SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Landing	Page
What	We	will	cover
• Leads
• Leads	generation	and	Leads	magnet	
• The	funnel
• Conversion	rate	
• Landing	pages
• What	are	the	elements	of	good	landing	page
• Tools	to	build	landing	page
• Questions
In	simple	terms,	a	lead is an	individual or	organization with an	
interest in	what you	are	selling.	The	interest	is expressed by	
sharing contact	information,	like	an	email	ID,	a	phone	number,	
or	even	a	social	media	handle.
Give	an	example	of	potential	leads	for	your	business??
leads	generation	and	Leads	magnet	
• Validation
• Sales
leads	generation Leads	magnet
• Cheat	cheat
• Video	tutorial
• Chapter
• 1	day	recipe
• Report		
• ….
Think	of	what	can	help	you	to	generate	leads	for	your	business?

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The 7 Steps to Small Business Marketing Success Small Business Workshop
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6/11/14 Network Now Hands-On Workshop: The 7 Steps to Small Business Marketing Success. Join Network Now® Premium-level member Judy Habel, Partner, Partner, Crywolf Marketing and Duct Tape Marketing Authorized Consultant, for a hands-on workshop that will teach you why marketing is not only a system—it may be the most important system in any business. Judy will help you understand how to approach marketing for your small business, and will teach you the Duct Tape Marketing System definition of marketing. Put simply, marketing is getting someone who has a need to know, like and trust you. We’ll dive deeply into the 7 core steps that make up the simple, effective, and affordable Duct Tape Marketing System. We’ll also demonstrate why the Sales Funnel is broken and introduce the Marketing Hourglass.

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How SAP Partners can leverage Inbound Marketing to drive sales. Whether selling SAP services, licenses, support, applications or training, SAP Partners need a better way than how it is done today. Written by a SAP Insider, these techniques are the gold standard in getting both existing and potential SAP Customers to come to you. This is how even the smallest SAP Partner can penetrate the most heavily fortified customer.

hanainbound marketingsap partners
The	funnel	and	Conversion	rate
AARRR	Framework
Landing	pages
single web	page	that	appears	in	response	to	clicking on	a	
search	engine	optimized	search	result,	marketing	promotion,	
marketing	email,	or	an	online	advertisement.
Responsive	&	Fast

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This document discusses the importance of landing pages and provides tips for building an effective landing page. It notes that bounce rates for business-to-business and business-to-consumer websites are very high, around 80% and 91% respectively, showing that most visitors leave without doing anything. The document then discusses balancing the need to get customers now with building a long-term digital footprint and domain authority. It provides recommendations for choosing keywords, designing the page for usability and conversions, and getting the first 1,000 customers through various marketing strategies. Lastly, it stresses the importance of ongoing testing and optimization.

Webinar - How to Align Marketing and Sales for Better Demand Generation (FINA...
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This document summarizes a webinar about how marketing and sales can better align for demand generation. It discusses strategies like account-based marketing, using content streams and waves to engage prospects at different stages, segmenting markets, and mapping out buyer matrices to understand decision-making processes. The webinar emphasizes how marketing and sales must work together and use quality data to speed up sales cycles and increase sales velocity. It provides examples of content that can be used at different stages in the buyer's journey from initial interest to readiness to purchase.

How To Create A Marketing System That Sells
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How To Create A Marketing System That Sells

A simple strategy for creating a marketing system that sells. Using a 3 part formula - Your Foundations, Lead Generation and Lead Conversion.

converting customersmarketinglead generation
Elements	of	good	landing	page
• Headline
• Subhead	line
• Feature	graphic
• Social	proof
• Testimonials
• Video
• Call	to	Action
What	about	your	landing	page?
Tools	to	build	landing	page
• WordPress
• Unbounce
• Instapage
• Wishpond
• Leadpages
• Squarespace
• Netlify
• Not	the	cheapest	option
• Slight	learning	curve
• Not	a	tool	for	beginners
• Fully	featured
• Great	templates
• Powerful,	flexible	editor
• Best	A/B	testing	options	among	these	tools
Pick	your	option?
Tracking	your	website	traffic
• Google	Analytics
• Google	AdWords
• Facebook	Pixel
• Hot	jar
• Shorter	links
Basics	on	websites
• Web	hosting
• Domain
• Database
• WordPress
• Cloud

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Digital marketing activities consists of search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing (SMM), social media optimization (SMO), email marketing and any other form of digital media.

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This presentation is from Affiliate Summit West 2018 (January 7 - January 9, 2018 in Las Vegas). Session description: Discuss China as an ecommerce opportunity. Will go over the various affiliate opportunities to access the market and ways to build demand, avoid pitfalls and scale business.

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This presentation was given to an audience of local businesses at the LSA Bootcamp, a one day digital marketing intensive, in Charlotte 7/26/15. For more about the event and for a look at future events visit

online marketinglocal search associationdigital marketing
You	can	find	answer	for	most	of	your	questions	on	Google
Thank	you!

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