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Effective Test Automation
in an Agile Environment
Krishantha Samaraweera
Senior Technical Lead – Test Automation
● Automated testing
● Success stories
● Automation Concept – Test Pyramid
● WSO2 Test Automation Framework
● WSO2 Platform Automated Test Suite
● Lessons learned
● Automation Best Practices
● Continuous Integration and Delivery
What is Test Automation
● Automation testing – Testing which can be done programmatically
● Compare result – Actual and Expected
● Generate reports
● Goal is to reduce the number of test cases to run manually
● Not to eliminate Manual testing all together
Why Automated Testing
● To get early and instant feedback
● Safety net to save time and which is reinvented in to manual
● Doesn't require human intervention.
● Unattended (Overnight)
● Manual testing has high risk of mission out on something

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Framework For Automation Testing Practice Sharing
Framework For Automation Testing Practice SharingFramework For Automation Testing Practice Sharing
Framework For Automation Testing Practice Sharing

This is the presentation that Mr. Duong Phan and Mr. Vu Duong shared at KMS's public seminar on Saturday, June 15, 2013.

vietnam software testingtest automationautomation testing
A Test Automation Framework
A Test Automation FrameworkA Test Automation Framework
A Test Automation Framework

Key Concepts: The structure of a Test Framework, its components, and the process to create one will be presented. A Test Framework provides a means to automate tests fast and guarantee their extended existence. It makes the automation process straightforward and systematic, simplifies the error debugging procedures, makes the testware tolerant to all kinds of object changes and reliable in an unstable test environment. The presentation is not an illustration of a specific test framework implementation, but rather a description of the features that should be mandatory attributes of any test framework. Learning Objectives: How to present the testware internally as a hierarchy of test sets (structural level), use cases (functional - scenario level), test cases (the scenario steps with verification), test actions (the interface "action" words). How to present the testware externally as a set of configuration files, scripts, libraries.How to separate the business action words from the interface action words and the respective drivers.How to create debug logs that allow to identify the source of a failure in minutes.

test automation framework
Final Automation Testing
Final Automation TestingFinal Automation Testing
Final Automation Testing

Automation testing involves automating manual testing processes using software tools to execute test scripts and compare expected and actual results. There are different types of automation frameworks including data-driven, keyword-driven, modular, and hybrid frameworks. Implementing an automation framework involves 10 steps: identifying the testing scope and needs, evaluating tools, designing the framework, developing and populating test data, and configuring schedulers.

Success Stories
● Google runs 100M+ automated test cases every day
● Google customer surveys team can deliver a change to
production 8 mins after code is committed.
● Ebay runs 35000 test cases in 5 hours
● At Facebook, each of 5,000 engineers commits to trunk HEAD
at least once a day and the code at trunk HEAD is pushed to
production once daily.
● Atlassian JIRA is protected by over 14,000 unit tests and
19,000 functional tests from regressions
Success Stories Cont'd..
● Etsy used to take 14 hours and an army of people to deploy
one release into production before CD kicked in. Now it takes
15 mins, 1 person. They did 729 deployments to production in
Nov 2010, only 6 deployment related incidents.
● At Amazon, new code is deployed to production at a
staggering rate of once every 11.6 seconds during a normal
business day.
● That’s 3,000 production deployments per day.
Test Automation Pyramid
Test Automation Pyramid Cont'd..

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Testing Frameworks
Testing FrameworksTesting Frameworks
Testing Frameworks

Testing frameworks provide an execution environment for automated tests. The main types are modular, data-driven, and keyword-driven frameworks. Modular frameworks organize tests into independent scripts representing application modules. Data-driven frameworks store test data and expected results in external files to reduce code duplication. Keyword-driven frameworks use external files to store test actions and data. Hybrid frameworks combine advantages of the different approaches. While frameworks work with waterfall models, agile methodologies benefit more from test-driven development and behavior-driven development which integrate testing throughout development.

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Automated Testing with Agile
Automated Testing with AgileAutomated Testing with Agile
Automated Testing with Agile

This is a presentation given at the Hangzhou Scrum Forum 2009, sponsored by Perficient, China. The topic is how to incorporate automated functional testing into an agile project, and also some best practices, tips, and warnings.

Test Automation Framework Development Introduction
Test Automation Framework Development IntroductionTest Automation Framework Development Introduction
Test Automation Framework Development Introduction

The document discusses test automation frameworks and the page object model pattern. It recommends treating automated testing as software development with principles like separation of concerns. The page object model pattern models pages as objects and allows tests to interact with pages through page object classes. Data driven testing is also discussed where test data is stored externally in spreadsheets or databases and passed into tests.

test automationautomation framework developmentselenium
WSO2 Test Automation Framework
● Why our own framework
– Open source test scripts
– Stay lean
– Single framework for all products
– Facilitate backend testing + UI tests
Technology outlineTechnology outline
Test Automation Framework Architecture
Glimpse of Test Automation Framework
● Simple automation context API.
● Platform wide test execution support.
● Annotation based test execution management support.
● Test reports and coverage report generation.
● Test tooling integration (Jmeter).
● Selenium WebDriver integration and ability to run UI tests on
cross browser environments.
● Framework extensibility capability through pluggable modules.
● Easy retrieval of new configurations.

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Automation Framework/QTP Framework
Automation Framework/QTP FrameworkAutomation Framework/QTP Framework
Automation Framework/QTP Framework

Automation Framework - gFast: generic Framework for Automated Software Testing - QTP Framework The Most sophisticated frameworks in Automation Testing is Designed with highly experienced Automation Consultants of Heyday Software Solution for all the areas. This makes us to make the impossible things to make possible very fast with our proprietary framework "gFAST".This is a QTP Framework About gFAST: generic Framework for Automated Software Testing **************** Developed on Quick Test Professional supporting all Platforms(addin's) with KeyWord Driven Framework. Key Features **************** * Better ROI * Internationalization Support * Supports Multiple Projects/TestSuites/TestCases * 24/7 Automatic Regression Tests Running Facility * Generates Email Reports * Generates Test Logs * Simple way to Create Test Cases(without any new QTP Scripts development) * Easy to Create Test Cases with Test Cases Generator * Easy way to Create Tests With Excel/Text files facility) * Easy to Maintain.(Whole Framework will Have 3 QTP script Files -Driver and Two Controllers and Libraries.) * Screen Capturing on Error for Each of the Test Cases * Global Configuration Files * Multiple Browser windows support * Easy to build automation for the Projects Our Frameworks: Selenium Framework WATIR RUBY Framework Silk Framework Winrunner Framework QTP Framework Generic Automation Framework Perl Automation Framework

Test Automation
Test AutomationTest Automation
Test Automation

This presentation introduces Test Automation and gives overview of the tasks involved. For more info visit

test automationautomationqa automation
Test automation methodologies
Test automation methodologiesTest automation methodologies
Test automation methodologies

it is about test automation methodologies which you should know before starting to automate your test cases.

WSO2 Platform Automated Test Suite
● Package tests for other people to use
● Distribution contain all product integration tests and platform
tests jars.
● Test script management tool
● Ant based test executor
● Test execution on distributed product clustered or cloud
● Cross platform test execution
Lesson Learned
● Once you abandon the maintenance of the automation, it is
likely to die. For a better chance of success, choose an
automation approach that will require the least maintenance.
● Automation requiring multiple cycles and project releases for it
to become fully effective and provide an acceptable ROI.
● Start by automating the most valuable tests.
Lesson Learned Cont'd
● Plan your test automation at the beginning of the project.
● Unit Testing FIRST – Fix your test Pyramid.
● Staff should know how to diagnose failures. Minimize calling
automators for every issue
Lesson Learned Cont'd..
● Automation development requires the same discipline as
software development.
● Organization wide commitment is required for successful test
automation methodology
● Everyone should know what is automated.

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Key Factors To Ensure Test Automation Framework Success
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Key Factors To Ensure Test Automation Framework Success

This document discusses key factors for ensuring the success of a test automation framework (TAF). It outlines various elements that should be considered when setting up a TAF, including supporting different application types like web, mobile, and APIs. Important TAF features that are described include being keyword/data-driven, handling test flows and errors, and generating execution and historical reports. The document also provides recommendations for integrating the TAF with continuous integration systems for scheduling tests, notifications, load balancing and distributed execution to save time.

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Guideto Successful Application Test Automation
Guideto Successful Application Test AutomationGuideto Successful Application Test Automation
Guideto Successful Application Test Automation

The document discusses test automation, including its objectives, benefits, misconceptions, and challenges. It provides a checklist for test automation implementation, covering criteria for choosing an automation tool, defining requirements, designing the architecture, creating test data, implementing coding standards, and maintaining automated tests. The key goals are to understand test automation concepts, what it takes to implement effective automation, and techniques to emphasize maintainability.

Keyword-driven Test Automation Framework
Keyword-driven Test Automation FrameworkKeyword-driven Test Automation Framework
Keyword-driven Test Automation Framework

The document discusses a test automation framework (TAF) that helps perform automated testing effectively. It has several key features including being keyword-driven, product-independent, tool-independent, and compatible with continuous integration frameworks. The TAF workflow involves initialization, development, usage, and maintenance phases. The TAF architecture consists of test scenarios that run via the TAF core and output results to various formats.

Test Automation Benefits – Efficiency ROI
Time savings of test execution with automation vs test execution without
Product # of Tests Manual
time per
test case
Iterations Manual test
execution time
execution test
Saved time
ESB 922 8 min 5 384 hours 10 hours 77 man days
G-Reg 1557 8 min 5 1038 hours 15 hours 130 man days
Continuous Integration
● Continuous Integration is a software development practice
● Team integrate their work frequently
● Each commit is verified by automated build
● Rapid feedback
● Ships better code faster
● Fixing build breaks ASAP important.
● Should have a notification mechanism
Continuous Integration Cont'd..
Source :
Continuous Delivery
How long would it take your organization to deploy a change [to
production] that involves just one single line of code? Do you do
this on a repeatable, reliable basis?”
- Mary and Tom Poppendieck,
Implementing Lean Software Development

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Developing a test automation strategy by Brian Bayer
Developing a test automation strategy by Brian BayerDeveloping a test automation strategy by Brian Bayer
Developing a test automation strategy by Brian Bayer

The document discusses developing a test automation strategy and considerations for regression testing, automation, and frameworks. It addresses why regression testing is important, factors for the automation strategy like business needs and ROI, and frameworks to consider like Cucumber, Robot Framework, and Spock. The strategy determines test maintenance and fits within the organization, development process, and technology stacks.

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Automation testing strategy, approach & planning
Automation testing  strategy, approach & planningAutomation testing  strategy, approach & planning
Automation testing strategy, approach & planning

This document provides guidelines for effective test automation at IBM Global Services. It discusses that automation is viewed as a silver bullet but can also frustrate if not implemented properly. The document recommends starting simple and increasing complexity as skills grow. It provides considerations for automation, such as tests that are long, repetitive, and non-subjective. The document outlines 10 guidelines for automation, including establishing standards, separating what from how, using a six phase process, and defining required skills. It also discusses functional decomposition and keyword-driven methodologies and provides an overview of automation tools.

IGT's Intelligent Automation Framework
IGT's Intelligent Automation FrameworkIGT's Intelligent Automation Framework
IGT's Intelligent Automation Framework

Intelligent test automation has become an important subset of the software testing process. It is the key enabler of many advanced deployment and development processes.

intelligent test automation
Continuous Delivery
Build software in such a way that it ready to be released at any
– Continuous feedback
– Reduce risk of failures in production system
– Rapid, reliable and repeatable automated processes
Test Cases to be Automated
● HIGH RISK – Business critical test cases.
● Features tend to break frequently
● Repetitive tasks are good candidates for automation
● Test cases that are tedious or difficult to perform manually
● Test cases which are time consuming.
● Tests that use multiple data values for the same actions
● Smoke Tests
Test Cases not suitable for Automation
● Test cases that are newly designed – Not executed manually
at least once.
● Test cases for which the requirements are changing frequently.
● Usability testing – “How easy is the application to use?”
● One-time testing
Testing Philosophy
● You don't have to write 1,000 tests
● The benefit of the tests scales very nicely.
– 1,000 tests is good
– 100 tests is also good
– 10 tests is also good
● And even one test is better than no tests at all

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Centralized test automation framework implementation
Centralized test automation framework implementationCentralized test automation framework implementation
Centralized test automation framework implementation

Centralized Test Automation using Hybrid Model 1) The document discusses a centralized test automation framework using a hybrid model that incorporates both keyword-driven and data-driven approaches. 2) A key benefit of the hybrid framework is that it allows data-driven scripts to leverage the libraries and utilities of the keyword-driven architecture, making the scripts more compact and less prone to failure. 3) The centralized framework encapsulates components like function libraries and scripts so that users only have access to the scripts relevant to their testing, preventing access to the entire framework.

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Software test automation_overview
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Software test automation_overview

Provides overview of Software Functional Test Automation, What tool you should use? What are the benefits? How to select tool that best fit you? Compiled after going through 50 plus slides from internet

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Wso2con test-automation

The document discusses effective test automation practices in an agile environment. It outlines the benefits of automated testing such as early feedback, safety net for manual tests, and ability to run tests unattended. It presents success stories from companies like Google, Ebay, Facebook, and Amazon on their extensive use of automated testing. The document also covers test automation techniques like the test pyramid, WSO2's test automation framework, continuous integration, and continuous delivery. It emphasizes the importance of selecting the right tools, processes, and team for successful test automation.

Testing Philosophy
● So don't start out by saying "Oh, I have to write 1,000 tests for
● Then you might not write any at all.
● Start by saying "I'll write one test".
● Then write it
● Then maybe write another one
● You will immediately see the benefit of having one test
● Fix your test pyramid right
● Test maintenance is the king
● Run you tests frequently
● Importance players of successful test automation are right
selection of tools, testing process and team.
● Manual testing is also important
[1]“GTAC 2013: Presentations - Google Test Automation Conference — Google Developers.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-Mar-2014].
[2]“Continuous Integration for Agile Project Managers (Part 3) | Mike CI blogs.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed:
[3]“All About Automated Testing.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed:
[4]“Writing Automated Tests.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-Mar-2014].
[5]“Continuous Integration.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed:
Thank You

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Test automation - Building effective solutions

This presentation is answering the questions: how to build an effective test automation framework, select the right tools and organize to whole process?

jenkinsapache anttestng
Automated Software Testing Framework Training by Quontra Solutions
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Automated Software Testing Framework Training by Quontra Solutions

Learn through Experience -- We differentiate our training and development program by delivering Role-Based training instead of Product-based training. Ultimately, our goal is to deliver the best IT Training to our clients. In this training, attendees learn: Introduction to Automation • What is automation • Advantages of automation & Disadvantages of automation • Different types of Automation Tools • What to automate in projects • When to start automation. Scope for automation testing in projects • About open-source automation tools Introduction to Selenium • What is selenium • Why selenium • Advantage and Disadvantages of selenium Selenium components • Selenium IDE • Selenium RC • Selenium WebDriver • Selenium Grid Selenium IDE • Introduction to IDE • IDE Installation • Installation and uses of Firepath, Firebug & Debug bar • Property & value of elements • Selenium commands • Assertions & Verification • Running, pausing and debugging script • Disadvantages of selenium IDE • How to convert selenium IDE Scripts into other languages Locators • Tools to identify elements/objects • Firebug • IE Developer tools • Google Chrome Developer tools • Locating elements by ID • Finding elements by name • Finding elements by link text • Finding elements by XPath • Finding Elements by using CSS • Summary Selenium RC • What is selenium RC • Advantages of RC, Architecture • What is Eclipse/IntelliJ, Selenium RC configure with Eclipse/IntelliJ • Creating, running & debugging RC scripts Java Concepts • Introduction to OOPs concepts and Java • Installation: Java, Eclipse/IntelliJ, selenium, TestNg/JUnit • operators in java • Data types in java • Conditional statements in java • Looping statements in java • Output statements in java • Classes & Objects • Collection Framework • Regular Expressions • Exception Handling • Packages, Access Specifiers /Modifiers • String handling • Log4J for logging Selenium Web Driver with Java • Introduction to WebDriver • Advantages • Different between RC and WebDriver • Selenium WebDriver- commands • Generate scripts in Eclipse/IntelliJ. Run Test Scripts. • Debugging Test Script • Database Connections • Assertions, validations • Working with Excel • Pass the data from Excel • Working with multiple browser • Window Handling, Alert/confirm & Popup Handling • Mouse events • Wait mechanism • Rich Web Handling: Calendar handing, Auto suggest, Ajax, browser forward/back navigation, keyboard events, certificate handling, event listeners TestNg/JUnit Framework • What is TestNg/JUnit • Integrate the Selenium Scripts and Run from TestNg/JUnit • Reporting Results and Analysis • Run Scripts from multiple programs • Parallel running using TestNg/JUnit Automation Framework development in Agile testing • Introduction to Frame W

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Mobile Automation Basic Concepts / Demo
Mobile Automation Basic Concepts / DemoMobile Automation Basic Concepts / Demo
Mobile Automation Basic Concepts / Demo

This document discusses test automation concepts and tools. It defines a test case as specifying inputs, execution conditions, testing procedures and expected results for a particular test objective. Automation testing uses automation tools to execute test case suites, enter test data, compare results and generate reports. The benefits of automation testing include earlier defect detection, faster testing and increased coverage. Common automation tools discussed are Selenium for web testing, TestNG/JUnit for unit/functional testing, and Appium for mobile app testing. The document concludes with an offer to demonstrate how to create a basic automation test.


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WSO2Con Asia 2014 - Effective Test Automation in an Agile Environment

  • 1. Effective Test Automation in an Agile Environment Krishantha Samaraweera Senior Technical Lead – Test Automation WSO2
  • 2. Agenda ● Automated testing ● Success stories ● Automation Concept – Test Pyramid ● WSO2 Test Automation Framework ● WSO2 Platform Automated Test Suite ● Lessons learned ● Automation Best Practices ● Continuous Integration and Delivery
  • 3. What is Test Automation ● Automation testing – Testing which can be done programmatically ● Compare result – Actual and Expected ● Generate reports ● Goal is to reduce the number of test cases to run manually ● Not to eliminate Manual testing all together
  • 4. Why Automated Testing ● To get early and instant feedback ● Safety net to save time and which is reinvented in to manual testing. ● Doesn't require human intervention. ● Unattended (Overnight) ● Manual testing has high risk of mission out on something
  • 5. Success Stories ● Google runs 100M+ automated test cases every day ● Google customer surveys team can deliver a change to production 8 mins after code is committed. ● Ebay runs 35000 test cases in 5 hours ● At Facebook, each of 5,000 engineers commits to trunk HEAD at least once a day and the code at trunk HEAD is pushed to production once daily. ● Atlassian JIRA is protected by over 14,000 unit tests and 19,000 functional tests from regressions
  • 6. Success Stories Cont'd.. ● Etsy used to take 14 hours and an army of people to deploy one release into production before CD kicked in. Now it takes 15 mins, 1 person. They did 729 deployments to production in Nov 2010, only 6 deployment related incidents. ● At Amazon, new code is deployed to production at a staggering rate of once every 11.6 seconds during a normal business day. ● That’s 3,000 production deployments per day.
  • 9. WSO2 Test Automation Framework ● Why our own framework – Open source test scripts – Stay lean – Single framework for all products – Facilitate backend testing + UI tests
  • 12. Glimpse of Test Automation Framework ● Simple automation context API. ● Platform wide test execution support. ● Annotation based test execution management support. ● Test reports and coverage report generation. ● Test tooling integration (Jmeter). ● Selenium WebDriver integration and ability to run UI tests on cross browser environments. ● Framework extensibility capability through pluggable modules. ● Easy retrieval of new configurations.
  • 13. WSO2 Platform Automated Test Suite ● Package tests for other people to use ● Distribution contain all product integration tests and platform tests jars. ● Test script management tool ● Ant based test executor ● Test execution on distributed product clustered or cloud deployment. ● Cross platform test execution
  • 14. Lesson Learned ● Once you abandon the maintenance of the automation, it is likely to die. For a better chance of success, choose an automation approach that will require the least maintenance. ● Automation requiring multiple cycles and project releases for it to become fully effective and provide an acceptable ROI. ● Start by automating the most valuable tests.
  • 15. Lesson Learned Cont'd ● Plan your test automation at the beginning of the project. ● Unit Testing FIRST – Fix your test Pyramid. ● Staff should know how to diagnose failures. Minimize calling automators for every issue
  • 16. Lesson Learned Cont'd.. ● Automation development requires the same discipline as software development. ● Organization wide commitment is required for successful test automation methodology ● Everyone should know what is automated.
  • 17. Test Automation Benefits – Efficiency ROI Time savings of test execution with automation vs test execution without automation Product # of Tests Manual time per test case Iterations Manual test execution time Automated execution test time Saved time ESB 922 8 min 5 384 hours 10 hours 77 man days G-Reg 1557 8 min 5 1038 hours 15 hours 130 man days
  • 18. Continuous Integration ● Continuous Integration is a software development practice ● Team integrate their work frequently ● Each commit is verified by automated build ● Rapid feedback ● Ships better code faster ● Fixing build breaks ASAP important. ● Should have a notification mechanism
  • 19. Continuous Integration Cont'd.. Source :
  • 20. Continuous Delivery How long would it take your organization to deploy a change [to production] that involves just one single line of code? Do you do this on a repeatable, reliable basis?” - Mary and Tom Poppendieck, Implementing Lean Software Development
  • 21. Continuous Delivery Build software in such a way that it ready to be released at any time – Continuous feedback – Reduce risk of failures in production system – Rapid, reliable and repeatable automated processes
  • 22. Test Cases to be Automated ● HIGH RISK – Business critical test cases. ● Features tend to break frequently ● Repetitive tasks are good candidates for automation ● Test cases that are tedious or difficult to perform manually ● Test cases which are time consuming. ● Tests that use multiple data values for the same actions ● Smoke Tests
  • 23. Test Cases not suitable for Automation ● Test cases that are newly designed – Not executed manually at least once. ● Test cases for which the requirements are changing frequently. ● Usability testing – “How easy is the application to use?” ● One-time testing
  • 24. Testing Philosophy ● You don't have to write 1,000 tests ● The benefit of the tests scales very nicely. – 1,000 tests is good – 100 tests is also good – 10 tests is also good ● And even one test is better than no tests at all
  • 25. Testing Philosophy ● So don't start out by saying "Oh, I have to write 1,000 tests for this." ● Then you might not write any at all. ● Start by saying "I'll write one test". ● Then write it ● Then maybe write another one ● You will immediately see the benefit of having one test
  • 26. Conclusion ● Fix your test pyramid right ● Test maintenance is the king ● Run you tests frequently ● Importance players of successful test automation are right selection of tools, testing process and team. ● Manual testing is also important
  • 27. References [1]“GTAC 2013: Presentations - Google Test Automation Conference — Google Developers.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-Mar-2014]. [2]“Continuous Integration for Agile Project Managers (Part 3) | Mike CI blogs.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-Mar-2014]. [3]“All About Automated Testing.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-Mar-2014]. [4]“Writing Automated Tests.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-Mar-2014]. [5]“Continuous Integration.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-Mar-2014].