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Enterprise PHP development Ivo Jansch <> PHPLondon Conference, February 29, 2008
About me CTO at Ibuildings Development using PHP (websites, applications) Big projects (high traffic, multi-tier, clusters, high availability, large teams) Consultancy (training, audits) Partner of Zend Technologies 9 years in NL, 3 months in UK Geek! Author of several Open Source projects Interested in PHP, Web 2.0, Science Nervous in front of audiences bigger than 5 ;-)
What's an enterprise? Wikipedia: “ Any of several ships by that name in the Star Trek fictional universe” “ A business, company, or comparable organization”
Is PHP Enterprise ready? CIO Magazine: “ PHP works well for prototyping because it is easy to get a site up and running. Use PHP to design the site [...] but when it comes time for development, tell the team you want the result to look and act like this PHP site...but in Java” (Or: “great, this is exactly what I need! now do it again, at twice the cost!”) (skip the article, read the comments)

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Sumit Goel - Monitoring Cloud Applications Using Zabbix | ZabConf2016
Sumit Goel - Monitoring Cloud Applications Using Zabbix | ZabConf2016Sumit Goel - Monitoring Cloud Applications Using Zabbix | ZabConf2016
Sumit Goel - Monitoring Cloud Applications Using Zabbix | ZabConf2016

With global shift towards flexibility of cloud there are different demands on monitoring availability and performance of applications provided in the cloud. There are obvious limitations in accessing components of app hosted by third party run outside of internal environment. Same time there are opportunities of using vendor API and status page. In Salesforce, one of the most innovative company in the world by Forbes and one of the biggest cloud service provider, we understand the need of customer to be able to see in real time availability and performance of cloud application. In the following presentation we're going to list and describe multiple ways of monitoring cloud apps. Some of the methods are: building in web monitoring using Curl, web browser automation tools like Selenium, external scripts (reading vendor status dashboard) and API calls to the app.

open sourceapiscripts
Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints: Odio e amore Roberto De Ioris - Codemotion Rome 2017
Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints: Odio e amore Roberto De Ioris - Codemotion Rome 2017Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints: Odio e amore Roberto De Ioris - Codemotion Rome 2017
Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints: Odio e amore Roberto De Ioris - Codemotion Rome 2017

Blueprints in Unreal Engine 4 can be both loved and hated. To reduce hate for blueprints, the presenter recommends using events over ticks, components to generate events, enums and switches instead of branches, multiple graphs for organization, functions, macros, and following good programming practices. While blueprints may seem like programming, they are advantageous for certain tasks like interfacing with shaders. Following design best practices can make blueprints more readable and maintainable. Alternatives to blueprints include UnrealEnginePython, Unreal.js, and SkookumScript. An indie game called Downward successfully used blueprints.

codemotion rome 2017
Apache Beam @ GCPUG.TW Flink.TW 20161006
Apache Beam @ GCPUG.TW Flink.TW 20161006Apache Beam @ GCPUG.TW Flink.TW 20161006
Apache Beam @ GCPUG.TW Flink.TW 20161006

Introduce to Apache Beam Dive in to Beam's architecture and live demo running data pipeline on different runners such as Google Dataflow, Flink and Spark

Is PHP Enterprise ready? Small Lightweight Cheap Easy to learn Big Enterprise friendly enterpriCe CS required
A word from my girlfriend It's not the  SIZE   of the tool... It's how you USE it.
PHP is changing... 1998 Personal stuff 2003 Simple websites Content management Blogs 2008 Big websites Banks Insurance Companies ...
PHP is changing... Traditional metaphor PHP is like Lego bricks Bricks allowing you to build anything

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This document discusses challenges of deploying, monitoring, and debugging systems using CQRS and event sourcing from a DevOps perspective. It describes using a blue/green deployment approach, implementing consistent and usable logging, monitoring key metrics and data streams, and employing distributed tracing to identify the origin of requests in order to quickly debug problems. The overall goal is to build scalable, resilient, and automated systems while facilitating operational tasks through iterative improvements to tools and processes.

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Let's talk about the future: state-of-the-art mobile web & hybrid apps

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PHP is changing... PHP is no longer a toy Let’s use the metaphor of actual bricks  Because we’re building actual buildings now
About Bricks Extreme simplicity Easy to learn Versatile Cheap ... so building a skyscraper must be peanuts, right?
Enterprise development in 10 steps
Step 1 – The Team “Dear Mr. Businessman, I have read about your plans to build a new skyscraper and I am applying for a job. I have a lot of experience with Bricks. I taught myself how to use them and have been maintaining our family shed for a few years now.”

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The document provides an overview of the Graal VM, which is a new just-in-time (JIT) compiler for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that brings high performance to scripting languages via the Truffle API. It discusses how Graal generates machine code from an optimized AST rather than bytecode, and how the Truffle API allows creation of language interpreters in Graal. Performance benchmarks show Graal improving performance for languages like JavaScript, Ruby, and R compared to other implementations. Future directions include supporting more languages and compiler optimizations in Graal's extensible framework.

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Step 2 - Requirements What does the customer need? What do visitors want?
Step 2 - Requirements Functional Design Requirements definition Interaction Design /  Wireframes Flow diagrams
Step 3 - Architecture Don’t just start stacking bricks Create an architecture first

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How Microsoft Built and Scaled Cosmos
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Cosmos is a large-scale data processing system used by thousands at Microsoft to process exabytes of data across clusters of over 50,000 servers. It provides a SQL-like language and allows teams to easily share and join data. This drives huge scalability requirements. The Apollo scheduler was developed to maximize cluster utilization while minimizing latency for heterogeneous workloads at cloud scale. Later, JetScope was created to support lower latency interactive queries through intermediate result streaming and gang scheduling while maintaining fault tolerance.

Serverless and AI: Orit Nissan-Messing, Iguazio, Serverless NYC 2018
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This document discusses serverless computing and introduces Nuclio, an open source serverless platform. Some key points: - Serverless platforms provide easy deployment of functions but lack performance and number of event sources. Nuclio aims to improve on this with high concurrency and low latency. - Nuclio's architecture allows extreme performance of up to 400,000 events/second per process with sub-second latency. It supports various event sources and data bindings. - Nuclio works with Kubernetes, providing portability across clouds, on-premises, and hybrid environments while automating infrastructure management and scaling.

Step 3 - Architecture Technical Design Modelling Class diagrams ER diagram (data model) Colaboration diagrams Use cases etc. Tools: UML, whiteboards
Step 3 - Architecture High Level Architectures: MVC (Model View Controller) SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) Multi-tier development (Frontend, Application, Data) CBD (Component Based Development)
Step 4 - Tools You don’t need tools... But they make you productive
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Step 4 - Tools Source Control CVS / SVN Bitkeeper / GIT Branching Tagging
Step 5 - Foundation Start stacking bricks? How many bricks does it take.. What about stability? Start with a foundation
Step 5 - Foundation Use a framework Provides guidelines (frame) Off the shelf components Examples Zend Framework CakePHP http://  ezComponents  Symfony ATK
Step 5 - Foundation The “Not Invented Here” Syndrome “The existing frameworks are no good. I can do this better.” “This framework is no good.  It can do A through Y but I need Z.” “This framework is too big. It provides A-Z but we only need A and B.” “I know there's a good framework. But I would like to learn.”

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The document discusses enterprise PHP development. It begins by noting how PHP usage has changed over time from personal projects in 1998 to powering large websites, banks, and insurance companies today. It then addresses whether PHP is "enterprise ready" and discusses improved metaphors for PHP beyond toys or LEGO bricks. The remainder of the document outlines 10 steps for enterprise PHP development, including establishing requirements, designing architecture and tools, using frameworks, implementing design patterns, and emphasizing testing.

Step 6 – Design Patterns Requirement 1056.4: We need to be able to look outside, but we  can't make holes in the wall (rain should be  kept outside). When it's sunny, a hole is ok.
Step 6 – Design Patterns A ‘window’ is a concept Best practice way of solving a particular problem In IT, we call this a ‘design pattern’ Popular patterns in PHP: MVC, Factory, Singleton, Registry, Decorator Good read: php|architect's Guide to  PHP Design Patterns - Jason E. Sweat
Step 7 - Testing Is your software tested  after  it has gone live?
Step 7 - Testing Various types of testing Developer testing Functional testing Environment testing Performance testing Usability testing

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The PHP code checks the QUERY_STRING server variable. If it equals "SoD", it prints "owns you!", otherwise it prints "don't front!". It then shows an example of parsing multiple strings from the QUERY_STRING with explode() and switches. The document describes an affiliate network called Advertgoal that pays on a CPA basis with a $50 minimum payment via PayPal or check every 30 days and offers a 5% referral commission.

Step 7 - Testing Common scenario
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Step 7 - Testing Developer attacks the problem fix_bug();
Step 7 - Testing Problem solved!

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I gave this presentation at Codemotion Rome, it's the a story on a monolithic architecture evolved to an SOA architecture.

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Step 7 - Testing Solution: Unit Tests Automated testing after each change Prevents regressions Testing for PHP applications: PHPUnit   SimpleTest Continuous Integration: Xinc
Step 7 - Testing Test Driven Development 1. Define functionality 2. Create testcase 3. Run test -> test fails 4. Implement functionality Test succeeds? Done Test fails? Refactor Repeat step 4 until finished
Step 8 - Optimization Users are reporting: &quot;I work on the 197th floor. Every day I  have to walk the stairs for 2 hours, then I  have only 4 hours left to do my job.&quot;
Step 8 - Optimization Solution: Elevator

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In this ppt you will learn about functions and array in php. What are functions, how to declare and use. built in functions. include and required keywords. how are arguments used. how to create functions inside functions. What are php arrays, how to create an array and use them. Built in array functions. What are super globals?

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Step 8 - Optimization In PHP, this ‘elevator’ is called an ‘accelerator’ This is how PHP works (pseudo-ish code): read index.php;    // enter the building compile index.php;  // go to floor 197 echo “Hello World”;  // get the job done An accelerator improves the first 2 steps Accelerators for PHP: eAccelerator APC Zend Platform
Step 8 - Optimization Users complain: “Every time I need coffee I have to go  to the top floor to get some.”
Step 8 - Optimization Solution: Create small coffee corners on every floor so people don’t have to go to the main restaurant every time. In PHP we call this caching Don’t query the database everytime you need data Use locally stored copy (file or memory) PHP Caching solutions: Zend_Cache Smarty Zend Platform Memcached
Step 9 - Deployment Lifecycle: Develop Test Deploy to acceptance test environment Deploy to live Use SVN Code is just a part, don't forget the database Create a 'Deployment & Release Profile'

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Object Oriented Programming in enterprise level PHP is incredibly important. In this presentation, concepts like MVC architecture, data mappers, services, and domain and data models will be discussed. Simple demonstrations will be used to show patterns and best practices. In addition, using tools like Doctrine or integration with Salesforce or the AS/400 will also be discussed. There will be an emphasis on the practical application of these techniques as well - this isn't just a theoretical talk! This presentation is great for those just beginning to create enterprise applications as well as those who have had years of experience.

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Step 9 - Deployment System Architecture PHP Apache Linux MySQL From a simple LAMP stack on a single machine...
Step 9 - Deployment System Architecture ... to a High Availability, Horizontally Scalable architecture
Step 10 - Operations Monitoring Logfiles Monitor infrastructure (tools such as Nagios) Monitor application (tools such as Zend Platform) Monitor business (is the money still pouring in?)
Step 10 - Operations Debugging Ideal: “I had error x when I selected y after I clicked z” Reality: “It doesn't work!” “What exactly doesn't work, and what did you do?” “It just ******** didn't work, FIX IT.”

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This document provides information on various community resources and programs available to Fort Drum service members and their families in May 2013. It lists 27 organizations and programs including the American Red Cross, Army Career & Alumni Program, Army Community Service, Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers, Chapel services, Child and Youth Services programs, Commissary, and more. For each, it provides contact information and highlights upcoming events and activities in May such as seminars, training sessions, celebrations, and youth sports registration deadlines.

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Usability Review of Mashup Tools
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Research of usability of Mashup Tools done for Kent County Council as part of the Pic and Mix Pilot (2009), opening up Kent related datasets for all to use and exploit.

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Step 10 - Operations Solution A 'root cause  analysis' tool
Step 10 - Operations Change management Ticket system Stick to your deployment - use the DRP DON'T TOUCH THE LIVE ENVIRONMENT.  But I absolutely have to... DON'T! but... NO! I MEAN IT! :-)
The Big Picture No ‘cowboy coding’, but structured steps Higher quality  Software will be easier to maintain  (and cheaper) Development methodology Waterfall Agile (DSDM, XP, Scrum) Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Adapt from existing methods, learn from experts Document it properly Make it the cornerstone of your development efforts
More things to think about? Development Implementation Documentation Security

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Before I finish Dutch PHP Conference 2008  Call for Ideas  see your favorite guru hear your favorite topic Buy my book “php|architect's Enterprise PHP Development” Should be available in a few months  Talk to us Visit our booth We are still hiring We have stuff to sell you ;-)
Questions? [email_address]

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Enterprise PHP (PHP London Conference 2008)

  • 1. Enterprise PHP development Ivo Jansch <> PHPLondon Conference, February 29, 2008
  • 2. About me CTO at Ibuildings Development using PHP (websites, applications) Big projects (high traffic, multi-tier, clusters, high availability, large teams) Consultancy (training, audits) Partner of Zend Technologies 9 years in NL, 3 months in UK Geek! Author of several Open Source projects Interested in PHP, Web 2.0, Science Nervous in front of audiences bigger than 5 ;-)
  • 3. What's an enterprise? Wikipedia: “ Any of several ships by that name in the Star Trek fictional universe” “ A business, company, or comparable organization”
  • 4. Is PHP Enterprise ready? CIO Magazine: “ PHP works well for prototyping because it is easy to get a site up and running. Use PHP to design the site [...] but when it comes time for development, tell the team you want the result to look and act like this PHP site...but in Java” (Or: “great, this is exactly what I need! now do it again, at twice the cost!”) (skip the article, read the comments)
  • 5. Is PHP Enterprise ready? Small Lightweight Cheap Easy to learn Big Enterprise friendly enterpriCe CS required
  • 6. A word from my girlfriend It's not the SIZE of the tool... It's how you USE it.
  • 7. PHP is changing... 1998 Personal stuff 2003 Simple websites Content management Blogs 2008 Big websites Banks Insurance Companies ...
  • 8. PHP is changing... Traditional metaphor PHP is like Lego bricks Bricks allowing you to build anything
  • 9. PHP is changing... PHP is no longer a toy Let’s use the metaphor of actual bricks Because we’re building actual buildings now
  • 10. About Bricks Extreme simplicity Easy to learn Versatile Cheap ... so building a skyscraper must be peanuts, right?
  • 12. Step 1 – The Team “Dear Mr. Businessman, I have read about your plans to build a new skyscraper and I am applying for a job. I have a lot of experience with Bricks. I taught myself how to use them and have been maintaining our family shed for a few years now.”
  • 13. Step 1 – The Team Be a software engineer Train your skills Study OO principles Consider Zend Certification
  • 14. Step 2 - Requirements What does the customer need? What do visitors want?
  • 15. Step 2 - Requirements Functional Design Requirements definition Interaction Design / Wireframes Flow diagrams
  • 16. Step 3 - Architecture Don’t just start stacking bricks Create an architecture first
  • 17. Step 3 - Architecture Technical Design Modelling Class diagrams ER diagram (data model) Colaboration diagrams Use cases etc. Tools: UML, whiteboards
  • 18. Step 3 - Architecture High Level Architectures: MVC (Model View Controller) SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) Multi-tier development (Frontend, Application, Data) CBD (Component Based Development)
  • 19. Step 4 - Tools You don’t need tools... But they make you productive
  • 20. Step 4 - Tools Development: Eclipse (PDT) PhpED Vim Zend Studio IDE's vs Editors Debugging Profiling Navigation / cross references Inspection
  • 21. Step 4 - Tools Source Control CVS / SVN Bitkeeper / GIT Branching Tagging
  • 22. Step 5 - Foundation Start stacking bricks? How many bricks does it take.. What about stability? Start with a foundation
  • 23. Step 5 - Foundation Use a framework Provides guidelines (frame) Off the shelf components Examples Zend Framework CakePHP http:// ezComponents Symfony ATK
  • 24. Step 5 - Foundation The “Not Invented Here” Syndrome “The existing frameworks are no good. I can do this better.” “This framework is no good. It can do A through Y but I need Z.” “This framework is too big. It provides A-Z but we only need A and B.” “I know there's a good framework. But I would like to learn.”
  • 25. Step 6 – Design Patterns Requirement 1056.4: We need to be able to look outside, but we can't make holes in the wall (rain should be kept outside). When it's sunny, a hole is ok.
  • 26. Step 6 – Design Patterns A ‘window’ is a concept Best practice way of solving a particular problem In IT, we call this a ‘design pattern’ Popular patterns in PHP: MVC, Factory, Singleton, Registry, Decorator Good read: php|architect's Guide to PHP Design Patterns - Jason E. Sweat
  • 27. Step 7 - Testing Is your software tested after it has gone live?
  • 28. Step 7 - Testing Various types of testing Developer testing Functional testing Environment testing Performance testing Usability testing
  • 29. Step 7 - Testing Common scenario
  • 30. Step 7 - Testing User complains... MWOEHA! BUG!
  • 31. Step 7 - Testing Developer attacks the problem fix_bug();
  • 32. Step 7 - Testing Problem solved!
  • 33. Step 7 - Testing Solution: Unit Tests Automated testing after each change Prevents regressions Testing for PHP applications: PHPUnit SimpleTest Continuous Integration: Xinc
  • 34. Step 7 - Testing Test Driven Development 1. Define functionality 2. Create testcase 3. Run test -> test fails 4. Implement functionality Test succeeds? Done Test fails? Refactor Repeat step 4 until finished
  • 35. Step 8 - Optimization Users are reporting: &quot;I work on the 197th floor. Every day I have to walk the stairs for 2 hours, then I have only 4 hours left to do my job.&quot;
  • 36. Step 8 - Optimization Solution: Elevator
  • 37. Step 8 - Optimization In PHP, this ‘elevator’ is called an ‘accelerator’ This is how PHP works (pseudo-ish code): read index.php; // enter the building compile index.php; // go to floor 197 echo “Hello World”; // get the job done An accelerator improves the first 2 steps Accelerators for PHP: eAccelerator APC Zend Platform
  • 38. Step 8 - Optimization Users complain: “Every time I need coffee I have to go to the top floor to get some.”
  • 39. Step 8 - Optimization Solution: Create small coffee corners on every floor so people don’t have to go to the main restaurant every time. In PHP we call this caching Don’t query the database everytime you need data Use locally stored copy (file or memory) PHP Caching solutions: Zend_Cache Smarty Zend Platform Memcached
  • 40. Step 9 - Deployment Lifecycle: Develop Test Deploy to acceptance test environment Deploy to live Use SVN Code is just a part, don't forget the database Create a 'Deployment & Release Profile'
  • 41. Step 9 - Deployment System Architecture PHP Apache Linux MySQL From a simple LAMP stack on a single machine...
  • 42. Step 9 - Deployment System Architecture ... to a High Availability, Horizontally Scalable architecture
  • 43. Step 10 - Operations Monitoring Logfiles Monitor infrastructure (tools such as Nagios) Monitor application (tools such as Zend Platform) Monitor business (is the money still pouring in?)
  • 44. Step 10 - Operations Debugging Ideal: “I had error x when I selected y after I clicked z” Reality: “It doesn't work!” “What exactly doesn't work, and what did you do?” “It just ******** didn't work, FIX IT.”
  • 45. Step 10 - Operations Solution A 'root cause analysis' tool
  • 46. Step 10 - Operations Change management Ticket system Stick to your deployment - use the DRP DON'T TOUCH THE LIVE ENVIRONMENT. But I absolutely have to... DON'T! but... NO! I MEAN IT! :-)
  • 47. The Big Picture No ‘cowboy coding’, but structured steps Higher quality Software will be easier to maintain (and cheaper) Development methodology Waterfall Agile (DSDM, XP, Scrum) Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Adapt from existing methods, learn from experts Document it properly Make it the cornerstone of your development efforts
  • 48. More things to think about? Development Implementation Documentation Security
  • 49. Before I finish Dutch PHP Conference 2008 Call for Ideas see your favorite guru hear your favorite topic Buy my book “php|architect's Enterprise PHP Development” Should be available in a few months Talk to us Visit our booth We are still hiring We have stuff to sell you ;-)