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Successful Adoption of Machine
Rudradeb Mitra |
Brief Bio
• 2002: Published first research paper on AI in an International conference.
• 2003-2009: Worked in Germany, Belgium and Scotland at Research Labs,
Universities and Startups on AI/ML.
• 2010: Graduated from University of Cambridge, UK
• 2010-2017: Built 6 startups.
• 2017-: Writer. Product Mentor of Google Launchpad. Democratization and
Decentralization of building ML products.
What is Machine Learning?
• Learning: Algorithms that can find patterns in past data and predict future patterns.
• Three kinds of Learning: Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement.
How to build successful Machine Learning products?

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Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine LearningIntroduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine learning is the study of algorithms and statistical models that allow computer systems to perform tasks without being explicitly programmed. It builds mathematical models from sample data to make predictions or decisions. There are four main types of machine learning: supervised learning, unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Machine learning has various applications including web search, computational biology, finance, e-commerce, robotics, and social networks. Key elements of machine learning systems include representation, evaluation, and optimization techniques.

machine learningcomputer
Introduction to Machine Learning.pptx
Introduction to Machine Learning.pptxIntroduction to Machine Learning.pptx
Introduction to Machine Learning.pptx

- Machine learning is a field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed by using example data. It is a form of artificial intelligence. - There are three main types of machine learning: supervised learning where examples are labeled, unsupervised learning where unlabeled examples reveal inherent groupings of data, and reinforcement learning where an agent learns from trial and error using rewards. - Machine learning has many applications including web search, computational biology, finance, robotics, and social networks. It involves collecting and preparing data, developing models, and evaluating models to make predictions on new data.

Machine learning beyond the tech giants
Machine learning beyond the tech giantsMachine learning beyond the tech giants
Machine learning beyond the tech giants

I talk about what interesting work that startups are doing in machine learning. #startups #machinelearning #artificianintelligence

technologymachine learning
Step I
• Select the right problem to solve
How to select the right problem?
"Stop identifying cats and start creating value"
• Bayesian error (Lowest possible error) rate is >80%
• Bayesian error rate is <20%
@copyright: Rudradeb Mitra
Next steps
• Selecting the right approach (intuitive or abstract thinking)
• Collecting the data (adoption)
• Selecting the right algorithm
• Building the product (including training and testing the data).

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The document discusses the steps in an AI project cycle which includes problem scoping, data acquisition, data exploration, modelling, and evaluation. It provides examples of each step, such as identifying a problem in problem scoping, collecting reliable data from various sources in data acquisition, arranging data in tables and charts for better understanding in data exploration, creating models from visualized data in modelling, and testing model performance in evaluation.

AI Orange Belt - Session 4
AI Orange Belt - Session 4AI Orange Belt - Session 4
AI Orange Belt - Session 4

This document provides a summary of key topics covered during a multi-day AI training session. Day 1 covered introductions to AI and what it can and cannot do. Day 2 focused on selecting AI projects and the steps for a successful machine learning project. Day 3 discussed AI strategy, governance, management, ethics and leadership. The remainder of the document recaps machine learning models and neural networks, discusses building vs buying solutions, reviews cloud architectures and services, and covers ethics, privacy and risk considerations for human interfaces.

Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning   Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine learning involves using algorithms and large datasets to allow systems to learn from data and improve their performance. There are several types of machine learning including supervised learning for classification and prediction tasks using labeled examples, unsupervised learning like clustering to find hidden patterns in unlabeled data, and reinforcement learning where an agent learns from delayed rewards. Applications of machine learning span many domains like retail for customer segmentation, finance for credit scoring, medicine for diagnosis, and web mining for search engines. The field is growing rapidly due to increased data and computing power enabling complex models to be learned from data rather than being explicitly programmed.

Three class of problems
• Solving problems that were thought unsolvable
• Solving problems that were thought not a problem
• Improving upon existing systems (error rate >70%)
Problem 1: Improving upon an existing system
Case study: Better risk premiums for young drivers
• Young drivers have high premiums so insurance companies fight
it difficult to attract new customers.
The problem
In partnership with:

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Lab 7.pptx
Lab 7.pptxLab 7.pptx
Lab 7.pptx

This document provides an overview of machine learning, including definitions of key terminology, the typical machine learning process, different machine learning approaches (supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and reinforcement learning), applications of machine learning, and advantages and disadvantages of machine learning. It discusses how machine learning allows systems to learn from data and improve automatically without being explicitly programmed.

Machine learning and big data
Machine learning and big dataMachine learning and big data
Machine learning and big data

The document discusses machine learning and big data research at the Data Science Institute of Multimedia University. The institute conducts research across various domains using machine learning techniques. Some areas of research include high performance computing for massive data sources, social media analytics, smart cities, and public health analytics. The document provides examples of how machine learning can be applied to problems in business analytics like predictive customer churn analysis and operations analytics like predictive maintenance. It also outlines the basic machine learning process of obtaining data, exploring it, building predictive models, applying and validating models, and taking action based on forecasts.

data sciencebig datamachine learning
unit 1.2 supervised learning.pptx
unit 1.2 supervised learning.pptxunit 1.2 supervised learning.pptx
unit 1.2 supervised learning.pptx

Supervised learning is a fundamental concept in machine learning, where a computer algorithm learns from labeled data to make predictions or decisions. It is a type of machine learning paradigm that involves training a model on a dataset where both the input data and the corresponding desired output (or target) are provided. The goal of supervised learning is to learn a mapping or relationship between inputs and outputs so that the model can make accurate predictions on new, unseen data.v

supervised learningartificial intelligencemachine learning
Next steps
• Selecting the right approach: "If we can know how someone is driving then we can
calculate better risk"
• Collecting the data: How do we get users driving data?
• Selecting the right algorithm
• Building the product (including training and testing the data)
Collecting the data
Driver’s app
Record a trip Trip feedback
Goals & challenges Rewards
1. Provide incentives

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An introduction to the new fields of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. What are these technologies about and what do they involve?

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Automated machine learning uses algorithms to automate the machine learning workflow including data preprocessing, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and evaluation to build an optimal machine learning model with little or no human involvement. It can save time by automating repetitive tasks and help identify the best performing models for various types of machine learning problems like classification, regression, and clustering. Automated machine learning tools provide an end-to-end experience to build, deploy, and manage machine learning models at scale with minimal coding or machine learning expertise required.

Data Architecture Strategies: Artificial Intelligence - Real-World Applicatio...
Data Architecture Strategies: Artificial Intelligence - Real-World Applicatio...Data Architecture Strategies: Artificial Intelligence - Real-World Applicatio...
Data Architecture Strategies: Artificial Intelligence - Real-World Applicatio...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) may conjure up images of robots and science fiction.  But AI has practical applications in today’s data-driven organization for product recommendation engines, customer support, inventory management, and more.  To support AI in order to drive concrete business outcomes, a strong data foundation is needed.  This webinar will discuss practical applications for AI in your organization, and how to build a data architecture to support its use.

datadata managementartificial intelligence
2: Cannot force to adopt and let users be in control
• How?
3. Educate your customers
4. Create a community

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SIDDESH PPT.pptxjdcnjdcndjcnfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfssf


Introduction of machine learning.pptx
Introduction of machine learning.pptxIntroduction of machine learning.pptx
Introduction of machine learning.pptx

Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on the development of algorithms and statistical models that enable computer systems to learn and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. In essence, machine learning allows computers to automatically discover patterns, associations, and insights within data and use that knowledge to improve their performance on a task.

artificial intelligencemachine learning
Shiva pptvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv...
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Shiva pptvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv...


What Machine Learning Algorithm to use
Data but ...
• Do not know who is a good or a a bad driver as we do not have labeled data.
Unsupervised learning
Picture taken from:
Find patterns in data
Problem 2: Problems that were thought unsolvable
Case study: Decentralized energy via Solar rooftop

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This document outlines a research project on detecting fake reviews using machine learning approaches. It begins with an overview of the problem of fake reviews online and how they can mislead customers. It then describes the general workflow for fake review detection, including preprocessing data, feature extraction, model training, and evaluation. Several machine learning models are discussed for classification, including Naive Bayes, random forests, and decision trees. The document concludes by noting the challenges in developing algorithms for fake review detection and the need for continued evolution and efficiency.

Industrial revolution 4.0
Industrial revolution 4.0 Industrial revolution 4.0
Industrial revolution 4.0

The document discusses the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which involves emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, and more. It provides details on the drivers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, the internet of things, and digital innovation. The document also summarizes perspectives from Jack Ma on how to respond to the changes brought by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the role of machine learning in processing data. Finally, it gives examples of companies that use machine learning like Google, Facebook, and financial institutions.

industrial revolution 4.0artificialintelligence
Architecting IoT with Machine Learning
Architecting IoT with Machine LearningArchitecting IoT with Machine Learning
Architecting IoT with Machine Learning

The document discusses how machine learning can help architect Internet of Things (IoT) systems for widespread consumer adoption. It describes three examples of using machine learning with IoT data: (1) identifying patterns of risky drivers to adjust insurance premiums, (2) predicting short-term driving behavior to improve road safety, and (3) using long-term driving history with recurrent neural networks to provide customized nudging to change driver behavior over time. The document argues that machine learning can create value from IoT data and benefit consumers by making systems safer, lowering costs, and incentivizing good behaviors.

iotmachine learningartificial intelligence
• Solar adoption is low as the sales process is like 1960s vacuum
cleaner sale process.
The problem
Successful adoption of Machine Learning
Next steps
• Selecting the right approach: "If we can know how remotely find rooftops of the
people and create a simulator"
• Collecting the data: "Use solar satellite images" (public data)
• Making the algorithm: "From solar images to calculating rooftop energy potential".
• Building the product (including training and testing the data)
What we want?

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Growth : Crossing the chasm
Growth :  Crossing the chasmGrowth :  Crossing the chasm
Growth : Crossing the chasm

In this talk, I speak about how the growth strategy for every market segment (innovators, early adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority) is different. And how to grow at each stage.

Machine Learning: For the people, By the people, Of the people
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Machine Learning: For the people, By the people, Of the people

In this talk, I show how Machine Learning is going to change the energy sector and make solar energy more accessible. I also give the example from the banking sector in Vietnam on how Machine Learning can help unbankable people get loans. I conclude by saying that my firm conviction is that Machine Learning has the ability to help those who have been left behind in the previous technological revolution.

machine learningartificial intelligence
Predictive Analytics to the rescue of IoT
Predictive Analytics to the rescue of IoTPredictive Analytics to the rescue of IoT
Predictive Analytics to the rescue of IoT

The document discusses how predictive analytics using neural networks, such as recurrent neural networks and long short term memory cells, can be applied to problems in industrial IoT, giving examples of how these techniques could be used to predict risky drivers from sensor data and to predict future customer purchases from shopping history data. It also outlines potential future directions for predictive analytics, such as using reinforcement learning approaches like Q-learning to develop intelligent agents.

iotartificial intelligencepredictive analytics
But in reality...
In Germany and
most of Western world
In India
And google object detection does not work...
Plus the problem is slightly more complicated with
Water tanks
•Type of obstacle in rooftop - We have identified 5-6
types of obstacles.
•Edges of the roof - We want to train a machine to learn
to identify the edges.
•Type of roof
Machine Learning to the rescue

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Predictive Analytics using Neural Networks
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In this presentation I explain how Neural Networks can be used to do predictive analytics. I take the use case of predicting user buying behavior and explain how word2vec and LSTM network can be used for that.

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Predictive Analytics disrupting Product development
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Predictive Analytics disrupting Product development

Predictive analytics can be used to disrupt product development in two key ways: 1. By analyzing past user behavior and orders, predictive models like neural networks and recurrent neural networks can predict future user behavior and needs and adapt products accordingly. This was demonstrated through a case study of order data from Instacart. 2. By analyzing attributes of users like driving behavior from a driver app and friends' networks, unsupervised neural networks can cluster users and infer new features for different groups, like incentives or gamification for improving driver safety. This was shown through a road trip tracking app case study. 3. The future of predictive analytics includes using self-organizing maps to predict bugs based on code dependencies and regions

artificial intelligencemachine learningpredictive analytics
Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics

This document discusses predictive analytics and how it can be used to make important business predictions. It addresses why prediction is important, how predictions can be made using data, and what types of predictions are useful. Specifically, it notes that predictive analytics can help businesses understand customer equity, determine what customers are willing to pay, and inform marketing and sales decisions. Deep neural networks are presented as one technique for deriving insights from data to make predictions. Examples of using predictive analytics at Instacart and Zalando are also briefly described. The document concludes by emphasizing that predictive analytics is the future of business intelligence and businesses should focus on adding value for customers with their predictions.

predictive analyticsartificial intelligencemachine learning
Supervised learning
What algorithm to use?
Open source code and community!
Problem 3: Problems that were not a problem
Case study: Loans to people without bank account
• 70% of people in Vietnam don't have a bank account.
The problem

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Artificial Intelligence: Case studies (what can you build)

The document discusses different types of artificial intelligence algorithms like deep learning using neural networks and reinforcement learning. It provides examples of both short term and mid term projects that can be built using existing AI tools, from basic chatbots to predictive maintenance and customer behavior analysis. Long term challenges are also mentioned, like developing more intuitive algorithms through reinforcement learning and ensuring the safe and responsible development of advanced artificial intelligence.

tensorflowartificial intelligencemachine learning
Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics

In this talk I explain what is predictive analytics, what are its benefits and share three use cases.

predictive analyticsartificial intelligence
Natural language Analysis
Natural language AnalysisNatural language Analysis
Natural language Analysis

I give an overview of current state of natural language analysis using machine learning algorithms. #naturallanguage #machinelearning #artificianintelligence

machine learningbig datalanguage
Next steps
• Selecting the right approach: "How can we predict future behavior?"
• Collecting the data: "Why would users give data?" (because want to get loans)
• Making the algorithm
• Building the product (including training and testing the data)
Future behavior of income earnings
• Education level
• Family background
• Current address
• Current job and salary
Unsupervised learning
Picture taken from:
Find patterns in data
Summarizing it all
• Select the right problem.
• Select the right approach through intuitive thinking.
• Collect data via incentivizing users to share data, do not get data behind their
• Select the right algorithm(s).

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Machine learning disrupting car insurance industry
Machine learning disrupting car insurance industryMachine learning disrupting car insurance industry
Machine learning disrupting car insurance industry

n this talk I talk about how machine learning is going to disrupt car insurance industry. #machinelearning #artificianintelligence #carinsurance

insurancemachine learningcars
Ethical Artificial Intelligence
Ethical Artificial IntelligenceEthical Artificial Intelligence
Ethical Artificial Intelligence

This document discusses ethical issues related to artificial intelligence. It notes that nearly half of those polled oppose giving robots emotions or personalities. It also discusses using machine learning for credit scores, the lack of understanding of deep neural networks, reinforcement learning challenges like safe exploration and gaming reward functions. The document calls for ethically aligned design of AI through accountability, transparency, embedding human values, and allowing control over digital identities. However, it acknowledges that current guidelines are not possible given technology limitations.

machine learningethics
WPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck
WPRiders Company Presentation Slide DeckWPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck
WPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck

YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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Key challenge in Machine Learning adoption
How do you get data and make users adopt?
Machine Learning is NOT rocket science
How to collect data?
Abstract Thinking
Feel free to contact:
Challenges are in
How to use deal with
What data to collect?

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Successful adoption of Machine Learning

  • 1. Successful Adoption of Machine Learning Rudradeb Mitra |
  • 2. Brief Bio • 2002: Published first research paper on AI in an International conference. • 2003-2009: Worked in Germany, Belgium and Scotland at Research Labs, Universities and Startups on AI/ML. • 2010: Graduated from University of Cambridge, UK • 2010-2017: Built 6 startups. • 2017-: Writer. Product Mentor of Google Launchpad. Democratization and Decentralization of building ML products.
  • 3. What is Machine Learning? • Learning: Algorithms that can find patterns in past data and predict future patterns. • Three kinds of Learning: Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement.
  • 4. How to build successful Machine Learning products?
  • 5. Step I • Select the right problem to solve
  • 6. How to select the right problem? "Stop identifying cats and start creating value" • Bayesian error (Lowest possible error) rate is >80% • Bayesian error rate is <20%
  • 8. Next steps • Selecting the right approach (intuitive or abstract thinking) • Collecting the data (adoption) • Selecting the right algorithm • Building the product (including training and testing the data).
  • 9. Three class of problems • Solving problems that were thought unsolvable • Solving problems that were thought not a problem • Improving upon existing systems (error rate >70%)
  • 10. Problem 1: Improving upon an existing system Case study: Better risk premiums for young drivers
  • 11. • Young drivers have high premiums so insurance companies fight it difficult to attract new customers. The problem
  • 13. Next steps • Selecting the right approach: "If we can know how someone is driving then we can calculate better risk" • Collecting the data: How do we get users driving data? • Selecting the right algorithm • Building the product (including training and testing the data)
  • 15. Driver’s app Record a trip Trip feedback
  • 16. Goals & challenges Rewards 1. Provide incentives
  • 17. 2: Cannot force to adopt and let users be in control vs
  • 18. • How? 3. Educate your customers
  • 19. 4. Create a community
  • 21. What Machine Learning Algorithm to use
  • 22. Data but ... • Do not know who is a good or a a bad driver as we do not have labeled data.
  • 23. Unsupervised learning Picture taken from: Find patterns in data
  • 24. Problem 2: Problems that were thought unsolvable Case study: Decentralized energy via Solar rooftop
  • 25. • Solar adoption is low as the sales process is like 1960s vacuum cleaner sale process. The problem
  • 27. Next steps • Selecting the right approach: "If we can know how remotely find rooftops of the people and create a simulator" • Collecting the data: "Use solar satellite images" (public data) • Making the algorithm: "From solar images to calculating rooftop energy potential". • Building the product (including training and testing the data)
  • 29. But in reality... In Germany and most of Western world In India
  • 30. And google object detection does not work...
  • 31. Plus the problem is slightly more complicated with obstacles Water tanks Turbo ventilator Mumpty
  • 32. •Type of obstacle in rooftop - We have identified 5-6 types of obstacles. •Edges of the roof - We want to train a machine to learn to identify the edges. •Type of roof Machine Learning to the rescue
  • 34. What algorithm to use? Open source code and community!
  • 35. Problem 3: Problems that were not a problem Case study: Loans to people without bank account
  • 36. • 70% of people in Vietnam don't have a bank account. The problem
  • 37. Next steps • Selecting the right approach: "How can we predict future behavior?" • Collecting the data: "Why would users give data?" (because want to get loans) • Making the algorithm • Building the product (including training and testing the data)
  • 38. Future behavior of income earnings • Education level • Family background • Current address • Current job and salary
  • 39. Unsupervised learning Picture taken from: Find patterns in data
  • 40. Summarizing it all • Select the right problem. • Select the right approach through intuitive thinking. • Collect data via incentivizing users to share data, do not get data behind their backs. • Select the right algorithm(s).
  • 41. Key challenge in Machine Learning adoption How do you get data and make users adopt?
  • 42. Machine Learning is NOT rocket science Adoption How to collect data? Abstract Thinking Feel free to contact: Challenges are in Algorithm How to use deal with incompleteness? What data to collect?