
    messages and semantics defined by
●   SOA is an Enterprise Architecture
●   The application using a service should be
    independent of the location and
    implementation of any services it uses
●   SOA simplifies connecting systems
●   Integration is driven by number of factors
    ●   Straight-through-processing
         ●   Handling web transactions without manual
             intervention, leading to greater scalability
    ●   Mergers and De-mergers
         ●   The increasing change in organizational structure is
             making loosely-coupled connections more important
    ●   Partnerships
    ●   Outsourcing
    ●   Time to Value
Native Web Services Stack
●   What would you look from a native web
    services stack to solve the above stated
    problems ?
    ●   Support for Basic Web Services Standards
    ●   Tooling for WSDL
    ●   Portability
    ●   Performance / Low memory foot print
    ●   Security
    ●   Ability to handle binary data
    ●   Interoperability
    ●   Asynchronous communication
Basic Web Service Standards
 ●   SOAP 1.1 , 1.2
 ●   WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
 ●   XML Schema
 ●   HTTP
      <productID>827635</productID> </getProductDetails>
Working with WSDL
●   WSDL (Web Service Description Language)
    ●   defines a service contract
●   Focuses on:
         ●   What the messages are
              ●   Schema
         ●   How they flow (in, in-out, etc)
              ●   Message Exchange Pattern
         ●   Where they are
              ●   Endpoint URLs
Working with WSDL
●   WSDL is complex
●   WSDL is intended to be machine readable
    and machine processable
●   Typical approaches to building services and
    clients using WSDL
    ●   Code Generation ( Common)
    ●   Dynamic Invocation ( Rare )
Code Generation


           Code Generation Tool

Advantages of Code Generation
●   All complex details of mappings between
    C++ types and XML schema types are handled
     by the generated code.
●   The developer deals with C++ types
●   Quickly develop services and clients
●   Faster than the dynamic invocation technique
●   Developer can concentrate on his business
Working with WSDL in WSF/C++
●   Comes with built in Code Generation tool.
●   Generates Client Stubs, Service Skeletons,
    Service descriptors and Build scripts.
     ● Generating a Service Skeleton

    Linux: sh -uri calculator.wsdl -ss -sd -d adb -u
    Windows: WSDL2CPP.bat -uri calculator.wsdl -ss -sd -d adb -u
    ●   Generating a Client Stub
    Linux: sh -uri calculator.wsdl -d adb -u
    Windows WSDL2CPP.bat -uri calculator.wsdl -d adb -u
How to adapt a C++ Application
       as Web Services
Using WSF/C++
●   Supports multiple platforms
    ●   Linux
    ●   Windows
    ●   Solaris
●   My legacy application is running on platform
    'X'. Does your Web Service stack run on it ?
●   It can boil down to multitude of issues
    ●   Differences in operating system versions
    ●   Differences in build tool versions, compiler
    ●   Dependency problems
●   Performance is a broad area. Usually
    Performance means response time. In another
    way, how many requests can the server
    handle per second
●   However, performance depends on the
    system's hardware as well as load on the
●   Does the performance stay constant or does it
    degrade over time
●   How does the performance vary with the size
    of the messages, load of the system
Low Memory Foot Print
●   Some servers take large amount of memory
    just to start up
●   How much memory does it require to run
    efficiently ( Important in embedded systems)
●   Does the memory usage stay constant while
    handling large xml messages, large binary
●   Important, confidential data need to be
    exchanged between parties.
●   Transport Level security
●   Message Level Security
Security Terminology
●   Confidentiality
    ●   The assurance that the message has not been read
        by anyone other than the intended reader
●   Integrity
    ●   The assurance that data is complete and accurate
●   Non-repudiation
    ●   Prevent denial of action
    ●   unforgeable evidence
●   Authentication
    ●   The verification of a claimed identity
Transport Level Security
●   Achieved by using HTTPS
●   Provides confidentiality through encryption
●   Provides integrity through digital signature
●   Service authenticate to client via certificates
●   Client can authenticate to the service via
    certificates / basic, digest authentication
Transport Level Security

Client                            Service

         Is it really what you want ?
Transport Level Security vs
 Message Level Security
Message Level Security
●   Achieved using WS-Security
●   Authentication with UsernameToken
●   Provides confidentiality through encryption
●   Provides integrity and non-repudiation
    through digital signature
Security with WSF/C++
●   Supports Both transport Level security and
    Message Level Security
●   Security is configured using WS-Security
●   Client is configured by specifying the policy
●   Service is configured for security by the
    deployment script
●   Eg
       ServiceClient sc(client_repo, end_point);
       sc.setPolicy(new NeethiPolicy(security_policy_file));
Handling binary data
●   “Attachments”
    ●   Video, Images, Documents, ...
●   There are two ways to transfer binary data in
    ●   By Value (Encoded text of data within the xml)
         ●   base64 – 4/3x original size
         ●   hex – 2x original size
    ●   Reference
         ●   pointer to outside the XML
    ●   Standardised approach to transfer binary data
Attachment handling with
●    Supports
      ● Base64

      ● MTOM and SwA

          ●   Support for caching large attachments
●    Class DataHandler which handles binary content

    // Enable mtom in the options object.

// Create a Data Handler with the image
   OMDataHandler * data_handler = new
   OMDataHandler(image_file_name, "image/jpeg");
// Create OMText with Data Handler
   OMText * child3 = new OMText(child2, data_handler);
●   The ability of two or more systems or
    components to exchange information and to
    use the information that has been exchanged
●   Achieved by adherence to the specifications
    and regular testing against other systems
●   Interoperability with the major SOA players
    guarantees that you services will be accessible
    by other products and your clients will be
    able to talk to other services
WSF/C++ and Interoperability
●   Interoperability tested with .Net, Axis2 and
    other Java Web Services Stacks
●   Has been tested with data types (Complex,
    Simple) as well as advanced features such as
    XOP/MTOM, WS-Security, WS-RM
●   SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2
●   WS-Addressing
    ●   1.0
    ●   submission
●   MTOM and SwA
    ●   Support for caching large attachments
●   WS-Security
    ●   Base security standards mean that messages can be
        protected using Encryption, Authentication and Signature
    ●   Including WS-SecureConversation and WS-Trust
●   WSDL2CPP Code Generation tool
    ●   Supports generating client stubs, service skeletons, build
        scripts and deployment scripts
●   WS-Policy and WS-Security Policy
    ●   Enables using industry standard XML to configure security
●   SSL Enabled Transport Layer
●   WS-Reliable Messaging 1.0, 1.1 and WS-RMPolicy
    ●   Enables reliability between platforms including message resending, duplicate
        detection and persistence
●   Full REST support (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST)
    with custom URI Mapping
    ●   Enables mapping a REST API easily and naturally
●   Useful tools
    ●   Tcpmon
    ●   wsclient

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Cpp In Soa

  • 1. C++ In SOA Nandika Jayawardana Tech Lead, WSO2, Inc
  • 2. Introduction to SOA in C++ ● In this presentation we will look in to the implementation of SOA using Web Services in the C/C++ world from a native Web Services Stack's point of View.
  • 3. Why use C++ ● C++ is still widely used in the industry due to ● Performance advantage of the native code ● Flexibility available from object oriented language ● Tight control over memory and CPU
  • 4. Typical applications that use C++ ● Applications which require high performance and the ability to handle large volumes of data ● Financial Market Applications ● Large E-Commerce applications ● Banking Applications ● Telecommunication Systems ● Data Base Systems ● Applications which require tight control over memory and CPU ● Operating Systems (C/C++) ● Embedded Systems
  • 5. Some Use cases ● A legacy C++ system which has been performing useful work for a long time. This has remained isolated while all other systems in the organization evolved and connected together. ● Need to integrate this system with other applications to use its functionality in a broader perspective. ● Options ● Rewrite the system ( Costly ) ● Integrate using EAI ● Integrate using a native Web Services Stack
  • 6. Some Use Cases SAP .NET Legacy System Secure, Reliable, Binary J2EE Web Services CICS Java
  • 7. Some Use cases ● A high performance application is used in an organization (Telecommunication, Banking ) ● Need to provide new products and services using the system on a regular basis to keep up with market competition ● Difficult to keep changing, adding new functionality to the existing system ● Does a better way exist to cater for the new requirements without the hassle of change or loosing the performance ?
  • 8. Some Use cases ● I need my embedded system (camera, car, printer, robot, ... ) to be able to talk to external systems which are running heterogeneous hardware and software
  • 9. SOA ● Decomposing business function into reusable, independent components which communicate using standard protocols with messages and semantics defined by contracts. ● SOA is an Enterprise Architecture ● The application using a service should be independent of the location and implementation of any services it uses
  • 10. SOA
  • 11. Why SOA ● SOA simplifies connecting systems ● Integration is driven by number of factors ● Straight-through-processing ● Handling web transactions without manual intervention, leading to greater scalability ● Mergers and De-mergers ● The increasing change in organizational structure is making loosely-coupled connections more important ● Partnerships ● Outsourcing ● Time to Value
  • 12. Native Web Services Stack ● What would you look from a native web services stack to solve the above stated problems ? ● Support for Basic Web Services Standards ● Tooling for WSDL ● Portability ● Performance / Low memory foot print ● Security ● Ability to handle binary data ● Interoperability ● Asynchronous communication
  • 13. Basic Web Service Standards ● SOAP 1.1 , 1.2 ● WSDL (Web Services Description Language) ● XML Schema ● HTTP <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header/> <soap:Body> <getProductDetails xmlns=""> <productID>827635</productID> </getProductDetails> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
  • 14. Working with WSDL ● WSDL (Web Service Description Language) ● defines a service contract ● Focuses on: ● What the messages are ● Schema ● How they flow (in, in-out, etc) ● Message Exchange Pattern ● Where they are ● Endpoint URLs
  • 15. Working with WSDL ● WSDL is complex ● WSDL is intended to be machine readable and machine processable ● Typical approaches to building services and clients using WSDL ● Code Generation ( Common) ● Dynamic Invocation ( Rare )
  • 16. Code Generation Stub <wsdl/> Code Generation Tool document Skeleton
  • 17. Advantages of Code Generation ● All complex details of mappings between C++ types and XML schema types are handled by the generated code. ● The developer deals with C++ types ● Quickly develop services and clients ● Faster than the dynamic invocation technique ● Developer can concentrate on his business logic
  • 18. Working with WSDL in WSF/C++ ● Comes with built in Code Generation tool. ● Generates Client Stubs, Service Skeletons, Service descriptors and Build scripts. ● Generating a Service Skeleton Linux: sh -uri calculator.wsdl -ss -sd -d adb -u Windows: WSDL2CPP.bat -uri calculator.wsdl -ss -sd -d adb -u ● Generating a Client Stub Linux: sh -uri calculator.wsdl -d adb -u Windows WSDL2CPP.bat -uri calculator.wsdl -d adb -u
  • 19. How to adapt a C++ Application as Web Services
  • 20. Using WSF/C++ ● Supports multiple platforms ● Linux ● Windows ● Solaris
  • 21. Portability ● My legacy application is running on platform 'X'. Does your Web Service stack run on it ? ● It can boil down to multitude of issues ● Differences in operating system versions ● Differences in build tool versions, compiler versions ● Dependency problems
  • 22. Performance ● Performance is a broad area. Usually Performance means response time. In another way, how many requests can the server handle per second ● However, performance depends on the system's hardware as well as load on the system ● Does the performance stay constant or does it degrade over time ● How does the performance vary with the size of the messages, load of the system
  • 23. Low Memory Foot Print ● Some servers take large amount of memory just to start up ● How much memory does it require to run efficiently ( Important in embedded systems) ● Does the memory usage stay constant while handling large xml messages, large binary content
  • 24. Security ● Important, confidential data need to be exchanged between parties. ● Transport Level security ● Message Level Security
  • 25. Security Terminology ● Confidentiality ● The assurance that the message has not been read by anyone other than the intended reader ● Integrity ● The assurance that data is complete and accurate ● Non-repudiation ● Prevent denial of action ● unforgeable evidence ● Authentication ● The verification of a claimed identity
  • 26. Transport Level Security ● Achieved by using HTTPS ● Provides confidentiality through encryption ● Provides integrity through digital signature ● Service authenticate to client via certificates ● Client can authenticate to the service via certificates / basic, digest authentication
  • 27. Transport Level Security HTTPS Client Service Is it really what you want ?
  • 28. Transport Level Security vs Message Level Security
  • 29. Message Level Security ● Achieved using WS-Security ● Authentication with UsernameToken ● Provides confidentiality through encryption ● Provides integrity and non-repudiation through digital signature
  • 30. Security with WSF/C++ ● Supports Both transport Level security and Message Level Security ● Security is configured using WS-Security Policy ● Client is configured by specifying the policy configuration. ● Service is configured for security by the deployment script ● Eg ServiceClient sc(client_repo, end_point); sc.engageModule(“rampart”); sc.setPolicy(new NeethiPolicy(security_policy_file));
  • 31. Handling binary data ● “Attachments” ● Video, Images, Documents, ... ● There are two ways to transfer binary data in SOAP ● By Value (Encoded text of data within the xml) ● base64 – 4/3x original size ● hex – 2x original size ● Reference ● pointer to outside the XML ● MTOM/XOP ● Standardised approach to transfer binary data
  • 32. Attachment handling with WSF/C++ ● Supports ● Base64 ● MTOM and SwA ● Support for caching large attachments ● Class DataHandler which handles binary content // Enable mtom in the options object. options->setEnableMTOM(true); // Create a Data Handler with the image OMDataHandler * data_handler = new OMDataHandler(image_file_name, "image/jpeg"); // Create OMText with Data Handler OMText * child3 = new OMText(child2, data_handler);
  • 33. Interoperability ● The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged ● Achieved by adherence to the specifications and regular testing against other systems ● Interoperability with the major SOA players guarantees that you services will be accessible by other products and your clients will be able to talk to other services
  • 34. WSF/C++ and Interoperability ● Interoperability tested with .Net, Axis2 and other Java Web Services Stacks ● Has been tested with data types (Complex, Simple) as well as advanced features such as XOP/MTOM, WS-Security, WS-RM
  • 35. WSF/C++ ● SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 ● WS-Addressing ● 1.0 ● submission ● MTOM and SwA ● Support for caching large attachments ● WS-Security ● Base security standards mean that messages can be protected using Encryption, Authentication and Signature ● Including WS-SecureConversation and WS-Trust ● WSDL2CPP Code Generation tool ● Supports generating client stubs, service skeletons, build scripts and deployment scripts
  • 36. WSF/C++ ● WS-Policy and WS-Security Policy ● Enables using industry standard XML to configure security ● SSL Enabled Transport Layer ● WS-Reliable Messaging 1.0, 1.1 and WS-RMPolicy ● Enables reliability between platforms including message resending, duplicate detection and persistence ● Full REST support (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST) with custom URI Mapping ● Enables mapping a REST API easily and naturally ● Useful tools ● Tcpmon ● wsclient
  • 37. Q&A