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Multi-Tier, Multi-Tenant, Multi-Problem Kafka
SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Todd Palino
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Who Am I?
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What Will We Talk About?
 Multi-Tenant Pipelines
 Multi-Tier Architecture
 Why I Drink Interesting Problems
 Conclusion

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Apache kafka
Apache kafkaApache kafka
Apache kafka

Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system that allows both streaming and storage of data feeds. It is designed to be fast, scalable, durable, and fault-tolerant. Kafka maintains feeds of messages called topics that can be published to by producers and subscribed to by consumers. A Kafka cluster typically runs on multiple servers called brokers that store topics which may be partitioned and replicated for fault tolerance. Producers publish messages to topics which are distributed to consumers through consumer groups that balance load.

Introduction to Kafka Cruise Control
Introduction to Kafka Cruise ControlIntroduction to Kafka Cruise Control
Introduction to Kafka Cruise Control

An introduction to Kafka cruise control which performs dynamic workload balancing for Kafka clusters.

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Exactly-once Semantics in Apache Kafka
Exactly-once Semantics in Apache KafkaExactly-once Semantics in Apache Kafka
Exactly-once Semantics in Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka's rise in popularity as a streaming platform has demanded a revisit of its traditional at-least-once message delivery semantics. In this talk, we present the recent additions to Kafka to achieve exactly-once semantics (EoS) including support for idempotence and transactions in the Kafka clients. The main focus will be the specific semantics that Kafka distributed transactions enable and the underlying mechanics which allow them to scale efficiently.

apache kafkasemanticsexactly-once
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Multi-Tenant Pipelines
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Tracking and Data Deployment
 Tracking – Data going to HDFS
 Data Deployment – Hadoop job results going to online applications
 Many shared topics
 Schemas require a common header
 All message counts are audited
 Special Problems
– Hard to tell what application is dropping messages
– Some of these messages are copied 42 times!
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 Application and OS metrics
 Deployment and build system events
 Service calls – sampling of timing information for individual application calls
 Some application logs
 Special Problems
– Every server in the datacenter produces to this cluster at least twice
– Graphing/Alerting system consumes the metrics 20 times
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 Application logging messages destined for ELK clusters
 Lower retention than other clusters
 Loosest restrictions on message schema and encoding
 Special Problems
– Not many – it’s still overprovisioned
– Customers starting to ask about aggregation

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Producer Performance Tuning for Apache Kafka
Producer Performance Tuning for Apache KafkaProducer Performance Tuning for Apache Kafka
Producer Performance Tuning for Apache Kafka

Kafka is well known for high throughput ingestion. However, to get the best latency characteristics without compromising on throughput and durability, we need to tune Kafka. In this talk, we share our experiences to achieve the optimal combination of latency, throughput and durability for different scenarios.

Stream processing using Kafka
Stream processing using KafkaStream processing using Kafka
Stream processing using Kafka

A brief introduction to Apache Kafka and describe its usage as a platform for streaming data. It will introduce some of the newer components of Kafka that will help make this possible, including Kafka Connect, a framework for capturing continuous data streams, and Kafka Streams, a lightweight stream processing library.

Introduction to Kafka connect
Introduction to Kafka connectIntroduction to Kafka connect
Introduction to Kafka connect

It covers a brief introduction to Apache Kafka Connect, giving insights about its benefits,use cases, motivation behind building Kafka Connect.And also a short discussion on its architecture.

apache kafkakafka connectapache kafka connect
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 Everything else
 Primarily messages internal to applications
 Also emails and user messaging
 Messages are Avro encoded, but do not require headers
 Special Problems:
– Many messages which use unregistered schemas
– Clusters can have very high message rates (but not large data)
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Special Case Clusters
 Not all use cases fit multi-tenancy
– Custom configurations that are needed
– Tighter performance guarantees
– Use of topic deletion
 Espresso (KV store) internal replication
 Brooklin – Change capture
 Replication from Hadoop to Voldemort
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Tiered Cluster Architecture
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One Kafka Cluster

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Apache Kafka Architecture & Fundamentals Explained
Apache Kafka Architecture & Fundamentals ExplainedApache Kafka Architecture & Fundamentals Explained
Apache Kafka Architecture & Fundamentals Explained

Watch this talk here: This session explains Apache Kafka’s internal design and architecture. Companies like LinkedIn are now sending more than 1 trillion messages per day to Apache Kafka. Learn about the underlying design in Kafka that leads to such high throughput. This talk provides a comprehensive overview of Kafka architecture and internal functions, including: -Topics, partitions and segments -The commit log and streams -Brokers and broker replication -Producer basics -Consumers, consumer groups and offsets This session is part 2 of 4 in our Fundamentals for Apache Kafka series.

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Introduction to Kafka Streams
Introduction to Kafka StreamsIntroduction to Kafka Streams
Introduction to Kafka Streams

Kafka Streams is a new stream processing library natively integrated with Kafka. It has a very low barrier to entry, easy operationalization, and a natural DSL for writing stream processing applications. As such it is the most convenient yet scalable option to analyze, transform, or otherwise process data that is backed by Kafka. We will provide the audience with an overview of Kafka Streams including its design and API, typical use cases, code examples, and an outlook of its upcoming roadmap. We will also compare Kafka Streams' light-weight library approach with heavier, framework-based tools such as Spark Streaming or Storm, which require you to understand and operate a whole different infrastructure for processing real-time data in Kafka.

stream processingkafka
Kafka basics
Kafka basicsKafka basics
Kafka basics

Kafka is an open-source message broker that provides high-throughput and low-latency data processing. It uses a distributed commit log to store messages in categories called topics. Processes that publish messages are producers, while processes that subscribe to topics are consumers. Consumers can belong to consumer groups for parallel processing. Kafka guarantees order and no lost messages. It uses Zookeeper for metadata and coordination.

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Multiple Clusters – Message Aggregation
SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Why Not Direct?
 Network Concerns
– Bandwidth
– Network partitioning
– Latency
 Security Concerns
– Firewalls and ACLs
– Encrypting data in transit
 Resource Concerns
– A misbehaving application can swamp production resources
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What Do We Lose?
 You may lose message ordering
– Mirror maker breaks apart message batches and redistributes them
 You may lose key to partition affinity
– Mirror maker will partition based on the key
– Differing partition counts in source and target will result in differing distribution
– Mirror maker does not (without work) honor custom partitioning
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Aggregation Rules
 Aggregate clusters are only for consuming messages
– Producing to an aggregate cluster is not allowed
– This assures all aggregate clusters have the same content
 Not every topic appears in PROD aggregate-tracking clusters
– Trying to discourage aggregate cluster usage in PROD
– All topics are available in CORP
 Aggregate-queuing is whitelist only and very restricted
– Please discuss your use case with us before developing

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Kafka Tutorial - introduction to the Kafka streaming platform
Kafka Tutorial - introduction to the Kafka streaming platformKafka Tutorial - introduction to the Kafka streaming platform
Kafka Tutorial - introduction to the Kafka streaming platform

The document discusses Kafka, an open-source distributed event streaming platform. It provides an introduction to Kafka and describes how it is used by many large companies to process streaming data in real-time. Key aspects of Kafka explained include topics, partitions, producers, consumers, consumer groups, and how Kafka is able to achieve high performance through its architecture and design.

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Introduction to Apache Kafka
Introduction to Apache KafkaIntroduction to Apache Kafka
Introduction to Apache Kafka

The document provides an introduction and overview of Apache Kafka presented by Jeff Holoman. It begins with an agenda and background on the presenter. It then covers basic Kafka concepts like topics, partitions, producers, consumers and consumer groups. It discusses efficiency and delivery guarantees. Finally, it presents some use cases for Kafka and positioning around when it may or may not be a good fit compared to other technologies.

Apache Kafka
Apache KafkaApache Kafka
Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. It provides a unified, scalable, and durable platform for handling real-time data feeds. Kafka works by accepting streams of records from one or more producers and organizing them into topics. It allows both storing and forwarding of these streams to consumers. Producers write data to topics which are replicated across clusters for fault tolerance. Consumers can then read the data from the topics in the order it was produced. Major companies like LinkedIn, Yahoo, Twitter, and Netflix use Kafka for applications like metrics, logging, stream processing and more.

big datamessaging queuestreaming
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Interesting Problems
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Buy The Book!
Early Access available now.
Covers all aspects of Kafka,
from setup to client
development to ongoing
administration and
Also discusses stream
processing and other use
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Monitoring Using Kafka
 Monitoring and alerting are self-service
– No gatekeeper on what metrics are collected and stored
 Applications use a common container
– EventBus Kafka producer
– Simple annotation of metrics to collect
– Sampled service calls
– Application logs
 Everything is produced to Kafka and consumed by the monitoring
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Monitoring Kafka
 Kafka is great for monitoring your applications

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Kafka 101
Kafka 101Kafka 101
Kafka 101

What is Kafka What problem does Kafka solve How does Kafka work What are the benefits of Kafka Conclusion

CDC patterns in Apache Kafka®
CDC patterns in Apache Kafka®CDC patterns in Apache Kafka®
CDC patterns in Apache Kafka®

This document discusses using Apache Kafka as a data hub to capture changes from various data sources using change data capture (CDC). It outlines several common CDC patterns like using modification dates, database triggers, or log files to identify changes. It then discusses using Kafka Connect to integrate various data sources like MongoDB, PostgreSQL and replicate changes. The document provides examples of open source CDC connectors and concludes with suggestions for getting involved in the Apache Kafka community.

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APACHE KAFKA / Kafka Connect / Kafka Streams
APACHE KAFKA / Kafka Connect / Kafka StreamsAPACHE KAFKA / Kafka Connect / Kafka Streams
APACHE KAFKA / Kafka Connect / Kafka Streams

PPT Focus on Core Kafka concept: Why Kafka, Kafka Eco System, Topics and Partitions, Broker, Replication Factor, Segments, Leaders, Producer, Consumer, Kafka Connect: Connector Architecture, Demo of File and JDBC Connector Kafka Streams: Stream Processing, Kstream, and KTable, Demo

kafkamessingkafka connect
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KMon and EnlightIN
 Developed a separate monitoring and notification system
– Metrics are only retained long enough to alert on them
– One rule: we can’t use Kafka
 Alerting is simplified from our self-service system
– Nothing complex like regular expressions or RPNs
– Only used for critical Kafka and Zookeeper alerts
– Faster and more reliable
 Notifications are cleaner
– Alerts are grouped into incidents for fewer notifications when things break
– Notification system is generic and subscribable so we can use it for other things
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Broker Monitoring
 Bytes In and Out, Messages In
– Why not messages out?
 Partitions
– Count and Leader Count
– Under Replicated and Offline
 Threads
– Network pool, Request pool
– Max Dirty Percent
 Requests
– Rates and times - total, queue, local, and send
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Is Kafka Working?
 Knowing that the cluster is up isn’t always enough
– Network problems
– Metrics can lie
 Customers still ask us first if something breaks
– Part of the solution is educating them as to what to monitor
– Need to be absolutely sure of the answer “There’s nothing wrong with Kafka”
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Kafka Monitoring Framework
 Producer to consumer testing of a Kafka cluster
– Assures that producers and consumers actually work
– Measures how long messages take to get through
 We have a SLO of 99.99% availability for all clusters
 Working on multi-tier support
– Answers the question of how long messages take to get to Hadoop
 LinkedIn Kafka Open Source

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Serverless Kafka and Spark in a Multi-Cloud Lakehouse Architecture
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Serverless Kafka and Spark in a Multi-Cloud Lakehouse Architecture

Apache Kafka in conjunction with Apache Spark became the de facto standard for processing and analyzing data. Both frameworks are open, flexible, and scalable. Unfortunately, the latter makes operations a challenge for many teams. Ideally, teams can use serverless SaaS offerings to focus on business logic. However, hybrid and multi-cloud scenarios require a cloud-native platform that provides automated and elastic tooling to reduce the operations burden. This session explores different architectures to build serverless Apache Kafka and Apache Spark multi-cloud architectures across regions and continents. We start from the analytics perspective of a data lake and explore its relation to a fully integrated data streaming layer with Kafka to build a modern data Data Lakehouse. Real-world use cases show the joint value and explore the benefit of the "delta lake" integration.

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More Datacenters, More Problems
More Datacenters, More ProblemsMore Datacenters, More Problems
More Datacenters, More Problems

Presented at Kafka Summit 2016 Operating out of multiple datacenters is a large part of most disaster recovery plans, but it brings extra complications to our data pipelines. Instead of having a straight path from front to back, it now has forks and dead ends and odd little use cases that don’t match up with a perfect view of the world. This talk will focus on how to best utilize Apache Kafka in this world, including basic architectures for multi-datacenter and multi-tier clusters. We will also touch on how to assure messages make it from producer to consumer, and how to monitor the entire ecosystem.

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Is Mirroring Working?
 Most critical data flows through Kafka
– Most of that depends on mirror makers
– How do we make sure it all gets where it’s going?
 Mirror maker pipelines can have over a thousand topics
– Different message rates
– Some are more important than others
 Lag threshold monitoring doesn’t work
– Traffic spikes cause false alerts
– What should the threshold be?
– No easy way to monitor 1000 topics and over 10k partitions
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Kafka Audit
 Audit tracks topic completeness across all clusters in the pipeline
– Primarily tracking messages
– Schema must have a valid header
– Alerts for DWH topics are set for 0.1% message loss
 Provided as an integrated part of the internal Kafka libraries
 Used for data completeness checks before Hadoop jobs run
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Auditing Message Flows
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 Burrow is an advanced Kafka consumer monitoring system
– Provides an objective view of consumer status
– Much more powerful than threshold-based lag monitoring
 Burrow is Open Source!
– Used by many other companies, including Wikimedia and Blizzard
– Used internally to assure all Mirror Makers and Audit are running correctly
 Exports metrics for all consumers to self-service monitoring

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Data stream with cruise control

The document discusses Cruise Control, a tool for managing Apache Kafka clusters. It was created by LinkedIn to handle their large Kafka deployment consisting of over 2,000 brokers and 4 trillion messages per day. Cruise Control monitors broker loads, detects anomalies, and generates proposals to optimize resource usage and replica distributions. It supports operations like adding or removing brokers and performing automatic rebalances without downtime or data loss. The architecture includes components for load monitoring, analysis, execution and an API for administration.

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Modern Software Development
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Modern Software Development

The document discusses modern software development tools and practices, including: - Using Git for version control and GitHub for collaboration between developers. - Tools like Jenkins, Trello, and Slack to enable continuous integration, project management, and team communication. - Following architectural approaches like microservices and implementing infrastructure as code using tools from the HashiCorp stack like Vagrant, Consul, and Terraform. - Achieving continuous delivery by integrating development and operations to reliably release software through an automated deployment process.

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MTTF Is Not Your Friend
 We have over 1800 Kafka brokers
– All have at least 12 drives, most have 16
– Dual CPUs, at least 64 GB of memory
– Really lousy Megaraid controllers
 This means hardware fails daily
– We don’t always know when it happens, if it doesn’t take the system down
– It can’t always be fixed immediately
– We can take one broker down, but not two
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Moving Partitions
 Prior to Kafka 0.8, moving partitions was basically impossible
– It’s still not easy – you have to be explicit about what you are moving
– There’s no good way to balance partitions in a cluster
 We developed kafka-assigner to solve the problem
– A single command to remove a broker and distribute it’s partitions
– Chainable modules for balancing partitions
– Open source!
 Also working on “Cruise Control” for Kafka
– An add-on service that will handle redistributing partitions automatically
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Pushing Data from Hadoop
 To help Hadoop jobs, we maintain a KafkaPushJob
– A mapper that produces messages to Kafka
– Pushes to data-deployment, which then gets mirrored to production
 Hadoop jobs tend to push a lot of data all at once
– Some jobs spin up hundreds of mappers
– Pushing many gigabytes of data in a very short period of time
 This overwhelms a Kafka cluster
– Spurious alerts for under replicated partitions
– Problems with mirroring the messages out
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Kafka Quotas
 Quotas limit traffic based on client ID
– Specified in bytes/sec on a per-broker basis
– Not per-topic or per-partition
 Should be transparent to clients
– Accomplished by delaying the response to requests
– Newer clients have metrics specific to quotas for clarity
 We use it to protect the replication of the cluster
– Set it as high as possible while protecting against a single bad client

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Working with Hybrid Clouds and Data Architectures
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Working with Hybrid Clouds and Data Architectures

Discussion on the needs and impact of data movement on hybrid clouds (where public and private clouds, along with legacy datacenters) collide.

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Delete Topic
 Feature has been under development for almost 3 years
– Only recently has it even worked a little bit
– We’re still not sure about it (from SRE’s point of view)
 Recently performed additional testing so we can use it
– Found that even when disabled for a cluster, something was happening
– Some brokers claimed the topic was gone, some didn’t
– Mirror makers broke for the topic
 One of the code paths in the controller was not blocked
– Metadata change went out, but it was hard to diagnose
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Brokers are Independent
 When there’s a problem in the cluster, brokers might have bad information
– The controller should tell them what the topic metadata is
– Brokers get out of sync due to connection issues or bugs
 There’s no good tool for just sending a request to a broker and reading the
– We had to write a Java application just to send a metadata request
 Coming soon – kafka-protocol
– Simple CLI tool for sending individual requests to Kafka brokers
– Will be part of the repository
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SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Broker Improvement - JBOD
 We use RAID-10 on all brokers
– Trade off a lot of performance for a little resiliency
– Lose half of our disk space
 Current JBOD implementation isn’t great
– No admin tools for moving partitions
– Assignment is round-robin
– Broker shuts down if a single disk fails
 Looking at options
– Might try to fix the JBOD implementation in Kafka
– Testing running multiple brokers on a single server

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Two large enterprise AEM implementations were presented and compared. Anshul Chhabra from Symantec presented their implementation handling 3.3 billion requests per month. Anil Kalbag from Cisco presented their implementation handling 375 million monthly page views. Both implementations utilized multiple data centers for high availability and disaster recovery. Key architecture decisions around virtual/physical infrastructure, storage, caching, and multi-tenancy were discussed and compared between the two organizations.

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Mirror Maker Improvements
 Mirror Maker has performance issues
– Has to decompress and recompress every message
– Loses information about partition affinity and strict ordering
 Developed an Identity message handler
– Messages in source partition 0 get produced directly to partition 0
– Requires mirror maker to maintain downstream partition counts
 Working on the next steps
– No decompression of message batches
– Looking at other options on how to run mirror makers
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Administrative Improvements
 Multiple cluster management
– Topic management across clusters
– Visualization of mirror maker paths
 Better client monitoring
– Burrow for consumer monitoring
– No open source solution for producer monitoring (audit)
 End-to-end availability monitoring
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Getting Involved With Kafka
 Join the mailing lists
 - #apache-kafka
 Meetups
– Bay Area –
 Contribute code
Multi tier, multi-tenant, multi-problem kafka

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Multi tier, multi-tenant, multi-problem kafka

  • 1. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Multi-Tier, Multi-Tenant, Multi-Problem Kafka
  • 2. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Todd Palino
  • 3. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Who Am I? 3
  • 4. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. What Will We Talk About?  Multi-Tenant Pipelines  Multi-Tier Architecture  Why I Drink Interesting Problems  Conclusion 4
  • 5. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Multi-Tenant Pipelines 5
  • 6. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Tracking and Data Deployment  Tracking – Data going to HDFS  Data Deployment – Hadoop job results going to online applications  Many shared topics  Schemas require a common header  All message counts are audited  Special Problems – Hard to tell what application is dropping messages – Some of these messages are copied 42 times! 6
  • 7. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Metrics  Application and OS metrics  Deployment and build system events  Service calls – sampling of timing information for individual application calls  Some application logs  Special Problems – Every server in the datacenter produces to this cluster at least twice – Graphing/Alerting system consumes the metrics 20 times 7
  • 8. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Logging  Application logging messages destined for ELK clusters  Lower retention than other clusters  Loosest restrictions on message schema and encoding  Special Problems – Not many – it’s still overprovisioned – Customers starting to ask about aggregation 8
  • 9. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Queuing  Everything else  Primarily messages internal to applications  Also emails and user messaging  Messages are Avro encoded, but do not require headers  Special Problems: – Many messages which use unregistered schemas – Clusters can have very high message rates (but not large data) 9
  • 10. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Special Case Clusters  Not all use cases fit multi-tenancy – Custom configurations that are needed – Tighter performance guarantees – Use of topic deletion  Espresso (KV store) internal replication  Brooklin – Change capture  Replication from Hadoop to Voldemort 10
  • 11. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Tiered Cluster Architecture 11
  • 12. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. One Kafka Cluster 12
  • 13. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Multiple Clusters – Message Aggregation 13
  • 14. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Why Not Direct?  Network Concerns – Bandwidth – Network partitioning – Latency  Security Concerns – Firewalls and ACLs – Encrypting data in transit  Resource Concerns – A misbehaving application can swamp production resources 14
  • 15. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. What Do We Lose?  You may lose message ordering – Mirror maker breaks apart message batches and redistributes them  You may lose key to partition affinity – Mirror maker will partition based on the key – Differing partition counts in source and target will result in differing distribution – Mirror maker does not (without work) honor custom partitioning 15
  • 16. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Aggregation Rules  Aggregate clusters are only for consuming messages – Producing to an aggregate cluster is not allowed – This assures all aggregate clusters have the same content  Not every topic appears in PROD aggregate-tracking clusters – Trying to discourage aggregate cluster usage in PROD – All topics are available in CORP  Aggregate-queuing is whitelist only and very restricted – Please discuss your use case with us before developing 16
  • 17. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Interesting Problems 17
  • 18. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Buy The Book! 18 Early Access available now. Covers all aspects of Kafka, from setup to client development to ongoing administration and troubleshooting. Also discusses stream processing and other use cases.
  • 19. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Monitoring Using Kafka  Monitoring and alerting are self-service – No gatekeeper on what metrics are collected and stored  Applications use a common container – EventBus Kafka producer – Simple annotation of metrics to collect – Sampled service calls – Application logs  Everything is produced to Kafka and consumed by the monitoring infrastructure 19
  • 20. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Monitoring Kafka  Kafka is great for monitoring your applications 20
  • 21. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. KMon and EnlightIN  Developed a separate monitoring and notification system – Metrics are only retained long enough to alert on them – One rule: we can’t use Kafka  Alerting is simplified from our self-service system – Nothing complex like regular expressions or RPNs – Only used for critical Kafka and Zookeeper alerts – Faster and more reliable  Notifications are cleaner – Alerts are grouped into incidents for fewer notifications when things break – Notification system is generic and subscribable so we can use it for other things 21
  • 22. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Broker Monitoring  Bytes In and Out, Messages In – Why not messages out?  Partitions – Count and Leader Count – Under Replicated and Offline  Threads – Network pool, Request pool – Max Dirty Percent  Requests – Rates and times - total, queue, local, and send 22
  • 23. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Is Kafka Working?  Knowing that the cluster is up isn’t always enough – Network problems – Metrics can lie  Customers still ask us first if something breaks – Part of the solution is educating them as to what to monitor – Need to be absolutely sure of the answer “There’s nothing wrong with Kafka” 23
  • 24. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Kafka Monitoring Framework  Producer to consumer testing of a Kafka cluster – Assures that producers and consumers actually work – Measures how long messages take to get through  We have a SLO of 99.99% availability for all clusters  Working on multi-tier support – Answers the question of how long messages take to get to Hadoop  LinkedIn Kafka Open Source – 24
  • 25. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Is Mirroring Working?  Most critical data flows through Kafka – Most of that depends on mirror makers – How do we make sure it all gets where it’s going?  Mirror maker pipelines can have over a thousand topics – Different message rates – Some are more important than others  Lag threshold monitoring doesn’t work – Traffic spikes cause false alerts – What should the threshold be? – No easy way to monitor 1000 topics and over 10k partitions 25
  • 26. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Kafka Audit  Audit tracks topic completeness across all clusters in the pipeline – Primarily tracking messages – Schema must have a valid header – Alerts for DWH topics are set for 0.1% message loss  Provided as an integrated part of the internal Kafka libraries  Used for data completeness checks before Hadoop jobs run 26
  • 27. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Auditing Message Flows 27
  • 28. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Burrow  Burrow is an advanced Kafka consumer monitoring system – Provides an objective view of consumer status – Much more powerful than threshold-based lag monitoring  Burrow is Open Source! – Used by many other companies, including Wikimedia and Blizzard – Used internally to assure all Mirror Makers and Audit are running correctly  Exports metrics for all consumers to self-service monitoring  28
  • 29. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. MTTF Is Not Your Friend  We have over 1800 Kafka brokers – All have at least 12 drives, most have 16 – Dual CPUs, at least 64 GB of memory – Really lousy Megaraid controllers  This means hardware fails daily – We don’t always know when it happens, if it doesn’t take the system down – It can’t always be fixed immediately – We can take one broker down, but not two 29
  • 30. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Moving Partitions  Prior to Kafka 0.8, moving partitions was basically impossible – It’s still not easy – you have to be explicit about what you are moving – There’s no good way to balance partitions in a cluster  We developed kafka-assigner to solve the problem – A single command to remove a broker and distribute it’s partitions – Chainable modules for balancing partitions – Open source!  Also working on “Cruise Control” for Kafka – An add-on service that will handle redistributing partitions automatically 30
  • 31. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Pushing Data from Hadoop  To help Hadoop jobs, we maintain a KafkaPushJob – A mapper that produces messages to Kafka – Pushes to data-deployment, which then gets mirrored to production  Hadoop jobs tend to push a lot of data all at once – Some jobs spin up hundreds of mappers – Pushing many gigabytes of data in a very short period of time  This overwhelms a Kafka cluster – Spurious alerts for under replicated partitions – Problems with mirroring the messages out 31
  • 32. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Kafka Quotas  Quotas limit traffic based on client ID – Specified in bytes/sec on a per-broker basis – Not per-topic or per-partition  Should be transparent to clients – Accomplished by delaying the response to requests – Newer clients have metrics specific to quotas for clarity  We use it to protect the replication of the cluster – Set it as high as possible while protecting against a single bad client 32
  • 33. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Delete Topic  Feature has been under development for almost 3 years – Only recently has it even worked a little bit – We’re still not sure about it (from SRE’s point of view)  Recently performed additional testing so we can use it – Found that even when disabled for a cluster, something was happening – Some brokers claimed the topic was gone, some didn’t – Mirror makers broke for the topic  One of the code paths in the controller was not blocked – Metadata change went out, but it was hard to diagnose 33
  • 34. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Brokers are Independent  When there’s a problem in the cluster, brokers might have bad information – The controller should tell them what the topic metadata is – Brokers get out of sync due to connection issues or bugs  There’s no good tool for just sending a request to a broker and reading the response – We had to write a Java application just to send a metadata request  Coming soon – kafka-protocol – Simple CLI tool for sending individual requests to Kafka brokers – Will be part of the repository 34
  • 35. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Conclusion 35
  • 36. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Broker Improvement - JBOD  We use RAID-10 on all brokers – Trade off a lot of performance for a little resiliency – Lose half of our disk space  Current JBOD implementation isn’t great – No admin tools for moving partitions – Assignment is round-robin – Broker shuts down if a single disk fails  Looking at options – Might try to fix the JBOD implementation in Kafka – Testing running multiple brokers on a single server 36
  • 37. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Mirror Maker Improvements  Mirror Maker has performance issues – Has to decompress and recompress every message – Loses information about partition affinity and strict ordering  Developed an Identity message handler – Messages in source partition 0 get produced directly to partition 0 – Requires mirror maker to maintain downstream partition counts  Working on the next steps – No decompression of message batches – Looking at other options on how to run mirror makers 37
  • 38. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Administrative Improvements  Multiple cluster management – Topic management across clusters – Visualization of mirror maker paths  Better client monitoring – Burrow for consumer monitoring – No open source solution for producer monitoring (audit)  End-to-end availability monitoring 38
  • 39. SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING©2016 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Getting Involved With Kafka   Join the mailing lists – –  - #apache-kafka  Meetups – Bay Area –  Contribute code 39

Editor's Notes

  1. So who am I, and why am I qualified to stand up here? I am a member of the Data Infrastructure Streaming SRE team at LinkedIn. We’re responsible for Kafka and Zookeeper operations, as well as Samza and a couple iterations of our change capture systems. SRE stands for Site Reliability Engineering. Many of you, like myself before I started in this role, may not be familiar with the title. SRE combines several roles that fit together into one Operations position Foremost, we are administrators. We manage all of the systems in our area We are also architects. We do capacity planning for our deployments, plan out our infrastructure in new datacenters, and make sure all the pieces fit together And we are also developers. We identify tools we need, both to make our jobs easier and to keep our users happy, and we write and maintain them. At the end of the day, our job is to keep the site running, always.
  2. What are the things we are going to cover in this talk? I’m going to assume some basic knowledge of what Kafka is and how it works, so I won’t be covering the basics. I’ll start by describing the Kafka pipelines we have set up at LinkedIn in our multi-tenant environment. This will transition into the tier architecture that many of those pipelines use. But I’ll spend most of our time on the interesting problems that we’ve run into in running Kafka at such a large scale. We’ll wrap up talking about a couple of the things that we’re working on now, and hopefully have some time for Q&A
  3. I won’t be going into too much detail on how Kafka works. If you do not have a basic understanding of Kafka itself, I suggest checking out some of the resources listed in the Reference slides at the end of this deck. Here’s what a single Kafka cluster looks like at LinkedIn. I’ll get into some details on the TrackerProducer/TrackerConsumer components later, but they are internal libraries that wrap the open source Kafka producer and consumer components and integrate with our schema registry and our monitoring systems. Every cluster has multiple Kafka brokers, storing their metadata in a Zookeeper ensemble. We have producers sending messages in, and consumers reading messages out. At the present time, our consumers talk to Zookeeper as well and everything works well. In LinkedIn’s environment, all of these components live in the same datacenter, in the same network. What happens when you have two sites to deal with?
  4. Now we iterate on the architecture. We add the concept of an aggregate Kafka cluster, which contains all of the messages from each of the primary datacenter local clusters. We also have a copy of this cluster in the secondary datacenter, C, for consumers there to access. We still have cross-datacenter traffic – that can’t be avoided if we need to move data around. But we have isolated it to one application, mirror maker, which we can monitor and assure works properly. This is a better situation than needing to have each consumer worry about it for themselves. We’ve definitely added complexity here, but it serves a purpose. By having the infrastructure be a little more complex, we simplify the usage of Kafka for our customers. Producers know that if they send messages to their local cluster, it will show up in the appropriate places without additional work on their part. Consumers can select which view of the data they need, and have assurances that they will see everything that is produced. The intricacies of how the data gets moved around are left to people like me, who run the Kafka infrastructure itself.
  5. We’ve chosen to keep all of our clients local to the clusters and use a tiered architecture due to several major concerns. The primary concern is around the networking itself. Kafka enables multiple consumers to read the same topic, which means if we are reading remotely, we are copying messages over expensive inter-datacenter connections multiple times. We also have to handle problems like network partitioning in every client. Granted, you can have a partition even within a single datacenter, but it happens much more frequently when you are dealing with large distances. There’s also the concern of latency in connections – distance increases latency. Latency can cause interesting problems in client applications, and I like life to be boring. There are also security concerns around talking across datacenters. If we keep all of our clients local, we do not have to worry about ACL problems between the clients and the brokers (and Zookeeper as well). We can also deal with the problem of encrypting data in transit much more easily. This is one problem we have not worried about as much, but it is becoming a big concern now. The last concern is over resource usage. Everything at LinkedIn talks to Kafka, and a problem that takes out a production cluster is a major event. It could mean we have to shift traffic out of the datacenter until we resolve it, or it could result in inconsistent behavior in applications. Any application could overwhelm a cluster, but there are some, such as applications that run in Hadoop, that are more prone to this. By keeping those clients talking to a cluster that is separate from the front end, we mitigate resource contention.
  6. More components means that we have more places to poke and prod to get the most efficiency out of our system. With multiple tiers most of this revolves around making sure the sizes of everything are correct.
  7. This is as good a time as any for a little self-promotion. Many of the questions around how to set up and lay out Kafka clusters, including specific performance concerns and tuning, are covered in this fine book that I am co-authoring. You’ll also find a trove of information about client development, stream processing, and a variety of use cases for Kafka. We currently have 4 chapters complete, and it’s available from O’Reilly under their early access program. We expect to have the book completed late this year, or early next, with chapters being released as soon as we can write them.
  8. Many of us use Kafka for monitoring applications. At LinkedIn, every application and server writes metrics and logs to Kafka. We have central applications that read out these metrics and provide pretty graphs, thresholding, and other tools to make sure that everything is running properly within LinkedIn. Kafka itself is no exception, which leads to this… As soon as I say “monitoring Kafka with Kafka”, we know this is not a good thing
  9. For the broker, what are the critical metrics that I’m keeping an eye on every day? Bytes in, bytes out, and messages in are all critical metrics for us from a growth point of view. While we don’t alert on these, we do keep an eye on them because they help us to understand how the usage of the cluster is growing over time, and they let us plan for the next expansion. You may ask why I don’t have messages out on this list. It’s because there is no messages out metric. Kafka consumers read batches of messages, not single messages, and it’s not easy for Kafka to count messages on the outbound side. There’s a metric on the number of fetches, but it’s less interesting to me. For partitions, we start with the number of partitions per broker, and the number of leader partitions per broker. As we know, there is a single broker responsible for leadership for a given partition. In a healthy cluster, I want to make sure that each broker has approximately the same number of partitions, and that each broker is leading about 50% of those because we have a replication factor of 2 for most things. We can also see this reflected in the bytes rates, because if the partitions are imbalanced, the bytes rates will be as well. This gives us uneven load and that can cause a lot of problems. More importantly though, we monitor the number of under replicated partitions that each broker is reporting. I’m going to get into this in much more detail in a few slides, but this indicates the number of partitions that the broker is leader for where at least one of the replicas has fallen behind. This is the single most important metric to monitor and alert on. It indicates a number of problems and a single alert here will provide coverage of most Kafka issues. Lastly, there are metrics on the thread pool usage, both network and request pools, as well as rate and time metrics on the different types of requests. These are all examples of metrics that are good to have, but they’re difficult to alert on. If you are able to establish a good baseline on some of the request time metrics, I do recommend doing it, however, as rising request times can indicate a problem that is building up, and you may be able to see it before it becomes under replicated partitions. Buried in the middle there is the “max dirty percent” metric. This is a measurement of how many log segments are able to be compacted that are not currently compacted. Right now, this is the only way to monitor the health of log compaction within Kafka, which is critical for the consumer offsets topic at the very least. If the thread doing log compaction dies (which it can do frequently), the only way you will know is by this metric increasing and staying high. Normal behavior is for the metric to spike up and immediately drop back down again.
  10. There are a number of things that can be improved upon, both in the brokers and in the mirror maker, to make it easier to set up and manage multiple datacenters. Another big problem is that we are using RAID and providing a single mount point to the Kafka brokers for a log dir. This is because there are some issues with the way JBOD is handled in the broker. Specifically, the brokers assign partitions to log dirs by round robin, not taking into account current size. In addition, there are no administrative functions to move partitions from one directory to another. And if a single disk fails, the entire broker fails. If JBOD was more robust, we could have replication factors of 3 or 4 without an increase in hardware cost, which would allow us to have “no data loss” configurations.
  11. The big improvement to mirror maker is the creation of an identity mirror maker, which would keep message batches together in the exact same partition from source to target cluster. This would completely eliminate the compression overhead from the mirror maker, making it much faster and more efficient. Of course, this requires maintaining the partitions counts in the clusters properly, and allowing the mirror maker to increase partition counts in a target cluster if needed.
  12. That leads into the idea of multi-cluster management. While there are a couple people making some headway on this in the open source world, we still lack a solid interface for managing Kafka clusters as part of an overall infrastructure. This would include maintaining topic configurations across multiple clusters and easily configuring and visualizing the mirror maker links between them. Another piece needed is better client monitoring overall. Burrow provides us with a good view of what the consumers are doing, but there’s nothing available yet for producer client monitoring. We, of course, have our internal audit system for this. And other companies have their own versions as well. It would be nice to have an open source solution that anyone can use for assuring that the producers are working properly. We could also use better end-to-end monitoring of our Kafka clusters, so we can know that they are available. We have a lot of metrics that can track information about the individual components, but without a client view of the cluster, we don’t know if the cluster is actually available. We also have a hard time making sure that the entire pipeline is working properly. There’s not a lot available for this right now, but watch this space…
  13. So how can you get more involved in the Kafka community? The most obvious answer is to go From there you can Join the mailing lists, either on the development or the user side You’ll find people on the #apache-kafka channel on Freenode IRC if you have questions We also coordinate meetups for both Kafka and Samza in the Bay Area, with streaming if you are not local You can also dive into the source repository, and work on and contribute your own tools back. Kafka may be young, but it’s a critical piece of data infrastructure for many of us.