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Building CLR/H Registration Site
ASP.NET MVC4 and EF4.1 Code First
Requirements of registration site.

• Attendees can do registration from Web.
  – Entry name, e-mail, twitter id ...

• Share attendees list only within CLR/H staffs.
  – The list is used by staff at reception.
Today’s key words
      ASP.NET MVC4                Visual Studio
Web Pages View                           11 Beta
    “Razor” Syntax         ASP.NET
   AppHarbor                Web API               NuGet

                     Git           Entity Framework 4.1
                                              Code First
   Twitter Bootstrap          SQL
Live Demo

Create It!

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Azkaban is a workflow scheduler that was created at LinkedIn to manage Hadoop jobs and their dependencies. It provides features like defining job dependencies, retries, scheduling, and viewing logs through a web UI. While useful, it has some limitations like being a single point of failure, lack of triggered executions from file events, and inactive development. The document discusses using Azkaban to manage Hadoop jobs, including writing jobs in Python and generating job files from YAML definitions. It also outlines the author's usage of Azkaban in their environment to manage over 120 flows on a daily, hourly, weekly and monthly basis.

Webcomponents are your frameworks best friend
Webcomponents are your frameworks best friendWebcomponents are your frameworks best friend
Webcomponents are your frameworks best friend

Webcomponents, how to consume them from frameworks, and how to export framework-components as webcomponents.

Frameworks and webcomponents
Frameworks and webcomponentsFrameworks and webcomponents
Frameworks and webcomponents

Comparing usage and exporting to webcomponents from popular frameworks as React, Angular and VueJS. Talk from #ngVikings 2019.

webcomponentscustom elementsangular
Next step...

Publish to internet It!
Why AppHarbor?

• The most reason is... I interested in it! :)

• Second reason, it is low cost at start up.
  – Form $0 for ASP.NET Web Site hosting.

  – From $0 fot Rent SQL Server (20MB limited).

• You must store the all NuGet packages which
  installed into Git repository.
  – I tried “NuGet Package Restore” feature, but it didn’t work.
• EF4CodeFirst “DropDatabase” initializer
  doesn’t work.
  – Because the database is not mine.
    It is only rental.
    So, we can not drop it.
  – You must use “CreateTablesOnly” initializer.
    (install from NuGet.)
Live Demo

Publish to internet It!

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Single Page Applications: Your Browser is the OS!
Single Page Applications: Your Browser is the OS!Single Page Applications: Your Browser is the OS!
Single Page Applications: Your Browser is the OS!

Single Page Applications have gained tremendous popularity over the past few years and have prompted the creation of several frameworks to support their development. Unlike traditional web applications, most of the heavy lifting for SPA happens on the client side in your web browser. These applications rely on hundreds of lines of JavaScript coupled with asynchronous web service calls to provide a desktop-like experience that is accessible from virtually any device. Join Principal Architect, Jeremy Likness, to learn more about SPA, including how to determine when you should choose this approach, how SPA compares and contrasts with traditional server-based approaches including ASP.NET WebForms and MVC, and what frameworks and tools (such as jQuery, AngularJS, and Aurelia) make building SPA easier. Discover how single page applications powered by HTML5 and JavaScript transform your browser into a web-based operating system.

SGCE 2012 Lightning Talk-Single Page Interface
SGCE 2012 Lightning Talk-Single Page InterfaceSGCE 2012 Lightning Talk-Single Page Interface
SGCE 2012 Lightning Talk-Single Page Interface

Cada día se desarrollan tecnologías que aprovechan mejor las capacidades de los navegadores, el soporte para HTML 5 y CSS 3 mejora cada día y se pueden encontrar librerías JavaScript que ofrecen soporte para lo mas moderno u ofrecen un fallback para funcionar en navegadores anticuados. Los usuarios cada vez sufren mas el fenomeno de la inmediatez, si el sitio web tarde en contestar se desesperan y se cierran el tab, perdemos al usuario. Por eso es importante que un sitio sea muy rápido y que ofrezca la información que el usuario busca. En esta charla hablare de como hemos empezado a adoptar Single Page Interface y de los retos que esto significa, como Bookmarking, SEO y otros. Así como de las librerías JavaScript (microframeworks) que evaluamos y que finalmente terminamos usando.

JavaScript : A trending scripting language
JavaScript : A trending scripting languageJavaScript : A trending scripting language
JavaScript : A trending scripting language

A simplified way to understand Javascript and it's basics. Learn and share for others to learn. Here you can learn origin and all the basics of JS.

Next step...

Authenticate & Authorize It!
How to
It is internet site,
not intranet.

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Untangling spring week9
Untangling spring week9Untangling spring week9
Untangling spring week9

This document discusses asynchronous JavaScript, databases, and Project 3. It introduces callbacks, promises, and async/await in JavaScript. It also covers the differences between SQL and NoSQL databases, provides examples of using SQL databases locally and online, and exercises on SQLZOO. It describes Project 3 as connecting a database to the back end of an application. Students are instructed to draw out their database structure, write queries, and demo their working Project 3 application connecting to an actual database by the due date.

The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and ...
The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and ...The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and ...
The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and ...

This slide deck was used in support of BTE 102 - The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and domino at IBMConnectED 2015 Presentation was given with Mark Leusink

ibm ibmconnected angularjs domino xpages sharepoin
Mobile Hybrid Development with WordPress
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Mobile Hybrid Development with WordPress

In this presentation I've shown how WordPress can be used as application platform to power mobile applications.

wordpresshybrid applicationmobile
I do not choose
My choice is...

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Improve WordPress performance with caching and deferred execution of code
Improve WordPress performance with caching and deferred execution of codeImprove WordPress performance with caching and deferred execution of code
Improve WordPress performance with caching and deferred execution of code

This document discusses various techniques for improving WordPress performance through caching and deferred execution of code. It covers PHP caching using opcode caches, WordPress page caching plugins, WordPress object caching, and using Memcached. It also discusses deferred execution of code using asynchronous job queues to move non-critical tasks like email sending and push notifications out of the main request process.

Blazor - An Introduction
Blazor - An IntroductionBlazor - An Introduction
Blazor - An Introduction

Blazor is a new web framework that allows web applications to be written in C# instead of JavaScript. It uses WebAssembly to run .NET code directly in the browser. Developers write Blazor apps using Razor components with HTML and C# code. At runtime, the Blazor runtime compiles the Razor components to WebAssembly, which generates the app's rendering tree and updates the DOM efficiently as the app runs. Blazor provides a way to build interactive client-side web UI using .NET instead of JavaScript. core 2
WordPress Development Tools and Best Practices
WordPress Development Tools and Best PracticesWordPress Development Tools and Best Practices
WordPress Development Tools and Best Practices

This document summarizes best practices for WordPress development, including: - Using the WordPress Codex for documentation and coding standards - Command line tools like wp-cli and wpshell for development - Implementing a jobs system for deferred execution to improve performance - Different caching methods like full page caching and object caching to optimize site speed - Properly validating, sanitizing, and escaping user input for security

cachingwordpresscoding standards
Why HTTP Basic Authentication?
• Becase, it is HTTP standard.
• So that, we can authenticate any clients by
  standard way.
• For example...

      Microsoft Excel
          “Web Query” feature!
How to add in Basic auth function
in your Web app?
• Not use IIS function.
  – It depend on Windows local user account, or
    Active Directoy.
• Instead, install “HTTP Auth Module” from
Live Demo

Authenticate & Authorize It!
Next step...

Provide web api!

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Angular from a Different Angle
Angular from a Different AngleAngular from a Different Angle
Angular from a Different Angle

“There is no doubt AngularJS is one of the hottest JavaScript and Single Page Application (SPA) frameworks in use today. Is Angular just a bunch of hype, or is there substance behind its promise of teaching HTML new tricks? Join iVision principal architect Jeremy Likness when he shares his hands-on experience developing a massive Angular enterprise application with globally distributed teams of dozens developers over a period of several years. See practical examples of Angular and learn about the various concepts that make it a useful framework that isn’t as opinionated as other options in the market. Beginners will benefit from understanding what Angular does and how it impacts the bottom line of technology, people and process and experienced developers will learn best practices and advanced techniques from Jeremy’s extensive Angular experience. There’s something for everyone so be sure to RSVP now!”

Untangling spring week8
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Untangling spring week8

This document provides an agenda and overview for a developer training session. It discusses developing a growth mindset for programming, strategies for managing frustration, resources for learning programming concepts and getting help, and approaches for collaborative work. It also introduces backend concepts like servers, databases, and JavaScript on the server side using Node.js. The homework assignment involves researching and documenting programming resources.

web development
SharePoint Saturday Cincinnati 2014 - CSOM
SharePoint Saturday Cincinnati 2014 - CSOMSharePoint Saturday Cincinnati 2014 - CSOM
SharePoint Saturday Cincinnati 2014 - CSOM

With the growing adoption of Office 365 and SharePoint Online and the continued prevalence of SharePoint on-premises, it’s becoming more difficult to manage both environments in an automated fashion. While SharePoint Online does have native support for Windows PowerShell, there are very few cmdlets to manage the sites and site contents. SharePoint on-premises gives us well over 700 cmdlets, but it still doesn’t answer every situational scenario – leaving gaps in functionality which can be filled by scripters. In this demo-heavy session, focused on both the developer AND the administrator – you’ll see how you can use one shell to manage both scenarios (on-premises and Office 365). Demonstrations will focus on building PowerShell Scripts and Advanced Functions for both target environments, and by the end of the session you’ll be ready to start Managing SharePoint Anywhere with PowerShell.

sharepoint onlinecsomsharepoint saturday cincinnati
Live Demo

Provide web api!
Next step...

Extra Stage!
I think, it is not Best solution...
• There is no function to manage user
  account s, yet...
  – We can configure HTTP Auth Module to use
    MembershipProvider, but...
• Excel Web Query is Very convenient, but it
  is not full automatic.
  – We have to sync manualy.
I have an idea :)

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Client vs Server Templating: Speed up initial load for SPA with Angular as an...
Client vs Server Templating: Speed up initial load for SPA with Angular as an...Client vs Server Templating: Speed up initial load for SPA with Angular as an...
Client vs Server Templating: Speed up initial load for SPA with Angular as an...

Speed up initial load for SPA with Angular as an example. Server vs Client Templating View Rendering, David Amend

serverloader (equipment)client

This document discusses the JavaScript library Prototype and how it can be used to build dynamic user interfaces with Ajax techniques. It provides an overview of Prototype's features for simplifying Ajax calls, enhancing DOM manipulation, adding visual effects, and debugging JavaScript across browsers. The document promotes Prototype as a way to focus on applications rather than browser bugs and contains links to documentation, extensions, and debugging tools to support Prototype development.

Intro to SpringBatch NoSQL 2021
Intro to SpringBatch NoSQL 2021Intro to SpringBatch NoSQL 2021
Intro to SpringBatch NoSQL 2021

This document provides an overview and introduction to SpringBatch presented by Slobodan Lohja in 2021. The presentation covers why companies should open up their data, what Spring and SpringBatch are, demonstrates building a sample project to import data from a CSV file to a MongoDB database using SpringBatch, and discusses some closing thoughts and taking questions. The sample project walkthrough provides steps to set up the necessary configurations, components, and classes to run a batch job that reads from a CSV and writes to a MongoDB database using SpringBatch.

ibm dominospringboot
Spread Sheet :P
Using Google Spread as a Database
• Install “GDataDB” from NuGet!
• Then, you can use Google Spread Sheet as
  a Database.
  – Spread Sheet Documents = Databases
  – Work Sheets = Tables
  – Rows = Entities
  – Columns = Properties of Entity
  – Column name mapped to property name.
Live Demo

Store into Google It!
• Easy to share and access control.
   – Based on Google Documet platform.
• Nothing to do.
   – “Sync” is not required.
• But... It is very slow :(
   – It is not “real” database.

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Hadoop Demystified + Automation Smackdown! Austin JUG June 24 2014
Hadoop Demystified + Automation Smackdown!  Austin JUG June 24 2014Hadoop Demystified + Automation Smackdown!  Austin JUG June 24 2014
Hadoop Demystified + Automation Smackdown! Austin JUG June 24 2014

This document discusses two approaches to ETL jobs in Hadoop: a manual "special snowflake" approach and an automated approach. The manual approach involves a team spending a year copying and pasting code for 15 jobs. This leads to spaghetti code and is not sustainable. The automated approach involves designing reusable templates and rules to automate the ETL process. This frees up the developer Brent to focus on design rather than manual work. It results in code that is clean, consistent, easy to maintain and passes the "10 minute test" of being idempotent. The document demonstrates generating ETL code from metadata and deploying the automated jobs to Hadoop.

SharePoint Development 101
SharePoint Development 101SharePoint Development 101
SharePoint Development 101

This document provides a summary of key concepts for new SharePoint developers. It discusses what functionality SharePoint provides out of the box, how the development tools and deployment process differ from a typical web application, important concepts like features and packages, and best practices around areas like disposing objects properly and avoiding direct web.config modifications. It also lists 10 things every SharePoint developer should know and how to avoid getting code rejected by an architecture group.

software developmentbeginnerssharepoint
Should you use HTML5 to build your product? The pros & cons of using current ...
Should you use HTML5 to build your product? The pros & cons of using current ...Should you use HTML5 to build your product? The pros & cons of using current ...
Should you use HTML5 to build your product? The pros & cons of using current ...

This document discusses the pros and cons of using HTML5 features to build products. It built a messaging client called boxUno using HTML5 that provided offline access, but HTML5 also caused limitations like browser incompatibility and crashes. The document covers HTML5 features like WebWorkers for concurrency, IndexedDB for offline databases, Application Cache for offline viewing, and WebRTC for video. While powerful, these features have drawbacks like debugging difficulties and changing APIs. The conclusion is HTML5 has advantages but also risks, so compatibility should be considered, and IndexedDB is currently the best option for offline access.

At last...

• VS11 is very powerfull, and EF41CodeFirst
  allows you to develop rapidly!

• You can get anything you want from NuGet!
  – Many many usefull libraries, modulues...
  – Many many nice girl friends...

• Excel Web Query is nice feature!
  – Keep the way to HTTP standard.

• You can publish your Web apps without cost by
  – With SQL Server, not only Web app hosting!
Thank you!

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Jun-ichi Sakamoto
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Building CLR/H Registration Site with ASP.NET MVC4 and EF4CodeFirst

  • 1. Building CLR/H Registration Site with ASP.NET MVC4 and EF4.1 Code First
  • 2. Requirements of registration site. • Attendees can do registration from Web. – Entry name, e-mail, twitter id ... • Share attendees list only within CLR/H staffs. – The list is used by staff at reception.
  • 3. Today’s key words ASP.NET MVC4 Visual Studio Web Pages View 11 Beta “Razor” Syntax ASP.NET AppHarbor Web API NuGet Git Entity Framework 4.1 Code First Twitter Bootstrap SQL Server 2012 LocalDB
  • 5. Next step... Publish to internet It!
  • 6. Why AppHarbor? • The most reason is... I interested in it! :) • Second reason, it is low cost at start up. – Form $0 for ASP.NET Web Site hosting. – From $0 fot Rent SQL Server (20MB limited).
  • 7. Notice • You must store the all NuGet packages which installed into Git repository. – I tried “NuGet Package Restore” feature, but it didn’t work. • EF4CodeFirst “DropDatabase” initializer doesn’t work. – Because the database is not mine. It is only rental. So, we can not drop it. – You must use “CreateTablesOnly” initializer. (install from NuGet.)
  • 8. Live Demo Publish to internet It!
  • 12. No. It is internet site, not intranet.
  • 14. Sorry. I do not choose Forms authentication today.
  • 17. Why HTTP Basic Authentication? • Becase, it is HTTP standard. • So that, we can authenticate any clients by standard way. • For example... Microsoft Excel “Web Query” feature!
  • 18. How to add in Basic auth function in your Web app? • Not use IIS function. – It depend on Windows local user account, or Active Directoy. • Instead, install “HTTP Auth Module” from NuGet.
  • 19. Live Demo Authenticate & Authorize It!
  • 23. I think, it is not Best solution... • There is no function to manage user account s, yet... – We can configure HTTP Auth Module to use MembershipProvider, but... • Excel Web Query is Very convenient, but it is not full automatic. – We have to sync manualy.
  • 24. I have an idea :)
  • 26. Using Google Spread as a Database • Install “GDataDB” from NuGet! • Then, you can use Google Spread Sheet as a Database. – Spread Sheet Documents = Databases – Work Sheets = Tables – Rows = Entities – Columns = Properties of Entity – Column name mapped to property name.
  • 27. Live Demo Store into Google It!
  • 28. Advantage • Easy to share and access control. – Based on Google Documet platform. • Nothing to do. – “Sync” is not required. • But... It is very slow :( – It is not “real” database.
  • 30. • VS11 is very powerfull, and EF41CodeFirst allows you to develop rapidly! • You can get anything you want from NuGet! – Many many usefull libraries, modulues... – Many many nice girl friends... • Excel Web Query is nice feature! – Keep the way to HTTP standard. • You can publish your Web apps without cost by AppHarbor! – With SQL Server, not only Web app hosting!