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Re: what is cyclomatic complexity? plz explain with example
Answer Cyclomatic Complexity is a White Box                          0
  # 1 Testing Type.

Re: what is monkey testing?
Answer Testing Software without any Test case or
 # 2 formal Procedure.
        00000…aviating through various screens and
        checking for the
        Functionality with some dummy/unformatted
        inputs and
        Finding bugs.

Re: What is quot;Visible State Transitionquot; test? Give example
Answer Visible State Transition means first we
  # 1 check state of
        System and then test cases are written to
        test the triggers
        (Events) that causes the system transition

Re: How Severity and Priority are related to each other?
Answer Severity tells the seriousness/depth of the
  # 1 bug where as
        Priority tells which bug should rectify

Re: I Have a login screen. Us before the release you see the screen and there
is a bug. Tell me what’s the bug. Screen: Logen : Password : | Submit |
(submit is a button)
Answer Spelling of Login...its logen on the screen

Re: What type testing will be conducted at system testing? Who will conduct
each test?
Answer System testing is a type of Black box
  # 3 testing. System
        Testing means testing the application.
        After the
        Integration testing usually will do system
        Functionality, Regression, and performance
        testing comes
        Under system testing.
Re: Tell me the scenario where severity Low and Priority High?
Answer Lets take an example of quot;LOGIN
  # 1 APPLICATIONquot;. U r typing
        Correct quot;USER IDquot; and quot;PASSWORDquot; and click
        quot;OKquot; button it
        Is not going to the next page so this is a
        bug. This bug
        Has quot;LOW SEVERITYquot; and quot;HIGH PRIORITY”. If
        in the same
        Example the systems crashes or hangs then
        we have to
        Give quot;HIGH SEVERITYquot; and quot;HIGH PRIORITYquot;.

Re: What are the test methodologies??
Answer Test methodology - the process in which
  # 2 testing activity is
        Example: water fall model

Re: In which situation or phase or any did u find that Manual testing is a
must instead of Automation testing
Answer If the requirements are changing
  # 1 continuously manual testing
        Is suitable than automation
        Once the build is stable we go to

Re: diff between water fall model and v-model?
Answer Waterfall model:
  # 1 In this type of model the flow is
        sequential starting from
        The planning, design, coding and after that
        testing is put
        Into the testing is after the
        coding only and
        Not before that
        In this model the testing starts after
        Requirements is finished and furnished
        And testing continues in parallel with the
        So that we can eliminate error in the
        earlier stage
Re: What are the Techniques to be followed while writing the Test Cases?
Answer 1.Boundary value analysis (BVA) and
  # 1 2.Equilance class partition (ECP)

Re: In an Text Box Expected Value is 'icici' where as actual value came up is
'icci'. Now in the Bug Report How will u rate the severity and Priority?
Answer Sevirity: low
   # 1 Prority: high

Re: when the test plan will be prepared in waterfall model?
Answer After coding phase

Re: What is the difference between product base company and application
company? If product base name few products, if service base name the few
Answer Product based company                     Services
   #1    based Company

         1) Requirements are         1) req are
        came from client
        Defined by company itself
        2) If req are not available
        They will conduct market survey
        And gather req

        3) It is 4 market                     3) it is 4
        particular person
        4) Oracle is the product                4) an

Re: Write 5 best test cases for : Login screen Login ( Min 5 to max 15 )
Password ( Min 5 to max 15) alphanumeric characters ans case senstive
Answer Specification- Login Screen Of Hotmail
  # 1 User Id-Prajakta Password-GOD12
        Test Cases:
        1) Go to User Id field and without entering
        data in that field
        Press quot;Enterquot; key.
          Expected-it should prompt message quot; Please
        enter 'User ID'quot;

        2) Go to login screen enter quot;User Id” and
        without entering
        Passwords try to click on quot;OKquot; button.
          Expected-it should prompt message quot;Please
        enter 'Password' quot;
3) Go to login screen enter quot;User Id” and
        enter wrong
        Passwords try to click on quot;OKquot; button.
          Expected-it should prompt message quot; Please
        enter Proper
                    'User ID' and 'Password' quot;

        4) Go to Login screen enter all required
        data and press quot;OKquot;
        Button then software window will open. In
        that window click
        On quot;Backquot; button.
          Expected-It should go back to 'Login'
        screen and that

                   Screen should not show quot;User Idquot;
        and quot;Passwordquot;

        5) Go to login screen enter quot;User Idquot; and
        enter password as
         quot;God12quot; try to click on quot;OKquot; button.
          Expected-It should prompt message for
        wrong Password.

Re: Write 5 best test cases for: Login screen Login (Min 5 to max 15 )
Password ( Min 5 to max 15) alphanumeric characters ans case senstive
Answer Test case ID         Description       Expected
  #2              Actual
                Severity       priority
        1       Enter valid username with 10
        characters and with
        Out enter password and click on “OK” Error
        message r:
        Please enter password
        2       Enter password only with 6
        characters and click
        On “OK” Error message r: please enter

        3 Enter username with special characters
        and enter
        Password with special characters and click
        on “OK”
                Please enter valid username and
        password without
        Special characters
        4 Enter username with 16 characters and
        Password as 6 characters and click on “OK”
        Enter below 15 characters for username

        5 Enter username as 12 characters and enter

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The document provides answers to various questions related to manual software testing practices. It discusses key concepts like priority and severity levels of defects, examples of high severity low priority defects. It also covers the basis for test case review, contents of requirements documents, differences between web and client-server application testing, defect life cycle, and techniques for test plan preparation. The document is a guide for manual testers that aims to enhance their understanding of software testing concepts and best practices.

As 3 characters and click on “OK”
         Please enter min 5
        Characters for password

Re: what is traceability matrix. What is traceability template
Answer Traceability matrix is nothing but mapping
  # 1 between Requirements and test cases
        to ensure that all requirements recovered

Re: Tell me the scenario where severity More and Priority Low?
Answer In my view there will not be that kind               0            Kris
  #1    of situation since
        The whole purpose of testing is to
        avoid the bugs that are
        Affecting the system. Therefore,
        priority will be definitely
        High when severity is high.

        Re: Tell me the scenario where sevirity More and Priority Low?
Answer Load conditions (severity- high)
 # 2 ex: does not allows load(priority-high)
        ex: does not allow customer expected

Re: where do u store u'r Test cases?
Answer Test cases are normally stored in
  # 1 repositories like
        1.VSS - Test cases are written in excel
        sheets and stored
        Module by module in VSS. There will be a
        separate folder
        Allotted for test cases for every release.

        2.Test director - In test director there is
        a separate
        Location PLAN TEST. Here also we can create
        Folders and test set.

Re: if i give some thousand tests to execute in 2 days what do u do?
Answer If possible, we will automate or else,
  # 1 execute only the
        Test cases, which are mandatory.

Re: what is verification and validation?
       Verification: To ensure that the s/w
 # 2 correctly implements
        The specific function.
        Validation: To ensure that the s/w is
        satisfied the Customer requirements.

Re: What is Traceability matrix? Why itis used? Can u tell me the
architecture of that?
Answer Traceability matrix is used to map between
  # 1 requirements and Test cases
        It is used to check all requirements are
        covered or not?

Re: What is Mean by V-Module?
Answer V model is a diagram showing the map
  # 3 between verification
        And corresponding validation for the

        Verification is to see that we are building
        the product right
        Validation is to see the the product build
        is right

Re: What is meant by the bug state quot;Reproducequot;
Answer Reproduce is nothing but we need to open
  # 1 again the bug
        Which we found in testing with steps what
        we followed to
        Open the bug in previous time

Answer ATM machine
  # 1 Checking balance
        Withdraw cash

        Coffee machine
        Put exact change and get coffee
        Put money and then cancel the transaction

Re: what is debugging and whitebox testing and what is the diff?
Answer Debugging and white box testing goes hand
  # 1 in hand and
        Typically done by the developers.
        Debugging is done to verify that the
        program runs smoothly
And running program shouldn't cause any
        unwanted response
        By the machine.
        White box testing is nothing but running
        the program and
        Verify the actual behavior/result of the
        functionality with
        Expected result as predetermined.

Re: Role of Software Test Engineer in Software Company
Answer The role of a software test engineer in
  # 1 company is to find
        the defect. He/She should have quot;test-to-
        breakquot; attitude.
        He/She has to test the application taking
        the customer into
        mind. He should work hard for quality.

Re: Can u test a website or a webapplication manually without using any
automation tool?
Answer As per my idea we can test a webapplication
  # 1 manually
        without using automation but its time
        consuming and might
        have error so to make our task easy and
        error free we use
        automations tool like Qtp

Re: what is stub?Explain in testing point of view?
Answer Stub is a part of Intgeration Testing
  # 5 Intergration Testing
        1>Top down-Use stubs to test the module
        Stub is a dummy module replaced in order to
        test the main
        module so that we are sure that the
        integration between
        both the modules works fine

        2>Bottom Up-- Use driver to test the module
        the test data is sent to main module thru
        the drivers(also
        called Test Harness)

Re: what is 4 p's? Exact difference between testing and QA
Answer Testing:
  # 1 It is Prodcut level activity.
        Here the primary principal is Validation.
It follows the procedure that is prepared
        by QA.
        Its principle is detecting & reporting

        It is Organizational activity.
        Here the primary principal is Verification.
        It prepares the procedure that is to be
        followed by the development and Testing
        team.Its principle is preventing Defects.

Re: what is Scalability,Critical Analysis
Answer Scalability is nothing but max no users
  # 1 that the application can handle

Re: what is internalization?
Answer Testing related to handling foreign text
  # 1 and data within
        the program. This would include sorting,
        importing and
        exporting test and data, correct handling
        of currency and
        date and time formats, string parsing,
        upper and lower case
        handling and so forth.

Re: what is the difference between test case and test scenario.Explain with
Answer Test Case is a Step which has to be
  # 1 verified in order to
        test a Scenario.
        scenario is nothing but a series of
        testcases inorder to
        verify one transactional cycle.
        verifying that a user is able to manage his
        e-mail inbox
        such as view all messages,send a
        folders,logout..etc with a valid user login
        and password

        test case:
        is e-mail login page is displaying
        is the user able to login using his login
        id and password
        is he able to view his inbox
        is he able to delete unwanted -mails..etc

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The document provides an overview of software testing basics, including definitions of key terms like testing, debugging, errors, bugs, and failures. It describes different types of testing like manual testing, automation testing, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and more. It also covers test planning, test cases, test levels, who should test, and the importance of testing in the software development life cycle.

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Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences between given input and expected output. Also to assess the feature of A software item. Testing assesses the quality of the product. Software testing is a process that should be done during the development process. In other words software testing is a verification and validation process. Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. Test techniques include, but are not limited to the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects). Software testing can be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a computer program/application/product: • meets the requirements that guided its design and development, • works as expected, • can be implemented with the same characteristics, • and satisfies the needs of stakeholders. Software Development Process Cycle:-  PLAN (P): Device a plan. Define your objective and determine the strategy and supporting methods required to achieve that objective.  DO (D): Execute the plan. Create the conditions and perform the necessary training to execute the plan.  CHECK (C): Check the results. Check to determine whether work is progressing according to the plan and whether the results are obtained.  ACTION (A): Take the necessary and appropriate action if checkup reveals that the work is not being performed according to plan or not as anticipated.

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Testbytes is a community of software testers who are passionate about quality and love to test. We develop an in-depth understanding of the applications under test and include software testing strategies that deliver quantifiable results. In short, we help in building incredible software.

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quot;But interviewer expects you to give
        examples related to
        your previous job.quot;

Re: Diff. between STLC and SDLC?
Answer STLC-Software Test Life Cycle and SDLC is
  # 1 whole Software Development Life Cycle

Re: Can any one please tell me the exact difference between the smoke
testing,sanity testing and exploratory testing?
Answer Sanity testing means initial testing done
   # 2 to check the
        environment well suites for the testing
        process or not..
        Smoke testing is similar to sanity but with
        some specific
        reason mentioning why our testing process
        is stopped..
        Exploratory testing means testing the
        process without any
        specific plans and schedules.

Re: What is Retesting?
Answer Executing the same test cases on the same
  # 1 build but with
        different inputs..

Re: Give an example for high severity and low prority bug and as well as low
severity and High prority
Answer High Severity and Low priority
         It is nothing but when we raise a bug
        though it's severity
        is high to fix that bug we need some money
        definitely we
        will postpone that bug

        so low priority

        another example for (High severity and low
        some times we get error messages system is
        crashing do u
        want to continue like quot;yesquot; OR quot;Noquot;

        If u press YES Application should crash
        if u press no application retain it's
        prevoius state
Suppoose if we press no The application is
        if we pree Yes application retaining 2 it's
        previous state
        It is funcntionality defect(High severity)
        as far as developre is concerned he just
        replaces the
        funstionalities of YES and No buttons
        Low priority

Re: what is mean by end to end testing?
Answer end to end testing is nothing but system
  # 1 testing..testing
        the application starting from scratch to
        the end after
        integrated all the modules.....

Re: What is the diffrence between BUILD & RELEASE ?
Answer Difference number one:Builds refer to
  # 1 software that is
        still in testing, release refers to
        software that is
        usually no longer in testing.

Re: At wht stage in the SDLC testing should be started?
        URS DOC.

Answer We use automation only for version wised
  # 1 projects, means if
        the project comes up with different
        versions. Once we write
        the scripts for one version, we can use
        these scripts with
        mulitple versions with minor changes.
        So the main advantage of automation is:
        1. Saves the time.
        2. Saves money.

Re: Explain me about test scenarios? How will you write it?
Answer test scenario is a series of actions that
  # 1 the user might
perform on the application or tester might
        plan to do.
        Ex: drawing money from ATM is a test
        scenario, similarly
        checking account is a scenario.

Re: what r the contents in usecase?
Answer Input actions & flow diagrams. usecase is
  # 1 prepared by testlead or senior test

Re: In what basis you will write test cases?
Answer I would Writed the Test cases Based on
  # 2 Functional
        Specifications and BRDs and
        some more test cases using the Domain

Re: what r the contents in defect reporting?
Answer Sl no, Bug description, Steps to reproduce,
  # 1 Severity,
        Priority, Bug Identifier name, Submitted
        date, Build &
        Assigned to.

Re: If the client identified some bugs to whom did he reported?
Answer He will report to the Project Manager.
  # 1 Project Manager will
        arrange a meeting with all the leads (Dev.
        Manager, Test
        Lead and Requirement Manager) then raise a
        Change Request
        and then, identify which are all the
        screens going to be
        impacted by the bug. They will take the
        code and correct it
        and send it to the Testing Team.

Re: what is TRM?
Answer TRM is nothing but Test Responsibility
  # 1 matrix.
        It is the matrix mapped between Development
        stages and Test factors.

Re: How many Test Managers in Test Director?
Answer 4
  # 1 requirements manager
        test plan manager
        test lab manager
        defects tracking manager
for more details refer test director user

Re: Main Diffrences between Test Director and Bugzilla?
Answer Test Director is Test Management Tool
  # 1 includes(Test Plan,
        Running Tests and Reporting Bugs) whereas
        Bugzilla is Bug Reporting tool only.

Re: How to fetch data from excel sheet using TEST DIRECTOR
Answer there is an option in Test director advance
  # 1 version 8.0 in
        that in file menu there is import file

        click on that and give the path where it is
        the path click
        on ok

Re: How many scripts u use to run daily?
Answer On an Average we Write n Execute only 1 or
  # 1 2 Automation
        Scripts each day. (Depends on the
        complexity of an

        We write n execute 20 to 25 test cases manual

Re: What is driver in testing point of view?
Answer Test Driver or Test Harness: A program or
  # 1 test tool used to
        Execute tests. Also known as a Test

Re: What is the diff between IE and Netscape in a web testing on a login
Answer Netscape does not support HTML code
  # 2 IE Can Support

Re: what r the GUI Test Cases for calculator?
Answer 1.check for all the buttons are available r
  # 1 not
        2.check the screen for displaying
        3.check consistency of all the buttons
        3.check the spelling for the objects

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Testing is the process of validating and verifying software to ensure it meets specifications and functions as intended. There are different levels of testing including unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing. An important part of testing is having a test plan that outlines the test strategy, cases, and process to be followed. Testing helps find defects so the product can be improved.

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The document provides information about manual testing interview questions and answers. It discusses key topics like the differences between QA, QC and software testing, when to start QA in a project, definitions of verification and validation and their differences, differences between smoke testing and sanity testing, definition of testware, differences between retesting and regression testing, explanation of bug lifecycle, how severity and priority of bugs are related, definition of regression testing, what bug triage is, types of tests performed on web applications, how to choose which defects to remove, explanation of the testing lifecycle, what constitutes good code, the role of a bug tracking system, what data driven testing is, an explanation of CMM levels, the purpose of testing,

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Black Box Testing
Black Box TestingBlack Box Testing
Black Box Testing

Black box testing tests the functionality of software without knowledge of its internal structure or design. It is performed by testers and clients to test the software from an end user's perspective. There are various techniques used in black box testing including equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, and error guessing.

Re: what is Application state, Base state and call state?
Answer Application state: When we do any action in
  # 1 the application,
        the changed state is called as Application

        Base State: The initial state of the
        application just after

        Call State: Before performing any action on
        the application,
        the state of the application what we are
        visualising that it
        will happen after doing a certain step of

Re: In which stage more defects found means anlaysis,design,coding,testing
and maintance?
Answer In Testing stage. why b'coz while we
  # 1 testing the product
        more defects will be raised by test
        engineers in Testing
        stage only.

Re: what r the GUI Test Cases for calculator?
Answer 1.check for all the buttons are available r
  # 1 not
        2.check the screen for displaying
        3.check consistency of all the buttons
        3.check the spelling for the objects

Re: what is the difference between use case and test case?
Answer use case contains USER actions and System
  # 1 response
         Test case contains only user actions we
        dont know system response.

Re: What is Impact analysis. How to do impact analysis in yr project..
Answer impact analysis means when we r doing
  # 1 regressing testing at
        that time we r checking that the bug fixes
        r working
        Properly, and by fixing these bug other
        components are
        working as per their requirements r they
        got disturbed.
Re: how will u know whether ur reported bug is accepted r rejected?
Answer if the defect is rejected then dev team
  # 1 will give us
        intimate with the proper reasons through e
        mail or bug
        tracking tool if it is accepted then dev
        team ask 4 screen shots

Re: What are the contents in quot;Requirements Traceability Matrixquot; not in quot;
Test Responsibility Matrixquot;?
Answer Contents of Requirements Traceability
  # 1 Matrix / RTM :
        Release Name
        Test Case Name
        High level design
        Low Level Design
        Test Case Execution
        Automation Execution

What is the cost of quality?
Answer You can say that cost of quality is the
 # 1 combination of
        Prevention Cost + Appraisal Cost + Failure

Re: What is quot;Visible State Transitionquot; test? Give example
Answer Visible State Transition means first we
  # 1 check state of
        system and then test cases are written to
        test the triggers
        (events) that causes the system tarnsition

Re: What is Test Scripts What is static testing and dyanmic testing. Explain
with an example
Answer Test Scripts: is used to test a particular
  # 1 functionality
        (business rule). It may consist of 1 or
        more Test Cases.

        static testing: Testing of an object
        without execution on a
        computer. (eg. review
        document,inspection,walk thro')
        simply said static means verification.

        dynamic testing: The process of evaluating
a system or
             component based upon its behaviour during
             (eg. functional testing, regression
             testing, UAT etc.,)
             means validation

What is 'configuration management'?

Configuration management covers the processes used to contro coordinate, and track:
code, requirements, documentation, problems, change requests, designs,
tools/compilers/libraries/patches, changes made to them, and who makes the changes.

How is testing affected by object-oriented designs?

Well-engineered object-oriented design can make it easier to trace from code to internal
design to functional design to requirements. While there will be little affect on black box
testing (where an understanding of the internal design of the applicat on is unnecessary),
white-box testing can be oriented to the application's objects. If the application was well-
designed this can simplify test design.

    Re: Is automated testing better than manual testing. If so, why
    Answer Automated testing and manual testing have
      # 1 advantages as Well as disadvantages

             It increases the efficiency of testing
             Speed in process


             Tools should have compatibility with our
             developement or
             tools needs lot of time initially
             If the requirements are changing
             continuously Automation is
             Not suitable

             Manual: If the requirements are changing
             Manual is suitable
             Once the build is stable with manual
             testing then only we
             go 4 automation
             It needs lot of time
We can not do some type of testing manually
             E.g Performanence

    Re: If you have an application to test and there are no requirement specs, no
    test cases, no documents, you don’t know even the functionality then how
    would you perform testing?
    Answer Simply says Ad hoc testing. Without knowing
       # 1 the
             Functionality, without following any
             sequence,---doing the
             Testing called Ad hoc testing.

    Re: In an Testing interview the following question asked. Who will write use
    Answer Use Cases are prepared by the Business
      # 2 Development Team only

    Re: Will you write a test plan in all phases?
    Answer No., testplan will be written only once and
      # 2 ideally needs
             to be updates with every change in the

    Re: what r the contents in use case?
    Answer Input actions & flow diagrams

    Re: what r the contents in defect reporting?
    Answer Sl no, Bug description, Steps to reproduce,
      # 1 Severity,
             Priority, Bug Identifier name, Submitted
             date, Build &
             Assigned to.

Re: what is the goal of system testing?
This is the last stage of testing at offshore, which covers both
Functional and non-functional testing.

    Re: In what basis you will write test cases?
    Answer I would Write the Test cases Based on
      # 2 Functional
             Specifications and BRDs and

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Sanity testing and smoke testing
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Sanity testing and smoke testing

Students are struggling in Software Testing so i have decided to make a presentation on Testing here is the general topic from testing. I hope it will help you in your learning about testing please rate it

sanity and smoke testingsanity testingsmoke testing
Some more test cases using the Domain

Re: Overall what percentage of positive and negative test cases would you
Answer That depends on the screen. Most of the
  # 1 times, I will
        verify for the -ve test conditions.

Re: what is thee diff between functionality testing and blockbox testing?
Answer Functional Testing is the major part of
  # 2 Black box testing
        in which the functionality of the AUT
        should be tested.
        Where as Black Box Testing means testing
        the application
        based on its performance with out
        concerning its internal

Re: What is Test Server?
Answer test Server is nothing but the place where
  # 1 the developers
        put their development modules, which are
        accessed by the
        testers to test the functionality

Re: what is test log? tell the process?
Answer A test log is nothing but, what are the
  # 1 test cases we r
        executed, in what order we executed, who
        executed that test
        cases and what is the status of the test

Re: Did you write test cases of design phase?
Answer Yes We can write test cases at the design
  # 1 phase
        At the time of designing we should be ready
        with test cases

Re: What are the main key components in Web applications and client and
Server applications? (differences)
Answer  For Web Applications: Web application can
  # 1 be implemented
        using any kind of technology like Java,
        .NET, VB, ASP, CGI&
        PERL. Based on the technology,We can derive
        the components.

        Let's take Java Web Application. It can be
        implemented in
        3 tier architecture. Presentation tier
        (jsp, html, dthml,
        servlets, struts). Busienss Tier (Java
        Beans, EJB, JMS)
        Data Tier(Databases like Oracle, SQL Server
        etc., )

        If you take .NET Application, Presentation
        (ASP, HTML,
        DHTML), Business Tier(DLL) & Data Tier
        ( Database like
        Oracle, SQL Server etc.,)

        Client Server Applications: It will have
        only 2 tiers.
        One is Presentation (Java, Swing) and Data
        Tier (Oracle,
        SQL Server). If it is client Server
        architecture, The
        entire application has to be installed on
        the client
        machine. When ever you do any changes in
        your code, Again,
        It has to be installed on all the client
        machines. Where
        as in Web Applications, Core Application
        will reside on the
        server and client can be thin
        Client(broswer). Whatever the
        changes you do, You have to install the
        application in the
        server. NO need to worry about the
        clients.Because, You
        will not install any thing on the client

Re: Does functional testing comes under Black box or white box testing?
Answer Functional Testing comes under Black Box
  # 2 testing. Because
        tester does not know about the internal
        details of the
        program. Based up on the test cases he will
Re: At what phase tester role starts?

It is based on SDLC if it is v-model testers work starts after receiving FRS and if it is
waterfall model testers work will be after coding phase.

    Re: Explain me about test scenarios? How will you write it?
    Answer test scenario is a series of actions that
      # 1 the user might
             perform on the application or tester might
             plan to do.
             Ex: drawing money from ATM is a test
             scenario, similarly
             checking account is a scenario.

    Re: If the client identified some bugs to whom did he report?
    Answer He will report to the Project Manager.
      # 1 Project Manager will
             arrange a meeting with all the leads (Dev.
             Manager, Test
             Lead and Requirement Manager) then raise a
             Change Request
             and then, identify which are all the
             screens going to be
             impacted by the bug. They will take the
             code and correct it
             and send it to the Testing Team.

    Re: Explain ETVX concept?
    Answer E- Entry Criteria
      # 1 T- Task
             V- Validation
             X- Exit Criteria

             ENTRY CRITERIA:
             Input with 'condition' attached.
             e.g. Approved SRS document is the entry
             criteria for the
             design phase

             e.g. Preparation of HLD,LLD etc.

             Building quality & Verification activities
             e.g. Technical reviews

             EXIT CRITERIA:
             Output with 'condition' attached.
             e.g. Approved design document
It is important to follow ETVX concept for
        all phases in

Re: What do u do if the bug that u found is not accepted by the developer and
he is saying its not reproducable. Note: The developer is in the onsite location
Answer Sometimes bug is not reproducible it is
  # 2 becoz of different
        suppose dev team using other environment
        and u r using
        different environment
        at this situation there is chance of bug
        not reproducing.
        at this situtation plz check the
        environment in the base
        lione documents that is functional
        if the environment which we r using is
        we will raise it as defect
        We will take screen shots and sends them
        with test
        procedure also

Re: What is the diff between Functional and regression testing and do u
execute same test case or write new one for regression
Answer During functional Testing if we found any
  # 1 defect we report
        bug to dev team b they will fix and resolve
        the bug and
        modified build to us

        We will execute some of that test cases or
        total test cases
        Which we executed previously

        while in funnctional testing we will do
        many more not only
        regression buy also retesting n some other

Re: How many scripts u use to run daily?
Answer On an Average we Write n Execute only 1 or
  # 1 2 Automation
        Scripts each day.(depends on the complexity
        of an

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The document discusses software testing concepts including: - Quality assurance ensures processes are established to produce products that meet specifications. - Testing determines if a product meets requirements and identifies failures to meet requirements. - A test plan is written by the lead tester and includes the testing strategy, resources, and plans. It outlines test cases and procedures to validate software meets specifications. - Testing begins in the define system phase to ensure requirements are testable, and continues through subsequent phases including product testing, acceptance testing, and deployment. Documentation and repeatable processes are critical to quality assurance.

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Types of Software Testing | Edureka
Types of Software Testing | EdurekaTypes of Software Testing | Edureka
Types of Software Testing | Edureka

** Software Testing Certification Courses: ** This Edureka PPT on Types of Software Testing covers the various types of functional and non-functional testing. Below topics are covered in this PPT: What is Software Testing Why need Testing? Software Testing Life Cycle Types of Software Testing Unit Testing Integration Testing System Testing Interface Testing Regression Testing Acceptance Testing Documentation Testing Installation Testing Performance Testing Reliability Testing Security Testing Selenium playlist: Selenium Blog playlist: Software Testing Blog playlist:

types of software testingsoftware testing typeswhat is software testing
We write n execute 20 to 25 test cases manual

Re: How did u perform regression testing what r the steps involved?
Answer First of all sir, U must know whats
  # 1 Regression Testing is
        (RT): It is the testing done on a module
        when its modified.

        Some times RT is done using Automation

        RT is of 3 kinds :
        Unit : Testing is done only on that part
        where the module
        is modified.

        Regional : Testing is done on those parts
        inan application
        whereever the changes made in the module
        gets affected.the
        modified modeule is also tested.

        Full: the whole application is tested.

Re: What is the diff between IE and netscape in a web testing on a login page.
Answer Netscape doesn’t recognize ENTER key

Re: What is White Box testing and who is responsible for white box testing?
Answer Testing the application with the knowledge
  # 1 of the internal comes under white box
        testing..In General
        Developers are responsible for white box

Re: What are the Techniques to be followed while writing the Test Cases?
Answer 1.Boundary value analysis(BVA)and
  # 1 2.Equilance class partition(ECP)

Re: what is change management and change request
Answer change request is nothing but either it is
  # 1 a missed defect
        or enhancement request 4 future expansion
it is recieved in Maintanace phase

        Change management is nothing but when a
        change is
        Performed comparing the changes and in
        which change we got

Re: how u can do integration testing and what r the approaches u need to
Answer The integration Testing is doing for
   # 1 integrated modules. So
        first of all we required an integrated
        application to do
        the integration testing.

        Here we have to check wether the integrated
        modules are
        working properly or not. This can be do
        through the
        integration test cases.

        For example Creating a user account and
        login to the system
        are two modules.

        Here u can see the Create User is a module
        and Login user
        Is another module. So First we create a
        user then with the
        new username and password we logon to the
        system. If it is
        working as per the expectation then the
        test is pass.

        Is it Clear?

Re: what type of review process u r following in u'r company?
Answer I think there are three types of review
  # 2 process followed in
        a company
        1. SRS based review
        2. BRS based review
        3. TRM based review

Re: what is exact meaning of SNAP and when it will be taken
Answer In the field of testing. Snap shot is the
  # 2 picturezation of
        the error in your screen. When ever you
        write and test case
        and excute it.You may same defect or a
message pops up on
        the screen.During that time just press the
        print screen key
        in your key board and then save it as a
        bitmap image. Then
        when you report a defect in a TOOL just
        attach the file so
        that the developer can get some idea of the
        image which you
        picturize in your computer screen when you
        are exiquting
        the test case.

Re: What is Six sigma ?Expain.
Answer Six Sigma means a measure of quality that
  # 1 strives for near
        Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven
        approach and
        methodology for eliminating defects
        (driving towards six
        standard deviations between the mean and
        the nearest
        specification limit) in any process -- from
        to transactional and from product to

Re: what is the difference between test case and test scenario.Explain with
Answer Test Case is a Step which has to be
  # 1 verified in order to
        test a Scenario.
        scenario is nothing but a series of
        testcases inorder to
        verify one transactional cycle.
        verifying that a user is able to manage his
        e-mail inbox
        such as view all messages,send a
        folders,logout..etc with a valid user login
        and password

        test case:
        is e-mail login page is displaying
        is the user able to login using his login
        id and password
        is he able to view his inbox
        is he able to delete unwanted -mails..etc

        quot;But interviewer expects you to give
examples related to
your previous job.quot;

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This document contains 151 interview questions related to software testing. The questions cover a wide range of testing topics including definitions of software testing, the difference between various testing types, the testing process, test planning and documentation, defect management, and other quality assurance and development processes. Responses would require in-depth knowledge of software testing practices, tools, and methodologies.

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What Is Functional Testing?What Is Functional Testing?
What Is Functional Testing?

With a pre-requisite of ensuring an application's flawless functioning, this PPT sheds light on what functional testing entails with its importance to enhance an application's quality. Get to know more on Functional Testing Services, Functional Testing Types, Smoke Testing, Sanity Testing, Regression Testing with this presentation and stay tuned for our upcoming ones.

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1. The document provides multiple choice questions related to software testing concepts and terms. It covers topics like test case design, test levels, defect management, risk analysis, test techniques and tools. 2. Several questions test knowledge of terms related to test coverage, test types, integration testing techniques, defect prioritization and analysis. Other topics assessed include test planning, test metrics, compatibility testing and quality perspectives. 3. The document contains 75 multiple choice questions to evaluate understanding of key software testing concepts and best practices. The breadth of topics covered provides a comprehensive skills assessment.

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Manual Testing.

  • 1. Re: what is cyclomatic complexity? plz explain with example Answer Cyclomatic Complexity is a White Box 0 # 1 Testing Type. Re: what is monkey testing? Answer Testing Software without any Test case or # 2 formal Procedure. N.. 00000…aviating through various screens and checking for the Functionality with some dummy/unformatted inputs and Finding bugs. Re: What is quot;Visible State Transitionquot; test? Give example Answer Visible State Transition means first we # 1 check state of System and then test cases are written to test the triggers (Events) that causes the system transition Re: How Severity and Priority are related to each other? Answer Severity tells the seriousness/depth of the # 1 bug where as Priority tells which bug should rectify first.. Re: I Have a login screen. Us before the release you see the screen and there is a bug. Tell me what’s the bug. Screen: Logen : Password : | Submit | (submit is a button) Answer Spelling of Login...its logen on the screen #1 Re: What type testing will be conducted at system testing? Who will conduct each test? Answer System testing is a type of Black box # 3 testing. System Testing means testing the application. After the Integration testing usually will do system testing. Functionality, Regression, and performance testing comes Under system testing.
  • 2. Re: Tell me the scenario where severity Low and Priority High? Answer Lets take an example of quot;LOGIN # 1 APPLICATIONquot;. U r typing Correct quot;USER IDquot; and quot;PASSWORDquot; and click quot;OKquot; button it Is not going to the next page so this is a bug. This bug Has quot;LOW SEVERITYquot; and quot;HIGH PRIORITY”. If in the same Example the systems crashes or hangs then we have to Give quot;HIGH SEVERITYquot; and quot;HIGH PRIORITYquot;. Re: What are the test methodologies?? Answer Test methodology - the process in which # 2 testing activity is Determined Example: water fall model Re: In which situation or phase or any did u find that Manual testing is a must instead of Automation testing Answer If the requirements are changing # 1 continuously manual testing Is suitable than automation Once the build is stable we go to automation Re: diff between water fall model and v-model? Answer Waterfall model: # 1 In this type of model the flow is sequential starting from The planning, design, coding and after that testing is put Into the testing is after the coding only and Not before that V-Model: In this model the testing starts after business Requirements is finished and furnished And testing continues in parallel with the coding So that we can eliminate error in the earlier stage
  • 3. Re: What are the Techniques to be followed while writing the Test Cases? Answer 1.Boundary value analysis (BVA) and # 1 2.Equilance class partition (ECP) Re: In an Text Box Expected Value is 'icici' where as actual value came up is 'icci'. Now in the Bug Report How will u rate the severity and Priority? Answer Sevirity: low # 1 Prority: high Re: when the test plan will be prepared in waterfall model? Answer After coding phase #1 Re: What is the difference between product base company and application company? If product base name few products, if service base name the few services. Answer Product based company Services #1 based Company 1) Requirements are 1) req are came from client Defined by company itself 2) If req are not available They will conduct market survey And gather req 3) It is 4 market 3) it is 4 particular person 4) Oracle is the product 4) an application Re: Write 5 best test cases for : Login screen Login ( Min 5 to max 15 ) Password ( Min 5 to max 15) alphanumeric characters ans case senstive Answer Specification- Login Screen Of Hotmail # 1 User Id-Prajakta Password-GOD12 Test Cases: 1) Go to User Id field and without entering data in that field Press quot;Enterquot; key. Expected-it should prompt message quot; Please enter 'User ID'quot; 2) Go to login screen enter quot;User Id” and without entering Passwords try to click on quot;OKquot; button. Expected-it should prompt message quot;Please enter 'Password' quot;
  • 4. 3) Go to login screen enter quot;User Id” and enter wrong Passwords try to click on quot;OKquot; button. Expected-it should prompt message quot; Please enter Proper 'User ID' and 'Password' quot; 4) Go to Login screen enter all required data and press quot;OKquot; Button then software window will open. In that window click On quot;Backquot; button. Expected-It should go back to 'Login' screen and that Screen should not show quot;User Idquot; and quot;Passwordquot; 5) Go to login screen enter quot;User Idquot; and enter password as quot;God12quot; try to click on quot;OKquot; button. Expected-It should prompt message for wrong Password. Re: Write 5 best test cases for: Login screen Login (Min 5 to max 15 ) Password ( Min 5 to max 15) alphanumeric characters ans case senstive Answer Test case ID Description Expected #2 Actual Severity priority 1 Enter valid username with 10 characters and with Out enter password and click on “OK” Error message r: Please enter password 2 Enter password only with 6 characters and click On “OK” Error message r: please enter username 3 Enter username with special characters and enter Password with special characters and click on “OK” Please enter valid username and password without Special characters 4 Enter username with 16 characters and enter Password as 6 characters and click on “OK” Please Enter below 15 characters for username 5 Enter username as 12 characters and enter password
  • 5. As 3 characters and click on “OK” Please enter min 5 Characters for password Re: what is traceability matrix. What is traceability template Answer Traceability matrix is nothing but mapping # 1 between Requirements and test cases to ensure that all requirements recovered Re: Tell me the scenario where severity More and Priority Low? Answer In my view there will not be that kind 0 Kris #1 of situation since The whole purpose of testing is to avoid the bugs that are Affecting the system. Therefore, priority will be definitely High when severity is high. Re: Tell me the scenario where sevirity More and Priority Low? Answer Load conditions (severity- high) # 2 ex: does not allows load(priority-high) ex: does not allow customer expected load(priority-low) Re: where do u store u'r Test cases? Answer Test cases are normally stored in # 1 repositories like 1.VSS - Test cases are written in excel sheets and stored Module by module in VSS. There will be a separate folder Allotted for test cases for every release. 2.Test director - In test director there is a separate Location PLAN TEST. Here also we can create different Folders and test set. Re: if i give some thousand tests to execute in 2 days what do u do? Answer If possible, we will automate or else, # 1 execute only the Test cases, which are mandatory. Re: what is verification and validation?
  • 6. Answer Verification: To ensure that the s/w # 2 correctly implements The specific function. Validation: To ensure that the s/w is satisfied the Customer requirements. Re: What is Traceability matrix? Why itis used? Can u tell me the architecture of that? Answer Traceability matrix is used to map between # 1 requirements and Test cases It is used to check all requirements are covered or not? Re: What is Mean by V-Module? Answer V model is a diagram showing the map # 3 between verification And corresponding validation for the application Verification is to see that we are building the product right Validation is to see the the product build is right Re: What is meant by the bug state quot;Reproducequot; Answer Reproduce is nothing but we need to open # 1 again the bug Which we found in testing with steps what we followed to Open the bug in previous time Re: HOW TO WRITE THE SCENARIO FOR ATM MACHINE AND COFFEE MACHINE? URGENT Answer ATM machine # 1 Checking balance Withdraw cash Coffee machine Put exact change and get coffee Put money and then cancel the transaction Re: what is debugging and whitebox testing and what is the diff? Answer Debugging and white box testing goes hand # 1 in hand and Typically done by the developers. Debugging is done to verify that the program runs smoothly
  • 7. And running program shouldn't cause any unwanted response By the machine. White box testing is nothing but running the program and Verify the actual behavior/result of the functionality with Expected result as predetermined. Re: Role of Software Test Engineer in Software Company Answer The role of a software test engineer in # 1 company is to find the defect. He/She should have quot;test-to- breakquot; attitude. He/She has to test the application taking the customer into mind. He should work hard for quality. Re: Can u test a website or a webapplication manually without using any automation tool? Answer As per my idea we can test a webapplication # 1 manually without using automation but its time consuming and might have error so to make our task easy and error free we use automations tool like Qtp Re: what is stub?Explain in testing point of view? Answer Stub is a part of Intgeration Testing # 5 Intergration Testing 1>Top down-Use stubs to test the module Stub is a dummy module replaced in order to test the main module so that we are sure that the integration between both the modules works fine 2>Bottom Up-- Use driver to test the module the test data is sent to main module thru the drivers(also called Test Harness) Re: what is 4 p's? Exact difference between testing and QA Answer Testing: # 1 It is Prodcut level activity. Here the primary principal is Validation.
  • 8. It follows the procedure that is prepared by QA. Its principle is detecting & reporting defects. QA It is Organizational activity. Here the primary principal is Verification. It prepares the procedure that is to be followed by the development and Testing team.Its principle is preventing Defects. Re: what is Scalability,Critical Analysis Answer Scalability is nothing but max no users # 1 that the application can handle Re: what is internalization? Answer Testing related to handling foreign text # 1 and data within the program. This would include sorting, importing and exporting test and data, correct handling of currency and date and time formats, string parsing, upper and lower case handling and so forth. Re: what is the difference between test case and test scenario.Explain with example? Answer Test Case is a Step which has to be # 1 verified in order to test a Scenario. scenario is nothing but a series of testcases inorder to verify one transactional cycle. ex:Scenario: verifying that a user is able to manage his e-mail inbox such as view all messages,send a message,manage folders,logout..etc with a valid user login and password test case: is e-mail login page is displaying is the user able to login using his login id and password is he able to view his inbox is he able to delete unwanted -mails..etc
  • 9. quot;But interviewer expects you to give examples related to your previous job.quot; Re: Diff. between STLC and SDLC? Answer STLC-Software Test Life Cycle and SDLC is # 1 whole Software Development Life Cycle Re: Can any one please tell me the exact difference between the smoke testing,sanity testing and exploratory testing? Answer Sanity testing means initial testing done # 2 to check the environment well suites for the testing process or not.. Smoke testing is similar to sanity but with some specific reason mentioning why our testing process is stopped.. Exploratory testing means testing the process without any specific plans and schedules. Re: What is Retesting? Answer Executing the same test cases on the same # 1 build but with different inputs.. Re: Give an example for high severity and low prority bug and as well as low severity and High prority Answer High Severity and Low priority #2 It is nothing but when we raise a bug though it's severity is high to fix that bug we need some money definitely we will postpone that bug so low priority another example for (High severity and low pririty) some times we get error messages system is crashing do u want to continue like quot;yesquot; OR quot;Noquot; If u press YES Application should crash if u press no application retain it's prevoius state
  • 10. Suppoose if we press no The application is crashing if we pree Yes application retaining 2 it's previous state It is funcntionality defect(High severity) as far as developre is concerned he just replaces the funstionalities of YES and No buttons Low priority Re: what is mean by end to end testing? Answer end to end testing is nothing but system # 1 testing..testing the application starting from scratch to the end after integrated all the modules..... Re: What is the diffrence between BUILD & RELEASE ? Answer Difference number one:Builds refer to # 1 software that is still in testing, release refers to software that is usually no longer in testing. Re: At wht stage in the SDLC testing should be started? Answer TESTING START FROM THE STARTING STAGE OF # 1 SDLC THAT IS REQUIREMENT STAGE WHERE WE PERPARE SRS OR URS DOC. Re: WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO CHOOSE AUTOMATION TOOL?(IBM) Answer We use automation only for version wised # 1 projects, means if the project comes up with different versions. Once we write the scripts for one version, we can use these scripts with mulitple versions with minor changes. So the main advantage of automation is: 1. Saves the time. 2. Saves money. Re: Explain me about test scenarios? How will you write it? Answer test scenario is a series of actions that # 1 the user might
  • 11. perform on the application or tester might plan to do. Ex: drawing money from ATM is a test scenario, similarly checking account is a scenario. Re: what r the contents in usecase? Answer Input actions & flow diagrams. usecase is # 1 prepared by testlead or senior test engineer. Re: In what basis you will write test cases? Answer I would Writed the Test cases Based on # 2 Functional Specifications and BRDs and some more test cases using the Domain knowledge Re: what r the contents in defect reporting? Answer Sl no, Bug description, Steps to reproduce, # 1 Severity, Priority, Bug Identifier name, Submitted date, Build & Assigned to. Re: If the client identified some bugs to whom did he reported? Answer He will report to the Project Manager. # 1 Project Manager will arrange a meeting with all the leads (Dev. Manager, Test Lead and Requirement Manager) then raise a Change Request and then, identify which are all the screens going to be impacted by the bug. They will take the code and correct it and send it to the Testing Team. Re: what is TRM? Answer TRM is nothing but Test Responsibility # 1 matrix. It is the matrix mapped between Development stages and Test factors. Re: How many Test Managers in Test Director? Answer 4 # 1 requirements manager test plan manager test lab manager defects tracking manager
  • 12. for more details refer test director user guide Re: Main Diffrences between Test Director and Bugzilla? Answer Test Director is Test Management Tool # 1 includes(Test Plan, Running Tests and Reporting Bugs) whereas Bugzilla is Bug Reporting tool only. Re: How to fetch data from excel sheet using TEST DIRECTOR Answer there is an option in Test director advance # 1 version 8.0 in that in file menu there is import file option click on that and give the path where it is the path click on ok Re: How many scripts u use to run daily? Answer On an Average we Write n Execute only 1 or # 1 2 Automation Scripts each day. (Depends on the complexity of an Aplication). We write n execute 20 to 25 test cases manual Testing. Re: What is driver in testing point of view? Answer Test Driver or Test Harness: A program or # 1 test tool used to Execute tests. Also known as a Test Harness. Re: What is the diff between IE and Netscape in a web testing on a login page. Answer Netscape does not support HTML code # 2 IE Can Support Re: what r the GUI Test Cases for calculator? Answer 1.check for all the buttons are available r # 1 not 2.check the screen for displaying 3.check consistency of all the buttons 3.check the spelling for the objects
  • 13. Re: what is Application state, Base state and call state? Answer Application state: When we do any action in # 1 the application, the changed state is called as Application state. Base State: The initial state of the application just after evoked/opened. Call State: Before performing any action on the application, the state of the application what we are visualising that it will happen after doing a certain step of actions. Re: In which stage more defects found means anlaysis,design,coding,testing and maintance? Answer In Testing stage. why b'coz while we # 1 testing the product more defects will be raised by test engineers in Testing stage only. Re: what r the GUI Test Cases for calculator? Answer 1.check for all the buttons are available r # 1 not 2.check the screen for displaying 3.check consistency of all the buttons 3.check the spelling for the objects Re: what is the difference between use case and test case? Answer use case contains USER actions and System # 1 response Test case contains only user actions we dont know system response. Re: What is Impact analysis. How to do impact analysis in yr project.. Answer impact analysis means when we r doing # 1 regressing testing at that time we r checking that the bug fixes r working Properly, and by fixing these bug other components are working as per their requirements r they got disturbed.
  • 14. Re: how will u know whether ur reported bug is accepted r rejected? Answer if the defect is rejected then dev team # 1 will give us intimate with the proper reasons through e mail or bug tracking tool if it is accepted then dev team ask 4 screen shots Re: What are the contents in quot;Requirements Traceability Matrixquot; not in quot; Test Responsibility Matrixquot;? Answer Contents of Requirements Traceability # 1 Matrix / RTM : Release Name Test Case Name High level design Low Level Design Test Case Execution Automation Execution What is the cost of quality? Answer You can say that cost of quality is the # 1 combination of Prevention Cost + Appraisal Cost + Failure Cost Re: What is quot;Visible State Transitionquot; test? Give example Answer Visible State Transition means first we # 1 check state of system and then test cases are written to test the triggers (events) that causes the system tarnsition Re: What is Test Scripts What is static testing and dyanmic testing. Explain with an example Answer Test Scripts: is used to test a particular # 1 functionality (business rule). It may consist of 1 or more Test Cases. static testing: Testing of an object without execution on a computer. (eg. review document,inspection,walk thro') simply said static means verification. dynamic testing: The process of evaluating
  • 15. a system or component based upon its behaviour during execution (eg. functional testing, regression testing, UAT etc.,) means validation What is 'configuration management'? Configuration management covers the processes used to contro coordinate, and track: l, code, requirements, documentation, problems, change requests, designs, tools/compilers/libraries/patches, changes made to them, and who makes the changes. How is testing affected by object-oriented designs? Well-engineered object-oriented design can make it easier to trace from code to internal design to functional design to requirements. While there will be little affect on black box testing (where an understanding of the internal design of the applicat on is unnecessary), i white-box testing can be oriented to the application's objects. If the application was well- designed this can simplify test design. Re: Is automated testing better than manual testing. If so, why Answer Automated testing and manual testing have # 1 advantages as Well as disadvantages Advantages: It increases the efficiency of testing process Speed in process Reliable Flexible Disadvantages Tools should have compatibility with our developement or deployment tools needs lot of time initially If the requirements are changing continuously Automation is Not suitable Manual: If the requirements are changing continuously Manual is suitable Once the build is stable with manual testing then only we go 4 automation Disdavantages: It needs lot of time
  • 16. We can not do some type of testing manually E.g Performanence Re: If you have an application to test and there are no requirement specs, no test cases, no documents, you don’t know even the functionality then how would you perform testing? Answer Simply says Ad hoc testing. Without knowing # 1 the Functionality, without following any sequence,---doing the Testing called Ad hoc testing. Re: In an Testing interview the following question asked. Who will write use cases? Answer Use Cases are prepared by the Business # 2 Development Team only Re: Will you write a test plan in all phases? Answer No., testplan will be written only once and # 2 ideally needs to be updates with every change in the project! Re: what r the contents in use case? Answer Input actions & flow diagrams #1 Re: what r the contents in defect reporting? Answer Sl no, Bug description, Steps to reproduce, # 1 Severity, Priority, Bug Identifier name, Submitted date, Build & Assigned to. Re: what is the goal of system testing? This is the last stage of testing at offshore, which covers both Functional and non-functional testing. Re: In what basis you will write test cases? Answer I would Write the Test cases Based on # 2 Functional Specifications and BRDs and
  • 17. Some more test cases using the Domain knowledge. Re: Overall what percentage of positive and negative test cases would you write? Answer That depends on the screen. Most of the # 1 times, I will verify for the -ve test conditions. Re: what is thee diff between functionality testing and blockbox testing? Answer Functional Testing is the major part of # 2 Black box testing in which the functionality of the AUT should be tested. Where as Black Box Testing means testing the application based on its performance with out concerning its internal design. Re: What is Test Server? Answer test Server is nothing but the place where # 1 the developers put their development modules, which are accessed by the testers to test the functionality (SoftBase). Re: what is test log? tell the process? Answer A test log is nothing but, what are the # 1 test cases we r executed, in what order we executed, who executed that test cases and what is the status of the test case(pass/fail). Re: Did you write test cases of design phase? Answer Yes We can write test cases at the design # 1 phase At the time of designing we should be ready with test cases Re: What are the main key components in Web applications and client and
  • 18. Server applications? (differences) Answer For Web Applications: Web application can # 1 be implemented using any kind of technology like Java, .NET, VB, ASP, CGI& PERL. Based on the technology,We can derive the components. Let's take Java Web Application. It can be implemented in 3 tier architecture. Presentation tier (jsp, html, dthml, servlets, struts). Busienss Tier (Java Beans, EJB, JMS) Data Tier(Databases like Oracle, SQL Server etc., ) If you take .NET Application, Presentation (ASP, HTML, DHTML), Business Tier(DLL) & Data Tier ( Database like Oracle, SQL Server etc.,) Client Server Applications: It will have only 2 tiers. One is Presentation (Java, Swing) and Data Tier (Oracle, SQL Server). If it is client Server architecture, The entire application has to be installed on the client machine. When ever you do any changes in your code, Again, It has to be installed on all the client machines. Where as in Web Applications, Core Application will reside on the server and client can be thin Client(broswer). Whatever the changes you do, You have to install the application in the server. NO need to worry about the clients.Because, You will not install any thing on the client machine. Re: Does functional testing comes under Black box or white box testing? Answer Functional Testing comes under Black Box # 2 testing. Because tester does not know about the internal details of the program. Based up on the test cases he will test.
  • 19. Re: At what phase tester role starts? It is based on SDLC if it is v-model testers work starts after receiving FRS and if it is waterfall model testers work will be after coding phase. Re: Explain me about test scenarios? How will you write it? Answer test scenario is a series of actions that # 1 the user might perform on the application or tester might plan to do. Ex: drawing money from ATM is a test scenario, similarly checking account is a scenario. Re: If the client identified some bugs to whom did he report? Answer He will report to the Project Manager. # 1 Project Manager will arrange a meeting with all the leads (Dev. Manager, Test Lead and Requirement Manager) then raise a Change Request and then, identify which are all the screens going to be impacted by the bug. They will take the code and correct it and send it to the Testing Team. Re: Explain ETVX concept? Answer E- Entry Criteria # 1 T- Task V- Validation X- Exit Criteria ENTRY CRITERIA: Input with 'condition' attached. e.g. Approved SRS document is the entry criteria for the design phase TASK: Procedures. e.g. Preparation of HLD,LLD etc. VALIDATION: Building quality & Verification activities e.g. Technical reviews EXIT CRITERIA: Output with 'condition' attached. e.g. Approved design document
  • 20. It is important to follow ETVX concept for all phases in SDLC. Re: What do u do if the bug that u found is not accepted by the developer and he is saying its not reproducable. Note: The developer is in the onsite location Answer Sometimes bug is not reproducible it is # 2 becoz of different environment suppose dev team using other environment and u r using different environment at this situation there is chance of bug not reproducing. at this situtation plz check the environment in the base lione documents that is functional documents if the environment which we r using is correct we will raise it as defect We will take screen shots and sends them with test procedure also Re: What is the diff between Functional and regression testing and do u execute same test case or write new one for regression Answer During functional Testing if we found any # 1 defect we report bug to dev team b they will fix and resolve the bug and modified build to us We will execute some of that test cases or total test cases Which we executed previously while in funnctional testing we will do many more not only regression buy also retesting n some other Re: How many scripts u use to run daily? Answer On an Average we Write n Execute only 1 or # 1 2 Automation Scripts each day.(depends on the complexity of an aplication).
  • 21. We write n execute 20 to 25 test cases manual testing. Re: How did u perform regression testing what r the steps involved? Answer First of all sir, U must know whats # 1 Regression Testing is (RT): It is the testing done on a module when its modified. Some times RT is done using Automation Tools. RT is of 3 kinds : Unit : Testing is done only on that part where the module is modified. Regional : Testing is done on those parts inan application whereever the changes made in the module gets affected.the modified modeule is also tested. Full: the whole application is tested. Re: What is the diff between IE and netscape in a web testing on a login page. Answer Netscape doesn’t recognize ENTER key #1 Re: What is White Box testing and who is responsible for white box testing? Answer Testing the application with the knowledge # 1 of the internal comes under white box testing..In General Developers are responsible for white box testing? Re: What are the Techniques to be followed while writing the Test Cases? Answer 1.Boundary value analysis(BVA)and # 1 2.Equilance class partition(ECP) Re: what is change management and change request Answer change request is nothing but either it is # 1 a missed defect or enhancement request 4 future expansion
  • 22. it is recieved in Maintanace phase Change management is nothing but when a change is Performed comparing the changes and in which change we got defect Re: how u can do integration testing and what r the approaches u need to follow? Answer The integration Testing is doing for # 1 integrated modules. So first of all we required an integrated application to do the integration testing. Here we have to check wether the integrated modules are working properly or not. This can be do through the integration test cases. For example Creating a user account and login to the system are two modules. Here u can see the Create User is a module and Login user Is another module. So First we create a user then with the new username and password we logon to the system. If it is working as per the expectation then the test is pass. Is it Clear? Re: what type of review process u r following in u'r company? Answer I think there are three types of review # 2 process followed in a company 1. SRS based review 2. BRS based review 3. TRM based review Re: what is exact meaning of SNAP and when it will be taken Answer In the field of testing. Snap shot is the # 2 picturezation of the error in your screen. When ever you write and test case and excute it.You may same defect or a
  • 23. message pops up on the screen.During that time just press the print screen key in your key board and then save it as a bitmap image. Then when you report a defect in a TOOL just attach the file so that the developer can get some idea of the image which you picturize in your computer screen when you are exiquting the test case. Re: What is Six sigma ?Expain. Answer Six Sigma means a measure of quality that # 1 strives for near perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving towards six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process -- from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service. Re: what is the difference between test case and test scenario.Explain with example? Answer Test Case is a Step which has to be # 1 verified in order to test a Scenario. scenario is nothing but a series of testcases inorder to verify one transactional cycle. ex:Scenario: verifying that a user is able to manage his e-mail inbox such as view all messages,send a message,manage folders,logout..etc with a valid user login and password test case: is e-mail login page is displaying is the user able to login using his login id and password is he able to view his inbox is he able to delete unwanted -mails..etc quot;But interviewer expects you to give
  • 24. examples related to your previous job.quot;