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Introducing Waves
A Ruby Framework
For Resource-Oriented Architecture
dan yoder
                                                    AT&T Interactive                                 strategic research
                                                     and development                         web • mobile • IPTV •  hci

  We’re so totally hiring.                   rest / roa • virtualization • mashups 
                                           search • map-reduce • grid computing

     AutoCode • Functor • Filebase • Waves • Pages • Hoshi • DateJS
This Isn’t MVC
So Why Do We Use It So Often For Web Apps?
Get Your Head In The Clouds
The Cloud Is Increasingly About ROA

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Ruby on Rails Penetration Testing
Ruby on Rails Penetration TestingRuby on Rails Penetration Testing
Ruby on Rails Penetration Testing

This document discusses breaking and penetration testing Ruby on Rails applications. It covers fingerprinting the Rails framework, testing the attack surface through routes, session security issues, authentication vulnerabilities, authorization testing, CSRF protection bypass, model attribute assignment and SQL injection issues, view rendering exploits, and insecure defaults. Recommended tools for analysis include Brakeman, grep searches, and the Ruby Mechanize and Nokogiri libraries. The document provides references for further Rails security best practices.

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Slides for my talk at Ruby Ireland on 10 May 11. Showing some of the capabilities of mongoDB, using it from a Sinatra applications and deploying it to Heroku and Cloud Foundry

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This document provides a fast-paced introduction to Ruby, Rails, and additional technologies. It begins with an overview of Ruby basics, syntax, and uses beyond scripts. It then covers Rails fundamentals including MVC architecture, scaffolding, models, views, controllers, and routes. Additional topics discussed include gems, Git, and deploying to Heroku. The document concludes by outlining a sample project to build a marketplace for buying and selling robot spare parts.

But Why?
Web Sites (M)




       The Web Has It.

      2005   2006           2007    2008
Open? M I M E
      Yep. Mostly, anyway.
Reuse? Just A Bit.
Over 1,000 Public APIs And Counting.

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This document provides an introduction to Ruby on Rails presented by Arman Ortega. It outlines what will be covered including an overview of Ruby and Rails, the concept of convention over configuration in Rails, and performing CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations. It then demonstrates creating a sample blog application in Rails and provides links for additional learning resources.

Ruby on Rails All Hands Meeting
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Ruby on Rails All Hands Meeting

This document provides an overview of Ruby on Rails, Apache httpd, and Oracle. It discusses why Ruby on Rails is useful for rapid prototyping, and how it can be integrated with Apache and Oracle. The document demonstrates Rails generators, routing, testing with RSpec, and security features. It also outlines how to configure Apache and link Rails to an Oracle database. The presenter provides cheat sheets for creating a sample Rails application integrated with Devise, ActiveAdmin, and a database, with minimal code required. The key takeaway is that learning is fun through experimenting with different technologies.

Rest and Sling Resolution
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Rest and Sling Resolution

Sling is a RESTful web application framework that uses JCR repositories like Apache Jackrabbit as its data store. Sling maps HTTP requests to content resources in the repository and uses the resource type to locate the appropriate rendering script. The request URL is decomposed into the resource path, selectors, extension, and suffix path. Sling searches for a node matching the resource path and then locates a script based on the resource type and any selectors. Sling scripts cannot be called directly and must be resolved through the resource to follow REST principles. This document discusses how Sling maps URLs to content resources and scripts to process requests.

Existing Infrastructure?
Firewalls, Edge Caches, Proxy Servers, Etc.
Things With URIs. Self-Describing Messages.
Uniform Interfaces And Standard Protocols.
Linked Hypermedia And Content Negotiation.
Well-Known Media Types. Stateless.
Let’s Take A Look At HTTP.
What Is HTTP, Really?
A protocol that calls a method on a resource.

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Picking gem ruby for penetration testers

The document discusses various techniques for penetration testing and attacking web applications using Ruby tools and libraries. It provides examples of using tools like Anemone for crawling sites, Casper for observing browser requests, Enchant for directory brute forcing, and Ciphersurfer for evaluating SSL configurations. The document encourages attackers to change their mindset and look for vulnerabilities from the perspective of an attacker rather than a developer.

securityapplication securityruby
Spring Web Services
Spring Web ServicesSpring Web Services
Spring Web Services

The document describes contract-first and contract-last approaches to developing web services using Spring. It provides details on defining the service contract, creating message endpoints, mapping messages to endpoints, configuring marshaling and exceptions, and serving WSDL files. The key aspects are defining the XML schema first in contract-first, while contract-last derives the schema from the code. It also discusses using JDOM or marshalling endpoints to process messages.

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The Cloud Foundry bootcamp talk from SpringOne On The Road - Europe

a simple introduction to Cloud Foundry from the perspective of building applications using Cloud Foundry

Sounds Like Ruby To Me!
class Dog

  attr_accessor :request

  def initialize( request )
    @request = request

  def get
    “Fido” if request.path == ‘/name’

Sadly, It’s
Not That
HTTP Requests - er,
method signatures,
are more than just
pretty URIs.
HTTP Requests:
Method Signatures?
Example: GET
get( URI: Content-Type, Params: Query-String ) : Accept

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Server Side Technologies
Server Side TechnologiesServer Side Technologies
Server Side Technologies

The document discusses server side technologies, including server hardware, operating systems, and application software. It defines servers as more powerful hardware that processes requests from client devices. Common server hardware includes tower, rack mount, and blade servers, which have features like redundancy, virtualization support, and remote monitoring. Popular operating systems are Windows Server and Unix derivatives like Linux that provide security, remote administration, and support for various hardware platforms. Application servers and databases like Tomcat, Oracle, and SQL Server are used to service client requests and require persistence through databases.

tawi commercial services ltd nairobi kenya

This document provides an overview of server-side web programming and different technologies used to create dynamic web pages, including Common Gateway Interface (CGI), servlets, and JavaServer Pages (JSP). CGI allows building dynamic web sites by running programs on the server that can generate HTML responses. Servlets provide a Java-based alternative to CGI with improved performance, portability, and security. Servlets use a request-response model and are executed by a servlet container. JSP is a technology that simplifies web page programming by mixing static elements like HTML with scripting code.

Server-side Technologies in Java
Server-side Technologies in JavaServer-side Technologies in Java
Server-side Technologies in Java

Covers a wide variety of technologies and solutions available to develop effective Java based server side HTTP applications.

Functor To
The Rescue
Functor gives us
argument pattern
matching in Ruby.
A Quick Intro To Functor
fib = do
  given( 0 ) { 1 }
  given( 1 ) { 1 }
  given( Integer ) do |n| n - 1 ) + n - 2 )
end 7 ) # => 21
Functor Methods
class Dog
  attr_accessor :request

  def initialize( request )
    @request = request
  functor( :get, “/name” ) { “Fido” }
  functor( :get, “/breed” ) { “Mutt” }
Request Functor
Functors defined on a Resource class to match
a given Request pattern.

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MVC Demystified: Essence of Ruby on Rails

Examines the MVC design pattern and how Rails adheres to this powerful design pattern. Good introduction to Ruby on Rails framework.

2019 StartIT - Boosting your performance with Blackfire
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2019 StartIT - Boosting your performance with Blackfire

A workshop held in StartIT as part of Catena Media learning sessions. We aim to dispel the notion that large PHP applications tend to be sluggish, resource-intensive and slow compared to what the likes of Python, Erlang or even Node can do. The issue is not with optimising PHP internals - it's the lack of proper introspection tools and getting them into our every day workflow that counts! In this workshop we will talk about our struggles with whipping PHP Applications into shape, as well as work together on some of the more interesting examples of CPU or IO drain.

Aligning Ember.js with Web Standards
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Aligning Ember.js with Web Standards

The way JavaScript is standardized and improved is changing this year. Learning how will help you understand why transpilers have become so popular, and why we will likely be using them for a long time. Ember itself will need to adapt to changes in JavaScript, and we will take a look at how the existing object model might be migrated to a pure EcmaScript solution.

web developmentes2015es6
Request DSL
A DSL Used In Resources To Define Request
Functors. Can Match On Any Attribute.
Simple Example

class Dog
  include Waves::Resources::Mixin
  on( :get, [ ‘name’ ] ) { “Fido” }
Matching Query & Accept

 on( :get, [ ‘location’ ],
   :query => { :lat => /d{4}/, :long => /d{4}/ },
   :accept => [ :json, :xml ] )
Waves Request DSL
Match and capture components. Named path
generators. Match wild-cards and regular
expressions. Match accept, scheme, domain,
content-type, most any attribute of a request.

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Web services - A Practical Approach
Web services - A Practical ApproachWeb services - A Practical Approach
Web services - A Practical Approach

It will describes SOAP/REST differences and SOAP web services in detail with practical approach. it shows usage of SOAP, XML, JAVA, WSDL, XSD and RPC with examples.

Apache Camel: The Swiss Army Knife of Open Source Integration
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Apache Camel: The Swiss Army Knife of Open Source Integration

The Camel project from Apache(, is a very popular, light weight, open source integration framework. This presentation shows some interesting features of Camel and the unique advantages that Camel brings to your integration projects. Some business use cases are shown to explain how Camel makes open source integration a cakewalk. Table of contents: 1. An overview of Apache Camel 2. Integration architecture explained 3. Using Camel in different integration architectures 3.a. In the Securities domain 3.b. In the Travel domain 4. High Availability and Load Balancing with Camel

enterprise integration patternsapache camelopen source
Icare class
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Icare class

The document discusses quality in health and healthcare institutions. It defines quality as the degree to which delivered health services meet established standards and minimize risk and untoward outcomes. Quality has three dimensions: the quality of input resources, the quality process of service delivery, and the quality of outcomes from service use. Implementing quality requires approaches like total quality management, continuous quality improvement, Six Sigma, and benchmarking to measure quality through methods like control charts, cause-effect diagrams, and collecting data from focus groups and surveys. The outcomes of quality include improved patient safety, staff and patient satisfaction, and cost containment.

But It’s Still Just Ruby

pages $ waves console

Pages::Resources::Story.instance_methods &
  %w( get put post delete )

# => [quot;deletequot;, quot;postquot;, quot;putquot;, quot;getquot;]
Resource Delegation
Request     Map

Some Implications
Or: Why Are Resource Classes Better Than Routes?
Resource Classes

Inheritance. I can now just inherit from a base class to
provide common REST features.
Modularity. Request-handling is broken down into
logically discrete chunks, just like normal classes.
Performance. I don’t have to go through each
possible match - just those for the matching resource.

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The FIRST Slide Deck
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The FIRST Slide Deck

The document outlines a strategy to artificially induce panic in the startup market in order to lower valuations and reduce competition. It argues that generating an alarmist doomsday presentation comparing the current situation to the dot-com bust and aggressively leaking it could spread panic among startups and investors. This would downward pressure on valuations through panic in the short term. It may also reduce hedge fund money and competition in the market as public returns drop. However, there is a risk it could further close the exit window and lower valuations when exits eventually recover.

Computer Security Awareness Training
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Computer Security Awareness Training

Computer Security Awareness Training


Public schools aim to educate children from diverse backgrounds. The document discusses the fact of evolution, which is that organisms change over generations, versus the theory of evolution, which proposes that organisms today evolved from earlier forms. It also discusses the theory of intelligent design, which argues that some features are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than natural selection alone.

A Word
Waves Supports
Layered Architecture
Through Foundations
And Layers.
The One File Waves App

module HelloWorld

  include Waves::Foundations::Compact

  module Resources
    class Map
      on( :get, [] ) { quot;Hello #{}quot;   }

Resources decouple your application from the
 HTTP request processing.


Layers mix-in features (like MVC support) to
help build your application.

A Foundation is a Layer that provides at least the
minimal features required for a Waves application.
Layered Architecture
module Classic
  def self.included( app )
    require 'autocode'
    require 'layers/mvc'
    require 'layers/inflect/english'
    require 'helpers/extended'
    require 'layers/renderers/hoshi'

    app.module_eval do
      include Waves::Layers::Inflect::English
      include Waves::Layers::MVC
      include Waves::Renderers::Hoshi

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Paper Prototyping
Paper PrototypingPaper Prototyping
Paper Prototyping

Paper prototyping involves creating rough sketches of user interfaces on paper to test design ideas early in the development process. It allows representing screens and flows without coding to get quick feedback. Paper prototypes are effective for brainstorming, usability testing, and design exploration before committing to an implementation. While rough, paper prototypes provide a low-fidelity, low-cost way to evaluate designs and iterate before full development.

Achieve business agility with Cloud APIs, Cloud-aware Apps, and Cloud DevOps ...
Achieve business agility with Cloud APIs, Cloud-aware Apps, and Cloud DevOps ...Achieve business agility with Cloud APIs, Cloud-aware Apps, and Cloud DevOps ...
Achieve business agility with Cloud APIs, Cloud-aware Apps, and Cloud DevOps ...

This document discusses achieving business agility through cloud technologies like APIs, cloud-aware applications, and cloud DevOps platforms. It covers several topics related to cloud computing including cloud drivers, cloud-oriented delivery domains, cloud architecture best practices, cloud application patterns, and shifting to cloud-aware application programming models. It also provides explanations of key concepts in platform as a service (PaaS) architectures like tenants, containers, and partitions for isolating and allocating resources for different users.

paasenterprise devops paascloud-native
How To Hire A PR Firm
How To Hire A PR FirmHow To Hire A PR Firm
How To Hire A PR Firm

The document outlines a 5-step process for hiring a public relations firm: 1) assessing needs, 2) searching firms, 3) presentations and evaluations, 4) proposals, and 5) selection. It provides guidance on determining budget, objectives, services needed, and evaluating firm strategies, resources, media expertise, account teams, and intangibles like proactivity and chemistry. The goal is to choose a firm that can best help achieve marketing goals through PR services and build a long-term, profitable relationship.

Some Other Features
Inheritable Pure Ruby Configurations. Small
Footprint, Pay Only For What You Use. No ORM
Requirement, Sequel Support. Rack Compliant.
Runs On JRuby. Complete MVC Layer Provided.
Just-In-Time Class Creation / Loading. Leverages
Existing Ruby Constructs Wherever Possible.
We’re Just
Warmed Up
Seeking Contributors
# TODO: this is a hack ...
Subject To Change
Waves 0.8.2 Dec-08 •        Waves 0.8.4 Feb-09 •
Rack::Cache • Rinda-Based   Improved Configurations •
Management • Improved       HTTP Authentication •
Accept handling             ORM-Neutral Schema
Waves 0.8.3 Jan-09 •        Waves 0.8.5 Apr-09 • Just-
Hoshi • Cssy • Functor      in-time views • Diff-based
Memoization • Improved      ORM-Neutral Migrations
Request DSL • Non-HTTP

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Gender & Violence Presentation
Gender & Violence PresentationGender & Violence Presentation
Gender & Violence Presentation

Masculinity is often depicted in violent drawings by adolescent boys as a struggle for power and intimacy. These drawings were analyzed to understand how boys portray masculinity and relationships through violent imagery. The drawings seem to reflect boys grappling with developing their masculine identity and finding connection with others.

Please aim
Please aimPlease aim
Please aim

The document repeatedly states that all images have been collected from Google search and are owned by their respective rightful owners.

qr codestoryaim
Benefits Of Usability
Benefits Of UsabilityBenefits Of Usability
Benefits Of Usability

Usability leads to business benefits through increased conversion rates, loyalty rates, and transactions. Usability improvements can provide high returns through reduced costs, increased sales and customer retention. For example, fixing usability problems early in design saves 10-100 times the cost of fixing them later. Easy navigation and sufficient product information can increase sales up to 225%. Over 83% of users will leave a site if it takes too many clicks to find what they want. Quantifying user experience helps measure success rates, conversion rates, form completion, navigation paths, and error rates to improve a site's performance.

 Initial 0.7.0 release Feb 08
 Release 0.8.1 Available Now!

 Of course, we’re on git.

 Join Us On Google Groups.

 And, lest we forget, a Web site.
Waves: Ruby ROA
Shout out: leetspete, kaykay, automatthew,
nanorails, copawaves, ab5tract, and many others.
Photo credits: All photos from under Creative Commons License.

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Ruby Conf Preso

  • 1. Introducing Waves A Ruby Framework For Resource-Oriented Architecture
  • 2. dan yoder director.hacking AT&T Interactive strategic research and development web • mobile • IPTV •  hci We’re so totally hiring. rest / roa • virtualization • mashups  search • map-reduce • grid computing AutoCode • Functor • Filebase • Waves • Pages • Hoshi • DateJS
  • 3. This Isn’t MVC So Why Do We Use It So Often For Web Apps?
  • 4. Get Your Head In The Clouds The Cloud Is Increasingly About ROA
  • 6. Web Sites (M) 160 120 Scalability? 80 The Web Has It. 40 0 2005 2006 2007 2008
  • 7. HTML JSON CSS Open? M I M E Yep. Mostly, anyway. XML RSS RDF
  • 8. Reuse? Just A Bit. Over 1,000 Public APIs And Counting.
  • 9. Existing Infrastructure? Firewalls, Edge Caches, Proxy Servers, Etc.
  • 10. Resource-Oriented Things With URIs. Self-Describing Messages. Uniform Interfaces And Standard Protocols. Linked Hypermedia And Content Negotiation. Well-Known Media Types. Stateless.
  • 11. Let’s Take A Look At HTTP.
  • 12. What Is HTTP, Really? A protocol that calls a method on a resource.
  • 14. class Dog attr_accessor :request def initialize( request ) @request = request end def get “Fido” if request.path == ‘/name’ end end
  • 15. Sadly, It’s Not That Simple HTTP Requests - er, method signatures, are more than just pretty URIs.
  • 16. HTTP Requests: Method Signatures? Example: GET get( URI: Content-Type, Params: Query-String ) : Accept
  • 17. Functor To The Rescue Functor gives us argument pattern matching in Ruby.
  • 18. A Quick Intro To Functor fib = do given( 0 ) { 1 } given( 1 ) { 1 } given( Integer ) do |n| n - 1 ) + n - 2 ) end end 7 ) # => 21
  • 19. Functor Methods class Dog attr_accessor :request def initialize( request ) @request = request end functor( :get, “/name” ) { “Fido” } functor( :get, “/breed” ) { “Mutt” } end
  • 20. Request Functor Functors defined on a Resource class to match a given Request pattern.
  • 21. Request DSL A DSL Used In Resources To Define Request Functors. Can Match On Any Attribute.
  • 22. Simple Example class Dog include Waves::Resources::Mixin on( :get, [ ‘name’ ] ) { “Fido” } end
  • 23. Matching Query & Accept on( :get, [ ‘location’ ], :query => { :lat => /d{4}/, :long => /d{4}/ }, :accept => [ :json, :xml ] )
  • 24. Waves Request DSL Match and capture components. Named path generators. Match wild-cards and regular expressions. Match accept, scheme, domain, content-type, most any attribute of a request.
  • 25. But It’s Still Just Ruby pages $ waves console Pages::Resources::Story.instance_methods & %w( get put post delete ) # => [quot;deletequot;, quot;postquot;, quot;putquot;, quot;getquot;]
  • 26. Resource Delegation Article Delegates Image Request Map Blog Inspects Request Gallery
  • 27. Some Implications Or: Why Are Resource Classes Better Than Routes?
  • 28. Resource Classes Inheritance. I can now just inherit from a base class to provide common REST features. Modularity. Request-handling is broken down into logically discrete chunks, just like normal classes. Performance. I don’t have to go through each possible match - just those for the matching resource.
  • 29. A Word About Architecture Waves Supports Layered Architecture Through Foundations And Layers.
  • 30. The One File Waves App module HelloWorld include Waves::Foundations::Compact module Resources class Map on( :get, [] ) { quot;Hello #{}quot; } end end end
  • 31. Resources decouple your application from the HTTP request processing. Application Resource Layers HTTP Foundation Layers mix-in features (like MVC support) to help build your application. A Foundation is a Layer that provides at least the minimal features required for a Waves application.
  • 32. Layered Architecture module Classic def self.included( app ) require 'autocode' require 'layers/mvc' require 'layers/inflect/english' require 'helpers/extended' require 'layers/renderers/hoshi' app.module_eval do include Waves::Layers::Inflect::English include Waves::Layers::MVC include Waves::Renderers::Hoshi end end end
  • 33. Some Other Features Inheritable Pure Ruby Configurations. Small Footprint, Pay Only For What You Use. No ORM Requirement, Sequel Support. Rack Compliant. Runs On JRuby. Complete MVC Layer Provided. Just-In-Time Class Creation / Loading. Leverages Existing Ruby Constructs Wherever Possible.
  • 35. Roadmap # TODO: this is a hack ...
  • 36. Subject To Change Waves 0.8.2 Dec-08 • Waves 0.8.4 Feb-09 • Rack::Cache • Rinda-Based Improved Configurations • Management • Improved HTTP Authentication • Accept handling ORM-Neutral Schema Waves 0.8.3 Jan-09 • Waves 0.8.5 Apr-09 • Just- Hoshi • Cssy • Functor in-time views • Diff-based Memoization • Improved ORM-Neutral Migrations Request DSL • Non-HTTP Schemes
  • 37. Waves::Vitals Initial 0.7.0 release Feb 08 Release 0.8.1 Available Now! Of course, we’re on git. Join Us On Google Groups. rubywaves And, lest we forget, a Web site.
  • 38. Waves: Ruby ROA Shout out: leetspete, kaykay, automatthew, nanorails, copawaves, ab5tract, and many others.
  • 39. Thanks! Photo credits: All photos from under Creative Commons License.