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Carlos F. Camargo, PhD
Director of Foundations Relations & Development
August 2008
Shelter from the Gathering Storm:
Mapping Needs, Aligning Programs, Inspiring Youth
Mission Statement
The Tech Museum of Innovation
is an educational resource established to
engage people of all ages and
backgrounds in exploring and
experiencing technologies affecting their
lives, and to inspire the young
to become innovators in
the technologies of the future.
The Tech Museum Envisions …
•  Long term commitment
•  Maintaining focus
•  Capacity building
•  Sustainability
•  Leveraging resources
•  Credibility with stakeholders
•  Evaluation and benchmarking of results
Educational programming
@ The Tech
Strategies advancing the support of STEM education
and free-choice learning at all levels, K-16.

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This document discusses several misconceptions around standardized testing and content standards. It notes that teaching to standards does not mean "teaching to the test" but rather developing complex assessments of what is most important for students to learn. It also addresses the misconception that there is too much content, pointing out standards are intended to prioritize what is most essential. The document also mentions TIMSS, an international assessment, and notes average US student performance is lower than international peers in reading, math and science. It concludes by suggesting schools focus research on improving student learning in specific units or topics.

Transforming the Education of Future Generations
Transforming the Education of Future GenerationsTransforming the Education of Future Generations
Transforming the Education of Future Generations

2011 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC) February 2-4, 2011 - San Antonio, TX Transforming the Education of Future Generations in Engineering and Engineering Technology Jan Morrison President, TIES

Are Schools Getting a Big Enough Bang for Their Education Technology Buck?
Are Schools Getting a Big Enough Bang for Their Education Technology Buck?Are Schools Getting a Big Enough Bang for Their Education Technology Buck?
Are Schools Getting a Big Enough Bang for Their Education Technology Buck?

Far too often, school leaders fail to consider how technology might dramatically improve teaching and learning, and schools frequently acquire digital devices without discrete learning goals and ultimately use these devices in ways that fail to adequately serve students, schools, or taxpayers.

schoolstechnologyschool district
Underserved Populations
Title 1 K-12 students
Women & Minorities
Rural & Urban Core
Supporting STEM
STEM Promotion/Advocacy
IN-reach via 2nd Classroom
STEM Afterschool Programs
Teacher Prof Dev
Experiential Learning
Standards-based Labs
Field Trip Services
Self-Guided & Web-based
Lifelong learning tools
In-reach Strategies
Integrated Development
Community-Based Partnerships
Program Innovation & IN-reach
Needs Mapping: The Tech’s Commitment to STEM
Regional Outcomes
•  Aids students in the mastery of essential mathematics
and science concepts;
•  Motivates students to pursue STEM-related careers;
•  Provides students with real-world tasks and hands-on
learning opportunities that encourage career exploration;
•  Provides teachers, parents and caregivers with guidelines
and resource curriculum materials; and
•  Provides teachers, parents and caregivers with
assessment strategies and rubrics
Tech Museum
STEM Program Outcomes
Overview of presentation
•  Origins of STEM Concerns
•  A Different Take on the Data
•  The Deeper Concerns About STEM

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Washington's education system ranks low nationally in spending per student. This is forcing businesses to import highly educated employees and is contributing to poor student performance. Only 16 out of 100 Washington students who enter college complete a degree within 6 years. Due to budget cuts, the University of Washington has lost teaching positions and offers fewer courses, potentially hurting students. Improving education is seen as important to the state's economic future.

ReimaginED: The Future of K12 Education
ReimaginED: The Future of K12 EducationReimaginED: The Future of K12 Education
ReimaginED: The Future of K12 Education

Catalyzed by technology, education is undergoing major change towards greater personalization and access. Many tools and instructional models are being reimagined using technology, from personalized and interactive literature to credentialing and e-portfolios. New blended learning models like lab rotation and flex rotation combine online and classroom instruction. Venture capital is increasingly flowing into educational technology startups.

edtechcharter schoolsstartups
ReimaginED 2015: Trends in K12 Education
ReimaginED 2015: Trends in K12 EducationReimaginED 2015: Trends in K12 Education
ReimaginED 2015: Trends in K12 Education

We’re living in a time of tremendous technological change. In the next five years, another billion people will gain access to the internet. By 2020, 80% of the adults on Earth will have a smartphone, double what it is today. We started the Seed Fund to seek out those places where technological change might be leveraged to improve education, and there is much to improve about our current system. One of the most troubling trends of the last decade is the decrease in educational mobility. As a country, we are doing worse than most at educating our neediest kids which now account for just over half of public school children. For our neediest children, the problems are cumulative. A series of school failures and missed opportunities add up to an education of accumulated disadvantage, a reverse Matthew Effect of sorts. Our team is focused on how technology can be used to reduce and even eliminate these obstacles so that our school system is an escalator to opportunity for all. We’ve invested in over 40 teams scaling ideas to improve our education system by empowering students, educators and families with the best tools technology has to offer. Through this lens, we share our second ReImaginED deck. Inspired by KPCB’s Mary Meeker’s widely shared Internet Trends deck, we set out to expose data about our K-12 education system and highlight some of the innovations in education technology. The goal of this deck is to draw out high level trends so it doesn’t include the human stories on the other side of these numbers and charts, see here for some of those. In ReimaginED 2015 (building off the original published over a year ago), we review the latest systemic challenges, landscape shifts, and emerging innovations that are helping to solve these problems. Let us know about other innovation trends you are seeing in the comments below or by sharing this on twitter, #ReimaginED2015. (Cross-post from, original post by Jennifer Carolan and David Havens)

educationinnovationventure capital
STEM Education
As we think about the big picture of STEM
education, we might ask ourselves…
1.  What are the drivers?
2.  What is the context?
3.  What are the issues?
The Drivers
1.  The global, knowledge based economy
2.  The recognition that STEM fields underpin
modern life and our standard of living
3.  The need for all students to be STEM literate
and the need for STEM experts
4.  The need to build a skilled workforce of problem
solvers, innovators and inventors
5.  The need for life long learning
The Context
1.  There are too few students who are choosing to
study math and science beyond the compulsory
school years
2.  This impacts the pool of generic and specialized
skills available
The Issues:
Industry and Academia sound alarms
•  “Regrettably, the American K-12 system is failing to provide
the math and science skills necessary for kids to compete in
the 21st century workforce, and the U.S. higher education
system cannot produce enough scientists and engineers to
support the growth of the high-tech industry that is so
crucial to economic prosperity.”
–  “Losing the Competitive Advantage?,” AeA
•  “Participants expressed concern that a weakening of science
and technology in the United States would inevitably degrade
its social and economic conditions and in particular erode the
ability of its citizens to compete for high-quality jobs.”
–  “Rising Above the Gathering Storm,” The National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy
of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

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What Is STEM and Why Should I Care?
What Is STEM and Why Should I Care? What Is STEM and Why Should I Care?
What Is STEM and Why Should I Care?

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers are some of the hottest jobs in Pennsylvania. In this webinar, we introduce you to some of the most in-demand STEM careers and share with you some resources for helping your son or daughter begin exploring all the exciting opportunities that are available.

Women in engineering majors
Women in engineering majorsWomen in engineering majors
Women in engineering majors

This presentation focuses on women in engineering majors, the challenges they face, and what can be done to encourage more women to enter engineering programs.

Re-imagined Re-imagined

Group B Group C Group D 41 This model allows for more individualized instruction and practice time using technology, while still having face-to-face teacher support. The rotation ensures equitable access to both online and offline learning experiences. Flipped Classroom 42 Students watch video lectures at home as homework Class time is spent on projects, exercises and collaboration Homework: Watch lecture videos Class time: Projects, exercises, collaboration

1. U.S. lags internationally in K-12
math/science literacy (i.e., test scores)
TIMMS is a test of
math and science
literacy given to K-12
students in the U.S.
and other countries."
2. U.S. lags internationally in STEM
postsecondary degree production
SOURCE: Tapping Americaʼs Potential, 2005"



S. Korea
“China is graduating
more than four times as
many engineers as the
United States”"
- Tapping Americaʼs
Potential (2005)"
3. Trends over time seen as evidence of
falling supply, rising demand
Fewer graduates …
•  Between 1984 and 2007 the number of
bachelor’s degrees conferred rose 43
percent while the total number of bachelor’s
of engineering degrees dropped 15 percent.
–  National Science Foundation
More jobs …
•  Between 2002 and 2012, the number of
jobs in scientific and technical occupations
in California will increase 25-33 percent.
Scary Trends in
Supply & Demand …
“By 2015, if current trends continue,
more than 90 percent of all scientists
and engineers in the world will be living
in Asia.”

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Envision Alachua July 25, 2011
Envision Alachua   July 25, 2011Envision Alachua   July 25, 2011
Envision Alachua July 25, 2011

The document summarizes various accolades and statistics about Gainesville, Florida that position it as an innovative city with a strong knowledge economy. It highlights Gainesville's rankings as a top city for young professionals, education, and job growth. The local universities and research institutions are noted as key drivers of the regional economy in fields like biotechnology, renewable energy, and agriculture.

Immigrationinamericaandthegrowingshortageofhigh skilledworkers-130529093319-p...
Immigrationinamericaandthegrowingshortageofhigh skilledworkers-130529093319-p...Immigrationinamericaandthegrowingshortageofhigh skilledworkers-130529093319-p...
Immigrationinamericaandthegrowingshortageofhigh skilledworkers-130529093319-p...

The document discusses how America's technology industry relies on high-skilled immigrants and faces a shortage of such workers. It notes that many foreign students studying in top US universities cannot stay due to immigration policy. As a result, US companies are prevented from hiring enough high-skilled immigrants and some jobs are moving overseas. The document argues for immigration reform that addresses this shortage and helps US tech companies recruit more high-skilled talent globally in order to remain competitive.

The "E" in STEM: Why We Can't Wait
The "E" in STEM: Why We Can't WaitThe "E" in STEM: Why We Can't Wait
The "E" in STEM: Why We Can't Wait

Our students will face unprecedented global challenges, competition and change. A 21st century education must must these challenges and opportunities. Gregory Washington outlines strategies for success for K-12 educators.

… Lead to Desperate Measures
The U.S. must “double the number
of STEM graduates with bachelor’s
degrees by 2015.”
Defines “STEM”
Follows California Office of Higher Education definition -- by
Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Codes
•  01 Agriculture, Agricultural Operations and Related Sciences
11 Computer and Informational Sciences and Support Services
14 Engineering
15 Engineering Technologies/Technicians
26 Biological and Biomedical Sciences
27 Mathematics and Statistics
40 Physical Sciences
41 Science Technologies, Technicians
NOTE: All data we present for the remainder of the presentation reflects
California data, but patterns are same when you look at national data
Overview of presentation
•  Origins of STEM Concerns
•  A Different View of the Data
•  The Deeper Concerns About STEM
Job growth is projected to be faster for
STEM than for non-STEM jobs. But …
SOURCE: DEED LMI, 2004-2014 Occupational Employment Projections"
STEM = Computer, Agricultural, Life and Physical Scientists, Engineers, Science and Engineering Technicians"
Ten-year growth rate.
10-year rate of growth!

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Innovative Design for STEM Education
Innovative Design for STEM EducationInnovative Design for STEM Education
Innovative Design for STEM Education

The U.S. Bureau of labor Statistics projects STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) related careers will grow to more than 9 million between 2012 and 2022, an increase of 1 million jobs in the 10-year time span. To meet this growing trend, school districts are adopting STEM-based curriculums to better prepare students for the 21st Century workforce demand through the development of specialized skills, critical thinking, and creative problem solving techniques. This session will explore how the recently completed Marysville STEM Academy has transformed the educational environment and discuss the inclusion of public and private partnerships to promote business and industry engagement in STEM education. Diane Mankins, Superintendent, and Kathy McKinniss, Principal, of Marysville Exempted Village Schools, will join Gary Sebach, OHM Advisors’ Director of Architecture, to discuss how a vacant school in the Marysville EVS District was converted into a creative, collaborative, and unique learning environment to support STEM related education

stemstudent-centered learning21st century educational design
NSF IUSE Ideas Lab In Engineering: Provoking Action!
NSF IUSE Ideas Lab In Engineering:  Provoking Action!NSF IUSE Ideas Lab In Engineering:  Provoking Action!
NSF IUSE Ideas Lab In Engineering: Provoking Action!

Dr. Gregory Washington, Dean of UCI’s Henry Samueli School of Engineering, delivers a riveting message to provoke educators in the NSF IUSE Ideas lab to action. The world is changing rapidly, but we still educate the same way. We need a STEM-o-lution!

nsfuniversity of california irvinensf iuse ideas lab
Engineering Cluster PLTW presentation
Engineering Cluster PLTW presentationEngineering Cluster PLTW presentation
Engineering Cluster PLTW presentation

This document discusses Project Lead The Way (PLTW), an organization that prepares K-12 students for STEM careers through technology and engineering courses. It provides statistics on PLTW's middle school Gateway to Technology and high school Pathway to Engineering programs. Key points: - PLTW has over 10,000 students enrolled across 80 middle schools in its Gateway to Technology program. - At the high school level, Pathway to Engineering has grown from 2 schools in 2001 to 96 schools and over 10,000 students in 2011-12 across 59 districts. - PLTW students are more likely to pursue postsecondary STEM degrees than the national average.

engineeringproject lead the waypltw
… not all STEM-related occupations
are growing at above-average rates
SOURCE: DEED LMI 2004-2014 Occupational Employment Projections"
10-year rate of growth!
And, even though it’s faster-
growing, STEM accounts for
relatively few job openings
SOURCE: DEED LMI 2004-2014 Occupational Employment Projections"
Most STEM-related Job Openings
Will Be in IT and Engineering,
Not Science
SOURCE: DEED LMI 2004-2014 Occupational Employment Projections"
Except for IT, Projections Show Supply of
Graduates Outpacing Demand
Source: Degrees awarded—IPEDS, National Center for Education Statistics"
Projected Openings—DEED-LMI, 2004-2014 Occupational Employment Projections

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The document discusses managing high-performing teams in technology projects. It provides guidelines for creating successful teams, including defining goals, providing professional growth opportunities, and ensuring adequate resources. It also discusses managing resistance to technology changes by creating a common environment, training programs, and streamlined processes. This allows for improvements like increased accuracy, communication and productivity while reducing costs. The roles and responsibilities of strategic managers, project managers, and operational managers in team leadership are also outlined.


The document provides an overview of strategic planning. It defines strategic planning as determining an organization's current state, desired future state, and how to get there. The generic strategic planning process involves defining the current state, analyzing trends, defining the future state, analyzing gaps between current and future states, and developing a plan. Key aspects of the process include preparing the organization, conducting SWOT and customer analyses, defining visions and roadmaps, overcoming obstacles, and promoting the resulting plan. The document emphasizes involving stakeholders, being flexible, and reviewing progress.

Mission Statement
Mission StatementMission Statement
Mission Statement

This document provides steps to help individuals discover their core values and create a personal mission statement. It involves identifying top values from a provided list, defining each value, ranking them in order of importance, reflecting on desired relationships and legacy, and incorporating spiritual beliefs to write a concise mission statement. The goal is for individuals to learn who they are and who they want to become by gaining clarity on their guiding principles and purpose.

National Data Shows Similar
Deterriorating Pattern
“Although I know you routinely are told by corporate lobbyists that
their R&D is being globalized in part due to shortages of scientists and
engineers in the U.S., no one who has studied this matter with an
open mind has been able to find any objective data of such general
-- Michael S. Teitelbaum,VP of Alfred P. Sloan Foundation,
testifying before Congress on Nov. 7, 2007
Analysis of the flow of students up through the S&E pipeline, when it
reaches the labor market, suggests the education system produces
qualified graduates far in excess of demand: S&E occupations make
up only about one-twentieth of all workers, and each year there are
more than three times as many S&E four-year college graduates as
S&E job openings.
-- Urban Institute, October 2007
So What Are the Deeper Issues?
•  Not all STEM is equal – current data do predict
significant workforce shortage in IT
•  It is believed that supply of STEM-prepared
students will drive job creation in U.S.
• a “supply side” strategy
Overview of presentation
•  Origins of STEM Concerns
•  A Different View of the Data
•  The Deeper Concerns About STEM
“Supply-side” strategy
Fields of math and science are “strategically critical”
“Losing America’s Competitive Advantage” (2007), AeA
•  “As countries catch up to the United States in science and
engineering and as they diffuse technology to promote
innovation and enhance competitiveness, the possibility
that the next breakthrough technologies will be born
abroad is ever more likely.”
•  “As more countries liberalize capital markets, lower tariffs
and other trade barriers, and pursue less interventionist
regulatory policies, the tipping point in choosing where
to locate the next cluster of innovation will be the
education and skill level of the workforce.”

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This document provides an overview of the important steps for starting a business in California, including preliminary steps like choosing a business name and structure, writing business and marketing plans, and reserving the business name. It also discusses the process of formalizing the legal business structure through incorporation, forming an S corporation, limited liability company (LLC), or general partnership. Finally, it covers obtaining necessary licenses, permits and registrations at the federal level like an employer identification number and requirements with the state Franchise Tax Board and Secretary of State.

Market Opportunity Identification Small-to-Medium-sized Business Deep Dive A ...
Market Opportunity Identification Small-to-Medium-sized Business Deep Dive A ...Market Opportunity Identification Small-to-Medium-sized Business Deep Dive A ...
Market Opportunity Identification Small-to-Medium-sized Business Deep Dive A ...

The document summarizes findings from a market research study on small and medium sized businesses. It identifies key decision makers and influencers for technology purchases as business owners for companies with less than 5 employees and more specialized staff for larger companies. The document also recommends positioning strategies for different company sizes, with easy-to-use solutions targeted towards very small businesses and more comprehensive online solutions targeted at mid-sized businesses. It assessed different segments' technology adoption rates and identified opportunities to attract holdouts and move novice users to larger service offerings.

So What Are the Deeper Issues?
•  Not all STEM is equal – current data do predict
significant workforce shortage in IT
•  It is believed that supply of STEM-prepared
students will drive job creation in U.S.
–  a “supply side” strategy
•  Achievement gaps remain
Achievement Gaps Remain
(U.S. data)
SOURCE: College Board 2006, cited in Urban Institute Report"
So What Are the Deeper Issues?
•  Not all STEM is equal – current data do predict
significant workforce shortage in IT
•  It is believed that supply of STEM-prepared
students will drive job creation in U.S.
–  a “supply side” strategy
•  Achievement gaps remain
•  STEM literacy is important for student success
SF Bay Area “Biotech” Employment

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The document proposes establishing a centralized Customer Marketing Team to better leverage customer references and testimonials across all of Inprise's marketing and sales activities. Currently, the process of utilizing customer success is limited due to minimal staffing, lack of sales and executive involvement, and being too product-focused rather than focused on solutions. The new process would involve a team coordinating all customer activities, understanding the sales process, gaining direct executive involvement, being solution-focused, aligning with marketing objectives, incentivizing customer participation, and having a customer database. The team would include representatives from various departments and work closely with sales, product marketing, PR, and vertical programs. Market Segmentation and Entry Project Market Segmentation and Entry Market Segmentation and Entry Project Market Segmentation and Entry Project

This document provides a market segmentation and entry strategy project for It identifies key market segments like consulting, finance, and legal and recommends a two-pronged entry strategy of targeting individuals and departments from the bottom-up while also positioning BusinessProjects as the platform for enterprise virtual private networks to enter from the top-down. It profiles competitors and identifies BusinessProjects' differentiators as organizing all project materials in one place to smooth boundaries between applications. The document concludes with recommendations to rapidly develop new services through partners and target key decision makers.


The document discusses opportunities and challenges for educational institutions in China. It provides an overview of China's education system and higher education figures. Opportunities include English language training, corporate training, distance education programs, and student exchanges. However, market entry challenges include difficulties obtaining visas, finding partners, and navigating regulations. Joint degree programs with Chinese universities are possible but require an approval process. The educational software and Olympic industries also present opportunities, while non-degree programs have fewer regulations.

Analyze STEM-related Occupations
  Goal: Learn to what degree non-STEM
occupations require math and science
  Used data from O*NET Resource Center
Definitions of the Criteria Used
> Using O*NET we identified occupations that require
higher education
> Included Job Zone >2
•  Job Zone 5
–  A bachelor’s degree is the minimum formal education
required, but many require graduate degree
•  Job Zone 4
–  Most, but not all, require a bachelor’s degree
•  Job Zone 3
–  Most require training in vocational schools, related on-the-
job training, or an associate’s degree
Definitions of the Criteria Used
Then we analyzed occupations
based on the level of math or
science competency needed
•  High Math =
–  Level >4, and
–  Importance >3
•  High Science =
–  Level >2, and
–  Importance >3
Majority of Occupations Requiring STEM
competency are not “STEM jobs”
81 of 208 High Math
Occupations are STEM
64 of 137 High Science
Occupations are STEM

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This document provides an overview of principles for effective language teaching. It discusses three main categories of principles: cognitive principles, social principles, and socio-linguistic principles. For cognitive principles, it examines theories of automaticity of acquisition and meaningful learning. It argues that both are important, contradicting each other, and that meaningful learning which associates new concepts with existing knowledge is key. The document also provides brief introductions to the other principle categories and chapters that will further explore language teaching methods, paradigms, curriculum design, and classroom management strategies.

Leadership As Meaning-Making
Leadership As Meaning-MakingLeadership As Meaning-Making
Leadership As Meaning-Making

The Evolution of the Leadership Principle in the Post-Industrial Era: From Dominance to Meaning-Making

Business Development Operations and Procedures
Business Development Operations and ProceduresBusiness Development Operations and Procedures
Business Development Operations and Procedures

The document provides an overview of ABC Inc.'s five-step partnering process for business development. The steps include: 1) identifying strategic objectives for partnering; 2) developing a partnering plan; 3) selecting alliance partner targets; 4) contacting alliance partner targets; and 5) creating a proposal. Key aspects of each step are outlined, such as determining strategic needs and bargaining chips, selecting partners that meet certain criteria, and designing responsibility lists for contacting targets. The overall process aims to help ABC Inc. effectively identify and negotiate partnering arrangements that meet strategic objectives.

Based on DEED-LMI
2004-2014 Employment
This Relationship Is More Pronounced
When You Look at Number of Jobs
Rate of Growth of STEM Jobs Projected
To Outpace Non-STEM Jobs
Avg. for all
Based on DEED-LMI
2004-2014 Employment
But STEM Jobs Account for Small
Number of Projected Job Openings
Based on DEED-LMI
2004-2014 Employment
STEM Literacy Is Important
•  Highest level of math taken in high school is better predictor
of bachelor’s degree attainment than socioeconomic status is.
–  Clifford Adelman, US Department of Education, February 2006
•  In 2003, about 5 million workers were in occupations formally
defined as science and engineering (S&E). However, today,
13 million said they needed at least a bachelor's degree level
of knowledge in S&E fields to do their jobs.
–  National Science Foundation, Science and Engineering Indicators, 2008
•  “We need to get our kids excited about STEM classes because
the economic currency of the 21st century is math and
science knowledge.”
–  Jack O’Connell, Superintendent of Public Instruction, CDE, November 2007

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Values Game: Establishing Relational Capacity
Values Game: Establishing Relational Capacity Values Game: Establishing Relational Capacity
Values Game: Establishing Relational Capacity

This document outlines an activity where colleagues identify their top 5 personal values from a list in order to get to know each other better and build trust within the organization. Building trust and strong social relationships between colleagues is important for creating an effective work environment and school culture. Participants are instructed to privately select their most important values from a list of words representing common values. Sharing these top values provides insight into individuals' perspectives and starts to build the social connections necessary for generating trust within the school.

Topic6 pptldshp4leadinglearningL70
 Topic6 pptldshp4leadinglearningL70 Topic6 pptldshp4leadinglearningL70
Topic6 pptldshp4leadinglearningL70

Here are a few potential inhibiting factors for why many attempts at school reform fail to achieve their goals according to the article: - Lack of sustained effort and commitment over time. Large-scale reform requires years of focused effort to change teaching practices, but governments and leaders often lose patience or commitment. - Failure to build capacity and engage all levels of the system. Top-down mandates are not enough, reform must engage educators, schools and districts to change practices from the ground up. - Not focusing on the right drivers of change. Some reforms emphasize the wrong strategies like accountability over developing teaching skills. - Complexity of the task. Deep cultural change in thousands of classrooms and schools is an immense challenge that

Neuroscience of Learning-CFC2010
Neuroscience of Learning-CFC2010Neuroscience of Learning-CFC2010
Neuroscience of Learning-CFC2010

This document discusses findings from neuroscience research on learning and memory. It provides 4 negative findings and 5 positive findings. The negative findings are: 1) We have no intrinsic motivation to learn academic material, 2) There is no evidence for learning transfer or multiple intelligences, 3) Memories are completely unstable with each recall, 4) Learning does not improve general intelligence. The 5 positive findings are mechanisms that promote short-term learning becoming long-term, including innate learning programs, repetition of information, excitement during learning, eating carbohydrates after learning, and 8-9 hours of sleep after learning.

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  • 1. GRANT & COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS POSITIONING STRATEGY 2008-12 Carlos F. Camargo, PhD Director of Foundations Relations & Development August 2008 Shelter from the Gathering Storm: Mapping Needs, Aligning Programs, Inspiring Youth
  • 2. Mission Statement The Tech Museum of Innovation is an educational resource established to engage people of all ages and backgrounds in exploring and experiencing technologies affecting their lives, and to inspire the young to become innovators in the technologies of the future.
  • 3. The Tech Museum Envisions …
  • 4. •  Long term commitment •  Maintaining focus •  Capacity building •  Sustainability •  Leveraging resources •  Credibility with stakeholders •  Evaluation and benchmarking of results Educational programming @ The Tech Strategies advancing the support of STEM education and free-choice learning at all levels, K-16.
  • 5. Underserved Populations Title 1 K-12 students Women & Minorities Seniors Rural & Urban Core Supporting STEM STEM Promotion/Advocacy IN-reach via 2nd Classroom STEM Afterschool Programs Teacher Prof Dev Experiential Learning Standards-based Labs Field Trip Services Self-Guided & Web-based Lifelong learning tools In-reach Strategies Integrated Development Community-Based Partnerships Program Innovation & IN-reach ENVIRONMENT-CHOICES PriorityPriority Needs Mapping: The Tech’s Commitment to STEM GRANT STRATEGY & POSITIONING ALIGNED FOR INREACH
  • 6. Regional Outcomes •  Aids students in the mastery of essential mathematics and science concepts; •  Motivates students to pursue STEM-related careers; •  Provides students with real-world tasks and hands-on learning opportunities that encourage career exploration; •  Provides teachers, parents and caregivers with guidelines and resource curriculum materials; and •  Provides teachers, parents and caregivers with assessment strategies and rubrics
  • 8. Overview of presentation •  Origins of STEM Concerns •  A Different Take on the Data •  The Deeper Concerns About STEM
  • 9. STEM Education As we think about the big picture of STEM education, we might ask ourselves… 1.  What are the drivers? 2.  What is the context? 3.  What are the issues?
  • 10. The Drivers 1.  The global, knowledge based economy 2.  The recognition that STEM fields underpin modern life and our standard of living 3.  The need for all students to be STEM literate and the need for STEM experts 4.  The need to build a skilled workforce of problem solvers, innovators and inventors 5.  The need for life long learning
  • 11. The Context 1.  There are too few students who are choosing to study math and science beyond the compulsory school years 2.  This impacts the pool of generic and specialized skills available
  • 12. The Issues: Industry and Academia sound alarms •  “Regrettably, the American K-12 system is failing to provide the math and science skills necessary for kids to compete in the 21st century workforce, and the U.S. higher education system cannot produce enough scientists and engineers to support the growth of the high-tech industry that is so crucial to economic prosperity.” –  “Losing the Competitive Advantage?,” AeA •  “Participants expressed concern that a weakening of science and technology in the United States would inevitably degrade its social and economic conditions and in particular erode the ability of its citizens to compete for high-quality jobs.” –  “Rising Above the Gathering Storm,” The National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
  • 13. 1. U.S. lags internationally in K-12 math/science literacy (i.e., test scores) TIMMS is a test of math and science literacy given to K-12 students in the U.S. and other countries."
  • 14. 2. U.S. lags internationally in STEM postsecondary degree production SOURCE: Tapping Americaʼs Potential, 2005" 50! 100! 150! 200! 250! 300! 350! 0! China
 (2003)! Japan
 (2004)! U.S.
 (2003)! S. Korea (2002)! “China is graduating more than four times as many engineers as the United States”" - Tapping Americaʼs Potential (2005)"
  • 15. 3. Trends over time seen as evidence of falling supply, rising demand Fewer graduates … •  Between 1984 and 2007 the number of bachelor’s degrees conferred rose 43 percent while the total number of bachelor’s of engineering degrees dropped 15 percent. –  National Science Foundation More jobs … •  Between 2002 and 2012, the number of jobs in scientific and technical occupations in California will increase 25-33 percent.
  • 16. Scary Trends in Supply & Demand … “By 2015, if current trends continue, more than 90 percent of all scientists and engineers in the world will be living in Asia.”
  • 17. … Lead to Desperate Measures The U.S. must “double the number of STEM graduates with bachelor’s degrees by 2015.”
  • 18. How the TECH MUSEUM Defines “STEM” Follows California Office of Higher Education definition -- by Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Codes •  01 Agriculture, Agricultural Operations and Related Sciences 11 Computer and Informational Sciences and Support Services 14 Engineering 15 Engineering Technologies/Technicians 26 Biological and Biomedical Sciences 27 Mathematics and Statistics 40 Physical Sciences 41 Science Technologies, Technicians NOTE: All data we present for the remainder of the presentation reflects California data, but patterns are same when you look at national data
  • 19. Overview of presentation •  Origins of STEM Concerns •  A Different View of the Data •  The Deeper Concerns About STEM
  • 20. Job growth is projected to be faster for STEM than for non-STEM jobs. But … SOURCE: DEED LMI, 2004-2014 Occupational Employment Projections" STEM = Computer, Agricultural, Life and Physical Scientists, Engineers, Science and Engineering Technicians" Ten-year growth rate. 10-year rate of growth!
  • 21. … not all STEM-related occupations are growing at above-average rates SOURCE: DEED LMI 2004-2014 Occupational Employment Projections" 10-year rate of growth!
  • 22. And, even though it’s faster- growing, STEM accounts for relatively few job openings SOURCE: DEED LMI 2004-2014 Occupational Employment Projections"
  • 23. Most STEM-related Job Openings Will Be in IT and Engineering, Not Science SOURCE: DEED LMI 2004-2014 Occupational Employment Projections"
  • 24. Except for IT, Projections Show Supply of Graduates Outpacing Demand Source: Degrees awarded—IPEDS, National Center for Education Statistics" Projected Openings—DEED-LMI, 2004-2014 Occupational Employment Projections
  • 25. National Data Shows Similar Deterriorating Pattern “Although I know you routinely are told by corporate lobbyists that their R&D is being globalized in part due to shortages of scientists and engineers in the U.S., no one who has studied this matter with an open mind has been able to find any objective data of such general shortages." -- Michael S. Teitelbaum,VP of Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, testifying before Congress on Nov. 7, 2007 Analysis of the flow of students up through the S&E pipeline, when it reaches the labor market, suggests the education system produces qualified graduates far in excess of demand: S&E occupations make up only about one-twentieth of all workers, and each year there are more than three times as many S&E four-year college graduates as S&E job openings. -- Urban Institute, October 2007
  • 26. So What Are the Deeper Issues? •  Not all STEM is equal – current data do predict significant workforce shortage in IT •  It is believed that supply of STEM-prepared students will drive job creation in U.S. • a “supply side” strategy
  • 27. Overview of presentation •  Origins of STEM Concerns •  A Different View of the Data •  The Deeper Concerns About STEM
  • 28. “Supply-side” strategy Fields of math and science are “strategically critical” “Losing America’s Competitive Advantage” (2007), AeA •  “As countries catch up to the United States in science and engineering and as they diffuse technology to promote innovation and enhance competitiveness, the possibility that the next breakthrough technologies will be born abroad is ever more likely.” •  “As more countries liberalize capital markets, lower tariffs and other trade barriers, and pursue less interventionist regulatory policies, the tipping point in choosing where to locate the next cluster of innovation will be the education and skill level of the workforce.”
  • 29. So What Are the Deeper Issues? •  Not all STEM is equal – current data do predict significant workforce shortage in IT •  It is believed that supply of STEM-prepared students will drive job creation in U.S. –  a “supply side” strategy •  Achievement gaps remain
  • 30. Achievement Gaps Remain (U.S. data) SOURCE: College Board 2006, cited in Urban Institute Report"
  • 31. So What Are the Deeper Issues? •  Not all STEM is equal – current data do predict significant workforce shortage in IT •  It is believed that supply of STEM-prepared students will drive job creation in U.S. –  a “supply side” strategy •  Achievement gaps remain •  STEM literacy is important for student success
  • 32. SOURCE: (67%) SF Bay Area “Biotech” Employment
  • 33. Analyze STEM-related Occupations   Goal: Learn to what degree non-STEM occupations require math and science competency   Used data from O*NET Resource Center
  • 34. Definitions of the Criteria Used > Using O*NET we identified occupations that require higher education > Included Job Zone >2 •  Job Zone 5 –  A bachelor’s degree is the minimum formal education required, but many require graduate degree •  Job Zone 4 –  Most, but not all, require a bachelor’s degree •  Job Zone 3 –  Most require training in vocational schools, related on-the- job training, or an associate’s degree
  • 35. Definitions of the Criteria Used Then we analyzed occupations based on the level of math or science competency needed •  High Math = –  Level >4, and –  Importance >3 •  High Science = –  Level >2, and –  Importance >3 SOURCE: questionnaires.html
  • 36. Majority of Occupations Requiring STEM competency are not “STEM jobs” 81 of 208 High Math Occupations are STEM 64 of 137 High Science Occupations are STEM
  • 37. Based on DEED-LMI 2004-2014 Employment This Relationship Is More Pronounced When You Look at Number of Jobs
  • 38. Rate of Growth of STEM Jobs Projected To Outpace Non-STEM Jobs Avg. for all occupations Based on DEED-LMI 2004-2014 Employment
  • 39. But STEM Jobs Account for Small Number of Projected Job Openings Based on DEED-LMI 2004-2014 Employment
  • 40. STEM Literacy Is Important •  Highest level of math taken in high school is better predictor of bachelor’s degree attainment than socioeconomic status is. –  Clifford Adelman, US Department of Education, February 2006 •  In 2003, about 5 million workers were in occupations formally defined as science and engineering (S&E). However, today, 13 million said they needed at least a bachelor's degree level of knowledge in S&E fields to do their jobs. –  National Science Foundation, Science and Engineering Indicators, 2008 •  “We need to get our kids excited about STEM classes because the economic currency of the 21st century is math and science knowledge.” –  Jack O’Connell, Superintendent of Public Instruction, CDE, November 2007