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How to Make Automation An
 Asset to the Organization

         Vipin Jain
Metacube Software, Jaipur, India

             QA&TEST 2012
    11th International Conference on
        Software QA and Testing
   October 17-19, 2012 • Bilbao Spain
• Software Testing is a process that consists of all test life cycle
  activities like static and dynamic testing concerned with planning,
  preparation and evaluation of software products to determine that
  the software products satisfy customers requirements and are fit for
  customers use.

• Software Testing is done to find software defects or failures in

• Software testing can also be stated as the process of validating and
  verifying that a software program/application/product:
   – Meets the business and technical requirements that guided its
      design and development.
   – Works as expected
Manual Testing
• Manual testing is the process of manually testing software for
  defects. It is a laborious activity that requires the tester to possess a
  certain set of qualities; to be patient, observant, speculative,
  creative, innovative, open-minded, resourceful, and skillful.

  Advantage of Manual Testing
• Running the test case is less cost than automation.
• It allows the tester to perform more Ad-hoc testing (1) (random
• More time for testing enables a tester to find more bugs.

  Disadvantage of Manual Testing
• Running tests manually can be very time consuming
• Each time there is a new build, the tester must re-run all required
  tests - which after a while would become very dull and tiresome.
Automation Testing
• Software test automation refers to the activities and efforts that
  intend to automate engineering tasks and operations in a software
  test process using well-defined strategies and systematic solutions.

• The major objectives of software test automation is to free engineers
  from tedious and redundant manual testing Operations.

• To speed up a software testing process, and to reduce software
  testing cost and time during a software life cycle

• To increase the quality and effectiveness of a software test process
  by achieving pre-defined adequate test criteria in a limited schedule

• The major key to the success of software automation is to use a
  systematic solution to achieve a better testing coverage.

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Top 5 Pitfalls of Test Automation and How To Avoid Them

The document discusses top pitfalls of test automation and how to avoid them. It identifies the top 5 pitfalls as: 1) diving into open source tools without preparation, 2) developing test scripts without standardization, 3) automating all test cases without prioritization, 4) choosing in-house testing over cloud options, and 5) assuming automation testing is not the tester's job. It provides guidance on how to effectively implement test automation by choosing the right tools, standardizing test development, prioritizing test cases, leveraging cloud options, and defining tester responsibilities.

Fundamentals of testing 1
Fundamentals of testing 1Fundamentals of testing 1
Fundamentals of testing 1

This document provides an overview of fundamentals of testing, including: 1. It discusses why testing is necessary due to the likelihood of faults in software and the potential harms and costs of failures. 2. Key terms related to defects are defined, including the differences between errors, faults, bugs, failures, and mistakes. 3. Testing principles are outlined, such as the impossibility of exhaustive testing, the need to prioritize based on risk, and the fact that testing can only find defects but not prove their absence. 4. Factors related to quality, reliability, and debugging are addressed in the context of testing.

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Kanoah Tests is a test management tool that integrates seamlessly with JIRA. It allows coordinating all test management activities like planning, authoring, execution, tracking and reporting from within JIRA. Key features include native JIRA integration, reusable test cases across projects, powerful REST API, and out-of-the-box reports for real-time insights. Reviews praise its simple and elegant solution for linking tests between projects without needing to learn new tools or switch contexts.

software testingchrometesting
Why Automation?
• Over the last decade, test automation has become a crucial part in
  the Test planning activities for various QA groups.

• A well written automated test suite is of enormous help in daily
  testing activities, especially in today’s agile world.

• With the Advent of Mobile technologies, a new dimension has been
  added in Software testing. There are millions of mobile applications
  flooding markets each day. They need to be tested effectively with
  shorter QA cycles. But, there are a billion combinations of hardware
  devices, OS’s, carriers, and networks today and traditional manual
  testing cannot cover all these scenarios – especially when the app
  to market life cycle has to be short. Automation is the need of the
Advantages of Automation

   Reliable1         Repeatable2     Programmable3

Comprehensive4        Reusable5           Fast6

          Better Quality
                            Cost Reduction8
Why it fails and
  what factors
contribute to its
Reasons for Failure
•   Management unwillingness for it – Be it lack of vision, cost associated or
    any other issue, management doesn’t often give a nod for it.

•   Lack of Vision - There is no clear vision behind what the automation will
    do, what we intend to achieve with it and what are the strategies to do this.

•   Time - No time to develop and maintain the automation scripts

•   Cost associated - We need the tools for it and we want management to
    assign the appropriate budget, but they are not interested.

•   Skills needed – The tool is new and appropriate training and time to master
    the tool are required.

•   Lack of Automation Matrix - There are no clear factors listed against which
    we measure our automation results to label it as success or failure

•   Automation engineers – There is no in-betweens Developers and QA
    Engineers. Developers demoted to "test development", can backfire, especially if
    they do NOT have the mindset of what they're testing for.

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This document discusses test driven development (TDD) and quality assurance practices for agile software development. It introduces Synerzip, an offshore software development partner, and describes their agile development lifecycle involving short iterations with user stories, estimation, testing, and customer approval. The benefits of practices like TDD, continuous integration, unit testing, and automation are outlined. Challenges with implementation and common mistakes are also discussed. Various testing methodologies and tools used in agile projects are defined.

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Software testing
Software testingSoftware testing
Software testing

This document discusses software testing. It defines software testing as an empirical investigation to provide information about product quality. Testing is important because all software has defects, is complex, and is created by humans. Various roles are involved in testing, including testers, developers, and users. An important part of testing is planning with test plans, scripts, and techniques like quick tests, negative testing, and integration testing. The document emphasizes the importance of finding defects early through a planned, systematic approach to testing.

qasoftware testingquality
Software testing axioms
Software testing axiomsSoftware testing axioms
Software testing axioms

The document discusses 9 axioms or principles of software testing: 1. It is impossible to completely test a program due to the huge number of possible inputs, outputs, and paths through the code. 2. Software testing is a risk-based exercise where testers must prioritize testing based on risk to avoid high cost failures while releasing on schedule. 3. Testing can find bugs but cannot prove their absence, as undiscovered bugs may still exist.

software testing axioms
What to Automate?
• Use cases that are fully developed and with clear understanding
  should be automated first
• Relatively stable areas of the application over volatile ones must be
• Automate the tests that are repetitive over multiple builds.
• Tests that tend to cause human error.
• Tests that require multiple data sets.
• Frequently used functionality that introduces high risk conditions.
• Manual tests that are virtually impossible to be carried out.
• Tests that involves a variety of different hardware or software
  platforms and configurations.
• Tests that take a lot of effort and time when testing manually
When should we do Automation?
• To get maximum benefit, automation testing should be started as
  early as possible. It should be run as often as needed. It’s a well
  known fact that the earlier testers get involved in the life cycle of the
  project, the better. Moreover , the more you test, the more bugs you

• Automated unit testing can be implemented on day one and then it
  should be grown into automated test suite.

• Always remember that bugs detected early are a lot cheaper to fix
  than those discovered later in production or deployment. Hence
  Start early.

A Software Test Automation Process

Test Automation

          Design Automation               Evaluate tools and select the
          Strategies & Solutions          best tool(s)

                           Develop & Implement Test
                           Automation Solutions

                                       Introduce and Deploy Test
                                       Automation Solutions

                                                      Review and Evaluate
                                                      Software Test Automation
Automation Myths/Realities
Test Plans covering all resource      No commercially available tool that
requirements, time needed and         can create a comprehensive test
strategy can be auto-generated.       plan.
Any application can be tested using No single test tool exists that can
the tool.                           be used to support all operating
                                    system environments.
It won’t take much time for testing   This will take a lot of time in
once automation is done.              running and maintaining and re-
An automation test tool is always     An automated tool requires new
easy to learn and use.                skills; therefore, additional training
                                      is required.
100% test coverage can be             Test coverage breadth and depth
achieved.                             can be increased but 100%
                                      exhaustive testing cannot be done.

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Building a Test Automation Strategy for Success
Building a Test Automation Strategy for SuccessBuilding a Test Automation Strategy for Success
Building a Test Automation Strategy for Success

Choosing an appropriate tool and building the right framework are typically thought of as the main challenges in implementing successful test automation. However, long term success requires that other key questions must be answered including: - What are our objectives? - How should we be organized? - Will our processes need to change? - Will our test environment support test automation? - What skills will we need? - How and when should we implement? In this workshop, Lee will discuss how to assess your test automation readiness and build a strategy for long term success. You will interactively walk through the assessment process and build a test automation strategy based on input from the group. Attend this workshop and you will take away a blue print and best practices for building an effective test automation strategy in your organization. • Understand the key aspects of a successful test automation function • Learn how to assess your test automation readiness • Develop a test automation strategy specific to your organization

test automationstrategy
Important skills a Tester should have
Important skills a Tester should haveImportant skills a Tester should have
Important skills a Tester should have

The document discusses important skills that software testers should have. It outlines several key skills: analytical and logical thinking to analyze problems and scenarios; strong communication and social skills to understand requirements and report issues; planning abilities to strategize test approaches; intellectual curiosity and creativity to thoroughly test applications; and a commitment to continuous learning as technologies evolve. The document provides explanations for why each of these skills is important for effective software testing.

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No more excuses QASymphony
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No more excuses QASymphony

This document promotes switching from Quality Center to qTest, citing several advantages of qTest for agile software testing. Quality Center is not well-suited for agile workflows, has poor usability and integration, and is very expensive. qTest is designed for agile teams, integrates seamlessly with popular agile tools, and provides better visibility, collaboration, and test case management capabilities. Migrating from Quality Center to qTest is straightforward and qTest users report improved efficiency and a better overall testing experience.

Automation Myths/Realities
All possible Input combinations can There are instances where it will
be tested using automation          take years to test all input
                                    combinations. 1
All possible paths can be traversed Research shows there are
using automation.                   instances when possible paths are
                                    in Millions and more. 2
Automation is just record/capture       Is it? Not at all. Try changing id of
and play back                           one control on the page and run
                                        your script.
I won’t require a specialist for that   It’s a special task, which is a mix of
                                        programming, knowledge of tool
                                        and understanding of application.
                                        Not every tester can do this.
Then what should I do to reap benefits
    from my automation efforts?
Let’s begin !!!
• Identify the interfaces our tooling need to interface with. For
  instance, are we going to drive a browser, are we send
  webservices requests and validate the responses, are we
  validating email notifications, database validations, or
  document or image validations etc.
• Did the QA or DEV develop any tool/libraries that we can use?
• What is the focus on? Is it automating new functionality tests
  (a challenge with agile development) or catching up with
  regression tests (when there are several years of
  development with very little focus on automating).
• Which test case tracking system our automated tests need to
  be integrated with.
• What is the triggering mechanism for these tests and when?
• Who need to contribute to the test scripts development? QA,
  Dev or both?
The Initial Plan
• People make mistakes when they try to build an elaborate solution
  that attempts to achieve all requirements at once.

• People plan for results but do not plan for the ways to achieve this.
  It’s necessary to understand what you eventually want to achieve
  through automation, but to get there, plan to have your Test
  automation development as an iterative process.

• Try to first figure out solving which problem would give you the
  biggest bang for your buck. E.g. Building the Build Acceptance tests
  and automatically running them with, at every check-in, or at code
  deployment on a QA system, ends up being a good choice as the
  first goal. After that you can always build upon your successes.

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Software Testing Basic Concepts
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Software Testing Basic Concepts

The document discusses testing concepts such as code with tests vs without tests, test-oriented development, and different types of testing including unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing. It provides examples of test-driven development (TDD) and behavior-driven development (BDD) processes. The document also discusses tips for testing, including only testing what is necessary and identifying the appropriate types of testing for an application. Frameworks and tools for test automation and continuous integration are also mentioned.

Agile QA Process
Agile QA ProcessAgile QA Process
Agile QA Process

After doing testing on multiple Agile projects, I have come to realize certain aspects about the process and techniques that are common across projects. Some things I have learned along the way, some, by reflection on the mistakes / sub-optimal things that I did. I have written and published my thoughts around the "Agile QA Process", more particularly what techniques can be used to test effectively in the Iterations.

Testing concept definition
Testing concept definitionTesting concept definition
Testing concept definition

The document discusses various types of software testing concepts including manual vs automated testing, test beds, test data, positive and negative test cases, defect priority and severity levels, test plans, security and recovery testing, and more. It provides definitions and explanations of these key testing concepts.

Technology choices
• Identify your goals and what resources you have to achieve
  them, then the technology choices become a lot simpler. For
  instance, if you intend to use APIs created by the development team
  or if they are directly contributing to the solution, then often the
  programming/ scripting language choice needs to be something
  developers are comfortable with. If you are working in a java shop,
  you can’t expect the developers to create VBScript libraries to be
  used in QTP. Several tools these days, like Selenium and Fitnesse
  support multiple language choices.

• Once you narrow down on the tools that fit the requirements, the
  next steps are to start evaluating and prototyping them using a
  few simple test cases.
Which tool should I use?
Commercial solutions

              Pros                             Cons
Published feature road maps   Vendor lock-in

Institutionalized support     Lack of interoperability with other
Stability (whether real       Lack of control over improvements
or perceived)
                              Licensing costs and restrictions
Which tool should I use?
Open Source solutions

                  Pros                                 Cons

No licensing fees, maintenance, or         The downsides of commercial
restrictions                               tools might be applied to some
                                           open-source projects, but the
Free and efficient support (though varied) advantages of leveraging the
                                           open-source community and its
Platform portability
                                           efforts are holding sway with
Modifiable and adaptable to suit your      more and more companies.
Comparatively lightweight

Not tied to a single vendor
Which tool should I use?
In-House solutions

               Pros                                 Cons

 No licensing fees, maintenance, or This involves a complete product
 restrictions                       development life cycle leading to time
                                    and resources requirement.
 Free and efficient support         The financial aspects associated with
(though varied)                     its development makes organization
                                    skeptical of its use.
 Platform portability               Maintenance is costly as it need to be
                                    adjusted with changing requirements.
 Modifiable and adaptable to suit   Management needs to be patient with
Your needs                          it.
 Comparatively lightweight

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Pairwise testing
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Pairwise testing

In computer science, all-pairs testing or pairwise testing is a combinatorial method of software testing that, for each pair of input parameters to a system (typically, a software algorithm), tests all possible discrete combinations of those parameters.

ISTQB - CTFL Summary v1.0
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ISTQB - CTFL Summary v1.0

Testing is necessary for software systems to ensure reliability, manage costs, and reduce risks. It is impossible to exhaustively test a system, so testing aims to detect defects and measure quality. Testing alone cannot improve quality but can identify issues to address. Different testing types exist for various stages, including unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing, and both black-box and white-box techniques are used. Rigorous planning, design, execution and tracking of test cases and results is needed. While testing shows defects, debugging is then needed to identify and address the root causes.

How to Design a Successful Test Automation Strategy
How to Design a Successful Test Automation Strategy How to Design a Successful Test Automation Strategy
How to Design a Successful Test Automation Strategy

This document discusses designing an effective test automation strategy. It notes that current testing processes often lack sufficient test coverage and ROI turns negative. It emphasizes defining the proper scope and selecting an automation solution that can cover that scope. The document then introduces iLeap 2.0, an automation platform from Impetus Technologies that integrates open-source frameworks and tools to automate functional, API/web service, and security testing according to best practices. iLeap 2.0 is said to improve test coverage and maximize ROI.

Criteria in Finding & Evaluating tools

 Simple installation/un-          Comprehensive and complete
 installation of the product      documentation. Regularly
                                  maintained with code changes

 Configurability—the ability to   Strong Support Team, 24x7
 be adapted to each evaluation    availability and online
 activity 1                       forums/user groups

 Expandability – The tool         Tool should be extensible and
 should support various           flexible to deal with new objects
 infrastructures and apps 2       in the new architectures
                                  developed as part of revisions. 3
Using Coding Standards in
          Automated Software Testing
• Automated software testing efforts can fail if the software
  development doesn't take into account the automated testing
  technologies or framework in place.

• There should be provisions kept for automation and resources
  should be assigned to it

• Changes made in application code will force changes in automated
  software testing scripts and hence developers can contribute to the
  success of automated testing efforts if they consider the impacts on
  them when making code or technology changes.
Using Coding Standards in Automated
     Software Testing - Guidelines
• Build testability into the application – Make your application
• Design to facilitate automation tool recognition of objects: All
  objects should be uniquely named, consider various
  platforms—client/server, Web, etc.—and GUI/interface testing
  considerations, such as in the case of Windows development,
  for example, within the Windows architecture.
• Don't change the object names without automated software
  testing considerations.
• Follow standard development practices; for example, maintain
  a consistent tab sequence.
• Follow techniques, such as the library concept of code reuse,
  i.e., reusing existing already tested components, as
Thank You!

         Vipin Jain
  Sr. Software Test Lead,
Metacube software, India

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This is a free module from my course ISTQB CTFL Agile Tester revised to 2014 syllabus. If you need full training feel free to contact me by email ( or by mobile (+201223600207).

Fundamentals of Testing 2
Fundamentals of Testing 2Fundamentals of Testing 2
Fundamentals of Testing 2

This document provides an overview of fundamentals of software testing. It discusses the five parts of the fundamental test process in broad chronological order: planning and control, analysis and design, implementation and execution, evaluating exit criteria and reporting, and test closure activities. It also covers topics like regression testing, confirmation testing, the differences between re-testing and regression testing, and the importance of independence in testing.

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How to make Automation an asset for Organization

  • 1. How to Make Automation An Asset to the Organization Vipin Jain Metacube Software, Jaipur, India QA&TEST 2012 11th International Conference on Software QA and Testing October 17-19, 2012 • Bilbao Spain
  • 2. Introduction • Software Testing is a process that consists of all test life cycle activities like static and dynamic testing concerned with planning, preparation and evaluation of software products to determine that the software products satisfy customers requirements and are fit for customers use. • Software Testing is done to find software defects or failures in advance. • Software testing can also be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software program/application/product: – Meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and development. – Works as expected
  • 3. Manual Testing • Manual testing is the process of manually testing software for defects. It is a laborious activity that requires the tester to possess a certain set of qualities; to be patient, observant, speculative, creative, innovative, open-minded, resourceful, and skillful. Advantage of Manual Testing • Running the test case is less cost than automation. • It allows the tester to perform more Ad-hoc testing (1) (random testing). • More time for testing enables a tester to find more bugs. Disadvantage of Manual Testing • Running tests manually can be very time consuming • Each time there is a new build, the tester must re-run all required tests - which after a while would become very dull and tiresome.
  • 4. Automation Testing • Software test automation refers to the activities and efforts that intend to automate engineering tasks and operations in a software test process using well-defined strategies and systematic solutions. • The major objectives of software test automation is to free engineers from tedious and redundant manual testing Operations. • To speed up a software testing process, and to reduce software testing cost and time during a software life cycle • To increase the quality and effectiveness of a software test process by achieving pre-defined adequate test criteria in a limited schedule • The major key to the success of software automation is to use a systematic solution to achieve a better testing coverage.
  • 5. Why Automation? • Over the last decade, test automation has become a crucial part in the Test planning activities for various QA groups. • A well written automated test suite is of enormous help in daily testing activities, especially in today’s agile world. • With the Advent of Mobile technologies, a new dimension has been added in Software testing. There are millions of mobile applications flooding markets each day. They need to be tested effectively with shorter QA cycles. But, there are a billion combinations of hardware devices, OS’s, carriers, and networks today and traditional manual testing cannot cover all these scenarios – especially when the app to market life cycle has to be short. Automation is the need of the hour.
  • 6. Advantages of Automation Reliable1 Repeatable2 Programmable3 Comprehensive4 Reusable5 Fast6 Better Quality Cost Reduction8 Software7
  • 7. Why it fails and what factors contribute to its failure?
  • 8. Reasons for Failure • Management unwillingness for it – Be it lack of vision, cost associated or any other issue, management doesn’t often give a nod for it. • Lack of Vision - There is no clear vision behind what the automation will do, what we intend to achieve with it and what are the strategies to do this. • Time - No time to develop and maintain the automation scripts • Cost associated - We need the tools for it and we want management to assign the appropriate budget, but they are not interested. • Skills needed – The tool is new and appropriate training and time to master the tool are required. • Lack of Automation Matrix - There are no clear factors listed against which we measure our automation results to label it as success or failure • Automation engineers – There is no in-betweens Developers and QA Engineers. Developers demoted to "test development", can backfire, especially if they do NOT have the mindset of what they're testing for.
  • 9. What to Automate? • Use cases that are fully developed and with clear understanding should be automated first • Relatively stable areas of the application over volatile ones must be automated. • Automate the tests that are repetitive over multiple builds. • Tests that tend to cause human error. • Tests that require multiple data sets. • Frequently used functionality that introduces high risk conditions. • Manual tests that are virtually impossible to be carried out. • Tests that involves a variety of different hardware or software platforms and configurations. • Tests that take a lot of effort and time when testing manually
  • 10. When should we do Automation? • To get maximum benefit, automation testing should be started as early as possible. It should be run as often as needed. It’s a well known fact that the earlier testers get involved in the life cycle of the project, the better. Moreover , the more you test, the more bugs you find. • Automated unit testing can be implemented on day one and then it should be grown into automated test suite. • Always remember that bugs detected early are a lot cheaper to fix than those discovered later in production or deployment. Hence Start early. TEST EARLY AND TEST OFTEN
  • 11. A Software Test Automation Process Test Automation Planning Design Automation Evaluate tools and select the Strategies & Solutions best tool(s) Develop & Implement Test Automation Solutions Introduce and Deploy Test Automation Solutions Review and Evaluate Software Test Automation
  • 12. Automation Myths/Realities Test Plans covering all resource No commercially available tool that requirements, time needed and can create a comprehensive test strategy can be auto-generated. plan. Any application can be tested using No single test tool exists that can the tool. be used to support all operating system environments. It won’t take much time for testing This will take a lot of time in once automation is done. running and maintaining and re- running. An automation test tool is always An automated tool requires new easy to learn and use. skills; therefore, additional training is required. 100% test coverage can be Test coverage breadth and depth achieved. can be increased but 100% exhaustive testing cannot be done.
  • 13. Automation Myths/Realities All possible Input combinations can There are instances where it will be tested using automation take years to test all input combinations. 1 All possible paths can be traversed Research shows there are using automation. instances when possible paths are in Millions and more. 2 Automation is just record/capture Is it? Not at all. Try changing id of and play back one control on the page and run your script. I won’t require a specialist for that It’s a special task, which is a mix of programming, knowledge of tool and understanding of application. Not every tester can do this.
  • 14. Then what should I do to reap benefits from my automation efforts?
  • 15. Let’s begin !!! • Identify the interfaces our tooling need to interface with. For instance, are we going to drive a browser, are we send webservices requests and validate the responses, are we validating email notifications, database validations, or document or image validations etc. • Did the QA or DEV develop any tool/libraries that we can use? • What is the focus on? Is it automating new functionality tests (a challenge with agile development) or catching up with regression tests (when there are several years of development with very little focus on automating). • Which test case tracking system our automated tests need to be integrated with. • What is the triggering mechanism for these tests and when? • Who need to contribute to the test scripts development? QA, Dev or both?
  • 16. The Initial Plan • People make mistakes when they try to build an elaborate solution that attempts to achieve all requirements at once. • People plan for results but do not plan for the ways to achieve this. It’s necessary to understand what you eventually want to achieve through automation, but to get there, plan to have your Test automation development as an iterative process. • Try to first figure out solving which problem would give you the biggest bang for your buck. E.g. Building the Build Acceptance tests and automatically running them with, at every check-in, or at code deployment on a QA system, ends up being a good choice as the first goal. After that you can always build upon your successes.
  • 17. Technology choices • Identify your goals and what resources you have to achieve them, then the technology choices become a lot simpler. For instance, if you intend to use APIs created by the development team or if they are directly contributing to the solution, then often the programming/ scripting language choice needs to be something developers are comfortable with. If you are working in a java shop, you can’t expect the developers to create VBScript libraries to be used in QTP. Several tools these days, like Selenium and Fitnesse support multiple language choices. • Once you narrow down on the tools that fit the requirements, the next steps are to start evaluating and prototyping them using a few simple test cases.
  • 18. Which tool should I use? Commercial solutions Pros Cons Published feature road maps Vendor lock-in Institutionalized support Lack of interoperability with other products Stability (whether real Lack of control over improvements or perceived) Licensing costs and restrictions
  • 19. Which tool should I use? Open Source solutions Pros Cons No licensing fees, maintenance, or The downsides of commercial restrictions tools might be applied to some open-source projects, but the Free and efficient support (though varied) advantages of leveraging the open-source community and its Platform portability efforts are holding sway with Modifiable and adaptable to suit your more and more companies. needs Comparatively lightweight Not tied to a single vendor
  • 20. Which tool should I use? In-House solutions Pros Cons No licensing fees, maintenance, or This involves a complete product restrictions development life cycle leading to time and resources requirement. Free and efficient support The financial aspects associated with (though varied) its development makes organization skeptical of its use. Platform portability Maintenance is costly as it need to be adjusted with changing requirements. Modifiable and adaptable to suit Management needs to be patient with Your needs it. Comparatively lightweight
  • 21. Criteria in Finding & Evaluating tools Simple installation/un- Comprehensive and complete installation of the product documentation. Regularly maintained with code changes Configurability—the ability to Strong Support Team, 24x7 be adapted to each evaluation availability and online activity 1 forums/user groups Expandability – The tool Tool should be extensible and should support various flexible to deal with new objects infrastructures and apps 2 in the new architectures developed as part of revisions. 3
  • 22. Using Coding Standards in Automated Software Testing • Automated software testing efforts can fail if the software development doesn't take into account the automated testing technologies or framework in place. • There should be provisions kept for automation and resources should be assigned to it • Changes made in application code will force changes in automated software testing scripts and hence developers can contribute to the success of automated testing efforts if they consider the impacts on them when making code or technology changes.
  • 23. Using Coding Standards in Automated Software Testing - Guidelines • Build testability into the application – Make your application testable. • Design to facilitate automation tool recognition of objects: All objects should be uniquely named, consider various platforms—client/server, Web, etc.—and GUI/interface testing considerations, such as in the case of Windows development, for example, within the Windows architecture. • Don't change the object names without automated software testing considerations. • Follow standard development practices; for example, maintain a consistent tab sequence. • Follow techniques, such as the library concept of code reuse, i.e., reusing existing already tested components, as applicable.
  • 24. Thank You! Vipin Jain Sr. Software Test Lead, Metacube software, India

Editor's Notes

  1. There are various definitions given for software testing by various authors. This definition has been taken from Wikipedia.
  2. (1) More bugs are found via Ad-hoc testing than via automation
  3. 1. Reliable: Tests perform precisely the same operations each time they are run, thereby eliminating human error.Reduce manual software testing operations and eliminate redundant testing efforts.2. Repeatable: You can test how the software reacts under repeated execution of the same operations. 3.Programmable: You can program sophisticated tests that bring out hidden information from the application. 4. Comprehensive: You can build a suite of tests that covers every feature in your application. 5. Reusable: You can reuse tests on different versions of an application, even if the user interface changes. 6. Better Quality Software: Because you can run more tests in less time with fewer resources 7. Fast: Automated Tools run tests significantly faster than human users. 8. Cost Reduction: Automation can help to detect defects early in the QA cycle, saving a lot of cost and effort early on. As the number of resources for regression test are reduced cost reduces.
  4. the test of a function that handles the verification of a user password. Each user on a computer system has a six to eight character long password, where each character is an uppercase letter or a digit. Each password must contain at least one digit. According to Kenneth H. Rosen in Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, there are 2,684,483,063,360 possible variations of passwords. Even if it were possible to create a test procedure each minute, or 60 test procedures per hour, equaling 480 test procedures per day, it would still take 155 years to prepare and execute a complete test.The format of telephone numbers in North America is specified by a numbering plan. A telephone number consists of ten digits, which are split into a three-digit area code, a three-digit office code, and a four-digit station code. Because of signaling considerations, there are certain restrictions on some of these digits. A quick calculation shows that in this example 6,400,000,000 different numbers are available—and this is only the valid numbers; the number will be huge if you consider the invalid numbers as well.
  5. As far as developers demoted to "test development", I think it can backfire, especially if the test developer does NOT have the mindset of what they're testing for. Let's face it! Testing is NOT a mindless task. It takes thought and the right mindset to come up with a good group of test cases. The only suggestion I can come up with for this case is to have a happy in between: Have the test architect build a framework that is intuitive enough that a test engineer can quickly build scripts from it. Of course, all this TAKES work and the automation framework requires time and effort to maintain.
  6. Often people want to talk about tooling when they want to start automating but only once you understand what your goals are and what resources you have to achieve them, the technology choices become a lot simpler. For instance, if you intend to use APIs created by the development team or if they are directly contributing to the solution, then often the programming/ scripting language choice needs to be something developers are comfortable with. If you are working in a java shop, you can’t expect the developers to create VBScript libraries to be used in QTP. Several tools these days, like Selenium and Fitnesse support multiple language choices.
  7. 1. Configurability—the ability to be adapted to each evaluation activity; refers to how easy it is to set up each new evaluation project 2. Expandability—whether the tool suite works on various applications and infrastructures 3. Extensibility and technology lag—all commercial tools will eventually experience a technology lag behind the architectures they are targeted to support. When new development architectures are revised to add new features for software developers, there is a good chance that test automation tools may not recognize new objects. Therefore, it is important to evaluate tool extensibility and/or flexibility when dealing with new objects.