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Richie Jose1, Gun Lee2, Mark Billinghurst2
1HIT Lab NZ, University of Canterbury
2Empathic Computing Lab, Univ. of South Australia
November 30th 2016
OzCHI 2016
AR for In-Car Navigation
Windshield Display (HUD)
Console Display (HDD)
Head Mounted
Display (HMD)
Interface Trade-Offs
•  Head Down Display
•  Doesn’t obstruct view
•  Clear virtual image
•  Eyes move off the road
•  Head Up Display
•  Large field of view
•  Reduces eye time off road
•  Obstruction of real world
•  Head Mounted Display
•  Information always in view
•  Blocks driver view
Comparative Studies
• Which AR interface is best for drivers?
•  HUD AR vs. HDD AR
•  Many studies
•  HUD users more time with eyes on road
•  Faster reaction time, fewer driver errors
•  HDD AR vs. HDD non-AR
•  AR HDD more understandable
•  HDD AR vs. HUD AR vs. HMD AR
•  No comparative studies

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This document discusses various techniques for prototyping augmented reality interfaces, including sketching, storyboarding, wireframing, mockups, and video prototyping. Low-fidelity techniques like sketching and paper prototyping allow for rapid iteration and exploring interactions at early stages. Higher-fidelity techniques like interactive mockups and video prototypes communicate the look and feel of the final product and allow for user testing. A variety of tools are presented for different stages of prototyping, from sketching and interactive modeling in VR, to scene assembly using drag-and-drop tools, to final mockups using design software. Case studies demonstrate applying these techniques from initial concepts through to higher-fidelity prototypes. Overall the document

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Yogesh Baisla's seminar presentation provided an overview of augmented reality (AR). AR superimposes digitally rendered images onto the real world using markers recognized by mobile apps. The seminar discussed the history of AR from the 1960s, how it works technically, main applications like medical, manufacturing, and entertainment. It also compared AR to virtual reality, described implementation frameworks using off-the-shelf hardware and software, reviewed advantages like increased knowledge but also disadvantages like privacy issues. The seminar concluded AR has potential to enhance our lives but also faces challenges like technological limitations and social acceptance.

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Grand Challenges for Mixed Reality

Guest lecture on Grand Challenges for Mixed Reality. Taught by Mark Billinghurst on October 19th 2021 at the University of Canterbury

virtual realityaugmented realitymixed reality
Simulated AR Driving Interface
•  DK-1 HMD, steering wheel
•  3D city model
•  Driving simulation
•  Simulated AR interface
•  direction, speed, gear
Simulated Interfaces
•  safs
Windshield - HUD
Console - HDD
Wearable Computer - HMD
Demo: AR HUD
Demo: AR HDD

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Concept of Virtual reality Virtual Reality Components of VR System, Types of VR System, 3D Position Trackers, Navigation and Manipulation Interfaces Visual computation in virtual reality Augmented Reality Application of VR

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Lecture 12 in the COMP 4010 course on AR/VR. This lecture was about research directions in AR/VR and in particular display research. This was taught by Mark Billinghurst on September 26th 2021 at the University of South Australia.

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Comp4010 Lecture4 AR Tracking and Interaction
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Comp4010 Lecture4 AR Tracking and Interaction

Lecture 4 from the COMP 4010 course on AR/VR. This lecture reviews optical tracking for AR and starts discussion about interaction techniques. This was taught by Mark Billinghurst at the University of South Australia on August 17th 2021.

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Demo: AR HMD
Experiment Design
• Participants
•  18 participants (14 male) aged 20 - 35 years (Mean: 25.5 yrs)
• Participants drive path performing three tasks:
1.  Follow navigational instructions on the display
2.  Keep to the speed limit of 60km/h
3.  Look around for virtual characters in the scene
• Conditions
•  HUD vs. HDD vs. HMD
•  Within subjects design
Experimental Measures
• Objective
•  Number of navigational errors
•  Number of wrong turns make
•  Time driving over speed limit
•  Number of characters spotted (out of 20)
• Subjective
•  Questionnaire on comfort, usability and efficiency
•  Rank the three conditions based on user preference
Subjective Questionnaire
•  Likert scale - 1 (totally disagree) to 7 (totally agree)

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This document discusses augmented reality technology and visual tracking methods. It covers how humans perceive reality through their senses like sight, hearing, touch, etc. and how virtual reality systems use input and output devices. There are different types of visual tracking including marker-based tracking using artificial markers, markerless tracking using natural features, and simultaneous localization and mapping which builds a model of the environment while tracking. Common tracking technologies involve optical, magnetic, ultrasonic, and inertial sensors. Optical tracking in augmented reality uses computer vision techniques like feature detection and matching.

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Lecture 1 of the COMP 4010 course on Augmented and Virtual Reality. Taught by Mark Billinghurst, Bruce Thomas and Gun Lee from the University of South Australia. This lecture provides an introduction to Virtual Reality. Taught on July 24th 2018.

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Comp4010 Lecture8 Introduction to VR
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Lecture 8 of the COMP 4010 course taught at the University of South Australia. This lecture provides and introduction to VR technology. Taught by Mark Billinghurst on September 14th 2021 at the University of South Australia.

virtual reality
• Objective Results
•  HUD produced the fewest navigational errors
•  Participants exceeded the speed limit most in the HDD
• Subjective Results
•  HUD scored significantly better for most of the questions
•  HUD ranked as the most preferred and the HMD as the least
Navigational Error
•  Ratio of incorrect to correct turns
•  Significantly fewer wrong turn errors in HUD condition
Time Spent Speeding (> 62 km/hr)
•  Significantly more in HDD condition
•  No difference between HUD and HMD conditions
Number of Virtual Characters Spotted
•  Significant difference between HUD and HDD
•  No difference between other conditions

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Lecture 10 in the COMP 4010 Lectures on AR/VR from the Univeristy of South Australia. This lecture is about VR Interface Design and Evaluating VR interfaces. Taught by Mark Billinghurst on October 12, 2021.

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Lecture 11 of the COMP 4010 class on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. This lecture is about VR applications and was taught by Mark Billinghurst on October 19th 2021 at the University of South Australia

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Lecture1 introduction to VR

Lecture 1 of the University of South Australia course on Augmented and Virtual Reality. Taught by Mark Billinghurst on July 30th 2019.

virtual realityaugmented reality
Qualitative Results
•  Significant difference between
•  display visibility (Q2) – HUD best
•  how distracting display was (Q3) – HUD best
•  ease of navigation (Q4) – HUD best
•  helps in multitasking (Q5) – HUD best
•  useful for navigating (Q6) – HUD better than HMD
•  comfortable using display (Q7) – HUD better than HMD
Ranking Results
• Rank displays in the order of preference
•  1 = the best to 3 = the worst
• Median Rankings
•  HUD display first (Median [IQR] = 1 [1-1.75])
•  HDD took the second place (2 [2-2.75])
•  HMD was ranked as the worst (3 [2-3])
• HUD ranked significantly better than HDD and
HMD, no difference between HDD and HMD
Participant Feedback
•  HUD
•  visibility as the main advantage
•  “simple and easily visible”
•  display fixed in the space is a positive feature
•  HDD
•  simple and familiar to use
•  disadvantage of not being within the primary task space
•  “(it) required me to look down and take eyes off the road”
•  HMD
•  display following the view was the main advantage
•  “easy to see even when ... not looking forward”
•  main problem was HMD position
•  “difficult to focus on the display and the real world at the same time”
• User driving affected by the type of AR display
•  HDD required looking down, HMD require refocusing
• Reduction in errors in HDD compared to HMD
•  HMD requires people to mentally remap instructions
• HDD produces more speeding
•  Eyes off road, hard to notice warnings
• Limitations
•  Not true AR view – graphics not fixed to world
•  Display size was same – HUD/HMD could be much bigger
•  Interface layout was same

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This document provides an overview of virtual reality (VR), including its definition, types, related terms, applications in different fields such as military, medicine, and entertainment. It discusses VR modeling language, devices such as head mounted displays, data gloves, and VR caves. The document also covers challenges of VR like eye strain and risks of disengagement from reality. Finally, it discusses future possibilities like using VR for games, telepresence, and recording experiences, and concludes that VR's advantages in different fields make it useful despite disadvantages that can disturb human perception.

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Lecture 5: 3D User Interfaces for Virtual Reality

COMP 4010 Lecture 5 on 3D user interfaces for Virtual Reality. Taught by Bruce Thomas on August 27th 2019 at the University of South Australia

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Presentation by Mark Billinghurst and Bruce Thomas on the Future of Virtual and Augmented Realty. Given on August 18th 2017 in Adelaide, Australia.

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• One of first comparative study of AR HUD, HMD and
HDD navigation aids in a driving simulator
•  better driving, fewer errors, preferred over HDD/HMD
•  same errors as HDD, less speeding than HDD, ranked worst
• Future work
•  Stereo HMD, better interface design
•  World aligned AR cues
•  Real world implementation and testing

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Using AR for Vehicle Navigation

  • 1. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SIMULATED AUGMENTED REALITY DISPLAYS FOR VEHICLE NAVIGATION Richie Jose1, Gun Lee2, Mark Billinghurst2 1HIT Lab NZ, University of Canterbury 2Empathic Computing Lab, Univ. of South Australia November 30th 2016 OzCHI 2016
  • 2. AR for In-Car Navigation Windshield Display (HUD) Console Display (HDD) Head Mounted Display (HMD)
  • 3. Interface Trade-Offs •  Head Down Display •  Doesn’t obstruct view •  Clear virtual image •  Eyes move off the road •  Head Up Display •  Large field of view •  Reduces eye time off road •  Obstruction of real world •  Head Mounted Display •  Information always in view •  Blocks driver view
  • 4. Comparative Studies • Which AR interface is best for drivers? •  HUD AR vs. HDD AR •  Many studies •  HUD users more time with eyes on road •  Faster reaction time, fewer driver errors •  HDD AR vs. HDD non-AR •  AR HDD more understandable •  HDD AR vs. HUD AR vs. HMD AR •  No comparative studies
  • 5. Simulated AR Driving Interface •  DK-1 HMD, steering wheel •  3D city model •  Driving simulation •  Simulated AR interface •  direction, speed, gear
  • 6. Simulated Interfaces •  safs Windshield - HUD Console - HDD Wearable Computer - HMD
  • 10. Experiment Design • Participants •  18 participants (14 male) aged 20 - 35 years (Mean: 25.5 yrs) • Participants drive path performing three tasks: 1.  Follow navigational instructions on the display 2.  Keep to the speed limit of 60km/h 3.  Look around for virtual characters in the scene • Conditions •  HUD vs. HDD vs. HMD •  Within subjects design
  • 11. Experimental Measures • Objective •  Number of navigational errors •  Number of wrong turns make •  Time driving over speed limit •  Number of characters spotted (out of 20) • Subjective •  Questionnaire on comfort, usability and efficiency •  Rank the three conditions based on user preference
  • 12. Subjective Questionnaire •  Likert scale - 1 (totally disagree) to 7 (totally agree)
  • 13. Results • Objective Results •  HUD produced the fewest navigational errors •  Participants exceeded the speed limit most in the HDD • Subjective Results •  HUD scored significantly better for most of the questions •  HUD ranked as the most preferred and the HMD as the least
  • 14. Navigational Error •  Ratio of incorrect to correct turns •  Significantly fewer wrong turn errors in HUD condition
  • 15. Time Spent Speeding (> 62 km/hr) •  Significantly more in HDD condition •  No difference between HUD and HMD conditions
  • 16. Number of Virtual Characters Spotted •  Significant difference between HUD and HDD •  No difference between other conditions
  • 17. Qualitative Results •  Significant difference between •  display visibility (Q2) – HUD best •  how distracting display was (Q3) – HUD best •  ease of navigation (Q4) – HUD best •  helps in multitasking (Q5) – HUD best •  useful for navigating (Q6) – HUD better than HMD •  comfortable using display (Q7) – HUD better than HMD
  • 18. Ranking Results • Rank displays in the order of preference •  1 = the best to 3 = the worst • Median Rankings •  HUD display first (Median [IQR] = 1 [1-1.75]) •  HDD took the second place (2 [2-2.75]) •  HMD was ranked as the worst (3 [2-3]) • HUD ranked significantly better than HDD and HMD, no difference between HDD and HMD
  • 19. Participant Feedback •  HUD •  visibility as the main advantage •  “simple and easily visible” •  display fixed in the space is a positive feature •  HDD •  simple and familiar to use •  disadvantage of not being within the primary task space •  “(it) required me to look down and take eyes off the road” •  HMD •  display following the view was the main advantage •  “easy to see even when ... not looking forward” •  main problem was HMD position •  “difficult to focus on the display and the real world at the same time”
  • 20. Discussion • User driving affected by the type of AR display •  HDD required looking down, HMD require refocusing • Reduction in errors in HDD compared to HMD •  HMD requires people to mentally remap instructions • HDD produces more speeding •  Eyes off road, hard to notice warnings • Limitations •  Not true AR view – graphics not fixed to world •  Display size was same – HUD/HMD could be much bigger •  Interface layout was same
  • 21. Conclusion • One of first comparative study of AR HUD, HMD and HDD navigation aids in a driving simulator • HUD •  better driving, fewer errors, preferred over HDD/HMD • HMD •  same errors as HDD, less speeding than HDD, ranked worst • Future work •  Stereo HMD, better interface design •  World aligned AR cues •  Real world implementation and testing