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OPENERP – Training
    Program &
One software package covers
 all your enterprise needs

                 Customer Relationship Management
                 Financial Management
                 Accounting and Reporting
                 Knowledge management
                 Stock Management
                 Human resources management
                 Project Management

                 And more than 400 other modules available
                 free of charge...
OpenERP Training has offered Functional, Technical and
    Modular courses and certifications since few years
  with more than one thousand people already trained
 all around the world! With the release of OpenERP V6,
    we will continue to offer a job-relevant, hands-on
    training curriculum; a robust, performance-based
      certification program; an a consistent training
 experience worldwide! That means to our customers,
        listening to the market, and taking account
    developments in the job roles and backgrounds of
             those working with OpenERP today.
Training Program

 Functional Training: 5 days
  Technical Training: 5 days
Modular Trainings: 1-2-3 days
Training: 5 Days
Functional Training – 5 days
    The functional training offers you thorough knowledge in usability of the software. The objective is to use all of OpenERP and
          gain an overview of the features. Thanks to full exercises, understand and master complete functional processes and
                                                            analyze basic data.

•      Audience:
       This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional understanding of
       OpenERP. This course is meant to give an overview of the OpenERP features allowing for a general understanding of the

•      Duration: 5 days – Program at the next page

•      Objectives:
       Having attended this course, participants should be able to:
         Understand the functional concepts
         Set up a new OpenERP system with the appropriate OpenERP modules and access rights
         Work with the software on a daily basis
         Manage all major enterprise processes using OpenERP,
         Configure the software using the standard modules
         Master the OpenERP client interface
         Apply general system administrator settings
         Change existing workflows
         Customize an OpenERP system to suit specific business needs

•      Requirements:
       Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of Enterprise Management.
Functional Training Program
Training: 5 Days
Technical Training – 5 days
                The technical training is dedicated to Users, Integrators and Partners who want to develop new modules.
                     Some basic development knowledge is required. The technical training is a unique opportunity
                                    for anyone, who wants to develop and customize his own modules!

•   Audience:
    This course is dedicated to partners, integrators and developers who need to grasp knowledge of the OpenERP development process. This
    course is for new developers or for IT professionals eager to learn more about the OpenERP technical aspects.

•   Duration : 5 days

•   Objectives :
    Having attended this course, participants should be able to:
               Understand the development concepts and architecture
               Install and administer OpenERP
               Develop a new OpenERP module
               The purpose of this course is to master the technical part of OpenERP
               Install OpenERP
               Using existing modules
               Install modules
               Administrate OpenERP
               Adapt existing modules
               Manage objects, Views, Workflows, Wizards, Reports
               Interface with other programs

•   Requirements :
    Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of the Python programming language and an Integrated Development Environment
    such as Eclipse. Participants preferably have a functional knowledge of the OpenERP software (see Functional Training).
Technical Training Program
Technical Training Program
Technical Training Program
Modular Trainings Program
Introduction to OpenERP – CRM & SRM – Sales
            Purchase Management
              Human Resources
             Project Management
       Financial & Analytical Accounting
           Warehouse Management
           Knowledge Management
Introduction to OpenERP – CRM -
                    Sales Management
Introduction about the company, our business model, basic setup of OpenERP, database creation, administration and
  OpenERP Sales Management allows you to track your best leads and opportunities. You can customize your sales
         cycle, controls statistics and forecasts and setup marketing campaign automation to improve your sales

Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional
    understanding of OpenERP. This course is meant to give an overview of the basic configuration of OpenERP and the
    use of the Sales Management Module to follow your leads, opportunities, meetings and phone calls.

Course content:
 Exercises introducing to the different types of views within OpenERP (list view, form view, calendar view,...) and
    different main concepts as a Partner, Sales Order,... It provides also information about the installation and
    configuration of a new database, creation of users and assignments of rights.
 The OpenERP CRM application allows you to efficiently track your sales activities. From the first contact by email or
    website form up to the sales order fulfilment, OpenERP allows salesmen to concentrate on their deals and manage
    the full sales flow (lead qualification > opportunity tracking > quotation > sales order) while keeping a global vision
    of each stage.

Documentation: Try our online demo:
Customer & Supplier Relationship
Management (CRM & SRM) process
Sales Management process
Purchase Management
   OpenERP provides a complete Purchase Management application which enables you to create and track your purchase orders, to
         manage your suppliers' address book, to control your products reception process (with the possibility to manage partial
        receptions) and to check suppliers' invoices. Customers can create their own personalized analysis with the reporting tool.

Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional understanding of
     OpenERP and who are willing to master the purchase management flow within OpenERP. From defining suppliers and products to a
     whole purchase flow (Request for Quotation -> Purchase Order -> Reception -> Supplier Invoice).
Detailed Course content:
        Define categories of suppliers
        Follow your suppliers (In the Address Book you can follow all moves and transactions related to a given supplier with the history
        Import Suppliers
        Create product categories and products (OpenERP allows you to fully customize the information you want to input about your
        Create initial stock inventory
        Control Receptions (With the inventory control manage back orders, reception control by orders lines and quality control)
        Basic Purchase Flow
        Automated Propositions (You will receive automated proposition of purchases by OpenERP according to stock levels, sales, etc)
        Personalized analysis (Analyse the performance of your suppliers using the flexible reporting: delivery delays, discount on
           prices, etc)

Documentation: Try our online demo:
Purchase Management process
Human Resources
 Manage the most important asset in your company: "People". With our module for personnel information
   management, leave, time tracking, attendance‚ expenses, payroll, periodic evaluations and recruitment.

Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a
           better functional understanding of OpenERP and who are willing to manage their Human Resources
            with OpenERP. It covers the basic functionalities such as Employees, Contracts encoding to the
            management of holidays, expenses and time tracking.
Detailed Course content:
           In OpenERP, the Human Resources Management tools provide functionalities such as :
           • management of staff and the holiday calendar
           • management of employment contracts
           • management of holiday and sickness breaks
           • managing claims processes
           • management of staff performance
           • management of skills and competencies

Documentation: Try our online demo:
Human Ressources process
Project Management
 If you have a good system to manage tasks, your whole company will benefit. OpenERP’s project management application
      enables you to efficiently manage and track tasks, work on them effectively, quickly delegate them while keeping close
        track of your delegated tasks. OpenERP also helps people in the company to organize their personal time, and this
                        training proposes a methodology aimed at improving the productivity of managers.
  Keep track and manage your projects using tasks for short term project execution or plan phases for long term planning!

Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional
    understanding of OpenERP and who want to use the system to manage their project at short or long term (creating project
    and their related tasks, spending time on task and billing time spent to customer,… )

Detailed Course content:
     OpenERP’sproject management tools handle projects related to Services or Support, Production or Development. It
     enables to:

         organise the activities into tasks and plan the work needed to get the tasks completed
         handle an efficient allocation of resources, short and long term project planning, scheduling and automatic email
          communication to get your partners informed on the project’s progress status
         Have a graphical representations of project plans thanks to Gantt diagrams
         Have a synchronization between tasks and timesheets
         Generate project analysis

Documentation: Try our online or online demo:
Project Management process
Financial & Analytical Accounting
 When it’s well integrated with the management system, an accounting system offers a company special benefits in
        addition to the obvious abilities it should have to report on the financial position. This part deals with the
                  practical aspects of accounting, and accounting’s role throughout the whole company.
  Open ERP’s accounting modules enable you not only to manage your operations clearly, following the workflow
     through from invoicing to payment, but also to use various tools for financial analysis based on both real-time
    data and recent history depending on the analysis. Your accounting structure can be completely configured from
                                 A to Z to match the needs of your company very closely.
Record your operations in a few clicks and manage all your financial activities in one place. Financial operations have
                                                      never been easier!

Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better
    functional understanding of OpenERP and who will manage the Financial and Analytical part of the application
    (Invoice, Refund but also periodical processing such as rec onciliation, payment follow-up,…).

Detailed Course content:
             Manage operations clearly but also to use efficient tools for financial analysis based on real-time data.
             Configure your accounting structure from A to Z, defining automated recurring actions as well as
               payment and budget follow-up
             Drive your strategic enterprise decisions with the analytic (or cost) accounting modules.
             Have access to key information thanks to dynamic accounting dashboards
             Keep track of accounting moves by providing flexible data entry for people without accounting background.

Documentation: Try our online demo:
Financial & Analytical Accounting
To help you work most effectively, OpenERP’s pricelist principles are extremely powerful yet are based
       on simple and generic rules. You can develop both sales pricelists and purchase pricelists for
     products capable of accommodating conditions such as the date period, the quantity requested
                                         and the type of product.

Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a
   better functional understanding of OpenERP and who want to manage their customers and suppliers
   contracts using pricelists.

Detailed Course content:
      Pricelists allow to manage promotions, customers special prices, segmentations of customer
         contracts made with customers or suppliers, multiple-level of discount (by product, category,
      It enables to either set fixed prices or to work by rules to auto-compute prices according to the
         cost, the date, the currency, the category of product, etc.

Documentation: Visit our website at this following link:
Pricelists process
Warehouse Management
   Open ERP’s warehouse management is very simple, flexible and complete. It is based on the concept of
     double entry. The system can be described by Lavoisier’s maxim “nothing lost, everything changed” or,
      better, “everything moved”. In OpenERPyou don’t talk about disappearance, consumption or loss of
                   products: instead you speak only of stock moves from one place to another.

OpenERP invented the double-entry inventory management system which allows to manage complex needs
          very easily: tracking stocks of suppliers/customers, full traceability, accounting links, etc.
OpenERP support multi-warehouse management based on hierarchical location structure. Manage your own
          internal locations, external locations, customers, suppliers or manufacturing inventories.

Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better
   functional understanding of OpenERP and who will integrate their stock management within OpenERP
   (defining stock location, warehouse, stock rules replenishment, automatic orderpoint,…)

Detailed Course content:
           The Warehouse Management tools provide all operations needed to manage stock:
              define warehouses and structure them around locations,
              manage inventory rotation and stock levels,
              execute packing orders generated by the system,
              calculate theoretical stock levels and automate stock valuation,
              create rules for automatic stock replenishment,

Documentation: Try our online demo
Warehouse Management process
  Plan and control your supply chain through different applications in the Manufacturing module. Personalize your
                     master data, configure planning, manage your manufacturing and work orders.
   Manufacturing management in OpenERP is based on its stock management and equally very flexible in both its
     operations and its financial control. It particularly benefits from the use of double-entry stock management for
                                                      production orders.
                          Manufacturing management is implemented by the MRP module

Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional
    understanding of OpenERP and who will be interested in the manufacturing process : how to manager bill of
    materials from selling them to customer to the delivery through the production of finished products.

Detailed Course content:
The manufacturing module manages all the practices concerning manufacturing industries:
             Multi-level BoM and routings,
             Phantom BoMs,
             Work Center operations
             Manufacturing concepts and settings
             Manufacturing Orders,

Documentation: Try our online demo:
Manufacturing process
Knowledge Management
   The objectives of document management include easier archiving, access and reference, intelligent
    classification and distribution of documents and the information they contain. It concerns sets of all
     sorts of company documents such as work procedures, meeting reports, documents received from
       customers and suppliers, documents sent to customers, faxes, sales presentations and product

   This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better
   functional understanding of OpenERP and who want to manage their documents within the application
   (defining folders’hierarchy, attach documents to any information,… )

Detailed Course content:
   OpenERP’s Knowledge Management is unique and totally innovative in its integrated approach. Its
   complete integration and synchronization with the company’s management system solves most of the
   problems that are encountered when you use independent document management systems.
           • All documents produced by OpenERP are automatically indexed and classified for maximum
           • There is an ultra-rapid access to documents, which are directly available from the company
             management software
           • The user access rights are managed just the same way as those that are available in the
             company management system.
Knowledge Management process

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Training Program

  • 1. OPENERP – Training Program & Certification
  • 2. One software package covers all your enterprise needs Customer Relationship Management Financial Management Accounting and Reporting Manufacturing Knowledge management Stock Management Human resources management Project Management And more than 400 other modules available free of charge...
  • 3. OpenERP Training has offered Functional, Technical and Modular courses and certifications since few years with more than one thousand people already trained all around the world! With the release of OpenERP V6, we will continue to offer a job-relevant, hands-on training curriculum; a robust, performance-based certification program; an a consistent training experience worldwide! That means to our customers, listening to the market, and taking account developments in the job roles and backgrounds of those working with OpenERP today.
  • 4. Training Program Functional Training: 5 days Technical Training: 5 days Modular Trainings: 1-2-3 days Certification
  • 6. Functional Training – 5 days The functional training offers you thorough knowledge in usability of the software. The objective is to use all of OpenERP and gain an overview of the features. Thanks to full exercises, understand and master complete functional processes and analyze basic data. • Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional understanding of OpenERP. This course is meant to give an overview of the OpenERP features allowing for a general understanding of the software. • Duration: 5 days – Program at the next page • Objectives: Having attended this course, participants should be able to:  Understand the functional concepts  Set up a new OpenERP system with the appropriate OpenERP modules and access rights  Work with the software on a daily basis  Manage all major enterprise processes using OpenERP,  Configure the software using the standard modules  Master the OpenERP client interface  Apply general system administrator settings  Change existing workflows  Customize an OpenERP system to suit specific business needs • Requirements: Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of Enterprise Management.
  • 9. Technical Training – 5 days The technical training is dedicated to Users, Integrators and Partners who want to develop new modules. Some basic development knowledge is required. The technical training is a unique opportunity for anyone, who wants to develop and customize his own modules! • Audience: This course is dedicated to partners, integrators and developers who need to grasp knowledge of the OpenERP development process. This course is for new developers or for IT professionals eager to learn more about the OpenERP technical aspects. • Duration : 5 days • Objectives : Having attended this course, participants should be able to:  Understand the development concepts and architecture  Install and administer OpenERP  Develop a new OpenERP module  The purpose of this course is to master the technical part of OpenERP  Install OpenERP  Using existing modules  Install modules  Administrate OpenERP  Adapt existing modules  Manage objects, Views, Workflows, Wizards, Reports  Interface with other programs • Requirements : Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of the Python programming language and an Integrated Development Environment such as Eclipse. Participants preferably have a functional knowledge of the OpenERP software (see Functional Training).
  • 14. Modular Trainings Program Introduction to OpenERP – CRM & SRM – Sales Management Purchase Management Human Resources Project Management Financial & Analytical Accounting Pricelists Warehouse Management Manufacturing Knowledge Management
  • 15. Introduction to OpenERP – CRM - Sales Management Introduction about the company, our business model, basic setup of OpenERP, database creation, administration and configuration. OpenERP Sales Management allows you to track your best leads and opportunities. You can customize your sales cycle, controls statistics and forecasts and setup marketing campaign automation to improve your sales performance. Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional understanding of OpenERP. This course is meant to give an overview of the basic configuration of OpenERP and the use of the Sales Management Module to follow your leads, opportunities, meetings and phone calls. Course content:  Exercises introducing to the different types of views within OpenERP (list view, form view, calendar view,...) and different main concepts as a Partner, Sales Order,... It provides also information about the installation and configuration of a new database, creation of users and assignments of rights.  The OpenERP CRM application allows you to efficiently track your sales activities. From the first contact by email or website form up to the sales order fulfilment, OpenERP allows salesmen to concentrate on their deals and manage the full sales flow (lead qualification > opportunity tracking > quotation > sales order) while keeping a global vision of each stage. Documentation: Try our online demo:
  • 16. Customer & Supplier Relationship Management (CRM & SRM) process
  • 18. Purchase Management OpenERP provides a complete Purchase Management application which enables you to create and track your purchase orders, to manage your suppliers' address book, to control your products reception process (with the possibility to manage partial receptions) and to check suppliers' invoices. Customers can create their own personalized analysis with the reporting tool. Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional understanding of OpenERP and who are willing to master the purchase management flow within OpenERP. From defining suppliers and products to a whole purchase flow (Request for Quotation -> Purchase Order -> Reception -> Supplier Invoice). Detailed Course content:  Define categories of suppliers  Follow your suppliers (In the Address Book you can follow all moves and transactions related to a given supplier with the history tab)  Import Suppliers  Create product categories and products (OpenERP allows you to fully customize the information you want to input about your products)  Create initial stock inventory  Control Receptions (With the inventory control manage back orders, reception control by orders lines and quality control)  Basic Purchase Flow  Automated Propositions (You will receive automated proposition of purchases by OpenERP according to stock levels, sales, etc)  Personalized analysis (Analyse the performance of your suppliers using the flexible reporting: delivery delays, discount on prices, etc) Documentation: Try our online demo:
  • 20. Human Resources Manage the most important asset in your company: "People". With our module for personnel information management, leave, time tracking, attendance‚ expenses, payroll, periodic evaluations and recruitment. Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional understanding of OpenERP and who are willing to manage their Human Resources with OpenERP. It covers the basic functionalities such as Employees, Contracts encoding to the management of holidays, expenses and time tracking. Detailed Course content: In OpenERP, the Human Resources Management tools provide functionalities such as : • management of staff and the holiday calendar • management of employment contracts • management of holiday and sickness breaks • managing claims processes • management of staff performance • management of skills and competencies Documentation: Try our online demo:
  • 22. Project Management If you have a good system to manage tasks, your whole company will benefit. OpenERP’s project management application enables you to efficiently manage and track tasks, work on them effectively, quickly delegate them while keeping close track of your delegated tasks. OpenERP also helps people in the company to organize their personal time, and this training proposes a methodology aimed at improving the productivity of managers. Keep track and manage your projects using tasks for short term project execution or plan phases for long term planning! Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional understanding of OpenERP and who want to use the system to manage their project at short or long term (creating project and their related tasks, spending time on task and billing time spent to customer,… ) Detailed Course content: OpenERP’sproject management tools handle projects related to Services or Support, Production or Development. It enables to:  organise the activities into tasks and plan the work needed to get the tasks completed  handle an efficient allocation of resources, short and long term project planning, scheduling and automatic email communication to get your partners informed on the project’s progress status  Have a graphical representations of project plans thanks to Gantt diagrams  Have a synchronization between tasks and timesheets  Generate project analysis Documentation: Try our online or online demo:
  • 24. Financial & Analytical Accounting When it’s well integrated with the management system, an accounting system offers a company special benefits in addition to the obvious abilities it should have to report on the financial position. This part deals with the practical aspects of accounting, and accounting’s role throughout the whole company. Open ERP’s accounting modules enable you not only to manage your operations clearly, following the workflow through from invoicing to payment, but also to use various tools for financial analysis based on both real-time data and recent history depending on the analysis. Your accounting structure can be completely configured from A to Z to match the needs of your company very closely. Record your operations in a few clicks and manage all your financial activities in one place. Financial operations have never been easier! Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional understanding of OpenERP and who will manage the Financial and Analytical part of the application (Invoice, Refund but also periodical processing such as rec onciliation, payment follow-up,…). Detailed Course content:  Manage operations clearly but also to use efficient tools for financial analysis based on real-time data.  Configure your accounting structure from A to Z, defining automated recurring actions as well as payment and budget follow-up  Drive your strategic enterprise decisions with the analytic (or cost) accounting modules.  Have access to key information thanks to dynamic accounting dashboards  Keep track of accounting moves by providing flexible data entry for people without accounting background. Documentation: Try our online demo:
  • 25. Financial & Analytical Accounting process
  • 26. Pricelists To help you work most effectively, OpenERP’s pricelist principles are extremely powerful yet are based on simple and generic rules. You can develop both sales pricelists and purchase pricelists for products capable of accommodating conditions such as the date period, the quantity requested and the type of product. Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional understanding of OpenERP and who want to manage their customers and suppliers contracts using pricelists. Detailed Course content:  Pricelists allow to manage promotions, customers special prices, segmentations of customer contracts made with customers or suppliers, multiple-level of discount (by product, category, quantities)  It enables to either set fixed prices or to work by rules to auto-compute prices according to the cost, the date, the currency, the category of product, etc. Documentation: Visit our website at this following link:
  • 28. Warehouse Management Open ERP’s warehouse management is very simple, flexible and complete. It is based on the concept of double entry. The system can be described by Lavoisier’s maxim “nothing lost, everything changed” or, better, “everything moved”. In OpenERPyou don’t talk about disappearance, consumption or loss of products: instead you speak only of stock moves from one place to another. OpenERP invented the double-entry inventory management system which allows to manage complex needs very easily: tracking stocks of suppliers/customers, full traceability, accounting links, etc. OpenERP support multi-warehouse management based on hierarchical location structure. Manage your own internal locations, external locations, customers, suppliers or manufacturing inventories. Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional understanding of OpenERP and who will integrate their stock management within OpenERP (defining stock location, warehouse, stock rules replenishment, automatic orderpoint,…) Detailed Course content: The Warehouse Management tools provide all operations needed to manage stock:  define warehouses and structure them around locations,  manage inventory rotation and stock levels,  execute packing orders generated by the system,  calculate theoretical stock levels and automate stock valuation,  create rules for automatic stock replenishment, Documentation: Try our online demo
  • 30. Manufacturing Plan and control your supply chain through different applications in the Manufacturing module. Personalize your master data, configure planning, manage your manufacturing and work orders. Manufacturing management in OpenERP is based on its stock management and equally very flexible in both its operations and its financial control. It particularly benefits from the use of double-entry stock management for production orders. Manufacturing management is implemented by the MRP module Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional understanding of OpenERP and who will be interested in the manufacturing process : how to manager bill of materials from selling them to customer to the delivery through the production of finished products. Detailed Course content: The manufacturing module manages all the practices concerning manufacturing industries:  Multi-level BoM and routings,  Phantom BoMs,  Work Center operations  Manufacturing concepts and settings  Manufacturing Orders, Documentation: Try our online demo:
  • 32. Knowledge Management The objectives of document management include easier archiving, access and reference, intelligent classification and distribution of documents and the information they contain. It concerns sets of all sorts of company documents such as work procedures, meeting reports, documents received from customers and suppliers, documents sent to customers, faxes, sales presentations and product datasheets. Audience: This modular course is dedicated to partners, integrators and end-users who want to get a better functional understanding of OpenERP and who want to manage their documents within the application (defining folders’hierarchy, attach documents to any information,… ) Detailed Course content: OpenERP’s Knowledge Management is unique and totally innovative in its integrated approach. Its complete integration and synchronization with the company’s management system solves most of the problems that are encountered when you use independent document management systems. • All documents produced by OpenERP are automatically indexed and classified for maximum efficiency. • There is an ultra-rapid access to documents, which are directly available from the company management software • The user access rights are managed just the same way as those that are available in the company management system.