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UX Tips to Design Better Online Forms
Ux tips to design better online forms
In the era of digitalization, where technology is constantly booming, the service
process and collecting data becomes vital. Offline forms are there in the
industry for a long time now. Digitalization is making the process and services
faster, but what about online forms?
Forms are the necessary medium for accumulating data. Often the online forms
are tedious and result in decreasing completion rates.
This blog will help you understand the UX behind designing a form.
The pleasurable UX behind a form lies in understanding the needs and giving
attention to the minute details.
Our aim should be to create an effortless interface with clear labels and the
most appropriate input field to reduce the effort and cognitive load of the user.
Implementing design heuristics like Visibility of status, user’s freedom,
consistency; will help you to build a brilliant design and make you understand
the reasons behind the form’s UX.
There are a few components and basic elements of forms that you should keep
in mind while designing forms:
The Inputs
Design heuristics: Visibility of System Status/Error Recovering and Error
The main function of a form is gathering required data and the best way to
gather data is through input fields. Input fields mainly have 3 basic elements;
text field, the label, and error message (if any).

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1) The document outlines the typical process a UX design team follows which includes research, brainstorming, design, and usability testing. 2) During the research phase, the team gathers data through interviews and observations to understand user needs and pain points. 3) In the brainstorming phase, they generate design solutions like mental models, journey maps, and prototypes. 4) The design phase involves creating wireframes, prototypes, and considering information architecture and interfaces. 5) Usability testing ensures the design is intuitive by testing with users through methods like usability tests and A/B testing.

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The document discusses conventions and expectations for website design. It explains that users expect websites to work in predictable ways, so conventions have developed over time through cultural norms, technology limitations, familiarity from other media, ease of use, advertising, common platforms, and trends. It then outlines some basic components that are found on most websites, such as a header, feature area, body/content, sidebar, and footer. Finally, it discusses the standard web development process and where graphic/UI designers fit within the planning and design stages.

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While putting these elements together we should always prioritize the needed
information and give the user the freedom to undo the errors.
Labels and Placeholders:
Replacing placeholders with labels in a form field makes it difficult for the users
to remember what information goes in the field and it decreases the possibility
of recovering errors and checking them. It also adds a burden on users with
visual and cognitive impairments.
Labels are not helpful texts. Using short, descriptive labels (a word or two)
allows users to quickly scan the form.
It is good to put labels on the top as it helps the user to go in a flow and
supports responsive design.
Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, and Dropdown
Using radio buttons, checkboxes, and dropdowns as input fields increase the
efficiency of filling the forms and provides flexibility to the designer. Radio
buttons can be used for inputs where only one specific answer can be selected,
for example, gender fields. Checkboxes are used in places like agreeing to an
agreement, giving users a choice of undo and redo. Dropdowns are preferred
when there are more than 5 or 6 options to select from.
Group Related information
Design heuristics: Match between system and the real world
Long forms, with many fields, can feel overwhelming. By creating groups, the
form will look neater, and it's better with the user experience point of view.
Creating logical groups helps the user to interpret what is being asked in the
form faster. Grouping related fields together also help users to make sense of
the information that they must fill in. For example, the name, email ID, a Mobile
number can be in personal details, and street, city, PIN code can be added in
address details.
Error State and Status
Design heuristics: Error Recovering and Error Prevention
Error visibility is the most crucial element of the form. We should keep our
requirements clean and clear so we can prevent possible errors. The error
messages should be prominent and simple to comprehend. The errors fields
should always be easy to locate and we need to make sure the users don’t get
We can warn users of a few specific fields to fulfill the requirement and prevent
possible errors. For example, a password needs to have a certain number of
characters and combine both numbers and letters, let the user know. You can
include ways to show how strong the password is as they enter it.
The CTA’s
Design heuristics: Visibility of System Status/User control
Visual weight
Giving a distinguished visual weight to action buttons has a significant impact
on the users. The button with heavier visual elements becomes more
prominent and attracts more attention.

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CHAPTER 8 User Interface Design Chapter 8 is the first of three chapters in the systems design phase of the SDLC. This chapter explains how to design an effective user interface, and how to handle data security and control issues. The chapter stresses the importance of user feedback and involvement in all design decisions. OBJECTIVES When you finish this chapter, you will be able to: · Explain the concept of user interface design and human-computer interaction, including basic principles of user-centered design · Explain how experienced interface designers perform their tasks · Describe rules for successful interface design · Discuss input and output technology issues · Design effective source documents and forms · Explain printed output guidelines · Describe output and input controls and security · Explain modular design and prototyping techniques INTRODUCTION User interface design is the first task in the systems design phase of the SDLC. Designing the interface is extremely important because everyone wants a system that is easy to learn and use. After discussing the user interface, human-computer interaction, and interface design rules, the chapter describes output, data security and control issues, prototyping, and the next steps in the systems design process. PREVIEW CASE: Mountain View College Bookstore Background: Wendy Lee, manager of college services at Mountain View College, wants a new information system that will improve efficiency and customer service at the three college bookstores. In this part of the case, Tina Allen (systems analyst) and David Conroe (student intern) are talking about user interface design issues. Participants: Tina and David Location: Mountain View College Cafeteria, Monday afternoon, November 25, 2013 Project status: Tina and David have examined development strategies for the new bookstore system. After performing cost-benefit analysis, they recommended in-house development of the new bookstore system. Now they are ready to begin the systems design phase by working on user interface design for the new system. Discussion topics: User interface design concepts and principles Tina: Hi, David. Ready to start work on user interface design? David: Sure. Will we start with output because it’s important to users? Tina: Output is very important, but the most important issue for users is the interface itself. For example, is it easy to learn? Is it easy to work with? We’ll try to design everything — output, input, and all the other elements — from a user’s point of view. David: How do we do that? Tina: Well, many sources of information about effective design concepts and principles are available. We’ll study those, and then ask our own users for their input and suggestions. David: What about input and data entry? Tina: Good question, You’ve heard the old saying, “garbage in, garbage out.” User interface principles apply to user input generally, but repetitive data entry deserves special attention. We need to creat ...

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Clear and Actionable CTAs
A good CTA button isn’t just about asking users which action they will be
performing. It’s about making the actions clearer for the users and making them
feel confident about the next step. That’s why it’s so important to have a clear
CTA for every step. An explicit CTA gives users more confidence in selecting
the correct action.
Making the main action of the form more prominent than secondary action can
avoid mistakes.
Exclude the unwanted fields
Always be open to finding creative ways to have only the minimum number of
fields visible. Remove optional fields and think of other ways to collect data.
Understanding if the question can be inferred, postponed, or completely
excluded. First, eliminate as many optional fields as possible. If some fields
truly are necessary clearly label them as optional. Limit the form to only 1 or 2
optional fields.
Communicate the Next Step clearly
The user needs to know what is happening or how many steps are remaining to
finish the form and submit it. The visibility status motivates them to finish the
form and proceed ahead. Often using steppers helps them to know at what
stage they are on and what will be the next step for them. Steppers can be well
defined giving clarity to the users. Here having a clearly defined CTA helps the
user to not feel anxious while making a payment or proceeding ahead to the
next time.
Clear and defined CTA boosts their confidence in the form-filling process.
Forms are often a tedious task to fill. Designing them isn’t fun but when done
with a lot of attention and details it can make a huge difference in the UX of any
Communicating clearly defined call to action, giving hints to the user through
warnings and placeholders, and offering auto-complete. We, as designers
should always keep looking for new ways to optimize the efforts and provide a
seamless experience to the users.

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User interface design aims to create systems that are usable and adaptable to changing user needs. Good UI design considers principles of layout, color theory, and negative space while ensuring visibility of system status and directing attention to important elements. Forms and input fields should be automatically focused to improve usability. Error messages should be polite, consistent, and constructive based on the user's background and experience.

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- The document discusses two proposed features for e-commerce websites: Typo-Sensitive Search (TSS) and Product Satisfaction Meter (PSM). TSS would make searches more forgiving of typos, while PSM would display average satisfaction levels for products on search pages. - A briefing is provided for the technical team on incorporating these features. The briefing covers implications for UI/UX, customer service, payments, security and shipping. TSS is prioritized for initial implementation to minimize errors and unwanted search results.

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Ux tips to design better online forms

  • 1. UX Tips to Design Better Online Forms
  • 3. In the era of digitalization, where technology is constantly booming, the service process and collecting data becomes vital. Offline forms are there in the industry for a long time now. Digitalization is making the process and services faster, but what about online forms? Forms are the necessary medium for accumulating data. Often the online forms are tedious and result in decreasing completion rates. This blog will help you understand the UX behind designing a form. The pleasurable UX behind a form lies in understanding the needs and giving attention to the minute details. Our aim should be to create an effortless interface with clear labels and the most appropriate input field to reduce the effort and cognitive load of the user.
  • 4. Implementing design heuristics like Visibility of status, user’s freedom, consistency; will help you to build a brilliant design and make you understand the reasons behind the form’s UX. There are a few components and basic elements of forms that you should keep in mind while designing forms: The Inputs Design heuristics: Visibility of System Status/Error Recovering and Error Prevention The main function of a form is gathering required data and the best way to gather data is through input fields. Input fields mainly have 3 basic elements; text field, the label, and error message (if any).
  • 5. While putting these elements together we should always prioritize the needed information and give the user the freedom to undo the errors. Labels and Placeholders: Replacing placeholders with labels in a form field makes it difficult for the users to remember what information goes in the field and it decreases the possibility of recovering errors and checking them. It also adds a burden on users with visual and cognitive impairments. Labels are not helpful texts. Using short, descriptive labels (a word or two) allows users to quickly scan the form. It is good to put labels on the top as it helps the user to go in a flow and supports responsive design.
  • 6. Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, and Dropdown Using radio buttons, checkboxes, and dropdowns as input fields increase the efficiency of filling the forms and provides flexibility to the designer. Radio buttons can be used for inputs where only one specific answer can be selected, for example, gender fields. Checkboxes are used in places like agreeing to an agreement, giving users a choice of undo and redo. Dropdowns are preferred when there are more than 5 or 6 options to select from. Group Related information Design heuristics: Match between system and the real world Long forms, with many fields, can feel overwhelming. By creating groups, the form will look neater, and it's better with the user experience point of view.
  • 7. Creating logical groups helps the user to interpret what is being asked in the form faster. Grouping related fields together also help users to make sense of the information that they must fill in. For example, the name, email ID, a Mobile number can be in personal details, and street, city, PIN code can be added in address details. Error State and Status Design heuristics: Error Recovering and Error Prevention Error visibility is the most crucial element of the form. We should keep our requirements clean and clear so we can prevent possible errors. The error messages should be prominent and simple to comprehend. The errors fields should always be easy to locate and we need to make sure the users don’t get
  • 8. We can warn users of a few specific fields to fulfill the requirement and prevent possible errors. For example, a password needs to have a certain number of characters and combine both numbers and letters, let the user know. You can include ways to show how strong the password is as they enter it. The CTA’s Design heuristics: Visibility of System Status/User control Visual weight Giving a distinguished visual weight to action buttons has a significant impact on the users. The button with heavier visual elements becomes more prominent and attracts more attention.
  • 9. Clear and Actionable CTAs A good CTA button isn’t just about asking users which action they will be performing. It’s about making the actions clearer for the users and making them feel confident about the next step. That’s why it’s so important to have a clear CTA for every step. An explicit CTA gives users more confidence in selecting the correct action. Making the main action of the form more prominent than secondary action can avoid mistakes. Exclude the unwanted fields Always be open to finding creative ways to have only the minimum number of fields visible. Remove optional fields and think of other ways to collect data.
  • 10. Understanding if the question can be inferred, postponed, or completely excluded. First, eliminate as many optional fields as possible. If some fields truly are necessary clearly label them as optional. Limit the form to only 1 or 2 optional fields. Communicate the Next Step clearly The user needs to know what is happening or how many steps are remaining to finish the form and submit it. The visibility status motivates them to finish the form and proceed ahead. Often using steppers helps them to know at what stage they are on and what will be the next step for them. Steppers can be well defined giving clarity to the users. Here having a clearly defined CTA helps the user to not feel anxious while making a payment or proceeding ahead to the next time.
  • 11. Clear and defined CTA boosts their confidence in the form-filling process. Conclusion Forms are often a tedious task to fill. Designing them isn’t fun but when done with a lot of attention and details it can make a huge difference in the UX of any service. Communicating clearly defined call to action, giving hints to the user through warnings and placeholders, and offering auto-complete. We, as designers should always keep looking for new ways to optimize the efforts and provide a seamless experience to the users.