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Social Media And Search Engine
Marketing For Business
58th Annual Convention & Exhibitors' Showcase
Social Media and Search Engine Marketing For Business
About Today…
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•  We’re here to help…
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•  Consultations at your convenience
What We Will Cover
•  How has the Internet changed the way we do business?
•  Your Website as a funnel
•  The Internet Marketing Landscape
•  Determining online potential
•  The convergence of Search and Social
•  Internet marketing in more detail
o  Search Engine Optimization
o  Blogging
•  Social Media as a force multiplier

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7 Ways to Help Amplify Organic Content Reach
7 Ways to Help Amplify Organic Content Reach7 Ways to Help Amplify Organic Content Reach
7 Ways to Help Amplify Organic Content Reach

This presentation is from Affiliate Summit West 2018 (January 7 - January 9, 2018 in Las Vegas). Session description: Do more than just boost your vanity numbers. Get tools and strategies to amplify your reach to get your content in front of more people

Casey Bond Beta_karimzadeh
Casey Bond Beta_karimzadehCasey Bond Beta_karimzadeh
Casey Bond Beta_karimzadeh

This document provides tips for bloggers to make more money through better monetization of their content. It recommends identifying the target audience through analyzing keywords, competitors, demographics and drill downs. Content should be targeted to the audience and provide value to encourage return visits. Monetization techniques discussed include banners, affiliate networks, indirect offers related to content, customization, email newsletters, understanding key performance indicators and goals. Best practices for monetization include placement of text links, using images in creatives, keeping creatives fresh, having a clear call to action and testing.

Leveraging Digital Marketing Tools & Analytics To Fuel Startup Growth
Leveraging Digital Marketing Tools & Analytics To Fuel Startup GrowthLeveraging Digital Marketing Tools & Analytics To Fuel Startup Growth
Leveraging Digital Marketing Tools & Analytics To Fuel Startup Growth

What are the visitors doing on your website, where does your competitor gets customers from, how to increase your social media reach, do you want to know how to easily find answers to these questions. There are a number of tools available mostly free for to do that. Let's learn about them.

startupsanalyticsdigital marketing
How Products Used To Be Purchased
I need a …
Where do I get it?
… Today (In The Internet Era)
I need a …
Where do I get it?
Prospect contact
More Money
Your Website As A Sales Funnel
The Internet Marketing Landscape

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Fusion internet marketing keynote
Fusion internet marketing keynoteFusion internet marketing keynote
Fusion internet marketing keynote

The document discusses inbound marketing as a lower-cost alternative to outbound marketing that helps businesses attract potential customers who are actively searching for their products or services online through search engines, blogs, engaging content, and social media. It emphasizes the importance of search engine optimization, keyword-rich content, and social media marketing to drive targeted traffic and build brand awareness and trust. The document promotes the services of the company to help businesses leverage these online marketing channels through strategic planning, campaign implementation and measurement, and a focus on long-term growth.

Getting Started with Google Adwords
Getting Started with Google AdwordsGetting Started with Google Adwords
Getting Started with Google Adwords

This document provides an overview of Google AdWords, including what it is, how it works, and the basics of setting up campaigns. It discusses how AdWords allows advertisers to reach 66.5% of US web searches and 85% of global searches. The basics of getting started include choosing relevant keywords, creating compelling ads and landing pages, and setting up analytics to measure results. It also reviews features like keywords, ad extensions, campaign reporting and linking analytics to optimize campaigns. The presentation aims to cover the high-level overview in the first week with a campaign setup walkthrough planned for the following week.

google adwordsppcsem
Affiliate Marketing: Maximizing Opportunity By (Really) Understanding How It ...
Affiliate Marketing: Maximizing Opportunity By (Really) Understanding How It ...Affiliate Marketing: Maximizing Opportunity By (Really) Understanding How It ...
Affiliate Marketing: Maximizing Opportunity By (Really) Understanding How It ...

This document discusses key aspects of affiliate marketing, including: 1. The three key players in affiliate marketing are the affiliate/publisher, the merchant/retailer, and the program manager. 2. Tracking cookies are the primary way affiliates receive credit for sales they refer to merchants. 3. Affiliates can maximize their opportunities by understanding affiliate networks, programs, terms and tools to make linking easier.

Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
Search Engine Market Share
Determining Online Potential
•  Don’t let website designers pick keywords
•  Align Content with words customers use
•  Examine competitor’s keywords
•  Position content in the path of prospects
•  Provide clues about prospects’ concerns/questions
•  Facilitates development of content important to
potential customers
Keywords – What Your Site Is About

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Big Audience Decisions SIIA Conference 05 23 14
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Big Audience Decisions SIIA Conference 05 23 14

This document discusses how Meister Media transitioned to using "Big Audience Data" (BAD) to make more informed marketing, sales, and editorial decisions. It defines demographic, behavioral, and contextual audience data and how Meister unified this data across multiple platforms. The benefits of using a unified audience data platform include more targeted campaigns, timely communications, and understanding audience engagement. Examples show how BAD led to decisions with more impact and better results for marketing, events, sales proposals, and editorial content compared to past decisions made without data.

Conversion Rate Optimization: Tools for 2016
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Conversion Rate Optimization: Tools for 2016

The document discusses various conversion rate optimization (CRO) tools for improving website performance and increasing conversions. It describes lead capture tools like Hello Bar and SumoMe that help grow email lists and social followings. Research tools mentioned include Buzzsumo for seeing popular content and LandingPage for landing page inspiration. tests email subject lines. Analytics tools covered are Google Analytics for website tracking and HubSpot Website Grader for performance metrics. The document ends by asking about favorite CRO tools.

Live Webinar: Creating Your First Big Rock Content
Live Webinar: Creating Your First Big Rock ContentLive Webinar: Creating Your First Big Rock Content
Live Webinar: Creating Your First Big Rock Content

It seems everyone’s doing it, but few are doing it well. We’re talking about Content Marketing, of course. So how can you break free from the pack and truly succeed? As a first step, you need to develop Big Rock Content. In this webcast, Jason Miller, Sr. Content Marketing Manager at LinkedIn will walk you through 8 foolproof steps to creating your first Big Rock. Filled with tangible takeaways, this webinar will give you an insider’s look at how the LinkedIn team launches successful content marketing campaigns. What you will learn: - Why and how you should be creating Big Rock Content -Tools for finding the right conversation to own - Strategic tips on how to build the framework for your next content marketing campaign - How one Big Rock can fuel social and demand gen channels for up to a quarter - How to measure and scale the Big Rock strategy

content marketinglead nurturinglinkedin marketing
Social Media and Search Engine Marketing For Business
Twitter Search
Google Alerts
The Ride Thus Far

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Websites & Return on Investment
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Websites & Return on Investment

This presenation gives an overview of where technical buyers are today in utilization of the internet for their research and buying process. It also defines the impact it has had on the sales process and how to design your website for effectiveness with technical buyers. It also discusses how to measure your site's effectiveness and define it's ROI.

roiwebsite developmentwebsite design
Employee-powered Content Marketing for Enterprises
Employee-powered Content Marketing for EnterprisesEmployee-powered Content Marketing for Enterprises
Employee-powered Content Marketing for Enterprises

Content marketing is priority #1 for marketers, but it's hard to scale and remain authentic. Meddle solves this by turning Employees and Subject Matter Experts - who are not marketers - into publishers, and using their social networks for distribution and SEO. It is no secret that employees are more credible and authentic than marketers - and can can vastly outperform traditional marketing efforts in both volume, reach, and effectiveness - as evidenced by research from IBM and Edelman's Trust barometer. However, getting these trusted individuals to create content is a challenge. They are not marketers or professional communicators - nor do they have the time or skills to take on a second job. Key to Meddle is our curation engine which turns content employees already share to their social networks into curated, branded collections that showcase these employees' skills and insights. These collections help build your brand, SEO, and generate leads for your business.

smesubject matter expertcuration
SEO For Business Workshop
SEO For Business WorkshopSEO For Business Workshop
SEO For Business Workshop

When you need a product or service, where do you look first? More and more people are getting leads and referrals from digital sources. With more and more web traffic being driven by smartphones, tablets, and PC’s, there is a growing need for businesses of all sizes, from startup to enterprise level organizations, to engage in Search Engine Optimization. Oftentimes, having a focused online strategy can be the difference between flat sales and business growth.

seodigital marketingdigital strategy
Buyer Persona – What Users Expect
GOAL: Keep visitors on your site, reading content and viewing pages
Sales Personas
1)  Engineer
2)  R&D
3)  Buyer
4)  Sales & Affiliates
5)  Manager
6)  Co-Supplier
HR Personas
7) Employee
8) Applicant
9) Partner
Corporate Personas
10) Community
11) Media
Site Elements Must Satisfy Persona Needs
Social Media and Search Engine Marketing For Business

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Building Intelligent Websites with Drupal
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Building Intelligent Websites with Drupal

The next generation of websites will do much more than manage content, they will integrate intelligence that will help you work smarter. Ever wonder what content resonates best with your visitors, if social media or search engine marketing is the most effective, if your new site design is really making an impact? Maybe you are trying to find the answer to the ultimate web question, what is my ROI? Website intelligence is the key to getting the answers you seek. Next generation websites will integrate data from across the web including analytics, social media and insightful cloud services. They will enable a whole new level of understanding of who is on your website and what they are doing – right down to the individual. More importantly they will help you understand what of your efforts are producing results and which are not. When will this website of the future be here? Then answer is now.

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Intro to SEO
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Intro to SEO

With more and more people spending time online, local businesses NEED to have a website optimized to reach your target audience, and turn them into potential clients. And that’s what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about! SEO includes the techniques and optimizations that make your website more visible to those using search engines (like Google) to find products and services just like yours!

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#FIRMday Manchester 4th March 2020 - Recruitive: Is Your Careers Website Fit ...
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In this session Stephen Day, Sales Manager and Victoria Creamer, Principal Consultant at Recruitive will discuss how to attract the best candidates with a great looking and engaging careers website while retaining essential recruitment functionality. • Is your Careers Site attractive and Engaging for Candidates? • How do you Drive Traffic to your Careers Website? • Is your website optimised correctly for search engines? • Does your website connect to Google Jobs? • Does your website promote and retain your brand? • Does your ATS seamlessly integrate with your careers website?

the firmthe forum for inhouse recruitment managerscandidate experience
Influenced by:
• Quality of content
• Number of followers
• Tweet volume
Influenced by:
•  Number of connections
•  Profile updates
•  Discussions created
•  Popularity of discussions
Search Engine Optimization
•  Title tag
•  Keywords and
•  H tags
•  Content
•  Alt tags
•  Authority
•  Incoming links are
votes of confidence
•  Links from related
pages or sites
•  Related anchor text
Why Links Are Important?

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Social Media Overview
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Social Media Overview

This document provides an overview of social media marketing. It discusses the evolution from traditional advertising to social media marketing. Social media allows for more conversational and grassroots marketing compared to push advertising. The major social network players discussed are Facebook, which is a lifestyle networking site popular among college students, and LinkedIn, which is a professional networking site used more by older professionals. The document provides tips for using social networks and discusses how social media can help businesses through brand protection, market research, sales leads, and driving demand. It promotes upcoming social media workshops from an education center.

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Build The Ultimate Inbound Wesbite by Adrian Lloyd
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The document discusses best practices for inbound marketing and websites. It recommends focusing on the buyer's journey rather than your own process. Content marketing is the top priority for marketers in 2013. Inbound websites can deliver more visitors, leads, delighted customers, and revenue when they are optimized to attract and engage visitors through relevant, contextual content and calls to action. The document provides tips for search engine optimization, social amplification, personalizing content for visitors through personas, responsive design for mobile, and analyzing metrics to continually improve results.

digital marketingwebsiteinbound
•  Social Signals (Author /
Human/Social Authority)
•  Twitter – authoritative people
lend their authority to pages
they tweet
•  Retweets are the new links
General Rule of Thumb
If a company can only survive (or thrive) locally…
…then a portion of the people searching for the company’s
products or services will refine their search using
geographic modifiers
Country, State/Province, City/Town/Village, Zip/Postal Code
Local Search

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William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright and poet who wrote famous plays and sonnets during the Renaissance period in England. He is known for writing tragedies such as Hamlet and Macbeth, comedies like A Midsummer Night's Dream, and histories about English kings. Some of Shakespeare's most famous quotes come from his plays, such as "To be or not to be" from Hamlet and "What's in a name?" from Romeo and Juliet.


This document contains common French greetings and farewells such as "Bonjour", "Bonsoir", "Bonne nuit", as well as questions like "Comment ça va?" and "Comment allez-vous?". It also lists colors in French including "Rouge", "Jaune", "Orange", "Rose", and "Marrron".

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Planering sv b och engb
Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Establish Credibility With Social Media
Create Accounts
(Name Claim)
Participate In
Establish Credibility With Social Media
Create Accounts
(Name Claim)
Participate In



























•  Fans
•  Markets
•  Customers






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Blogs = expert & support SEO
Google Analytics
•  What is it?
o  Website Traffic Measurement & Analysis Tool
•  Where Do you get it?
o  Free
o  Webmaster to install
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Winton House is a historic Scottish estate located 30 minutes from Edinburgh that offers exclusive use of the house and grounds for corporate events. The estate features 8 bedrooms, 11 additional bedrooms on the property, and elegant spaces like the octagon room, library, dining room for up to 84 people, and drawing room ideal for meetings or entertainment. Winton House aims to put fun back into corporate hospitality by providing unusual activities like clay pigeon shooting with a Scottish champion, whisky tastings, dancing, and buffets alongside traditional formal dinners in the beautiful historic setting.

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