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Ample SDK: Standards-based GUI Framework  for Client-side Applications The Ajax Experience 2009 September 14-16 in Boston, MA
Sergey Ilinsky
1. The Landscape of Client-side GUI Technologies 2. Ample SDK: Das Experiment 3. Using Ample SDK: Basics 4. Extending on Ample SDK 5. Showcase 6. Resources 7. Q&A Agenda
October 17, 2007, Re-inventing XMLHttpRequest: Cross-browser implementation with sniffing capabilities

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This document discusses HTML5 and how it can be used to enhance JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0 components. It provides an overview of HTML5 features such as new semantic elements, form controls, media elements, graphics with canvas, and JavaScript APIs. It also describes JSF 2.0's composite component model and how components can leverage HTML5 features like media playback and JavaScript integration. The document demonstrates a composite audio component that uses HTML5's audio element and JavaScript to control audio playback from JSF. It encourages leveraging HTML5 to promote rich user interfaces and future-proof JSF applications.

How to dockerize rails application compose and rails tutorial
How to dockerize rails application compose and rails tutorialHow to dockerize rails application compose and rails tutorial
How to dockerize rails application compose and rails tutorial

Follow this quick step-by-step tutorial on how to Dockerize Rails Application with the help of Docker Compose to build your own demo application.

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Highlights: Fully functional implementation of XHR for IE7- Some 20 issues fixed in native implementations. (New reports are still coming) Extended to support [transparent] request sniffing.
So I took on to  re-inventing (re-implementing) web browser
1. The Landscape of Client-Side GUI Technologies 1.1 Server-Side vs. Client-Side 1.2 Libraries vs. Frameworks 1.3 Web Browsers
1.1 Server-Side vs. Client-Side Server-Side - app is orchestrated on the server - data and UI communicated to client combined - client-side hooks are not welcome Client-Side - app is orchestrated on the client (browser) - data communicated separately from UI

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sMash at May NYPHP UG
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The document summarizes WebSphere sMash, an agile web application platform from IBM that leverages dynamic scripting languages like Groovy and PHP. It discusses key features of WebSphere sMash including the event-driven programming model, use of a global context for state management, deployment and tooling. The document also provides an overview of building RESTful applications with WebSphere sMash and using PHP within the platform.

Game Development Using HTML 5
Game Development Using HTML 5Game Development Using HTML 5
Game Development Using HTML 5

The document discusses HTML5 game development. It covers various topics like game concepts, HTML5 components for games, developing a game step-by-step and advanced topics. It focuses on HTML5 canvas for graphics, local storage for data, and describes functions for animations, interactions, controls and other elements needed for game development. The document provides examples for drawing, colors, images and text on the canvas.

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Introduction to Groovy Monkey
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Introduction to the Eclipse scripting tool Groovy Monkey. Groovy Monkey allows for you to engage in API exploration, Task Automation, Plugin prototyping and collaboration in a lightweight and simple way.

1.2 GUI Libraries vs. Frameworks Libraries: - help executing smaller development tasks - often used to «pimp-up» web-pages Frameworks: - bring another abstraction level - used to build «rich applications»
1.3 Web Browsers Two camps: Internet Explorer vs. Modern Browsers Problems: - Incompatible (sometimes incomplete) APIs - Too many versions, cool stuf in latest versions - Poor GUI facilities
Hm..  But don't many libraries and frameworks clean that mess successfully  while adding missing glyphs?
Yes, they do. Every in its own way.

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Workshop: Symfony2 Intruduction: (Controller, Routing, Model)

Here are the 4 main ways to define routes in Symfony: 1. Annotations: Put routing information directly in controllers as annotations. 2. YAML configuration: Define routes in the routing.yml configuration file. 3. XML configuration: Define routes in the routing.xml configuration file. 4. PHP configuration: Define routes by creating and returning RouteCollection instances from routing.php files. The YAML configuration method is most commonly used. It keeps routing separated from code and allows defining multiple routes in one centralized configuration file for better organization. Annotations can also be useful for simple applications. XML is not used much. And PHP configuration is only needed if routes need to be dynamically generated.

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This document provides an introduction and overview of Ruby on Rails (RoR), including its background, key features like MVC architecture and ActiveRecord ORM, and how it delivers business value through rapid application development. Rails simplifies and speeds up the web development process using conventions over configurations and Don't Repeat Yourself principles. It also includes examples of popular websites built with Rails and concludes with a discussion of actions, controllers and templates in the MVC framework.

[2015/2016] Apache Cordova
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The Cordova framework Recurrent app architecture Cordova CLI Debugging Cordova applications My development environment This presentation has been developed in the context of the Mobile Applications Development course, DISIM, University of L'Aquila (Italy), Spring 2016.

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2.  Ample SDK: Das Experiment 2.1 Objectives 2.2 Solution Architecture 2.3 Browser-within-a-browser? 2.4 Ample SDK Application Lifetime 2.5 Technologies Breakdown
2.1 Objectives Do not have: - new programming model - new APIs Do have: - ease of use (eliminate learning curve if possible) - better GUI technologies - separation of concerns - extensible architecture
Meet Ample SDK Ample SDK is a piece of software that runs  transparently  in the layer between web browser and application. While running it provides the Logic of the application with standard cross-browser access to the User Interface.
2.2 Solution Architecture Runtime - runtime.js UI Languages - xhtml/xhtml.js - xul/xul.js+xul/xul.css - svg/svg.js - ...

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Mobile applications are evolving to leverage HTML5 and rich web technologies. While native mobile applications currently have advantages in terms of performance and access to device features, HTML5 allows building applications that work across mobile devices and platforms using web standards. Frameworks like jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch demonstrate how to build mobile-optimized interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML5 applications have the potential for broader reach and less development effort compared to building separate native apps, though performance compromises remain versus truly native apps.

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This document provides an overview and examples of creating user interfaces with XML User Interface Language (XUL) in Mozilla Firefox extensions. It discusses XUL elements like boxes, buttons, menus and layout attributes. Code snippets demonstrate how to use these elements to build interfaces with labels, text boxes, checkboxes and nested menus. The document also explains how JavaScript and CSS can be used to add interactivity and styles to XUL interfaces.

Powerful tools for building web solutions
Powerful tools for building web solutionsPowerful tools for building web solutions
Powerful tools for building web solutions

A 360-degree overview of the most popular technologies in web development to boost your productivity.

2.3 Browser-within-a-browser? Ample SDK is in a way a web-browser (GUI aspect) - understands MLs (XHTML, XUL, SVG..) - provides DOM APIs (Core, Events, Selectors APIs) - uses CSS for styling (pseudo-classes, pseudo-elemnts)
2.4 Ample SDK Application Lifetime
2.5 Technologies Breakdown - Runtime - Scripting Technologies - XML Technologies - Styling Technologies - UI Markup Technologies
Runtime: Scripting Technologies - Document Object Model - DOM Core (Level 2) - DOM Events (Level 3) - Selectors API - XML APIs - DOMParser, XMLSerializer - XSLTProcessor - XMLHttpRequest - UI Managers - Focus Manager - Drag&Drop Manager - Resize Manager - Capture Manager - SPI History Manager - Componentization Model

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Android | Busy Java Developers Guide to Android: UI | Ted Neward

- The document provides an overview of key concepts for developing Android user interfaces (UIs), including activities, tasks, views, layouts, menus, and event handling. - It explains how to define and populate UIs using XML layout resources or programmatically in Java code, and how to move between activities using intents. - The document emphasizes that threading behavior differs in Android and blocking or UI modifications on non-UI threads can cause problems.

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[2015/2016] Backbone JS
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This presentation has been developed in the context of the Mobile Applications Development course, DISIM, University of L'Aquila (Italy), Spring 2016.

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In this session we are going to know the Xamarin Community Toolkit (XCT) along with all the options it offers like controls, converters, behaviors, etc.

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Runtime: XML technologies - Xinclude 1.0 - SMIL3.0 (selected modules) - XML Schema 1.1 (datatypes module)
Runtime: Styling Technologies - CSS 2.1 - CSS3 Namespaces - CSS3-UI (pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements)
UI Markup Technologies - XHTML1 - XUL - SVG 1.2 Tiny - XHTML5 (in development) - XForms 1.1 (planned)
3. Using Ample SDK: Basics - XML for UI - CSS for Style - JavaScript for Logic

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Angular js

- The document discusses AngularJS and single page applications. It provides an introduction and overview of key AngularJS concepts including modules, controllers, views, services, dependency injection, and filters. - Code samples and demos are referenced to illustrate concepts in more depth. Challenges with SEO and the benefits of TypeScript for adding type safety to JavaScript are also mentioned.


Tommy Williams Jr is a full stack developer with a primary focus on Angular 2, Ionic 2, Node JS, and JavaScript. He has over 10 years of experience building both front-end and back-end applications. Currently he works as a lead UI developer at Office Depot, where he helped modernize their codebase and transition websites during an acquisition. In previous roles, he has developed on additional technologies like PHP, ColdFusion, and C++. He also runs his own company called Location Over Time LLC and works on personal projects involving new technologies like web components.

Chapter 16 2 Air Masses, Fronts And Weather Maps Andie
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Chapter 16 2 Air Masses, Fronts And Weather Maps Andie

An air mass is a large volume of air that acquires consistent temperature and humidity characteristics based on the region over which it travels. There are four main types of air masses: maritime tropical, continental tropical, maritime polar, and continental polar. Weather fronts occur when different air masses meet, with the denser air mass pushing the less dense air mass. A cold front moves more quickly than a warm front and can produce severe weather like thunderstorms.

Hello World! <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=&quot;;> <head> <title>Hello, World!</title>  <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;ample/runtime.js&quot;></script> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;ample/languages/xhtml/xhtml.js&quot;></script>  <style type=&quot;text/ample+css&quot;> b { color: red; } </style>  <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> function alertHelloWorld(oEvent) { alert('Element &quot;' + + '&quot; was clicked'); } </script> </head> <body>  <script type=&quot;application/ample+xml&quot;> <b onclick=&quot;alertHelloWorld(event)&quot;>Hello, World!</b> </script> </body> </html>
The Programming Model Programming against Ample SDK is as simple as doing it against... right, cross-browser browser!
3.1 Laying out Application UI Application GUI is created with XML or JS staticly:  XML (XHTML, XUL, SVG..) dynamicly:  JavaScript (DOM) or XML + importNode
Embedding XML UI into a web page a) Inline, using a script tag with type=&quot;application/ample+xml&quot; <body>  <script type=&quot;application/ample+xml&quot;>  </script>  </body> b) Referencing a resource, using a script tag with src attribute <body>  <script type=&quot;application/ample+xml&quot; src=&quot;ui.xml&quot;></script>  </body> c) Inline, using and ample.close() <body>  <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;></script>  <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;>ample.close()</script>  </body>

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Узнайте, как команды используют Wrike для подготовки контента, неформального общения и многого другого.

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This document discusses the human sensory and nervous systems. It explains that humans have various sense organs like skin, eyes, ears, taste buds and nose that collect information about the environment. This information is detected by sensory receptors and transmitted via sensory neurons and nerves to either trigger instant reflex responses or alert the conscious brain. It also describes the endocrine system and how hormones released by glands produce longer-lasting responses than the nervous system to control various bodily functions and maintain homeostasis.

Ch 15 2 Energy And Heat Transfer
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Ch 15 2 Energy And Heat Transfer

The document discusses the key factors that influence weather and climate on Earth, including heat from the sun, atmospheric gases, and their interactions. It explains that the sun provides visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and infrared radiation that warm the Earth's surface and atmosphere. Gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contribute to the greenhouse effect by trapping heat. The amount of solar energy reaching different locations on Earth depends on latitude and time of year due to variations in the sun's angle and the spread of its energy across larger areas.

Using XHTML 1 and XHTML 5 <article> <header> <h1>Apples</h1> <p>Tasty, delicious fruit!</p> </header> <p>The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree.</p> <section> <h1>Red Delicious</h1> <p>These bright red apples are the most common found in many supermarkets.</p> </section> <section> <h1>Granny Smith</h1> <p>These juicy, green apples and make a great filling for apple pies.</p> </section> <footer> <h1>Apples</h1> <p>Tasty, delicious fruit!</p> </footer> </article>
Using XUL (Mozilla technology) <xul:tabbox xmlns:xul=&quot;;> <xul:tabs> <xul:tab label=&quot;checkbox&quot; /> <xul:tab label=&quot;textbox&quot; /> <xul:tab label=&quot;datepicker&quot; /> </xul:tabs> <xul:tabpanels> <xul:tabpanel> <xul:checkbox /> </xul:tabpanel> <xul:tabpanel> <xul:textbox /> </xul:tabpanel> <xul:tabpanel> <xul:datepicker /> </xul:tabpanel> </xul:tabpanels> </xul:tabbox>
Using SVG1.2 Tiny <svg:svg viewBox=&quot;0,0 400,400&quot; height=&quot;400px&quot; width=&quot;400px&quot; xmlns:svg=&quot;; xmlns:smil=&quot;;> <svg:circle cx=&quot;200&quot; cy=&quot;200&quot; r=&quot;10&quot; fill=&quot;red&quot; opacity=&quot;1&quot; stroke=&quot;black&quot; stroke-width=&quot;1&quot;> <smil:animate begin=&quot;click&quot; decelerate=&quot;0.5&quot; to=&quot;200&quot; attributeName=&quot;r&quot; dur=&quot;500ms&quot;/> </svg:circle> </svg:svg> Works in Internet Explorer 5.5 too Modules Implemented: 5. Document Structure 8. Paths 9. Basic Shapes 10. Text 12. Animation (SMIL)
Using DOM-Core for building UI dynamically var sXULNameSpace = &quot;;; var popup = ample.getElementById(&quot;items-popup&quot;); var item4 =  ample.createElementNS (sXULNameSpace, &quot;xul:menuitem&quot;); popup.appendChild(item4); item3.setAttribute(&quot;label&quot;, &quot;Item 3&quot;); item3.setAttribute(&quot;value&quot;, &quot;3&quot;); var oRequest = new XMLHttpRequest;;GET&quot;, &quot;wizard.xml&quot;, false); oRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { if (oRequest.readyState == 4) { var oFragment =  ample.importNode (oRequest.responseXML.documentElement, true); ample.querySelector(&quot;#target&quot;).appendChild(oFragment); } }

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Websockets en Ruby en 5 Minutos
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Websockets en Ruby en 5 Minutos

This document discusses WebSockets in Ruby in 5 minutes. It introduces WebSockets and the WebSocket API. It then summarizes how to implement a Ruby WebSocket server using the EM-WebSocket library and a Ruby WebSocket client using the Web-Socket-Ruby library. It also discusses how to implement a JavaScript WebSocket client. Finally, it discusses some use cases for WebSockets like chat, games, and real-time notifications and encourages experimenting with building a chat, whiteboard, or todo list application.

ruby websockets html5
4.2 voorlichting
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4.2 voorlichting

Voorlichting innovatie management 4.2 uitstroomprofiel Technische bedrijfskunde aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam

innoveren in elektrisch rijden
Using XInclude to merge XML documents 1. <div xmlns:xi=&quot;;> 2.  <xi:include href=&quot;Menubar.xml&quot; /> 3.  <xi:include href=&quot;Editor.xml&quot; /> 4.  <xi:include href=&quot;Statusbar.xml&quot; /> 5. </div>
3.2 Styling Application UI Styling GUI is done with CSS... nicely.
Embedding CSS stylesheets in a web page a) Inline, using a style tag with type=&quot;text/ample+css&quot; <style type=&quot;text/ample+css&quot;> /* Ample SDK inline stylesheet */ </style> b) Referencing a resource, using a link tag with href attribute <link type=&quot;text/ample+css&quot; rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; href=&quot;stylesheet.css&quot;/>
Using CSS for styling UI 1) Namespaced selectors for styling component @namespace xul &quot;;; xul|menulist { width: 200px; } 2) Pseudo-class selectors for styling component state @namespace xul &quot;;; xul|datepicker:focus { background-color: pink; } 3) Pseudo-element selectors for styling component view @namespace xul &quot;;; xul|colorpicker::input { border: solid 1px blue; } xul|colorpicker::button { background-image: url(&quot;colorpicker.png&quot;); }

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3.3 Writing Application Logic Implementing application [View] logic is about receiving UI events and updating UI state appropriately. In Ample SDK the Application UI is represented by a DOM tree (mainly built with UI elements), that you can access or modify in a standard and consistent way.  UI events are fired on elements in the tree with which the user interacts. Once dispatched they propagate through the tree and can be picked up for handling.
Embedding JavaScript GUI Logic into a web page a) Inline, using a script tag with type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> /* JavaScript UI Logic */ </script> b) Referencing a resource, using script tag with src attribute <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;application.js&quot;></script>
The ample scripting object The  ample  scripting object in the Ample SDK is similar to the  document  scripting object available in the browser
Navigating / Altering UI Document Tree a) Navigating the tree - firstChild, lastChild, previousSibling, nextSibling, childNodes, parentNode etc. - getElementById, getElementsByTagName and getElementsByTagNameNS - querySelector and querySelectorAll b) Altering the tree - setAttribute / setAttributeNS, getAttribute / getAttributeNS and removeAttribute / removeAttributeNS - createElement / createElementNS, createTextNode, appendChild, insertBefore, removeChild and replaceChild - importNode

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A Software Testing Professional Qualified, Experienced, Responsible, Dependable Software Test Engineer Seeking assignments for Testing Software, MANUAL/AUTOMATION, SECURITY Testing Comprehensive Knowledge of the SDLC (Software Development life cycle) and STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle), Spiral and V-MODEL activities within a leading organization.

To be present1 eso
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El documento proporciona una tabla con las formas del verbo TO BE (ser o estar) en inglés para las personas singulares y plurales en las formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. Se incluyen ejemplos de cada forma con los pronombres correspondientes.

to be present
Kurikulum 2013 SMP
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Pada tugas DDP MIPA T.A 2014/2015 dapat memilih KD yang ada pada kurikulum K-13 sebagai berikut. Cantumkan nomor KD yang telah dipilih, pada kolom KD yang ada pada tabel identifikasi.

Registering Event Handlers and Handling UI Events a) Dynamically, using the DOM Events API // Alert event current target tagName oElement.addEventListener(&quot;click&quot;, function(oEvent) { alert(oEvent.currentTarget.tagName) },  true ); // Cancel user selection (Also in IE) oElement.addEventListener(&quot;mousedown&quot;, function(oEvent) { oEvent.preventDefault(); }, false) b) Inline, using a on{event} attribute <xul:scale onchange=&quot;alert(this.getAttribute('value'))&quot; min=&quot;0&quot; max=&quot;100&quot; value=&quot;50&quot;/>
Using Drag And Drop Manager Events:  dragstart, drag, dragend, dragenter, dragleave, drop Properties:  $draggable, $droppable Pseudo-classes:  drag, drop <div xmlns:aml=&quot;; ondrop=&quot;if (event.relatedTarget.parentNode !=;> <div aml:droppable=&quot;true&quot; class=&quot;droppable&quot;> <div aml:draggable=&quot;true&quot; class=&quot;draggable&quot;> Container 1: drag me and drop to another container </div> <div aml:draggable=&quot;true&quot; class=&quot;draggable&quot;> Container 2: drag me and drop to another container </div> </div> <div aml:droppable=&quot;true&quot; class=&quot;droppable&quot;> </div> </div> .draggable { width:  100px; height: 100px; background-color: pink; border: solid 1px red; cursor: move; } .droppable { width: 300px; height: 320px; padding: 10px; float: left; background-color: lightgreen; border: solid 1px green; } div:drag { border-color: black; position: relative; } div:drop { border-style: dashed; }
Using Resize Manager Events:  resizestart, resize, resizeend CSS Pseudo-classes:  resize Properties:  $resizable <div aml:resizable=&quot;true&quot; class=&quot;resizable&quot; xmlns:aml=&quot;;> Resize me </div> @namespace &quot;;; div.resizable { width:  250px; height: 250px; background-color:  pink; border: solid 1px red; max-width:  500px; } div.resizable:resize { background-color:  lightyellow; }
Using History Manager Methods:  $bookmark(state) Events:  hashchange ample.addEventListener(&quot;hashchange&quot;, function(oEvent) { // Implement logic alert(navigator.location.hash) }, false);

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Absolute Dating
Absolute DatingAbsolute Dating
Absolute Dating

This document discusses methods for determining the age of objects, including radioactive dating using carbon-14. Radioactive elements like carbon-14 decay at a steady rate, allowing scientists to calculate an object's age by comparing the amounts of stable and unstable atoms. Specifically, carbon dating works because carbon-14 is absorbed by plants and animals while alive but then decreases after death, following the radioactive half-life. By measuring carbon-14 and carbon-12 levels, the time since a plant or animal died can be estimated.

Trend Report July 2011: Facebook, Brands & TV in Germany
Trend Report July 2011:  Facebook, Brands & TV in GermanyTrend Report July 2011:  Facebook, Brands & TV in Germany
Trend Report July 2011: Facebook, Brands & TV in Germany

Whereas in the spring of 2010 only about a quarter of the top-100 TV advertisers were identified as having an official (German-language) Facebook presence, just one year later it was evident that the world's largest social network had attracted a far greater proportion of those companies. Working with the same selection method, in April 2011 we identified that half (75) of the companies and brands serving as our basis had official fan pages, of which almost half (30) were less than a year old. This was based on the top 150 TV advertising spenders in the first quarter of the year. Key issues for the second Trend Report: - Review and improvement of the benchmarks identified in 2010: - Re-evaluation of the different strategic patterns in the use of Facebook as a communication channel. - Review of the following hypotheses: 1. Fan pages for brands and companies show declining interaction rates in 2011. 2. The typology of communication strategies displays a shift towards dialogue-oriented forms. 3. The differences in the interaction rates are industry- and size-specific. 4. Brands communicate their Facebook presence more frequently in other communications channels such as TV commercials and corporate web sites than was the case a year ago.

Reported speech
Reported speech Reported speech
Reported speech

The document discusses the rules for changing direct speech into reported or indirect speech. It explains that verbs must change to past tense, pronouns and place/time references are adjusted, and that reporting verbs like "said" are used to indicate an statement was made indirectly. Indirect questions use "asked" and change word order. Indirect orders/requests use "told" or "asked" followed by an infinitive verb.

reported speech
Using Capture Manager Methods:  $setCapture/$releaseCapture, $setModal/$releaseModal Events:  capture, modal <div> <button onclick=&quot;alert('Hello')&quot;>alert</button> <div id=&quot;dialog&quot; style=&quot;border: solid 1px red&quot;> <button onclick=&quot;this.parentNode.$releaseCapture(true)&quot;>release capture</button> </div> <button onclick=&quot;ample.getElementById('dialog').$setCapture(true)&quot;>set capture</button> </div>
Using XML APIs Transforming XML document with XSL-T example // Load stylesheet document;GET&quot;, &quot;stylesheet.xsl&quot;, false); oXMLHttpRequest.send(null); var oStylesheet = oXMLHttpRequest.responseXML; // Load input document;GET&quot;, &quot;input.xml&quot;, false); oXMLHttpRequest.send(null); var oInput  = oXMLHttpRequest.responseXML; // Create XSLTProcessor and import stylesheet into it var oXSLTProcessor  = new XSLTProcessor; oXSLTProcessor.importStylesheet(oStylesheet); // Transform input document to output document and alert result var oOutput = oXSLTProcessor.transformToDocument(oInput); alert(new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(oOutput));
JSON vs. XML JSON/XML for data XML/JSON for UI Whatever you like!
4. Extending on Ample SDK 4.1 Prototyping Objects / Creating new APIs 4.2 Creating Custom Markup Languages 4.3 Implementing Global UI Managers

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Creating a Successful Transmedia Project
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Presentation to the San Francisco transmedia meetup group - Transmedia SF. Thanks to everyone who came out and for the passionate discussion afterwards. It was a huge pleasure!

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1st Conditional
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1st Conditional

Conditional sentences contain two clauses: an if-clause expressing a condition and a consequence clause. The first conditional is used for probable present conditions and their likely future consequences, such as "If it rains tomorrow, we shall cancel the picnic" or "You will be tired if you do a lot of exercises." It typically uses the present simple in the if-clause and the future simple with will/won't in the consequence clause. Conditional sentences express possible outcomes based on stated conditions.

Facebook, Brands and TV Preview Next Conference 2010 Berlin
Facebook, Brands and TV  Preview Next Conference 2010 BerlinFacebook, Brands and TV  Preview Next Conference 2010 Berlin
Facebook, Brands and TV Preview Next Conference 2010 Berlin

We wanted to know: What do the big “TV brands” in Germany actually do on Facebook (as biggest social network)? This is what they do...

4.1 Prototyping objects/ Defining new APIs Objects inheritance in Ample SDK (simplified): AMLNode:: AMLDocument AMLCharacterData:: AMLText AMLElement:: MyComponent AMLElement.prototype.listenOnce = function(sEvent, fHandler) { this.addEventListener(sEvent, function(oEvent) { // Remove event listener this.removeEventListener(sEvent, arguments.callee, false); // Handle Event, oEvent); }, false) }
4.2 Creating Custom Markup Language // Create new Namespace object var MyNamespace = new AMLNamespace; // Register new Namespace with Ample SDK ample.domConfig.setNamespace(&quot;;);
Creating Custom Component // Define Component Constructor var MyButton = function() { // This is the constructor }; // Set Component Prototype MyButton.prototype = new AMLElement; // Register new Component with Namespace MyNamespace.setElement(&quot;button&quot;, MyButton);
Defining Component Presentation MyCombobox.prototype.$getTagOpen = function() { return '<div class=&quot;my-combobox&quot;> <input type=&quot;text&quot;  value=&quot;' + this.getAttribute(&quot;text&quot;)+ '&quot;  class=&quot;my-combobox—input&quot; /> <div class=&quot;my-combobox—button&quot;/> <div class=&quot;my-combobox—gateway&quot;>'; } MyCombobox.prototype.$getTagClose = function() { return ' </div> </div>'; }

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The Knoll 2
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The Knoll 2

Fast and easy to construct, environmental timber frame homes are precision engineered, energy efficient and warm. OFP timber frame homes are carefully fabricated in our own workshops in kent and the South East of England, using timber from managed resources. Each stage of production is carefully monitored to ensure that our customers receive a quality product, with delivery arranged to suit their build programme.

Using SVG with Ample SDK cross browser
Using SVG with Ample SDK cross browserUsing SVG with Ample SDK cross browser
Using SVG with Ample SDK cross browser

1) The document discusses using SVG cross-browser with the Ample SDK JavaScript GUI framework. It describes implementing SVG in Ample SDK and how to embed, modify, and style SVG fragments. 2) When implementing SVG, Ample SDK aims to equalize browser APIs without introducing new ones, extend browser UI technologies, and create reusable UI components. It virtualizes native technologies like SVG and VML. 3) Embedding SVG in HTML, dynamically modifying fragments via DOM or SMIL APIs, and styling with CSS classes, elements, or inline styles are demonstrated. Problems with VML performance and attributes in IE are also noted.

Html 5 in a big nutshell
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Html 5 in a big nutshell

HTML 5 is a new version of HTML that is still being developed. It aims to evolve HTML instead of reinventing it. Key features include new form elements, input types, semantic elements, APIs for offline apps, and standardized video and audio embedding. Browser support is growing but the specification may not be finalized until 2022. However, many features are already implemented and can be used today through emulation if needed.

Specifing attribute default values MyCombobox.attributes = { disabled: &quot;false&quot; }
Handling UI Events at the Component Level Event handlers defined on component classes are executed at the bubbling or target phase only if event default action was not prevented MyCombobox.handlers = { focus: function(oEvent) { // TODO: dispatch DOMActivate event } }
Handling Attribute changes MyCombobox.handlers = { &quot;DOMAttrModified&quot;: function(oEvent) { } }
Handling Component Insertion / Removal MyCombobox.handlers = { // Component inserted into document &quot;DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument&quot;: function(oEvent) { }, // Component removed from document &quot;DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument&quot;: function(oEvent) { } }

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Defining Properties and Methods // Property MyCombobox.prototype.tabIndex = 0; // Method MyCombobox.prototype.selectItem = function(oItem) { }
A domain-specific UI markup technology?
Maybe &quot;CocoaML&quot;?
4.3 Writing Global UI Managers A UI Manager is a plugin that reacts to primitive UI events and synthetizes other more enhanced ones Mouse Gesture UI Manager?

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UI development in the browser can be done declaratively or programmatically. Declarative development uses markup languages like XUL to define UI layout and behavior separately from logic, improving readability, reusability, and team collaboration. The Ample SDK provides a declarative approach, generating a shadow DOM that normalizes browser APIs while allowing the use of standards-based markup languages to build reusable, modular UIs. It provides object models for documents, elements and other interfaces that wrap native browser APIs for cross-browser compatibility.

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This document provides an overview of designing complex applications using HTML5 and KnockoutJS. It discusses HTML5 and why it is useful, introduces JavaScript and frameworks like KnockoutJS and SammyJS that help manage complexity. It also summarizes several JavaScript libraries and patterns including the module pattern, revealing module pattern, and MV* patterns. Specific libraries and frameworks discussed include RequireJS, AmplifyJS, UnderscoreJS, and LINQ.js. The document concludes with a brief mention of server-side tools like ScriptSharp.

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This presentation has been presented at the Flex User Group in Berlin [1] on July 5th, 2012. I basically tried to cover the current state of Apache Flex, its possible future role in 2050 and compared Apache Flex with other Web technologies. I also tried to summarise my current work at Apache Flex. Hopefully, you'll find this presentation inspiring, too ;) [1]

javafxsilverlighthtml 5
5. Showcase
Implementation Aspects: Application Logic: PAC approach UI Technology: XHTML+XUL+Custom components Server-side — 2 services: - Static for UI - Dynamic for Data (JSON to SOAP)
Wrapping up: Why Ample SDK is relevant? - Natural programming model - Uses APIs that will stay - Better UI building bricks — XUL et alii - Enables quite a bit of SVG in Internet Explorer - Allows creating DS markup technologies
6. Resources IRC Channels #amplesdk on #amplesdk-dev on  (Framework Developers) Mailing Lists / Discussion Groups   (Framework Developers) Bugtracker Documentation (online/offline) Developer Tools Aptana IDE plugin Firebug plugin (in development)

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Application Programming Interfaces allow developers to leverage existing program code in an effort to build additional functionality, automate processes or present existing functionality in a different format. APIs exist for many of Hyperion products; however, clear examples of how to use them are not always easy to find nor are applications for the API readily available. Proper application of the APIs for HFM, Workspace, FDM, Smartview and Shared Services can simplify the daily routines of end users and administrators. This session will provide a high level overview of how each of the APIs work. Additionally, real-world examples for each API will be provided. Fully working code will be available for download from the ODTUG 12 site which attendees can use in their own environments.

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Ajax Ajax

AJAX is a web development technique that uses asynchronous JavaScript and XML to make web pages more interactive. It allows asynchronous data retrieval and manipulation of page elements without reloading the entire page. Several frameworks, toolkits, and libraries have been developed to help build AJAX applications and simplify development by providing reusable widgets and hiding complex functionality. These include both communication libraries that handle browser differences and user interface toolkits with common UI controls. Larger AJAX frameworks provide fully integrated shared libraries and development tools.

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Sergey Ilinsky Presentation Ample Sdk

  • 1. Ample SDK: Standards-based GUI Framework for Client-side Applications The Ajax Experience 2009 September 14-16 in Boston, MA
  • 2. Sergey Ilinsky
  • 3. 1. The Landscape of Client-side GUI Technologies 2. Ample SDK: Das Experiment 3. Using Ample SDK: Basics 4. Extending on Ample SDK 5. Showcase 6. Resources 7. Q&A Agenda
  • 4. October 17, 2007, Re-inventing XMLHttpRequest: Cross-browser implementation with sniffing capabilities
  • 5. Highlights: Fully functional implementation of XHR for IE7- Some 20 issues fixed in native implementations. (New reports are still coming) Extended to support [transparent] request sniffing.
  • 6. So I took on to re-inventing (re-implementing) web browser
  • 7. 1. The Landscape of Client-Side GUI Technologies 1.1 Server-Side vs. Client-Side 1.2 Libraries vs. Frameworks 1.3 Web Browsers
  • 8. 1.1 Server-Side vs. Client-Side Server-Side - app is orchestrated on the server - data and UI communicated to client combined - client-side hooks are not welcome Client-Side - app is orchestrated on the client (browser) - data communicated separately from UI
  • 9. 1.2 GUI Libraries vs. Frameworks Libraries: - help executing smaller development tasks - often used to «pimp-up» web-pages Frameworks: - bring another abstraction level - used to build «rich applications»
  • 10. 1.3 Web Browsers Two camps: Internet Explorer vs. Modern Browsers Problems: - Incompatible (sometimes incomplete) APIs - Too many versions, cool stuf in latest versions - Poor GUI facilities
  • 11. Hm.. But don't many libraries and frameworks clean that mess successfully while adding missing glyphs?
  • 12. Yes, they do. Every in its own way.
  • 13. 2. Ample SDK: Das Experiment 2.1 Objectives 2.2 Solution Architecture 2.3 Browser-within-a-browser? 2.4 Ample SDK Application Lifetime 2.5 Technologies Breakdown
  • 14. 2.1 Objectives Do not have: - new programming model - new APIs Do have: - ease of use (eliminate learning curve if possible) - better GUI technologies - separation of concerns - extensible architecture
  • 15. Meet Ample SDK Ample SDK is a piece of software that runs transparently in the layer between web browser and application. While running it provides the Logic of the application with standard cross-browser access to the User Interface.
  • 16. 2.2 Solution Architecture Runtime - runtime.js UI Languages - xhtml/xhtml.js - xul/xul.js+xul/xul.css - svg/svg.js - ...
  • 17. 2.3 Browser-within-a-browser? Ample SDK is in a way a web-browser (GUI aspect) - understands MLs (XHTML, XUL, SVG..) - provides DOM APIs (Core, Events, Selectors APIs) - uses CSS for styling (pseudo-classes, pseudo-elemnts)
  • 18. 2.4 Ample SDK Application Lifetime
  • 19. 2.5 Technologies Breakdown - Runtime - Scripting Technologies - XML Technologies - Styling Technologies - UI Markup Technologies
  • 20. Runtime: Scripting Technologies - Document Object Model - DOM Core (Level 2) - DOM Events (Level 3) - Selectors API - XML APIs - DOMParser, XMLSerializer - XSLTProcessor - XMLHttpRequest - UI Managers - Focus Manager - Drag&Drop Manager - Resize Manager - Capture Manager - SPI History Manager - Componentization Model
  • 21. Runtime: XML technologies - Xinclude 1.0 - SMIL3.0 (selected modules) - XML Schema 1.1 (datatypes module)
  • 22. Runtime: Styling Technologies - CSS 2.1 - CSS3 Namespaces - CSS3-UI (pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements)
  • 23. UI Markup Technologies - XHTML1 - XUL - SVG 1.2 Tiny - XHTML5 (in development) - XForms 1.1 (planned)
  • 24. 3. Using Ample SDK: Basics - XML for UI - CSS for Style - JavaScript for Logic
  • 25. Hello World! <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=&quot;;> <head> <title>Hello, World!</title> <!-- (A) Ample SDK runtime and UI language --> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;ample/runtime.js&quot;></script> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;ample/languages/xhtml/xhtml.js&quot;></script> <!-- (1) Styling --> <style type=&quot;text/ample+css&quot;> b { color: red; } </style> <!-- (2) Logic --> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> function alertHelloWorld(oEvent) { alert('Element &quot;' + + '&quot; was clicked'); } </script> </head> <body> <!-- (3) Layout --> <script type=&quot;application/ample+xml&quot;> <b onclick=&quot;alertHelloWorld(event)&quot;>Hello, World!</b> </script> </body> </html>
  • 26. The Programming Model Programming against Ample SDK is as simple as doing it against... right, cross-browser browser!
  • 27. 3.1 Laying out Application UI Application GUI is created with XML or JS staticly: XML (XHTML, XUL, SVG..) dynamicly: JavaScript (DOM) or XML + importNode
  • 28. Embedding XML UI into a web page a) Inline, using a script tag with type=&quot;application/ample+xml&quot; <body> <!-- other HTML code --> <script type=&quot;application/ample+xml&quot;> <!-- Ample SDK inline XML markup --> </script> <!-- other HTML code --> </body> b) Referencing a resource, using a script tag with src attribute <body> <!-- other HTML code --> <script type=&quot;application/ample+xml&quot; src=&quot;ui.xml&quot;></script> <!-- other HTML code --> </body> c) Inline, using and ample.close() <body> <!-- other HTML code --> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;></script> <!-- Ample SDK inline XML markup --> <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;>ample.close()</script> <!-- other HTML code --> </body>
  • 29. Using XHTML 1 and XHTML 5 <article> <header> <h1>Apples</h1> <p>Tasty, delicious fruit!</p> </header> <p>The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree.</p> <section> <h1>Red Delicious</h1> <p>These bright red apples are the most common found in many supermarkets.</p> </section> <section> <h1>Granny Smith</h1> <p>These juicy, green apples and make a great filling for apple pies.</p> </section> <footer> <h1>Apples</h1> <p>Tasty, delicious fruit!</p> </footer> </article>
  • 30. Using XUL (Mozilla technology) <xul:tabbox xmlns:xul=&quot;;> <xul:tabs> <xul:tab label=&quot;checkbox&quot; /> <xul:tab label=&quot;textbox&quot; /> <xul:tab label=&quot;datepicker&quot; /> </xul:tabs> <xul:tabpanels> <xul:tabpanel> <xul:checkbox /> </xul:tabpanel> <xul:tabpanel> <xul:textbox /> </xul:tabpanel> <xul:tabpanel> <xul:datepicker /> </xul:tabpanel> </xul:tabpanels> </xul:tabbox>
  • 31. Using SVG1.2 Tiny <svg:svg viewBox=&quot;0,0 400,400&quot; height=&quot;400px&quot; width=&quot;400px&quot; xmlns:svg=&quot;; xmlns:smil=&quot;;> <svg:circle cx=&quot;200&quot; cy=&quot;200&quot; r=&quot;10&quot; fill=&quot;red&quot; opacity=&quot;1&quot; stroke=&quot;black&quot; stroke-width=&quot;1&quot;> <smil:animate begin=&quot;click&quot; decelerate=&quot;0.5&quot; to=&quot;200&quot; attributeName=&quot;r&quot; dur=&quot;500ms&quot;/> </svg:circle> </svg:svg> Works in Internet Explorer 5.5 too Modules Implemented: 5. Document Structure 8. Paths 9. Basic Shapes 10. Text 12. Animation (SMIL)
  • 32. Using DOM-Core for building UI dynamically var sXULNameSpace = &quot;;; var popup = ample.getElementById(&quot;items-popup&quot;); var item4 = ample.createElementNS (sXULNameSpace, &quot;xul:menuitem&quot;); popup.appendChild(item4); item3.setAttribute(&quot;label&quot;, &quot;Item 3&quot;); item3.setAttribute(&quot;value&quot;, &quot;3&quot;); var oRequest = new XMLHttpRequest;;GET&quot;, &quot;wizard.xml&quot;, false); oRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { if (oRequest.readyState == 4) { var oFragment = ample.importNode (oRequest.responseXML.documentElement, true); ample.querySelector(&quot;#target&quot;).appendChild(oFragment); } }
  • 33. Using XInclude to merge XML documents 1. <div xmlns:xi=&quot;;> 2. <xi:include href=&quot;Menubar.xml&quot; /> 3. <xi:include href=&quot;Editor.xml&quot; /> 4. <xi:include href=&quot;Statusbar.xml&quot; /> 5. </div>
  • 34. 3.2 Styling Application UI Styling GUI is done with CSS... nicely.
  • 35. Embedding CSS stylesheets in a web page a) Inline, using a style tag with type=&quot;text/ample+css&quot; <style type=&quot;text/ample+css&quot;> /* Ample SDK inline stylesheet */ </style> b) Referencing a resource, using a link tag with href attribute <link type=&quot;text/ample+css&quot; rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; href=&quot;stylesheet.css&quot;/>
  • 36. Using CSS for styling UI 1) Namespaced selectors for styling component @namespace xul &quot;;; xul|menulist { width: 200px; } 2) Pseudo-class selectors for styling component state @namespace xul &quot;;; xul|datepicker:focus { background-color: pink; } 3) Pseudo-element selectors for styling component view @namespace xul &quot;;; xul|colorpicker::input { border: solid 1px blue; } xul|colorpicker::button { background-image: url(&quot;colorpicker.png&quot;); }
  • 37. 3.3 Writing Application Logic Implementing application [View] logic is about receiving UI events and updating UI state appropriately. In Ample SDK the Application UI is represented by a DOM tree (mainly built with UI elements), that you can access or modify in a standard and consistent way. UI events are fired on elements in the tree with which the user interacts. Once dispatched they propagate through the tree and can be picked up for handling.
  • 38. Embedding JavaScript GUI Logic into a web page a) Inline, using a script tag with type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> /* JavaScript UI Logic */ </script> b) Referencing a resource, using script tag with src attribute <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;application.js&quot;></script>
  • 39. The ample scripting object The ample scripting object in the Ample SDK is similar to the document scripting object available in the browser
  • 40. Navigating / Altering UI Document Tree a) Navigating the tree - firstChild, lastChild, previousSibling, nextSibling, childNodes, parentNode etc. - getElementById, getElementsByTagName and getElementsByTagNameNS - querySelector and querySelectorAll b) Altering the tree - setAttribute / setAttributeNS, getAttribute / getAttributeNS and removeAttribute / removeAttributeNS - createElement / createElementNS, createTextNode, appendChild, insertBefore, removeChild and replaceChild - importNode
  • 41. Registering Event Handlers and Handling UI Events a) Dynamically, using the DOM Events API // Alert event current target tagName oElement.addEventListener(&quot;click&quot;, function(oEvent) { alert(oEvent.currentTarget.tagName) }, true ); // Cancel user selection (Also in IE) oElement.addEventListener(&quot;mousedown&quot;, function(oEvent) { oEvent.preventDefault(); }, false) b) Inline, using a on{event} attribute <xul:scale onchange=&quot;alert(this.getAttribute('value'))&quot; min=&quot;0&quot; max=&quot;100&quot; value=&quot;50&quot;/>
  • 42. Using Drag And Drop Manager Events: dragstart, drag, dragend, dragenter, dragleave, drop Properties: $draggable, $droppable Pseudo-classes: drag, drop <div xmlns:aml=&quot;; ondrop=&quot;if (event.relatedTarget.parentNode !=;> <div aml:droppable=&quot;true&quot; class=&quot;droppable&quot;> <div aml:draggable=&quot;true&quot; class=&quot;draggable&quot;> Container 1: drag me and drop to another container </div> <div aml:draggable=&quot;true&quot; class=&quot;draggable&quot;> Container 2: drag me and drop to another container </div> </div> <div aml:droppable=&quot;true&quot; class=&quot;droppable&quot;> </div> </div> .draggable { width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: pink; border: solid 1px red; cursor: move; } .droppable { width: 300px; height: 320px; padding: 10px; float: left; background-color: lightgreen; border: solid 1px green; } div:drag { border-color: black; position: relative; } div:drop { border-style: dashed; }
  • 43. Using Resize Manager Events: resizestart, resize, resizeend CSS Pseudo-classes: resize Properties: $resizable <div aml:resizable=&quot;true&quot; class=&quot;resizable&quot; xmlns:aml=&quot;;> Resize me </div> @namespace &quot;;; div.resizable { width: 250px; height: 250px; background-color: pink; border: solid 1px red; max-width: 500px; } div.resizable:resize { background-color: lightyellow; }
  • 44. Using History Manager Methods: $bookmark(state) Events: hashchange ample.addEventListener(&quot;hashchange&quot;, function(oEvent) { // Implement logic alert(navigator.location.hash) }, false);
  • 45. Using Capture Manager Methods: $setCapture/$releaseCapture, $setModal/$releaseModal Events: capture, modal <div> <button onclick=&quot;alert('Hello')&quot;>alert</button> <div id=&quot;dialog&quot; style=&quot;border: solid 1px red&quot;> <button onclick=&quot;this.parentNode.$releaseCapture(true)&quot;>release capture</button> </div> <button onclick=&quot;ample.getElementById('dialog').$setCapture(true)&quot;>set capture</button> </div>
  • 46. Using XML APIs Transforming XML document with XSL-T example // Load stylesheet document;GET&quot;, &quot;stylesheet.xsl&quot;, false); oXMLHttpRequest.send(null); var oStylesheet = oXMLHttpRequest.responseXML; // Load input document;GET&quot;, &quot;input.xml&quot;, false); oXMLHttpRequest.send(null); var oInput = oXMLHttpRequest.responseXML; // Create XSLTProcessor and import stylesheet into it var oXSLTProcessor = new XSLTProcessor; oXSLTProcessor.importStylesheet(oStylesheet); // Transform input document to output document and alert result var oOutput = oXSLTProcessor.transformToDocument(oInput); alert(new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(oOutput));
  • 47. JSON vs. XML JSON/XML for data XML/JSON for UI Whatever you like!
  • 48. 4. Extending on Ample SDK 4.1 Prototyping Objects / Creating new APIs 4.2 Creating Custom Markup Languages 4.3 Implementing Global UI Managers
  • 49. 4.1 Prototyping objects/ Defining new APIs Objects inheritance in Ample SDK (simplified): AMLNode:: AMLDocument AMLCharacterData:: AMLText AMLElement:: MyComponent AMLElement.prototype.listenOnce = function(sEvent, fHandler) { this.addEventListener(sEvent, function(oEvent) { // Remove event listener this.removeEventListener(sEvent, arguments.callee, false); // Handle Event, oEvent); }, false) }
  • 50. 4.2 Creating Custom Markup Language // Create new Namespace object var MyNamespace = new AMLNamespace; // Register new Namespace with Ample SDK ample.domConfig.setNamespace(&quot;;);
  • 51. Creating Custom Component // Define Component Constructor var MyButton = function() { // This is the constructor }; // Set Component Prototype MyButton.prototype = new AMLElement; // Register new Component with Namespace MyNamespace.setElement(&quot;button&quot;, MyButton);
  • 52. Defining Component Presentation MyCombobox.prototype.$getTagOpen = function() { return '<div class=&quot;my-combobox&quot;> <input type=&quot;text&quot; value=&quot;' + this.getAttribute(&quot;text&quot;)+ '&quot; class=&quot;my-combobox—input&quot; /> <div class=&quot;my-combobox—button&quot;/> <div class=&quot;my-combobox—gateway&quot;>'; } MyCombobox.prototype.$getTagClose = function() { return ' </div> </div>'; }
  • 53. Specifing attribute default values MyCombobox.attributes = { disabled: &quot;false&quot; }
  • 54. Handling UI Events at the Component Level Event handlers defined on component classes are executed at the bubbling or target phase only if event default action was not prevented MyCombobox.handlers = { focus: function(oEvent) { // TODO: dispatch DOMActivate event } }
  • 55. Handling Attribute changes MyCombobox.handlers = { &quot;DOMAttrModified&quot;: function(oEvent) { } }
  • 56. Handling Component Insertion / Removal MyCombobox.handlers = { // Component inserted into document &quot;DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument&quot;: function(oEvent) { }, // Component removed from document &quot;DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument&quot;: function(oEvent) { } }
  • 57. Defining Properties and Methods // Property MyCombobox.prototype.tabIndex = 0; // Method MyCombobox.prototype.selectItem = function(oItem) { }
  • 58. A domain-specific UI markup technology?
  • 60. 4.3 Writing Global UI Managers A UI Manager is a plugin that reacts to primitive UI events and synthetizes other more enhanced ones Mouse Gesture UI Manager?
  • 62. Implementation Aspects: Application Logic: PAC approach UI Technology: XHTML+XUL+Custom components Server-side — 2 services: - Static for UI - Dynamic for Data (JSON to SOAP)
  • 63. Wrapping up: Why Ample SDK is relevant? - Natural programming model - Uses APIs that will stay - Better UI building bricks — XUL et alii - Enables quite a bit of SVG in Internet Explorer - Allows creating DS markup technologies
  • 64. 6. Resources IRC Channels #amplesdk on #amplesdk-dev on (Framework Developers) Mailing Lists / Discussion Groups (Framework Developers) Bugtracker Documentation (online/offline) Developer Tools Aptana IDE plugin Firebug plugin (in development)