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Software Testing
Sajedah abukhdeir
• Introduction
• What is Software Testing ?
• benefits of Software TestingGoals of Testing
• Testing Strategies in Software Engineering
• Types of Software Testing
• Testing Methodology
• Software Testing lifecycle - Phases
• Types of Performance Testing
• Conclusion
• Software Testing is a method to check whether
the actual software product matches expected
requirements and to ensure that software
product is Defect free. It involves execution of
software/system components using manual or
automated tools to evaluate one or more
properties of interest. The purpose of software
testing is to identify errors, gaps or missing
requirements in contrast to actual
• cost-Effective: It is one of the important advantages of software
testing. Testing any IT project on time helps you to save your
money for the long term. In case if the bugs caught in the earlier
stage of software testing, it costs less to fix.
• Security: It is the most vulnerable and sensitive benefit of software
testing. People are looking for trusted products. It helps in
removing risks and problems earlier.
• Product quality: It is an essential requirement of any software
product. Testing ensures a quality product is delivered to
• Customer Satisfaction: The main aim of any product is to give
satisfaction to their customers. UI/UX Testing ensures the best
user experience.

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Software review

A software review is a process where software products are examined by various parties to provide feedback or approval. There are three main categories of reviews: peer reviews conducted by colleagues to evaluate technical quality; management reviews conducted by managers to evaluate progress; and audit reviews conducted by external personnel to evaluate compliance. Common types of reviews include code reviews, inspections, walkthroughs, and technical reviews. The generic IEEE review process involves entry evaluation, planning, preparation, group examination, rework, and exit evaluation to systematically identify defects early in the development process when they are least costly to fix.

Static Testing
Static TestingStatic Testing
Static Testing

Static testing involves inspecting work products like requirements, design documents, and code without executing the code. It aims to find defects early when rework costs are lower. The document discusses static testing techniques like unit testing, integration testing, and reviews. Reviews include inspections - moderated meetings where defects are discussed - and technical and informal reviews with subject matter experts. The goal is early defect detection to improve quality and productivity.

software testingsoftware engineering
Static Testing
Static TestingStatic Testing
Static Testing

Static testing is a software testing method that involves examination of program's code and its associated documentation but does not require the program to be executed. Static Testing Techniques Informal Reviews Formal Reviews Technical Reviews Walk Through Inspection Process Static Code Review

walkthroughinformal reviewstesting
• Unit Testing: This software testing basic approach is
followed by the programmer to test the unit of the
program. It helps developers to know whether the
individual unit of the code is working properly or not.
• Integration testing: It focuses on the construction and
design of the software. You need to see that the
integrated units are working without errors or not.
• System testing: In this method, your software is
compiled as a whole and then tested as a whole. This
testing strategy checks the functionality, security,
portability, amongst others.
• Functional Testing
• Non-Functional Testing or Performance Testing
• Maintenance (Regression and Maintenance)
• White box testing
• Black-box testing
• White box testing
 Knowledge of the internal program design and
code required.
 Tests are based on coverage of code
statements, branches, paths, conditions.
• Black box testing
 No knowledge of internal program design or code
 Tests are based on requirements and functionality.

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A presentation on software testing importance , types, and levels,... This presentation contains videos, it may be unplayable on slideshare and need to download

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Slides from Software Testing Techniques course offered at Kansas State University in Spring'16 and Spring'17. Entire course material can be found at

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Test data
• Requirements study
• Test Case Design and Development
• Test Execution
• Test Closure
• Test Process Analysis
• Testing Cycle starts with the study of client’s
• Understanding of the requirements is very essential for
testing the product.
• Test objective and coverage
• Overall schedule
• Standards and Methodologies
• Resources required, including necessary
• Roles and responsibilities of the team members
• Tools used

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In this presentation you can learn about different types of software testing, new technologies and methodologies. It contains an overview of software testing perspectives.

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The document discusses fundamentals of software testing including definitions of key concepts, objectives of testing, and seven principles of testing. It defines software testing as a process to evaluate quality and reduce risks of failure. Objectives include verifying requirements and validating user expectations. Testing is necessary because humans make mistakes, and testing can help reduce failures. Quality assurance supports proper testing processes. The seven principles are: 1) testing shows defects but not their absence, 2) exhaustive testing is impossible, 3) early testing saves time and money, 4) defects cluster together, 5) beware of pesticide paradox, 6) testing is context dependent, and 7) absence of errors is a fallacy.

software testing
Software testing
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Software testing

The document discusses software development life cycles (SDLC) and software testing. It describes several SDLC models - waterfall, spiral, V, and agile methodology. The waterfall model involves sequential phases from requirements to maintenance. Agile methodology values individuals, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. The document also outlines the roles, principles, and process flow of agile development including user stories, iterations, daily stand-ups, and continuous integration.

test preparationmanual testingsoftware development life cycle
Test Case Design and Development
•Component Identification
•Test Specification Design
•Test Specification Review
Test Execution
•Code Review
•Test execution and evaluation
•Performance and simulation
Test Closure
• Test summary report
• Project De-brief
• Project Documentation
Test Process Analysis
Analysis done on the reports and improving the
application’s performance by implementing new
technology and additional features.
Stress Testing
Volume Testing
Configuration Testing
Compatibility Testing
Regression Testing
Recovery Testing
Maintenance Testing
Documentation Testing
Usability Testing
 In order to be cost effective, the testing must be concentrated
on areas where it will be most effective.
 The testing should be planned such that when testing is
stopped for whatever reason, the most effective testing in the
time allotted has already been done.
 The absence of an organizational testing policy may result in
too much effort and money will be spent on testing,
attempting to achieve a level of quality that is impossible or

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The document outlines an 8 unit course on software testing. Unit 1 covers basics of software testing including human errors, software quality, requirements, correctness, reliability, and testing metrics. Unit 2 covers additional basics like software and hardware testing, testing strategies, and defect management. Units 3 and 4 cover test generation from requirements using techniques like equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis. The remaining units cover topics like structural testing, data flow testing, test case selection, testing processes, and system/acceptance testing. Textbooks and reference materials are also listed.

Role of a Software Tester
Role of a Software TesterRole of a Software Tester
Role of a Software Tester

A software tester is involved in all stages of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). In the requirements phase, they do requirement analysis. In design, they create use cases and draft test plans. In development, they develop test cases and scripts. In testing, they conduct various tests, log results, and write reports. In deployment, they assist with training documentation. In support, they test production issues. Test engineers are responsible for designing test steps and cases, writing scenarios for stakeholders, reviewing cases, participating in test planning, performing functional and non-functional testing, and logging defects. Key skills for testers include a software engineering background, testing tool knowledge, test planning and development abilities, strong analysis,

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Software Testing
Software TestingSoftware Testing
Software Testing

The document discusses software testing, outlining key achievements in the field, dreams for the future of testing, and ongoing challenges. Some of the achievements mentioned include establishing testing as an essential software engineering activity, developing test process models, and advancing testing techniques for object-oriented and component-based systems. The dreams include developing a universal test theory, enabling fully automated testing, and maximizing the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of testing. Current challenges pertain to testing modern complex systems and evolving software.


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Software Testing

  • 2. CONTENT • Introduction • What is Software Testing ? • benefits of Software TestingGoals of Testing • Testing Strategies in Software Engineering • Types of Software Testing • Testing Methodology • Software Testing lifecycle - Phases • Types of Performance Testing • Conclusion
  • 3. INTRODUCTION • Software Testing is a method to check whether the actual software product matches expected requirements and to ensure that software product is Defect free. It involves execution of software/system components using manual or automated tools to evaluate one or more properties of interest. The purpose of software testing is to identify errors, gaps or missing requirements in contrast to actual requirements.
  • 4. BENEFITS OF SOFTWARE TESTING • cost-Effective: It is one of the important advantages of software testing. Testing any IT project on time helps you to save your money for the long term. In case if the bugs caught in the earlier stage of software testing, it costs less to fix. • Security: It is the most vulnerable and sensitive benefit of software testing. People are looking for trusted products. It helps in removing risks and problems earlier. • Product quality: It is an essential requirement of any software product. Testing ensures a quality product is delivered to customers. • Customer Satisfaction: The main aim of any product is to give satisfaction to their customers. UI/UX Testing ensures the best user experience.
  • 5. TESTING STRATEGIES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING • Unit Testing: This software testing basic approach is followed by the programmer to test the unit of the program. It helps developers to know whether the individual unit of the code is working properly or not. • Integration testing: It focuses on the construction and design of the software. You need to see that the integrated units are working without errors or not. • System testing: In this method, your software is compiled as a whole and then tested as a whole. This testing strategy checks the functionality, security, portability, amongst others.
  • 6. TYPES OF SOFTWARE TESTING • Functional Testing • Non-Functional Testing or Performance Testing • Maintenance (Regression and Maintenance)
  • 7. TESTING METHODOLOGIES • White box testing • Black-box testing
  • 8. • White box testing  Knowledge of the internal program design and code required.  Tests are based on coverage of code statements, branches, paths, conditions. • Black box testing  No knowledge of internal program design or code required.  Tests are based on requirements and functionality.
  • 10. SOFTWARE TESTING LIFECYCLE - PHASES • Requirements study • Test Case Design and Development • Test Execution • Test Closure • Test Process Analysis
  • 11. REQUIREMENTS STUDY • Testing Cycle starts with the study of client’s requirements. • Understanding of the requirements is very essential for testing the product.
  • 12. ANALYSIS & PLANNING • Test objective and coverage • Overall schedule • Standards and Methodologies • Resources required, including necessary training • Roles and responsibilities of the team members • Tools used
  • 13. Test Case Design and Development •Component Identification •Test Specification Design •Test Specification Review Test Execution •Code Review •Test execution and evaluation •Performance and simulation
  • 14. Test Closure • Test summary report • Project De-brief • Project Documentation Test Process Analysis Analysis done on the reports and improving the application’s performance by implementing new technology and additional features.
  • 15. TYPES OF PERFORMANCE TESTING Stress Testing Volume Testing Configuration Testing Compatibility Testing Regression Testing Recovery Testing Maintenance Testing Documentation Testing Usability Testing
  • 16. CONCLUSION  In order to be cost effective, the testing must be concentrated on areas where it will be most effective.  The testing should be planned such that when testing is stopped for whatever reason, the most effective testing in the time allotted has already been done.  The absence of an organizational testing policy may result in too much effort and money will be spent on testing, attempting to achieve a level of quality that is impossible or unnecessary.