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Who and Why
Agenda Intro to web 2.0 What is web development today Technology part of it Client Side Coding Server Side Coding SDLC model to follow Web developer perspective Testing Career in Web development
Intro to web 2.0 Is web an application? Where is Web 1.0 Building Intelligence SQL is the new HTML Users are co-developers Birth of U/I and U/X sisters

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The document discusses web standards and protocols as well as tips for good website design. It provides lists of "dos" and "don'ts" for website design. The "dos" include testing pages in multiple browsers, keeping layouts simple, writing clearly and concisely, and providing alternatives to images. The "don'ts" include linking to irrelevant material, overusing emphasis, and splitting topics across multiple pages.

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Postmodern Web Apps

The document discusses the rise of post-modern web applications (PMWAs), which resemble desktop applications more than traditional web pages. PMWAs have asynchronous communication with backends, complex client-side logic, and must scale to large numbers of users. While new technologies like HTML5 enable PMWAs, traditional techniques may not apply, and new paradigms are needed. However, not everything requires new approaches. The talk outlines features of PMWAs and examples like Google apps, then discusses enabling technologies like JavaScript improvements, component frameworks, and local storage.


1) The document discusses how to make web applications accessible to users with JavaScript disabled or who are using older browsers or mobile devices. 2) It recommends coding the basic page structure for the "lowest common denominator" and then using DOM scripting and JavaScript libraries to enhance the experience for newer browsers and devices. 3) The document provides tips on understanding your audience, adding accessibility features like links to turn off advanced options, and using techniques like yellow highlighting to help low-sighted users follow changes to the page.

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Review of MVC frameworks including AngularJS, EmberJS, and Knockout. Also View Only frameworks such as React, Polymer, and others.

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“If Tetris has taught me anything, it’s that errors pile up and accomplishments disappear” is a common quote and it seems we’re living this to its full extend as web developers. We fail to celebrate the successes we have and the tools that are at our disposal but we’re never short of finding reasons why things don’t work. We also tend to pile on technology on technology to solve problems that may actually not exist and thus clog up the web. In this talk Chris Heilmann wants to remind us what we achieved and how we should celebrate it and how we should stop trying to solve problems that are simply beyond our control.

The Future Of Web Frameworks
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The Future Of Web Frameworks

This document summarizes Matt Raible's presentation on the future of web frameworks. It discusses how web frameworks have evolved from early technologies like CGI and PHP to modern frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Grails. It also explores emerging trends like HTML5, mobile development, APIs, and the growing importance of speed. Raible believes future frameworks will focus on performance, support plugins and mobile/desktop, and encourage innovation while building on past successes. The most important factors will be hiring smart developers and focusing on APIs and applications over meetings.

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Testing Unit + Integration + System testing Security Performance, Load/Stress HTML/CSS validation Usability Accessibility

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A front-end developer is responsible for the client-side development of websites, including writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. Their main responsibilities include determining website structure and design, ensuring a good user experience, and optimizing websites for different devices like smartphones. Front-end developers also work on features to enhance the user experience, balance functional and aesthetic design, and maintain brand consistency throughout a website.

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Beginner's Guide to Frontend Development: Comparing Angular, React, Ember, an...
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Over the past several years, as the role of the browser has grown, rich desktop-like apps have emerged built entirely in the browser. To enable this movement, a new generation of powerful JavaScript frameworks have emerged including EmberJS, AngularJS, BackboneJS, and React. In this 30 minute crash course on front end frameworks, Bloc co-founder and CTO Dave Paola will cover the history of front end web development, the recent emergence of these new Javascript frameworks, and go over some of the pros and cons for learning them. We'll hear from Bloc co-founder and CTO Dave Paola and Bloc Developer Christian Schlensker. Prior to Bloc, Dave was a developer at Kontagent, has over 15 years of software development experience, and has founded numerous other companies. Christian comes to Bloc from Pinchit and TAG where he was a developer. Prior to that, Christian was also a graphic designer. In our experience, beginners are often overwhelmed by buzz words like "HTML5," "JavaScript," and "Ruby." Without an experienced guide, they can spend months going down rabbit-holes drilling into specific languages, and emerge frustrated that they can't build a real website. Dave will start by helping you visualize the front end web development landscape. Comparing Angular, Ember, Backbone, and React 2 Once you understand the landscape, Dave will introduce the four major front end frameworks that have emerged over the past two years. He'll discuss the pros and cons of learning each one, from the point of view of a beginner. These four frameworks are: AngularJS, EmberJS, BackboneJS, and ReactJS.

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HTML5 and Joomla! 2.5 Template

The document summarizes information presented at the 11th Thailand Open Source Software Festival about HTML5 and building templates for Joomla!. It provides an overview of HTML5, describing it as the new standard for HTML, how it has evolved since HTML 4.01 in 1999, and how major browsers now support many of its new elements and APIs. It also discusses building Joomla! templates, including template structure, using HTML5 elements and enabling scripts, CSS3 features like @font-face, vendor prefixes, and frameworks that support HTML5. Finally, it covers key HTML5 features for mobile devices and showcasing Joomla! templates on mobile.

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The document discusses the benefits of data driven web design over static HTML pages. It explains that a data driven approach involves storing information in databases and using programming languages like PHP to dynamically generate pages based on the database content. This allows websites to have customized, up-to-date content and interactive features like discussion boards that can be easily managed and updated.

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This document discusses various front-end performance tips for ASP.NET web applications, including minimizing HTTP requests, using a content delivery network, adding expiration headers, compressing content, optimizing stylesheet and script placement, avoiding redirects, caching AJAX requests, and minifying JavaScript. It provides details on tools like FireBug and YSlow for testing front-end performance, and how to implement many of the recommendations in ASP.NET.

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Universal apps lightning talk

- Universal apps allow code to run on both the server and client for benefits like SEO and perceived performance - They render HTML on the server and initialize the single page application with the same server-rendered data - Frameworks like React support universal patterns, requiring code to run in both Node.js and browser environments - Challenges include ensuring environments match, handling performance of rendering large amounts of content, and testing both initial page load and subsequent single page application interactions

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Intro to Web Development

  • 1. <html> <head> <Title> Web Development </Title>
  • 3. Agenda Intro to web 2.0 What is web development today Technology part of it Client Side Coding Server Side Coding SDLC model to follow Web developer perspective Testing Career in Web development
  • 4. Intro to web 2.0 Is web an application? Where is Web 1.0 Building Intelligence SQL is the new HTML Users are co-developers Birth of U/I and U/X sisters
  • 5. Did you know that... Over 60% of the web servers are Apache. Which one do you use?
  • 6. What is Web development today What platform/devices will your site be accessible on? How upgradeable will our web site be? How visible will our site be to search engines? How much bandwidth will our site be wasting? Will our website expose us to the risk of legal action?
  • 7. Did you know that... More than 75% of all internet users still use Internet Explorer
  • 8. Server and Client side coding Web development comprises of server-side coding and client-side coding Server-side coding PHP ASP ASP.NET CGI and/or Perl J2EE Python, e.g. Django Ruby, e.g. Ruby on Rails Smalltalk e.g. Seaside ColdFusion Lotus Domino Client-side coding CSS HTML & DHTML XHTML Javascript Flash SilverLight
  • 9. Did you know that... ICQ, Winamp, and Firefox are some of the top downloads on the web, downloaded more than 200 million times and still counting
  • 10. SDLC model to follow System Development Life Cycle Model Linear Sequential Model Waterfall Method Prototyping Model Rapid Application Development Model Component Assembly Model
  • 11. Did you know that... 73% of male come online everyday compared to a 63% of females.
  • 12. Testing Unit + Integration + System testing Security Performance, Load/Stress HTML/CSS validation Usability Accessibility
  • 13. Did you know that... There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand Binary and those who don't
  • 14. Career in Web development Server-side coding (coding) UI and UX (design) System Administration (networking) SEO and SEM (Marketing+analysis) Technical Support (Troubleshooting)
  • 15. Did you know that... Over 35% of world Internet users are Asians. Are you one of them?
  • 17. Thank you for your time...