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Neil Perlin
Hyper/Word Services
Go ing O nline With Style
An Intro to CSS
Who Am I?
Neil Perlin - Hyper/Word Services.
– Internationally recognized content consultant.
– Help clients create effective, efficient, flexible
content in anything from hard-copy to mobile.
– Certified – RoboHelp, Flare, Mimic, Viziapps.
– Working in CSS since 1999-ish.
– Train and consult on CSS for Flare and RoboHelp.
Intro to CSS
Some CSS Basics
Why This Matters
Some Best Practices
Sources of Information

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The document discusses visualizing website designs by sketching out the HTML markup needed to achieve the design. It provides examples of visualizing the HTML structure of existing website designs. It emphasizes designing thoughtfully so the code is easier to write, structuring HTML before styling with CSS. Readers are instructed to take screenshots of 3 website designs, sketch the HTML markup directly on the screenshots, then write out the markup in Dreamweaver for reference. Good design considers users first and uses less markup without unnecessary tags.

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The document discusses Haml and Sass, which are template languages used to generate HTML and CSS respectively. Haml uses indentation and special characters to structure markup concisely while Sass allows nesting, variables, and other features to simplify CSS authoring. The document provides examples of basic Haml and Sass syntax and recommends starting with individual templates, using the proper file extensions, and checking whitespace when errors occur.

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Bliblidotcom - SASS Introduction

This slide will intro you to SASS as CSS Preprocessor. Contains the basic usage and feature that you can see in SASS.

css3preprocessorcss preprocessor
Intro to CSS
What’s a Style?
A named set of properties for a type of content.
– Like H1 style set as 16pt, Navy, Arial, Bold.
» You must apply a style, although your authoring
tool does that for you in certain cases, such as
applying h1 and p for new topics.
» But if you then have to change a property, you
need only do so once, for the style – the change
applies everywhere you applied the style.
What’s a Style Sheet?
A file that contains all (ideally) styles and their
properties for all topics in a project.
Called a cascading style sheet, or “CSS”.
– Like Word’s styles conceptually but:
» An open standard rather than MS-proprietary.
» Separate from the content template rather than a
part of it.
“Cascading” – Definition 1
“Cascade” of three ways to apply styles.
– External – CSS file to which each topic links.
» Highest efficiency, lowest priority.
– Embedded – Stored in topic to which styles apply.
» Middle efficiency, middle priority.
– Inline/Local – Formatting via text formatting
» Lowest efficiency, highest priority.

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This document provides an overview of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) including: - The different ways to apply CSS such as inline styles, embedded styles, and external styles. - Various CSS selectors like tag selectors, class selectors, ID selectors, and combination selectors that allow targeting specific elements. - CSS properties for styling elements with regards to colors, text, margins, paddings, and borders. - The benefits of using CSS including separation of structure and presentation, consistency across pages, and reduced file size compared to only using HTML for styling.

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Introducing Cascading Style Sheets

The document discusses an agenda for a class on CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). The agenda includes learning what CSS is and its importance, understanding CSS grammar and syntax, linking a CSS file to HTML, creating a designer's toolbox, designing a basic webpage with CSS, and commenting in CSS. It also provides examples of CSS code, instructions on adding CSS to HTML pages, and homework of creating a basic webpage and CSS file.

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a markup language used to style and lay out web documents. There are three types of CSS: external style sheets, internal style sheets, and inline styles. External style sheets are ideal for applying styles to many pages, internal style sheets are used for styling a single document with unique styles, and inline styles are applied directly to HTML elements but lose advantages of style sheets.

sheetexternal sheetcss
Definition 1 Example
“Cascading” – Definition 2
“Child” styles inherit settings from their parent
– For example, if Normal style uses Arial and you add
a child style based on Normal, the child uses Arial.
– So the more properties you can define in a parent
style, the more efficient your CSS development.
“Cascading” Example
For example, the
styles under “p”
are child styles
of p.
Changing a
property of p changes that property in all the p
child styles.
A Terminology Issue
Note the presence of
the “body” style.
In HTML, “body” is
the top-level parent
Changing a property of “body” changes that
property for all other styles in the CSS unless
you set those other styles specifically.
So, again, defining global styles at the different
parent levels can produce more efficient CSSs.

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A quick presentation on CSS resets and the benefits vs problems. Also includes a lighter CSS reset option.


This document introduces CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which is used to describe the presentation and formatting of web pages. It discusses the basic tasks of CSS, elements like absolutely positioned elements that control layout, and advantages like easier maintenance and optimization. It also covers CSS rules, properties, shorthand properties, and the different types of CSS like internal, external, and inline CSS.


This document provides an introduction to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). It defines CSS as used to style and lay out web pages, working with HTML. Key points covered include: - CSS allows separation of document structure (HTML) from presentation (CSS). - CSS works with the box model and can control colors, fonts, layout, and other design aspects. - Styles can be defined internally, externally, or inline. External is best for multiple pages. - Selectors identify HTML elements to which styles apply. Types include elements, classes, IDs. - Common style properties covered are backgrounds, text, fonts, borders, and tables. - An example is provided to demonstrate CSS syntax and

Why Use Styles and Style Sheets?
…instead of local formatting?
– Cleaner, simpler code – this:
– Versus this:
<p class=“abc” style=“margin-left: 12px; text-align:
Why Use Styles and Style Sheets?
– Efficiency – Style changes apply across the entire
– Consistency – If all authors use one CSS (correctly),
everyone’s outputs standardize.
– Extensibility – Styles may form the basis for other
processing, like Word file import into a HAT (help
authoring tool).
– The future…
How To Use Styles and CSSs
Create your CSS.
Apply the CSS to all your topics.
– You can apply different CSSs to different topics in
the same project but this is rare.
Then apply styles from the CSS to types of text.
– H1 style to all level 1 heads, H2 to subheads, etc.
– Tedious, but your HAT applies basic styles – H1
and Normal – for you.
Some CSS

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This document provides an overview of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and how to style HTML elements. It defines CSS, explains how CSS works with HTML to style web pages, and provides examples of CSS selectors, properties and common techniques. The document also recaps HTML elements and structure, and outlines learning objectives around basic web design with HTML and CSS.

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This document discusses using CSS classes to style HTML elements with multiple looks. CSS classes allow overriding default CSS styles and can be used to style the same element differently. The key points are: - CSS classes allow styling HTML elements with multiple formats by overriding default styles. - To create a class, add a class extension to the CSS code and specify that class in the HTML element. - CSS class styles will override default element styles. If a class styles an attribute already defined in the default CSS, the class value is used. - Classes provide a way to change default element styling without modifying the base CSS code.

Efficient, maintainable CSS
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Efficient, maintainable CSS

Many web sites have moved away from table based layouts to CSS. But what about the longer term? Is you CSS efficient, maintainable and modular? Find out about taking your CSS to the next level.

Style Rules
Structure of a style rule.
– Selector {property:value;}
» Where property: value is the “declaration block”
» Such as h2 {color: red;}
– Can apply multiple properties to multiple selectors
at once.
» h1, h2 {color: red;} or
» h2 {color: red; font-family: Verdana;} or
» h1, h2 {color: red; font-family: Verdana;}
Multi-Declaration Style Blocks
Multi declaration block styles often look like:
– Selector
– h2
color: red;
font-family: Verdana;
The Box Model
Ever wonder why you sometimes have to use
negative left indents to get list items or images
to align correctly?
Relative Size Units
We’re used to point-based sizes – 72pt = 1” –
from our print experience – familiar and simple.

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This document is a class roadmap for an introductory course on HTML and CSS taught by Jamal O'Garro. The course covers the basics of HTML structure and elements, introduces CSS rules and properties for styling elements, explores CSS positioning and the box model, and provides an overview of responsive design and Bootstrap.

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Intro to CSS
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This document provides an introduction to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and covers key concepts such as selectors, the box model, positioning, and responsive design. It explains that CSS is used to style and lay out elements on web pages and works together with HTML. The document outlines important CSS topics like selectors, properties and values, units of measurement, the box model, display types, flow, floats, and positioning. It emphasizes best practices like using relative units and media queries for responsive designs.

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This document provides an introduction and overview of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for use in RoboHelp. It defines key CSS concepts like styles, style sheets, and the cascading priority of styles. It also covers style types, best practices for CSS development, and troubleshooting issues with pre-RoboHelp 8 lists. The document is presented by Neil Perlin of Hyper/Word Services, an internationally recognized content consultant.

Problems With Points
Points being fixed, are fine for print output but
have two problems in online outputs:
– Text in pts can’t be resized by a browser user.
– Text in pts can’t be resized automatically by a
Instead, use:
– % – Based on the default size of normal on any
given browser – 100%.
– Em – Initially = the height of the capital M in each
browser’s font set. Now = a computed font-size
property for the style it’s based on – aka it varies.
Why Relative Sizes?
An image at an absolute
width in a too-narrow space.
– Note the horizontal scroll bar.
And at a relative width in that
same space.
– No horizontal scroll bar; the
50% width makes a browser
show the image at 50% of
the available space – “relative”.
– In effect, each browser handles
that formatting for you.
And Much More…
Multiple ways to specify colors.
Cool rounded box corners (under CSS3).
Ways to create unnumbered items in numbered
lists as a style.
Ability to add “user notification” (tips, notes,
etc.) icons as a style rather than by using a table.
Ability to insert horizontally aligned graphics
that automatically change to vertical alignment
as the screen narrows.
And so on…
CSS Levels
CSS3 is an extension of 2.
CSS3 is a modularized standard, so different
areas can move faster than others.
– But CSS2 syntax and commands are still valid.

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Rh10 css presentation

This document provides an introduction and overview of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for use in RoboHelp. It defines key CSS concepts like styles, style sheets, and the cascading priority of styles. It also covers style types, best practices for CSS development, and troubleshooting issues with pre-RoboHelp 8 lists. The document is presented by Neil Perlin of Hyper/Word Services, an internationally recognized content consultant.

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Describes the philosophical, programming, methodology, and business standards needed to keep technical communication current in an increasingly technical era.

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This document discusses future-proofing technical documentation work and jobs. It introduces Neil Perlin, an internationally recognized content consultant, and outlines some challenges like unexpected technical changes and the need for content to be efficiently extensible. The document recommends considering the unknown future by setting standards for philosophy, programming, methodologies, and business support. It provides specific recommendations around CSS, templates, validation, and more to help make content adaptable to future changes and tools.

lavaconlavacon 2012developing for the unknown
Why This Matters
How does this affect tech comm? Two ways:
– General project control – again, this
<p> versus this <p class=“abc” style=“margin-
left: 12px; text-align: left;”>
– Responsive design.
Some Best
Some Best Practices…
At a minimum…
– Define your CSS before starting a project and then
» Unless you have to…
– Put all style code in the CSS, none in the topic.
– Don’t change de facto standards like link settings.
– KISS and consider maintainability – the !important
property saga.
– Stay out of the code.
– Document it.
Sources of

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1. The document discusses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which provide a powerful and flexible way to specify formatting for HTML elements. CSS allows sharing style sheets across documents and websites, and defining new HTML elements through style classes. 2. CSS specifications have progressed through levels 1-3, with CSS1 supporting basic styling and newer levels adding features like media-specific stylesheets. CSS rules are applied in a hierarchical manner based on precedence rules. 3. Styles can be specified through internal and external style sheets, as well as inline styles. Class selectors allow defining reusable styles, while ID selectors target unique elements. Font properties, text properties, and foreground/background properties can all be controlled through

Html and css easy steps
Html and css easy stepsHtml and css easy steps
Html and css easy steps

This document provides an overview of cascading style sheets (CSS). It discusses how CSS can be used to specify formatting styles for HTML elements, share styles across documents, define new elements through classes, and apply rules in a hierarchical manner. Specific CSS concepts covered include external and inline style sheets, font properties, text formatting, foreground/background properties, and working with images and floating elements.

CSS Methodology
CSS MethodologyCSS Methodology
CSS Methodology

The document provides an overview of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) methodology. It defines CSS as the language used for implementing designs on HTML documents. It then covers CSS basics including selectors, properties, conflicts resolution using specificity and cascade order. It also discusses the box model which defines how browsers handle rectangular boxes for elements. Finally, it offers some best practices tips such as resetting styles, separating content from design, and planning layout during HTML coding.

Online – W3C at
– Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web (3rd
Edition), Hakon Wium Lie, Bert Bos
– Public classes.
– Vendor classes, like MadCap’s CSS class.
– Other classes, like my RoboHelp CSS class.
Hyper/Word Services Offers…
Training • Consulting • Development
Flare • Flare CSS • Flare Single Sourcing
RoboHelp • RoboHelp CSS • RoboHelp
Single sourcing • Structured authoring
Thank you... Questions?
Twitter: NeilEric

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Spectrum 2015 going online with style - an intro to css

  • 1. GOING ONLINE WITH STYLES: AN INTRODUCTION TO CSS Neil Perlin Hyper/Word Services 2015
  • 2. Go ing O nline With Style An Intro to CSS
  • 3. Who Am I? Neil Perlin - Hyper/Word Services. – Internationally recognized content consultant. – Help clients create effective, efficient, flexible content in anything from hard-copy to mobile. – Certified – RoboHelp, Flare, Mimic, Viziapps. – Working in CSS since 1999-ish. – Train and consult on CSS for Flare and RoboHelp.
  • 4. Contents Intro to CSS Some CSS Basics Why This Matters Some Best Practices Sources of Information
  • 6. What’s a Style? A named set of properties for a type of content. – Like H1 style set as 16pt, Navy, Arial, Bold. » You must apply a style, although your authoring tool does that for you in certain cases, such as applying h1 and p for new topics. » But if you then have to change a property, you need only do so once, for the style – the change applies everywhere you applied the style.
  • 7. What’s a Style Sheet? A file that contains all (ideally) styles and their properties for all topics in a project. Called a cascading style sheet, or “CSS”. – Like Word’s styles conceptually but: » An open standard rather than MS-proprietary. » Separate from the content template rather than a part of it.
  • 8. “Cascading” – Definition 1 “Cascade” of three ways to apply styles. – External – CSS file to which each topic links. » Highest efficiency, lowest priority. – Embedded – Stored in topic to which styles apply. » Middle efficiency, middle priority. – Inline/Local – Formatting via text formatting toolbar. » Lowest efficiency, highest priority.
  • 10. “Cascading” – Definition 2 “Child” styles inherit settings from their parent styles. – For example, if Normal style uses Arial and you add a child style based on Normal, the child uses Arial. – So the more properties you can define in a parent style, the more efficient your CSS development.
  • 11. “Cascading” Example For example, the styles under “p” are child styles (“sub-classes”) of p. Changing a property of p changes that property in all the p child styles.
  • 12. A Terminology Issue Note the presence of the “body” style. In HTML, “body” is the top-level parent style. Changing a property of “body” changes that property for all other styles in the CSS unless you set those other styles specifically. So, again, defining global styles at the different parent levels can produce more efficient CSSs.
  • 13. Why Use Styles and Style Sheets? …instead of local formatting? – Cleaner, simpler code – this: <p> – Versus this: <p class=“abc” style=“margin-left: 12px; text-align: left;”>
  • 14. Why Use Styles and Style Sheets? Plus: – Efficiency – Style changes apply across the entire project. – Consistency – If all authors use one CSS (correctly), everyone’s outputs standardize. – Extensibility – Styles may form the basis for other processing, like Word file import into a HAT (help authoring tool). – The future…
  • 15. How To Use Styles and CSSs Create your CSS. Apply the CSS to all your topics. – You can apply different CSSs to different topics in the same project but this is rare. Then apply styles from the CSS to types of text. – H1 style to all level 1 heads, H2 to subheads, etc. – Tedious, but your HAT applies basic styles – H1 and Normal – for you.
  • 17. Style Rules Structure of a style rule. – Selector {property:value;} » Where property: value is the “declaration block” » Such as h2 {color: red;} – Can apply multiple properties to multiple selectors at once. » h1, h2 {color: red;} or » h2 {color: red; font-family: Verdana;} or » h1, h2 {color: red; font-family: Verdana;}
  • 18. Multi-Declaration Style Blocks Multi declaration block styles often look like: – Selector { property:value; property:value; } – h2 { color: red; font-family: Verdana; }
  • 19. The Box Model Ever wonder why you sometimes have to use negative left indents to get list items or images to align correctly? »
  • 20. Relative Size Units We’re used to point-based sizes – 72pt = 1” – from our print experience – familiar and simple. But…
  • 21. Problems With Points Points being fixed, are fine for print output but have two problems in online outputs: – Text in pts can’t be resized by a browser user. – Text in pts can’t be resized automatically by a browser. Instead, use: – % – Based on the default size of normal on any given browser – 100%. – Em – Initially = the height of the capital M in each browser’s font set. Now = a computed font-size property for the style it’s based on – aka it varies.
  • 22. Why Relative Sizes? An image at an absolute width in a too-narrow space. – Note the horizontal scroll bar. And at a relative width in that same space. – No horizontal scroll bar; the 50% width makes a browser show the image at 50% of the available space – “relative”. – In effect, each browser handles that formatting for you.
  • 23. And Much More… Multiple ways to specify colors. Cool rounded box corners (under CSS3). Ways to create unnumbered items in numbered lists as a style. Ability to add “user notification” (tips, notes, etc.) icons as a style rather than by using a table. Ability to insert horizontally aligned graphics that automatically change to vertical alignment as the screen narrows. And so on…
  • 24. CSS Levels CSS3 is an extension of 2. CSS3 is a modularized standard, so different areas can move faster than others. – But CSS2 syntax and commands are still valid.
  • 25. Why This Matters How does this affect tech comm? Two ways: – General project control – again, this <p> versus this <p class=“abc” style=“margin- left: 12px; text-align: left;”> – Responsive design.
  • 27. Some Best Practices… At a minimum… – Define your CSS before starting a project and then DON’T MESS WITH IT! » Unless you have to… – Put all style code in the CSS, none in the topic. – Don’t change de facto standards like link settings. – KISS and consider maintainability – the !important property saga. – Stay out of the code. – Document it.
  • 29. Sources Online – W3C at Books: – Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web (3rd Edition), Hakon Wium Lie, Bert Bos Training: – Public classes. – Vendor classes, like MadCap’s CSS class. – Other classes, like my RoboHelp CSS class.
  • 30. Hyper/Word Services Offers… Training • Consulting • Development Flare • Flare CSS • Flare Single Sourcing RoboHelp • RoboHelp CSS • RoboHelp HTML5 ViziApps Single sourcing • Structured authoring