SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Social Media
Matthew Gerrior @MatthewGerrior
Lead Software Engineer @greanetree
Tweet Button
● Allows users to share your content or tell
their friends about your content without
having to navigate away from your site
● Include your Twitter account in the Tweet
using the "via" parameter, driving people to
visit your Twitter account
● Recommend up to two additional Twitter
accounts that the user may be interested in
Tweet Button

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Gordian Knot Presentation (Help Network)
Gordian Knot Presentation (Help Network)Gordian Knot Presentation (Help Network)
Gordian Knot Presentation (Help Network)

This document contains the HTML code for the header section of a web page. It includes metadata tags like <title>, <meta> tags for description, keywords, and viewport settings. It also links various CSS style sheets and favicon icons.

$DBW Social Amplification in Publishing Webinar v1.5
$DBW Social Amplification in Publishing Webinar v1.5$DBW Social Amplification in Publishing Webinar v1.5
$DBW Social Amplification in Publishing Webinar v1.5

This document discusses strategies for driving discoverability, engagement, and revenue through social media sharing in the publishing industry. It addresses setting up rich pins, Twitter cards, Open Graph metadata and Google+ posts to optimize how content is shared across platforms. The document also covers establishing a social sharing cadence through developing an editorial calendar and daily/weekly posting schedule, as well as identifying different types of content that can be shared, such as images, videos and events. The goal is to treat social sharing as an important event and not something that content can be created for and then forgotten about.

DBW Social Amplification in Publishing Webinar v1.3
DBW Social Amplification in Publishing Webinar v1.3DBW Social Amplification in Publishing Webinar v1.3
DBW Social Amplification in Publishing Webinar v1.3

This document discusses how social amplification can benefit the publishing industry. It explains how platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ use metadata like Open Graph and to understand and share content. Rich pins, Twitter cards and structured data are analyzed to optimize how content shows up on social networks and drives sharing. The document argues this is an opportunity for publishers to engage audiences on social media.

Tweet Button

Make your own:
Embedded Tweets
● Allows you to embed a specific Tweet in any
given page, maintaining the Twitter look and
feel if desired
● Provides the same rich media experience
that users would find in their Timeline
● Allows users to follow the Tweeter, reply,
retweet, and favorite the Tweet all without
leaving your site
Embedded Tweets
Additional Information:
Embedded Timelines
● Embed a timeline of your own tweets, or
those of any public user
● Embed a timeline of your favorite tweets, or
the favorite tweets of any public user
● Embed a timeline of tweets from a list of
users (great for a site that wants to promote
many local businesses)
● Embed a timeline for hashtags or other
search results

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Estudio 34 Presents Social structured data is your friend brighton SEO april2...
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Estudio 34 Presents Social structured data is your friend brighton SEO april2...

Alex Moss Presento El uso de Structured data y la importancia de usar Twitter cards para mejorar el CTR de tus interacciones sociales.

brightonseoapril 2013structured data
Contoh link feed burner yang baik
Contoh link feed burner yang baikContoh link feed burner yang baik
Contoh link feed burner yang baik

The document is a website homepage that provides summaries of articles on various topics. It contains sections for featured news stories, recent posts, and categories of articles. The featured section summarizes two articles, one about free RSS feed submission services and another about proxy caching on the internet. Recent posts summarize an article claiming AW Surveys are not a scam. The site contains social sharing buttons and sections to browse articles by topic.

{Ed1 f5e31 e19d-4bf9-a590-11f6b1bc0bd9}
{Ed1 f5e31 e19d-4bf9-a590-11f6b1bc0bd9}{Ed1 f5e31 e19d-4bf9-a590-11f6b1bc0bd9}
{Ed1 f5e31 e19d-4bf9-a590-11f6b1bc0bd9}

The document provides widgets for an edublog including links to follow the author on Twitter, count down to Christmas, view photos on Flickr, see a map, check the weather and time in Yerevan, Armenia, and create a voice narration using Voki.

Embedded Timelines
Create your own:
Additional Information
/ Customization:
Twitter Cards
● Allow rich media from your website to be
embedded directly in Tweets
● Approval required for specific cards
● Implemented by adding metadata to the
page markup.
Twitter Cards
What is metadata?
Metadata is data about data.
<meta name="keywords" content="HTML,CSS,XML,JavaScript">
Twitter Cards

Summary Card
Large Image Summary Card
Photo Card
Gallery Card
App Card
Player Card
Product Card

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SEO and Social Media for Multilingual and Multidevice Sites
SEO and Social Media for Multilingual and Multidevice SitesSEO and Social Media for Multilingual and Multidevice Sites
SEO and Social Media for Multilingual and Multidevice Sites

This document provides guidance on SEO and social media best practices for multilingual and multidevice websites. It covers setting metadata like title, description and robots tags for search engines as well as Open Graph tags for Facebook. It also discusses Twitter Cards, Pinterest Rich Pins and linking tags for proper indexing of multilingual content. App linking tags are presented for deep linking between mobile apps and websites.

social mediamultidevicemultilingual

This document provides HTML code for adding backlinks from the social bookmarking site to a blog. It includes code for text links and image links in different sizes. Pasting the code into the blog will create links to the bookmarking site that can increase traffic to the blog.

backlinklist backlinkseo
CiL O8: Digital Convervgence & People Apps
CiL O8: Digital Convervgence & People AppsCiL O8: Digital Convervgence & People Apps
CiL O8: Digital Convervgence & People Apps

Digital convergence refers to the integration of technologies and cross-platform compatibility that allows information to be shared across different applications and devices. People apps or social software connect users through widgets, which are pieces of web content that can be embedded and shared on websites, blogs, desktops and other applications. Popular social media platforms and communication tools like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger, IM clients and Second Life allow users to connect across the internet through various widgets and embed codes.

Twitter Cards
Summary Card
● Great for Blog Posts and Articles
● Allows users to preview your content without
having to leave their timeline
● Allows for site and content creator attribution
within the Tweet, increasing number of users
viewing your Twitter Account
Twitter Cards
Summary Card

Twitter Cards
Summary Card
Example Metadata

<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">

<meta name="twitter:site" content="@nytimes">

<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@SarahMaslinNir">

<meta name="twitter:title" content="Parade of Fans for Houston’s Funeral">

<meta name="twitter:description" content="NEWARK - The guest list and parade of limousines with
celebrities emerging from them seemed more suited to a red carpet event in Hollywood or New York than
than a gritty stretch of Sussex Avenue near the former site of the James M. Baxter Terrace public housing
project here.">

<meta name="twitter:image" content="">

Additional Information:
Twitter Cards
Large Image Summary Card
● Similar to Summary Card, but provides more
emphasis on the image
● Requirements are the same as the Summary
Card, except images should be at least
280px wide and 150px tall

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I pv6+at+caribbean+sector
I pv6+at+caribbean+sectorI pv6+at+caribbean+sector
I pv6+at+caribbean+sector

The document is an exported HTML file from Confluence that contains several positive news articles and stories from, including stories about a man climbing the world's 14 tallest peaks, reasons why not making mistakes is a mistake, turning your life into an abundant garden, a "Mr. Happy Man" who spreads love, and a cat saving its owner after adoption.

Microservices: Utilizando o Twitter como Plataforma
Microservices: Utilizando o Twitter como PlataformaMicroservices: Utilizando o Twitter como Plataforma
Microservices: Utilizando o Twitter como Plataforma

The document discusses microservices and how Twitter can be used as a platform. It provides an overview of Twitter's key features including authentication, embedded components for websites, bots and applications, APIs to access Twitter data, and more. It also provides examples of how different Twitter APIs and features can be implemented in applications.

PHP Experience 2016 - [Palestra] Experiências e casos de uso com as APIs Twitter
PHP Experience 2016 - [Palestra] Experiências e casos de uso com as APIs TwitterPHP Experience 2016 - [Palestra] Experiências e casos de uso com as APIs Twitter
PHP Experience 2016 - [Palestra] Experiências e casos de uso com as APIs Twitter

Microservices allow developers to break applications into separate, independent components that perform discrete tasks. The Twitter platform provides various APIs and tools to build applications using microservices, including authentication, embeddable widgets, streaming APIs to access real-time data, and REST APIs to access historical data. It also offers services for customer support, mobile apps, and analytics to help developers build on the Twitter platform.

Twitter Cards
Large Image Summary Card

Twitter Cards
Large Image Summary Card
Example Metadata:

<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">

<meta name="twitter:title" content="Parade of Fans for Houston’s Funeral">

<meta name="twitter:description" content="NEWARK - The guest list and parade of limousines with
celebrities emerging from them seemed more suited to a red carpet event in Hollywood or New York
than than a gritty stretch of Sussex Avenue near the former site of the James M. Baxter Terrace public
housing project here.">

<meta name="twitter:image" content="http://graphics8.nytimes.

Additional Information:
Twitter Cards
Photo Card
● Use when your image should be the center
of attention
● Useful for image sharing sites such as Flickr
and Instagram
● Useful for photography studios or other
businesses where the main content is
Twitter Cards
Photo Card


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This document contains HTML code and CSS styling for a web page informing Zynga players that their account has been banned. The page includes a header with navigation links, an announcement section with styled text explaining the ban, and buttons to view the lobby or purchase chips despite the ban.


This document contains HTML code and CSS styling for a page notifying Zynga players that their account has been banned. The page includes a header with navigation links, content explaining the ban and reasons for it, and buttons to request account reactivation or investigate the ban. Styling is provided for page elements, buttons, and formatting text.


This document contains HTML code and CSS styling for a page notifying Zynga players that their account has been banned. The page includes a header with navigation links, content explaining the ban and providing options to request an investigation or reactivation, and buttons to access the lobby or purchase chips despite the ban. Styling is included to control layout, colors, fonts and positioning of elements.

Twitter Cards
Photo Card
Example Metadata:

<meta name="twitter:card" content="photo">

<meta name="twitter:title" content="Good Morning, San Francisco">

<meta name="twitter:description" content="Great view this morning">

<meta name="twitter:image" content="">

<meta name="twitter:image:width" content="610">

<meta name="twitter:image:height" content="610">

Additional Information:
Twitter Cards
Gallery Card
● Similar to Photo Card but allows you to
display four photos in the Tweet
● Great for Blog Posts or Articles that revolve
around a group of photos
Twitter Cards
Gallery Card

Twitter Cards
Gallery Card

Example Metadata:

<meta name="twitter:card" content="gallery">

<meta name="twitter:title" content="Hack Week">

<meta name="twitter:description" content="A look at Hack Week at Twitter HQ (@twoffice) and all of
our offices around the world.">

<meta name="twitter:image0" content="http://farm9.staticflickr.

<meta name="twitter:image1" content="http://farm9.staticflickr.

<meta name="twitter:image2" content="http://farm9.staticflickr.

<meta name="twitter:image3" content="http://farm9.staticflickr.

Additional Information:

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Introduction to Bootstrap
Introduction to BootstrapIntroduction to Bootstrap
Introduction to Bootstrap

This document provides an introduction to Bootstrap, an open-source front-end framework for building responsive mobile-first websites and web applications. It discusses the basics of web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It then explains what Bootstrap is, how to add it to a website, and how to use its grid system, forms, buttons, and other common elements. Resources for using, customizing and finding additional components for Bootstrap are also provided.

htmltwitter bootstrapcss
World wide web with multimedia
World wide web with multimediaWorld wide web with multimedia
World wide web with multimedia

The document provides information on developing for the web including basic HTML elements like tags, CSS, and JavaScript. It discusses using HTML to lay out web pages with tags, embed multimedia, and control formatting. It also covers designing pages for different screen sizes and devices. Text formatting and layout is covered including using tables to create columns, flowing text around images, and inserting special characters. The document includes code examples for many of these concepts.

10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing in 2024
10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing in 202410 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing in 2024
10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing in 2024

Explore the dynamic landscape of social media marketing in 2024 with our comprehensive presentation. Delve into the top 10 advantages and disadvantages that digital marketers face in leveraging social media platforms. Understand the opportunities for growth, engagement, and brand visibility, as well as the challenges and potential pitfalls that come with navigating the ever-evolving digital ecosystem. This presentation will provide valuable insights and actionable strategies for maximizing the benefits of social media marketing while mitigating its drawbacks, tailored specifically for the needs of Markonik.

social media marketinglead gbest digital marketing agency
Twitter Cards
App Card
● Use to embed mobile app descriptions
directly in user Timelines
● Allow users to spread the word about your
application, driving the number of installs
● Gathers all pertinent information ( # of
reviews, # of stars, etc) from app stores for
Twitter Cards
App Card
Twitter Cards
App Card
Example Metadata:

<meta name="twitter:card" content="app">

<meta name="twitter:description" content="The perfect for grabbing a nearby taxi. Try it by
downloading today.">

<meta name="twitter:app:id:iphone" content="306934135">

<meta name="twitter:app:id:ipad" content="306934135">

<meta name="twitter:app:id:googleplay" content="">

Additional Information:
Twitter Cards
Product Card
● Allow potential customers to view your
products directly in their timeline
● Increased word of mouth about your
● Allow your users to advertise for you

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SEO for Revenue - Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand
SEO for Revenue - Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale BertrandSEO for Revenue - Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand
SEO for Revenue - Grow Your Business, Not Just Your Rankings - Dale Bertrand

Let’s be honest. Improvements in search rankings and organic traffic don’t always translate into sales. Yet, you spend the majority of your SEO resources on driving rankings and traffic. What if you built your SEO content with conversion in mind from the beginning? You’d generate more organic traffic that actually converts into revenue! Join 20-year search marketing veteran as he unveils his framework for developing SEO content with conversion in mind every step of the way ‒ from keyword strategy to content development and publication. Takeaways: Tactics and benchmarks for SEO content that converts in 2024 Page layouts and content formats that convert organic traffic Crafting keyword strategy and calls-to-action for conversion

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BLOG ISSUE 46- Balmer Lawrie Quarterly Gazette
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BLOG ISSUE 46- Balmer Lawrie Quarterly Gazette

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GTM Proposal for a Female Condom Brand Launch In India

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Twitter Cards
Product Card

Twitter Cards
Product Card
Example Metadata:

<meta name="twitter:card" content="product">

<meta name="twitter:title" content="Logo Mug">

<meta name="twitter:description" content="The perfect pick-me-up. Enjoy your favorite blend with this
coffee mug featuring the Twitter logo. Make every work day good to the lastdrop.">

<meta name="twitter:image" content="">

<meta name="twitter:data1" content="$3">

<meta name="twitter:label1" content="Price">

<meta name="twitter:data2" content="Black">

<meta name="twitter:label2" content="Color">
Additional Information:
Twitter Cards
Player Card
● Allows users to view your video content
directly in their timeline
● Can drastically increase the number of
people that your video will reach
● Provides a consistent viewing experience for
all major platforms
Twitter Cards
Player Card


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Digital marketing metrics every one must know in 2024
Digital marketing metrics every one must know in 2024Digital marketing metrics every one must know in 2024
Digital marketing metrics every one must know in 2024

The "Digital Marketing Metrics" PDF by Digital Scape provides a detailed guide to essential metrics used in digital marketing. It explains the importance of metrics in tracking and optimizing marketing efforts, offering definitions, formulas, and examples for each metric. The document covers metrics such as Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), Cost of Acquisition (COA), Click Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate (CVR), Cost Per Sale (CPS), Bounce Rate, and Lead Conversion Rate (LCR). The aim is to equip marketers with the knowledge needed to make data-driven decisions and enhance campaign performance. Learn what is metrics, difference in metrics, different types of metrics and calculation.

digitdigital marketingdigital strategy
Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing
Chandigarh Institute of Internet MarketingChandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing
Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing

CIIM (Chandigarh Institute of Internet Marketing) – ISO:9001 Certified & Google Partner Digital Marketing institute in Chandigarh — was founded by Surjeet Thakur in the year 2010. We specialize in training aspirants in various digital marketing domains such as Google Ads, PPC, SEO, SMM, SEM, Video Marketing, Amazon Marketing etc.

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Mobile Marketing in the form of ppt document
Mobile Marketing in the form of ppt documentMobile Marketing in the form of ppt document
Mobile Marketing in the form of ppt document

Mobile marketing presentation with ppt tag to easily editing and easy to use

mobile marketingmarketmarketing
Twitter Cards
Player Card
Do not:
● Automatically play content.
● Require users to sign-in to your experience.
● Commingle sharing features from other networks inside
your player.
Twitter Cards
Player Card
Example Metadata:

<meta name="twitter:card" content="player">

<meta name="twitter:title" content="Example Video">

<meta name="twitter:description" content="This is a sample video from">

<meta name="twitter:image" content="">

<meta name="twitter:player" content="">

<meta name="twitter:player:width" content="435">

<meta name="twitter:player:height" content="251">

<meta name="twitter:player:stream" content="">

<meta name="twitter:player:stream:content_type" content="video/mp4; codecs=&quot;avc1.42E01E1, mp4a.40.2&quot;"

Additional Information:
Twitter Cards
Deep Linking
Drive users to install your application right from
their timeline.
Allow users to open Tweet content within your
application, directing traffic from Twitter to your
Twitter Cards
Deep Linking

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Fostanak dresses are crafted to make every woman feel like a queen, exuding confidence and embracing her unique beauty. Whether you're attending a special occasion or seeking everyday elegance, Fostanak offers a dress that captures your individuality and celebrates your femininity

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A presentation for the Digital Marketing World Forum by Jessica Redman and Andrew Fox. Discussing how SEO supports across numerous marketing channels and how user search behaviour is changing. Discover how to optimise social media posts for discoverability and learn about Topical Domination.

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marketingdigital marketingsocial media
Twitter Cards
Deep Linking
Twitter Cards
Deep Linking
Example Metadata:

<meta name="twitter:app:name:iphone" content="Example App"/>

<meta name="twitter:app:id:iphone" content="306934135"/>

<meta name="twitter:app:url:iphone" content="example://action/5149e249222f9e600a7540ef"/>

<meta name="twitter:app:name:ipad" content="Example App"/>

<meta name="twitter:app:id:ipad" content="306934135"/>

<meta name="twitter:app:url:ipad" content="example://action/5149e249222f9e600a7540ef"/>

<meta name="twitter:app:name:googleplay" content="Example App"/>

<meta name="twitter:app:id:googleplay" content=""/>

<meta name="twitter:app:url:googleplay" content=""/>

Additional Information:
Like Button
● Allow users to like the page they are on,
useful for blog posts or articles, or allow
users to like your Facebook Page
● Powerful analytics available through
Facebook about user demographics.

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ABM, The True Story - Rob Griffin, G5 Futures
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ABM, The True Story - Rob Griffin, G5 Futures

Account Based Marketing best practices. Learn the ins and outs of successful ABM, demand generation, and B2B digital performance marketing in a post-COVID, privacy compliant, hybrid world. ABM is a marketing approach, a philosophy. It is not technology by itself and not all intent data is created equal. In this Master Class, we will go through the key elements to maximize marketing's contribution to sales from pipeline creation to pipeline velocity. Key Takeaways: What ABM really is, what it can and can't do. How to do ABM more effectively. What you need to do high performance ABM and what you should expect from it.

digital marketingmarketingsales
The Intersection Between AI & Paid Media Management - Curtiss Gulash
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The Intersection Between AI & Paid Media Management - Curtiss Gulash

Lately, it’s been feeling a little Terminator-y out there, huh? But the future of paid media isn’t an employment battle between AI and humans like some believe. Instead, it’s about collaboration and another powerful tool to add to the digital marketer’s tool belt. In fact, the best digital marketers have been integrating AI-elements into their work for years… with one caveat - there’s still an industry professional driving the bus. Join Curtiss Gulash, Director of Paid Media, at Be Found Online, to explore the strengths and weaknesses of AI (as well as humans), and how those qualities can complement one another to develop stronger, more informed, and more efficient paid media campaigns. It’s time to turn and embrace the machine to carve out a path for improving efficiency across your accounts with your new AI companions!

digital marketingmarketingsales
Like Button
Create your own:
Follow Button
Allow users to follow your public updates
without leaving your site.
Create your own:
Follow Button
● Drop-in solution for commenting which
doesn't require users to register with your
site to comment.
● Powerful moderation tools including
blacklisting words, banning users, and
enabling grammar filters.

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The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim
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The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim

It’s been a difficult few years for Facebook Ads due to signal loss from iOS/Firefox/Chrome and the associated loss of ad targeting precision and ROAS. In this session, delve into 100% new high-impact strategies for thriving in Facebook advertising in a world without 3rd party cookies. You'll uncover the top 7 Facebook ad hacks of 2024, all centered around first party ad signal data restoration and how to coax the new default Meta Audience+ ad targeting system to do what you want it to do, each backed by solid results and case studies. Learn how to skyrocket your landing page conversions by 20-25%, how to scale ads like never before, and target niche audiences with strategies that defy traditional norms. Plus, gain insights into critical privacy regulations and how to maintain a full compliance therein.

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Revolutionizing Advertising with Billion Broadcaster Standee Screen Media
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In our rapidly evolving digital landscape, yesterday's strategies simply won't suffice. Join us for a groundbreaking session on revenue based marketing where we'll explore cutting-edge approaches and the latest strategies that can supercharge your digital marketing plans. Discover how to leverage performance-based PR, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing to drive revenue, optimize your campaigns, and achieve measurable results. We'll dive into effective methods for building brand awareness, cultivating deep engagement, driving conversions, and fostering lasting customer loyalty. Prepare to gain fresh ideas, valuable insights, and innovative methodologies designed to elevate your digital marketing efforts to new heights. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your strategy and stay ahead of the curve! Key Takeaways: 1. Advanced Revenue-Driven Strategies: Learn how performance-based PR, influencer marketing, and affiliate marketing can drive revenue and optimize your marketing efforts. 2. Building and Engaging Your Audience: Discover effective methods for increasing brand awareness and cultivating deep engagement with your target audience. 3. Driving Conversions and Loyalty: Gain insights into strategies for driving conversions and fostering lasting customer loyalty to sustain your brand's growth.

digital marketingmarketingsales
● Promotes socially relevant content from
friends and friends of friends, allowing users
to receive more targeted content.
● Allows wide spread distribution of comments
made on your page. Users can interact with
and post additional comments from their
newsfeed when their friends comment.
Build your own:
Like Box
Allows users to:
● View the number of people who liked your
Facebook Page
● See which friends liked your Facebook Page
● View recent activity from your Facebook
● Like your Facebook Page
Like Box
Create your own:

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Paid Media Targeting in a Cookieless Future - Kevin Lee

The continued disappearance of the third party cookie has both targeting and tracking implications for open-web advertising and marketing. We'll discuss where context, identity graphs and first party data are being used to substitute for third-party cookies. We'll also discuss where CTV and other newer media channels are maturing to allow for household or personal targeting. Key Takeaways: Learn how to effectively target prospects and consumers at various stages using a combinations of targeting types across channels.

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CampusEdge offers a comprehensive suite of tools including financial management, human resources, student information, and more. It promotes streamlined processes and data integration. Enhanced efficiency and productivity through automation, data centralization, and real-time insights. Improved decision-making based on accurate data and analytics. Allows for seamless scalability to adapt to the changing needs of educational institutions. Enables consolidation of various functions into a single platform. Initial planning and assessment of requirements. Configuration and customization of the software to fit the institution's unique structure and processes. Comprehensive training programs for staff to ensure effective utilization. Phased deployment strategy to minimize disruptions.

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TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit...
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TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Long Dress Wanita Hijab Simple by Rumah Jahit Azka, Pusat Jahit Langganan Rumah Jahit Azka, Pusat Jahitan Modern Rumah Jahit Azka, Jasa Jahit Berkualitas Rumah Jahit Azka, Model Dress Polos Rumah Jahit Azka, Menerima Jahit Segala Fashion Rumah Jahit Azka Jahit Custom by Rumah Jahit Azka Mekarsari Rt 01 / Rw 05 Kutowinangun, Kebumen Jawa Tengah (54393) Order by WA Owner : 0812–2503–6194 IG @azkalabel_ / @rumahjahitazka / @azkalabel_catalog / @imperriumboutiqueazka / @jahitcustom.azka #bestdresspolos #modeldresspolos #bajudresspolos #jahitbahan #dresscantik #jahitsilk #bridesmaiddress #jahitbagus #dresswanita #rumahjahitazka

Open Graph
Any page can be turned into an object by
adding metadata in accordance with the Open
Graph Protocol:
Specifying objects in this manner allows
Facebook to create a rich user experience
around your content, allowing users to do
things like stream your videos in their Timeline.
Open Graph
Allows for custom actions and objects to be
created by applications.
Allow users to tell a story through their timeline
by taking action on these objects.
Open Graph
Standard Objects and Actions:
Music: Listen, Create a Playlist
Movies & Television: Watch, Rate, Wants to
Books: Rate, Read, Quote, Wants to Read
Fitness: Bike, Walk, Run
General: Like, Recommend, Follow
Open Graph
Allows actions to be tagged with locations,
creating location based posts in the timeline:

Recommended for you

10 Powerful Strategies to Solve Common Payroll Problems in SMEs_.pdf
10 Powerful Strategies to Solve Common Payroll Problems in SMEs_.pdf10 Powerful Strategies to Solve Common Payroll Problems in SMEs_.pdf
10 Powerful Strategies to Solve Common Payroll Problems in SMEs_.pdf

Managing payroll in SMEs can indeed be challenging, but there are several effective strategies to solve common problems. Invest in robust payroll software that automates calculations, tax deductions, and compliance requirements. This reduces errors and saves time.

payroll herbpayroll common problemspayroll
What's an API?
An Application Programming Interface is used
to interact with services such as Facebook and
Twitter to provide additional functionality for
What can be done using APIs?
Build applications that use APIs to make social networking
easier, e.g. Buffer
Provide unique experiences for every user that enters your
site by extracting data from their social networks, e.g.
Books, Movies, etc. More info:

Recommended for you

Thank you:

Contact Information:

All Good Bakers
Cohoes Music Hall
Greane Tree Technology

Matthew Gerrior

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SMBTV Presentation

  • 1. Social Media Matthew Gerrior @MatthewGerrior Lead Software Engineer @greanetree
  • 3. Twitter Tweet Button ● Allows users to share your content or tell their friends about your content without having to navigate away from your site ● Include your Twitter account in the Tweet using the "via" parameter, driving people to visit your Twitter account ● Recommend up to two additional Twitter accounts that the user may be interested in following
  • 5. Twitter Tweet Button Make your own:
  • 6. Twitter Embedded Tweets ● Allows you to embed a specific Tweet in any given page, maintaining the Twitter look and feel if desired ● Provides the same rich media experience that users would find in their Timeline ● Allows users to follow the Tweeter, reply, retweet, and favorite the Tweet all without leaving your site
  • 8. Twitter Embedded Timelines ● Embed a timeline of your own tweets, or those of any public user ● Embed a timeline of your favorite tweets, or the favorite tweets of any public user ● Embed a timeline of tweets from a list of users (great for a site that wants to promote many local businesses) ● Embed a timeline for hashtags or other search results
  • 9. Twitter Embedded Timelines Create your own: Additional Information / Customization:
  • 10. Twitter Cards ● Allow rich media from your website to be embedded directly in Tweets ● Approval required for specific cards ● Implemented by adding metadata to the page markup.
  • 11. Twitter Cards What is metadata? Metadata is data about data. Example: <meta name="keywords" content="HTML,CSS,XML,JavaScript">
  • 12. Twitter Cards ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Summary Card Large Image Summary Card Photo Card Gallery Card App Card Player Card Product Card
  • 13. Twitter Cards Summary Card ● Great for Blog Posts and Articles ● Allows users to preview your content without having to leave their timeline ● Allows for site and content creator attribution within the Tweet, increasing number of users viewing your Twitter Account
  • 15. Twitter Cards Summary Card Example Metadata <!-- Card Type (optional for summary cards) --> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary"> <!-- Twitter Account for Website (optional) --> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@nytimes"> <!-- Twitter Account for Content Creator (optional) --> <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@SarahMaslinNir"> <!-- Title (required) --> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Parade of Fans for Houston’s Funeral"> <!-- Description (required) --> <meta name="twitter:description" content="NEWARK - The guest list and parade of limousines with celebrities emerging from them seemed more suited to a red carpet event in Hollywood or New York than than a gritty stretch of Sussex Avenue near the former site of the James M. Baxter Terrace public housing project here."> <!-- Image (optional) --> <meta name="twitter:image" content=""> Additional Information:
  • 16. Twitter Cards Large Image Summary Card ● Similar to Summary Card, but provides more emphasis on the image ● Requirements are the same as the Summary Card, except images should be at least 280px wide and 150px tall
  • 17. Twitter Cards Large Image Summary Card Desktop Mobile
  • 18. Twitter Cards Large Image Summary Card Example Metadata: <!-- Card Type (required) --> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <!-- Title (required) --> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Parade of Fans for Houston’s Funeral"> <!-- Description (required) --> <meta name="twitter:description" content="NEWARK - The guest list and parade of limousines with celebrities emerging from them seemed more suited to a red carpet event in Hollywood or New York than than a gritty stretch of Sussex Avenue near the former site of the James M. Baxter Terrace public housing project here."> <!-- Image (optional) --> <meta name="twitter:image" content="http://graphics8.nytimes. com/images/2012/02/19/us/19whitney-span/19whitney-span-articleLarge.jpg"> Additional Information:
  • 19. Twitter Cards Photo Card ● Use when your image should be the center of attention ● Useful for image sharing sites such as Flickr and Instagram ● Useful for photography studios or other businesses where the main content is photographs
  • 21. Twitter Cards Photo Card Example Metadata: <!-- Card Type (required) --> <meta name="twitter:card" content="photo"> <!-- Title (optional) --> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Good Morning, San Francisco"> <!-- Description (optional) --> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Great view this morning"> <!-- Image (required) --> <meta name="twitter:image" content=""> <!-- Image Width (recommended) --> <meta name="twitter:image:width" content="610"> <!-- Image Height (recommended) --> <meta name="twitter:image:height" content="610"> Additional Information:
  • 22. Twitter Cards Gallery Card ● Similar to Photo Card but allows you to display four photos in the Tweet ● Great for Blog Posts or Articles that revolve around a group of photos
  • 24. Twitter Cards Gallery Card <!-- Card Type (required) --> Example Metadata: <meta name="twitter:card" content="gallery"> <!-- Title (optional) --> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Hack Week"> <!-- Description (optional) --> <meta name="twitter:description" content="A look at Hack Week at Twitter HQ (@twoffice) and all of our offices around the world."> <!-- First Photo in Gallery (required) --> <meta name="twitter:image0" content="http://farm9.staticflickr. com/8236/8383176221_44f50afaba_b.jpg"> <!-- Second Photo in Gallery (required) --> <meta name="twitter:image1" content="http://farm9.staticflickr. com/8186/8393798794_3a3d27a621_c.jpg"> <!-- Third Photo in Gallery (required) --> <meta name="twitter:image2" content="http://farm9.staticflickr. com/8189/8384260164_511782a797_c.jpg"> <!-- Fourth Photo in Gallery (required) --> <meta name="twitter:image3" content="http://farm9.staticflickr. com/8188/8383177259_f927f13d81_b.jpg"> Additional Information:
  • 25. Twitter Cards App Card ● Use to embed mobile app descriptions directly in user Timelines ● Allow users to spread the word about your application, driving the number of installs ● Gathers all pertinent information ( # of reviews, # of stars, etc) from app stores for you
  • 27. Twitter Cards App Card Example Metadata: <!-- Card Type (required) --> <meta name="twitter:card" content="app"> <!-- Additional Description (optional) --> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The perfect for grabbing a nearby taxi. Try it by downloading today."> <!-- App ID for iPhone App (required)--> <meta name="twitter:app:id:iphone" content="306934135"> <!-- Appi ID for iPad App (required, can be same as iPhone App) --> <meta name="twitter:app:id:ipad" content="306934135"> <!-- App ID for Google Play (required) --> <meta name="twitter:app:id:googleplay" content=""> Additional Information:
  • 28. Twitter Cards Product Card ● Allow potential customers to view your products directly in their timeline ● Increased word of mouth about your products ● Allow your users to advertise for you
  • 30. Twitter Cards Product Card Example Metadata: <!-- Card Type (required) --> <meta name="twitter:card" content="product"> <!-- Title (required) --> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Logo Mug"> <!-- Description (required) --> <meta name="twitter:description" content="The perfect pick-me-up. Enjoy your favorite blend with this coffee mug featuring the Twitter logo. Make every work day good to the lastdrop."> <!-- Image (required) --> <meta name="twitter:image" content=""> <!-- Value of First Additional Detail (required) --> <meta name="twitter:data1" content="$3"> <!-- Label of First Additional Detail (required) --> <meta name="twitter:label1" content="Price"> <!-- Value of Second Additional Detail (required) --> <meta name="twitter:data2" content="Black"> <!-- Label of Second Additional Detail (required) --> <meta name="twitter:label2" content="Color"> Additional Information:
  • 31. Twitter Cards Player Card ● Allows users to view your video content directly in their timeline ● Can drastically increase the number of people that your video will reach ● Provides a consistent viewing experience for all major platforms
  • 33. Twitter Cards Player Card Do not: ● Automatically play content. ● Require users to sign-in to your experience. ● Commingle sharing features from other networks inside your player.
  • 34. Twitter Cards Player Card Example Metadata: <!-- Card Type (required) --> <meta name="twitter:card" content="player"> <!-- Title (required) --> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Example Video"> <!-- Description (required) --> <meta name="twitter:description" content="This is a sample video from"> <!-- Preview Image (required) --> <meta name="twitter:image" content=""> <!-- URL to Player iFrame (required) --> <meta name="twitter:player" content=""> <!-- Player Width (required) --> <meta name="twitter:player:width" content="435"> <!-- Player Height (required) --> <meta name="twitter:player:height" content="251"> <!-- Video Stream (recommended) --> <meta name="twitter:player:stream" content=""> <!-- Video Stream Format (required if specifying a video stream) --> <meta name="twitter:player:stream:content_type" content="video/mp4; codecs=&quot;avc1.42E01E1, mp4a.40.2&quot;" > Additional Information:
  • 35. Twitter Cards Deep Linking Drive users to install your application right from their timeline. Allow users to open Tweet content within your application, directing traffic from Twitter to your application.
  • 38. Twitter Cards Deep Linking Example Metadata: <!-- Name of iPhone App --> <meta name="twitter:app:name:iphone" content="Example App"/> <!-- App Store ID for iPhone App --> <meta name="twitter:app:id:iphone" content="306934135"/> <!-- URL to open tweet in iPhone App --> <meta name="twitter:app:url:iphone" content="example://action/5149e249222f9e600a7540ef"/> <!-- Name of iPad App --> <meta name="twitter:app:name:ipad" content="Example App"/> <!-- App Store ID for iPad App (can be same as iPhone) --> <meta name="twitter:app:id:ipad" content="306934135"/> <!-- URL to open tweet in iPad App --> <meta name="twitter:app:url:ipad" content="example://action/5149e249222f9e600a7540ef"/> <!-- Name of Google Play App --> <meta name="twitter:app:name:googleplay" content="Example App"/> <!-- ID of Google Play App --> <meta name="twitter:app:id:googleplay" content=""/> <!-- URL to open tweet in Google Play App --> <meta name="twitter:app:url:googleplay" content=""/> Additional Information:
  • 40. Facebook Like Button ● Allow users to like the page they are on, useful for blog posts or articles, or allow users to like your Facebook Page ● Powerful analytics available through Facebook about user demographics.
  • 41. Facebook Like Button Create your own:
  • 42. Facebook Follow Button Allow users to follow your public updates without leaving your site. Create your own:
  • 44. Facebook Comments ● Drop-in solution for commenting which doesn't require users to register with your site to comment. ● Powerful moderation tools including blacklisting words, banning users, and enabling grammar filters.
  • 45. Facebook Comments ● Promotes socially relevant content from friends and friends of friends, allowing users to receive more targeted content. ● Allows wide spread distribution of comments made on your page. Users can interact with and post additional comments from their newsfeed when their friends comment.
  • 47. Facebook Like Box Allows users to: ● View the number of people who liked your Facebook Page ● See which friends liked your Facebook Page ● View recent activity from your Facebook Page ● Like your Facebook Page
  • 48. Facebook Like Box Create your own:
  • 49. Facebook Open Graph Any page can be turned into an object by adding metadata in accordance with the Open Graph Protocol: Specifying objects in this manner allows Facebook to create a rich user experience around your content, allowing users to do things like stream your videos in their Timeline.
  • 50. Facebook Open Graph Allows for custom actions and objects to be created by applications. Allow users to tell a story through their timeline by taking action on these objects.
  • 51. Facebook Open Graph Standard Objects and Actions: Music: Listen, Create a Playlist Movies & Television: Watch, Rate, Wants to Watch Books: Rate, Read, Quote, Wants to Read Fitness: Bike, Walk, Run General: Like, Recommend, Follow
  • 52. Facebook Open Graph Allows actions to be tagged with locations, creating location based posts in the timeline:
  • 53. API
  • 54. API What's an API? An Application Programming Interface is used to interact with services such as Facebook and Twitter to provide additional functionality for users.
  • 55. API What can be done using APIs? Build applications that use APIs to make social networking easier, e.g. Buffer Provide unique experiences for every user that enters your site by extracting data from their social networks, e.g. Books, Movies, etc. More info:
  • 57. Thank you: Contact Information: All Good Bakers Cohoes Music Hall SMBTV Greane Tree Technology Matthew Gerrior 518-380-6500