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ProfessionalCapstoneandPracticumReflectiveJournal (3).docx
Reflective journal
This one-course practicum and reflective journal includes
inquiry and leadership into the
current nursing practice since it applies to Practicum and
Professional Capstone course. It
reflects on personal skills and knowledge acquired during the
course (Finkelman, 2017). Stress
and burnout caused by work overloads in the nursing practice
has attracted the attention of
nursing researchers and educators since they have recognized
their impacts on patient outcomes
and satisfaction. The journal will also address the skills and
knowledge that I have acquired
during the Practicum and Professional Capstone course and
during the placement. This
knowledge and skills have helped me develop my nursing career
(LoBiondo-Wood & Haber,
2017). Working under the supervision and mentorship of my
preceptor enabled me acquire
additional practical skills that will enable me to provide the best
quality care to patients. The
mentor assigned me various practical duties that made me more
New practice approaches
The discipline of nursing has encountered great changes in the
last few decades. One of
these changes is the adoption and implementation of evidence-
based practice (EBP) in practice.
The continuous application of these approaches in nursing
practice is revolutionizing healthcare
in numerous ways
Nurses should comply with these changes to remain pertinent in
the duties to provide
high quality care to patients. One way to achieve this is by
adopting EBP in their practice.
Nursing institutions are continually offering EBP courses. The
continuous application of EBP
results in effective patient care which leads to better health
Interprofessional collaboration
Interprofessional collaboration occurs when diverse healthcare
professionals from

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An emergency department quality improvement project

The document discusses improving vital sign documentation during triage in emergency departments. It aims to investigate factors affecting vital sign data quality during measurement and documentation, and provide recommendations for improvement. A literature review found that timely and accurate vital sign documentation is important for identifying deteriorating patients. However, studies on nursing workflows and documentation of vital signs are limited. The objective is to study nurses' vital sign documentation process through a questionnaire of nurses and analysis of the data. Results showed teamwork and quality improvement efforts like education and training can enhance compliance with vital sign documentation standards during triage. Recommendations include departments addressing challenges in measurement time and reviewing results to improve performance.

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This document discusses the formation of Behavioral Emergency Response Teams (BERT) in hospitals to quickly de-escalate potentially violent situations involving patients exhibiting dangerous behaviors. The objectives of BERT are to promote safety for patients and staff. A literature review found that BERT reduced injuries and increased staff satisfaction by providing psychiatric expertise. The author recommends that BERT teams have clear communication structures, availability, and properly trained members to effectively handle behavioral emergencies.

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different specialties and professional backgrounds work
together with patients, caregivers,
families and communities to deliver quality patient care.
Interprofessional collaboration enables
providers to achieve better health outcomes in patients and
optimal health status of the
populations and communities.
Healthcare providers such as nurses, physicians and others
should collaborate across all
professions to provide highest quality care and improved patient
outcomes. This involves
working with all people irrespective of their expertise or
professional level to improve the overall
health outcomes (Grove & Gray, 2018) . All healthcare
professionals should keep aside all their
differences and work together with a common goal for
interprofessional collaboration to work
well in the healthcare setting. They should also improve their
communication and develop good
working relationships to ensure that interprofessional
collaboration works well with minimal or
no setbacks (Reeves et. al., 2017). When interprofessional
collaboration is used by providers, it
enables them to work together to deliver better health outcomes,
prevent medication errors,
improve patient experience and minimize healthcare costs.
Interprofessional collaboration also
enable healthcare facilities to eliminate workflow redundancies
and achieve operational
Health care delivery and clinical systems
patient-centered care is essential in the clinical settings.
Healthcare delivery system is
categorized into individual patient, health team, patients’ family
members and health institutions
such as clinics, nursing homes and hospitals (Grove & Gray,
2018) . Clinical systems refers to
information systems put in place for use in healthcare settings.
Nurses are essential components in the healthcare delivery
systems. They provide the
best and high quality health services to patients during nursing
practice. Nurses are incorporated
in all health plan levels. They are also in all operating units to
promote development, foster
direction and guide the implementation of patient-centered
programs (Grove & Gray, 2018) .
Nurses use clinical systems to manage patient care in the best
way possible in critical care
settings. The clinical systems enables nurses and other
providers to connect to other departments
such as radiology, lab, and pathology and so on for easier
access to patient records and for
accurate and complete patient care.
Ethical considerations in health care
Ethical values are crucial for any healthcare professional. They
are universal codes of
conduct as well as rules that offer a practical framework to help
in the identification of the types
of motives, actions and intentions values in the healthcare
setting. The ethical values spells out
the moral principles that governs how an individual conduct
themselves any time (Chadwick &
Gallagher, 2016). Ethical considerations also cover the rights or
wrongs, dos and don’ts and the
decision-making process of determining the consequences of the
actions. Every person has their
set of moral and ethical principles (Blais, Hayes, Kozier, &
Erb, 2016) . Ethical values in the
healthcare settings are essential because every healthcare
provider must face ethical healthcare
dilemmas and make good decisions and judgments regarding
various healthcare issues while
maintaining these values.
dent: Submitted to Grand Canyon University
A healthcare delivery systems comprises of people, institutions

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Nursing informatics involves integrating nursing, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate healthcare data. Nursing informatics specialists possess clinical knowledge and understand how technology impacts workflows. They are able to apply technology to improve care delivery and ensure compliance with regulations like HIPAA. Clinical information systems collect patient data into a central database to facilitate care. Electronic health records are a key part of these systems, allowing instant access to records at the point of care with benefits for documentation, safety, and clinical decision-making. Nursing informatics specialists play a key role in advancing the use of technology in healthcare.

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This document presents a concept map that identifies three pathways by which medication non-compliance can be conceptualized from a social perspective. All three pathways begin with education policy and its impact. One pathway shows how low education quality can lead to low health literacy and difficulty following medication instructions. Another pathway shows how high dropout rates from underfunded schools can result in low-wage jobs without insurance, reducing ability to afford or access medication. A third pathway notes self-efficacy and unwanted side effects can influence the relationship between ability to comply with a medication regimen and actual compliance. The document concludes by outlining interventions that could help address medication non-compliance at various points in the concept map.

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The document discusses several models of health and wellness including Leavell and Clark's Agent-Host-Environment Model, Dunn's Levels of Wellness, and the Health Locus of Control Model. It also examines the Health Belief Model and profiles 24 innovative care delivery models identified by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that focus on improving quality, satisfaction and reducing costs. Reasons for the nursing shortage include the pressures of cost containment, need for increased services and frustration with inefficient priorities that prevent nurses from practicing to their full abilities.

and other resources that
are aimed to deliver quality services to meet the health needs of
a specified population. A
healthcare delivery system enables patients and population to
receive healthcare services. It also
aims to deliver cost-effective as well as safe health services that
meet the quality standards put in
place (Kuziemsky, Abbas, & Carroll, 2018) . Adopting
healthcare delivery systems based on
To practice effectively with competence and integrity, nurses
and other healthcare
professionals must have their own ethical values and follow
healthcare-based ethical principles
to guide them in their practice (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber,
2017) . Healthcare is guided by four
major ethical values alongside other expected ethical principles
such as honesty, integrity,
empathy, compassion, confidentiality etc. These ethical values
in the nursing practice include
autonomy, justice, beneficence and non-maleficence. Autonomy
offers patients the right to make
practices to enable
e: Kouhnavard
their own decisions based on their values and beliefs.
Beneficence offers providers a duty to
minimize harm, refrain from maltreatment and promote safety
and good towards patients
(Chadwick & Gallagher, 2016) . Justice is the right for patients
to be treated fairly and equally by
healthcare professionals. Lastly, non-maleficence is the
patients’ right to no harm during
treatment. Nurses and all healthcare providers have a unique
responsibility to themselves, their
profession and to patients to maintain ethical values.
Practices of culturally sensitive care
Culturally sensitive care is care that reflects the ability to
respond appropriately to
feelings, attitudes and situations of groups of individuals
sharing a distinctive and common
national, racial, linguistic, cultural and religious heritage. A
culturally competent care is capable
of improving the quality of care and overall health outcomes. It
can also lead to elimination of
racial, cultural and ethnic health disparities (Ring, Nyquist, &
Mitchell, 2018) . The world is
ethnically and racially diverse. This calls for the need of
culturally competent care. The racial
and ethnic minority groups and communities usually face
sociocultural obstacles to quality care
such as lack of access to health insurance, language barriers,
racial/ethnic discrimination, and
low literacy to understand the need for quality care and low
income to afford health services.
Nurses and other healthcare providers can develop and adopt
various strategies and
practices to enable them provide culturally competent care
(Ring, Nyquist, & Mitchell, 2018) .
These practices includes providing training and education to
increase cultural awareness and
knowledge, provide interpret services, work with minority staff,
use community health workers
services, include community and family members in healthcare
decision-making, improve
language and communication barriers, engage directly in cross-
cultural interactions with patients
and conduct cultural competence self-assessment among all
healthcare providers (Jolley, 2020) .
Healthcare providers should focus on providing culturally
competent healthcare to all patients.
Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all
Human dignity is the intrinsic attributes and supreme values
possessed by all human
beings in virtue of their humanity. Human dignity manifests
through show of respect for self and
for others (Kadivar, Mardani-Hamooleh, & Kouhnavard, 2018) .
It is influenced by how other
people treats an individuals. Human dignity can be influenced
by other factors such as attitudes,

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This document provides guidelines for writing a paper on menstrual hygiene management (MHM) in humanitarian emergencies. It instructs the student to select a peer-reviewed article on MHM, summarize it in 2 pages, identify which UN Sustainable Development Goals it addresses in 1 page, discuss implications for achieving those goals in 2 pages while citing at least 2 sources, and format the paper according to APA style over 5 pages excluding the cover page and references. The guidelines specify the expected structure, formatting, and length for the assignment.

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Introduction The big business of health care is growing in a massive rate more now than ever according to The Center for Health Workforce Studies a non-profit organization located in Rensselaer, New York the organization report that, “While total U.S. employment dropped by over 2% between 2000 and 2010, health care employment grew by more than 25% during the same period. More than 13% of the U.S. labor force worked in the health sector or in a health occupation (19 million jobs out of 143 million jobs in U.S. labor force). The health care sector is projected to add over 4.2 million jobs between 2010 and 2020, with 63% of those in ambulatory settings (offices of health practitioners, home health, and other non-institutional settings” (2012, CHWS). Health care is booming in all areas of study and research from Holistic to Western Medicine which include purchasing and supply. Unfortunately this is based off the demand for more Physicians that are not available where there is a need. The health care industry believe it or not includes the food industry and health and fitness as well. The matter of ethics within the health care industry always needs to be address along with the quality of care for patients. Within this working essay paper I will discuss the matter of; Care & Service Provider, Ethics (codes and values), Mal-Distribution Physician Labor Forces. Even though the health care industry is growing the mal-distribution of health care is still evident in some rural areas. This factor of not having proper care delivered to impoverish neighborhoods and communities is another issue that still plagues the United States. David Cutler the online journal reporter for PBS News Hour stated, “About 10, 15 percent. Just to give you one example, Duke University Hospital has 900 hospital beds and 1,300 billing clerks. The typical Canadian hospital has a handful of billing clerks. Single-payer systems have fewer administrative needs. That’s not to say they’re better, but that’s just on one dimension that they clearly cost less. What a lot of those people are doing in America is they are figuring out how to bill different insurers for different systems, figuring out how to collect money from people, all of that sort of stuff” (2013). The need for health care workers is great, but the balance is off regarding where the needs are not being meet.

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Integrated Delivery System (IDS) and the Future of the Health Care

The system of delivery within health care has always been on the change and rise due to technology along with self-care, health care, development, education, and creating a healthy society. As the old saying goes, “where there is good health there is also good financial wealth” and this is where the formation of the ACA took place and a new integrated delivery system created.

medicalwealthinternet marketing
perceived control level of independence and symptom
management among nurses towards
Observing human dignity and respect for life is part of the
nursing profession ethics that
nurses should observe without focusing on the gender, race,
culture, age, social status, economic
status or nationality of patients (Sabeghi, Nasiri, Zarei, Tabar,
& Golbaf, 2017) . Nurses should
always preserve and respect human dignity. This can achieve
this by treating all patients with
humanity, respecting all patients, treating patients with
compassion and justice and involve them
in their care by allowing them to make decisions regarding their
care. They should also uphold
2017). They should ensure privacy and confidentiality of their
records and treatment without
considering factors such as age, gender, race, nationality,
ethnicity and socioeconomic status.
Population health concerns
Population health is an interdisciplinary and customizable
approach that helps the health
departments to integrate health policies into practice so that
change can take place locally. The
population health approach makes use of the modern
partnerships among various community
sectors to achieve positive results for population health
(Navarro & Muntaner, 2020). Population
health concentrates on major health concerns and ways in which
resources can be allocated to
help overcome issues which are driving poor health conditions
among the populations.
Environmental make a positive change on how different
environmental factors affect population
health. Examples of environmental factors affecting population
health includes homelessness,
unemployment, neighborhood violence, and underemployment
and food insecurity. Nurses
should address the major population concerns within their
ability to ensure that people get the
best quality care.
The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
Patient safety is a top priority and a first line consideration in
the healthcare settings. It
involves avoiding, preventing and ameliorating negative results
or injuries that originates from
healthcare processes. The Institute of Medicine (IOM)
recommended the development and
testing of new healthcare technologies to minimize medical
error in 1999. The later
recommended the application of health information technology
(HIT) as the initial step to change
and transform healthcare environment to achieve safer and
better patient care.
Health policy
tted to Grand Canyon University
and preserve the integrity of human dignity when providing
patient care (Schmidt & Brown,
Health policy are the decisions, actions and plans which are
implemented to achieve
certain healthcare goals in the society. A well-defined health
policy can achieve goals such as
defining a vision for future, informing people, outlining
expected roles of various groups,
defining priorities and building a consensus within society
(Abel-Smith, 2018) . There are several
types of health policies such as global, public, health service,
insurance health policies and so on.
Health policy enables health organizations to standardize their
daily operational activities. These
policies provide guidance and clarity when facing critical
issues, legal as well as safety liabilities
and regulatory requirements (Barr, 2016). Proper establishment
and management of health
policies helps health facilities to develop powerful solutions to
issues, improve efficiency and

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Nursing informatics is defined as the integration of nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice. It aims to support nurses, nursing practice, and patients through technology and access to information. Key aspects of nursing informatics include using technology to support clinical practice, administration, education, and research in nursing. It also involves ensuring privacy and security of patient health information stored and shared electronically.

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ice: practice is defined by
productivity and refrain from breaching regulations.
Leadership and economic models
Healthcare change is driven by factors such as healthcare access
fragmentation, suboptimal patient results and unsustainable
healthcare costs. The quality and
cost concerns along with transforming the social demographics
as well as infection-type presents
the highest need for healthcare change (Needleman, 2016) .
Caring for and paying for treatment
of chronic patients presents another major concern. The
Affordable Care Act (ACA) consists of
programs such as Centers for Medicaid and Medicare services
whose aim is enhancing cost and
quality control in healthcare. The great care coordination may
improve quality patient care,
reduce healthcare spending and improve patient outcomes
(Finkelman, 2017). Reducing the
unnecessary hospitalizations, 15unwarranted utilization of
emergency units and negative drug
interactions can cut on costs, repeated medical history and
multiple prescriptions. Healthcare
facilities takes incremental steps towards achieving high quali ty
care and lower costs.
Health disparities
Health disparities exists due to numerous factors such as
poverty, environmental threats,
educational inequalities, behavioral factors, individual factors
and inadequate access to
healthcare services. They may also be caused by race and
ethnicity of a population or
community. Health disparities can also be as a result of
disability status and socioeconomic
status (Wheeler & Bryant, 2017) . These differences shapes the
ability of population to attain
optimal health.
After taking leadership roles, nurses can improve the health of a
population by
prioritizing health equity needs as well as integrating strategies
to help them eradicate health
disparities into health programs (Thornton, et al., 2016) . In
addition, all healthcare professionals
should acquire training on how to address the social
determinants of health so as to promote
equitable health outcomes for all patients, their families and
Nursing practice is defined by supportive and continuous
learning and integrating the
knowledge acquired from learning into educational experience
in the learning and clinical
settings using reflection. This reflective journal provides an
overview of the knowledge and
skills that nursing students acquired during the Professional
Capstone and Practicum course. The
course enabled students to acquire knowledge and skills related
to nursing.
Kuziemsky, C., Abbas, R. M., & Carroll, N. (2018). Toward a
Connected Health Delivery
Framework. 2018 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on
Software Engineering in
Healthcare Systems (SEHS), 46-49.
LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2017). Nursing research:
methods and critical appraisal for
evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Navarro, V., & Muntaner, C. (2020). Political And Economic
Determinants of Population Health
and Well-Being:: Controversies and Developments. Routledge.
Needleman, J. (2016). The Economic Case for Fundamental
Nursing Care. Nursing Leadership
(Toronto, Ont.), 29(1), 26-36.
Ring, J., Nyquist, J., & Mitchell, S. (2018). Curriculum for
culturally responsive health care:
The step-by-step guide for cultural competence training. CRC

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This document summarizes a study on the involvement of nurses in HIV policy development in Nyanza Province, Kenya. 1. The study found that nurses are involved in policy development at local and district levels but their involvement is still minimal at provincial and national levels. Linkages and collaborations with other organizations provided the greatest benefit. 2. Nurses perceived they were more involved in policy implementation than formulation due to lack of knowledge and skills. They also lacked confidence to participate. 3. Benefits of involvement included improved nursing care, support from workplaces, and relationships built with other health professions through collaborations. Linkages were formed with government departments, NGOs, communities, and learning institutions.

Abel-Smith, B. (2018). An introduction to health: policy,
planning and financing. Taylor &
Francis Books Limited.
Barr, D. A. (2016). Introduction to US Health Policy: the
organization, financing, and delivery
of health care in America. JHU Press.
Blais, K., Hayes, J. S., Kozier, B., & Erb, G. L. (2016).
Professional nursing practice: Concepts
and perspectives. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Chadwick, R., & Gallagher, A. (2016). Ethics and nursing
practice. Macmillan International
Higher Education.
Finkelman, A. (2017). Professional nursing concepts:
Competencies for quality leadership.
Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding Nursing
Research: Building an Evidence-
Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding Nursing
Research: Building an Evidence-
Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Jolley, J. (2020). Introducing research and evidence-based
practice for nursing and healthcare
professionals. Routledge.
Kadivar, M., Mardani-Hamooleh, M., & Kouhnavard, M.
(2018). Concept analysis of human
dignity in patient care: Rodgers' evolutionary approach. Journal
of medical ethics and
history of medicine, 11.
Sabeghi, H., Nasiri, A., Zarei, M., Tabar, A. K., & Golbaf, D.
(2017). Respecting for human
dignity in elders caring in perspective of nurses and elderly
patients. Medical Ethics
Journal, 9(32), 45-70.
Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2017). Evidence-based
practice for nurses: Appraisal and
application of research. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Thornton, R. L., Glover, C. M., Cené, C. W., Glik, D. C.,
Henderson, J. A., & Williams, D. R.
(2016). Evaluating strategies for reducing health disparities by
addressing the social
determinants of health. Health Affairs, 35(8), 1416-1423.
Wheeler, S. M., & Bryant, A. S. (2017). Racial and ethnic
disparities in health and health care.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics, 44(1), 1-11.
Woolf, S. H., Purnell, J. Q., Simon, S. M., Zimmerman, E. B.,
Camberos, G. J., Haley, A., &
Fields, R. P. (2015). Translating evidence into population health
improvement: strategies
and barriers. Annual review of public health, 36, 463-482.
Zerwekh, J., & Garneau, A. (2017). Nursing Today: Transition
and Trends. Elsevier Health
Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment
TitleTotal PointsNRS-493NRS-493-OL191Benchmark -
Capstone Project Change Proposal200.0CriteriaPercentage1:
Unsatisfactory (0.00%)2: Less Than Satisfactory (75.00%)3:
Satisfactory (79.00%)4: Good (89.00%)5: Excellent
(100.00%)CommentsPoints EarnedContent80.0%Revisions
Incorporated as Directed by Instructor5.0%Revision is
omitted.Revision is incomplete. Many aspects are still
incomplete, inaccurate, or unclear.Most key aspects were
revised. Some aspects are still vague or contain minor
inaccuracies.The key aspects were revised. The revision
generally improves the accuracy and clarity of the project.All
revisions are incorporated. The revision greatly improves the
accuracy and clarity of the project.Background5.0%Background
of clinical problem omitted.Background of clinical problem is
incomplete.Background of clinical problem are summarized.
There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or
information is needed.Background of clinical problem are
presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require
support.Background of clinical problem are clearly and
logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are
evident.Clinical Problem Statement5.0%Clinical problem
statement omitted.Clinical problem statement is
incomplete.Clinical problem statement is summarized. There are
minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information
is needed.Clinical problem statement is presented. Minor
aspects are unclear or require support.Clinical problem
statement is clearly and logically presented. Relevant support
and rationale are evident.Purpose of Change
Proposal5.0%Purpose of the change proposal in relation to
providing patient care in the changing health care system is
omitted.Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing
patient care in the changing health care system is
incomplete.Purpose of the change proposal in relation to
providing patient care in the changing health care system is
summarized. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some
support or information is needed.Purpose of the change proposal
in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care
system is presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require
support.Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing
patient care in the changing health care system is logically
presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.PICOT
Question5.0%PICOT questions is omitted.Topic is presented but
criteria is incomplete.Topic and most criteria are presented.
There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or
information is needed.Topic and criteria are presented. Minor
aspects are unclear or require support.Topic and criteria are
clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale
are evident.Literature Search5.0%Literature search strategy
employed omitted.Topic is presented but criteria is

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The document summarizes key topics covered in a Professional Capstone and Practicum course, as reflected in a student's journal. The journal addresses new practice approaches learned, including evidence-based practice and intraprofessional collaboration. It also discusses healthcare delivery systems, ethics, population health, the role of technology, health policy, leadership models, and health disparities. The student reflects on strengthening their cultural competence and how the course helped them meet competencies.

incomplete.Topic and most criteria are presented. There are
minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information
is needed.Topic and criteria are presented. Minor aspects are
unclear or require support.Topic and criteria are clearly and
logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are
evident.Evaluation of Literature5.0%Evaluation of literature
omitted.Evaluation of literature is incomplete.Evaluation of
literature is summarized. There are minor omissions or
inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Evaluation
of literature is presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require
support.Evaluation of literature is clearly and logically
presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.Change or
Nursing Theory5.0%Change or nursing theory omitted.Change
or nursing theory is incomplete.Change or nursing theory is
summarized. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some
support or information is needed.Change or nursing theory is
presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.Change
or nursing theory is logically presented. Relevant support and
rationale are evident.Implementation Plan and Outcome
Measures10.0%Implementation plan and outcome measures are
omitted.Implementation plan and outcome measures are
presented is incomplete.Implementation plan and outcome
measures are summarized. There are minor omissions or
inaccuracies. Some support or information is
needed.Implementation plan and outcome measures are
presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require
support.Implementation plan and outcome measures are clearly
and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are
evident.Use of Evidence-Based Practice in Intervention
Plan10.0%Use of evidence-based practice in intervention plan
omitted.Use of evidence-based practice in intervention plan is
incomplete.Use of evidence-based practice in intervention plan
is summarized. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies.
Some support or information is needed.Use of evidence-based
practice in intervention plan is presented. Minor aspects are
unclear or require support.Use of evidence-based practice in
intervention plan is clearly and logically presented. Relevant
support and rationale are evident.Plan for Evaluating Proposed
Nursing Intervention10.0%Plan for evaluating proposed nursing
intervention omitted.Plan for evaluating proposed nursing
intervention is incomplete.Plan for evaluating proposed nursing
intervention is summarized. There are minor omissions or
inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Plan for
evaluating proposed nursing intervention is presented. Minor
aspects are unclear or require support.Plan for evaluating
proposed nursing intervention is clearly and logically
presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.Potential
Barriers and Plan to Overcome Barriers10.0%Potential barriers
and plan to overcome barriers are omitted.Potential barriers and
plan to overcome barriers are incomplete.Potential barriers and
plan to overcome barriers are summarized. There are minor
omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information is
needed.Potential barriers and plan to overcome barriers are
presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require
support.Potential barriers and plan to overcome barriers are
clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale
are evident.Organization and Effectiveness15.0%Thesis
Development and Purpose5.0%Paper lacks any discernible
overall purpose or organizing claim.Thesis is insufficiently
developed or vague. Purpose is not clear.Thesis is apparent and
appropriate to purpose.Thesis is clear and forecasts the
development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of
the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.Thesis is
comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis
statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.Argument Logic
and Construction5.0%Statement of purpose is not justified by
the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim
made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible
sources.Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument
lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic.
Some sources have questionable credibility.Argument is
orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument
presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically,
but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are
credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the
thesis.Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of
argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of
claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are
authoritative.Clear and convincing argument that presents a
persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All
sources are authoritative.Criteria 3Mechanics of Writing
(includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language
use)5.0%Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede
communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or
sentence construction is used.Frequent and repetitive
mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in
language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice
are present.Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but
they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence
structure and audience-appropriate language are used.Prose is
largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be
present. A variety of sentence structures and effective fi gures of
speech are used.Writer is clearly in command of standard,
written, academic English.Format5.0%Paper Format (use of
appropriate style for the major and assignment)2.0%Template is
not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely
followed correctly.Template is used, but some elements are
missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is
apparent.Template is used, and formatting is correct, although
some minor errors may be present.Template is fully used; There
are virtually no errors in formatting style.All format elements
are correct.Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes,
references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and
style)3.0%Sources are not documented.Documentation of
sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to
assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.Sources
are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style,
although some formatting errors may be present.Sources are
documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format
is mostly correct.Sources are completely and correctly
documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format
is free of error.Total Weightage100%
Running head: Capstone Change Project Resources
Running head: Capstone Change Project Resources
Capstone Change Project Resources
Jane Chima
Grand Canyon University
NRS-OL191-Professional Capstone and Practicum
I worked with my preceptor to assess the organization for
required resources needed for the strategic plan if the capstone
change proposal were to be implemented. The change proposal
involves using music therapy in Post Anesthesia Care Unit
(PACU) to reduce the postoperative pain of patients who have
undergone surgical procedures and minimize the use of high
pain medications such as opioids (Farokhzadian, Khajouei, &
Ahmadian, 2015). Music therapy will be used alongside low
pain medications such as ibuprofen and Tylenol.

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(1) This document outlines a reflective journal assignment for a Professional Capstone and Practicum course. Students are required to maintain weekly reflections on their clinical experiences and integrate them into a course-long reflective journal. (2) The journal should address various topics gained from their practice immersion experiences, including new practice approaches, ethical considerations, interprofessional collaboration, health disparities, the role of technology, health policy, population health concerns, healthcare delivery systems, and leadership models. (3) While APA style is not required, solid academic writing is expected. Students will reflect on their professional development, strengths, weaknesses, and how they met the course competencies.

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- Care coordination is an essential nursing practice that employs nurses to improve communication between patients, families and the healthcare team for safer patient care. - Nurses design effective care plans to improve health outcomes and coordinate care among the team and other stakeholders. - The presentation aims to raise nurses' understanding of care coordination principles and ethical decision-making while implementing patient-centered strategies.

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Nurses play an important role as patient advocates by promoting patient autonomy, informing decision making, and supporting patients. As advocates, nurses must understand patients' needs, values, and interests and help translate medical information. Effective advocacy also involves influencing broader health policies and systems. Nurses need to expand patient advocacy beyond individual patients to address systemic issues influencing health. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted nurses' role in advocating for patients and promoting health while also facing challenges such as staffing shortages, risk of infection, and burnout.

One of the required resources is education and training nurses.
One of the problems faced by facilities that have implemented
evidence-based interventions is resistance from the healthcare
professionals. Most nurses and other providers want to stick to
their old ways. They do not want to adopt new evidence-based
ways (Schmidt & Brown, 2017). To reduce this resistance, the
organization would need to educate and train nurses on
evidence-based practice (EBP) and importance of adopting the
Another resource needed related to human resources and hiring
of additional nurses. Nursing shortage is a major problem facing
the healthcare system today. Most facilities that have
implemented evidence-based interventions face the problem of
incomplete adoption due to shortage of nurses (Farokhzadian,
Khajouei, & Ahmadian, 2015). The organization should hire
more nurses to ensure that there are enough nurses to perform
various tasks required for effective EBP adoption.
The organization will also need well-equipped research
resources. Once an organization adopts evidence-based practice,
best and updated evidence will be a necessary requirement to
improve the health outcomes and quality of care. As a result,
the organization will need a research environment
(Farokhzadian, Khajouei, & Ahmadian, 2015). The organization
will need modern computer systems, strong internet connection
and skilled nurses.
The organization will also need financial resources. Money will
be needed to purchase the required items such as music
components, strong internet installation, computer systems and
other necessary items (Schmidt & Brown, 2017). The financial
resources will also enable the organization to hire more staff
required in the capstone change proposal.
Farokhzadian, J., Khajouei, R., & Ahmadian, L. (2015).
Evaluating factors associated with
implementingevidence‐ based practice in nursing. Journal of
evaluation in clinicalpractice, 21(6), 1107-1113.
Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2017). Evidence-based
practice for nurses: Appraisal and application of research. Jones
& Bartlett Learning.
Running head: Capstone Change Project Outcomes
Running head: Capstone Change Project Outcome 4
Measurable outcomes for my capstone project
Jane Chima
Grand Canyon University
NRS-OL191-Professional Capstone and Practicum
My capstone project intervention involves developing non-
pharmacological interventions to help PACU patients with pain
management and minimize the use of medications to manage
pain. I worked with my preceptor to assess organization policies
in the facility. During the evaluation process, we found some
organizational policies and outcomes that influenced the
proposed intervention.
First, the intensity of postoperative pain among PACU patients
will reduce. The use of non-pharmacological interventions such
as music therapy will help to reduce the intensity of
postoperative pain. The use of music as a psychological
treatment decreases pain perception and helps relieve
depression, which in turn can help reduce the amount of pain
medication needed. Music relaxation techniques have shown
positive results for patients with chronic pain, decrease
intensity of pain and decrease muscle tenderness (Geziry, A.,
Toble, Y., Kadhi, F., & Nobani, M., 2005).
Another outcome is that the organization will evaluate social
impact, and side effects from a proposed change in pain
management. When using music therapy on PACU patients, less
medication will be needed. Patients will only be given low pain
medications such as ibuprofen, and Tylenol (Song, Eaton,
Gordon, Hoyle, & Doorenbos, 2015). As a result, the
organization’s expenditure on pain management will drop
drastically after implementing the proposed change project. As
a result, patients will not have severe side effects like risk of
respiratory depression, abuse, nausea, vomiting or constipation.
Another measurable outcome is that the recovery process
after surgical procedures will be fast. After implementing the
proposed change intervention, PACU patients in the facility will
be using music therapy to manage their postoperative pain.
When pain is reduced, the surgical wounds will heal faster than
when patients use pain management medications.
Another outcome is that surgical procedures will be affordable
for most patients. Patients will be able to afford surgical
treatments because pain management will be cheaper and
affordable. The recovery process will also be easier when music
therapy is used to manage postoperative pain.
Lastly, the proposed intervention will be ethically and morally
acceptable. The intervention must align with the organizational
policies. The proposed change intervention developed by
students or clients to bring change and improvement must stay
within the organizational context of code of conduct (Hall &
Roussel, 2020). The intervention is influenced by organizational
policies because the intended change must align with the
organizational needs.
Geziry, A., Toble, Y., Kadhi, F., & Nobani, M. (2018,
November 2005). Non-Pharmacological pain management.
Retrieved February 07, 2021, from

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S28 September-October 2016/HASTINGS CENTER REPORT Undisputedly, the United States’ health care sys- tem is in the midst of unprecedented complexi- ty and transformation. In 2014 alone there were well over thirty-five million admissions to hospitals in the nation,1 indicating that there was an extraordinary number of very sick and frail people requiring highly skilled clinicians to manage and coordinate their com- plex care across multiple care settings. Medical advances give us the ability to send patients home more efficiently than ever before and simultaneously create ethical ques- tions about the balance of benefits and burdens associ- ated with these advances. New treatments for cancer or complex heart disease may prolong life until the disease becomes irreversible while causing significant morbidity that undermines functional status, independence, and quality of life in ways that patients find unacceptable. Some patients and families voice concerns about access to treatments and about the quality and safety of the care they or their loved ones receive. Every day on every shift, nurses at the bedside feel these pressures and the intense array of ethical issues that they raise. A staggering 17.5 percent of trained nurses are leaving their roles or the profession after less than one year of service,2 and increasing levels of moral distress and burnout contribute to their decisions.3 Meanwhile, research supports the common-sense understanding that patients and health care organizations fare better when nurses are not harried, are supported in their work en- vironments, and are able to practice high-quality, ethical care. At the same time, administrators, policy-makers, and regulators struggle to balance commitments to patients, families, staff members, and governing boards. Health care organizations are compelled by laws, regulations, and accrediting bodies to pursue externally reported measures of effectiveness that can put their mission and values at risk. While health care systems declare their commitment to core ethical values, many clinicians struggle to understand institutional priorities, budgets, policies, and decisions seemingly inconsistent with their values as professionals. Increasingly clinicians find their ability to provide compassionate care at odds with the intensifying focus on matters such as clinical pathways aimed at standard- izing care, cost-cutting efficiencies, electronic medical records, and hospital policies and procedures.4 Arguably, each of these have merit in the current system, but what is not accounted for are the unintended consequences of diverting attention from the core ethical values of the professions. For example, the advent of the EMR requires clinicians to focus on documentation rather than being fully present during patient encounters. An emphasis on clinical pathways increases the risk of reducing patient symptoms and diseases to what fits a rote app.
Hall, H. R., & Roussel, L. A. (2020). Evidence-based practice:
An integrative approach to research, administration, and
practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Song, W., Eaton, L. H., Gordon, D. B., Hoyle, C., & Doorenbos,
A. Z. (2015). Evaluation of evidence-based nursing pain
management practice. Pain Management Nursing, 16(4), 456-
Strategic plan summary
Grand Canyon University
NRS-OL191-Professional Capstone and Practicum
When implementing new changes to an organization such as the
new practice interventions, there must be some challenges and
barriers that may interfere with the process. The new practice
interventions involve playing soft music in Post-Anesthesia
Care Unit (PACU) to help postoperative patients relax and ease
their pain such that they will not take a lot of postoperative pain
medications (Grove & Gray, 2018). They will require low pain
medications such as ibuprofen.
In some cases, the challenge may be getting the nursing staff to
adopt the new practice procedures or even getting used to the
new process since it may be different from their normal
practice. Implementing something new and asking nursing staff
to adopt may cause resistance especially if they do not support
the new practice changes (Farokhzadian, Khajouei, &
Ahmadian, 2015). Another challenge would be inadequate
nursing staff. This has been a major challenge in most
healthcare organizations towards implementing evidence-based
change interventions. In my project, nursing staff are needed in
PACU units to help patients who have undergone surgical
procedures to manage their postoperative pain and recover from
their conditions and wounds (Grove & Gray, 2018). Without
adequate nursing, blending the relaxation offered by soft music
with low pain medications such as ibuprofen and Tylenol will
be difficult to achieve.
The organization would need a plan to overcome these
challenges. First, it would be required to offer staff education
and training on the importance of evidence-based practice
(EBP) adoption to the nursing practice and patients’ outcomes.
This would reduce staff resistance to the new practice
implementation (Grove & Gray, 2018). Secondly, the
organization would be required to hire more nursing staff to
help in the adoption and implementation of EBP.
Farokhzadian, J., Khajouei, R., & Ahmadian, L. (2015).
Evaluating factors associated with implementing
evidence‐ based practice in nursing. Journal of evaluation in
clinical practice, 21(6), 1107-1113.
Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding Nursing
Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health
Capstone project objectives
Jane Chima
Grand Canyon University
NRS-OL191-Professional Capstone and Practicum
Patients in PACU usually experience postoperative pain after
their surgical procedure. Most times, the pain management that
these patients receive is unsatisfactory, hence affecting their
recovery. In most PACU units, pain management is done using
pharmacological interventions such as opioids, ibuprofen,
acetaminophen, anti-seizures, muscle relaxants and NSAIDs
medations (Poulsen, Coto, & Cooney, 2019). Continuous use of
these medications causes postoperative morbidity, emergency of
chronic postoperative pain, slow recovery process, impaired
function, and impaired quality of life.
Objective 1: Implementing this project will improve the pain
management process for PACU patients who have undergone
surgical procedures. Playing soft music to these patients in
PACU will reduce the intake of medications and improve their
pain management outcomes.
Objective 2: Implementing this project will help healthcare
organization and patients to cut on cost of medications because
PACU patients will consume less drugs. Playing soft music to
these patients in PACU will reduce the intake of medications
hence reducing the cost of purchasing the medications.
Objective 3: Implementing this project will speed up the
recovery process of patients. This is because patients will get
satisfactory pain management. This will facilitate their recovery
process. Music is a natural chemical with no side effects. As a
result, PACU patients will be safe from the side effects of these
Intensive research has been directed to postoperative pain
management in PACU setting. Some of the findings have been
implemented in healthcare facilities. However, most hospitals

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skillsmotivationsclinical pharmacists
have implemented pharmacological pain management
interventions. The use of non-pharmacological interventions
should be implemented because it plays a great role in
postoperative pain management (El Geziry, Toble, Al Kadhi,
Pervaiz, & Al Nobani, 2018). The use of music therapy
especially playing soft music helps in relaxation and aid sleep
which in turn help healing. Music can also reduce the use of
pharmacological medications in healthcare setting.
El Geziry, A., Toble, Y., Al Kadhi, F., Pervaiz, M., & Al
Nobani, M. (2018). Non-pharmacological pain management.
Pain management in special circumstances, 1-14.
Poulsen, M. J., Coto, J., & Cooney, M. F. (2019). Music as a
postoperative pain management intervention. Journal of
PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 34(3), 662-666.
Submission ide 41d14985 d484-4305-976f-c8858ad6647630 si

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Submission ide 41d14985 d484-4305-976f-c8858ad6647630 si

  • 1. Submission Ide: 41d14985-d484-4305-976f-c8858ad66476 30% SIMILARITY SCORE 19   CITATION ITEMS 43   GRAMMAR ISSUES 0   FEEDBACK COMMENT Internet Source   2% Institution   28% Jane Chima NEWBenchmark- ProfessionalCapstoneandPracticumReflectiveJournal (3).docx Summary Running head: REFLECTIVE JOURNAL REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 2 -and- medicine/professional-capstone-practicum-reflective- journal.php… Reflective journal Name Institution
  • 2. Course Date Introduction This one-course practicum and reflective journal includes inquiry and leadership into the current nursing practice since it applies to Practicum and Professional Capstone course. It REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 3 iversity healthcare/…
  • 3. reflects on personal skills and knowledge acquired during the course (Finkelman, 2017). Stress and burnout caused by work overloads in the nursing practice has attracted the attention of nursing researchers and educators since they have recognized their impacts on patient outcomes and satisfaction. The journal will also address the skills and knowledge that I have acquired during the Practicum and Professional Capstone course and during the placement. This knowledge and skills have helped me develop my nursing career (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2017). Working under the supervision and mentorship of my preceptor enabled me acquire
  • 4. additional practical skills that will enable me to provide the best quality care to patients. The mentor assigned me various practical duties that made me more knowledgeable. New practice approaches The discipline of nursing has encountered great changes in the last few decades. One of these changes is the adoption and implementation of evidence- based practice (EBP) in practice. The continuous application of these approaches in nursing practice is revolutionizing healthcare in numerous ways Nurses should comply with these changes to remain pertinent in the duties to provide high quality care to patients. One way to achieve this is by adopting EBP in their practice. Nursing institutions are continually offering EBP courses. The continuous application of EBP results in effective patient care which leads to better health outcomes. Interprofessional collaboration Interprofessional collaboration occurs when diverse healthcare professionals from
  • 5. different specialties and professional backgrounds work together with patients, caregivers, families and communities to deliver quality patient care. Interprofessional collaboration enables providers to achieve better health outcomes in patients and optimal health status of the populations and communities. Healthcare providers such as nurses, physicians and others should collaborate across all professions to provide highest quality care and improved patient outcomes. This involves working with all people irrespective of their expertise or professional level to improve the overall health outcomes (Grove & Gray, 2018) . All healthcare professionals should keep aside all their differences and work together with a common goal for interprofessional collaboration to work well in the healthcare setting. They should also improve their communication and develop good working relationships to ensure that interprofessional collaboration works well with minimal or no setbacks (Reeves et. al., 2017). When interprofessional collaboration is used by providers, it enables them to work together to deliver better health outcomes,
  • 6. prevent medication errors, improve patient experience and minimize healthcare costs. Interprofessional collaboration also enable healthcare facilities to eliminate workflow redundancies and achieve operational efficiencies. Health care delivery and clinical systems REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 4 patient-centered care is essential in the clinical settings. Healthcare delivery system is categorized into individual patient, health team, patients’ family members and health institutions such as clinics, nursing homes and hospitals (Grove & Gray, 2018) . Clinical systems refers to information systems put in place for use in healthcare settings. Nurses are essential components in the healthcare delivery systems. They provide the best and high quality health services to patients during nursing practice. Nurses are incorporated in all health plan levels. They are also in all operating units to promote development, foster
  • 7. direction and guide the implementation of patient-centered programs (Grove & Gray, 2018) . Nurses use clinical systems to manage patient care in the best way possible in critical care settings. The clinical systems enables nurses and other providers to connect to other departments such as radiology, lab, and pathology and so on for easier access to patient records and for accurate and complete patient care. Ethical considerations in health care Ethical values are crucial for any healthcare professional. They are universal codes of conduct as well as rules that offer a practical framework to help in the identification of the types of motives, actions and intentions values in the healthcare setting. The ethical values spells out the moral principles that governs how an individual conduct themselves any time (Chadwick & Gallagher, 2016). Ethical considerations also cover the rights or wrongs, dos and don’ts and the decision-making process of determining the consequences of the actions. Every person has their set of moral and ethical principles (Blais, Hayes, Kozier, & Erb, 2016) . Ethical values in the
  • 8. healthcare settings are essential because every healthcare provider must face ethical healthcare dilemmas and make good decisions and judgments regarding various healthcare issues while maintaining these values. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 5 dent: Submitted to Grand Canyon University A healthcare delivery systems comprises of people, institutions
  • 9. and other resources that are aimed to deliver quality services to meet the health needs of a specified population. A healthcare delivery system enables patients and population to receive healthcare services. It also aims to deliver cost-effective as well as safe health services that meet the quality standards put in place (Kuziemsky, Abbas, & Carroll, 2018) . Adopting healthcare delivery systems based on To practice effectively with competence and integrity, nurses and other healthcare professionals must have their own ethical values and follow healthcare-based ethical principles to guide them in their practice (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2017) . Healthcare is guided by four major ethical values alongside other expected ethical principles such as honesty, integrity, empathy, compassion, confidentiality etc. These ethical values in the nursing practice include autonomy, justice, beneficence and non-maleficence. Autonomy offers patients the right to make practices to enable
  • 10. e: Kouhnavard their own decisions based on their values and beliefs. Beneficence offers providers a duty to minimize harm, refrain from maltreatment and promote safety and good towards patients (Chadwick & Gallagher, 2016) . Justice is the right for patients to be treated fairly and equally by healthcare professionals. Lastly, non-maleficence is the patients’ right to no harm during treatment. Nurses and all healthcare providers have a unique
  • 11. responsibility to themselves, their profession and to patients to maintain ethical values. Practices of culturally sensitive care Culturally sensitive care is care that reflects the ability to respond appropriately to feelings, attitudes and situations of groups of individuals sharing a distinctive and common national, racial, linguistic, cultural and religious heritage. A culturally competent care is capable of improving the quality of care and overall health outcomes. It can also lead to elimination of racial, cultural and ethnic health disparities (Ring, Nyquist, & Mitchell, 2018) . The world is ethnically and racially diverse. This calls for the need of culturally competent care. The racial and ethnic minority groups and communities usually face sociocultural obstacles to quality care such as lack of access to health insurance, language barriers, racial/ethnic discrimination, and low literacy to understand the need for quality care and low income to afford health services. Nurses and other healthcare providers can develop and adopt various strategies and
  • 12. practices to enable them provide culturally competent care (Ring, Nyquist, & Mitchell, 2018) . These practices includes providing training and education to increase cultural awareness and knowledge, provide interpret services, work with minority staff, use community health workers services, include community and family members in healthcare decision-making, improve language and communication barriers, engage directly in cross- cultural interactions with patients and conduct cultural competence self-assessment among all healthcare providers (Jolley, 2020) . Healthcare providers should focus on providing culturally competent healthcare to all patients. Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients Human dignity is the intrinsic attributes and supreme values possessed by all human beings in virtue of their humanity. Human dignity manifests through show of respect for self and for others (Kadivar, Mardani-Hamooleh, & Kouhnavard, 2018) . It is influenced by how other people treats an individuals. Human dignity can be influenced by other factors such as attitudes,
  • 13. perceived control level of independence and symptom management among nurses towards people. Observing human dignity and respect for life is part of the nursing profession ethics that nurses should observe without focusing on the gender, race, culture, age, social status, economic status or nationality of patients (Sabeghi, Nasiri, Zarei, Tabar, & Golbaf, 2017) . Nurses should always preserve and respect human dignity. This can achieve this by treating all patients with humanity, respecting all patients, treating patients with compassion and justice and involve them in their care by allowing them to make decisions regarding their care. They should also uphold REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 7 2017). They should ensure privacy and confidentiality of their records and treatment without considering factors such as age, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Population health concerns Population health is an interdisciplinary and customizable
  • 14. approach that helps the health departments to integrate health policies into practice so that change can take place locally. The population health approach makes use of the modern partnerships among various community sectors to achieve positive results for population health (Navarro & Muntaner, 2020). Population health concentrates on major health concerns and ways in which resources can be allocated to help overcome issues which are driving poor health conditions among the populations. Environmental make a positive change on how different environmental factors affect population health. Examples of environmental factors affecting population health includes homelessness, unemployment, neighborhood violence, and underemployment and food insecurity. Nurses should address the major population concerns within their ability to ensure that people get the best quality care. The role of technology in improving health care outcomes Patient safety is a top priority and a first line consideration in the healthcare settings. It
  • 15. involves avoiding, preventing and ameliorating negative results or injuries that originates from healthcare processes. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommended the development and testing of new healthcare technologies to minimize medical error in 1999. The later recommended the application of health information technology (HIT) as the initial step to change and transform healthcare environment to achieve safer and better patient care. Health policy REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 8 tted to Grand Canyon University and preserve the integrity of human dignity when providing
  • 16. patient care (Schmidt & Brown, Health policy are the decisions, actions and plans which are implemented to achieve certain healthcare goals in the society. A well-defined health policy can achieve goals such as defining a vision for future, informing people, outlining expected roles of various groups, defining priorities and building a consensus within society (Abel-Smith, 2018) . There are several types of health policies such as global, public, health service, insurance health policies and so on. Health policy enables health organizations to standardize their daily operational activities. These policies provide guidance and clarity when facing critical issues, legal as well as safety liabilities and regulatory requirements (Barr, 2016). Proper establishment and management of health policies helps health facilities to develop powerful solutions to issues, improve efficiency and REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 9
  • 17. h dispar... ice: practice is defined by productivity and refrain from breaching regulations. Leadership and economic models Healthcare change is driven by factors such as healthcare access problems, fragmentation, suboptimal patient results and unsustainable healthcare costs. The quality and cost concerns along with transforming the social demographics as well as infection-type presents the highest need for healthcare change (Needleman, 2016) . Caring for and paying for treatment
  • 18. of chronic patients presents another major concern. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) consists of programs such as Centers for Medicaid and Medicare services whose aim is enhancing cost and quality control in healthcare. The great care coordination may improve quality patient care, reduce healthcare spending and improve patient outcomes (Finkelman, 2017). Reducing the unnecessary hospitalizations, 15unwarranted utilization of emergency units and negative drug interactions can cut on costs, repeated medical history and multiple prescriptions. Healthcare facilities takes incremental steps towards achieving high quali ty care and lower costs. Health disparities Health disparities exists due to numerous factors such as poverty, environmental threats, educational inequalities, behavioral factors, individual factors and inadequate access to healthcare services. They may also be caused by race and ethnicity of a population or community. Health disparities can also be as a result of disability status and socioeconomic
  • 19. status (Wheeler & Bryant, 2017) . These differences shapes the ability of population to attain optimal health. After taking leadership roles, nurses can improve the health of a population by prioritizing health equity needs as well as integrating strategies to help them eradicate health disparities into health programs (Thornton, et al., 2016) . In addition, all healthcare professionals should acquire training on how to address the social determinants of health so as to promote equitable health outcomes for all patients, their families and communities. Conclusion Nursing practice is defined by supportive and continuous learning and integrating the knowledge acquired from learning into educational experience in the learning and clinical settings using reflection. This reflective journal provides an overview of the knowledge and skills that nursing students acquired during the Professional Capstone and Practicum course. The course enabled students to acquire knowledge and skills related to nursing.
  • 20. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 10 REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 11 Kuziemsky, C., Abbas, R. M., & Carroll, N. (2018). Toward a Connected Health Delivery Framework. 2018 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Software Engineering in Healthcare Systems (SEHS), 46-49. LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2017). Nursing research: methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Navarro, V., & Muntaner, C. (2020). Political And Economic Determinants of Population Health and Well-Being:: Controversies and Developments. Routledge. Needleman, J. (2016). The Economic Case for Fundamental Nursing Care. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, Ont.), 29(1), 26-36. Ring, J., Nyquist, J., & Mitchell, S. (2018). Curriculum for culturally responsive health care: The step-by-step guide for cultural competence training. CRC Press.
  • 21. References Abel-Smith, B. (2018). An introduction to health: policy, planning and financing. Taylor & Francis Books Limited. Barr, D. A. (2016). Introduction to US Health Policy: the organization, financing, and delivery of health care in America. JHU Press. Blais, K., Hayes, J. S., Kozier, B., & Erb, G. L. (2016). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Chadwick, R., & Gallagher, A. (2016). Ethics and nursing practice. Macmillan International Higher Education. Finkelman, A. (2017). Professional nursing concepts: Competencies for quality leadership. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence- Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence- Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • 22. Jolley, J. (2020). Introducing research and evidence-based practice for nursing and healthcare professionals. Routledge. Kadivar, M., Mardani-Hamooleh, M., & Kouhnavard, M. (2018). Concept analysis of human dignity in patient care: Rodgers' evolutionary approach. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 11. Sabeghi, H., Nasiri, A., Zarei, M., Tabar, A. K., & Golbaf, D. (2017). Respecting for human dignity in elders caring in perspective of nurses and elderly patients. Medical Ethics Journal, 9(32), 45-70. Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2017). Evidence-based practice for nurses: Appraisal and application of research. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Thornton, R. L., Glover, C. M., Cené, C. W., Glik, D. C., Henderson, J. A., & Williams, D. R. (2016). Evaluating strategies for reducing health disparities by addressing the social determinants of health. Health Affairs, 35(8), 1416-1423.
  • 23. Wheeler, S. M., & Bryant, A. S. (2017). Racial and ethnic disparities in health and health care. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics, 44(1), 1-11. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL 12 Woolf, S. H., Purnell, J. Q., Simon, S. M., Zimmerman, E. B., Camberos, G. J., Haley, A., & Fields, R. P. (2015). Translating evidence into population health improvement: strategies and barriers. Annual review of public health, 36, 463-482. Zerwekh, J., & Garneau, A. (2017). Nursing Today: Transition and Trends. Elsevier Health Sciences. Rubic_Print_FormatCourse CodeClass CodeAssignment TitleTotal PointsNRS-493NRS-493-OL191Benchmark - Capstone Project Change Proposal200.0CriteriaPercentage1: Unsatisfactory (0.00%)2: Less Than Satisfactory (75.00%)3: Satisfactory (79.00%)4: Good (89.00%)5: Excellent (100.00%)CommentsPoints EarnedContent80.0%Revisions Incorporated as Directed by Instructor5.0%Revision is omitted.Revision is incomplete. Many aspects are still incomplete, inaccurate, or unclear.Most key aspects were revised. Some aspects are still vague or contain minor inaccuracies.The key aspects were revised. The revision generally improves the accuracy and clarity of the project.All revisions are incorporated. The revision greatly improves the accuracy and clarity of the project.Background5.0%Background
  • 24. of clinical problem omitted.Background of clinical problem is incomplete.Background of clinical problem are summarized. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Background of clinical problem are presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.Background of clinical problem are clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.Clinical Problem Statement5.0%Clinical problem statement omitted.Clinical problem statement is incomplete.Clinical problem statement is summarized. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Clinical problem statement is presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.Clinical problem statement is clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.Purpose of Change Proposal5.0%Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system is omitted.Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system is incomplete.Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system is summarized. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system is presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system is logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.PICOT Question5.0%PICOT questions is omitted.Topic is presented but criteria is incomplete.Topic and most criteria are presented. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Topic and criteria are presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.Topic and criteria are clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.Literature Search5.0%Literature search strategy employed omitted.Topic is presented but criteria is
  • 25. incomplete.Topic and most criteria are presented. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Topic and criteria are presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.Topic and criteria are clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.Evaluation of Literature5.0%Evaluation of literature omitted.Evaluation of literature is incomplete.Evaluation of literature is summarized. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Evaluation of literature is presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.Evaluation of literature is clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.Change or Nursing Theory5.0%Change or nursing theory omitted.Change or nursing theory is incomplete.Change or nursing theory is summarized. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Change or nursing theory is presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.Change or nursing theory is logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.Implementation Plan and Outcome Measures10.0%Implementation plan and outcome measures are omitted.Implementation plan and outcome measures are presented is incomplete.Implementation plan and outcome measures are summarized. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Implementation plan and outcome measures are presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.Implementation plan and outcome measures are clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.Use of Evidence-Based Practice in Intervention Plan10.0%Use of evidence-based practice in intervention plan omitted.Use of evidence-based practice in intervention plan is incomplete.Use of evidence-based practice in intervention plan is summarized. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Use of evidence-based practice in intervention plan is presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.Use of evidence-based practice in
  • 26. intervention plan is clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.Plan for Evaluating Proposed Nursing Intervention10.0%Plan for evaluating proposed nursing intervention omitted.Plan for evaluating proposed nursing intervention is incomplete.Plan for evaluating proposed nursing intervention is summarized. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Plan for evaluating proposed nursing intervention is presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.Plan for evaluating proposed nursing intervention is clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.Potential Barriers and Plan to Overcome Barriers10.0%Potential barriers and plan to overcome barriers are omitted.Potential barriers and plan to overcome barriers are incomplete.Potential barriers and plan to overcome barriers are summarized. There are minor omissions or inaccuracies. Some support or information is needed.Potential barriers and plan to overcome barriers are presented. Minor aspects are unclear or require support.Potential barriers and plan to overcome barriers are clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.Organization and Effectiveness15.0%Thesis Development and Purpose5.0%Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear.Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose.Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.Argument Logic and Construction5.0%Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources.Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility.Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument
  • 27. presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis.Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative.Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.Criteria 3Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)5.0%Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used.Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present.Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective fi gures of speech are used.Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.Format5.0%Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)2.0%Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent.Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style.All format elements are correct.Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)3.0%Sources are not documented.Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.Sources are
  • 28. documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.Total Weightage100% Running head: Capstone Change Project Resources Running head: Capstone Change Project Resources 2 Capstone Change Project Resources Jane Chima Grand Canyon University NRS-OL191-Professional Capstone and Practicum 2/21/21 I worked with my preceptor to assess the organization for required resources needed for the strategic plan if the capstone change proposal were to be implemented. The change proposal involves using music therapy in Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) to reduce the postoperative pain of patients who have undergone surgical procedures and minimize the use of high pain medications such as opioids (Farokhzadian, Khajouei, & Ahmadian, 2015). Music therapy will be used alongside low pain medications such as ibuprofen and Tylenol.
  • 29. One of the required resources is education and training nurses. One of the problems faced by facilities that have implemented evidence-based interventions is resistance from the healthcare professionals. Most nurses and other providers want to stick to their old ways. They do not want to adopt new evidence-based ways (Schmidt & Brown, 2017). To reduce this resistance, the organization would need to educate and train nurses on evidence-based practice (EBP) and importance of adopting the practice. Another resource needed related to human resources and hiring of additional nurses. Nursing shortage is a major problem facing the healthcare system today. Most facilities that have implemented evidence-based interventions face the problem of incomplete adoption due to shortage of nurses (Farokhzadian, Khajouei, & Ahmadian, 2015). The organization should hire more nurses to ensure that there are enough nurses to perform various tasks required for effective EBP adoption. The organization will also need well-equipped research resources. Once an organization adopts evidence-based practice, best and updated evidence will be a necessary requirement to improve the health outcomes and quality of care. As a result, the organization will need a research environment (Farokhzadian, Khajouei, & Ahmadian, 2015). The organization will need modern computer systems, strong internet connection and skilled nurses. The organization will also need financial resources. Money will be needed to purchase the required items such as music components, strong internet installation, computer systems and other necessary items (Schmidt & Brown, 2017). The financial resources will also enable the organization to hire more staff required in the capstone change proposal.
  • 30. References Farokhzadian, J., Khajouei, R., & Ahmadian, L. (2015). Evaluating factors associated with implementingevidence‐ based practice in nursing. Journal of evaluation in clinicalpractice, 21(6), 1107-1113. Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2017). Evidence-based practice for nurses: Appraisal and application of research. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Running head: Capstone Change Project Outcomes Running head: Capstone Change Project Outcome 4
  • 31. Measurable outcomes for my capstone project Jane Chima Grand Canyon University NRS-OL191-Professional Capstone and Practicum 2/7/21 My capstone project intervention involves developing non- pharmacological interventions to help PACU patients with pain management and minimize the use of medications to manage pain. I worked with my preceptor to assess organization policies in the facility. During the evaluation process, we found some organizational policies and outcomes that influenced the proposed intervention. First, the intensity of postoperative pain among PACU patients will reduce. The use of non-pharmacological interventions such as music therapy will help to reduce the intensity of postoperative pain. The use of music as a psychological treatment decreases pain perception and helps relieve depression, which in turn can help reduce the amount of pain medication needed. Music relaxation techniques have shown positive results for patients with chronic pain, decrease intensity of pain and decrease muscle tenderness (Geziry, A., Toble, Y., Kadhi, F., & Nobani, M., 2005). Another outcome is that the organization will evaluate social impact, and side effects from a proposed change in pain management. When using music therapy on PACU patients, less medication will be needed. Patients will only be given low pain medications such as ibuprofen, and Tylenol (Song, Eaton, Gordon, Hoyle, & Doorenbos, 2015). As a result, the
  • 32. organization’s expenditure on pain management will drop drastically after implementing the proposed change project. As a result, patients will not have severe side effects like risk of respiratory depression, abuse, nausea, vomiting or constipation. Another measurable outcome is that the recovery process after surgical procedures will be fast. After implementing the proposed change intervention, PACU patients in the facility will be using music therapy to manage their postoperative pain. When pain is reduced, the surgical wounds will heal faster than when patients use pain management medications. Another outcome is that surgical procedures will be affordable for most patients. Patients will be able to afford surgical treatments because pain management will be cheaper and affordable. The recovery process will also be easier when music therapy is used to manage postoperative pain. Lastly, the proposed intervention will be ethically and morally acceptable. The intervention must align with the organizational policies. The proposed change intervention developed by students or clients to bring change and improvement must stay within the organizational context of code of conduct (Hall & Roussel, 2020). The intervention is influenced by organizational policies because the intended change must align with the organizational needs. References Geziry, A., Toble, Y., Kadhi, F., & Nobani, M. (2018, November 2005). Non-Pharmacological pain management. Retrieved February 07, 2021, from
  • 33. special-circumstances/non-pharmacological-pain-management Hall, H. R., & Roussel, L. A. (2020). Evidence-based practice: An integrative approach to research, administration, and practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Song, W., Eaton, L. H., Gordon, D. B., Hoyle, C., & Doorenbos, A. Z. (2015). Evaluation of evidence-based nursing pain management practice. Pain Management Nursing, 16(4), 456- 463. Running head: STRATEGIC PLAN SUMMARY STRATEGIC PLAN SUMMARY 2 Strategic plan summary Grand Canyon University NRS-OL191-Professional Capstone and Practicum
  • 34. When implementing new changes to an organization such as the new practice interventions, there must be some challenges and barriers that may interfere with the process. The new practice interventions involve playing soft music in Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) to help postoperative patients relax and ease their pain such that they will not take a lot of postoperative pain medications (Grove & Gray, 2018). They will require low pain medications such as ibuprofen. In some cases, the challenge may be getting the nursing staff to adopt the new practice procedures or even getting used to the new process since it may be different from their normal practice. Implementing something new and asking nursing staff to adopt may cause resistance especially if they do not support the new practice changes (Farokhzadian, Khajouei, & Ahmadian, 2015). Another challenge would be inadequate nursing staff. This has been a major challenge in most healthcare organizations towards implementing evidence-based change interventions. In my project, nursing staff are needed in PACU units to help patients who have undergone surgical procedures to manage their postoperative pain and recover from their conditions and wounds (Grove & Gray, 2018). Without adequate nursing, blending the relaxation offered by soft music with low pain medications such as ibuprofen and Tylenol will be difficult to achieve. The organization would need a plan to overcome these challenges. First, it would be required to offer staff education and training on the importance of evidence-based practice (EBP) adoption to the nursing practice and patients’ outcomes. This would reduce staff resistance to the new practice
  • 35. implementation (Grove & Gray, 2018). Secondly, the organization would be required to hire more nursing staff to help in the adoption and implementation of EBP. References Farokhzadian, J., Khajouei, R., & Ahmadian, L. (2015). Evaluating factors associated with implementing evidence‐ based practice in nursing. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 21(6), 1107-1113. Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding Nursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Running head: CAPSTONE PROJECT OBJECTIVES CAPSTONE PROJECT OBJECTIVES 3 Capstone project objectives Jane Chima Grand Canyon University NRS-OL191-Professional Capstone and Practicum 1/31/21
  • 36. Patients in PACU usually experience postoperative pain after their surgical procedure. Most times, the pain management that these patients receive is unsatisfactory, hence affecting their recovery. In most PACU units, pain management is done using pharmacological interventions such as opioids, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, anti-seizures, muscle relaxants and NSAIDs medations (Poulsen, Coto, & Cooney, 2019). Continuous use of these medications causes postoperative morbidity, emergency of chronic postoperative pain, slow recovery process, impaired function, and impaired quality of life. Objective 1: Implementing this project will improve the pain management process for PACU patients who have undergone surgical procedures. Playing soft music to these patients in PACU will reduce the intake of medications and improve their pain management outcomes. Objective 2: Implementing this project will help healthcare organization and patients to cut on cost of medications because PACU patients will consume less drugs. Playing soft music to these patients in PACU will reduce the intake of medications hence reducing the cost of purchasing the medications. Objective 3: Implementing this project will speed up the recovery process of patients. This is because patients will get satisfactory pain management. This will facilitate their recovery process. Music is a natural chemical with no side effects. As a result, PACU patients will be safe from the side effects of these medications. Intensive research has been directed to postoperative pain management in PACU setting. Some of the findings have been implemented in healthcare facilities. However, most hospitals
  • 37. have implemented pharmacological pain management interventions. The use of non-pharmacological interventions should be implemented because it plays a great role in postoperative pain management (El Geziry, Toble, Al Kadhi, Pervaiz, & Al Nobani, 2018). The use of music therapy especially playing soft music helps in relaxation and aid sleep which in turn help healing. Music can also reduce the use of pharmacological medications in healthcare setting. References El Geziry, A., Toble, Y., Al Kadhi, F., Pervaiz, M., & Al Nobani, M. (2018). Non-pharmacological pain management. Pain management in special circumstances, 1-14. Poulsen, M. J., Coto, J., & Cooney, M. F. (2019). Music as a postoperative pain management intervention. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 34(3), 662-666.