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top ten
Web Hacking
techniques   2010
                         Jeremiah Grossman
             Founder & Chief Technology Officer


                              © 2011 WhiteHat Security, Inc.
Jeremiah Grossman
• WhiteHat Security Founder & CTO
• Technology R&D and industry evangelist
• InfoWorld's CTO Top 25 for 2007
• Co-founder of the Web Application Security Consortium
• Co-author: Cross-Site Scripting Attacks
• Former Yahoo! information security officer

                                                   © 2010 WhiteHat Security, Inc. | Page   2
Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques (2010)
400+ enterprise customers
 •Start-ups to Fortune 500
Flagship offering “WhiteHat Sentinel Service”
 •1000’s of assessments performed annually
Recognized leader in website security
 •Quoted thousands of times by the mainstream press


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When you don't have 0days: client-side exploitation for the masses
When you don't have 0days: client-side exploitation for the massesWhen you don't have 0days: client-side exploitation for the masses
When you don't have 0days: client-side exploitation for the masses

Conference: InsomniHack (21 March 2014) Talk speakers: Michele Orru (@antisnatchor) Krzysztof Kotowicz (@kkotowicz) Talk abstract: A bag of fresh and juicy 0days is certainly something you would love to get as a Christmas present, but it would probably be just a dream you had one of those drunken nights. Hold on! Not all is lost! There is still hope for pwning targets without 0days. We will walk you through multiple real-life examples of client-side pwnage, from tricking the victim to take the bait, to achieving persistence on the compromised system. The talk will be highly practical and will demonstrate how you can do proper client-side exploitation effectively, simply by abusing existing functionalities of browsers, extensions, legacy features, etc. We'll delve into Chrome and Firefox extensions (automating various repetitive actions that you'll likely perform in your engagements), HTML applications, abusing User Interface expectations, (Open)Office macros and more. All the attacks are supposed to work on fully patched target software, with a bit of magic trickery as the secret ingredient. You might already know some of these exploitation vectors, but you might need a way to automate your attacks and tailor them based on the victim language, browser, and whatnot. Either way, if you like offensive security, then this talk is for you.

michele orrukrzysztof kotowiczxss
Html5: something wicked this way comes - HackPra
Html5: something wicked this way comes - HackPraHtml5: something wicked this way comes - HackPra
Html5: something wicked this way comes - HackPra

Video recording of the talk: HTML5 is quickly gaining media attention and popularity among browser vendors and web developers. Having tremendous features, together with its sister specifications like Drag & Drop API, File API or Geolocation it allows developers to build rich web applications that easily blend with desktop & mobile environments. The talk will be focused on finding the weakest link and combining several recent attack techniques to turn a security vulnerability into a successful exploit. We'll show how to build a successful advanced UI-Redressing attack (also known as clickjacking), presenting the latest findings in this field, including malicious games and quizes. We'll work on file upload functionalities in current web applications and see how attackers might use HTML5 APIs for their advantage. Putting all these building blocks together will enable us to launch an attack and exploit even the otherwise unexploitable vulnerabilities.

ui redressingsecurityhtml5
Web Application Security in front end
Web Application Security in front endWeb Application Security in front end
Web Application Security in front end

My presentation from Framsia. Topics: XSS (reflected, stored, dom-based) CSRF Clickjacking Header based approaches (CSP, X-frame-options) EcmaScript5 HTML5 Some slides borrowed from John Wilander

About the Top Ten
“Every year the Web security community produces a stunning
amount of new hacking techniques published in various white
papers, blog posts, magazine articles, mailing list emails, etc. Within
the thousands of pages are the latest ways to attack websites, Web
browsers, Web proxies, and so on. Beyond individual vulnerability
instances with CVE numbers or system compromises, we're talking
about brand new and creative methods of Web-based attack.”

New Techniques
                     2009 (80)
       Creating a rogue CA certificate

                      2008 (70)
                GIFAR (GIF + JAR)

                       2007 (83)
 XSS Vulnerabilities in Common Shockwave Flash Files

                       2006 (65)
       Web Browser Intranet Hacking / Port Scanning

      69 new techniques
1) 'Padding Oracle' Crypto Attack
2) Evercookie
3) Hacking Auto-Complete
4) Attacking HTTPS with Cache Injection
5) Bypassing CSRF protections with ClickJacking and HTTP Parameter Pollution
6) Universal XSS in IE8
8) JavaSnoop
9) CSS History Hack In Firefox Without JavaScript for Intranet Portscanning
10) Java Applet DNS Rebinding

Bypassing CSRF with Clickjacking
and HTTP Parameter Pollution

Clickjacking is when an attacker invisibly hovers an object
(button, link, etc.) below a user's mouse. When the user
clicks on something they visually see, they're instead
really clicking on something the attacker wanted them to.
HTTP Parameter Pollution is where an attacker submits
multiple input parameters (query string, post data,
cookies, etc.) with the same name. Upon receipt
applications may react in unexpected ways and open up
avenues of server-side and client-side exploitation. By
cleverly leveraging these two former Top Ten attacks,
CSRF attacks can be carried out against a user even
when recommended token defenses are in use.
       Lavakumar Kuppan (@lavakumark)


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[CB16] Electron - Build cross platform desktop XSS, it’s easier than you thin...
[CB16] Electron - Build cross platform desktop XSS, it’s easier than you thin...[CB16] Electron - Build cross platform desktop XSS, it’s easier than you thin...
[CB16] Electron - Build cross platform desktop XSS, it’s easier than you thin...

Electron is a framework to create the desktop application on Windows,OS X, Linux easily, and it has been used to develop the popular applications such as Atom Editor, Visual Studio Code, and Slack. Although Electron includes Chromium and node.js and allow the web application developers to be able to develop the desktop application with accustomed methods, it contains a lot of security problems such as it allows arbitrary code execution if even one DOM-based XSS exist in the application. In fact, a lot of vulnerabilities which is able to load arbitrary code in applications made with Electron have been detected and reported. In this talk, I focus on organize and understand the security problems which tend to occur on development using Electron. --- Yosuke Hasegawa Secure Sky Technology Inc, Technical Adviser. Known for finding numerous vulnerablities in Internet Explorer、Mozilla Firefox and other web applications.He has also presented at Black Hat Japan 2008, South Korea POC 2008, 2010 and others. OWASP Kansai Chapter Leader, OWASP Japan Board member.

web securityxssjavascript
HTTP Security Headers Every Java Developer Must Know
HTTP Security Headers Every Java Developer Must KnowHTTP Security Headers Every Java Developer Must Know
HTTP Security Headers Every Java Developer Must Know

Demonstration based session on HTTP headers relevant to security aspect of web applications. Target audience is web developers, and more attention is given to Java language.

webinformation securityweb design
Xss is more than a simple threat
Xss is more than a simple threatXss is more than a simple threat
Xss is more than a simple threat

XSS (cross-site scripting) is a client-side vulnerability that allows injection of malicious JavaScript which can then be run on a victim's browser. The document discusses different types of XSS (non-persistent, persistent, DOM-based), examples of how to perform basic and advanced XSS attacks, ways XSS has been used on major websites, and how attackers can exploit XSS vulnerabilities for activities like session hijacking, cookie stealing, clickjacking, and more.

Clickjacking (Top Ten 2009)
Think of any button – image, link, form, etc. – on any website – that can appear
between the Web browser walls. This includes wire transfer on banks, DSL router
buttons, Digg buttons, CPC advertising banners, Netflix queue.

Next consider that an attacker can invisibly hover these buttons below the user's
mouse, so that when a user clicks on something they visually see, they're actually
clicking on something the attacker wants them to.

What could the bad guy do with that ability?

Hover Invisible IFRAMEs
                                       HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
                                       may size, follow the mouse
                                       and make transparent third-
                                       party IFRAME content.

 style="opacity:.1;filter: alpha(opacity=.1); -moz-opacity 1.0;">!

HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) - Top Ten 2009
If an attacker submit multiple input parameters (query string, post data, cookies,
etc.) of the same name, the application may react in unexpected ways and open
up new avenues of server-side and client-side exploitation.
           GET /foo?par1=val1&par1=val2 HTTP/1.1
           User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
           Host: Host
           Accept: */*

           POST /foo HTTP/1.1
           User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
           Host: Host
           Accept: */*


           POST /index.aspx?par1=val1&par1=val2 HTTP/1.1
           User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
           Host: Host
           Cookie: par1=val3; par1=val4
           Content-Length: 19

Bizarre behavior


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Protecting Java EE Web Apps with Secure HTTP Headers
Protecting Java EE Web Apps with Secure HTTP HeadersProtecting Java EE Web Apps with Secure HTTP Headers
Protecting Java EE Web Apps with Secure HTTP Headers

This document summarizes techniques for securing Java EE web applications with secure HTTP headers. It discusses cross-site scripting (XSS) and how to prevent it using the HttpOnly and X-XSS-Protection headers. It also covers session hijacking and how to prevent it with the Secure and Strict-Transport-Security headers. Finally, it discusses clickjacking and demonstrates how it works.

javaoneapplication securitysecurity
Browser Internals-Same Origin Policy
Browser Internals-Same Origin PolicyBrowser Internals-Same Origin Policy
Browser Internals-Same Origin Policy

Often, web developers keep hearing about "Same Origin Policy (SOP)" of browsers but live with half-knowledge or with several confusions. This session attempts to clear the misconceptions of SOP.

WebView security on iOS (EN)
WebView security on iOS (EN)WebView security on iOS (EN)
WebView security on iOS (EN)

This document discusses security considerations for using UIWebView on iOS. It recommends only loading trusted content, implementing input validation, and using features like Content Security Policy (CSP) to mitigate risks like cross-site scripting (XSS). The document provides code examples for implementing CSP and filtering untrusted content. It also warns that JavaScript bridges between UIWebView and native code need special attention from a security perspective.

Simple parameter injection
 void private executeBackendRequest(HTTPRequest request) {
   String amount=request.getParameter("amount");
   String beneficiary=request.getParameter("recipient");


 Malicious URL:

 Translates to:

It is possible the attack could work if proper authorization controls are not in place and
the application uses the last occurrence of the action parameter (IBM Lotus Domino,
PHP / Apache, etc.)


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Buried by time, dust and BeEF
Buried by time, dust and BeEFBuried by time, dust and BeEF
Buried by time, dust and BeEF

Slides of my talk at RuxCon 2013: For those who do not listen Mayhem and black metal, the talk title might seem a bit weird, and I can't blame you. You know the boundaries of the Same Origin Policy, you know SQL injection and time-delays, you know BeEF. You also know that when sending cross-domain XHRs you can still monitor the timing of the response: you might want to infer on 0 or 1 bits depending if the response was delayed or not. This means it's possible to exploit every kind of SQL injection, blind or not blind, through an hooked browser, if you can inject a time-delay and monitor the response timing. You don't need a 0day or a particular SOP bypass to do this, and it works in every browser. The potential of being faster than a normal single-host multi-threaded SQLi dumper will be explored. Two experiments will be shown: WebWorkers as well as multiple synched hooked browsers, which split the workload communicating partial results to a central server. A pure JavaScript approach will be exclusively presented during this talk, including live demos. Such approach would work for both internet facing targets as well as applications available in the intranet of the hooked browser. The talk will finish discussing the implications of such an approach in terms of Incident Response and Forensics, showing evidence of a very small footprint.

michele orruxssdistributed data dumping
Modern Web Application Defense
Modern Web Application DefenseModern Web Application Defense
Modern Web Application Defense

This document discusses various tools from the OWASP project for securing modern web applications, including ESAPI and the Java Encoder for output encoding, the Secure Headers Project for response headers, and CSRFGuard for cross-site request forgery protection. It emphasizes using security features like content security policies, strict transport security, and X-frame options headers to help mitigate risks like cross-site scripting and clickjacking attacks. The document also demonstrates cross-site request forgery vulnerabilities using the OWASP 1-Liner application and how to address them with anti-CSRF tokens.

DNS Rebinding Attack
DNS Rebinding AttackDNS Rebinding Attack
DNS Rebinding Attack

This document discusses DNS rebinding attacks and defenses against them. DNS rebinding works by resolving a domain name to the attacker's IP address for a short time, then rebinding it to the target's IP. This allows the attacker to circumvent the same-origin policy and run code on the target's machine. Experiments showed the attack could recruit over 30,000 browsers to a botnet without any user interaction using Flash. Defenses include smarter pinning in browsers, host name authorization, and policy-based approaches. Plug-ins also need to consult server policies before opening sockets.

rebinding dns attack security
Example Scenario
<form method="POST">
<input type="text" name="email" value=””></input>
<input type="hidden" name=”csrf-token” value="a0a0a0a0a0a"/>

if (req.parameter("email").isSet() && req.parameter("csrf-token").isValid()) {
   // process the form and update the email ID
} else {
   // display an empty form to the user (CSRF token included)

Bringing it all together
 <iframe src=”http://example/updateEmail.jsp?”>

 HTTP request via user submitted form via Clickjacking. The form was not filled out by
 the victim, meaning the email parameter in the POST body is blank. Now the
 QueryString contains the attacker entered value for the ‘email’ parameter.

 POST /updateEmail.jsp?

 When the server side JSP code calls req.parameter("email"), the value that is returned
 is the one in the QueryString (HPP first occurrence) and not the POST body. Since
 this value can be controlled by the attacker, he can trick the victim in to updating his
 account with the attacker’s mail ID.

Attacking HTTPS with Cache Injection

No matter what type of encryption is used to defend a
network, sooner or later the password, key, or certificate
needs to be stored. If an attacker is able to tamper with
the storage mechanism, even the strongest encryption
mechanism can fail. The researchers demonstrated how
to attack storage mechanisms by tampering with SSL
session and break into Wifi networks using WPA. They
also showed how to exploit SSL warning inconsistencies
and caching mechanisms to trick the user into accepting a
bad certs and steal their username & password.

Elie Bursztein (@ELIE), Baptiste Gourdin
(@bapt1ste), Dan Boneh

RFC1918 Caching Security - (Top Ten 2009)
Public Wifi


 coffee shops, airplanes,
 corp guest networks      Bad Guy

     • Victim(s) located on a RFC 1918 network with a Bad Guy
     • Bad Guy may take the opportunity to read victim’s Web mail, steal creds, etc.
     • Bad Guy man-in-the-middles HTTP (Airpwn) to inject IFRAMEs to RFC-1918 IPs
     • MitM IFRAMEs to include JavaScript malware (BeEF). Or ...
     • Inject JavaScript malware into popular Web widget URLs. (Ad servers, counters, etc.)
     • Cache content in the browser for a really long time, beyond current session!

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Abusing & Securing XPC in macOS apps
Abusing & Securing XPC in macOS appsAbusing & Securing XPC in macOS apps
Abusing & Securing XPC in macOS apps

XPC is a well-known interprocess communication mechanism used on Apple devices. Abusing XPC led to many severe bugs, including those used in jailbreaks. While the XPC bugs in Apple's components are harder and harder to exploit, did we look at non-Apple apps on macOS? As it turns out, vulnerable apps are everywhere - Anti Viruses, Messengers, Privacy tools, Firewalls, and more. This presentation: 1.Explain how XPC/NSXPC work 2.Present you some of my findings in popular macOS apps (e.g. local privilege escalation to r00t) 3.Abuse an interesting feature on Catalina allowing to inject an unsigned dylib 4.Show you how to fix that vulnz finally!

macosinformation securityxpc
Secure web messaging in HTML5
Secure web messaging in HTML5Secure web messaging in HTML5
Secure web messaging in HTML5

The document provides an overview of secure web messaging in HTML5. It discusses how traditional methods of communication like JavaScript, AJAX, and frames had limitations due to the same-origin policy. The HTML5 postMessage API allows for secure cross-origin communication between frames by abstracting multiple principals. While more secure than previous techniques, the postMessage API still requires careful configuration of target origins, validation of received data, and mitigation of framing attacks to prevent security issues like cross-site scripting.

securityhtml5web 2.0
JSFoo Chennai 2012
JSFoo Chennai 2012JSFoo Chennai 2012
JSFoo Chennai 2012

This document discusses security challenges with web applications that combine content from multiple sources (mashups). It covers how the same-origin policy isolates origins but exempts scripts, allowing cross-site scripting attacks. Frame-based communication and the postMessage API provide secure cross-origin messaging capabilities. The document recommends sandboxing iframes and using features like CORS to mitigate risks in mashups.

web securitymashupsjavascript
• 43% of the Alexa top 100,000 use external javascript libraries
• Injecting a malicious javascript library into the browser cache
 allows the attacker to compromise a website protected by SSL

• The malicious library stays in the cache until the user clears it.
 Moving to a “safe” location doesn’t help

• One poisoned injection leads to multiple breaches
• Multiples websites share the same external library such as
 Google Analytics

• Injecting a malicious version of one of these shared libraries
 allows the attacker to target all the websites that use it

Browser Defense -- sort of
• The only defense against cache injection is the SSL warning
 displayed by the browser when a bad certificate is supplied

• Corner cases that allows an attacker to alter the way SSL
 certificate warning are displayed

• These alterations make caching attack efficient as the user is
 more likely to click through the tampered warning

Video Demo
• The following demos show how caching injection attacks
 works against Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 3.6

• These demos were done in real time against real sites with
 their real certificates


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WhiteHat Security "Website Security Statistics Report" (Q1'09)
WhiteHat Security "Website Security Statistics Report" (Q1'09)WhiteHat Security "Website Security Statistics Report" (Q1'09)
WhiteHat Security "Website Security Statistics Report" (Q1'09)

The WhiteHat Website Security Statistics Report provides a one-of-a-kind perspective on the state of website security and the issues that organizations must address to avert attack. WhiteHat has been publishing the report, which highlights the top ten vulnerabilities, vertical market trends and new attack vectors, since 2006. The WhiteHat report presents a statistical picture of current website vulnerabilities, accompanied by WhiteHat expert analysis and recommendations. WhiteHat’s report is the only one in the industry to focus solely on unknown vulnerabilities in custom Web applications, code unique to an organization, within real-world websites.

Web-servers & Application Hacking
Web-servers & Application HackingWeb-servers & Application Hacking
Web-servers & Application Hacking

This document provides instructions for exploiting various web application vulnerabilities, including remote file inclusion (RFI), local file inclusion (LFI), SQL injection, and more. It begins by explaining RFI and how to exploit it, including using a null byte bypass. It then covers LFI and how to escalate it to remote code execution (RCE). Other sections discuss uploading shells via LFI and Firefox, exploiting vulnerabilities to download local files, full path disclosure, SQL injection techniques, and automatically uploading a shell via a phpThumb() command injection vulnerability. The document aims to serve as a tutorial for hackers to learn various web hacking methods.

pentestwebsite hackingpentesting
HTML5 Web Messaging
HTML5 Web MessagingHTML5 Web Messaging
HTML5 Web Messaging

This document discusses HTML5 web messaging and the same origin policy. It introduces the MessageEvent object used to handle cross-document messaging and describes how to use the postMessage() method and MessageChannel interface to communicate across browsing contexts from different origins securely. Examples are given of using web messaging to extend the browser's capabilities by communicating between injected scripts, pages, and background processes.

Hacking Auto-Complete

This research encompasses a set of techniques where a
malicious website may surreptitiously obtain their visitors
names, job title, workplace, physical address, telephone
number, email addresses, usernames, passwords, search
terms, social security numbers, credit card numbers, and
on and on by simulating JavaScript keystroke events in
Web browsers HTML form auto-complete / autofill

Jeremiah Grossman (@jeremiahg)

I want to know your name, who
you work for, where you live, your
email address, etc.
Right at the moment you a visit a website. Even if you’ve never
been there before, let alone entered information.

Safari Address Book Autofill (enabled by default)

           <input type="text"   name="name">
           <input type="text"   name="company">
           <input type="text"   name="city">
           <input type="text"   name="state">
           <input type="text"   name="country">
           <input type="text"   name="email">

Address Card Autofill works even when
you’ve NEVER entered personal data on


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Security Risk Management: ovvero come mitigare e gestire i rischi dei dati attraverso i servizi gestiti. - by Hitachi Systems - festival ICT 2015 Relatore: Denis Cassinerio Security Business Unit Director di Hitachi Systems CBT

hitachy systemssecurityfestival ict 2015
Grow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps
Grow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web AppsGrow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps
Grow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps

This is the first part of the Grow Hack Athens presentation by GrowthRocks, entitled GrowHackAthens: Growth Hacking For Web Apps.

growth hackinggrowth hackermobile apps
Hacking the Web
Hacking the WebHacking the Web
Hacking the Web

The document discusses various web application attacks like cross-site scripting, SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, sensitive data exposure, and cookie editing. For each attack, it provides information on threat agents, attack vectors, security weaknesses, impacts, prevalence, detectability, example exploits, and steps to prevent the attack. The overall document serves as an educational guide on common web hacking techniques and how to avoid falling victim to them.

ethical hackingrobert gordon university
var event = document.createEvent('TextEvent');
event.initTextEvent('textInput', 1, 1, null, char);

input.value = "";               Step 1) Dynamically create
input.selectionStart = 0;       input fields with the pre-set
input.selectionEnd = 0;         attribute names.
input.dispatchEvent(event);!    Step 2) Cycle through the
!                               alphabet initiating text events
setTimeout(function() {         until a form value populates.
  if (input.value.length > 1) {
   // capture the value;        Step 3) Profit! -- Steal data
  }                             with JavaScript.
}, 500);                        *transparency is even more fun!*

                                                v4 / v5
Internet Explorer 8 = SAFE
AutoComplete: User-supplied form values are shared across
different websites by attribute “name”. For example, email
addresses entered into a field on website A populates the autofill for
the same field name on website B, C, D, etc.
                                 <input type="text" name="email">

DEMO - Down, Down, Enter
// hit down arrow an incrementing number of times.
// separate with time to allow the GUI to keep pace
for (var i = 1; i <= downs; i++) {
   time += 30; // time padding
   keyStroke(this, 40, time); // down button
!       !
time += 15; // time padding
keyStroke(this, 13, time); // enter button

// initiate keystroke on a given object
function keyStroke(obj, code, t) {
  //create new event and fire
  var e = document.createEventObject();
  e.keyCode = code;
  setTimeout(function() {obj.fireEvent("onkeydown", e); }, t);
} // end keyStroke

                        Security Basis, and an Internet Explorer data stealer
                        Andrea Giammarchi, Ajaxian Staff


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Automated Detection of HPP Vulnerabilities in Web Applications Version 0.3, B...
Automated Detection of HPP Vulnerabilities in Web Applications Version 0.3, B...Automated Detection of HPP Vulnerabilities in Web Applications Version 0.3, B...
Automated Detection of HPP Vulnerabilities in Web Applications Version 0.3, B...

My talk on HPP at BlackHat USA 2011. These slides are an updated version of my other talks on the same topic.

web securityblackhathpp
Flash Security
Flash SecurityFlash Security
Flash Security

This document discusses security issues related to Flash applications and cross-domain access. It covers how the crossdomain.xml file controls cross-domain access and demonstrates how this can be exploited. Attack surfaces like global parameters, external resources, and HTML text areas are described. The document recommends limiting JavaScript access in embedded Flash, ensuring configurations and external resources come from trusted domains, and sanitizing data in HTML text areas.

Oral Presentation
Oral PresentationOral Presentation
Oral Presentation

- The document summarizes a study of flash crowd dynamics in a peer-to-peer live video streaming system called Coolstreaming. It analyzes data collected during a flash crowd event when tens of thousands joined simultaneously. - It finds the number of short sessions (under 2 minutes) increases significantly during a flash crowd, correlated with high joining rates. This suggests new peers struggle to start playback due to limited resources. - User retry behavior is also analyzed, showing users try multiple times to join during a flash crowd. The system can scale up to a limit but with longer startup delays and potential disruptions during flash crowds.

Search terms
Credit card numbers and CCVs
Contact information
Answers to secret questions
Email addresses

AutoComplete is NOT enabled by default, but Internet
Explorer asks if the user if they would like to enable
the feature after filling out a non-password form.

Have the email address, but need the password

Saving Passwords
 Many Web Browsers have “password managers,” which provide
 a convenient way to save passwords on a “per website” basis.
 <form method="post" action="/">
 E-Mail: <input type="text" name="email"><br />
 Password: <input type="password" name="pass"><br />
 <input type="submit" value="Login">


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Hacking The World With Flash
Hacking The World With FlashHacking The World With Flash
Hacking The World With Flash

The document discusses vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash and the risk of exploitation. It provides a history of Flash exploits from 2001-2008, noting common bugs like file format validation issues and input validation errors. It analyzes trends in Flash security advisories, finding that almost half of vulnerabilities allow remote code execution. The document warns that a Flash virus or worm is inevitable given the widespread use of Flash and continued emergence of vulnerabilities.

Mensajes de control y Error del conjunto TCP/IP - ICMP
Mensajes de control y Error del conjunto TCP/IP - ICMPMensajes de control y Error del conjunto TCP/IP - ICMP
Mensajes de control y Error del conjunto TCP/IP - ICMP

El documento describe los mensajes de control y error del conjunto de protocolos TCP/IP. Explica que el protocolo ICMP se utiliza para enviar mensajes de error y control entre dispositivos de red, ya que IP por sí solo no garantiza la entrega de paquetes ni proporciona notificaciones de errores. Además, describe diversos tipos de mensajes ICMP como eco, redireccionamiento, marca de tiempo y destino inalcanzable, así como sus usos para diagnosticar problemas de comunicación en redes IP.


This document introduces Proxenet, a hacker-friendly web application proxy designed to be easily extensible through plugins. Proxenet is written entirely in C for high performance. It uses a microkernel approach where a small core handles connections and delegates all other functionality to plugins. Plugins are simple to create, requiring only request and response hook functions. The document demonstrates how Proxenet can be used for man-in-the-middle attacks by modifying HTTP traffic using plugins during active directory poisoning attacks on internal networks.

If a website with a saved password is vulnerable to XSS, the
payload can dynamically create login forms, which executes the
browser’s password auto-complete feature. Since the payload is
on the same domain the username / password can be stolen.
function stealCreds() {
 var string = "E-Mail: " + document.getElementById("u").value;
 string += "nPassword: " + document.getElementById("p").value;
 return string;
document.write('<form method="post" action="/">E-Mail: <input
id="u" type="text" name="email" value=""><br>Password: <input
id="p" type="password" name="password" value=""></form>');

setTimeout('alert(stealCreds())', 2000);

               * *                 DEMO
What to do...
Disable Auto-Complete in the Web browser

Remove persistent data
(History, Form Data, Cookies, LocalStorage, etc.)

NoScript (Firefox Extension), 1Password, etc.

<form autocomplete="off">
<input type="text" autocomplete="off" />


Evercookie is a javascript API available that produces
extremely persistent cookies in a browser. Its goal is to
identify a client even after they've removed standard
cookies, Flash cookies (Local Shared Objects or LSOs),
and others. Evercookie accomplishes this by storing the
cookie data in several types of storage mechanisms that
are available on the local browser. Additionally, if evercookie
has found the user has removed any of the types of cookies
in question, it recreates them using each mechanism

Samy Kamkar (@samykamkar)


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Virus informaticos
Virus informaticosVirus informaticos
Virus informaticos

Este documento define los virus informáticos y describe sus características, efectos y clasificaciones. Los virus son programas dañinos que se ocultan, propagan e infectan otros ordenadores. Pueden consumir recursos, disminuir el rendimiento y destruir información. Existen varios tipos como caballos de Troya, camaleones, polimorfos y gusanos. Los virus son creados por hackers para causar daño. Se recomienda usar software antivirus y no ejecutar archivos sospechosos para prevenir infecciones.

The top 10 security issues in web applications
The top 10 security issues in web applicationsThe top 10 security issues in web applications
The top 10 security issues in web applications

The top 10 security issues in web applications are: 1. Injection flaws such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injection. 2. Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that allow attackers to execute scripts in a victim's browser. 3. Broken authentication and session management, such as not logging users out properly or exposing session IDs. 4. Insecure direct object references where users can directly access files without authorization checks. 5. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) that tricks a user into performing actions they did not intend. 6. Security misconfiguration of web or application servers. 7. Insecure cryptographic storage of passwords or sensitive data. 8

web security devnology osap
ESR II - Modulo 1 - Codigo Malicioso
ESR II - Modulo 1 - Codigo MaliciosoESR II - Modulo 1 - Codigo Malicioso
ESR II - Modulo 1 - Codigo Malicioso

El documento introduce los conceptos de malware y virus informáticos, describiendo sus características, clasificaciones, formas de propagación y daños. Explica los tipos de virus como boot sector, file, macro y encriptados, así como sus síntomas y etapas de contaminación. Finalmente, recomienda medidas de protección como software antivirus, firewalls e implementación de políticas de seguridad.

1) Standard HTTP Cookies               6) Internet Explorer userData storage

2) Flash Cookies (LSOs)                7) Storing cookies in Web cache

3) Silverlight Isolated Storage        8) Storing cookies in HTTP ETags

4) Storing cookies in RGB values of auto- 9) HTML5 Session Storage
 generated, force-cached PNGs using
 HTML5 Canvas tag to read pixels          10) HTML5 Local Storage
 (cookies) back out
                                          11) HTML5 Global Storage
5) Storing cookies in Web History
                                          12) HTML5 Database Storage via SQLite
6) caching

• Persistent cookies via Javascript API
• Recreates after deletion
• Combines different storage mechanisms
• Easy to use!

var ec = new evercookie();

ec.set(“uniqueid”, “31337”); // set uniqueid = 31337

// get our evercookie data back
ec.get(“uniqueid”, function(val) { alert (“ID is “ + val) } );

PNGs Cache
Cookie stored in RGB values of auto-generated, force-cached PNGs
using HTML5 Canvas Tag to read pixels back out

Pixel 0x0 = 0x4f5741 OWA
Pixel 0x1 = 0x535000 SP0

Killing Evercookies (Video)
    1) Open a new tab, then close all other windows and tabs.
    2) Delete Silverlight Isolated Storage
    • Go to
    • Right click the Silverlight application (any app will do)
    • Silverlight Preferences > Application Storage > Delete all...
    • Click "Yes"
    • * Optionally disable "Enable application storage"
    3) Delete Flash Local Shared Objects (LSO)
    • Go got the Flash "Website Storage Settings panel"
    • Click "Delete all sites"
    • Click "Confirm"
    4) Clear Browsing Data
    • - Wrench > Tools > Clear Browsing Data...
    • - Select all options
    • - Clear data from this period: Everything
    • - Click "Clear Browsing data"


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This document advertises 1TopSpy cell phone tracking software and describes its features for hacking into phones and monitoring activity. It claims the software can track location, read texts, messages on apps like WhatsApp and Facebook, and more across millions of phones. The summary provides instructions to download the software onto a target phone, login on a computer, and begin monitoring. Customer testimonials praise the software's usefulness for parenting and employee monitoring.

Seguridad informática introduccion
Seguridad informática introduccionSeguridad informática introduccion
Seguridad informática introduccion

La seguridad de la información busca proteger los activos de una empresa o individuo, como la información, equipos y personas, mediante el resguardo de los principios de integridad, confidencialidad y disponibilidad de la información. Esto se logra identificando amenazas y vulnerabilidades, y aplicando medidas de seguridad como análisis de riesgos y políticas de seguridad.

Open Source Information Gathering Brucon Edition
Open Source Information Gathering Brucon EditionOpen Source Information Gathering Brucon Edition
Open Source Information Gathering Brucon Edition

This document provides information on open source intelligence (OSINT) techniques for information gathering. It discusses performing passive, semi-passive, and active information gathering. Key areas of focus are infrastructure intelligence gathering to identify networks and domains, and people/organization intelligence gathering to find emails, metadata in documents, and profiles of employees. A variety of tools are recommended to automate the process, including Maltego, theHarvester, FOCA, and APIs from services like Zoominfo.

chris gatesosintpentesting
Other Protections
• Nevercookie - The evercookie killer
Firefox plugin to extend Firefox’s Private Browsing

• Use a virtual machine. (On your neighbor’s WiFi Network)

Other Worries...
• System/browser timing
• GPU timing via plugins/accelerators (w/Flash)
• MAC address accessible via Java or ActiveX!

'Padding Oracle' Crypto Attack

In 2002 a powerful side-channel attack, ‘padding
oracle’ (NOT THE DATABASE!), was described targeting
AES CBC-mode encryption with PKCS#5 padding. If
there is an oracle which on receipt of a ciphertext,
decrypts it and replies whether the padding is correct,
shows how to use that oracle to decrypt data without
knowing the encryption key. The new techniques allow
attackers to use a ‘padding oracle’ to decrypt and encrypt
messages of any length without knowing the secret key
and exploit popular web development frameworks
including ASP.NET.
Juliano Rizzo (@julianor)
Thai Duong (@thaidn)

Brian Holyfield


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This document describes how to use 1TopSpy software to hack and track any mobile phone within 5 minutes. It lists the features of 1TopSpy including tracking GPS location, monitoring text messages, calls, WhatsApp messages, and more. The summary describes downloading and installing 1TopSpy on the target phone, logging into the 1TopSpy website to begin monitoring. Customer testimonials praise 1TopSpy for allowing worried parents and businesses to discreetly monitor mobile activity.

Devfest istanbul'14 - Web Application Attacks and Trusting Frameworks
Devfest istanbul'14  - Web Application Attacks and Trusting FrameworksDevfest istanbul'14  - Web Application Attacks and Trusting Frameworks
Devfest istanbul'14 - Web Application Attacks and Trusting Frameworks

Frameworks are undeniably one of the most important elements of frameworks. As we continue to witness a significant increase in number of framework-based attacks towards web applications each day, usage of Frameworks without considering security-related aspects continue to be the most drastic problem that developers face. Throughout the presentation; Mr. İnce will analyze one of the most commonly-used PHP web frameworks by highlighting important security considerations; followed by a real-time exploitation of discovered vulnerability in LAB environment.

Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques – 2008
Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques – 2008Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques – 2008
Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques – 2008

Many notable and new web hacking techniques, discoveries and compromises were uncovered in 2008. During his session, the top 10 vulnerabilities present in 2008, as well as some of the prevalent security issues emerging in 2009. Attendees will virtually be able to walk through the vulnerabilities appearing on today’s corporate websites, learning real-world solutions to today’s web application security issues. Moderator: Mike Stephenson, SC lab manager, SC Magazine - Jeremiah Grossman, founder and chief technology officer, WhiteHat Security

web application security hacking jeremiah grossman
Padding Oracle Attack Basics
An application uses a query string parameter to pass an encrypted username,
company id, and role id of a user. The parameter is encrypted using CBC mode,
and each value uses a unique initialization vector (IV) pre-pended to the ciphertext.
When the application is sent an encrypted value, it responds in one of three ways:

1)Valid ciphertext, properly padded and valid data (200 OK)
2)Invalid ciphertext, improper padding (500 Internal Server Error)
3)Valid ciphertext, properly padded and invalid data (200 OK - custom error)

User’s name (BRIAN), company id (12), and role id (2). The value, in plaintext, can
be represented as BRIAN;12;2;




First block of ciphertext pre-pended with an IV of all NULL values.

Request: http://site/app.jsp?UID=0000000000000000F851D6CC68FC9537
Response: 500 - Internal Server Error


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Rich Web App Security - Keeping your application safe
Rich Web App Security - Keeping your application safeRich Web App Security - Keeping your application safe
Rich Web App Security - Keeping your application safe

The document discusses securing web applications from common vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). It outlines various techniques attackers use to exploit these issues, such as injecting malicious scripts into user input or forging unauthorized requests. The document then provides recommendations for developers to prevent these attacks, such as carefully validating and encoding all user input, and authenticating that requests are intended by the user.

jeremiah grossman joe walker ajax experience web a
Starwest 2008
Starwest 2008Starwest 2008
Starwest 2008

Caleb Sima is the founder and CTO of SPI Dynamics, a security company. He has over 11 years of experience in security and is a frequent speaker on topics like exploiting web security vulnerabilities and hacking web applications. The document discusses various web application vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and session hijacking, and provides examples of exploiting these vulnerabilities on real websites.


Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a major web vulnerability that forces users to perform unintended actions on websites. It remains underreported due to the difficulty of detection. CSRF can be used to hijack user accounts, modify browser settings, and force purchases without user awareness or consent. While solutions like tokens exist, many websites remain vulnerable to CSRF attacks.

Last byte of the initialization vector incremented by one.

Request: http://app/home.jsp?UID=0000000000000001F851D6CC68FC9537
Response: 500 - Internal Server Error

Incrementing the last byte in the IV up to FF will produce a valid padding sequence for a
single byte of padding (0×01). Only one value will produce the correct padding byte and
have different response than the other 255.

Request: http://site/app?UID=000000000000003CF851D6CC68FC9537
Response: 200 OK

                             If [Intermediary Byte] ^ 0x3C == 0×01,
                             then [Intermediary Byte] == 0x3C ^ 0×01,
                             so [Intermediary Byte] == 0x3D

To crack the 7th byte, the 7th and 8th byte must equal 0×02 for valid padding. Since we
already know that the last intermediary value byte is 0x3D, we can update the 8th IV byte
to 0x3F (which will produce 0×02) and then focus on brute forcing the 7th byte (starting
with 0×00 and working our way up through 0xFF).

Work backwards through the entire block until every byte of the intermediary value is
cracked and uncovering the decrypted value one byte at a time. The final byte is cracked
using an IV that produces an entire block of just padding (0×08).

                  "The first stage of the attack takes a few thousand requests, but
                 once it succeeds and the attacker gets the secret keys, it's totally
                    stealthy.The cryptographic knowledge required is very basic."
                                                                     - Julian Rizzo

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Everybody loves html5,h4ck3rs too
Everybody loves html5,h4ck3rs tooEverybody loves html5,h4ck3rs too
Everybody loves html5,h4ck3rs too

I'm take picture from here and there by goggling not mentioning all source please let me know if anyone has any objection. This presentation was presented in “securITy” Information Security Conference at BASIS SoftExpo 2012

basis softexpo 2012securityhtml5
Krzysztof Kotowicz - Hacking HTML5
Krzysztof Kotowicz - Hacking HTML5Krzysztof Kotowicz - Hacking HTML5
Krzysztof Kotowicz - Hacking HTML5

The document provides instructions for setting up a lab environment to practice HTML5 hacking techniques. It includes details on installing VirtualBox and shared folders, as well as IP addresses to use for the "localvictim" and "evil" servers. The remainder of the document outlines a plan to cover various HTML5-related attacks, including bypassing the same-origin policy, exploiting XSS vectors in HTML5, attacking with cross-origin resource sharing and web messaging, targeting client-side storage, and using web sockets. Disclaimers are provided about the practical nature of the workshops and limited time.

zeronights 0x03
Top 10 Web Hacks 2012
Top 10 Web Hacks 2012Top 10 Web Hacks 2012
Top 10 Web Hacks 2012

Top 10 Web Hacks Every year the number and creativity of Web hacks increases, and the damage from these attacks rises exponentially, costing organizations millions every year. Join this webinar to learn about the latest and most insidious Web-based attacks. The much anticipated list, now in its seventh year, represents exhaustive research conducted by a panel of experienced security industry professionals. Learn the latest of the worst in Web hacks, and how to protect your organization.

information securitytop 10web application
"It turns out that the vulnerability in ASP.NET is the most critical amongst
          other frameworks. In short, it totally destroys ASP.NET security,"
                                                                -Thai Duong

Impact & Prevention
Vulnerable Frameworks
ASP.Net, CAPTCHAs, JavaServer Faces, OWASP ESAPI,
Ruby On Rails, etc.

•Encrypt-then-MAC (sign) and validate-then-decrypt

What have we learned?
• Encryption attacks took the top spot for the 2nd year in a row.
• Web Browser privacy? Web browser security? Not so much.
• “Top Ten” attacks from previous years are being improved.
• Several attack techniques from previous years are now
 actively being used maliciously in the wild.

Thank You...
• Sponsors: OWASP, Black Hat, WhiteHat
• Panel of Experts: Ed Skoudis, Giorgio
  Maone, Caleb Sima, Chris Wysopal, Jeff
  Willams, Charlie Miller, Dan Kaminsky,
  Steven Christey (Mitre), and Arian Evans
• All the security researchers for their
• Everyone in the Web Application Security
  community who assisted


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OWASP Serbia - A5 cross-site request forgery
OWASP Serbia - A5 cross-site request forgeryOWASP Serbia - A5 cross-site request forgery
OWASP Serbia - A5 cross-site request forgery

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of malicious attack that tricks a user into unknowingly executing unwanted actions on a web application. The attacker creates hidden HTTP requests that get executed in the victim's browser using their authentication credentials. This allows the attacker to perform sensitive functions like changing passwords, making purchases, or posting comments on the victim's behalf. Defenses include using secret tokens or custom headers to validate requests and prevent CSRF attacks. The Firefox add-on CsFire also helps protect users by removing authentication information from cross-domain requests.

owasp serbiacsrfcross site request forgery

1) The document discusses new hacking techniques that can exploit browsers and access internal corporate networks even when the browser has JavaScript disabled or restricted. These techniques bypass traditional perimeter security measures. 2) One technique uses CSS to steal a user's browsing history without JavaScript. Another obtains the user's internal IP address using a Java applet and then port scans the internal network to find vulnerabilities. 3) The author concludes that a user's browser, when visiting public websites, can potentially be silently hijacked to target and hack resources on the internal corporate network.

Html5 security
Html5 securityHtml5 security
Html5 security

The document discusses security considerations for HTML5. It notes that while HTML5 specifications are not inherently flawed, bad code can introduce new vulnerabilities. It outlines several attack vectors like XSS, history tampering, web storage manipulation, and clickjacking. It also discusses mitigations like script isolation, cross-document messaging, sandboxing, and CORS, noting their limitations. The document aims to raise awareness of the expanded client-side attack surface in HTML5.

web securityhtml5

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Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques (2010)

  • 1. top ten Web Hacking techniques 2010 Jeremiah Grossman Founder & Chief Technology Officer Webcast 03.17.2011 © 2011 WhiteHat Security, Inc.
  • 2. Jeremiah Grossman • WhiteHat Security Founder & CTO • Technology R&D and industry evangelist • InfoWorld's CTO Top 25 for 2007 • Co-founder of the Web Application Security Consortium • Co-author: Cross-Site Scripting Attacks • Former Yahoo! information security officer © 2010 WhiteHat Security, Inc. | Page 2
  • 4. 400+ enterprise customers •Start-ups to Fortune 500 Flagship offering “WhiteHat Sentinel Service” •1000’s of assessments performed annually Recognized leader in website security •Quoted thousands of times by the mainstream press 4
  • 5. About the Top Ten “Every year the Web security community produces a stunning amount of new hacking techniques published in various white papers, blog posts, magazine articles, mailing list emails, etc. Within the thousands of pages are the latest ways to attack websites, Web browsers, Web proxies, and so on. Beyond individual vulnerability instances with CVE numbers or system compromises, we're talking about brand new and creative methods of Web-based attack.” 5
  • 6. New Techniques 2009 (80) Creating a rogue CA certificate 2008 (70) GIFAR (GIF + JAR) 2007 (83) XSS Vulnerabilities in Common Shockwave Flash Files 2006 (65) Web Browser Intranet Hacking / Port Scanning 6
  • 7. 2010 69 new techniques 1) 'Padding Oracle' Crypto Attack 2) Evercookie 3) Hacking Auto-Complete 4) Attacking HTTPS with Cache Injection 5) Bypassing CSRF protections with ClickJacking and HTTP Parameter Pollution 6) Universal XSS in IE8 7) HTTP POST DoS 8) JavaSnoop 9) CSS History Hack In Firefox Without JavaScript for Intranet Portscanning 10) Java Applet DNS Rebinding 7
  • 8. Bypassing CSRF with Clickjacking and HTTP Parameter Pollution 5 Clickjacking is when an attacker invisibly hovers an object (button, link, etc.) below a user's mouse. When the user clicks on something they visually see, they're instead really clicking on something the attacker wanted them to. HTTP Parameter Pollution is where an attacker submits multiple input parameters (query string, post data, cookies, etc.) with the same name. Upon receipt applications may react in unexpected ways and open up avenues of server-side and client-side exploitation. By cleverly leveraging these two former Top Ten attacks, CSRF attacks can be carried out against a user even when recommended token defenses are in use. Lavakumar Kuppan (@lavakumark) 8
  • 9. Clickjacking (Top Ten 2009) Think of any button – image, link, form, etc. – on any website – that can appear between the Web browser walls. This includes wire transfer on banks, DSL router buttons, Digg buttons, CPC advertising banners, Netflix queue. Next consider that an attacker can invisibly hover these buttons below the user's mouse, so that when a user clicks on something they visually see, they're actually clicking on something the attacker wants them to. What could the bad guy do with that ability? 9
  • 10. Hover Invisible IFRAMEs HTML, CSS, and JavaScript may size, follow the mouse and make transparent third- party IFRAME content. <iframe src="http://victim/page.html" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="opacity:.1;filter: alpha(opacity=.1); -moz-opacity 1.0;">! </iframe> 10
  • 11. HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) - Top Ten 2009 If an attacker submit multiple input parameters (query string, post data, cookies, etc.) of the same name, the application may react in unexpected ways and open up new avenues of server-side and client-side exploitation. GET /foo?par1=val1&par1=val2 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Host: Host Accept: */* POST /foo HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Host: Host Accept: */* par1=val1&par1=val2 POST /index.aspx?par1=val1&par1=val2 HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Host: Host Cookie: par1=val3; par1=val4 Content-Length: 19 par1=val5&par1=val6 11
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. Simple parameter injection void private executeBackendRequest(HTTPRequest request) { String amount=request.getParameter("amount"); String beneficiary=request.getParameter("recipient"); HttpRequest("","POST", "action=transfer&amount="+amount+"&recipient="+beneficiary); } Malicious URL: Translates to: action=transfer&amount=1000&recipient=Jeremiah&action=withdraw It is possible the attack could work if proper authorization controls are not in place and the application uses the last occurrence of the action parameter (IBM Lotus Domino, PHP / Apache, etc.) 16
  • 17. Example Scenario http://example/updateEmail.jsp Client-Side <form method="POST"> <input type="text" name="email" value=””></input> <input type="hidden" name=”csrf-token” value="a0a0a0a0a0a"/> </form> Server-Side if (req.parameter("email").isSet() && req.parameter("csrf-token").isValid()) { // process the form and update the email ID } else { // display an empty form to the user (CSRF token included) } 17
  • 18. Bringing it all together <iframe src=”http://example/updateEmail.jsp?”> HTTP request via user submitted form via Clickjacking. The form was not filled out by the victim, meaning the email parameter in the POST body is blank. Now the QueryString contains the attacker entered value for the ‘email’ parameter. POST /updateEmail.jsp? HTTP/1.1 Host: email=&csrf-token=a0a0a0a0a0 When the server side JSP code calls req.parameter("email"), the value that is returned is the one in the QueryString (HPP first occurrence) and not the POST body. Since this value can be controlled by the attacker, he can trick the victim in to updating his account with the attacker’s mail ID. 18
  • 19. Attacking HTTPS with Cache Injection 4 No matter what type of encryption is used to defend a network, sooner or later the password, key, or certificate needs to be stored. If an attacker is able to tamper with the storage mechanism, even the strongest encryption mechanism can fail. The researchers demonstrated how to attack storage mechanisms by tampering with SSL session and break into Wifi networks using WPA. They also showed how to exploit SSL warning inconsistencies and caching mechanisms to trick the user into accepting a bad certs and steal their username & password. Elie Bursztein (@ELIE), Baptiste Gourdin (@bapt1ste), Dan Boneh 19
  • 20. RFC1918 Caching Security - (Top Ten 2009) Public Wifi HTTP Internet Airpwn Victims coffee shops, airplanes, corp guest networks Bad Guy • Victim(s) located on a RFC 1918 network with a Bad Guy • Bad Guy may take the opportunity to read victim’s Web mail, steal creds, etc. • Bad Guy man-in-the-middles HTTP (Airpwn) to inject IFRAMEs to RFC-1918 IPs • MitM IFRAMEs to include JavaScript malware (BeEF). Or ... • Inject JavaScript malware into popular Web widget URLs. (Ad servers, counters, etc.) • Cache content in the browser for a really long time, beyond current session!
  • 21. Situation • 43% of the Alexa top 100,000 use external javascript libraries • Injecting a malicious javascript library into the browser cache allows the attacker to compromise a website protected by SSL • The malicious library stays in the cache until the user clears it. Moving to a “safe” location doesn’t help 21
  • 22. Impact • One poisoned injection leads to multiple breaches • Multiples websites share the same external library such as Google Analytics • Injecting a malicious version of one of these shared libraries allows the attacker to target all the websites that use it 22
  • 23. Browser Defense -- sort of • The only defense against cache injection is the SSL warning displayed by the browser when a bad certificate is supplied • Corner cases that allows an attacker to alter the way SSL certificate warning are displayed • These alterations make caching attack efficient as the user is more likely to click through the tampered warning 23
  • 24. Video Demo • The following demos show how caching injection attacks works against Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 3.6 • These demos were done in real time against real sites with their real certificates 24
  • 25. Hacking Auto-Complete 3 This research encompasses a set of techniques where a malicious website may surreptitiously obtain their visitors names, job title, workplace, physical address, telephone number, email addresses, usernames, passwords, search terms, social security numbers, credit card numbers, and on and on by simulating JavaScript keystroke events in Web browsers HTML form auto-complete / autofill functionality. Jeremiah Grossman (@jeremiahg) 25
  • 26. I want to know your name, who you work for, where you live, your email address, etc. Right at the moment you a visit a website. Even if you’ve never been there before, let alone entered information. 26
  • 27. Safari Address Book Autofill (enabled by default) <form> <input type="text" name="name"> <input type="text" name="company"> <input type="text" name="city"> <input type="text" name="state"> <input type="text" name="country"> <input type="text" name="email"> </form> 27
  • 28. Address Card Autofill works even when you’ve NEVER entered personal data on ANY WEBSITE. 28
  • 29. Demo var event = document.createEvent('TextEvent'); event.initTextEvent('textInput', 1, 1, null, char); input.value = ""; Step 1) Dynamically create input.selectionStart = 0; input fields with the pre-set input.selectionEnd = 0; attribute names. input.focus(); input.dispatchEvent(event);! Step 2) Cycle through the ! alphabet initiating text events setTimeout(function() { until a form value populates. if (input.value.length > 1) { // capture the value; Step 3) Profit! -- Steal data } with JavaScript. }, 500); *transparency is even more fun!* Safari v4 / v5 29
  • 30. Internet Explorer 8 = SAFE 30
  • 31. AutoComplete: User-supplied form values are shared across different websites by attribute “name”. For example, email addresses entered into a field on website A populates the autofill for the same field name on website B, C, D, etc. <input type="text" name="email"> 31
  • 32. DEMO - Down, Down, Enter // hit down arrow an incrementing number of times. // separate with time to allow the GUI to keep pace for (var i = 1; i <= downs; i++) { time += 30; // time padding keyStroke(this, 40, time); // down button } ! ! time += 15; // time padding keyStroke(this, 13, time); // enter button // initiate keystroke on a given object function keyStroke(obj, code, t) { //create new event and fire var e = document.createEventObject(); e.keyCode = code; setTimeout(function() {obj.fireEvent("onkeydown", e); }, t); } // end keyStroke Security Basis, and an Internet Explorer data stealer Andrea Giammarchi, Ajaxian Staff 32
  • 33. Search terms Credit card numbers and CCVs Aliases Contact information Answers to secret questions Usernames Email addresses ... 33
  • 34. AutoComplete is NOT enabled by default, but Internet Explorer asks if the user if they would like to enable the feature after filling out a non-password form. 34
  • 35. Have the email address, but need the password 35
  • 36. Saving Passwords Many Web Browsers have “password managers,” which provide a convenient way to save passwords on a “per website” basis. <form method="post" action="/"> E-Mail: <input type="text" name="email"><br /> Password: <input type="password" name="pass"><br /> <input type="submit" value="Login"> </form> 36
  • 37. If a website with a saved password is vulnerable to XSS, the payload can dynamically create login forms, which executes the browser’s password auto-complete feature. Since the payload is on the same domain the username / password can be stolen. function stealCreds() { var string = "E-Mail: " + document.getElementById("u").value; string += "nPassword: " + document.getElementById("p").value; return string; } document.write('<form method="post" action="/">E-Mail: <input id="u" type="text" name="email" value=""><br>Password: <input id="p" type="password" name="password" value=""></form>'); setTimeout('alert(stealCreds())', 2000); * * DEMO 37
  • 38. What to do... Disable Auto-Complete in the Web browser Remove persistent data (History, Form Data, Cookies, LocalStorage, etc.) NoScript (Firefox Extension), 1Password, etc. <form autocomplete="off"> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" /> 38
  • 39. Evercookie 2 Evercookie is a javascript API available that produces extremely persistent cookies in a browser. Its goal is to identify a client even after they've removed standard cookies, Flash cookies (Local Shared Objects or LSOs), and others. Evercookie accomplishes this by storing the cookie data in several types of storage mechanisms that are available on the local browser. Additionally, if evercookie has found the user has removed any of the types of cookies in question, it recreates them using each mechanism available. Samy Kamkar (@samykamkar) 39
  • 40. 40
  • 41. Evercookies 1) Standard HTTP Cookies 6) Internet Explorer userData storage 2) Flash Cookies (LSOs) 7) Storing cookies in Web cache 3) Silverlight Isolated Storage 8) Storing cookies in HTTP ETags 4) Storing cookies in RGB values of auto- 9) HTML5 Session Storage generated, force-cached PNGs using HTML5 Canvas tag to read pixels 10) HTML5 Local Storage (cookies) back out 11) HTML5 Global Storage 5) Storing cookies in Web History 12) HTML5 Database Storage via SQLite 6) caching 41
  • 42. The API • Persistent cookies via Javascript API • Recreates after deletion • Combines different storage mechanisms • Easy to use! var ec = new evercookie(); ec.set(“uniqueid”, “31337”); // set uniqueid = 31337 // get our evercookie data back ec.get(“uniqueid”, function(val) { alert (“ID is “ + val) } ); 42
  • 43. PNGs Cache Cookie stored in RGB values of auto-generated, force-cached PNGs using HTML5 Canvas Tag to read pixels back out Pixel 0x0 = 0x4f5741 OWA Pixel 0x1 = 0x535000 SP0 43
  • 44. Killing Evercookies (Video) 1) Open a new tab, then close all other windows and tabs. 2) Delete Silverlight Isolated Storage • Go to • Right click the Silverlight application (any app will do) • Silverlight Preferences > Application Storage > Delete all... • Click "Yes" • * Optionally disable "Enable application storage" 3) Delete Flash Local Shared Objects (LSO) • Go got the Flash "Website Storage Settings panel" • Click "Delete all sites" • Click "Confirm" 4) Clear Browsing Data • - Wrench > Tools > Clear Browsing Data... • - Select all options • - Clear data from this period: Everything • - Click "Clear Browsing data" 44
  • 45. Other Protections • Nevercookie - The evercookie killer Firefox plugin to extend Firefox’s Private Browsing • Use a virtual machine. (On your neighbor’s WiFi Network) 45
  • 46. Other Worries... • System/browser timing • GPU timing via plugins/accelerators (w/Flash) • MAC address accessible via Java or ActiveX! 46
  • 47. 'Padding Oracle' Crypto Attack 1 In 2002 a powerful side-channel attack, ‘padding oracle’ (NOT THE DATABASE!), was described targeting AES CBC-mode encryption with PKCS#5 padding. If there is an oracle which on receipt of a ciphertext, decrypts it and replies whether the padding is correct, shows how to use that oracle to decrypt data without knowing the encryption key. The new techniques allow attackers to use a ‘padding oracle’ to decrypt and encrypt messages of any length without knowing the secret key and exploit popular web development frameworks including ASP.NET. Juliano Rizzo (@julianor) Thai Duong (@thaidn) 47
  • 49. Padding Oracle Attack Basics An application uses a query string parameter to pass an encrypted username, company id, and role id of a user. The parameter is encrypted using CBC mode, and each value uses a unique initialization vector (IV) pre-pended to the ciphertext. When the application is sent an encrypted value, it responds in one of three ways: 1)Valid ciphertext, properly padded and valid data (200 OK) 2)Invalid ciphertext, improper padding (500 Internal Server Error) 3)Valid ciphertext, properly padded and invalid data (200 OK - custom error) User’s name (BRIAN), company id (12), and role id (2). The value, in plaintext, can be represented as BRIAN;12;2; http://site/app.jsp?UID=7B216A634951170FF851D6CC68FC9537858795A28ED4AAC6 49
  • 50. 50
  • 52. First block of ciphertext pre-pended with an IV of all NULL values. Request: http://site/app.jsp?UID=0000000000000000F851D6CC68FC9537 Response: 500 - Internal Server Error 52
  • 53. Last byte of the initialization vector incremented by one. Request: http://app/home.jsp?UID=0000000000000001F851D6CC68FC9537 Response: 500 - Internal Server Error 53
  • 54. Incrementing the last byte in the IV up to FF will produce a valid padding sequence for a single byte of padding (0×01). Only one value will produce the correct padding byte and have different response than the other 255. Request: http://site/app?UID=000000000000003CF851D6CC68FC9537 Response: 200 OK If [Intermediary Byte] ^ 0x3C == 0×01, then [Intermediary Byte] == 0x3C ^ 0×01, so [Intermediary Byte] == 0x3D 54
  • 55. To crack the 7th byte, the 7th and 8th byte must equal 0×02 for valid padding. Since we already know that the last intermediary value byte is 0x3D, we can update the 8th IV byte to 0x3F (which will produce 0×02) and then focus on brute forcing the 7th byte (starting with 0×00 and working our way up through 0xFF). 55
  • 56. Work backwards through the entire block until every byte of the intermediary value is cracked and uncovering the decrypted value one byte at a time. The final byte is cracked using an IV that produces an entire block of just padding (0×08). "The first stage of the attack takes a few thousand requests, but once it succeeds and the attacker gets the secret keys, it's totally stealthy.The cryptographic knowledge required is very basic." - Julian Rizzo 56
  • 57. <VIDEO> "It turns out that the vulnerability in ASP.NET is the most critical amongst other frameworks. In short, it totally destroys ASP.NET security," -Thai Duong 57
  • 58. Impact & Prevention Vulnerable Frameworks ASP.Net, CAPTCHAs, JavaServer Faces, OWASP ESAPI, Ruby On Rails, etc. Prevention •Encrypt-then-MAC (sign) and validate-then-decrypt •Patch! 58
  • 59. What have we learned? • Encryption attacks took the top spot for the 2nd year in a row. • Web Browser privacy? Web browser security? Not so much. • “Top Ten” attacks from previous years are being improved. • Several attack techniques from previous years are now actively being used maliciously in the wild. 59
  • 60. Thank You... • Sponsors: OWASP, Black Hat, WhiteHat Security • Panel of Experts: Ed Skoudis, Giorgio Maone, Caleb Sima, Chris Wysopal, Jeff Willams, Charlie Miller, Dan Kaminsky, Steven Christey (Mitre), and Arian Evans • All the security researchers for their contributions • Everyone in the Web Application Security community who assisted Blog: Twitter: Email: 60