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Become a Reliable Web
Achmad Solichin | @achmatim
Tangerang, 17-18 April 2018
menjadi programmer handal era kekinian
AMIK BSI Tangerang
Achmad Solichin
Dosen - Web Developer - Trainer
@achmatim Achmad Solichin
Universitas Budi Luhur, Jakarta
• a person who writes computer programs.
• a device that automatically controls the operation of
something in accordance with a prescribed program.
web programmer = programmer yang membuat aplikasi berbasis web

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WordCamp Greenville 2018 - Beware the Dark Side, or an Intro to Development
WordCamp Greenville 2018 - Beware the Dark Side, or an Intro to DevelopmentWordCamp Greenville 2018 - Beware the Dark Side, or an Intro to Development
WordCamp Greenville 2018 - Beware the Dark Side, or an Intro to Development

Crash course introduction to web development for WordPress covering acronyms, buzzwords and concepts that often leave outsiders mystified. Overview of primary development processes and what software and tools are needed to play the game. We’ll cover what you need to go from zero to developer and hopefully how to have fun on the way. WordPress development tools explained for beginners: ftp, git, svn, php, html, css, sass, js, jquery, IDEs, themes, child themes, the Loop, hooks, APIs, CLI, agile, bootstrap, slack, linting, sniffing … etc.

wordpresswordcampwordcamp greenville
Angular mobile angular_u
Angular mobile angular_uAngular mobile angular_u
Angular mobile angular_u

Angular: Go Mobile! How could you develop a mobile app across iOS, Android or windows devices? We’ll show how Apache Cordova opens the world of mobile app development to web developers. In the session, a “To Do” app using Angular will be explored and then it will be demonstrated step by step on how to turn it into a mobile app, with access to native device capabilities. Along the way, you'll also learn what kind of apps are best-suited for the hybrid architecture and when to make the switch from web app to mobile app.

mobileangularjsmobile web
Introduction to web development
Introduction to web developmentIntroduction to web development
Introduction to web development

This document provides an overview of web development. It begins with an introduction and outlines a series on the topic, covering basic design tools, logic tools, and tweaks needed. It then defines web applications, describes the evolution of web development from static to dynamic pages, and explains how requests are made and website structure. It also covers the basic web development process, reasons for multiple browsers, and differences between static and dynamic web pages. Finally, it discusses dynamic web technologies and frameworks.

How should we start ?
Choose your own path
Full stack developerFront-end developer Back-end developer
+ =
Seminar: Become a Reliable Web Programmer
Seminar: Become a Reliable Web Programmer

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A practical guide to building websites with HTML5 & CSS3
A practical guide to building websites with HTML5 & CSS3A practical guide to building websites with HTML5 & CSS3
A practical guide to building websites with HTML5 & CSS3

The document provides an overview of HTML5 and CSS3 features for a presentation. It begins by introducing the presenter and their experience with WordPress, HTML, and CSS. It then covers new elements in HTML5 like video, audio, forms, and semantics. For CSS3, it discusses selectors, properties and fonts. The presenter notes they will focus on useful features they commonly use and not cover everything due to time constraints. They ask for questions and indicate they are still learning.

web standardsweb designhtml5
1-01: Introduction To Web Development
1-01: Introduction To  Web  Development1-01: Introduction To  Web  Development
1-01: Introduction To Web Development

This document provides an introduction to web development. It discusses that the course will cover HTML and CSS over 8 weeks of modules. It also addresses assessments and getting help if students fall behind, noting they can email the instructors. The document further explains the layers of web development, including HTML for content, CSS for presentation, and JavaScript for behavior. It emphasizes separating these layers and why this approach is beneficial, such as for shared resources, faster downloads, collaboration, accessibility, and backward compatibility. Finally, it introduces the World Wide Web Consortium as the standards body for the web.

Rich and Beautiful: Making Attractive Apps in HTML5 [Wpg 2013]
Rich and Beautiful: Making Attractive Apps in HTML5 [Wpg 2013]Rich and Beautiful: Making Attractive Apps in HTML5 [Wpg 2013]
Rich and Beautiful: Making Attractive Apps in HTML5 [Wpg 2013]

End-users are shallow and vein when it comes to applications. Whether you are selling apps in the marketplace, or trying to engage business users, without a sexy user experience, it can be hard to get people interested. HTML5, although very practical and functional as a platform, can do wonders when it comes to making sexy software. In this session, we will take a deeper dive into the HTML5 tools that can make your application a looker and really look good. We will learn how to take a regular HTML5 application and turn it into a rich user experience that stands out in the crown in HTML5 application using features like SVG, Canvas, and Audio/Video.

Tools and Software
Code Editor
 AWS Cloud9
 Visual Studio Code
 Sublime Text
 Brackets
 Vim
 Atom
 Notepad++
Good Browser
 Mozilla Firefox
 Google Chrome
 Microsoft Edge
 Opera
Image Editor
 Adobe Photoshop
 Adobe Illustrator
Development Tools
 WinSCP
 Composer
 FTP Client
 DB Client
 Learn before ANYTHING else
 Every website use them
 Easy and quick to learn
 Basic building layout (Grid-based, CSS based)
 Responsive is IMPORTANT
Javascript [is not Java]
 Learn Basic JS [no framework]
 Data types, variable, operator, function, loop,
 DOM manipulation [without JQuery]
 Ajax / JSON
Deploying an online website
Domain and hosting
[start from IDR 10k /month]
Learn basic CPanel
[creating subdomain,
email, file manager, FTP account, etc]
Uploading file and database
[via Cpanel or FTP]

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Front-End 개발의 괜찮은 선택 ES6 & React
Front-End 개발의 괜찮은 선택  ES6 & ReactFront-End 개발의 괜찮은 선택  ES6 & React
Front-End 개발의 괜찮은 선택 ES6 & React

The document discusses the history and challenges of front-end development. It notes that initially there were many different front-end tools that made selection difficult. Frameworks became popular but could be incompatible and difficult to decouple. It suggests that ES6 and React provide a good foundation for building front-ends, as React code can be written in ES6 and they avoid issues of other frameworks.

The road to professional web development
The road to professional web developmentThe road to professional web development
The road to professional web development

My presentation in Taiwan about the history of web development and what practices make sense and got followed in the YUI.

Modern Web Development
Modern Web DevelopmentModern Web Development
Modern Web Development

Talks about the best practices in web development regarding semantics, accessibility, SEO and performance.

semanticsweb developmentperformance
Front-end Dev Basic Skills
 Build simple websites & UIs [using HTML &
 Creating logo, banner and some web
component [using Adobe PS or AI]
 Creating some dynamic UI [with Javascript]
 Join a simple project
Where to Next ?
 HTML / CSS Framework Bootstrap, Materialize, etc
 Front-end JS Framework ReactJS, Angular, etc
 Server side technologies Python, PHP, NodeJS, etc
 Database MySQL, MongoDB, etc
HTML / CSS Framework [pick one]
Materialize CSS
[responsive, material design]
Twitter Bootstrap
[easy, most popular]
[advanced, responsive]
[a lightweight boillerplate]
[easy to learn syntax, no JS]
Pure CSS
[small and responsive]
Javascript Framework [pick one]
React JS [popular for startup, fast]
Angular JS [popular in enterprise, complete]
Vue JS [fast, light, easy to use]
Ember JS [large and small scale web applications]

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Devconf 2011 - PHP - How Yii framework is developed
Devconf 2011 - PHP - How Yii framework is developedDevconf 2011 - PHP - How Yii framework is developed
Devconf 2011 - PHP - How Yii framework is developed

This document discusses the development of the Yii PHP framework. It was originally developed from Prado in 2004 and became Yii 1.0 in 2008. The framework uses an MVC architecture and takes inspiration from other frameworks like Rails and Symfony. It focuses on being easy to use, powerful, and flexible. The framework is developed as an open source project under the BSD license to encourage contributions from the community.

Front end developer responsibilities what does a front-end developer do?
Front end developer responsibilities  what does a front-end developer do?Front end developer responsibilities  what does a front-end developer do?
Front end developer responsibilities what does a front-end developer do?

A front-end developer is responsible for the client-side development of websites, including writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. Their main responsibilities include determining website structure and design, ensuring a good user experience, and optimizing websites for different devices like smartphones. Front-end developers also work on features to enhance the user experience, balance functional and aesthetic design, and maintain brand consistency throughout a website.

front endfront end developers responsibilitieshire dedicated developers
Web development | Derin Dolen
Web development | Derin Dolen Web development | Derin Dolen
Web development | Derin Dolen

Web Development is website development which is explained by Derin Dolen in this PPt in very detail and simple words. Derin Dolen ppt on web development is must be read and share.

derin dolenweb design and developmentwebsite
Side Technologies You Should Learn Too
 GIT [version control system]
 Command Line [old, but you will need it someday]
 Composer [PHP], PyPi [Python], Gradle [Java]
 Webpack, Babel, NPM, etc
 Web Server [Apache, nginx]
Composer is a tool for
dependency management in
PHP. It allows you to declare the
libraries your project depends
on and it will manage
(install/update) them for you
Server Side Technologies [pick one]
 Node.js [fast, scalable, powerfull]
 Python [popular, rapid development, integration]
 PHP [easy, practical, every body knows]
 Ruby [rapid development, strong community]
Database [choose one]
 MongoDB [NoSQL, non-relational, recommended for Node.js]
 MySQL [free, popular, easy to use, best couple for PHP]
 PostgreSQL [powerfull but a bit difficult for beginners]
 SQL Server [Microsoft support]
 Oracle [used by large enterprise, expensive]
 Firebase [cloud database maintained by Google]

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Introduction to Web Development
Introduction to Web DevelopmentIntroduction to Web Development
Introduction to Web Development

This document provides an introduction to web development technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. It explains that HTML is the standard markup language used to structure web pages, CSS is used to style web pages, and JavaScript adds interactivity. It also distinguishes between client-side and server-side technologies, noting that JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are client-side and run in the browser, while server-side languages like PHP run on the web server. The document provides examples of how each technology works and is used to build dynamic web pages.

Animation And Testing In AngularJS
Animation And Testing In AngularJSAnimation And Testing In AngularJS
Animation And Testing In AngularJS

This document contains slides from an AngularJS training course offered by Edureka. The course covers topics such as two-way data binding, AngularUI for user interfaces, ngAnimate for animation, and testing in AngularJS. It describes how to use AngularUI and ngAnimate directives and discusses different approaches to unit testing like manual testing versus automated testing. The course aims to help students understand and apply key AngularJS concepts.

Understand front end developer
Understand front end developerUnderstand front end developer
Understand front end developer

The document discusses front end development and the skills required. It begins by addressing misunderstandings about front end work, noting the complexity involved. It outlines the steps taken in front end projects, including communication, layout analysis, component identification, and integration. The document discusses reasons one may or may not want to pursue front end development, noting it requires skills like aesthetics, curiosity, and communication. Hard skills mentioned include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, performance, and responsiveness. Throughout, it emphasizes that front end work requires constant learning as technologies evolve rapidly.

front end developerui engineer
Server side Framework [choose one]
 Javascript [Express for Node.js, Hapi.js, Adonis, etc]
 Python [Django, Flask, Pylons, etc]
 PHP [Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Yii2, etc]
 Ruby [Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Nitro, etc]
 C# [.Net Framework]
You are a Full-stack Developer!
 Create a simple to complex website [back-end and front-end]
 Create secure REST APIs
 Deploy and maintain applications
 Administer databases
Full stack developer
Experience is a good
Sebuah Proses…
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

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The World Outside Plone
The World Outside PloneThe World Outside Plone
The World Outside Plone

The document compares the CMS platforms Joomla, Django, and Plone. It summarizes that Joomla is the most popular CMS which allows editing websites through a web browser but lacks advanced permissions and sharing. Django is described as a fun Python web framework that does not require SQL knowledge. Plone development is said to not be fun due to lack of features like folders, permissions, and sharing compared to Joomla and issues with support forums. Lessons are to be learned about how platforms evolve over time.

Webinar: 5 Tricks for WordPress web administrators
Webinar: 5 Tricks for WordPress web administratorsWebinar: 5 Tricks for WordPress web administrators
Webinar: 5 Tricks for WordPress web administrators

This document provides 5 tricks for WordPress web administrators. It discusses limiting user permissions, using activity logs, must-use plugins, customizing the dashboard UI, and optimizing workflows. Some key tips include using plugins to limit user permissions, enable activity logs, adjust dashboard colors and menus, and automate backups and updates. It recommends using custom CSS or child themes cautiously and considering alternatives to major version updates.

web development in 2024 - website development
web development in 2024 - website developmentweb development in 2024 - website development
web development in 2024 - website development

This document provides a guide to web development technologies and options for 2018. It recommends first learning HTML and CSS before moving to JavaScript, then choosing a front-end framework like React or Angular. It also suggests learning a back-end language like Node.js or Python along with a database like MongoDB or MySQL. Finally, it recommends focusing on full stack development and gaining experience with technologies commonly used by employers.

Belajar : Membangun Kemampuan Diri
Belajar : Lingkungan PHP
• Pahami konsep aplikasi berbasis web
• Webserver
• Browser
• Client Side:
• Javascript
• Jquery
• Server Side: PHP
• Database: MySQL
Belajar : Editor
• Front Page
• Notepad
• Dreamweaver
• NuShere PHP ED
• Zend Studio
• Gedit
• Geany
• Sublime Text
Belajar : Dasar PHP
• Hello World
• Variabel dan Konstanta
• Tipe Data
• Operator
• Komentar
• Single Quote (‘) vs Double
Quote (“)

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Web Development In 2018
Web Development In 2018Web Development In 2018
Web Development In 2018

We are about to start a new year and I have put together a guide for current and aspiring web developers to follow to get an idea of what it takes to be a full stack developer. From basic tools to html/css, JavaScript, UI frameworks like Bootstrap, server side technologies like Node.js, Python and PHP, frameworks like Laravel, Django and Ruby on Rails. I tried to include the most used technologies and give you the options to choose from with some of my own opinion and input.

web developmentweb development 2018web design
SharePoint Framework -The future of SharePoint/ Office 365 developer ecosystem.
SharePoint Framework -The future of SharePoint/ Office 365 developer ecosystem. SharePoint Framework -The future of SharePoint/ Office 365 developer ecosystem.
SharePoint Framework -The future of SharePoint/ Office 365 developer ecosystem.

Introductory slide set on the new client side framework on SharePoint platform which introduces by Microsoft. This slide-deck has been used by me in the local user group speak-up had in the year 2016. @kushanlahiru

typescriptnodejsoffice development
Web summit.pptx
Web summit.pptxWeb summit.pptx
Web summit.pptx

Introduction to web development🌐: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Problems with traditional approaches to web development 🤔 Introduction to ReactJS ⚛️: What is React, and why use it for modern web development? Building a simple web application with React🧑🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻

Belajar : Dasar PHP
• Hello World
• Variabel dan Konstanta
• Tipe Data
• Operator
• Komentar
• Variable of Variable
Belajar: Dasar PHP
• Predefined Variable
• $_GET
• $_POST
• $_ENV
Belajar : Struktur Kondisi dan Perulangan
• Struktur Kondisi:
• IF
• (…)? :
• Struktur Perulangan
Belajar : Penanganan Form
• Metode:
• Form Action
• Halaman sama
• Halaman berbeda
• Jenis-jenis inputan

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Selecting the Best Javascript Web Framework
Selecting the Best Javascript Web FrameworkSelecting the Best Javascript Web Framework
Selecting the Best Javascript Web Framework

Tech Talk on 11th of August 2020 - Selecting the Best Javascript Web Framework #Javascript #Framework #React #Angular #Vue #Express #Next


Ember.js is a JavaScript framework for building single-page web applications using MVC architecture. It allows developers to build applications with less code through features like handlebars templates. Ember.js makes building JavaScript apps simple by handling tasks like routing and simplifying common patterns. Developers can learn to use Ember.js through their comprehensive guides on the website, which cover everything from basics to advanced concepts. The framework is open source, free to use, and can be downloaded from their website.

Convert your Full Trust Solutions to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
Convert your Full Trust Solutions to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)Convert your Full Trust Solutions to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
Convert your Full Trust Solutions to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)

This is a live walkthrough where we convert a common full trust solution to a SharePoint Framework solution. May the demo Gods be kind to me. Really, we will do it. Does not cover all possible scenarios, but I will show you the general workflow for converting your full trust solutions to SPFx solutions. I show you the proper configuration for your development environment. We walk through building the SPFx solutions and deploying it to Office 365. Lots of DO’s and DON’Ts will be shared. I’ll show you some of my scars too. From this session forward, you will want to hone your skills in modern SharePoint and convert everything to SPFx solutions. Attendee Takeaways: 1. Understand the why, the how, and what make up the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). 2. Discussion where we compare common Full Trust Solutions and options for converting to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) in less than 1 hour.

sharepointsharepoint 2016sharepoint online
Belajar : Pemrograman Dasar di PHP
• Array
• String
• Tanggal dan Waktu
• File dan Direktori
• Membuat Fungsi
• Penyimpanan File
• Session
• Cookie
• Database
• Prosedural
• OOP-Style
• Koneksi Database
• Abstraction Layer DB
• mysql* vs mysqli*
• Laporan HTML
• Laporan PDF
• Laporan Excel
• Laporan Grafik
• dll
Bekerja : Membangun Pengalaman
Bangun Portofolio
Berorientasi pada Hasil Terbaik

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UI Web Development.pptx
UI Web Development.pptxUI Web Development.pptx
UI Web Development.pptx

This document provides an overview of web development. It begins by introducing the presenter and their qualifications. It then defines web development as the planning and creation of websites, covering both front-end and back-end development. The document discusses key aspects of front-end development including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also covers back-end development and common programming languages used like Python and databases like MySQL. Finally, it distinguishes the roles of web developers and designers.

web development
How to Learn Web Designing Step by Step From Basics in 2018
How to Learn Web Designing Step by Step From Basics in 2018How to Learn Web Designing Step by Step From Basics in 2018
How to Learn Web Designing Step by Step From Basics in 2018

How to Learn Web Designing Step by Step From Basics in 2018 How to learn web design is the most commonly asked question around. The web design industry has collapsed from a small niche to a powerful, constantly growing force.

how to learn web designingweb design 2018how to learn web designing step by step from basic
(M) brochure full stack development learning path
(M) brochure full stack development learning path(M) brochure full stack development learning path
(M) brochure full stack development learning path

This document provides information about a full stack development learning path offered by Board Infinity. The summary includes: - The learning path teaches front-end and back-end technologies like JavaScript, React, Node.js, and more to become a full stack developer. It includes 120+ hours of online classes, mentoring, career services, and learning 4+ technologies. - Over 2000 learners have been certified and the course aims to fast track careers in IT. Learners will gain expertise in the popular MERN stack and secure jobs of the future. - The course is taught by industry experts and provides hands-on assignments, projects, lifetime access to content, and 24/7 support through discussion

full stack development
Kreatif dan Inovatif
Tidak boleh egois
#WebDeveloper tidak boleh
egois, tidak semua
pekerjaan bisa dikerjakan
sendiri. Bekerjalah dalam
sebuah tim
Bekerja dalam tim artinya
harus mau belajar bersama,
saling berbagi ilmu, share
pengetahuan. Demi
selesainya pekerjaan
Bertanggung jawab dengan
pekerjaan yang dibebankan
kepadanya. Bagaimana pun
caranya, pekerjaan harus
dihadapi & selesaikan
Jika ada bugs dengan
program yang Anda tangani,
berusahalah sekuat tenaga
agar bugs tersebut bisa
Bertanggung jawab
Terbuka terhadap kritikan,
karena tidak ada program yg
sempurna. Software without
bugs is impossible to write.
Terima kritik & masukan
sebagai bahan baku
memperbaiki pekerjaan kita,
seringkali ide justru muncul
dari orang lain.
Terbuka terhadap kritik dan masukan

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Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise NYC Code Camp
Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise NYC Code CampDoing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise NYC Code Camp
Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise NYC Code Camp

This document discusses doing modern web development with JavaScript and HTML5 in the enterprise. It begins by introducing the author and their background. It then discusses resources like podcast interviews and JavaScript libraries the author has created. The document goes on to summarize some key differences between enterprise and non-enterprise development. The main part of the document discusses what a modern web app is, how to structure one for the enterprise, and technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and APIs. It emphasizes the importance of making enterprise JavaScript apps maintainable, scalable, testable, and deployable. It also provides recommendations for managing a JavaScript app project.

Web Development - Roadmap to MERN stack development
Web Development - Roadmap to MERN stack developmentWeb Development - Roadmap to MERN stack development
Web Development - Roadmap to MERN stack development

Web Development

5 Front End Frameworks to Master in Web Development.pdf
5 Front End Frameworks to Master in Web Development.pdf5 Front End Frameworks to Master in Web Development.pdf
5 Front End Frameworks to Master in Web Development.pdf

In the dynamic field of web development, mastering front-end frameworks is a game-changer. Whether you choose React, Angular, Vue.js, Ember.js, or Svelte, each of these frameworks has its own unique strengths and applications. By investing time in learning and practicing these frameworks, you not only enhance your skills but also open doors to exciting career opportunities. So, pick one that aligns with your goals, start learning, and embark on your journey to becoming a front-end framework master. Remember, the world of web development is constantly evolving, so staying curious and committed to learning is the key to long-term success.

front end development servicesagile software developmentangularjs development services
#WebDeveloper profesional memiliki etos
kerja yang kuat. Tahan banting.
Jam kerja seorang #WebDeveloper tidak
seperti karyawan kantoran yang bekerja
hanya pada jam 8 pagi sampai 4 sore.
Terkadang #WebDeveloper harus bekerja
melebihi jam kantoran, terutama kalau udah
dikejar deadline.
Kuncinya, hadapi dengan semangat kerja
yang tinggi, jangan menunda pekerjaan yang
bisa dikerjakan saat ini.
Memiliki etos kerja yang kuat
Berbagi : Membangun Jejaring
Berbagi melalui website
Berbagi social media

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Web Development.pdf
Web Development.pdfWeb Development.pdf
Web Development.pdf

The process of building websites and web apps is known as web development. To create and maintain websites and apps that can be accessed via the internet, a combination of programming languages—HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—is used. Online developers work to design websites that are both aesthetically beautiful and useful, and they may also be involved in the creation of web applications, e-commerce websites, and mobile applications.

web development
Web Development.pdf
Web Development.pdfWeb Development.pdf
Web Development.pdf

Web development is the process of building websites and web applications. It involves using programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design and create websites and apps that can be accessed on the internet. Web developers work on both the front end, which involves designing the visual interface, and the back end, which involves connecting the website to databases and servers. Popular tools for web development include WordPress, Wix, GitHub, Bootstrap, and programming languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript. Frameworks like Angular, React, and Node.js are also commonly used.

web development
Cross platform engineering - Lessons Learned (Michael Asimakopoulos, Valadis ...
Cross platform engineering - Lessons Learned (Michael Asimakopoulos, Valadis ...Cross platform engineering - Lessons Learned (Michael Asimakopoulos, Valadis ...
Cross platform engineering - Lessons Learned (Michael Asimakopoulos, Valadis ...

Cross platform technologies have changed considerably. Should you even write an app using one of them in 2018? What tooling, processes and best practices can’t you live without? Which problems will you face and how will you overcome them? How would you organize your team and project? Join us as we share valuable lessons from the last two years of engineering the Covve Ionic/Angular cross platform app.

Berbagi melalui komunitas
Berbagi dengan berbagi coding
Berbagi melalui workshop dan seminar
.Net Framework
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Apache Webserver
Atom Editor
AWS Cloud9
Babel JS
Brackets Editor
Bulma CSS Framework
Code Igniter
Django Framework
Express for NodeJS
Flask Framework

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Pearls and Must-Have Tools for the Modern Web / .NET Developer
Pearls and Must-Have Tools for the Modern Web / .NET DeveloperPearls and Must-Have Tools for the Modern Web / .NET Developer
Pearls and Must-Have Tools for the Modern Web / .NET Developer

We are all flooded with information: blogs, videos, millions of open source projects. In this presentation I share my insights: what are the must-know and must-have tools, frameworks and techniques you can use today (or at least know about) in order to be up-to-date.

asp.netresponsive designangularjs
Top 10 Web Development Platform for a Web Developer
Top 10 Web Development Platform for a Web DeveloperTop 10 Web Development Platform for a Web Developer
Top 10 Web Development Platform for a Web Developer

Initially, many web developers are confused about choosing the best web development platform to start building their websites. So choosing the wrong web development platform for her can make things difficult. In this blog, we share the major web development platforms that every website developer uses in their projects. Read this list and you'll find some tools that make your web development job easier. Read more.

Wrangling Large Scale Frontend Web Applications
Wrangling Large Scale Frontend Web ApplicationsWrangling Large Scale Frontend Web Applications
Wrangling Large Scale Frontend Web Applications

Web applications are massively shifting to the frontend, thanks to exciting new JavaScript / CSS technologies, expanding browser capabilities (visualizations, real-time apps, etc.) and faster perceived user experiences. However, client web applications can be a nightmare to maintain at scale, even for seasoned software architects and operations engineers. Deployment and production infrastructures are complex and rapidly changing. And, frontend JavaScript / CSS code ships to browsers worldwide, where errors and issues are notoriously difficult to systematically detect and diagnose. In this talk, we will tackle the wild west of the frontend with pragmatic steps and seasoned advice from helping organizations from startups to Fortune 500 companies create some of the largest frontend web applications on the Internet. In particular, we will examine the many hard lessons gleaned from leading frontend application development and education for a team of 50+ engineers rearchitecting a top-five e-commerce site. Some of the topics we will cover include: * Managing and building very large (500K+ line) frontend application / test code bases. * Surviving production traffic and errors on the frontend and handling spikes like Black Friday / Cyber Monday for one of the highest traffic e-commerce websites in existence. * How, where, and why your frontend application is likely to fail. * Monitoring, logging, and debugging frontend web applications out in the wild. * Automating checks, tests, and code introspection to protect your code in production. * Creating an effective, fast, and engineer-friendly development-test-deployment frontend pipeline. Whether your frontend application already supports millions of transactions a day or you are about to launch your first single-page-application, our aim is to prepare teams of all sizes for the most critical challenges and solutions facing modern frontend web applications.

software developmentwebjavascript
Geany Editor
GEdit Editor
GIMP Image Editor
Google Chrome
Laravel Framework
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
nginx Webserver
Opera Browser
Oracle DB
Pylons Framework
PyPi Packagist
Ruby on Rails
Sinatra Framework
Skeleton CSS
SQL Server
Sublime Text
Symfony Framework
Vim Editor
Visual Studio Code
Yii2 Framework
• Buku Pemrograman Web dengan PHP dan MySQL
• Beberapa gambar diambil melalui situs pencari Google.
Terima Kasih
@achmatim Achmad Solichin
Achmad Solichin

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WordCamp Asheville 2017 - So You Wanna Dev? Join the Team!WordCamp Asheville 2017 - So You Wanna Dev? Join the Team!
WordCamp Asheville 2017 - So You Wanna Dev? Join the Team!

WP Dev/tools for beginners: ftp, git, svn, php, html, css, sass, js, jquery, IDEs, themes, child themes, the loop, inspect element, hooks, APIs, CLI, agile, bootstrap, SEO, slack… etc. We’ll discuss the language and various acronyms and buzzwords used by devs in this crash course introduction to the developer’s world. Overview of primary development processes and terms and what software is needed to play the game. We’ll cover what you need to go from zero to developer and hopefully how to have fun on the way. Takeaways: Learn to speak dev Get familiar with concepts (and acronyms) you’ll need to dev Learn about tools that will help you

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Kuliah Umum - Tips Publikasi Jurnal SINTA untuk Mahasiswa Galau (6 Agustus 2022) Diselenggarakan oleh Magister Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Budi LUhur.

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Materi Webinar "Introducting Web 3.0" yang diselenggarakan oleh BEM FTI Universitas Budi Luhur pada hari Sabtu, 16 Juli 2022.

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Seminar: Become a Reliable Web Programmer

  • 1. Become a Reliable Web Programmer Achmad Solichin | @achmatim Tangerang, 17-18 April 2018 menjadi programmer handal era kekinian AMIK BSI Tangerang
  • 2. Achmad Solichin Dosen - Web Developer - Trainer @achmatim Achmad Solichin Universitas Budi Luhur, Jakarta
  • 3. pro·gram·mer /ˈprōˌɡramər/ noun • a person who writes computer programs. • a device that automatically controls the operation of something in accordance with a prescribed program.
  • 4. web programmer = programmer yang membuat aplikasi berbasis web
  • 5. How should we start ?
  • 6. Choose your own path Full stack developerFront-end developer Back-end developer + =
  • 9. Tools and Software Code Editor  AWS Cloud9  Visual Studio Code  Sublime Text  Brackets  Vim  Atom  Notepad++ Good Browser  Mozilla Firefox  Google Chrome  Microsoft Edge  Opera Image Editor  Adobe Photoshop  Adobe Illustrator  GIMP Development Tools  SSH  GIT  WinSCP  Composer  FTP Client  DB Client
  • 10. HTML and CSS  Learn before ANYTHING else  Every website use them  Easy and quick to learn  Basic building layout (Grid-based, CSS based)  Responsive is IMPORTANT
  • 11. Javascript [is not Java]  Learn Basic JS [no framework]  Data types, variable, operator, function, loop, etc.  DOM manipulation [without JQuery]  Ajax / JSON
  • 12. Deploying an online website Domain and hosting [start from IDR 10k /month] Learn basic CPanel [creating subdomain, email, file manager, FTP account, etc] Uploading file and database [via Cpanel or FTP]
  • 13. Front-end Dev Basic Skills  Build simple websites & UIs [using HTML & CSS]  Creating logo, banner and some web component [using Adobe PS or AI]  Creating some dynamic UI [with Javascript]  Join a simple project
  • 14. Where to Next ?  HTML / CSS Framework Bootstrap, Materialize, etc  Front-end JS Framework ReactJS, Angular, etc  Server side technologies Python, PHP, NodeJS, etc  Database MySQL, MongoDB, etc
  • 15. HTML / CSS Framework [pick one] Materialize CSS [responsive, material design] Twitter Bootstrap [easy, most popular] Foundation [advanced, responsive] Skeleton [a lightweight boillerplate] Bulma [easy to learn syntax, no JS] Pure CSS [small and responsive]
  • 16. Javascript Framework [pick one] React JS [popular for startup, fast] Angular JS [popular in enterprise, complete] Vue JS [fast, light, easy to use] Ember JS [large and small scale web applications]
  • 17. Side Technologies You Should Learn Too  GIT [version control system]  Command Line [old, but you will need it someday]  API / REST  HTTP / SSL  Composer [PHP], PyPi [Python], Gradle [Java]  Webpack, Babel, NPM, etc  Web Server [Apache, nginx]
  • 18. Composer Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you
  • 19. Server Side Technologies [pick one]  Node.js [fast, scalable, powerfull]  Python [popular, rapid development, integration]  PHP [easy, practical, every body knows]  Ruby [rapid development, strong community]
  • 20. Database [choose one]  MongoDB [NoSQL, non-relational, recommended for Node.js]  MySQL [free, popular, easy to use, best couple for PHP]  PostgreSQL [powerfull but a bit difficult for beginners]  SQL Server [Microsoft support]  Oracle [used by large enterprise, expensive]  Firebase [cloud database maintained by Google]
  • 21. Server side Framework [choose one]  Javascript [Express for Node.js, Hapi.js, Adonis, etc]  Python [Django, Flask, Pylons, etc]  PHP [Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Yii2, etc]  Ruby [Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Nitro, etc]  C# [.Net Framework]
  • 22. You are a Full-stack Developer!  Create a simple to complex website [back-end and front-end]  Create secure REST APIs  Deploy and maintain applications  Administer databases Full stack developer
  • 23. Experience is a good teacher
  • 24. Sebuah Proses… 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 BELAJAR : MEMBANGUN KEMAMPUAN DIRI BEKERJA : MEMBANGUN PENGALAMAN BERBAGI : MEMBANGUN JEJARING
  • 25. Belajar : Membangun Kemampuan Diri
  • 26. Belajar : Lingkungan PHP • Pahami konsep aplikasi berbasis web • Webserver • Browser • Client Side: • HTML • CSS • Javascript • Jquery • Server Side: PHP • Database: MySQL
  • 27. Belajar : Editor • Front Page • Notepad • Dreamweaver • NuShere PHP ED • Zend Studio • Gedit • Geany • Sublime Text
  • 28. Belajar : Dasar PHP • Hello World • Variabel dan Konstanta • Tipe Data • Operator • Komentar • Single Quote (‘) vs Double Quote (“)
  • 29. Belajar : Dasar PHP • Hello World • Variabel dan Konstanta • Tipe Data • Operator • Komentar • Variable of Variable
  • 30. Belajar: Dasar PHP • Predefined Variable • $_GET • $_POST • $_FILES • $_SERVER • $_COOKIE • $_SESSION • $_REQUEST • $GLOBALS • $_ENV • $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA
  • 31. Belajar : Struktur Kondisi dan Perulangan • Struktur Kondisi: • IF • IF…ELSE… • (…)? : • SWITCH…CASE • Struktur Perulangan • FOR • WHILE • DO…WHILE… • FOREACH
  • 32. Belajar : Penanganan Form • Metode: • POST • GET • Form Action • Halaman sama • Halaman berbeda • Jenis-jenis inputan
  • 33. Belajar : Pemrograman Dasar di PHP • Array • String • Tanggal dan Waktu • File dan Direktori • Membuat Fungsi • Penyimpanan File • Session • Cookie • Database • Prosedural • OOP-Style • Koneksi Database • Abstraction Layer DB • mysql* vs mysqli* • Laporan HTML • Laporan PDF • Laporan Excel • Laporan Grafik • dll
  • 34. Bekerja : Membangun Pengalaman
  • 38. Tidak boleh egois #WebDeveloper tidak boleh egois, tidak semua pekerjaan bisa dikerjakan sendiri. Bekerjalah dalam sebuah tim Bekerja dalam tim artinya harus mau belajar bersama, saling berbagi ilmu, share pengetahuan. Demi selesainya pekerjaan
  • 39. Bertanggung jawab dengan pekerjaan yang dibebankan kepadanya. Bagaimana pun caranya, pekerjaan harus dihadapi & selesaikan Jika ada bugs dengan program yang Anda tangani, berusahalah sekuat tenaga agar bugs tersebut bisa teratasi. Bertanggung jawab
  • 40. Terbuka terhadap kritikan, karena tidak ada program yg sempurna. Software without bugs is impossible to write. Terima kritik & masukan sebagai bahan baku memperbaiki pekerjaan kita, seringkali ide justru muncul dari orang lain. Terbuka terhadap kritik dan masukan
  • 41. #WebDeveloper profesional memiliki etos kerja yang kuat. Tahan banting. Jam kerja seorang #WebDeveloper tidak seperti karyawan kantoran yang bekerja hanya pada jam 8 pagi sampai 4 sore. Terkadang #WebDeveloper harus bekerja melebihi jam kantoran, terutama kalau udah dikejar deadline. Kuncinya, hadapi dengan semangat kerja yang tinggi, jangan menunda pekerjaan yang bisa dikerjakan saat ini. Memiliki etos kerja yang kuat
  • 48. Link-o-pedia .Net Framework Achmatim Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adonis AngularJS Apache Webserver Atom Editor AWS Cloud9 Babel JS Bootstrap Brackets Editor Bulma CSS Framework Code Igniter Composer Django Framework Dreamweaver EmberJS Express for NodeJS Firebase Flask Framework Foundation
  • 49. Link-o-pedia Geany Editor GEdit Editor GIMP Image Editor GIT Google Chrome Gradle Hapi.js Laravel Framework Materialize Microsoft Edge MongoDB Mozilla Firefox MySQL DB nginx Webserver Nitro Node.js Notepad++ NPM JS Opera Browser Oracle DB
  • 50. Link-o-pedia PHP PHP IDE PostgreSQL PureCSS Pylons Framework PyPi Packagist Python ReactJS Ruby Ruby on Rails Sinatra Framework Skeleton CSS SQL Server Sublime Text Symfony Framework Vim Editor Visual Studio Code VueJS Webpack WinSCP Yii2 Framework
  • 51. Referensi • • php-development • • improvements/ • • Buku Pemrograman Web dengan PHP dan MySQL • Beberapa gambar diambil melalui situs pencari Google.
  • 52. Terima Kasih @achmatim Achmad Solichin Achmad Solichin