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Single tenant software to
multi-tenant SaaS using K8S
By: Igor Seletskiy
Back Story
§ Successful Linux distro for service providers
o That sell shared hosting
§ Started to work on platform to sell Docker
o Added multi-tenancy
o Network isolation
o Resource metering
o billing
Back Story
§ Realized smaller hosts cannot
out-compete AWS/Google
Application hosting?§ Decided to pivot to
Application Hosting
o Wordpress
o Joomla
o ElasticSearch
§ Each app would be a pod
o But we need persistence
• K8s Volumes
Our KD hat with apps
going out of it?
Where do we fit in?
§ We would simplify packaging
o integrate billing
• Prepare signup
o Do user management
o Use k8s to orchestrate
Can we have more fun?
§ Realized there is more interesting case
o Single tenant to SaaS
§ Or “new” way to do SaaS
New way? Huh?
Where are my
§ More like really old way
o Wrong way
• Against all the best practices
So, what is the new way
§Single tenant
o Single instance of application
• Single or multiple containers (pods)
§K8S to orchestrate
SaaS burden
§ SaaS companies have an idea that they love to implement
o Yet, they also have to implement…
• registration
• customer management
• billing
• upgrade procedures
SaaS burden
o They also have to deal with
• scalability
• reliability
• QoS
• backups
Subscription &
Customization &
Scalability &
§ High availability
§ Upgrades
o Rollbacks
o Staged upgrades
§ A/B testing
§ Custom deployments
§ on demand scalability
§ caching proxy
SaaS: Nice To Have
§ Single entity -> small amount of data (10mb?
o easy to deal with
o easy to process
o fast to access
§ Multiply by 10,000x customers
o 100GB to 100T
o Requires advanced database clustering
o costly to access
o waste of resources scanning other’s people data
§ 100,000 customers - petabytes...
Scalability / Data
Sharding at it best
§ Perfect sharding
o single shard / single customer
Shard A Shard B Shard C Shard D
Collection I
256GB 256GB 256GB 256GB
Collection I
1 TB
Large Scale Database HA
mm m m
§ Large clusters are hard
o requires advance knowledge
o requires advance tuning
• support contracts
• high end db admins
Small Scale Database HA
§ Trivial to setup
o easy to maintain
MySQL Master
Clients/Web apps
MySQL Replication
MySQL Slave
Reads and
Only reads
§ If one client generates 1 request per second at peak time
o 10,000 clients could easily generate 2,000 requests per second at peak time
It is a HARD problem to scale a single
application to 2,000 requests per second.
The end of ‘Old’ SaaS
§ Hard to deploy
§ Difficult to update
§ Huge overhead
§ Impossible to manage
The end of ‘Old’ SaaS
Nah, Just Kidding
But we do solve problems
§ Easy to make existing single tenants apps into SaaS
oJust package as a pod (group of pods)
§ Easy to write new ones
oAll the plumbing done
oNo need to deal with lots of data
§ scalability, reliability & high availability
§ customer signup & management
o billing integration
§ QoS
o on demand scalability
o customer separation
§ rolling upgrades
§ a/b testing
for ISV
But what about density?
§ OverlayFS is great
oSaves plenty of memory & IO
§ Container check pointing (future)
oNo tenant activity – checkpoint all the pods
• Bring the back up on first packet for the tenant
o In the right order
Why it wasn’t done before
§ Wrong technologies
o50k VMs are much scarier then 50k containers
oPuppet is great
• no atomic updates
§ OverlayFS is important – saves tons of
§ Some hybrids were done before
But how much would it scale
§ Don’t know yet…
§ Not recomended design for your b2c venture
software with 100M free users
But how much would it scale
§ But it would work for:
oB2B software with deployment of 50k users
• Especially if each tenant needs a lot of data
o 100MB+
Did we ever…
§ Work in progress..
oLaunch in a month
oBilling software (PHP/MySQL) – 5+ years old
• Used by 10K+ companies
• Single tenant application, runs on client’s servers
oHad demand for hosted version
• No resources to re-design
• No resources to automate
What does it take?
oMinor software redesign:
• putting all customizable files into single folder
• Changing setup wizard
• Adjusting licensing process
• Packaging as pod
Total dev time so far < 40h
The End
Thank You
Igor Seletskiy
More info:
§ Scale to more customers just by adding servers
o Limited only k8s scalability
• support for multiple k8s clusters
§ Using native k8s replication & load balancing functionality to
scale for larger customers
Implementable QoS
§ Tenants isolation
o make sure that one tenant never affects other tenants,
no matter what they do
§ Native high availability
§ Issues affects subset of the customers - if any
§ Docker ‘image’ based upgrades
o Roll updates to X% of customer base
• multiple versions in production
• A/B testing
o Roll back updates
o Custom releases for those who need it
All managed using centralized UI
Easy Packaging Provisioning
§ Applications described as YAML
o multi-server, high availability, custom settings…
§ Instantiated using native KuberDock/k8s YAML provisioning
Complex Apps
§ Integrate with common billing platforms
§ Let ISV bill per resources, customers, or other metrics
DevOps & Programmers friendly
§ Fully automated
§ micro-services or monolithic
§ any programming language
§ any DBMS
Resource Management
§ Dashboard on server utilization, peak usage
o allows for planing & scaling
§ Vertical scale out using public clouds (AWS) when additional computing needs
More to come...
§ Provide platform for in-app user management
o dual auth
o facebook/google auth
§ Built in help desk integration
§ build it app monitoring
§ cross customer jobs

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Single tenant software to multi-tenant SaaS using K8S

  • 1. Single tenant software to multi-tenant SaaS using K8S By: Igor Seletskiy
  • 2. Back Story § Successful Linux distro for service providers o That sell shared hosting § Started to work on platform to sell Docker o Added multi-tenancy o Network isolation o Resource metering o billing
  • 3. Back Story § Realized smaller hosts cannot out-compete AWS/Google
  • 4. Application hosting?§ Decided to pivot to Application Hosting o Wordpress o Joomla o ElasticSearch § Each app would be a pod o But we need persistence • K8s Volumes Our KD hat with apps going out of it?
  • 5. Where do we fit in? § We would simplify packaging o integrate billing • Prepare signup o Do user management o Use k8s to orchestrate
  • 6. Can we have more fun? § Realized there is more interesting case o Single tenant to SaaS § Or “new” way to do SaaS
  • 7. New way? Huh? Where are my microservices? § More like really old way o Wrong way • Against all the best practices way
  • 8. So, what is the new way §Single tenant o Single instance of application • Single or multiple containers (pods) §K8S to orchestrate
  • 9. SaaS burden § SaaS companies have an idea that they love to implement o Yet, they also have to implement… • registration • customer management • billing • upgrade procedures
  • 10. SaaS burden o They also have to deal with • scalability • reliability • QoS • backups Multi-tenancy Subscription & Billing Customization & Configurability Scalability & Availability Integration Security
  • 11. § High availability § Upgrades o Rollbacks o Staged upgrades § A/B testing § Custom deployments § on demand scalability § caching proxy § CDN SaaS: Nice To Have
  • 12. § Single entity -> small amount of data (10mb? 10gb?) o easy to deal with o easy to process o fast to access § Multiply by 10,000x customers o 100GB to 100T o Requires advanced database clustering o costly to access o waste of resources scanning other’s people data § 100,000 customers - petabytes... Scalability / Data
  • 13. Sharding at it best § Perfect sharding o single shard / single customer Shard A Shard B Shard C Shard D Collection I 256GB 256GB 256GB 256GB Collection I 1 TB
  • 14. Large Scale Database HA mm m m Apps § Large clusters are hard o requires advance knowledge o requires advance tuning • support contracts • high end db admins
  • 15. Small Scale Database HA § Trivial to setup o easy to maintain MySQL Master Clients/Web apps MySQL Replication MySQL Slave Reads and writes Only reads
  • 16. Requests/Second § If one client generates 1 request per second at peak time o 10,000 clients could easily generate 2,000 requests per second at peak time It is a HARD problem to scale a single application to 2,000 requests per second. APP
  • 17. The end of ‘Old’ SaaS § Hard to deploy § Difficult to update § Huge overhead § Impossible to manage
  • 18. The end of ‘Old’ SaaS Nah, Just Kidding
  • 19. But we do solve problems § Easy to make existing single tenants apps into SaaS oJust package as a pod (group of pods) § Easy to write new ones oAll the plumbing done oNo need to deal with lots of data APP
  • 20. Solve § scalability, reliability & high availability § customer signup & management o billing integration § QoS o on demand scalability o customer separation § rolling upgrades § a/b testing KuberDock for ISV
  • 21. But what about density? § OverlayFS is great oSaves plenty of memory & IO § Container check pointing (future) oNo tenant activity – checkpoint all the pods • Bring the back up on first packet for the tenant o In the right order
  • 22. Why it wasn’t done before § Wrong technologies o50k VMs are much scarier then 50k containers oPuppet is great • no atomic updates § OverlayFS is important – saves tons of memory § Some hybrids were done before
  • 23. But how much would it scale § Don’t know yet… § Not recomended design for your b2c venture software with 100M free users
  • 24. But how much would it scale § But it would work for: oB2B software with deployment of 50k users • Especially if each tenant needs a lot of data o 100MB+
  • 25. Did we ever… § Work in progress.. oLaunch in a month oBilling software (PHP/MySQL) – 5+ years old • Used by 10K+ companies • Single tenant application, runs on client’s servers oHad demand for hosted version • No resources to re-design • No resources to automate
  • 26. What does it take? §Timeline oMinor software redesign: • putting all customizable files into single folder • Changing setup wizard • Adjusting licensing process • Packaging as pod Total dev time so far < 40h
  • 27. The End Thank You Igor Seletskiy More info:
  • 28. EASY SCALABILITY § Scale to more customers just by adding servers o Limited only k8s scalability • support for multiple k8s clusters § Using native k8s replication & load balancing functionality to scale for larger customers
  • 29. Implementable QoS § Tenants isolation o make sure that one tenant never affects other tenants, no matter what they do § Native high availability § Issues affects subset of the customers - if any
  • 30. Upgrades § Docker ‘image’ based upgrades o Roll updates to X% of customer base • multiple versions in production • A/B testing o Roll back updates o Custom releases for those who need it All managed using centralized UI
  • 31. Easy Packaging Provisioning § Applications described as YAML o multi-server, high availability, custom settings… § Instantiated using native KuberDock/k8s YAML provisioning
  • 33. BILLING MADE EASY § Integrate with common billing platforms § Let ISV bill per resources, customers, or other metrics
  • 34. DevOps & Programmers friendly § Fully automated § micro-services or monolithic § any programming language § any DBMS SIGNIFICANTLY SIMPLIFIED DEVELOPMENT
  • 35. Resource Management § Dashboard on server utilization, peak usage o allows for planing & scaling § Vertical scale out using public clouds (AWS) when additional computing needs required
  • 36. More to come... § Provide platform for in-app user management o dual auth o facebook/google auth § Built in help desk integration § build it app monitoring § cross customer jobs