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Therapeutic Gymnasium
Dr.Harshal Patel (MPT)
(Musculoskeletal and sports science)
•Therapeutics means having medicinal or healing
• The word gymnasium is the latinisation of the Greek
noun gymnasion, whose meaning is to “Train in
gymnastic exercise” generally “ to train to exercise”
•Historically, such a place was a place for both exercise,
as well as bathing, especially social (communal)
•In 1598, the term was adopted from a "place to be
naked" to a "place of exercise".
•The abbreviation to gym was introduced in 1871.
• Therapeutic Gymnasium is room or building
equipped for indoor sports or a large room
containing equipment such as bars, weights, and
ropes, for physical exercise.
• Healthcare consumers (patients and clients)
typically seek out or are referred for physical
therapy services because of physical impairments
associated with injury, disease or disorders that
interfere with their ability to perform or pursue any
number of activities that are necessary or important
to them.
• Health care consumers are directly benefited from the
Therapeutic Gymnasium.
• Physical therapy services may also be sought by those
individuals without any impairment who wish to
improve their overall level of fitness or reduce the risk
of injury or disease.

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Active and Passive Insufficiency.pptx
Active and Passive Insufficiency.pptxActive and Passive Insufficiency.pptx
Active and Passive Insufficiency.pptx

This document discusses active and passive insufficiency in muscles. Active insufficiency occurs when a multi-joint muscle shortens over both joints simultaneously, losing tension. Passive insufficiency occurs when a multi-joint muscle is lengthened to its fullest extent at both joints, preventing full range of motion. Examples given are the rectus femoris causing active insufficiency in hip flexion and knee extension together, and the flexor digitorum profundus losing the ability to make a tight fist when the wrist is flexed. The relationship between them is that when the agonist contracts, the antagonist relaxes or lengthens, so the extensibility of the antagonist can limit the agonist's capability,

Biomechanics of thorax
Biomechanics of thoraxBiomechanics of thorax
Biomechanics of thorax

The document provides details about the biomechanics of the thorax, including its general structures, bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles involved in ventilation. The key structures discussed are the ribs, sternum, thoracic vertebrae, and their articulations. The document describes the types of joints between these structures, including the costovertebral, costotransverse, costochondral, and sternocostal joints. It also summarizes the primary muscles that promote inspiration, such as the diaphragm, intercostals, and scalenes.

Levers in Physiotherapy
Levers in PhysiotherapyLevers in Physiotherapy
Levers in Physiotherapy

1. A lever is a rigid bar that rotates around a fixed point called a fulcrum and is a simple machine that magnifies force and movement speed. 2. The three main components of a lever are the fulcrum, the effort arm where force is applied, and the resistance arm where the object to be moved is located. 3. There are three types of levers - first class levers have the fulcrum between the effort and resistance arms, second class levers have the resistance arm between the fulcrum and effort arm, and third class levers have the effort arm between the fulcrum and resistance arm.

lever arm
Therapeutic Gymnasium is room or building equipped
for indoor sports or a large room containing equipment
such as bars, weights, and ropes, for physical exercise
or building or room with equipment for physical
• Gym based Therapeutic Exercise is rehabilitation
oriented fitness program that are designed to
improve strength, stamina, stability, flexibility,
functionality, and/or mobility
• This can be using exercise equipment that is
specifically designed to meet needs of patients with
acute or chronic health conditions, physical
disabilities or other problems or through
individualized exercise routines that improve or
restore physical function so that activities of daily
living are no longer a challenge, reduce risk factors
and improve overall health and fitness.
Therapeutic gymnasium should have the following
1. Therapeutic treatment private rooms
2. Remodeling of dressing rooms and bathroom
facilities, with a large area for lockers.
3. Large windows that contribute to a bright
environment and an ample and cosy atmosphere.
4. New physiotherapy state-of-the-art equipment.
• The main advantage of this service is the
interdisciplinary work, carried out by kinesiologists,
physical therapists and doctors together with the
medical professional ordering the treatment.
• All procedures are carried out under the strict
medical protocol, inherent to each respiratory,
cardiovascular or physical therapy specialty.

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this ppt is about therapeutic massage by physiotherapist. includes details like indications, contraindications, effects, preparation of patient & therapist & classification of manipulations.


Goniometry is used to measure joint range of motion. There are different types of goniometers including universal, finger, and electro goniometers. To take an accurate measurement, the therapist positions the goniometer arms parallel to the longitudinal axis of the proximal and distal body parts, with the axis over the joint. Range of motion can then be measured actively or passively. Goniometry is used to assess limitations, track progress, and guide treatment for conditions affecting joint mobility.


Posture - a perquisite for functional abilities in daily life. Posture is a combination of anatomy and physiology with inherent application of bio-mechanics and kinematics. Sitting, standing, walking are all functional activities depending on the ability of the body to support that posture to carry out each activity. Injuries and pathologies either postural or structural can massively change the bio-mechanics of posture and thus affect functional abilities.

• Equipment There's a cardio section and there is an
aerobic section.
• The gymnasium is spacious, replete with electric
treadmills, cycle treadmills, weights, equipment's for
strength training like wall bars, triceps table, multi-gym,
television and music system etc.
• It has wooden flooring and latest equipment's like
mobilization couches with adjustable height, traction
unit, dumbbells, treadmills (electric and cycle), and
multi-exerciser machines, in addition to regularly
required equipment's like parallel bars, wall bars,
quadriceps table etc.
Exercise benefits/effects from the gym include:
1. Increased muscle strength
2. Increased flexibility
3. Weight Management
4. Reduced Stress
5. Improved sleep patterns
6. Enhanced self-image
7. Increased energy
• The ultimate effect of therapeutic gymnasium is to
improve overall health and physical fitness
Health Benefits of Gym Exercise and Physical Activity:
# Reduce the risk of premature death
# Reduce the risk of developing and/or dying from heart
# Reduce high blood pressure or the risk of developing
high blood pressure
# Reduce high cholesterol or the risk of developing high
# Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer and breast
# Reduce the risk of developing diabetes
# Reduce or maintain body weight or body fat
# Build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints
# Reduce depression and anxiety
# Improve psychological well-being
# Enhanced work, recreation, and sport performance

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Whirlpool Bath Dr. Rashi
Whirlpool Bath Dr. RashiWhirlpool Bath Dr. Rashi
Whirlpool Bath Dr. Rashi

This document discusses whirlpool bath therapy. It describes how whirlpool baths combine water temperature and mechanical stimulation from jets of water or air to provide therapeutic benefits. Different types of whirlpool baths are used for specific body parts or full immersion. Benefits include pain relief, relaxation of muscles, improved circulation, and preparation for other treatments. Proper technique and monitoring for safety is important when using whirlpool baths.

Gait parameters , determinants and assessment (2)
Gait   parameters , determinants and assessment (2)Gait   parameters , determinants and assessment (2)
Gait parameters , determinants and assessment (2)

The document summarizes key aspects of human walking (gait) including: - The gait cycle is divided into stance and swing periods, with distinct functional tasks in each. - Gait parameters like velocity, cadence, stride length are described. - Determinants of gait like pelvic rotation, knee flexion, and foot/ankle mechanics help minimize vertical displacement of the center of gravity and increase efficiency. - Gait analysis methods including observational, quantitative techniques like kinetics, electromyography, motion capture are outlined. Different pathological gaits like amputee, ataxic, and spastic gaits are also briefly discussed.

passive movement by Mallesh
passive movement by Mallesh passive movement by Mallesh
passive movement by Mallesh

1. Passive movement involves moving a joint through its range of motion without active contraction of the muscles around the joint. It is done by a therapist or machine when a patient cannot actively move on their own or has a reduced range of motion. 2. There are two main types of passive movement - relaxed passive movements and passive manual mobilization techniques. Relaxed passive movements are smooth movements done by a therapist through a patient's full available range, while manual techniques include joint mobilization, manipulation, and controlled stretching. 3. Continued passive motion devices are used after limb or joint surgery to maintain movement and limit stiffness and pain. They move the joint through its full range while the patient is in bed to prevent immobil

Equipment used for :
1. Therapeutic training
2. Strength training
3. Balance training
Therapeutic training
• A treadmill is a device for or running while staying
in the same place
• The machine provides a moving platform with a
wide conveyer belt driven by an a electric motor or
a fly wheel
• Treadmill give a great cardiovascular workout and
help to improve heart health
• Each time you step on a treadmill you strengthen
your heart
• And as your heart grows stronger you lower your
blood pressure
• Running or walking help to get the blood flowing
which reduce the stress on your heart
Stationary cycle
• A stationary bicycle (also known as exercise bicycle,
exercise bike ) is a devise with saddle, paddles, and
some from of handlebars arranged as on a bicycle,
but used as exercise equipment rather than

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Electrotherapy topic shot wave diathermy ppt (physics) Bachelor of physiotherapy topic swd . Swd introduction, and range of swd , indications and contraindications of swd

Bio-mechanics of the Elbow Joint
Bio-mechanics of the Elbow Joint Bio-mechanics of the Elbow Joint
Bio-mechanics of the Elbow Joint

This document provides an overview of biomechanics of the elbow, including its structure, function, kinematics, muscle actions, and stability mechanisms. It describes the three joints that make up the elbow complex - the humeroulnar joint, humeroradial joint, and proximal radioulnar joint. It details the motions of elbow flexion/extension and forearm pronation/supination, identifying the muscles, ligaments, and bony structures involved in each motion. Common injuries to the elbow from direct stresses and repeated stresses are also summarized.

Balance Training
Balance TrainingBalance Training
Balance Training

Balance is the ability to control body position to maintain upright posture. It involves integration of sensory inputs and motor outputs. Balance training progresses from simple to complex tasks in positions like lying, sitting, kneeling, and standing static and dynamic exercises before walking, stairs, and community tasks. Assessment evaluates vision, sensation, vestibular function, range of motion, strength, and limits of stability. Treatment addresses sensory, strategy, musculoskeletal, and environmental factors through exercises, modifications, and assistive devices.

• Exercise bike are used to increase generalise fitness
and for training cycle event
• The exercise bike has long being used for physical
therapy because of low impact , safe , and effective
cardiovascular exercise it provide
• Stationary bike are also used to exercise for
• It is used to increase lower limb strength and
Elliptical trainer / cross trainer
• It provide non impact, reciprocal resistance to the
lower extremities in upright, weight bearing
position Both type of equipment also provide
reciprocal resistance to the upper extremities.
•Used for treating
Multi-gym :-
• Parts – seat, back rest,
handle, shin pad, thigh pad,
fixed & movable pulley,
ropes, weights & knobs
• Uses –
• Used to give strengthening
exercise to various body parts
(upper & lower limb, back &

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Posture- Physical Therapy [VNSGU]
Posture- Physical Therapy [VNSGU]Posture- Physical Therapy [VNSGU]
Posture- Physical Therapy [VNSGU]

This document provides an overview of posture, including definitions, types, mechanisms, patterns, principles of re-education, and presentation of good posture. It defines posture as the body's position either at rest or during movement. There are inactive postures for rest and active static and dynamic postures that require muscle coordination. Posture is maintained through complex reflexes involving muscles, eyes, ears, and joints. Good posture is efficient with minimal effort, while poor posture is inefficient and causes unnecessary muscle strain. Re-education of posture focuses on identifying and treating causes, gaining patient cooperation, relaxation/mobility exercises, and establishing new posture habits through repetition and education.

definitiontypesthe postural mechanism
Resistance exercises
Resistance exercisesResistance exercises
Resistance exercises

The document defines and describes various aspects of resistance exercises. It discusses types of muscle contractions like isotonic, isometric and eccentric. It explains principles of resistance training like overload and specificity. It describes adaptations to resistance training including neural, muscular and bone changes. Determinants of resistance training programs are outlined including intensity, time, volume and periodization. Guidelines for progressive resistance exercises and precautions are provided.

Biomechanics of Posture
Biomechanics of PostureBiomechanics of Posture
Biomechanics of Posture

posture analysis and alignment in different views, deformities of different parts of the body segments

Therapeutic Gymnasium.pptx
•Four Station Multi Gym
• Lat pulley, Pec deck, Arm pulley, Leg curling
•Six Station Multi Gym
• Lat pulley, Pec deck, Chest / Shoulder press, Arm
pulley, Leg curling / extension, Standing calf raise
•Ten Station Multi Gym
• Lat pulley, Rowing pulley, Pec deck, Chest press,
Shoulder press, Arm pulley, Leg curling / extension,
Leg press, Standing calf raise, Dip, chin-up,
abdominal unit
• It is a wheel mounted on the
• Consists of fulcrum, handle and
hand piece.
• Two types are available – one
with giant wheel & other with
axial rod
• Parts – giant wheel or axial rod,
fulcrum, handle, resistance
knob, vertical bar to change the
• Used for shoulder exercises.
• Even used for elbow exercises.
•Principle – 2nd order lever
•Fulcrum at Centre of wheel, effort
applied at handle & resistance applied
through the knob
•Patient stands besides the wheel and
moves wheel in clockwise as well as
anticlockwise direction.
•Useful in shoulder circumduction
•Increase ROM of shoulder abduction,
flexion & circumduction

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Glenohumeral joint-ppt.
Glenohumeral joint-ppt.Glenohumeral joint-ppt.
Glenohumeral joint-ppt.

The document discusses static and dynamic stability of the glenohumeral joint. Statically, the joint is stabilized by the humeral head resting in the glenoid fossa, creating negative pressure. The rotator cuff muscles and deltoid provide a vertical force to counteract gravity. Dynamically, the deltoid, rotator cuff, biceps and scapulohumeral rhythm work together to precisely guide humeral movement and stabilize the joint throughout its range of motion. Scapulohumeral rhythm involves greater scapular movement in the first 90 degrees of arm elevation compared to humeral movement.


Stretching involves applying tension to muscles and connective tissues to increase flexibility and range of motion. There are several types of stretching including static, cyclic, ballistic, PNF, and mechanical. The key factors in stretching are proper alignment, stabilization, low intensity, and long duration to minimize muscle resistance and maximize tissue elongation. Stretching can be done manually, through self-stretching exercises, or using mechanical devices.

mobility and immobility.pptx
mobility and immobility.pptxmobility and immobility.pptx
mobility and immobility.pptx

This document discusses body mechanics, mobility, immobility, and range of motion. It defines key terms like kyphosis, lordosis, flexion, extension, supination, and pronation. It describes principles of good body mechanics for moving and lifting patients, including maintaining good posture, keeping weight close to the body, and requesting assistance for heavy loads. Common positions used for patient exams and procedures are explained, as well as range of motion exercises. The effects of immobility on body systems like musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and integumentary are summarized. Care for immobilized patients focuses on preventing complications through skin assessments, pressure relief, proper positioning and alignment.

•Consists of pulley
attached on the ceiling.
The rope is wounded
around the pulley. It also
has hand piece.
•Used in performing
shoulder exercises.
•Patient sits on a chair and grips the hand piece.
•Patient keeps the upper limb forward for performing
shoulder flexion and keeps upper limbs by the side for
performing shoulder abduction.
•It is the wooden ladder
mounted on the wall.
•Patient places the finger
tips on it and climbs up.
•Used for shoulder
•Patient stands in front of the ladder to
perform shoulder flexion. Stands
besides to perform shoulder

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Acl reconstruction rehablition (zaid hjab)
Acl reconstruction rehablition (zaid hjab)Acl reconstruction rehablition (zaid hjab)
Acl reconstruction rehablition (zaid hjab)

ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation One of the most common complications following ACL reconstruction is loss of motion, especially loss of extension. Loss of knee extension has been shown to result in a limp, quadriceps muscle weakness, and anterior knee pain. Studies have demonstrated that the timing of ACL surgery has a significant influence on the development of postoperative knee stiffness. The highest incidence of knee stiffness occurs if Acl surgery is performed when the knee is swollen, painful, and has a limited range of motion. The risk of developing a stiff knee after surgery can be significantly reduced if the surgery is delayed until the acute inflammatory phase has passed, the swelling has subsided, a normal or near normal range of motion (especially extension) has been obtained, and a normal gait pattern has been reestablished. Mentally prepare the patient for surgery Before proceeding with surgery the acutely injured knee should be in a quiescent state with little or no swelling, have a full range of motion, and the patient should have a normal or near normal gait pattern

WVTA 10/2013 How to utilize rehab therapy post operative/geriatric
WVTA 10/2013 How to utilize rehab therapy post operative/geriatricWVTA 10/2013 How to utilize rehab therapy post operative/geriatric
WVTA 10/2013 How to utilize rehab therapy post operative/geriatric

Given at the 10/2013 WVTA meeting. How to utilize rehabilitation therapy in post-operative and geriatric patients


This document discusses immobility in patients and nursing management. It defines immobility and lists common causes such as musculoskeletal and neurological disorders. It describes different positions used for comfort and examinations. Guidelines are provided for moving and lifting patients safely as well as using mechanical mobility aids. Hazards of immobility are outlined affecting various body systems. Finally, the nursing management of immobility is discussed including assessment, nursing diagnoses, and interventions to prevent complications and restore function.

• Use to perform self-assisted
shoulder exercises.
• Use for shoulder exercises like
flexion, extension, horizontal
abduction-adduction and
combination of movement.
• Cane (stick) can be used in
place of wand.
• Patient is positioned in supine or
In supine- flexion, horizontal
In prone- extension, combination
of movement.
In standing- all the movements.
Maintain shoulder in external
rotation while performing
abduction (thumb out). Maintain
shoulder in internal rotation while
performing flexion (thumb in).
•It is a wooden rod
mounted on the wall.
•Consists of varying
diameter for different
grips of patient.
•Used for wrist flexion
and extension exercises.
• To increase gripping power
• Principle – 2nd order lever
•Fulcrum at centre, effort applied through hand &
resistance through knob
•Patient stands in front of the device and grasps the
rod and roll it clockwise and anticlockwise.

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Fitness and strength testing in sports
Fitness and strength testing in sportsFitness and strength testing in sports
Fitness and strength testing in sports

The document discusses fitness testing and strength training. It defines different types of fitness and provides details on tests to measure muscular strength and endurance. These include the bench jump, modified dip/push-up, and bent-leg curl-up tests. The document also outlines principles for developing strength, such as overload and specificity. It provides guidelines for prescribing strength training, including factors like mode, resistance, sets and frequency. The goal is to stimulate strength gains through progressive resistance training 2-3 times per week.

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ghhhhhhjjjhvbnj vjhhjjjhhj
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The document discusses assisted exercises, which involve receiving support or assistance to perform exercises from equipment, partners, or machines. It defines assisted exercise and outlines its types, principles, benefits, and examples. The key benefits are increased safety, improved performance, enhanced muscle activation, and better range of motion. Examples provided are resistance band squats, partner-assisted stretching, and machine-assisted pull-ups.

i am the best ever and there
• It is a device mounted on the wall.
• Consists of wheel and a hand grip.
Uses –
• To strengthen muscles of supination
& pronation
• To mobilize radio ulnar joints &
increase ROM of supination &
pronation movements.
• To give resisted exercises for
supination & pronation.
• Hand gripper also present which can
be used to increase gripping power
of hand & fingers.
•Patient stands in front of the device. Shoulder is
in adduction and elbow 90 degrees flexion.
•Holds the hand piece and then rotates in
clockwise and anticlockwise direction. So that
supination and pronation occurs.
• Principle – 2nd order lever
• Parts-circular board, handle, resistance
•Fulcrum at centre of circular board,
effort applied at handle & resistance
through knob
•It is a wooden board with
holes in which pegs are
•Are of different types
based on their colour,
weight, shape, texture,
•Used for co-ordination
exercises and gripping
•Patient grasps the peg from the board and keep it aside
than again can place it back.
•Uses finger flexors.
•Helps to improve gripping power of patients with
weakness in prehension
•Useful to give game-like activities along with co-
ordination training in patients with cerebral palsy &
mental retardation

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The document discusses flexibility and stretching, defining flexibility as the range of motion in joints and length of muscles. It discusses factors affecting flexibility like joints, ligaments, and age. It describes types of flexibility and stretching exercises including dynamic, static active, and static passive. Benefits of stretching are enhanced fitness and reduced injury risk. Guidelines for safe stretching are provided, like warming up and avoiding bouncing motions. Examples of stretching exercises are given for different muscle groups.


The document defines exercise and describes its purposes and benefits. Exercise includes physical activity that conditions the body and improves health. It decreases disease risks, improves functional strength and activity tolerance. Specific benefits are also outlined, like improved cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal function. Different types of exercises are classified, like isotonic, isometric, aerobic and stretching exercises. Guidelines for range of motion exercises are provided along with examples of different joint movements.

Walking aids
Walking aidsWalking aids
Walking aids

Walking aids such as crutches, canes and walkers are used to provide stability and support mobility for individuals who have limited ability to walk independently due to injuries, pain or medical conditions. Crutches are commonly used to reduce weight bearing on one or both lower extremities and provide additional balance support. There are different types of crutches including axillary crutches, elbow crutches and gutter crutches. Proper fitting and training are important to ensure safe and effective use of walking aids.

walking aidsambulatorywalker
•It is a soft ball.
•Used for gripping
•Wrist should be in neutral
or slight extension
position while
performing exercises.
Consist of set of 5 springs
Each spring is of different size and
Resistance gradually increases from
spring 1 to 5.
Finger flexion exercises and opponent
muscles of thumb.
•Consist of metallic ring
with 5 springs fitted to
the ring, each spring for
fingers and thumb.
Spring ends have leather
loops for inserting
USES: Finger flexion
•Avoid wrist flexion while
•Board has different small rollers
of different diameters, which
provide different amount of
resistance and also has one square
block with loop and one roller
with side knob.
•Here Velcro arrangement is used
to provide the resistance.
For finger muscles strengthening
Wrist flexors and extensors strengthening
Supinator-pronator strengthening

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Rehabilitation for paraplegia and quadriplegia
Rehabilitation for paraplegia and quadriplegiaRehabilitation for paraplegia and quadriplegia
Rehabilitation for paraplegia and quadriplegia

This document discusses the rehabilitation of patients with paraplegia and quadriplegia. It begins by defining the terms and explaining the rehabilitation team and measures used. These include stretching, aerobic, and strengthening exercises. Physical agents like heat therapy and electrical stimulation are also used. Symptomatic treatments address issues like pain, spasticity, and nutrition. Orthotics like braces and wheelchairs assist mobility. Gait training helps achieve balance. Home programs and ergonomic advice aid daily living. Therapeutic exercises target specific muscle groups and functions. Rehabilitation aims to return patients to their highest functional ability.

Unit 16. Exercise.pptx
Unit 16. Exercise.pptxUnit 16. Exercise.pptx
Unit 16. Exercise.pptx

The document discusses mobility, range of motion exercises, and postural drainage techniques. It defines mobility and immobility as endpoints on a continuum, with many degrees of partial immobility in between. It describes active, passive and active assisted range of motion exercises and their purposes in maintaining joint function and flexibility. It provides details on different postural drainage positions and manual techniques like percussion, vibration and shaking used to drain secretions from the lungs into larger airways.


The document discusses mobility, range of motion (ROM) exercises, and their purposes and types. It describes active, passive and active-assisted exercises and how they are used. ROM exercises are important to maintain joint function and flexibility. The document outlines different joint movements and provides examples of ROM exercises for each body part from head to toe. It also discusses postural drainage techniques used to clear secretions from the lungs.

• They are the two metal
rods with hand grips.
• They placed on both sides
of patient in sitting position
and can perform
strengthening of latissimus
• It is by taking weight on
ULs and lifting buttocks
• Can be used in prone lying. Patient does extension of trunk by
taking weight on ULs.
• It is used to strengthen triceps.
• Consists of a skates with a ball
bearing rubber wheels
Straps are there so that it can be
secured with the exercising part.
Ball bearing arrangement reduces the
friction so movement will be easier.
In UL, elbow flexion-extension,
horizontal add-abduction of shoulder.
Also rotation of shoulder.
In LL, knee flexion-extension.
Therapeutic Gymnasium.pptx
•Consists of a set of 3 wooden dumbbells of different
size and weight
Resistance provided by the dumbbells increases as
the size of dumbbell increases, so it is useful for the
•USES: To develop the strength of forearm muscles
To develop strength of supinator's and pronators.

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This document provides an overview of ACL tears, including the definition, symptoms, causes, complications, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation process. It begins by defining the ACL and how injuries typically occur, then describes the associated symptoms. Common causes are also outlined. Complications can include increased risk of osteoarthritis. Diagnosis is typically via MRI or physical exam tests. Treatment involves initial RICE therapy along with surgery to reconstruct the torn ligament if needed. A lengthy rehabilitation process follows surgery, gradually progressing from range of motion and quadriceps exercises to strengthening, agility work, and eventual clearance to return to sports around 6 months post-op.

Meniscus injury / tear
Meniscus injury / tearMeniscus injury / tear
Meniscus injury / tear

Meniscus injuries are common in young adults, often caused by twisting or heavy lifting. Symptoms include knee pain, swelling, stiffness, tenderness, pain with squatting, popping or clicking in the knee, and limited motion. Meniscus tears are classified as longitudinal, horizontal, radial, or flap tears. Exams like McMurray's test and Apley's test are used to diagnose tears. Treatment involves medications, surgery if the meniscus cannot be repaired, physiotherapy including exercises and bracing, and rehabilitation protocols after arthroscopic surgery or meniscal repair surgery. Isokinetic training after arthroscopy can help improve knee function and muscle strength recovery.

Rehabilitation following THR and TKR.pptx
Rehabilitation following THR and TKR.pptxRehabilitation following THR and TKR.pptx
Rehabilitation following THR and TKR.pptx

The commonly practiced prehabiliation and post operative rehabilitation following Total Hip and Total Knee replacement/Arthtoplasty.

Therapeutic Gymnasium.pptx
•It is a table with fixed
arm and swing arm.
•A roll is attached to fixed
arm and resistances can
be attached on the swing
•If there is back support
than it is called
quadriceps exercise chair.
•Patient sits on the table. Places leg behind the roll on
fixed arm and than knee extension is done.
•Resistances can be adjusted accordingly.
•If the angle is fixed and swing arm are changed it can
be used for hamstring muscles for that in sitting
position patients places leg in front of the roll and does
knee flexion.
•Trick Movements :- Trunk movements.

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Introduction to cinical set up for physiotherapy students
Introduction to cinical set up for physiotherapy studentsIntroduction to cinical set up for physiotherapy students
Introduction to cinical set up for physiotherapy students

Physiotherapists play two key roles in the ICU - respiratory physiotherapy and rehabilitation. For respiratory physiotherapy, they help patients clear excess sputum from their lungs through techniques like manual chest therapy, positioning, and suctioning, since patients on ventilators cannot cough normally. For rehabilitation, physiotherapists work to maintain patients' muscle strength and joint mobility through exercises and mobilization techniques to prevent long-term disability from critical illness. They also help wean patients off ventilators by regaining their respiratory muscle strength. Proper protocols around infection control and patient safety are followed during all physiotherapy sessions in the ICU.

Ataxia Management
Ataxia ManagementAtaxia Management
Ataxia Management

1. The document outlines the general management of ataxia through relaxation techniques, strengthening exercises, and fatigue reduction measures. 2. The goals of general physical therapy for ataxia are to prevent complications, treat symptoms like hypotonicity and dysmetria, improve muscle strength and range of motion, and provide education to patients. 3. Specific techniques discussed include relaxation, strength and cardiovascular conditioning, pain management, functional training, and flexibility exercises. Patient education is also emphasized.

Body Mechanics and Ergonomics.pptx
Body Mechanics and Ergonomics.pptxBody Mechanics and Ergonomics.pptx
Body Mechanics and Ergonomics.pptx

This document discusses body mechanics and ergonomics for nursing patients. It defines body mechanics as the coordinated effort of muscles, bones, and nervous system during patient movement. Proper body mechanics prevents injuries to both patients and healthcare providers by minimizing strain. Elements of good body mechanics include proper posture, balance, and movement achieved through correct body alignment and a wide base of support. The document outlines principles for safe patient handling, such as planning moves, avoiding twisting, keeping objects close, and using assistive devices. Common assistive devices include gait belts, slider boards, and mechanical lifts. Ergonomics aims to reduce workplace injuries by fitting jobs to human capabilities through equipment that assists with patient handling.

good body mechanics
•It is a wooden board with
a rod or a disc below it.
•It makes the board
•Used for balancing
•Patient stands on the board and moves the board in
front, back and side to side.
•Patient stands on board with both the feets apart and
tries to maintain the balance.
•Balance training initially is carried out in a parallel bar
with support, then gradually progress to out of
parallel bar without support.
•Consists of two hinged
planes one is horizontal
and other one is inclined.
•There is spring attached
between the two planes.
•Used for plantarflexor

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Pre & post operative physiotherapy in abdominal surgeries
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Pre & post operative physiotherapy in abdominal surgeries

This document discusses pre-operative and post-operative physiotherapy for abdominal surgeries. Pre-operative physiotherapy includes patient education to reduce anxiety and prepare for recovery, as well as exercises to strengthen the core and lower limbs. Post-operative care involves monitoring vitals, respiratory care, mobilization, and exercises to strengthen muscles at risk from incisions. A rehabilitation program progresses from isometric exercises to strengthening, cardio, and sports-specific exercises over 3-4 weeks. Respiratory physiotherapy techniques help clear secretions and improve breathing.

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Slides from my presentation in the 10th anniversary event of the Biohacker Summit 2024 in Helsinki. The theme of the whole event wast unifying science, technology and nature.

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Coronary Bifurcation techniques in a nutshell
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Coronary bifurcation techniques in a nutshell ! Fell free to share...

•Patient sits on the chair and the device is placed in
•Patient places the foot on the device with heel at the
bottom and toes at the top. Than presses the plane
•Parts: aluminum foot plate
with straps, secured
horizontally over the
wooden base, springs are
there to provide the
resistance. resistance can
be adjusted.
•USES: strengthening of
plantarflexors and
Patient position- sitting, position the foot over the
foot rest so that knee is directly over the footrest.
•Parts: wooden base,
piston arrangement to
provide the resistance,
footrest with the straps.
•It is L – shaped stair case.
•Has railings on the side.
•Uses :- training the
patient for stair ascending
and descending.

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Today more than ever, hepatocellular carcinoma therapy is experiencing profound and substantial changes. The association atezolizumab (ATEZO) plus bevacizumab (BEVA) has demonstrated its effectiveness in the post-operative treatment of patients, improving the results that can be achieved with liver resections. This after the failure of the use of sorafenib in the already historic STORM study. On the other hand, the prognostic classification of BCLC is now widely questioned. It is now well recognized that the indications for surgery for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma are certainly narrow in BCLC and no longer reflect what is common everyday clinical practice. Today, the concept of multiparametric therapeutic hierarchy, which makes the management of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma much more flexible and allows the best therapy for the individual patient to be identified based on their clinical characteristics, is gaining more and more importance. The presentation traces these profound changes that are taking place in recent years and offers a modern vision of the management of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.

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Mainstreaming #CleanLanguage in healthcare.pptx
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Mainstreaming #CleanLanguage in healthcare.pptx

In healthcare, every day, millions of conversations fail. They fail to cover what’s really important, fail to resolve key issues, miss the point and lead to misunderstandings and disagreements. Clean Language is one approach that can improve things. It’s a set of precise questions – and a way of asking them – which help us all get clear on what matters, what we’d like to have happen, and what’s needed. Around 1000 people working in healthcare have trained in Clean Language skills over the past 20+ years. People are using what they’ve learnt, in their own spheres, and share anecdotes of significant successes. But the various local initiatives have not scaled, nor connected with each other, and learning has not been widely shared. This project, which emerged from work done by the NHS England South-West End-Of-Life Network, with help from the Q Community and especially Hesham Abdalla, aims to fix that.

•It is a wooden floor with
two horizontal rods on
the sides with four
vertical rods.
•Height of the horizontal
rods can be adjusted at
the level of greater
trochanter of patient.
•Mirror is placed in front
of the parallel bars.
•Uses :- Sit to stand, Standing with support and without
support, Gait training with support and without
support, Balancing exercises.
•Patient is asked to see in mirror and make corrections
in posture accordingly.
•It is a table which can be
•Angle of tilt can be
changed from below.
•Patient is asked to lie
down on table and is
secured by straps around
pelvis and thoracic
•Then angle of tilt is changed so patient can be brought
in standing position.
•Uses :- Helps to bring patient in standing position.

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This topic is covered all aspects of peritoneal dialysis,

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JMML is a rare cancer of blood that affects young children. There is a sustained abnormal and excessive production of myeloid progenitors and monocytes.

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Lesson plan for Medical faculty

lesson plan for maedical facul
•Made up of two hinged
wooden planks, out of
these two planks one is
hinged and one is straight
having zigzag
arrangement. With these
arrangement (zigzag n
hinged plank) any angle
can be adjusted and
progressed over time as
patient gain strength.
Knee extensors strengthening in terminal range.
Sand bag can be tied to patient’s ankle for additional
load-more strengthening.
•It is one of the walking
•Consists of seat, back
support, arm rests, foot
rests, hand rims, wheels,
•Uses :- Transfer of
•It is used for training gait
in patient with support.
•Made up of plastic or
•Consists of four tubular
rods, ferrules and hand
• Its height can be

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- Video recording of this lecture in English language: - Video recording of this lecture in Arabic language: - Link to download the book free: - Link to NephroTube website: - Link to NephroTube social media accounts:

Best All Range PCD Pharma Franchise in India
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Join the leading All Range PCD Pharma Franchise in India and grow your business with a trusted partner. We offer an extensive range of high-quality pharmaceutical products, competitive pricing, and comprehensive marketing support. Benefit from our expertise, wide distribution network, and excellent customer service. Elevate your pharma business with See Ever Healthcare's proven PCD franchise model.

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Operation Theatre Nursing is a high specialty in the nursing profession.

•Made up of plastic or
•Consists of single upright
rod, ferrule, hand piece
and forearm cuff.
•Height can be adjusted.
•Used for gait training.
•Made up of plastic or
•Consists of axillary bar,
hand piece, ferrule and
double uprights which
are joined distally into
single upright.
•Height could be adjusted.
•Used for gait training.
•Made up of plastic or
•Consists of single
upright, ferrule and has a
curved hand piece.
•Used for gait training.
•Made up of rubber.
•One set consists of 6 thera bands of
different colours according to
resistance offered.
•Used for strengthening exercises.
1. Yellow Resistance Band (lightest)
2. Red Resistance Band (light)
3. Green Resistance Band (light-
4. Blue Resistance Band (medium)
5. Black Resistance Band (heavy)
6. Silver/Gold-resistance (heaviest)

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Veterinary Medicines Manufacturers in India

Veterinary Medicines Manufacturers in India: We are living in the modern world, and with all modern advancements, we still rely on animals for eggs, milk, food, etc. Like humans, there is a huge need for veterinary healthcare products and medicines. And a large proportion of the Indian population is involved in animal husbandry and they would like to ensure quality medical treatment for their livestock.

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Flex bar
•Improve grip strength in
the arm, hand and
•Used for strengthening
•Cuff contains sand or
small pieces of metal.
•Tied over the distal part
of the segment.
•Rack consists of variety
of dumbbells of different
size and resistance.
•Used for strengthening

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Explanation about induction of labor


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•An exercise ball, also known
as a yoga ball, is a ball
constructed of soft elastic
with a diameter of
approximately 35 to 85
centimeters and filled with
•The air pressure is changed
by removing a valve stem and
either filling with air or
letting the ball deflate.
Use- Core strengthening, sitting balance training, upper
limb lower limb exercise
•Frame consists of rope,
pulley, sling, cuff and
•Used for suspending limb
for active assisted
•Wooden bars are
mounted on the walls.
• Can make patient stand.
• Hanging
•Used for improving
fitness of patient
•Also for lower limb

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vaginal thrush presentation by Dr. Rewas Ali
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in these slides you know what is vaginal thrush, symptoms, and treatments with special population(pregnancy and lactation). you can see the explanation in my youtube channel in this link below: vaginal thrush is one of the most common gynecological complication that can be treated easily if diagnosed in a correct way.

•Parts: tubular frame,
padded seat, 4 big nylon
castors which slides
smoothly over the frame,
two foot plates with
straps and springs.
Resistance can be
adjusted by the number
of springs.
•Ask the patient to push over the footrests and
straighten the knees.
Strengthening of LL extensors, plantarflexors.

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Therapeutic Gymnasium.pptx

  • 1. Therapeutic Gymnasium Dr.Harshal Patel (MPT) (Musculoskeletal and sports science)
  • 2. Introduction •Therapeutics means having medicinal or healing properties. • The word gymnasium is the latinisation of the Greek noun gymnasion, whose meaning is to “Train in gymnastic exercise” generally “ to train to exercise” •Historically, such a place was a place for both exercise, as well as bathing, especially social (communal) bathing. •In 1598, the term was adopted from a "place to be naked" to a "place of exercise". •The abbreviation to gym was introduced in 1871.
  • 3. • Therapeutic Gymnasium is room or building equipped for indoor sports or a large room containing equipment such as bars, weights, and ropes, for physical exercise. • Healthcare consumers (patients and clients) typically seek out or are referred for physical therapy services because of physical impairments associated with injury, disease or disorders that interfere with their ability to perform or pursue any number of activities that are necessary or important to them.
  • 4. • Health care consumers are directly benefited from the Therapeutic Gymnasium. • Physical therapy services may also be sought by those individuals without any impairment who wish to improve their overall level of fitness or reduce the risk of injury or disease.
  • 5. Definition: Therapeutic Gymnasium is room or building equipped for indoor sports or a large room containing equipment such as bars, weights, and ropes, for physical exercise or building or room with equipment for physical exercise.
  • 6. • Gym based Therapeutic Exercise is rehabilitation oriented fitness program that are designed to improve strength, stamina, stability, flexibility, functionality, and/or mobility • This can be using exercise equipment that is specifically designed to meet needs of patients with acute or chronic health conditions, physical disabilities or other problems or through individualized exercise routines that improve or restore physical function so that activities of daily living are no longer a challenge, reduce risk factors and improve overall health and fitness.
  • 7. Therapeutic gymnasium should have the following facilities: 1. Therapeutic treatment private rooms 2. Remodeling of dressing rooms and bathroom facilities, with a large area for lockers. 3. Large windows that contribute to a bright environment and an ample and cosy atmosphere. 4. New physiotherapy state-of-the-art equipment.
  • 8. • The main advantage of this service is the interdisciplinary work, carried out by kinesiologists, physical therapists and doctors together with the medical professional ordering the treatment. • All procedures are carried out under the strict medical protocol, inherent to each respiratory, cardiovascular or physical therapy specialty.
  • 9. • Equipment There's a cardio section and there is an aerobic section. • The gymnasium is spacious, replete with electric treadmills, cycle treadmills, weights, equipment's for strength training like wall bars, triceps table, multi-gym, television and music system etc. • It has wooden flooring and latest equipment's like mobilization couches with adjustable height, traction unit, dumbbells, treadmills (electric and cycle), and multi-exerciser machines, in addition to regularly required equipment's like parallel bars, wall bars, quadriceps table etc.
  • 10. Exercise benefits/effects from the gym include: 1. Increased muscle strength 2. Increased flexibility 3. Weight Management 4. Reduced Stress 5. Improved sleep patterns 6. Enhanced self-image 7. Increased energy • The ultimate effect of therapeutic gymnasium is to improve overall health and physical fitness
  • 11. Health Benefits of Gym Exercise and Physical Activity: # Reduce the risk of premature death # Reduce the risk of developing and/or dying from heart disease # Reduce high blood pressure or the risk of developing high blood pressure # Reduce high cholesterol or the risk of developing high cholesterol
  • 12. # Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer and breast cancer # Reduce the risk of developing diabetes # Reduce or maintain body weight or body fat # Build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints # Reduce depression and anxiety # Improve psychological well-being # Enhanced work, recreation, and sport performance
  • 13. Equipment used for : 1. Therapeutic training 2. Strength training 3. Balance training
  • 14. Therapeutic training Treadmill • A treadmill is a device for or running while staying in the same place • The machine provides a moving platform with a wide conveyer belt driven by an a electric motor or a fly wheel
  • 15. Advantage • Treadmill give a great cardiovascular workout and help to improve heart health • Each time you step on a treadmill you strengthen your heart • And as your heart grows stronger you lower your blood pressure • Running or walking help to get the blood flowing which reduce the stress on your heart
  • 16. Stationary cycle • A stationary bicycle (also known as exercise bicycle, exercise bike ) is a devise with saddle, paddles, and some from of handlebars arranged as on a bicycle, but used as exercise equipment rather than transportation
  • 17. Uses • Exercise bike are used to increase generalise fitness and for training cycle event • The exercise bike has long being used for physical therapy because of low impact , safe , and effective cardiovascular exercise it provide • Stationary bike are also used to exercise for weightless • It is used to increase lower limb strength and endurance
  • 18. Elliptical trainer / cross trainer • It provide non impact, reciprocal resistance to the lower extremities in upright, weight bearing position Both type of equipment also provide reciprocal resistance to the upper extremities.
  • 19. PLINTH (COUCH) •Used for treating patients.
  • 20. Multi-gym :- • Parts – seat, back rest, handle, shin pad, thigh pad, fixed & movable pulley, ropes, weights & knobs • Uses – • Used to give strengthening exercise to various body parts (upper & lower limb, back & chest)
  • 22. •Four Station Multi Gym • Lat pulley, Pec deck, Arm pulley, Leg curling /extension •Six Station Multi Gym • Lat pulley, Pec deck, Chest / Shoulder press, Arm pulley, Leg curling / extension, Standing calf raise •Ten Station Multi Gym • Lat pulley, Rowing pulley, Pec deck, Chest press, Shoulder press, Arm pulley, Leg curling / extension, Leg press, Standing calf raise, Dip, chin-up, abdominal unit
  • 23. SHOULDER WHEEL • It is a wheel mounted on the wall. • Consists of fulcrum, handle and hand piece. • Two types are available – one with giant wheel & other with axial rod • Parts – giant wheel or axial rod, fulcrum, handle, resistance knob, vertical bar to change the height • Used for shoulder exercises. • Even used for elbow exercises.
  • 24. •Principle – 2nd order lever •Fulcrum at Centre of wheel, effort applied at handle & resistance applied through the knob •Patient stands besides the wheel and moves wheel in clockwise as well as anticlockwise direction. •Useful in shoulder circumduction movement. •Increase ROM of shoulder abduction, flexion & circumduction
  • 25. ROPE AND PULLEY •Consists of pulley attached on the ceiling. The rope is wounded around the pulley. It also has hand piece. •Used in performing shoulder exercises.
  • 26. •Patient sits on a chair and grips the hand piece. •Patient keeps the upper limb forward for performing shoulder flexion and keeps upper limbs by the side for performing shoulder abduction.
  • 27. FINGER LADDER •It is the wooden ladder mounted on the wall. •Patient places the finger tips on it and climbs up. •Used for shoulder exercises.
  • 28. •Patient stands in front of the ladder to perform shoulder flexion. Stands besides to perform shoulder abduction.
  • 29. WAND(STICK) • Use to perform self-assisted shoulder exercises. • Use for shoulder exercises like flexion, extension, horizontal abduction-adduction and combination of movement. • Cane (stick) can be used in place of wand.
  • 30. • Patient is positioned in supine or standing In supine- flexion, horizontal abduction-adduction. In prone- extension, combination of movement. In standing- all the movements. Maintain shoulder in external rotation while performing abduction (thumb out). Maintain shoulder in internal rotation while performing flexion (thumb in).
  • 31. WRIST ROLLER •It is a wooden rod mounted on the wall. •Consists of varying diameter for different grips of patient. •Used for wrist flexion and extension exercises. • To increase gripping power
  • 32. • Principle – 2nd order lever •Fulcrum at centre, effort applied through hand & resistance through knob •Patient stands in front of the device and grasps the rod and roll it clockwise and anticlockwise.
  • 33. SUPINATOR – PRONATOR EXERCISER • It is a device mounted on the wall. • Consists of wheel and a hand grip. Uses – • To strengthen muscles of supination & pronation • To mobilize radio ulnar joints & increase ROM of supination & pronation movements. • To give resisted exercises for supination & pronation. • Hand gripper also present which can be used to increase gripping power of hand & fingers.
  • 34. •Patient stands in front of the device. Shoulder is in adduction and elbow 90 degrees flexion. •Holds the hand piece and then rotates in clockwise and anticlockwise direction. So that supination and pronation occurs. • Principle – 2nd order lever • Parts-circular board, handle, resistance knob •Fulcrum at centre of circular board, effort applied at handle & resistance through knob
  • 35. PEG BOARD •It is a wooden board with holes in which pegs are placed. •Are of different types based on their colour, weight, shape, texture, etc •Used for co-ordination exercises and gripping exercises.
  • 36. •Patient grasps the peg from the board and keep it aside than again can place it back. •Uses finger flexors. •Helps to improve gripping power of patients with weakness in prehension •Useful to give game-like activities along with co- ordination training in patients with cerebral palsy & mental retardation
  • 37. SPONGE BALL •It is a soft ball. •Used for gripping exercises. •Wrist should be in neutral or slight extension position while performing exercises.
  • 38. FINGER EXERCISE SPRINGS Consist of set of 5 springs Each spring is of different size and resistance Resistance gradually increases from spring 1 to 5. USES: Finger flexion exercises and opponent muscles of thumb.
  • 39. FINGER EXERCISE RING •Consist of metallic ring with 5 springs fitted to the ring, each spring for fingers and thumb. Spring ends have leather loops for inserting fingers. USES: Finger flexion exercises. •Avoid wrist flexion while exercising
  • 40. HAND ROLLER EXERCISE BOARD •Board has different small rollers of different diameters, which provide different amount of resistance and also has one square block with loop and one roller with side knob. •Here Velcro arrangement is used to provide the resistance. USES: For finger muscles strengthening Wrist flexors and extensors strengthening Supinator-pronator strengthening
  • 41. PUSH UP BLOCK • They are the two metal rods with hand grips. • They placed on both sides of patient in sitting position and can perform strengthening of latissimus dorsi. • It is by taking weight on ULs and lifting buttocks • Can be used in prone lying. Patient does extension of trunk by taking weight on ULs. • It is used to strengthen triceps.
  • 42. SKATES ROLLER • Consists of a skates with a ball bearing rubber wheels Straps are there so that it can be secured with the exercising part. Ball bearing arrangement reduces the friction so movement will be easier. • USES In UL, elbow flexion-extension, horizontal add-abduction of shoulder. Also rotation of shoulder. In LL, knee flexion-extension.
  • 44. SUPINATION – PRONATION DUMBBELLS •Consists of a set of 3 wooden dumbbells of different size and weight Resistance provided by the dumbbells increases as the size of dumbbell increases, so it is useful for the PROGRESSIVE RESISTED EXERCISES. •USES: To develop the strength of forearm muscles To develop strength of supinator's and pronators.
  • 46. QUADRICEPS EXERCISE TABLE •It is a table with fixed arm and swing arm. •A roll is attached to fixed arm and resistances can be attached on the swing arm. •If there is back support than it is called quadriceps exercise chair.
  • 47. •Patient sits on the table. Places leg behind the roll on fixed arm and than knee extension is done. •Resistances can be adjusted accordingly. •If the angle is fixed and swing arm are changed it can be used for hamstring muscles for that in sitting position patients places leg in front of the roll and does knee flexion. •Trick Movements :- Trunk movements.
  • 49. BALANCE BOARD •It is a wooden board with a rod or a disc below it. •It makes the board unstable. •Used for balancing exercises.
  • 50. •Patient stands on the board and moves the board in front, back and side to side. •Patient stands on board with both the feets apart and tries to maintain the balance. •Balance training initially is carried out in a parallel bar with support, then gradually progress to out of parallel bar without support.
  • 52. ANKLE EXERCISER •Consists of two hinged planes one is horizontal and other one is inclined. •There is spring attached between the two planes. •Used for plantarflexor strengthening.
  • 53. •Patient sits on the chair and the device is placed in front. •Patient places the foot on the device with heel at the bottom and toes at the top. Than presses the plane down.
  • 54. ANKLE EXERCISER •Parts: aluminum foot plate with straps, secured horizontally over the wooden base, springs are there to provide the resistance. resistance can be adjusted. •USES: strengthening of plantarflexors and dorsiflexors Patient position- sitting, position the foot over the foot rest so that knee is directly over the footrest.
  • 55. HEEL EXERCISER •Parts: wooden base, piston arrangement to provide the resistance, footrest with the straps.
  • 56. EXERCISE STAIR CASE (CORNER TYPE) •It is L – shaped stair case. •Has railings on the side. •Uses :- training the patient for stair ascending and descending.
  • 57. PARALLEL BAR •It is a wooden floor with two horizontal rods on the sides with four vertical rods. •Height of the horizontal rods can be adjusted at the level of greater trochanter of patient. •Mirror is placed in front of the parallel bars.
  • 58. •Uses :- Sit to stand, Standing with support and without support, Gait training with support and without support, Balancing exercises. •Patient is asked to see in mirror and make corrections in posture accordingly.
  • 59. TILT TABLE •It is a table which can be tilted. •Angle of tilt can be changed from below. •Patient is asked to lie down on table and is secured by straps around pelvis and thoracic region.
  • 60. •Then angle of tilt is changed so patient can be brought in standing position. •Uses :- Helps to bring patient in standing position.
  • 61. QUADRICEPS BOARD •Made up of two hinged wooden planks, out of these two planks one is hinged and one is straight having zigzag arrangement. With these arrangement (zigzag n hinged plank) any angle can be adjusted and progressed over time as patient gain strength.
  • 62. •USES Knee extensors strengthening in terminal range. Sand bag can be tied to patient’s ankle for additional load-more strengthening.
  • 63. WHEELCHAIR •It is one of the walking aids. •Consists of seat, back support, arm rests, foot rests, hand rims, wheels, brakes. •Uses :- Transfer of patient.
  • 64. WALKER (ADJUSTABLE, FOLDABLE) •It is used for training gait in patient with support. •Made up of plastic or aluminium. •Consists of four tubular rods, ferrules and hand grips. • Its height can be adjusted.
  • 65. ELBOW (FOREARM) CRUTCH •Made up of plastic or aluminiun. •Consists of single upright rod, ferrule, hand piece and forearm cuff. •Height can be adjusted. •Used for gait training.
  • 66. AXILLARY CRUTCH •Made up of plastic or aluminium. •Consists of axillary bar, hand piece, ferrule and double uprights which are joined distally into single upright. •Height could be adjusted. •Used for gait training.
  • 67. STICK (CANE) •Made up of plastic or aluminium. •Consists of single upright, ferrule and has a curved hand piece. •Used for gait training.
  • 68. THERABANDS •Made up of rubber. •One set consists of 6 thera bands of different colours according to resistance offered. •Used for strengthening exercises. 1. Yellow Resistance Band (lightest) 2. Red Resistance Band (light) 3. Green Resistance Band (light- medium) 4. Blue Resistance Band (medium) 5. Black Resistance Band (heavy) 6. Silver/Gold-resistance (heaviest)
  • 70. Flex bar •Improve grip strength in the arm, hand and shoulder
  • 71. WEIGHT CUFFS •Used for strengthening exercises. •Cuff contains sand or small pieces of metal. •Tied over the distal part of the segment.
  • 72. DUMBBELL RACK •Rack consists of variety of dumbbells of different size and resistance. •Used for strengthening exercises.
  • 73. PHYSIO BALL (SWISS BALL) •An exercise ball, also known as a yoga ball, is a ball constructed of soft elastic with a diameter of approximately 35 to 85 centimeters and filled with air. •The air pressure is changed by removing a valve stem and either filling with air or letting the ball deflate. Use- Core strengthening, sitting balance training, upper limb lower limb exercise
  • 74. SUSPENSION FRAME (GUTHRICK SMITH’S APPARATUS) •Frame consists of rope, pulley, sling, cuff and hooks. •Used for suspending limb for active assisted exercises.
  • 75. WALL BARS •Wooden bars are mounted on the walls. •Uses:- • Can make patient stand. • Hanging
  • 76. STATIC CYCLE •Used for improving fitness of patient •Also for lower limb exercises.
  • 77. ROWING MACHINE •Parts: tubular frame, padded seat, 4 big nylon castors which slides smoothly over the frame, two foot plates with straps and springs. Resistance can be adjusted by the number of springs.
  • 78. •Ask the patient to push over the footrests and straighten the knees. •USES Strengthening of LL extensors, plantarflexors.