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111 Steps to Building a
Multi-tenanted SaaS in
Eoin Shanaghy
Edappy started with a single-tenanted internal
system, delivering University-level courses
Node.js - Seneca - Express - MongoDB
Dockerised EC2
The job: Make the platform a multi-tenanted SaaS
The Beginning
“This should be easy”

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Dallas Mulesoft Meetup - Log Aggregation and Elastic Stack on Anypoint Platform
Dallas Mulesoft Meetup - Log Aggregation and Elastic Stack on Anypoint PlatformDallas Mulesoft Meetup - Log Aggregation and Elastic Stack on Anypoint Platform
Dallas Mulesoft Meetup - Log Aggregation and Elastic Stack on Anypoint Platform

Dallas Mulesoft Meetup presentation covering the log aggregation options within Anypoint platform as well as integrating Mulesoft with the Elastic Stack for log aggregation and APM.

AWS 고객이 주로 겪는 운영 이슈에 대한 해법-AWS Summit Seoul 2017
AWS 고객이 주로 겪는 운영 이슈에 대한 해법-AWS Summit Seoul 2017AWS 고객이 주로 겪는 운영 이슈에 대한 해법-AWS Summit Seoul 2017
AWS 고객이 주로 겪는 운영 이슈에 대한 해법-AWS Summit Seoul 2017

day2 track1aws summit seoul 20171340
Deep Dive into AWS X-Ray: Monitor Modern Applications (DEV324) - AWS re:Inven...
Deep Dive into AWS X-Ray: Monitor Modern Applications (DEV324) - AWS re:Inven...Deep Dive into AWS X-Ray: Monitor Modern Applications (DEV324) - AWS re:Inven...
Deep Dive into AWS X-Ray: Monitor Modern Applications (DEV324) - AWS re:Inven...

Are you spending hours trying to understand how customers are impacted by performance issues and faults in your service-oriented applications? In this session, we show you how customers are using AWS X-Ray to reduce mean time to resolution, get to the root cause faster, and determine customer impact. In addition, one of our X-Ray customers, ConnectWise, presents a case study and best practices on how it is leveraging X-Ray in its production environment. We also show you how to use X-Ray with applications built using AWS services, such as Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS), AWS Fargate, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and AWS Lambda to achieve the above.

We started to think about Tenant Provisioning.
“How often?”
“How big?”
“How does it relate to the business model?”
“How will we…monitor it, maintain it or deploy it?”
We will have many small tenants. Some
will be just evaluating, at least at first.
They will be spread internationally and
many will use a free tier.
A few will be large, enterprise tenants.
They will take longer to publish their
content but will have many thousands of
students and many, large courses.
Don’t just think production.
How do I run a multi-tenanted
SaaS in development?
What will my tests look like?
How many processes, containers
and VMs will I need to run?
First, share.
Duplicating anything
increases overhead.
Share resources where
Isolate only when required.

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Scaling a Core Banking Engine Using Apache Kafka | Peter Dudbridge, Thought M...
Scaling a Core Banking Engine Using Apache Kafka | Peter Dudbridge, Thought M...Scaling a Core Banking Engine Using Apache Kafka | Peter Dudbridge, Thought M...
Scaling a Core Banking Engine Using Apache Kafka | Peter Dudbridge, Thought M...

Core banking is one of the last bastions for the mainframe. As many other industries have moved to the cloud, why are most of the world’s banks yet to follow? The answer lies in a bank's conflicting needs: correctness and scale - historically achievable using a monolithic application running on a large mainframe. The clock is ticking for the banks as we approach an inflection point where the mainframes become too expensive, and aren’t flexible enough to meet the modern banking consumers needs A simple lift and shift onto the cloud does not work. As we distribute our core processing we spend an increasing amount of time on the network, and race conditions lurk that threaten ‘correctness’ This session explores how Thought Machine’s core banking system ‘Vault’ was built in a cloud first manner, leveraging Kafka to enable asynchronous and parallel processing at scale, specifically focusing on the architectural patterns we have used to ensure ‘correctness’ in such an environment

apache kafkakafka summit
Performance of Microservice frameworks on different JVMs
Performance of Microservice frameworks on different JVMsPerformance of Microservice frameworks on different JVMs
Performance of Microservice frameworks on different JVMs

A lot is happening in world of JVMs lately. Oracle changed its support policy roadmap for the Oracle JDK. GraalVM has been open sourced. AdoptOpenJDK provides binaries and is supported by (among others) Azul Systems, IBM and Microsoft. Large software vendors provide their own supported OpenJDK distributions such as Amazon (Coretto), RedHat and SAP. Next to OpenJDK there are also different JVM implementations such as Eclipse OpenJ9, Azul Systems Zing and GraalVM (which allows creation of native images). Other variables include different versions of the JDK used and whether you are running the JDK directly on the OS or within a container. Next to that, JVMs support different garbage collection algorithms which influence your application behavior. There are many options for running your Java application and choosing the right ones matters! Performance is often an important factor to take into consideration when choosing your JVM. How do the different JVMs compare with respect to performance when running different Microservice implementations? Does a specific framework provide best performance on a specific JVM implementation? I've performed elaborate measures of (among other things) start-up times, response times, CPU usage, memory usage, garbage collection behavior for these different JVMs with several different frameworks such as Reactive Spring Boot, regular Spring Boot, MicroProfile, Quarkus, Vert.x, Akka. During this presentation I will describe the test setup used and will show you some remarkable differences between the different JVM implementations and Microservice frameworks. Also differences between running a JAR or a native image are shown and the effects of running inside a container. This will help choosing the JVM with the right characteristics for your specific use-case!

(DVO306) AWS CodeDeploy: Automating Your Software Deployments
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So you’ve written some code. Now what? How do you make it available to your customers in an efficient and reliable manner? Learn how you can use AWS CodeDeploy to easily and quickly push your application updates. This talk will introduce you to the basics of CodeDeploy: key concepts, how it works, where it fits in your release process, and some deployment strategies to get you started on the right foot. We’ll walk through several demos, going from a basic sample deployment to a live update of a large multi-instance fleet, giving you a sense for how CodeDeploy can grow with your needs.

devopsandy troutman - amazon web servicesreinvent2015
No new hardware.
Before adding any containers or instances,
maximise every bit of existing
Faster start.
Lower maintenance.
More cost effective.
Actually, one new container
There are three ways to isolate tenants’ data.
Document/table per tenant
Collection/Table per tenant
Database per tenant

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[2018] NHN 모니터링의 현재와 미래 for 인프라 엔지니어
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인프라 모니터링을 위한 시스템을 구축하고 운영하는 데 있어, 다이내믹한 인프라 변화는 어려움으로 다가오고 있습니다. 본 세션에서는 인프라를 운영하는 팀 혹은 운영자 관점에서 바라본 미래 지향적 인프라 모니터링 시스템의 방향성과 이를 구현하기 위해 필요한 구성들을 공유하고자 합니다. 목차 1. NHN 모니터링의 현재 2. 모니터링의 변화 3. 모니터링 방법론 4. 모니터링 절차 5. NHN 모니터링의 미래 대상 - 인프라를 운영하는 시스템 엔지니어 - 인프라 모니터링 시스템에 관심이 있는 분

Hands On Introduction To Ansible Configuration Management With Ansible Comple...
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Hands On Introduction To Ansible Configuration Management With Ansible Complete Deck is designed for the upper and mid-level management. Take advantage of the informative visuals of this PPT slideshow to elucidate the application deployment tool. With the help of our intuitive PowerPoint template deck, explain the advantages of the Ansible automation tool. This viewer-friendly PPT theme is perfect to elaborate on the architecture of Ansible software. This is because of the state-of-the-art diagrams that simplify the explanation. Consolidate the characteristics and capabilities of Ansible applications such as configuration management and cloud provisioning. This PowerPoint presentation features an Ansible installation flowchart for an organization. Employ the neat tabular format to compile the differences between Ansible and Puppet. This will assist your organization to implement Ansible and its configuration in an effective manner. Hit the download icon and begin instant personalization.

architecturehands on introduction to ansible configurationmanagement with ansible
DevSecOps : an Introduction
DevSecOps : an IntroductionDevSecOps : an Introduction
DevSecOps : an Introduction

DevSecOps is a cultural change that incorporates security practices into software development through people, processes, and technologies. It aims to address security without slowing delivery by establishing secure-by-design approaches, automating security tools and processes, and promoting collaboration between developers, security engineers, and operations teams. As software and connected devices continue proliferating, application security must be a central focus of the development lifecycle through a DevSecOps methodology.

HTTP - Express - Seneca - Actor - MongoDB
$> mongo test --eval “shellPrint(db.person.find())"
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56563ed8f25f27f90cedeafe"), "name" : "Fred", "age" : 17 }
$> mongo test2 --eval “shellPrint(db.person.find())"
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56563ed8f25f27f90cedeaff"), "name" : "Elizabeth", "age" : 27 }
Seneca already gives you:
pattern-based segregation/partitioning
The explicit version:

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[오픈소스컨설팅] EFK Stack 소개와 설치 방법
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[오픈소스컨설팅] EFK Stack 소개와 설치 방법

EFK Stack이란 ElasticSearch, Fluentd, Kibana라는 오픈소스의 조합으로, 방대한 양의 데이터를 신속하고 실시간으로 수집/저장/분석/시각화 할 수 있는 솔루션입니다. 특히 컨테이너 환경에서 로그 수집을 위해 주로 사용되는 기술 스택입니다. Elasitc Stack에 대한 소개와 EFK Stack 설치 방법에 대해 설명합니다.

F5 BIG-IP: Secure Application and Data Security Services
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F5 BIG-IP: Secure Application and Data Security Services

Finding a cost-effective solution that allows you to rapidly deliver cloud-based applications securely can be challenging. F5 on AWS offers a variety of solutions and licensing options, so organizations can choose the best fit for their business needs. Join our webinar to learn best practices for controlling access for your cloud-based applications. Watch the F5 and AWS webinar to learn how to strengthen your security using strong access control and application-layer firewall services.

data securitycloud securitynetworking
Introduction to Apache Kafka
Introduction to Apache KafkaIntroduction to Apache Kafka
Introduction to Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. It was developed by LinkedIn in 2011 to solve problems with data integration and processing. Kafka uses a publish-subscribe messaging model and is designed to be fast, scalable, and durable. It allows both streaming and storage of data and acts as a central data backbone for large organizations.

apache kafkascalajava
Transparent, in-band context
Within any actor, I want to know which tenant domain
initiated the request.

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[Retail & CPG Day 2019] AWS기반의 Data 분석 플랫폼 구축, 고객사례 (GS SHOP) -김형일, AWS 솔루션즈 ...
[Retail & CPG Day 2019] AWS기반의 Data 분석 플랫폼 구축, 고객사례 (GS SHOP) -김형일, AWS 솔루션즈 ...[Retail & CPG Day 2019] AWS기반의 Data 분석 플랫폼 구축, 고객사례 (GS SHOP) -김형일, AWS 솔루션즈 ...
[Retail & CPG Day 2019] AWS기반의 Data 분석 플랫폼 구축, 고객사례 (GS SHOP) -김형일, AWS 솔루션즈 ...

[Retail & CPG Day 2019] AWS기반의 Data 분석 플랫폼 구축, 고객사례 (GS SHOP) -김형일, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트

2019 DevSecOps Reference Architectures
2019 DevSecOps Reference Architectures2019 DevSecOps Reference Architectures
2019 DevSecOps Reference Architectures

40 DevSecOps Reference Architectures for you. See what tools your peers are using to scale DevSecOps and how enterprises are automating security into their DevOps pipeline. Learn what DevSecOps tools and integrations others are deploying in 2019 and where your choices stack up as you consider shifting security left.

automated securityci/cddevops
The State of DevSecOps
The State of DevSecOpsThe State of DevSecOps
The State of DevSecOps

The document discusses the rise of DevSecOps and its importance for software development. It notes that existing security solutions are no longer adequate due to the speed of modern development, and that security has become a bottleneck. DevSecOps aims to integrate security practices into development workflows to enable continuous and real-time security. It outlines how security responsibilities have evolved from separate teams to being shared among developers, and how tools have progressed from periodic testing to continuous monitoring and automation. The document argues that DevSecOps is necessary now given the costs of data breaches and risks of vulnerabilities in open source components.

devopsdevops indonesiadevsecops
So we wrote…
seneca-context allows you to set or get any data relating
to a single request at any point in the action chain, even
across transport boundaries
createContext Tenant Registry
transport boundary
POST /api/user/auth
seneca-web plugin
Wildcard subdomains first:
* -
Programatically registered thereafter
Tenant Stores
There are hundreds of actors
Each actor has 0..* store operations
How do you avoid explicitly setting the
zone for every operation?

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The AWS Global Network provides a secure, highly available, and high- performance infrastructure for customers. In this session, we walk through the architecture of various parts of the AWS network such as Availability Zones, AWS Regions, our Global Network connecting AWS Regions to each other and our Edge Network which provides Internet connectivity. We explain how AWS services such as AWS Direct Connect and Amazon CloudFront integrate with our Global Network to provide the best experience for our customers. We also dive into how the AWS Global Network connects to the rest of the Internet through peering at a global scale. If you are curious about how AWS network infrastructure can support large-scale cat photo distribution or how Internet routing works, this session answers those questions. Please join us for a speaker meet-and-greet following this session at the Speaker Lounge (ARIA East, Level 1, Willow Lounge). The meet-and-greet starts 15 minutes after the session and runs for half an hour.

Introduction to DevOps slides.pdf
Introduction to DevOps slides.pdfIntroduction to DevOps slides.pdf
Introduction to DevOps slides.pdf

This document provides an introduction and overview of DevOps concepts and practices. It discusses how DevOps seeks to resolve the core conflict between development needs to deploy new features quickly and operations needs to keep systems running stably. The document outlines some key DevOps concepts like breaking down silos between development and operations, enabling collaboration across teams, integrating tooling and automating processes to allow for faster and more reliable software releases. It also discusses how DevOps aims to better align IT capabilities with business needs like continuously delivering value to customers through software.

eWizard e-book
eWizard e-bookeWizard e-book
eWizard e-book

E-detailing software

Write another Seneca plugin
Use seneca.wrap
Intercept all entity actions
Look up the zone/context if not already set
Provision the DB, if not already done
Configure the store plugin
Set the zone and call seneca.prior
Other parts of the story

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You’ve Only Got Two Eyeballs: Designing Products for the Responsive Web
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You’ve Only Got Two Eyeballs: Designing Products for the Responsive Web

People expect to access and use the products that they love everywhere that they go. With an ever-increasing number of different smartphones, tablets, computers, wearables, and televisions that allow us to view websites, this makes our jobs as interactive designers even more challenging. Are you helping them focus on what they really need to get done, on the devices where they need that functionality the most? In this workshop from HOW Design Live 2016, which was led by David Sherwin and Drew Bridewell with about 250 people, we shared techniques to help teams: ● Prioritize what product features will have the most value for your users across smartphone, tablet, desktop, TV, wearables, and other devices—so you’re investing your time and energy into the right features in the right places ● Validate your product assumptions and hypotheses through paper and digital prototypes, so you can start building those features intelligently ● Plan the implementation of your product features for development in a modular, componentized manner that makes them easier to test and scale Along with workshop activities rooted in the above techniques, we shared how we used similar approaches in a redesign of the learning experience of as a responsive web product.

product designweb designuser experience
E book personal core values, belief and brand
E book personal core values, belief and brandE book personal core values, belief and brand
E book personal core values, belief and brand

The document discusses the importance of emotional intelligence for achieving success. It states that while academic qualifications are important, emotional intelligence such as empathy, self-awareness and self-control are even more important. Developing emotional intelligence helps one maintain good relationships with others and gain their trust and support, which are essential for success. It also argues that one can be highly qualified but lack success if their emotional intelligence is poor as they will be unable to motivate and inspire people. Overall, the key message is that academic achievements alone are not sufficient for success and that developing strong emotional intelligence is equally or more important.

Customer engagement in pharmaceutical communication
Customer engagement in pharmaceutical communicationCustomer engagement in pharmaceutical communication
Customer engagement in pharmaceutical communication

The document discusses components of an effective sales enablement solution, including real-time information, connectivity, and a good user experience. It also discusses using customer insights to increase engagement digitally through a cost-effective strategy that combines traditional and digital approaches. The document promotes an eDetailing cloud product called eWizard that allows brand and product managers to create and share content like presentations with no programming skills needed in around 2-3 hours of creation time and 30 minutes of editing on average.

clmclosed loop marketingewizard
Don’t create or read any tenant-specific data on init
Tenant Provisioning
Register a tenant record
Create external resources (bucket)
Configure database
Approximately $0 cost
Integration Testing
At least one instance of each service
At least two tenants
Clean database per suite
Docker Compose
Each test begins outside the app boundary (SuperTest)
Seneca test actions to perform setup/teardown
We use ELK for aggregated logs across containers and
Log and index tenant ID

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Participatory Design: Bringing Users Into Your Process

Good user research has a big impact on product quality. But Agile teams can struggle to integrate user research at the right places. In this talk by Erin Muntzert and David Sherwin, we talk about how Participatory Design can help Agile teams better understand the needs of their customers and get the right design ideas into their products. This talk has been adapted from a workshop that we have delivered at UX Week, Interaction, and UX London:

user experienceproduct designproduct strategy
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Read this week's top 5 news updates in deep learning and AI: Gartner predicts top 10 strategic technology trends for 2018; Oracle adds GPU Accelerated Computing to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure; chemistry and physics Nobel Prizes are awarded to teams supported by GPUs; MIT uses deep learning to help guide decisions in ICU; and portfolio management firms are using AI to seek alpha.

aiartificial intelligencedeep learning
Up to a point, adding instances, containers is okay
Large, high value tenants warrant dedicated resources
Limit tenant-specific resources per app instance (DB
connections, etc.)
Explicit/Manual, Mesos, Kubernetes

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