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Speedtest: Benchmark Your Apache
01. Introduction
Understand and tune
• Producers
• Consumers
• Brokers
Producer tuning is key
• Efficient batching is essential
for overall performance
Focus on fundamentals
• Large impact & gains
• Advanced topics e.g. in
• Tail Latency at Scale with
Apache Kafka
Where to begin?
Service goals and
Non-performance objectives
• Business requirements take
• Durability, availability and
Performance objectives
• Trade off between throughput
and latency
Example approach
• Set configuration to ensure data
• Optimize for throughput
Throughput Latency
Next Best

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The document provides an overview of a presentation on cloud performance testing. The presentation agenda includes cloud 101 concepts, cloud offerings and deployment models, challenges of cloud computing, and tools for cloud performance testing. It also summarizes a proof of concept that was conducted to compare the performance and costs of using a commercial tool versus an open source tool for load testing on cloud infrastructure. The results showed comparable response times between the tools and significantly lower costs when using the cloud versus maintaining physical infrastructure.

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Discover how to avoid common pitfalls when shifting to an event-driven architecture (EDA) in order to boost system recovery and scalability. We cover Kafka Schema Registry, in-broker transformations, event sourcing, and more.

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01. Introduction
Setting the scene & review of relevant terminology
02. Producers
Deep dive into producer internals.
Why is producer behavior key for cluster performance?
03. Consumers
Understand fetching and consumer group behavior.
04. Brokers, Zookeepers and Topics
How are requests handled? Why does Zookeeper matter?
05. Optimising and Tuning Client Applications
Key parameters to consider for different service goals.
06. Summary
Summary and outlook.
Identify your
service goal
Throughput, latency,
durability, or availability
Producer, Consumer
and Broker behavior
cluster and
Ensure service goals are
monitor, and
Iterative procedure to
drive performance
It is a journey...
02. Producers
● Retrieves and
caches schemas
from Schema
● Java client uses
murmur2 for
● If key not
performs round
● If keys
unbalanced it will
overload one
Sender thread
● Batches grouped
by destination
broker into
● Multiple batches
to different
potentially in the
same producer
Record accumulator
● Buffer per partition,
seldom used partitions
may not achieve high
● If many producers are in
the same JVM, memory
and GC could become
● Sticky partitioner could
be used to increase
batches in the case of
round robin
● At batch level
● Allows faster transfer to
the broker
● Reduces the inter
broker replication load
● Reduces page cache &
disk space utilization on
● Gzip is more CPU
intensive, Snappy is
lighter, LZ4/ZStd are a
good balance*
record batch request

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- Upgrades should be done often to get bug fixes and improvements, following the upgrade guide carefully. Start with a healthy cluster and upgrade components outward from Zookeeper to Kafka brokers to clients. Don't rush the process or have any unresolved partition reassignments. - Collect JMX metrics to monitor the cluster as outages can be prolonged without visibility. The Kafka defaults are suitable for single node deployments but replication factor, threads, and broker configuration should be tuned for larger clusters. - Quotas like replication throttling and bandwidth/request limits per client or topic should be used to protect the cluster and clients. Log files should separate each component and be retained for a few days. Consider multiple clusters by SLA

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IBM provides an overview of an active-active solution implemented by China Everbright Bank for their credit card system. The solution uses WebSphere MQ for real-time data synchronization between active sites in Beijing and Shanghai. This allows workload and data to be distributed across both sites for continuous availability in case of an outage. Key components discussed include the messaging architecture, application design considerations for performance, and procedures for planned and unplanned site switches. The implementation provides business continuity for Everbright Bank's credit card processing.

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Batching is key
to overall performance
Benefits to batching
● Reduced network bandwidth
○ producer to broker
○ broker to broker (replication)
○ broker to consumer
● Less storage requirements on broker disks
● Reduced CPU requirement due to fewer
From Tail Latency at Scale with Apache Kafka
“Batching reduces the cost of each record by
amortizing costs on both the clients and
Generally, bigger batches reduce processing
overhead and reduce network and disk IO, which
improves network and disk utilization.”
Start the demo
in docker-compose (on my mac)
1 * zookeeper
5 * brokers
1 * Squid proxy (sends JMX metrics to Health+)
Not starting:
schema registry
REST Proxy
Confluent Control Center
Copyright 2021, Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Confluent, Inc. 11
Kafka performance
test tools
--num-records 1000000 
--record-size 1000 
--topic demo-perf-topic 
--throughput 10000 
--producer-props bootstrap.servers=kafka:9092
acks=all batch.size=300000
● CLI tools to write & read sample data
to/from topics
● Helpful to enhance understanding of
parameters & impact
● Performance numbers are not
representative for specific customer use
○ Random test data is reused
● Use case specific performance testing is

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Microservices, events, containers, and orchestrators are dominating our vernacular today. As operations teams adapt to support these technologies in production, cloud-native platforms like Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes have quickly risen to serve as force multipliers of automation, productivity and value. Apache Kafka® is providing developers a critically important component as they build and modernize applications to cloud-native architecture. This talk will explore: • Why cloud-native platforms and why run Apache Kafka on Kubernetes? • What kind of workloads are best suited for this combination? • Tips to determine the path forward for legacy monoliths in your application portfolio • Demo: Running Apache Kafka as a Streaming Platform on Kubernetes

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Під час доповіді відповімо на питання, навіщо потрібно підвищувати продуктивність аплікації і які є найефективніші способи для цього. А також поговоримо про те, що таке кеш, які його види бувають та, основне — як знайти performance bottleneck? Відео та деталі заходу:

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Most significant producer performance metrics
Metric Meaning MBean
record-size-avg Avg record size kafka.producer:type=producer-metrics,client-id=([-.w]+)
Avg number of bytes sent per partition
Faction of time an appender waits for
space allocation
Avg compression rate for a topic.
Compressed / uncompressed batch size
Avg time (ms) record batches spent in
the send buffer
request-latency-avg Avg request latency (ms) kafka.producer:type=producer-metrics,client-id=([-.w]+)
Avg time (ms) a request was throttled
by a broker
Avg per-second number of retried record
sends for a topic
Overview Java metrics & librdkafka statistics
03. Consumers
Consumer application
Kafka consumers
fetch batches of
● Basis for scalability
● No partition will be assigned to more than one consumer in the same group
Key parameters
# of partitions
max.poll.records=500 (if being used)

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Confluent Platform is supporting London Metal Exchange’s Kafka Centre of Excellence across a number of projects with the main objective to provide a reliable, resilient, scalable and overall efficient Kafka as a Service model to the teams across the entire London Metal Exchange estate.

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Key positions in each
Log end offset
• Latest data added to the partition
• Position of the producer
• Not accessible to consumers
High watermark
• Offsets up to the watermark can be
• Data has been replicated to all insync
Current position
• Specific to consumer instances
• Current message being processed in
Last committed offset
• Last position persisted in the
__consumer_offsets topic
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
position of
Log end
Consumer groups
Any Broker
Find coordinator
Coordinator details
Join consum
er group
Leader details
Sync group
Partition assignm
● Every time a new consumer joins or
leaves (fails) the group
● Until Kafka 2.4 “stop the world” event
(solved in KIP-429)
● Consider setting
to minimize rebalances (KIP-345)
Partition assignment
● Based on
● Options: Range (default), round robin,
sticky, cooperative sticky
● Is customizable
Selected consumer performance metrics
Metric Meaning MBean
fetch-latency-avg Avg time taken for a fetch request kafka.consumer:type=consumer-fetch-manager-metrics,client-id=([-
fetch-size-avg Avg number of bytes fetched per request kafka.consumer:type=consumer-fetch-manager-metrics,client-id=([-
commit-latency-avg Avg time commit request kafka.consumer:type=consumer-coordinator-metrics,client-id=([-.w
rebalance-latency-total Total time taken for group rebalances kafka.consumer:type=consumer-coordinator-metrics,client-id=([-.
fetch-throttle-time-avg Avg throttle time (ms) kafka.consumer:type=consumer-fetch-manager-metrics,client-id=([-
Overview Java metrics and librdkafka statistics
(1) Start with most simple test: Without any
tuning, we get extremely good results
● 10M messages in less than 30 seconds
● 1Gb data retrieved
● 325 Mb/s
● Tuning producer is key, if it is correctly
tuned, there (can be) almost no tuning
required on consumer side

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Uber has one of the largest Kafka deployment in the industry. To improve the scalability and availability, we developed and deployed a novel federated Kafka cluster setup which hides the cluster details from producers/consumers. Users do not need to know which cluster a topic resides and the clients view a "logical cluster". The federation layer will map the clients to the actual physical clusters, and keep the location of the physical cluster transparent from the user. Cluster federation brings us several benefits to support our business growth and ease our daily operation. In particular, Client control. Inside Uber there are a large of applications and clients on Kafka, and it's challenging to migrate a topic with live consumers between clusters. Coordinations with the users are usually needed to shift their traffic to the migrated cluster. Cluster federation enables much control of the clients from the server side by enabling consumer traffic redirection to another physical cluster without restarting the application. Scalability: With federation, the Kafka service can horizontally scale by adding more clusters when a cluster is full. The topics can freely migrate to a new cluster without notifying the users or restarting the clients. Moreover, no matter how many physical clusters we manage per topic type, from the user perspective, they view only one logical cluster. Availability: With a topic replicated to at least two clusters we can tolerate a single cluster failure by redirecting the clients to the secondary cluster without performing a region-failover. This also provides much freedom and alleviates the risks for us to carry out important maintenance on a critical cluster. Before the maintenance, we mark the cluster as a secondary and migrate off the live traffic and consumers. We will present the details of the architecture and several interesting technical challenges we overcame.


Centrifuge is a system for managing in-memory state across servers in a large-scale cloud service like Microsoft's Live Mesh. It uses leasing and partitioning to assign "objects" or pieces of state to servers while load balancing and allowing for server failures. The system includes a manager service that directs leasing and partitioning, lookup libraries that route requests to owners, and owner libraries that hold leased objects and process requests. Centrifuge was shown to handle large numbers of small objects efficiently with low overhead during normal operation and high availability during failure events based on its use in Live Mesh.

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Deploying Kafka to support multiple teams or even an entire company has many benefits. It reduces operational costs, simplifies onboarding of new applications as your adoption grows, and consolidates all your data in one place. However, this makes applications sharing the cluster vulnerable to any one or few of them taking all cluster resources. The combined cluster load also becomes less predictable, increasing the risk of overloading the cluster and data unavailability. In this talk, we will describe how to use quota framework in Apache Kafka to ensure that a misconfigured client or unexpected increase in client load does not monopolize broker resources. You will get a deeper understanding of bandwidth and request quotas, how they get enforced, and gain intuition for setting the limits for your use-cases. While quotas limit individual applications, there must be enough cluster capacity to support the combined application load. Onboarding new applications or scaling the usage of existing applications may require manual quota adjustments and upfront capacity planning to ensure high availability. We will describe the steps we took toward solving this problem in Confluent Cloud, where we must immediately support unpredictable load with high availability. We implemented a custom broker quota plugin (KIP-257) to replace static per broker quota allocation with dynamic and self-tuning quotas based on the available capacity (which we also detect dynamically). By learning our journey, you will have more insights into the relevant problems and techniques to address them.

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Copyright 2021, Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Confluent, Inc. 21
Copyright 2021, Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Confluent, Inc. 22
04. Brokers, Zookeepers
and Topics
Brokers and Zookeeper
Request lifecycle in broker
● How are produce & fetch requests
● How can inefficient batching impact
● How to identify where time is spent during
request handling?
Controller, leaders, and Zookeeper
● How is the Controller elected?
● How are broker failures detected?
● Why does the partition count matter for
the recovery time after a controller failure?
(Next 8 slides skipped)

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04. Optimizing and Tuning
Client Applications
04. Recommendations &
● Benchmark all applications with a significant & representative load
● Consider a test cluster with
the applications requirements configured (either it is durability, availability or any other)
real data (size, schema, serialization format, ...)
● Test the different parameters to see the impact in the test data (throughput, latency, ...) considering
different configurations (batch size, compression, linger, ...)
● Evaluate the traffic and leave space for growth when determining the number of partitions
● Low volume applications may need care too
● Re-evaluate after major changes in application or message content (JSON size, ...) and volume
● Should be used to identify bottlenecks in running clusters
● Client monitoring is as important as broker monitoring
● Optimizing Your Apache Kafka®
● Optimizing and Tuning
● White paper
Optimization approach
● Determine service goals
● Understand Kafka’s internals
● Configure clients & cluster
● Benchmark, monitor & tune
Continue the conversation
● How to monitor the cluster & clients?
● Integration with external systems
● Tuning of Kafka Streams & ksqlDB

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We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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  • 3. Understand and tune • Producers • Consumers • Brokers Producer tuning is key • Efficient batching is essential for overall performance Focus on fundamentals • Large impact & gains • Advanced topics e.g. in • Tail Latency at Scale with Apache Kafka Where to begin? 3
  • 4. Service goals and tradeoffs 4 Non-performance objectives • Business requirements take priority • Durability, availability and ordering? Performance objectives • Trade off between throughput and latency Example approach • Set configuration to ensure data durability • Optimize for throughput Throughput Latency Availability Durability payments logging Next Best Offer Centralized Kafka
  • 5. Agenda 5 01. Introduction Setting the scene & review of relevant terminology 02. Producers Deep dive into producer internals. Why is producer behavior key for cluster performance? 03. Consumers Understand fetching and consumer group behavior. 04. Brokers, Zookeepers and Topics How are requests handled? Why does Zookeeper matter? 05. Optimising and Tuning Client Applications Key parameters to consider for different service goals. 06. Summary Summary and outlook.
  • 6. Identify your service goal Throughput, latency, durability, or availability Understand Kafka internals Producer, Consumer and Broker behavior Configure cluster and clients Ensure service goals are met Benchmark, monitor, and tune Iterative procedure to drive performance It is a journey...
  • 8. Producer 8 acks=1 enable.idempotence=false max.request.size=1MB retries=MAX_INT per.connection=5 Serializer ● Retrieves and caches schemas from Schema Registry Partitioner ● Java client uses murmur2 for hashing ● If key not provided performs round robin ● If keys unbalanced it will overload one leader Sender thread ● Batches grouped by destination broker into requests ● Multiple batches to different partitions potentially in the same producer request Record accumulator ● Buffer per partition, seldom used partitions may not achieve high batching ● If many producers are in the same JVM, memory and GC could become important ● Sticky partitioner could be used to increase batches in the case of round robin (KIP-408/KIP-794) Compression ● At batch level ● Allows faster transfer to the broker ● Reduces the inter broker replication load ● Reduces page cache & disk space utilization on brokers ● Gzip is more CPU intensive, Snappy is lighter, LZ4/ZStd are a good balance* compress.type=none batch.size=16KB buffer.memory=32MB record batch request batch.size=16KB buffer.memory=32MB compress.type=none
  • 9. Batching is key to overall performance 9 Benefits to batching ● Reduced network bandwidth ○ producer to broker ○ broker to broker (replication) ○ broker to consumer ● Less storage requirements on broker disks ● Reduced CPU requirement due to fewer requests From Tail Latency at Scale with Apache Kafka “Batching reduces the cost of each record by amortizing costs on both the clients and brokers. Generally, bigger batches reduce processing overhead and reduce network and disk IO, which improves network and disk utilization.”
  • 10. Start the demo environment 10 in docker-compose (on my mac) 1 * zookeeper 5 * brokers 1 * Squid proxy (sends JMX metrics to Health+) Not starting: schema registry connect ksqlDB REST Proxy Confluent Control Center
  • 11. Copyright 2021, Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Confluent, Inc. 11
  • 12. Kafka performance test tools 12 kafka-producer-perf-test --num-records 1000000 --record-size 1000 --topic demo-perf-topic --throughput 10000 --print-metrics --producer-props bootstrap.servers=kafka:9092 acks=all batch.size=300000 compression.type=lz4 Overview ● CLI tools to write & read sample data to/from topics ● Helpful to enhance understanding of parameters & impact Disclaimer ● Performance numbers are not representative for specific customer use cases! ○ Random test data is reused ● Use case specific performance testing is required kafka-consumer-perf-test kafka-producer-perf-test
  • 13. Most significant producer performance metrics Metric Meaning MBean record-size-avg Avg record size kafka.producer:type=producer-metrics,client-id=([-.w]+) batch-size-avg Avg number of bytes sent per partition per-request kafka.producer:type=producer-metrics,client-id=([-.w]+) bufferpool-wait-ratio Faction of time an appender waits for space allocation kafka.producer:type=producer-metrics,client-id=([-.w]+) compression-rate-avg Avg compression rate for a topic. Compressed / uncompressed batch size kafka.producer:type=producer-topic-metrics,client-id=([-.w]+),to pic=([-.w]+) record-queue-time-avg Avg time (ms) record batches spent in the send buffer kafka.producer:type=producer-metrics,client-id=([-.w]+) request-latency-avg Avg request latency (ms) kafka.producer:type=producer-metrics,client-id=([-.w]+) produce-throttle-time-avg Avg time (ms) a request was throttled by a broker kafka.producer:type=producer-metrics,client-id=([-.w]+) record-retry-rate Avg per-second number of retried record sends for a topic kafka.producer:type=producer-topic-metrics,client-id=([-.w]+),to pic=([-.w]+) Overview Java metrics & librdkafka statistics
  • 15. Consumer application Kafka consumers fetch batches of events! Embrace at-least-once semantics!
  • 16. Consumers Partitions ● Basis for scalability ● No partition will be assigned to more than one consumer in the same group Key parameters # of partitions fetch.min.bytes=1 max.partition.fetch.bytes=10MB fetch.max.bytes=50MB max.poll.records=500 (if being used)
  • 17. Key positions in each partition 17 Log end offset • Latest data added to the partition • Position of the producer • Not accessible to consumers High watermark • Offsets up to the watermark can be consumed • Data has been replicated to all insync replicas Current position • Specific to consumer instances • Current message being processed in poll-loop Last committed offset • Last position persisted in the __consumer_offsets topic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Last committed offset Current position of consumer High watermark Log end offset
  • 18. Consumer groups Consumer Any Broker (bootstrap) Coordinator Broker Find coordinator Coordinator details Join consum er group Leader details Sync group Partition assignm ent Rebalances ● Every time a new consumer joins or leaves (fails) the group ● Until Kafka 2.4 “stop the world” event (solved in KIP-429) ● Consider setting to minimize rebalances (KIP-345) Partition assignment ● Based on partition.assignment.strategy ● Options: Range (default), round robin, sticky, cooperative sticky ● Is customizable Heartbeat group.initial.
  • 19. Selected consumer performance metrics Metric Meaning MBean fetch-latency-avg Avg time taken for a fetch request kafka.consumer:type=consumer-fetch-manager-metrics,client-id=([- .w]+) fetch-size-avg Avg number of bytes fetched per request kafka.consumer:type=consumer-fetch-manager-metrics,client-id=([- .w]+) commit-latency-avg Avg time commit request kafka.consumer:type=consumer-coordinator-metrics,client-id=([-.w ]+) rebalance-latency-total Total time taken for group rebalances kafka.consumer:type=consumer-coordinator-metrics,client-id=([-. w]+) fetch-throttle-time-avg Avg throttle time (ms) kafka.consumer:type=consumer-fetch-manager-metrics,client-id=([- .w]+) Overview Java metrics and librdkafka statistics
  • 20. Consumer Benchmarking 20 (1) Start with most simple test: Without any tuning, we get extremely good results Highlights: ● 10M messages in less than 30 seconds ● 1Gb data retrieved ● 325 Mb/s Conclusion: ● Tuning producer is key, if it is correctly tuned, there (can be) almost no tuning required on consumer side
  • 21. Copyright 2021, Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Confluent, Inc. 21
  • 22. Copyright 2021, Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Confluent, Inc. 22
  • 24. Overview Brokers and Zookeeper 24 Request lifecycle in broker ● How are produce & fetch requests handled? ● How can inefficient batching impact performance? ● How to identify where time is spent during request handling? Controller, leaders, and Zookeeper ● How is the Controller elected? ● How are broker failures detected? ● Why does the partition count matter for the recovery time after a controller failure? (Next 8 slides skipped)
  • 25. 04. Optimizing and Tuning Client Applications
  • 27. Recommendations 27 Benchmarking ● Benchmark all applications with a significant & representative load ● Consider a test cluster with the applications requirements configured (either it is durability, availability or any other) real data (size, schema, serialization format, ...) ● Test the different parameters to see the impact in the test data (throughput, latency, ...) considering different configurations (batch size, compression, linger, ...) ● Evaluate the traffic and leave space for growth when determining the number of partitions ● Low volume applications may need care too ● Re-evaluate after major changes in application or message content (JSON size, ...) and volume Monitoring ● Should be used to identify bottlenecks in running clusters ● Client monitoring is as important as broker monitoring
  • 28. Conclusion 28 Resources ● Optimizing Your Apache Kafka® Deployment ● Optimizing and Tuning ● White paper Optimization approach ● Determine service goals ● Understand Kafka’s internals ● Configure clients & cluster ● Benchmark, monitor & tune Continue the conversation ● How to monitor the cluster & clients? ● Integration with external systems ● Tuning of Kafka Streams & ksqlDB applications?