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Unobtrusive javascript
 JavaScript guru Douglas Crockford calls the
browser “the most hostile programming
environment in the world.”
 He said this before mobile browsing was even a
thing at which point he said:
 “I used to say that the web browser was the
most hostile programming environment ever
devised, but that was before I found out about
 Infinite combinations of hardware and software
The front end stack
 HTML is forgiving and browsers can deal with
invalid markup
 Markup that doesn't meet the spec will still give
you a mostly working page
 CSS is aloof. If it encounters something it
doesn't understand, it just shrugs and moves on
 Some IE CSS hacks take advantage of CSS
quirks (It's not a bug, it's a feature)

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The document provides an overview of ExtJS, a JavaScript framework. It discusses trends in JavaScript like single page applications and MVC architecture. It then defines ExtJS, noting it is an open source framework developed by Sencha with rich UI components and support for HTML5. Some key benefits of ExtJS are discussed, like cross-browser support, powerful build tools, and accessibility features. The document demonstrates a simple "Hello World" app in ExtJS and covers core concepts like components, data packages, layouts and containers. It also lists additional ExtJS topics like localization, drag and drop, theming and MVVM.

Cross browser testing with browser stack
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Cross browser testing with browser stack

This document discusses cross-browser testing using BrowserStack. It provides an agenda that covers why cross-browser testing is needed, why to use BrowserStack, basic concepts of BrowserStack usage, and leaves time for questions. BrowserStack allows testing across over 1100 real browsers and devices without requiring local installations. It also supports many programming languages and testing frameworks.

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Smarr Oscon 2007
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Smarr Oscon 2007

The document summarizes key principles for building high-performance JavaScript applications. It outlines mistakes made in developing Plaxo's AJAX desktop application, which almost didn't ship due to performance issues. The main points are: be lazy and write less code; load JavaScript on demand and draw UI late; be responsive by yielding frequently; cache backend responses; play to the browser's strengths; and profile applications vigilantly from the start to optimize for performance.

 Javascript is a quitter. If it encounters a problem it just
gives up and goes on strike.
 Some browsers may ignore your script completely
 Even when a browser can support JavaScript, users may
turn it off for security reasons, or their corporate firewall
may block it
 Even when a browser supports JavaScript, it may not
understand parts of your script because it has a
proprietary implementation of some parts of the DOM
specification (usually IE)
 Even when the script is interpreted correctly, it may
depend on HTML that is very complicated and/or might
change in unpredictable ways.
A lesson from history
First world problems
 Last February the download button for google
chrome broke.
 Nobody could download chrome for 12 hours
 It was caused by a javascript error
 This was an easy problem to avoid
What went wrong?
 Somebody broke an unrelated javascript library
used by the google chrome website and
included in all pages
 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property
'value' of undefined
 Because google did not include a href, the
browser could do nothing except sit there
looking embarrassed

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The document outlines the 11 phases of a web developer's career, including learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and frameworks like jQuery, AngularJS, and Laravel. It provides recommended resources for learning each technology, such as Codecademy for HTML and CSS and Tutsplus for PHP. Tools like text editors, web browsers, and development environments like XAMPP are also listed.

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This document provides 10 tips for improving JavaScript performance: 1. Define local variables instead of global variables to improve lookup speed. 2. Use closures sparingly since functions are objects that hurt performance. 3. Caching object properties and array items in variables improves performance over repeated lookups. 4. Avoid function-based iteration like forEach which creates a function per item.

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Testing Angular Applications - Jfokus 2017
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This document contains information from a presentation on testing Angular applications. It discusses various testing strategies like unit testing, end-to-end testing, and continuous integration/deployment. It also covers tools like Angular CLI, TypeScript, setting up tests, mocking dependencies. Examples of unit testing Angular services and components are provided. Resources like style guides, books, and the presenter's contact details are listed at the end.

No href
What google did wrong
 Didn't follow the rules of unobtrusive javascript
 Created a single point of failure
 Ignored web standards
 Trusted core functionality to the most fragile
part of the front end stack
Why do you hate javascript?
 Javascript is great
 But don't start with it
 It's like building a house by choosing the
wallpaper first
 The purpose of JavaScript is to add a layer of
usability to your site. If the script is the entire
usability layer (in other words, if the site is
unusable without JavaScript), your javascript is
not unobtrusive.
Principles of unobtrusive javascript
 Your site should work without JavaScript.
 If JavaScript happens to be enabled, you can
present your users with an extra layer of
usability; a layer that allows them to perform
their tasks more quickly, and that avoids jarring
page reloads where possible.
 JavaScript is unsafe. That is, you should
*never* trust in JavaScript-only routines for
crucial tasks such as checking user input in a

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This was one of my presentations made for BSc. IT students. A simple introduction to Web development and Web 2.0


The document discusses jQuery, a JavaScript library that simplifies DOM manipulation and AJAX calls. It allows common tasks to be accomplished with single line code. The syntax uses $ to select elements and perform actions. jQuery can be included from a CDN like Google or downloaded. An example shows hiding paragraphs with a button click using jQuery's click handler and hide method.

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The document discusses the evolution of web browsers and their impact on the advancement of the World Wide Web. It outlines the development of early browsers, the "Browser Wars" between Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator that drove innovation, a period of stagnation for Internet Explorer 6, and a second "Browser War" between Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and other browsers. It also provides details on building a dynamic website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and SQL.

p.s. Google still don't have a href on that link.
Maybe they invested in better functional tests

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Unobtrusive javascript

  • 2.  JavaScript guru Douglas Crockford calls the browser “the most hostile programming environment in the world.”  He said this before mobile browsing was even a thing at which point he said:  “I used to say that the web browser was the most hostile programming environment ever devised, but that was before I found out about Mobile.”  Infinite combinations of hardware and software The front end stack
  • 3. HTML  HTML is forgiving and browsers can deal with invalid markup  Markup that doesn't meet the spec will still give you a mostly working page
  • 4. CSS  CSS is aloof. If it encounters something it doesn't understand, it just shrugs and moves on  Some IE CSS hacks take advantage of CSS quirks (It's not a bug, it's a feature)
  • 5. Javascript  Javascript is a quitter. If it encounters a problem it just gives up and goes on strike.  Some browsers may ignore your script completely  Even when a browser can support JavaScript, users may turn it off for security reasons, or their corporate firewall may block it  Even when a browser supports JavaScript, it may not understand parts of your script because it has a proprietary implementation of some parts of the DOM specification (usually IE)  Even when the script is interpreted correctly, it may depend on HTML that is very complicated and/or might change in unpredictable ways.
  • 6. A lesson from history
  • 7. First world problems  Last February the download button for google chrome broke.  Nobody could download chrome for 12 hours  It was caused by a javascript error  This was an easy problem to avoid
  • 8. What went wrong?  Somebody broke an unrelated javascript library used by the google chrome website and included in all pages  Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined  Because google did not include a href, the browser could do nothing except sit there looking embarrassed
  • 10. What google did wrong  Didn't follow the rules of unobtrusive javascript  Created a single point of failure  Ignored web standards  Trusted core functionality to the most fragile part of the front end stack
  • 11. Why do you hate javascript?  Javascript is great  But don't start with it  It's like building a house by choosing the wallpaper first  The purpose of JavaScript is to add a layer of usability to your site. If the script is the entire usability layer (in other words, if the site is unusable without JavaScript), your javascript is not unobtrusive.
  • 12. Principles of unobtrusive javascript  Your site should work without JavaScript.  If JavaScript happens to be enabled, you can present your users with an extra layer of usability; a layer that allows them to perform their tasks more quickly, and that avoids jarring page reloads where possible.  JavaScript is unsafe. That is, you should *never* trust in JavaScript-only routines for crucial tasks such as checking user input in a form.
  • 13. p.s. Google still don't have a href on that link. Maybe they invested in better functional tests instead?