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ITM 578 1
Security Technologies
Ray Trygstad
ITM 478/578
Spring 2004
Master of Information Technology & Management Program
CenterforProfessional Development
Slides based on Whitman, M. and Mattord, H., Principles of InformationSecurity; Thomson Course Technology 2003
ITM 578 2
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this lesson the student
should be able to:
– Define and identify the various types of firewalls.
– Discuss the approaches to firewall
– Discuss the approaches to dial-up access and
– Identify and describe the two categories of
intrusion detection systems.
– Discuss the two strategies behind intrusion
detection systems.
ITM 578 3
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this lesson the student
should be able to:
– Discuss scanning, analysis tools, and content
– Understand trap and trace technologies.
– Discuss the process of encryption and define key
– Identify and discuss common approaches to
– Compare and contrast symmetric and asymmetric
– Discuss various approaches to biometric access
ITM 578 4
 Information security: a discipline relying on
the synthesis of people, policy, education,
training, awareness, procedures, and
technology to improve protection of an
organization’s information assets
 Technical solutions can maintain
– Confidentiality, Integrity & Availability of
– In each of its three states
• Storage
• Transmission
• processing

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Physical security

The document discusses the importance of physical security for protecting information systems. It covers various physical security controls for restricting access to facilities, including locks, ID badges, alarms, security cameras and fire suppression systems. The document also addresses the need to protect against threats from utilities failures, temperature fluctuations, water damage and theft of computing devices through measures like uninterruptible power supplies, air conditioning and physical access restrictions.

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Security Policies and Standards
Security Policies and StandardsSecurity Policies and Standards
Security Policies and Standards

The document discusses security policies and standards. It defines different types of policies like enterprise, issue-specific, and systems-specific policies. It also discusses how policies are developed based on an organization's mission and vision. Effective policies require dissemination, review, comprehension, and compliance. Frameworks and industry standards also guide policy development. Additionally, the document outlines the importance of security education, training, and awareness programs to inform employees and reinforce security practices.

Information Security
Information SecurityInformation Security
Information Security

This document provides an introduction to information security. It discusses the key concepts of security including the layers of security (physical, personal, operations, etc.) and defines information security as protecting information systems and data. The document outlines the critical characteristics of information security - confidentiality, integrity, availability, authorization, authentication, identification, and accountability. It then provides more detail on each of these concepts. The document also discusses emerging security technologies, education in cybersecurity, and the components that make up an information system including software, hardware, data, people, procedures, and networks. It covers types of attacks, securing system components, and the systems development life cycle as a methodology for implementing security.

basic concepts of information securitysecure sdlc
ITM 578 5
Physical Design of the SecSDLC
The physical design phase of the
SecSDLC is made up of two parts:
– security technologies
– physical security
Physical design takes the logical
design, expressed by the information
security blueprint and the contingency
planning elements and extends the
design to the next level
ITM 578 6
Physical Design of the SecSDLC
Physical Design:
Security Technologies
Chapter 8
Physical Design:
Physical Security
Chapter 9
Logical Design
FIG URE 8-1 Physical Design within the SecSDLCPhysical Design within the SecSDLC
ITM 578 7
Physical Design of the SecSDLC
 The physical design phase encompasses the
selection of technologies and processes to
manage risk
 At the end of the physical design phase you
– Selected technologies needed to support the information
security blueprint
– Defined what the successful solution for a secured
environment will encompass
– Designed physical security measures that support the
technical solutions
– Prepared to create project plans in the implementation
phase to follow
ITM 578 8
 A firewall is any device that prevents a
specific type of information from moving
between the untrusted network outside and
the trusted network inside
 There are five recognized generations of
 The firewall may be:
– a separate computer system
– a service running on an existing router or server
– a separate network containing a number of
supporting devices

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Security policy

This document discusses information security policies and their components. It begins by outlining the learning objectives, which are to understand management's role in developing security policies and the differences between general, issue-specific, and system-specific policies. It then defines what policies, standards, and practices are and how they relate to each other. The document outlines the three types of security policies and provides examples of issue-specific and system-specific policies. It emphasizes that policies must be managed and reviewed on a regular basis to remain effective.

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Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues In Information Security

A great presentation originally posted by Sappingtokr - check out my website for more cool information.

carl ceder
ITM 578 9
First Generation
 Called packet filtering firewalls
 Examines every incoming packet header and
selectively filters packets based on
– address, packet type, port request, and others
 The restrictions most commonly
implemented are based on:
– IP source and destination address
– Direction (inbound or outbound)
– TCP or UDP source and destination port-requests
ITM 578 10
Packet Filtering Firewall
Packet filtering router
used as a first generation
firewall Trusted network
Data PacketsData Packets
Data PacketsData Packets
Data PacketsData Packets
FIGURE 8-2 Packet Filtering Firewall
ITM 578 11
Second Generation
 Called application-level firewall or proxy server
 Often a dedicated computer separate from the
filtering router
 With this configuration the proxy server, rather
than the Web server, is exposed to the outside world
in the DMZ
 Additional filtering routers can be implemented
behind the proxy server
 The primary disadvantage of application-level
firewalls is that they are designed for a specific
protocol and cannot easily be reconfigured to protect
against attacks on protocols for which they are not
ITM 578 12
Third Generation
 Called stateful inspection firewalls
 Keeps track of each network connection
established between internal and external
systems using a state table which tracks the
state and context of each packet in the
conversation by recording which station sent
what packet and when
 If the stateful firewall receives an incoming
packet that it cannot match in its state
table, then it defaults to its ACL to
determine whether to allow the packet to

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information security
ITM 578 13
Third Generation
 The primary disadvantage is the additional
processing requirements of managing and
verifying packets against the state table
which can possibly expose the system to a
DoS attack
 These firewalls can track connectionless
packet traffic such as UDP and remote
procedure calls (RPC) traffic
ITM 578 14
Fourth Generation
 A dynamic packet filtering firewall allows only a
particular packet with a particular source,
destination, and port address to enter through the
 Does this by understanding how the protocol
functions, and opening and closing “doors” in the
firewall, based on the information contained in the
packet header
 In this manner, dynamic packet filters are an
intermediate form, between traditional static packet
filters and application proxies
ITM 578 15
Fifth Generation
The final form of firewall is the kernel
proxy, a specialized form that works
under the Windows NT Executive,
which is the kernel of Windows NT
It evaluates packets at multiple layers
of the protocol stack, by checking
security in the kernel as data is
passed up and down the stack
ITM 578 16
Packet-filtering Routers
Most organizations with an Internet
connection have some form of a router
as the interface at the perimeter
between the organization’s internal
networks and the external service
Many of these routers can be
configured to filter packets that the
organization does not allow into the

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ITM 578 17
Packet-filtering Routers
This is a simple but effective means
to lower the organization’s risk to
external attack
The drawback to this type of system
includes a lack of auditing and strong
The complexity of the access control
lists used to filter the packets can
grow and degrade network
ITM 578 18
Screened-Host Firewall Systems
 Combine the packet-filtering router with a separate,
dedicated firewall such as an application proxy
 Allows the router to pre-screen packets to minimize
the network traffic and load on the internal proxy
 Application proxy examines an application layer
protocol, such as HTTP, and performs the proxy
 This separate host often referred to as a bastion-
host, as it represents a single, rich target for
external attacks, and should be very thoroughly
ITM 578 19
Screened-Host Firewall
Trusted network
Data Packets
Data Packets
FIGURE 8-3 Screened Host Firewall
Application Level
Proxy access
ITM 578 20
Dual-homed Host Firewalls
 The bastion-host contains two NICs (network
interface cards)
 One NIC connected to the external network,
and one connected to the internal network
 With two NICs all traffic must physically go
through the firewall to move between the
internal and external networks
 A technology known as network-address
translation (NAT) is commonly implemented
with this architecture to map from real,
valid, external IP addresses to ranges of
internal IP addresses that are non-routable

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The document discusses various topics related to security management practices including change control, data classification, employment policies, information security policies, risk management, roles and responsibilities, security awareness training, and security management planning. It provides details on each topic, such as the importance of change control and different tools that can be used. It also discusses how to classify data, conduct background checks, develop effective information security policies, and assess risks both qualitatively and quantitatively. The document emphasizes the importance of security management planning and identifying potential losses, costs, and benefits of implementing proper security.

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Legal, Ethical and professional issues in Information Security

Principles of Information Security, and Legal, Ethical and professional issues in Information Security, all of these topics are covered in here.

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ITM 578 21
Dual-homed Host Firewall
Trusted network
Data Packets
Blocked External
Data Packets
FIGURE 8-4 Dual-homed Host Firewall
Dual-homed Host
used as a firewall providing
Network Address Translation
filtering router
filtering router
Public IP Addresses NAT assigned local addresses
Blocked Internal
Data Packets
Proxy Access
ITM 578 22
Screened-Subnet Firewalls (with DMZ)
Consists of two or more internal
bastion-hosts, behind a packet-filtering
router, with each host protecting the
trusted network
The first general model consists of two
filtering routers, with one or more
dual-homed bastion-host between
ITM 578 23
Screened-Subnet Firewalls (with DMZ)
 The second general model involves the
connection from the outside or untrusted
network going through this path:
– Through an external filtering router
– Into and then out of a routing firewall to the
separate network segment known as the DMZ
 Connections into the trusted internal
network are allowed only from the DMZ
bastion-host servers
ITM 578 24
Screened-Subnet Firewall
Trusted network
Data Packets
Proxy access
FIGURE 8-5 Screened Subnet (DMZ)
filtering router Internal
filtering router
Controlled access
Demilitarized zone

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ITM 578 25
SOCKS Servers
 The SOCKS system is a proprietary circuit-level
proxy server that places special SOCKS client-side
agents on each workstation
 Places the filtering requirements on the individual
workstation, rather than on a single point of defense
(and thus point of failure)
 This frees the entry router of filtering
responsibilities, but then requires each workstation
to be managed as a firewall detection and protection
 A SOCKS system can require additional support and
management resources to configure and manage
possibly hundreds of individual clients, versus a
single device or set of devices
ITM 578 26
Selecting the Right Firewall
 What type of firewall technology offers the
right balance of protection features and cost
for the needs of the organization?
 What features are included in the base price?
What features are available at extra cost?
Are all cost factors known?
 How easy is it to set up and configure the
firewall? How accessible are staff technicians
with the mastery to do it well?
 Can the candidate firewall adapt to the
growing network in the target organization?
ITM 578 27
Configuring and Managing Firewalls
 Each firewall device will have its own set of
configuration rules that regulate its actions
 Simple mistakes can turn the device into a
choke point
 When security rules conflict with the
performance of business, security loses since
organizations are much more willing to live
with a potential risk than a certain failure
ITM 578 28
Firewall Recommended Practices
 All traffic from the trusted network is allowed out
 The firewall device is always inaccessible directly
from the public network
 Allow Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) data
to pass through your firewall, but insure it is all
routed to a well-configured SMTP gateway to filter
and route messaging traffic securely
 All Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) data
should be denied
 Block telnet (terminal emulation) access to all
internal servers from the public networks
 When Web services are offered outside the firewall,
deny HTTP traffic from reaching your internal
networks by using some form of proxy access or
DMZ architecture

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security technologiesinformation securityinformation management
ITM 578 29
Dial-Up Protection
 While internal network connection via
private networks are now less popular due to
the high cost of installation, maintenance,
and protection, dial-up connections are still
quite common
 Unsecured, dial-up access represents a
substantial exposure to attack
– An attacker who suspects that an organization
has dial-up lines can use a device called a war-
dialer to locate the connection points
 For the most part, simple username and
password schemes are the only means of
ITM 578 30
Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service
 RADIUS system centralizes management of user
authentication by placing the responsibility for
authenticating each user in the central RADIUS
Radius serverRemote access server(RAS)
1. Remote worker dials RAS and submits username and password
2. RAS passes username and password to RADIUS server
3. RADIUS server approves or rejects request and provides access authorization
4. RAS provides access to authorized remote worker
(1) (2)
FIGURE 8-6 RADIUS Configuration
ITM 578 31
Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
TACACS contains a centralized
database, such as RADIUS, and
validates the user’s credentials at the
TACACS server
There are three versions of TACACS
– Extended TACACS
ITM 578 32
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs)
 IDSs work like burglar alarms
 IDSs require complex configurations to
provide the level of detection and response
 An IDS operates as either network-based,
when the technology is focused on protecting
network information assets, or host-based,
when the technology is focused on protecting
server or host information assets
 IDSs use one of two detection methods,
signature-based or statistical anomaly-based

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islamic information management
ITM 578 33
Intrusion Detection System
Host IDS: Examines the data in files
stored on host and alerts systems
administrators to any any changes
Network IDS: Examines packets
on network and alerts admin to
unusual patterns.
FIGURE 8-7 Intrusion Detection Systems
ITM 578 34
Host-based IDSs
 Resides on a particular computer or server
(known as the host) and monitors activity on
that system.
 Most work on principle of configuration or
change management, in which the systems
record the file sizes, locations, and other
attributes, and reports when one or more of
these attributes changes, when new files are
created, and when existing files are deleted.
 Can also monitor systems logs for pre-
defined events.
ITM 578 35
Host-based IDSs
 Maintains own log files so when hackers
successfully modify a systems log the IDS
provides independent verification of the
attack Once properly configured, host-IDSs
are very reliable.
 Managed host-based IDS can monitor
multiple computers simultaneously.
– Stores a client file on each monitored host
– Has that host report back to the master console
(usually located on the sysadmin’s computer)
ITM 578 36
Host-based IDS

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The document discusses security and ethics issues related to information management in government offices. It provides an overview of areas that need to be addressed to ensure proper policies and procedures are in place, including security, privacy, intellectual property, appropriate use, and social impacts of technology. The summary discusses how the office needs to have security policies, privacy protections, and records of compliance in order to be prepared for an upcoming audit and allow the director to enjoy an upcoming vacation without concerns.

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Security and personnel

This document discusses security and personnel issues related to an information technology security course. It covers positioning the security function within an organization, staffing the security team, and qualifications for security roles. It also addresses how to integrate security practices into human resources policies like hiring, contracting, and training new employees. The overall goal is to successfully implement security while gaining employee acceptance and support.

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Strategic planning
Strategic planningStrategic planning
Strategic planning

The document discusses several analytical methods used for strategic analysis including SWOT analysis, critical success factors analysis, matrix analysis, value chain analysis, and Porter's five forces analysis. It provides details on how to conduct a SWOT analysis, including examining a company's internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats. It also outlines the key components of Porter's five forces model which examines the competitive environment including threats from new entrants, power of suppliers and buyers, and rivalry among existing competitors.

information resource management
ITM 578 37
Network-based IDSs
 Works differently than its host-based
counterpart; monitors network traffic
 When a pre-defined condition occurs, it
responds and notifies the appropriate
 Must match known and unknown attack
strategies against knowledge base to
determine if an attack has occurred
 Result in more false positive readings than
do host-based IDSs
– System is attempting to read into the pattern of
activity on the network to determine what is
normal and what is not
ITM 578 38
Network-based IDS
ITM 578 39
Signature-based IDSs
 AKA knowledge-based IDS; examines data
traffic looking for something that matches
signatures, which are pre-configured,
predetermined attack patterns
 Problem: signatures must be continually
updated as new attack strategies are
 Attackers who are slow and methodical may
slip undetected through the IDS, as actions
may not match the signature that includes
factors based on duration of the events
ITM 578 40
Statistical Anomaly-based IDSs
AKA behavior-based IDS
Collects data from normal traffic and
establishes a baseline
Once the baseline is established,
periodically samples network activity,
based on statistical methods, and
compares samples to baseline
If activity is outside baseline
parameters (known as a clipping level),
IDS notifies administrator

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Islamic information management

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The information security audit
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This document discusses the process of conducting an information security audit. It begins by defining an information security audit and explaining that it assesses how an organization's security policies protect information. It then describes the general methodology, which involves assessing general controls at the entity, application, and technical levels. The document outlines the planning, internal control, testing, and reporting phases of an audit. It provides details on tasks like developing audit scopes and checklists, assessing policies and documentation, and writing the final audit report. The overall purpose is to explain the end-to-end process of performing an information security audit.

security technologiesinformation managementinformation security
ITM 578 41
Statistical Anomaly-based IDSs
 Advantage: system able to detect new types of
attacks as it looks for abnormal activity of any
 Unfortunately require much more overhead
and processing capacity than signature-based
versions, as they must constantly attempt to
pattern matched activity to the baseline
 Also may not detect minor changes to systems
variables can generate many false positives
ITM 578 42
Scanning And Analysis Tools
 Used to collect information needed by an
attacker to succeed
 One of the preparatory parts of an attack is
collection of information about a potential
target, a process called footprinting
– Organized research of the Internet addresses
owned or controlled by a target organization
 Attacker uses public Internet data sources to
perform keyword searches to identify the
network addresses of the organization
 This research augmented with browsing
organization’s Web pages
ITM 578 43
Scanning And Analysis Tools
Next phase of the pre-attack data
gathering process: fingerprinting
Systematic examination of all Internet
addresses of the organization (collected
during the footprinting)
Accomplished with tools discussed in
the next section, fingerprinting reveals
useful information for the anticipated
ITM 578 44
Scanning And Analysis Tools
Scanners, sniffers, and other analysis
tools are invaluable to security
administrators; enables them to see
what the attacker sees
Can find vulnerabilities in systems,
holes in security components, and
unsecured aspects of the network
– Unfortunately, they cannot detect the
unpredictable behavior of people.

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Database - Design & Implementation - 1

This document provides an overview of databases and SQL. It begins with a brief introduction to databases, including what they are, database management systems (DBMS), and relational database management systems (RDBMS). The document then discusses the history and evolution of databases. It introduces MySQL as a popular open source RDBMS and compares its features. The document also covers database concepts and design, including requirement analysis, logical design, and the database life cycle. Finally, it provides an introduction to SQL and an example of using the CREATE TABLE syntax.

Risk management ii
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This document is a slide presentation for a risk management course at Illinois Institute of Technology. It discusses risk control strategies such as avoidance, transference, mitigation and acceptance. It also covers categories of controls including control function, architectural layer, strategy layer and information security principles. The overall goal is to help students understand how to identify, analyze and address risks to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of organizational systems and data.

information managementinformation securitysecurity technologies
Database design, implementation, and management -chapter02
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Database design, implementation, and management -chapter02

This document provides an overview of data modeling concepts. It discusses the importance of data models for organizing data for different users and as a communication tool. It also describes the basic building blocks of entities, attributes, and relationships. Additionally, it covers the evolution of different data models including hierarchical, network, relational, entity relationship, and object oriented models. It provides examples of hierarchical and network data structures.

ITM 578 45
Scanning And Analysis Tools
Many of these tools have distinct
signatures & some Internet service
providers (ISPs) scan for these
– If an ISP discovers someone using
“hacker tools” it can pull access privileges
– Best to establish working relationship
with the ISP & notify them of the purpose
and extent of the signatures.
ITM 578 46
Port Scanners
 Port scanners fingerprint networks to find
ports and services and other useful
 Why secure open ports?
– An open port can be used to send commands to a
computer, gain access to a server, and exert
control over a networking device
– The general rule of thumb is to remove from
service or secure any port not absolutely
necessary for the conduct of business
ITM 578 47
Well-known Port Numbers
Port numbers Description
20 and 21 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
25 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
53 Domain Name Services (DNS)
67 and 68 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
80 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
110 Post Office Protocol (POP3)
161 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
194 IRC Chat port (used for device sharing)
443 HTTP over SSL
8080 Used for proxy services
Table 8-2 Well-known Port Numbers
ITM 578 48
Network Scanner
LANguard Network Scanner

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Islamic information management sources in islam
Islamic information management sources in islamIslamic information management sources in islam
Islamic information management sources in islam

This document discusses sources of knowledge in Islam and how knowledge is classified from an Islamic perspective. It outlines that primary sources in Islam are the Quran and Hadith, which are directly revealed by God. Secondary sources include consensus of scholars, analogy, and reasoning based on public interest. Knowledge can be acquired through revelation, senses, mind, and ideas. The hierarchy of knowledge receivers starts with prophets, then pious people, scholars, and finally the public. Knowledge is typically divided into revealed knowledge from the Quran and Hadith, and acquired knowledge from observation and reasoning. It can also be categorized as individual or social obligations.

islamic information management
Database design
Database designDatabase design
Database design

This document discusses database design and the systems development life cycle (SDLC). It explains that the SDLC traces the history of an information system through planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance phases. Within the information system, the database life cycle (DBLC) describes the history of the database through initial study, design, implementation, testing, operation, and maintenance/evolution phases. The chapter also covers conceptual database design strategies like top-down vs. bottom-up and centralized vs. decentralized design.

database management system
Information resource management
Information resource managementInformation resource management
Information resource management

This document provides an overview of information resource management (IRM). It discusses the history of cryptography and securing information. IRM is defined as the process of managing information as a valuable organizational resource. The components of an IRM system include information resources, facilities, hardware, software, databases, information specialists, and users. IRM provides benefits such as identifying redundant information, clarifying roles, and supporting management decision-making. Adaptive, knowing, and learning organizations especially need IRM to effectively share information. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and the Willard model are approaches for implementing IRM.

ITM 578 49
Vulnerability Scanners
Vulnerability scanners are capable of
scanning networks for very detailed
As a class, they identify exposed
usernames and groups, show open
network shares, expose configuration
problems, and other vulnerabilities
in servers
ITM 578 50
Nmap Vulnerability Scanner
Nmap Vulnerability Scanner
ITM 578 51
Packet Sniffers
 A network tool that collects copies of
packets from the network and analyzes
 Can be used to eavesdrop on the network
 To use a packet sniffer legally, you must be:
– on a network that the organization owns
– under direct authorization of the owners of the
– have knowledge and consent of the content
creators (users)
ITM 578 52
Ethereal Sample Screen
Sample Screen

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Lecture 07 relational database management system
Lecture 07 relational database management systemLecture 07 relational database management system
Lecture 07 relational database management system

The document discusses key concepts in relational database management systems including: 1) Everything is represented as relations (tables) with attributes (columns) and tuples (rows) that make up the relations. 2) Schemas define the structure of relations with attributes and primary keys to uniquely identify tuples. 3) Relations can be related through foreign keys that match primary keys in other relations. 4) Integrity rules like entity and referential integrity enforce valid relationships between tuples in different relations.

relational database management system

Whenyour computer isconnected to the Internet, you expose your computer to a variety of potentialthreats. The Internet isdesigned in such a waythat if you have access to the Internet, all other computers on the Internet canconnect to yourcomputer.Thisleavesyouvulnerable to variouscommonattacks. This isespeciallytroubling as severalpopular programs open services on your computer thatallowothers to view files on your computer! Whilethisfunctionalityisexpected, the difficultyisthatsecurityerrors are detectedthatalwaysallow hackers to attackyour computer with the ability to view or destroy sensitive information stored on your computer. To protectyour computer fromsuchattacksyouneed to "teach" your computer to ignore or resistexternaltestingattempts. The commonname for such a program is Firewall. A firewall is software thatcreates a secureenvironmentwhosefunctionis to block or restrictincoming and outgoing information over a network. These firewalls actually do not work and are not suitable for business premises to maintain information securitywhilesupporting free exchange of ideas. Firewall are becoming more and more sophisticated in the day, and new features are beingadded all the time, sothat, despitecriticism and intimidatingdevelopmentmethods, they are still a powerfuldefense. In thispaper, weread a network firewall thathelps the corporateenvironment and other networks thatwant to exchange information over the network. The firewall protects the flow of trafficthrough the internet and limits the amount of external and internal information and provides the internal user with the illusion of anonymous FTP and www online communications.

firewall technologiesnetwork securityaccess control

basic abstract on the topic of firewalls, extremely useful information very good for paper presentations

ITM 578 53
Content Filters
Although technically not a firewall, a
content filter is a software filter that
allows administrators to restrict
accessible content from within a
The content filtering restricts Web
sites with inappropriate content
ITM 578 54
Trap and Trace
 Software designed to entice individuals
illegally perusing the internal areas of a
 Better known as honey pots, they distract
the attacker while notifying the
 Trace: attempt to determine the identity of
someone using unauthorized access
– Main purpose: capture system abusers internal to
the network
ITM 578 55
Cryptography and Encryption
Sophisticated approach to security
Many security-related tools use
embedded encryption technologies
Encryption is the process of converting
an original message into a form that is
unreadable by unauthorized
The science of encryption, known as
cryptology, encompasses cryptography
and cryptanalysis
ITM 578 56
Encryption Definitions
 Algorithm: the mathematical formula used to
convert an unencrypted message into an encrypted
 Cipher: the transformation of the individual
components (characters, bytes, or bits) of an
unencrypted message into encrypted components.
 Ciphertext or cryptogram: the unintelligible
encrypted or encoded message resulting from an
 Code: the transformation of the larger components
(words or phrases) of an unencrypted message into
encrypted components.

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This document provides an overview of firewalls, including what they are, different types, basic concepts, their role, advantages, and disadvantages. It defines a firewall as a program or device that filters network traffic between the internet and a private network based on a set of rules. The document discusses software vs hardware firewalls and different types like packet filtering, application-level gateways, and circuit-level gateways. It also covers the history of firewalls, their design goals, and how they concentrate security and restrict access to trusted machines only.

Firewall ppt
Firewall pptFirewall ppt
Firewall ppt

This document provides an overview of firewalls, including what they are, different types, basic concepts, their role, advantages, and disadvantages. It defines a firewall as a program or device that filters network traffic between the internet and a private network based on a set of rules. The document discusses software vs hardware firewalls and different types like packet filtering, application-level gateways, and circuit-level gateways. It also covers the history of firewalls, their design goals, and how they concentrate security and restrict access to trusted machines only.


This document provides an overview of firewalls, including what they are, how they work, types of firewalls, and their history. A firewall is a program or device that filters network traffic between the internet and an internal network based on a set of rules. There are different types, including packet filtering routers, application-level gateways, and circuit-level gateways. Firewalls aim to only allow authorized traffic according to a security policy while protecting internal systems. They provide advantages such as restricting access and hiding internal network information but can also limit some network connectivity.

ITM 578 57
Encryption Definitions
 Cryptosystem: the set of transformations necessary
to convert an unencrypted message into an
encrypted message.
 Decipher: to decrypt or convert ciphertext to
 Encipher: to encrypt or convert plaintext to
 Key or cryptovariable: the information used in
conjunction with the algorithm to create ciphertext
from plaintext.
 Keyspace: the entire range of values that can
possibly be used to construct an individual key.
ITM 578 58
Encryption Definitions
 Link encryption: a series of encryptions and
decryptions between a number of systems, whereby
each node decrypts the message sent to it and then
re-encrypts it using different keys and sends it to
the next neighbor, until it reaches the final
 Plaintext: the original unencrypted message that is
encrypted and results from successful decryption.
 Steganography: the process of hiding messages in a
picture or graphic.
 Work factor: the amount of effort (usually in hours)
required to perform cryptanalysis on an encoded
ITM 578 59
Cryptography & Encryption-Based Solutions
 Simple forms of encryption are based on two
concepts: the block cipher and the exclusive
OR operation
 With the block cipher method
– the message is divided into blocks, i.e., 8 or 16 bit
– and then each block is transformed using the
algorithm and key
 The “exclusive or operation” (XOR) is a
function of Boolean algebra
ITM 578 60
Exclusive OR Operations
Bit 1 Bit 2 Exclusive OR result
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
Exclusive OR OperationsTABLE 8-3

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This document discusses firewalls, including their definition, history, types, and purposes. A firewall is a program or hardware device that filters network traffic between the internet and an internal network based on a set of security rules. There are different types of firewalls, including packet filtering routers, application-level gateways, and circuit-level gateways. Firewalls aim to restrict network access and protect internal systems by only allowing authorized traffic according to a security policy.

Stallings,_William_Computer_Security_Principles_and_Practice_Pearson [312-342...
Stallings,_William_Computer_Security_Principles_and_Practice_Pearson [312-342...Stallings,_William_Computer_Security_Principles_and_Practice_Pearson [312-342...
Stallings,_William_Computer_Security_Principles_and_Practice_Pearson [312-342...

This document discusses firewalls and intrusion prevention systems. It begins by outlining the need for firewalls due to the evolution of networked systems and increased internet connectivity. It then describes different types of firewalls including packet filtering firewalls, stateful inspection firewalls, application-level gateways, and circuit-level gateways. It also discusses firewall basing options and configurations such as DMZ networks, VPNs, and distributed firewalls. The document concludes by covering intrusion prevention systems and their host-based, network-based, and distributed implementations.

Firewall ppt
Firewall pptFirewall ppt
Firewall ppt

This document provides an overview of firewalls, including what they are, their history, types, and basic concepts. A firewall is a program or hardware device that filters network traffic between the internet and an internal network or computer. There are different types, including packet filtering routers, application-level gateways, and circuit-level gateways. Firewalls aim to only allow authorized traffic according to a security policy while protecting systems from outside penetration. They provide advantages like concentrating security but also disadvantages like potentially blocking some network access.

ITM 578 61
Encryption Algorithms
 In encryption the most commonly used
algorithms include two functions:
substitution and transposition
 In a substitution cipher, you substitute one
value for another
 This type of substitution is based on a
monoalphabetic substitution, since it only
uses one alphabet
 More advanced substitution ciphers use two
or more alphabets, and are referred to as
polyalphabetic substitutions
ITM 578 62
Encryption Operations
 Just like the substitution operation, the
transposition cipher is simple to understand
but can be complex to decipher if properly
 Unlike the substitution cipher, the
transposition cipher (or permutation cipher)
simply rearranges the values within a block
to create the ciphertext
 This can be done at the bit level or at the
byte (character) level - transposition ciphers
move these bits or bytes to another location
in the block, so that bit 1 becomes bit 4, bit 2
becomes bit 7 etc
ITM 578 63
Vernam Cipher
 Also known as the one-time pad, the Vernam
cipher was developed at AT&T and uses a
one-use set of characters, the value of which
is added to the block of text
 The resulting sum is then converted to text
 When the two are added, if the values
exceed 26, 26 is subtracted from the total
(Modulo 26) - the corresponding results are
then converted back to text
ITM 578 64
Book or Running Key Cipher
 Another method, made popular by spy
movies, is the use of text in a book as the
algorithm to decrypt a message
 The key consists of
– knowing which book to use
– a list of codes representing the page number, line
number, and word number of the plaintext word
 Dictionaries and thesauruses make the most
popular sources as they guarantee every
word needed, although almost any book will

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Firewall protection
Firewall protectionFirewall protection
Firewall protection

A firewall is hardware or software that filters network traffic by allowing or denying transmission based on a set of rules to protect networks from unauthorized access. There are two main types - network layer firewalls which filter at the IP address and port level, and application layer firewalls which can filter traffic from specific applications like FTP or HTTP. A DMZ (demilitarized zone) is a physical or logical sub-network exposed to an untrusted network like the internet that contains external-facing services, protected from internal networks by firewalls. Firewalls provide security benefits like restricting access to authorized users and preventing intrusions from untrusted networks.

Firewall Firewall

Hai...!! Here the powerpoint gives you a clear idea about Firewall and its types.. Make use of it..


Firewalls – Packet Filters,Circuit Level Gateway,Application Level Gateway (or Proxy),Bastion Host,Access Control,Bell–LaPadula Model (BLP) ,Trusted Computer Systems,Reference Monitor,Common Criteria(CC)

network security
ITM 578 65
Symmetric Encryption
 The same key, also known as a secret key
used to conduct both encryption and
decryption of the message
 Can be extremely efficient, requiring minimal
processing to either encrypt or decrypt the
 Problem: both sender & receiver must own
the encryption key
– If either copy of the key is compromised, an
intermediate can decrypt and read the messages
 Challenges: get copy of the key to the
receiver, a process that must be conducted
out-of-band to avoid interception
ITM 578 66
Symmetric Encryption
ITM 578 67
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
Developed in 1977 by IBM
Based on the Data Encryption
Algorithm (DEA)
Uses a 64-bit block size and a 56-bit
With a 56-bit key, the algorithm has
256 possible keys to choose from (over
72 quadrillion)
ITM 578 68
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
 DES is a federally approved standard for
non classified data
 RSA put a bounty on the algorithm offering
$10,000 to the team to crack the algorithm
 Fourteen thousand users collaborated over
the Internet to finally break the encryption
 On 19 October 1997 at 1325 UTC, the 56 bit
DES algorithm was cracked by a distributed
processing system coordinated by a
computer in my lab at IIT’s Main Campus

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This document discusses firewalls and their types. It begins by explaining that firewalls protect networks by guarding entry points and are becoming more sophisticated. It then defines a firewall as a network security system that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on rules. The document outlines different generations of firewalls and describes four main types: packet filtering, stateful packet inspection, application gateways/proxies, and circuit-level gateways. It details the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of each type. Finally, it emphasizes that networks are still at risk of attacks and that firewalls have become ubiquitous, so choosing the right solution depends on needs, policies, resources.

firewalls by saikiran panjalasaikiran panjala
what is firewall in information security?
what is firewall in information security?what is firewall in information security?
what is firewall in information security?

what is firewall in information security? Data & Security what is firewall in information security? October 21, 2023admin A firewall can protect your Mac from unwanted contact initiated by other computers when you’re connected to the internet or a network. However, your Mac can still allow access through the firewall for some services and apps. A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules. what is firewall in information security? A firewall is a security system designed to prevent unauthorized access into or out of a computer network. Firewalls are often used to make sure internet users without access are not able to interface with private networks, or intranets, connected to the internet. Table of Contents 1. basic packet-filtering firewalls 2. circuit-level gateways 3. application-level gateways 4. stateful inspection firewalls 5. next-generation firewalls 1. basic packet-filtering firewalls A packet-filtering firewall is a network security feature that controls the flow of incoming and outgoing network data. The firewall examines each packet, which comprises user data and control information, and tests them according to a set of pre-established rules the process of passing or blocking data packets at a network interface by a firewall based on source and destination addresses, ports or protocols. the most basic type of firewall that controls data flow to and from a network. hardware, software, and cloud-based firewalls. A single device can filter traffic for the entire network. Extremely fast and efficient in scanning traffic. Inexpensive. Minimal effect on other resources, network performance, and end-user experience. what is firewall in information security? 2. circuit-level gateways A circuit-level gateway is a type of firewall that operates on layer 5 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, which is the session layer. It’s the layer responsible for providing the mechanism of initiating, managing, and closing a communication session between end-user application processes. SOCKS, IBM Db2, and Proxy Servers conceal the details of the protected network from the external traffic, which is helpful for interdicting access to impostors. A proxy server is also called a circuit-level firewall. unidirectional gateways and bidirectional gateways. receives the request sent by a client to establish a TCP connection. what is firewall in information security? 3. application-level gateways Application-level gateways (ALGs) are application-specific translation agents that allow an application (like VOIP) on a host in one address realm to connect to its counterpart running on a host in a different realm transparently. Application gateways can be used to deny access to the resources of private networks to distrusted clients over the web An application layer gateway—also known as an application proxy gate

what is firewall in informatioinformation security?firewall in information
what is firewall in information security?
what is firewall in information security?what is firewall in information security?
what is firewall in information security?

what is firewall in information security? Data & Security what is firewall in information security? October 21, 2023admin A firewall can protect your Mac from unwanted contact initiated by other computers when you’re connected to the internet or a network. However, your Mac can still allow access through the firewall for some services and apps. A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules. what is firewall in information security? A firewall is a security system designed to prevent unauthorized access into or out of a computer network. Firewalls are often used to make sure internet users without access are not able to interface with private networks, or intranets, connected to the internet. Table of Contents 1. basic packet-filtering firewalls 2. circuit-level gateways 3. application-level gateways 4. stateful inspection firewalls 5. next-generation firewalls 1. basic packet-filtering firewalls A packet-filtering firewall is a network security feature that controls the flow of incoming and outgoing network data. The firewall examines each packet, which comprises user data and control information, and tests them according to a set of pre-established rules the process of passing or blocking data packets at a network interface by a firewall based on source and destination addresses, ports or protocols. the most basic type of firewall that controls data flow to and from a network. hardware, software, and cloud-based firewalls. A single device can filter traffic for the entire network. Extremely fast and efficient in scanning traffic. Inexpensive. Minimal effect on other resources, network performance, and end-user experience. what is firewall in information security? 2. circuit-level gateways A circuit-level gateway is a type of firewall that operates on layer 5 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, which is the session layer. It’s the layer responsible for providing the mechanism of initiating, managing, and closing a communication session between end-user application processes. SOCKS, IBM Db2, and Proxy Servers conceal the details of the protected network from the external traffic, which is helpful for interdicting access to impostors. A proxy server is also called a circuit-level firewall. unidirectional gateways and bidirectional gateways. receives the request sent by a client to establish a TCP connection. what is firewall in information security? 3. application-level gateways Application-level gateways (ALGs) are application-specific translation agents that allow an application (like VOIP) on a host in one address realm to connect to its counterpart running on a host in a different realm transparently. Application gateways can be used to deny access to the resources of private networks to distrusted clients over the web An application layer gateway—also known as an application proxy gat

what is firewall in informatiofirewall in informationsecurity
ITM 578 69
Triple DES (3DES)
 Developed as an improvement to DES
 Uses up to three keys in succession and also
performs three different encryption
– 3DES encrypts the message three times with
three different keys, the most secure level of
encryption possible with 3DES
 In 1998, it took a dedicated computer
designed by the Electronic Freedom Frontier
( over 56 hours to crack DES
ITM 578 70
Advanced Encryption Standard
The successor to 3DES is Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES), based on
the Rijndael Block Cipher, a block
cipher with a variable block length
and a key length of either128, 192, or
256 bits
It would take the same computer
approximately 4,698,864 quintillion
years to crack AES
ITM 578 71
Asymmetric Encryption
 Best known as public key encryption
 Uses two different keys
 Either key can be used to encrypt or decrypt
the message, however, if Key A is used to
encrypt the message, only Key B can decrypt,
and if Key B is used to encrypt a message,
only Key A can decrypt it.
 Public key is stored in a public location,
where anyone can use it
 Private key is a secret known only to the
owner of the key pair
ITM 578 72
Using Public Keys

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ppt consists of history, generations of firewalls, types, architectures, advantages & disadvantages. very basic ppt- can be used for college & paper presentation seminars.

[9] Firewall.pdf
[9] Firewall.pdf[9] Firewall.pdf
[9] Firewall.pdf

A firewall is a system designed to restrict access between networks and protect private network resources. It imposes a gateway machine between the outside world and private network that software uses to decide whether to allow or reject incoming traffic. Firewalls implement security policies at a single point and monitor security events while providing strong authentication and allowing virtual private networks on a specially hardened operating system. Common types include packet filtering routers, application-level gateways, and circuit-level gateways, with hybrid firewalls combining techniques.

securityinformationinformation technology
Firewall ppt
Firewall pptFirewall ppt
Firewall ppt

Lakshmi.S presents information on firewalls including definitions, types, and concepts. A firewall filters internet access to protect private networks. There are software and hardware firewalls. Types include packet filtering routers, application-level gateways, and circuit-level gateways. Firewalls concentrate security, filter unnecessary protocols, hide internal information, and require connections through the firewall. While firewalls improve security, they can hamper some network access and concentrating security in one location means compromising the firewall poses risks.

ITM 578 73
Digital Signatures
 An interesting thing happens when the
asymmetric process is reversed, that is the
private key is used to encrypt a short
 The public key can be used to decrypt it, and
the fact that the message was sent by the
organization that owns the private key
cannot be refuted
 This is known as nonrepudiation, which is
the foundation of digital signatures
 Digital Signatures are encrypted messages
that are independently verified by a central
facility (registry) as authentic
ITM 578 74
 One of the most popular public key
 Stands for Rivest-Shamir-Aldeman, its
 First public key encryption algorithm
developed and published for commercial use
 Part of Web browsers from both Microsoft
and Netscape
 56 bit version is not secure; 128 bit version is
ITM 578 75
PKI or Public Key Infrastructure
 Public Key Infrastructure is the entire set of
hardware, software, and cryptosystems
necessary to implement public key
 PKI systems are based on public-key
cryptosystems and include digital
certificates and certificate authorities (CAs)
and can:
– Issue digital certificates
– Issue crypto keys
– Provide tools to use crypto to secure information
– Provide verification and return of certificates
ITM 578 76
PKI Benefits
PKI protects information assets in
several ways:
– Authentication
– Integrity
– Privacy
– Authorization
– Nonrepudiation

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This document discusses different types of firewalls. It begins by defining a firewall as a network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on an organization's security policies. It acts as a barrier between an internal network and the public internet, allowing safe traffic in while keeping dangerous traffic out. The document then discusses the history of firewalls and lists several common types, including packet filtering, circuit-level gateway, application-level gateway, stateful inspection, next-generation, software, hardware, and cloud firewalls. It explains that firewalls are important as the network's first line of defense, helping to identify and block threats to decrease risks to the internal network. Specifically, it provides details on how packet filtering

Firewall & packet filter new
Firewall & packet filter newFirewall & packet filter new
Firewall & packet filter new

This document discusses firewalls and packet filters. It defines a firewall as a device that provides secure connectivity between networks and can be hardware, software, or a combination. There are two main types of firewalls - hardware and software. It also describes how firewalls and packet filters work, including inspecting packets and applying rules to determine if packets should be allowed through or blocked. The functions of packet filters are to control traffic and provide security. Manufacturing companies that provide firewall and packet filtering solutions are also listed.

Network Security_Dr Shivashankar_Module 5.pdf
Network Security_Dr Shivashankar_Module 5.pdfNetwork Security_Dr Shivashankar_Module 5.pdf
Network Security_Dr Shivashankar_Module 5.pdf

This document discusses network security and firewalls. It provides an overview of different types of firewalls including packet filtering firewalls, stateful inspection firewalls, application-level gateways, and circuit-level gateways. It also discusses firewall configuration options such as bastion hosts, host-based firewalls, personal firewalls, demilitarized zone networks, and distributed firewall setups. The key purpose of firewalls is to control access and enforce a site's security policy by filtering network traffic based on security rules.

dr. shivashankar_rrit
ITM 578 77
Digital Certificates & Certificate Authorities
 A digital certificate is an electronic
document, similar to a digital signature,
attached to a file certifying that this file is
from the organization it claims to be from
and has not been modified from the original
 A Certificate Authority is an agency that
manages the issuance of certificates and
serves as the electronic notary public to
verify their worth and integrity
ITM 578 78
Hybrid Systems
 In practice, pure asymmetric key encryption not
widely used except in the area of certificates
 More often used in conjunction with symmetric
key encryption creating a hybrid system
 Use the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange method
that uses asymmetric techniques to exchange
symmetric keys to enable efficient, secure
communications based on symmetric keys
 Diffie-Hellman provided the foundation for
subsequent developments in public key
ITM 578 79
Hybrid Encryption Example
ITM 578 80
Securing E-mail
 Encryption cryptosystems have been
adapted to inject some degree of security
into e-mail:
– S/MIME builds on the Multipurpose Internet
Mail Extensions (MIME) encoding format by
adding encryption and authentication
– Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) was proposed by
the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a
standard to function with the public key
– PEM uses 3DES symmetric key encryption and
RSA for key exchanges and digital signatures
– Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), developed by Phil
Zimmerman, uses the IDEA Cipher along with
RSA for key exchange

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This document discusses strategic issues for information systems planning (SISP) in the 1990s. It notes key business forces of globalization, competition, and productivity requirements. Strategic issues include increased connectivity within and between organizations, as well as new information technology opportunities from advances in networks, databases, and interfaces. SISP aims to align information systems with organizational objectives and strategies in a cost-effective way that provides competitive advantage. It helps prioritize investments, integrate systems, and manage information and relationships between users and IT specialists.

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Introduction to information security
Introduction to information securityIntroduction to information security
Introduction to information security

This document is a slide presentation for an introduction to information security course at Illinois Institute of Technology. It begins with an overview of the course objectives and policies. It then provides a history of information security, defining key terms. It discusses approaches to implementing security through a systems development life cycle and the roles of security professionals.

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Information security as an ongoing effort
Information security as an ongoing effortInformation security as an ongoing effort
Information security as an ongoing effort

This document discusses the importance of ongoing maintenance for information security programs. It provides an overview of recommended security management models, such as the ISO model, and outlines key aspects of a full maintenance program including external and internal monitoring, vulnerability assessment, and review procedures. The goal of maintenance is to allow security programs to adapt to changes in threats, assets, vulnerabilities and the internal/external environment over time.

security technologiesinformation securityinformation management
ITM 578 81
Securing the Web
Secure Electronic Transactions (SET)
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Secure Shell (SSH)
ITM 578 82
 IP Security (IPSec) is the cryptographic
authentication and encryption product of the
IETF’s IP Protocol Security Working Group
 Defined in RFC 1825, 1826, and 1827
 Used to create Virtual Private Networks
(VPNs) and is an open framework for
security development within the TCP/IP
family of protocol standards
 Combines several different cryptosystem
elements and includes:
– the IP Security Protocol itself
– the Internet Key Exchange
ITM 578 83
IPSec Operations
 IPSec works in two modes of operation:
– In transport mode only the IP data is encrypted,
not the IP headers themselves
– In tunnel mode, the entire IP packet is encrypted
and is then placed as the payload in another IP
 The implementation of these technologies is
very popular through a process known as
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
 In the most common implementation, a VPN
allows a user to turn the Internet into a
private network between points on the
public network
ITM 578 84
Kerberos Scenario: Initial Login

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Implementing security

The document discusses implementing security projects through proper project management. It describes developing a detailed project plan using a work breakdown structure to identify tasks, assign responsibilities, and track costs and dependencies. Special considerations in planning include finances, priorities, timing, staffing, scope, procurement, organizational feasibility, training, and change management. Effective project management is key to successfully translating a security blueprint into concrete implementation.

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Disaster recovery & business continuity
Disaster recovery & business continuityDisaster recovery & business continuity
Disaster recovery & business continuity

This document discusses contingency planning for disasters and business continuity. It defines incident response planning, disaster recovery planning, and business continuity planning as the three main components of contingency planning. It provides learning objectives and outlines the major steps in contingency planning, including conducting a business impact analysis, developing an incident response plan, and creating disaster recovery and business continuity plans.

information securityinformation managementsecurity technologies
Topic 12 report & presentations
Topic 12   report & presentationsTopic 12   report & presentations
Topic 12 report & presentations

The document discusses various aspects of research, including: 1) It describes different types of research studies such as reporting, descriptive, explanatory, and predictive research. 2) It outlines styles of research including applied research, pure/basic research, and business research. 3) It discusses what constitutes good research including clearly defined purposes, detailed research processes, and thoroughly planned designs.

researchmanagementinformation systems
ITM 578 85
Kerberos Scenario: Request for Services
ITM 578 86
 To solve some of the problems associated
with Kerberos, a new project, the Secure
European System for Applications in a
Multivendor Environment (SESAME), was
developed as a European research and
development project, partly funded by the
European Commission
 SESAME is similar in part to Kerberos in
that the user is first authenticated to an
authentication server to receive a token
ITM 578 87
Access Control Devices
 To insure secure operation, access control needs
strong authentication (two-factor authentication)
 Consist of the user’s personal password or
passphrase but requires at least one other factor to
represent strong authentication
 Frequently a physical device is used for the second
 When considering access control you address:
– What you know
– What you have
– Who you are
– What you produce
ITM 578 88
What You Are - Biometrics
 Most of the technologies that scan human
characteristics convert these images to some
form of minutiae
 Minutiae are unique points of reference that
are digitized and stored in an encrypted
 Each subsequent scan is also digitized and
then compared with the encoded value to
determine if users are who they claim to be
 The problem is that some human
characteristics can change over time, due to
normal development, injury, or illness

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Topic 11   data managementTopic 11   data management
Topic 11 data management

The document discusses various aspects of research, including: 1) It describes different types of research studies such as reporting, descriptive, explanatory, and predictive research. 2) It outlines styles of research including applied research, pure/basic research, and business research. 3) It discusses what constitutes good research including clearly defined purposes, detailed research processes, and thoroughly planned designs.

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Topic 10 sample designs & procedures
Topic 10   sample designs & proceduresTopic 10   sample designs & procedures
Topic 10 sample designs & procedures

The document discusses research methods and processes. It covers types of research studies like descriptive and explanatory research. It also discusses different research designs, stages of research including framing, designing and reporting. It provides examples of problem statements, the importance of literature reviews and developing a theoretical framework. The document also discusses developing hypotheses, research design, measurement, data collection methods, and analyzing and reporting results.

researchinformation systemsmanagement
Topic 9 secondary data sources
Topic 9   secondary data sourcesTopic 9   secondary data sources
Topic 9 secondary data sources

The document discusses research methods and processes. It covers types of research studies like descriptive and explanatory research. It also discusses different research designs, stages of research including framing, designing and reporting. It provides examples of problem statements, the importance of literature reviews and developing a theoretical framework. The document also discusses developing hypotheses, research design considerations, measurement, data collection methods, and analyzing and reporting results.

researchmanagementinformation systems
ITM 578 89
Voice recognition
Signature recognition
Hand and palm
Fingerprint Iris
Recognition Characteristics
Recognition Characteristics
ITM 578 90
Effectiveness of Biometrics
Biometric technologies are evaluated
on three basic criteria:
–False Reject Rate
–False Accept Rate
–Crossover Error Rate
ITM 578 91
False Reject Rate (FRR)
The percentage or value associated
with the rate at which authentic users
are denied or prevented access to
authorized areas, as a result of a
failure in the biometric device
Type I error
Probably of the least concern to
ITM 578 92
False Accept Rate (FAR)
The percentage or value associated
with the rate at which fraudulent or
non-users are allowed access to
systems or areas, as a result of a
failure in the biometric device
Type II error
This type of error is unacceptable to
security, as it represents a clear

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Topic 8 questionnaire design
Topic 8   questionnaire designTopic 8   questionnaire design
Topic 8 questionnaire design

The document discusses various aspects of research including types of research studies, styles of research, characteristics of good research, the research process, framing research, designing research, and reporting research. It provides examples and definitions for key research concepts such as problem statements, literature reviews, research question hierarchies, theoretical frameworks, hypothesis generation, research design, measurement, scaling, and data collection.

information systemsresearchmanagement
Topic 7 measurement in research
Topic 7   measurement in researchTopic 7   measurement in research
Topic 7 measurement in research

This document discusses measurement in research and provides examples and guidelines. It covers topics such as selecting observable events, assigning numbers or symbols to represent aspects of events, applying mapping rules, and different levels of measurement including nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales. Reliability and validity are important criteria for good measurement. The document also discusses sampling methods like probability and non-probability designs as well as factors to consider for determining sample size.

researchmanagementinformation systems

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ITM 578 93
Crossover Error Rate (CER)
The crossover error rate is the point
at which the number of false
rejections equals the false
acceptances, also known as the equal
error rate
It is possibly the most common and
important overall measure of the
accuracy of a biometric system
The optimal setting is somewhere
near the equal error rate or CER
ITM 578 94
Acceptability of Biometrics
While the use of one authentication
area is necessary to access the
system, the more devices used the
To obtain strong authentication, the
systems must use two or more
authentication areas
ITM 578 95
The End…

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Topic 12   report & presentationsTopic 12   report & presentations
Topic 12 report & presentations
Topic 11 data management
Topic 11   data managementTopic 11   data management
Topic 11 data management
Topic 10 sample designs & procedures
Topic 10   sample designs & proceduresTopic 10   sample designs & procedures
Topic 10 sample designs & procedures
Topic 9 secondary data sources
Topic 9   secondary data sourcesTopic 9   secondary data sources
Topic 9 secondary data sources
Topic 8 questionnaire design
Topic 8   questionnaire designTopic 8   questionnaire design
Topic 8 questionnaire design
Topic 7 measurement in research
Topic 7   measurement in researchTopic 7   measurement in research
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Security technologies

  • 1. TransformingLives. InventingtheFuture. I ELLINOIS T UINS TI T OF TECHNOLOGY ITM 578 1 Security Technologies Ray Trygstad ITM 478/578 Spring 2004 Master of Information Technology & Management Program CenterforProfessional Development Slides based on Whitman, M. and Mattord, H., Principles of InformationSecurity; Thomson Course Technology 2003
  • 2. ITM 578 2 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson the student should be able to: – Define and identify the various types of firewalls. – Discuss the approaches to firewall implementation. – Discuss the approaches to dial-up access and protection. – Identify and describe the two categories of intrusion detection systems. – Discuss the two strategies behind intrusion detection systems.
  • 3. ITM 578 3 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson the student should be able to: – Discuss scanning, analysis tools, and content filters. – Understand trap and trace technologies. – Discuss the process of encryption and define key terms. – Identify and discuss common approaches to cryptography. – Compare and contrast symmetric and asymmetric encryption. – Discuss various approaches to biometric access control.
  • 4. ITM 578 4 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Introduction  Information security: a discipline relying on the synthesis of people, policy, education, training, awareness, procedures, and technology to improve protection of an organization’s information assets  Technical solutions can maintain – Confidentiality, Integrity & Availability of information – In each of its three states • Storage • Transmission • processing
  • 5. ITM 578 5 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Physical Design of the SecSDLC The physical design phase of the SecSDLC is made up of two parts: – security technologies – physical security Physical design takes the logical design, expressed by the information security blueprint and the contingency planning elements and extends the design to the next level
  • 6. ITM 578 6 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Physical Design of the SecSDLC Analyze Physical Design: Security Technologies Chapter 8 Physical Design: Physical Security Chapter 9 Logical Design Implement Maintain FIG URE 8-1 Physical Design within the SecSDLCPhysical Design within the SecSDLC
  • 7. ITM 578 7 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Physical Design of the SecSDLC  The physical design phase encompasses the selection of technologies and processes to manage risk  At the end of the physical design phase you have: – Selected technologies needed to support the information security blueprint – Defined what the successful solution for a secured environment will encompass – Designed physical security measures that support the technical solutions – Prepared to create project plans in the implementation phase to follow
  • 8. ITM 578 8 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Firewalls  A firewall is any device that prevents a specific type of information from moving between the untrusted network outside and the trusted network inside  There are five recognized generations of firewalls  The firewall may be: – a separate computer system – a service running on an existing router or server – a separate network containing a number of supporting devices
  • 9. ITM 578 9 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY First Generation  Called packet filtering firewalls  Examines every incoming packet header and selectively filters packets based on – address, packet type, port request, and others factors  The restrictions most commonly implemented are based on: – IP source and destination address – Direction (inbound or outbound) – TCP or UDP source and destination port-requests
  • 10. ITM 578 10 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Packet Filtering Firewall Packet filtering router used as a first generation firewall Trusted network Untrusted Network FilteredFiltered Data PacketsData Packets UnrestrictedUnrestricted Data PacketsData Packets BlockedBlocked Data PacketsData Packets FIGURE 8-2 Packet Filtering Firewall
  • 11. ITM 578 11 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Second Generation  Called application-level firewall or proxy server  Often a dedicated computer separate from the filtering router  With this configuration the proxy server, rather than the Web server, is exposed to the outside world in the DMZ  Additional filtering routers can be implemented behind the proxy server  The primary disadvantage of application-level firewalls is that they are designed for a specific protocol and cannot easily be reconfigured to protect against attacks on protocols for which they are not designed
  • 12. ITM 578 12 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Third Generation  Called stateful inspection firewalls  Keeps track of each network connection established between internal and external systems using a state table which tracks the state and context of each packet in the conversation by recording which station sent what packet and when  If the stateful firewall receives an incoming packet that it cannot match in its state table, then it defaults to its ACL to determine whether to allow the packet to pass
  • 13. ITM 578 13 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Third Generation  The primary disadvantage is the additional processing requirements of managing and verifying packets against the state table which can possibly expose the system to a DoS attack  These firewalls can track connectionless packet traffic such as UDP and remote procedure calls (RPC) traffic
  • 14. ITM 578 14 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fourth Generation  A dynamic packet filtering firewall allows only a particular packet with a particular source, destination, and port address to enter through the firewall  Does this by understanding how the protocol functions, and opening and closing “doors” in the firewall, based on the information contained in the packet header  In this manner, dynamic packet filters are an intermediate form, between traditional static packet filters and application proxies
  • 15. ITM 578 15 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Fifth Generation The final form of firewall is the kernel proxy, a specialized form that works under the Windows NT Executive, which is the kernel of Windows NT It evaluates packets at multiple layers of the protocol stack, by checking security in the kernel as data is passed up and down the stack
  • 16. ITM 578 16 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Packet-filtering Routers Most organizations with an Internet connection have some form of a router as the interface at the perimeter between the organization’s internal networks and the external service provider Many of these routers can be configured to filter packets that the organization does not allow into the network
  • 17. ITM 578 17 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Packet-filtering Routers This is a simple but effective means to lower the organization’s risk to external attack The drawback to this type of system includes a lack of auditing and strong authentication The complexity of the access control lists used to filter the packets can grow and degrade network performance
  • 18. ITM 578 18 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Screened-Host Firewall Systems  Combine the packet-filtering router with a separate, dedicated firewall such as an application proxy server  Allows the router to pre-screen packets to minimize the network traffic and load on the internal proxy  Application proxy examines an application layer protocol, such as HTTP, and performs the proxy services  This separate host often referred to as a bastion- host, as it represents a single, rich target for external attacks, and should be very thoroughly secured
  • 19. ITM 578 19 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Filtered Data Packets Screened-Host Firewall Trusted network Untrusted Network Unrestricted Data Packets Blocked Data Packets FIGURE 8-3 Screened Host Firewall Bastion-host Application Level Firewall Proxy access
  • 20. ITM 578 20 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Dual-homed Host Firewalls  The bastion-host contains two NICs (network interface cards)  One NIC connected to the external network, and one connected to the internal network  With two NICs all traffic must physically go through the firewall to move between the internal and external networks  A technology known as network-address translation (NAT) is commonly implemented with this architecture to map from real, valid, external IP addresses to ranges of internal IP addresses that are non-routable
  • 21. ITM 578 21 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Dual-homed Host Firewall Trusted network Untrusted Network Unrestricted Data Packets Blocked External Data Packets FIGURE 8-4 Dual-homed Host Firewall Dual-homed Host used as a firewall providing Network Address Translation (NAT) External filtering router Internal filtering router Public IP Addresses NAT assigned local addresses Blocked Internal Data Packets Proxy Access
  • 22. ITM 578 22 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Screened-Subnet Firewalls (with DMZ) Consists of two or more internal bastion-hosts, behind a packet-filtering router, with each host protecting the trusted network The first general model consists of two filtering routers, with one or more dual-homed bastion-host between them
  • 23. ITM 578 23 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Screened-Subnet Firewalls (with DMZ)  The second general model involves the connection from the outside or untrusted network going through this path: – Through an external filtering router – Into and then out of a routing firewall to the separate network segment known as the DMZ  Connections into the trusted internal network are allowed only from the DMZ bastion-host servers
  • 24. ITM 578 24 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Screened-Subnet Firewall Trusted network Untrusted Network Blocked Data Packets Proxy access FIGURE 8-5 Screened Subnet (DMZ) External filtering router Internal filtering router Controlled access Demilitarized zone (DMZ) ServersServers
  • 25. ITM 578 25 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SOCKS Servers  The SOCKS system is a proprietary circuit-level proxy server that places special SOCKS client-side agents on each workstation  Places the filtering requirements on the individual workstation, rather than on a single point of defense (and thus point of failure)  This frees the entry router of filtering responsibilities, but then requires each workstation to be managed as a firewall detection and protection device  A SOCKS system can require additional support and management resources to configure and manage possibly hundreds of individual clients, versus a single device or set of devices
  • 26. ITM 578 26 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Selecting the Right Firewall  What type of firewall technology offers the right balance of protection features and cost for the needs of the organization?  What features are included in the base price? What features are available at extra cost? Are all cost factors known?  How easy is it to set up and configure the firewall? How accessible are staff technicians with the mastery to do it well?  Can the candidate firewall adapt to the growing network in the target organization?
  • 27. ITM 578 27 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Configuring and Managing Firewalls  Each firewall device will have its own set of configuration rules that regulate its actions  Simple mistakes can turn the device into a choke point  When security rules conflict with the performance of business, security loses since organizations are much more willing to live with a potential risk than a certain failure
  • 28. ITM 578 28 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Firewall Recommended Practices  All traffic from the trusted network is allowed out  The firewall device is always inaccessible directly from the public network  Allow Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) data to pass through your firewall, but insure it is all routed to a well-configured SMTP gateway to filter and route messaging traffic securely  All Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) data should be denied  Block telnet (terminal emulation) access to all internal servers from the public networks  When Web services are offered outside the firewall, deny HTTP traffic from reaching your internal networks by using some form of proxy access or DMZ architecture
  • 29. ITM 578 29 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Dial-Up Protection  While internal network connection via private networks are now less popular due to the high cost of installation, maintenance, and protection, dial-up connections are still quite common  Unsecured, dial-up access represents a substantial exposure to attack – An attacker who suspects that an organization has dial-up lines can use a device called a war- dialer to locate the connection points  For the most part, simple username and password schemes are the only means of authentication
  • 30. ITM 578 30 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service  RADIUS system centralizes management of user authentication by placing the responsibility for authenticating each user in the central RADIUS server Radius serverRemote access server(RAS) 1. Remote worker dials RAS and submits username and password 2. RAS passes username and password to RADIUS server 3. RADIUS server approves or rejects request and provides access authorization 4. RAS provides access to authorized remote worker (1) (2) (3)(4) Tele-worker FIGURE 8-6 RADIUS Configuration
  • 31. ITM 578 31 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Terminal Access Controller Access Control System TACACS contains a centralized database, such as RADIUS, and validates the user’s credentials at the TACACS server There are three versions of TACACS – TACACS – Extended TACACS – TACACS+
  • 32. ITM 578 32 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs)  IDSs work like burglar alarms  IDSs require complex configurations to provide the level of detection and response desired  An IDS operates as either network-based, when the technology is focused on protecting network information assets, or host-based, when the technology is focused on protecting server or host information assets  IDSs use one of two detection methods, signature-based or statistical anomaly-based
  • 33. ITM 578 33 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Intrusion Detection System External Router Host IDS: Examines the data in files stored on host and alerts systems administrators to any any changes Network IDS: Examines packets on network and alerts admin to unusual patterns. Header 0100101011Untrusted Network FIGURE 8-7 Intrusion Detection Systems
  • 34. ITM 578 34 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Host-based IDSs  Resides on a particular computer or server (known as the host) and monitors activity on that system.  Most work on principle of configuration or change management, in which the systems record the file sizes, locations, and other attributes, and reports when one or more of these attributes changes, when new files are created, and when existing files are deleted.  Can also monitor systems logs for pre- defined events.
  • 35. ITM 578 35 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Host-based IDSs  Maintains own log files so when hackers successfully modify a systems log the IDS provides independent verification of the attack Once properly configured, host-IDSs are very reliable.  Managed host-based IDS can monitor multiple computers simultaneously. – Stores a client file on each monitored host – Has that host report back to the master console (usually located on the sysadmin’s computer)
  • 36. ITM 578 36 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Host-based IDS Host-based IDS FIGURE 8-8
  • 37. ITM 578 37 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Network-based IDSs  Works differently than its host-based counterpart; monitors network traffic  When a pre-defined condition occurs, it responds and notifies the appropriate administrator  Must match known and unknown attack strategies against knowledge base to determine if an attack has occurred  Result in more false positive readings than do host-based IDSs – System is attempting to read into the pattern of activity on the network to determine what is normal and what is not
  • 38. ITM 578 38 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Network-based IDS Network- based IDS FIGURE 8-8
  • 39. ITM 578 39 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Signature-based IDSs  AKA knowledge-based IDS; examines data traffic looking for something that matches signatures, which are pre-configured, predetermined attack patterns  Problem: signatures must be continually updated as new attack strategies are identified  Attackers who are slow and methodical may slip undetected through the IDS, as actions may not match the signature that includes factors based on duration of the events
  • 40. ITM 578 40 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Statistical Anomaly-based IDSs AKA behavior-based IDS Collects data from normal traffic and establishes a baseline Once the baseline is established, periodically samples network activity, based on statistical methods, and compares samples to baseline If activity is outside baseline parameters (known as a clipping level), IDS notifies administrator
  • 41. ITM 578 41 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Statistical Anomaly-based IDSs  Advantage: system able to detect new types of attacks as it looks for abnormal activity of any type  Unfortunately require much more overhead and processing capacity than signature-based versions, as they must constantly attempt to pattern matched activity to the baseline  Also may not detect minor changes to systems variables can generate many false positives
  • 42. ITM 578 42 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Scanning And Analysis Tools  Used to collect information needed by an attacker to succeed  One of the preparatory parts of an attack is collection of information about a potential target, a process called footprinting – Organized research of the Internet addresses owned or controlled by a target organization  Attacker uses public Internet data sources to perform keyword searches to identify the network addresses of the organization  This research augmented with browsing organization’s Web pages
  • 43. ITM 578 43 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Scanning And Analysis Tools Next phase of the pre-attack data gathering process: fingerprinting Systematic examination of all Internet addresses of the organization (collected during the footprinting) Accomplished with tools discussed in the next section, fingerprinting reveals useful information for the anticipated attack
  • 44. ITM 578 44 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Scanning And Analysis Tools Scanners, sniffers, and other analysis tools are invaluable to security administrators; enables them to see what the attacker sees Can find vulnerabilities in systems, holes in security components, and unsecured aspects of the network – Unfortunately, they cannot detect the unpredictable behavior of people.
  • 45. ITM 578 45 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Scanning And Analysis Tools Many of these tools have distinct signatures & some Internet service providers (ISPs) scan for these signatures. – If an ISP discovers someone using “hacker tools” it can pull access privileges – Best to establish working relationship with the ISP & notify them of the purpose and extent of the signatures.
  • 46. ITM 578 46 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Port Scanners  Port scanners fingerprint networks to find ports and services and other useful information  Why secure open ports? – An open port can be used to send commands to a computer, gain access to a server, and exert control over a networking device – The general rule of thumb is to remove from service or secure any port not absolutely necessary for the conduct of business
  • 47. ITM 578 47 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Well-known Port Numbers Port numbers Description 20 and 21 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 25 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 53 Domain Name Services (DNS) 67 and 68 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 80 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 110 Post Office Protocol (POP3) 161 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 194 IRC Chat port (used for device sharing) 443 HTTP over SSL 8080 Used for proxy services Table 8-2 Well-known Port Numbers
  • 48. ITM 578 48 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Source: FIGURE 8-11 LANGuard Network Scanner LANguard Network Scanner
  • 49. ITM 578 49 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Vulnerability Scanners Vulnerability scanners are capable of scanning networks for very detailed information As a class, they identify exposed usernames and groups, show open network shares, expose configuration problems, and other vulnerabilities in servers
  • 50. ITM 578 50 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Source: Nmap Vulnerability Scanner FIGURE 8-12 Nmap Vulnerability Scanner
  • 51. ITM 578 51 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Packet Sniffers  A network tool that collects copies of packets from the network and analyzes them  Can be used to eavesdrop on the network traffic  To use a packet sniffer legally, you must be: – on a network that the organization owns – under direct authorization of the owners of the network – have knowledge and consent of the content creators (users)
  • 52. ITM 578 52 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Source Ethereal Sample Screen FIGURE 8-13 Ethereal Sample Screen
  • 53. ITM 578 53 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Content Filters Although technically not a firewall, a content filter is a software filter that allows administrators to restrict accessible content from within a network The content filtering restricts Web sites with inappropriate content
  • 54. ITM 578 54 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Trap and Trace  Software designed to entice individuals illegally perusing the internal areas of a network  Better known as honey pots, they distract the attacker while notifying the administrator  Trace: attempt to determine the identity of someone using unauthorized access – Main purpose: capture system abusers internal to the network
  • 55. ITM 578 55 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Cryptography and Encryption Sophisticated approach to security Many security-related tools use embedded encryption technologies Encryption is the process of converting an original message into a form that is unreadable by unauthorized individuals The science of encryption, known as cryptology, encompasses cryptography and cryptanalysis
  • 56. ITM 578 56 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Encryption Definitions  Algorithm: the mathematical formula used to convert an unencrypted message into an encrypted message.  Cipher: the transformation of the individual components (characters, bytes, or bits) of an unencrypted message into encrypted components.  Ciphertext or cryptogram: the unintelligible encrypted or encoded message resulting from an encryption.  Code: the transformation of the larger components (words or phrases) of an unencrypted message into encrypted components.
  • 57. ITM 578 57 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Encryption Definitions  Cryptosystem: the set of transformations necessary to convert an unencrypted message into an encrypted message.  Decipher: to decrypt or convert ciphertext to plaintext.  Encipher: to encrypt or convert plaintext to ciphertext.  Key or cryptovariable: the information used in conjunction with the algorithm to create ciphertext from plaintext.  Keyspace: the entire range of values that can possibly be used to construct an individual key.
  • 58. ITM 578 58 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Encryption Definitions  Link encryption: a series of encryptions and decryptions between a number of systems, whereby each node decrypts the message sent to it and then re-encrypts it using different keys and sends it to the next neighbor, until it reaches the final destination.  Plaintext: the original unencrypted message that is encrypted and results from successful decryption.  Steganography: the process of hiding messages in a picture or graphic.  Work factor: the amount of effort (usually in hours) required to perform cryptanalysis on an encoded message.
  • 59. ITM 578 59 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Cryptography & Encryption-Based Solutions  Simple forms of encryption are based on two concepts: the block cipher and the exclusive OR operation  With the block cipher method – the message is divided into blocks, i.e., 8 or 16 bit – and then each block is transformed using the algorithm and key  The “exclusive or operation” (XOR) is a function of Boolean algebra
  • 60. ITM 578 60 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Exclusive OR Operations Bit 1 Bit 2 Exclusive OR result 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Exclusive OR OperationsTABLE 8-3
  • 61. ITM 578 61 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Encryption Algorithms  In encryption the most commonly used algorithms include two functions: substitution and transposition  In a substitution cipher, you substitute one value for another  This type of substitution is based on a monoalphabetic substitution, since it only uses one alphabet  More advanced substitution ciphers use two or more alphabets, and are referred to as polyalphabetic substitutions
  • 62. ITM 578 62 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Encryption Operations  Just like the substitution operation, the transposition cipher is simple to understand but can be complex to decipher if properly used  Unlike the substitution cipher, the transposition cipher (or permutation cipher) simply rearranges the values within a block to create the ciphertext  This can be done at the bit level or at the byte (character) level - transposition ciphers move these bits or bytes to another location in the block, so that bit 1 becomes bit 4, bit 2 becomes bit 7 etc
  • 63. ITM 578 63 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Vernam Cipher  Also known as the one-time pad, the Vernam cipher was developed at AT&T and uses a one-use set of characters, the value of which is added to the block of text  The resulting sum is then converted to text  When the two are added, if the values exceed 26, 26 is subtracted from the total (Modulo 26) - the corresponding results are then converted back to text
  • 64. ITM 578 64 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Book or Running Key Cipher  Another method, made popular by spy movies, is the use of text in a book as the algorithm to decrypt a message  The key consists of – knowing which book to use – a list of codes representing the page number, line number, and word number of the plaintext word  Dictionaries and thesauruses make the most popular sources as they guarantee every word needed, although almost any book will suffice
  • 65. ITM 578 65 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Symmetric Encryption  The same key, also known as a secret key used to conduct both encryption and decryption of the message  Can be extremely efficient, requiring minimal processing to either encrypt or decrypt the message  Problem: both sender & receiver must own the encryption key – If either copy of the key is compromised, an intermediate can decrypt and read the messages  Challenges: get copy of the key to the receiver, a process that must be conducted out-of-band to avoid interception
  • 66. ITM 578 66 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Symmetric Encryption
  • 67. ITM 578 67 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Data Encryption Standard (DES) Developed in 1977 by IBM Based on the Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA) Uses a 64-bit block size and a 56-bit key With a 56-bit key, the algorithm has 256 possible keys to choose from (over 72 quadrillion)
  • 68. ITM 578 68 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Data Encryption Standard (DES)  DES is a federally approved standard for non classified data  RSA put a bounty on the algorithm offering $10,000 to the team to crack the algorithm  Fourteen thousand users collaborated over the Internet to finally break the encryption  On 19 October 1997 at 1325 UTC, the 56 bit DES algorithm was cracked by a distributed processing system coordinated by a computer in my lab at IIT’s Main Campus
  • 69. ITM 578 69 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Triple DES (3DES)  Developed as an improvement to DES  Uses up to three keys in succession and also performs three different encryption operations: – 3DES encrypts the message three times with three different keys, the most secure level of encryption possible with 3DES  In 1998, it took a dedicated computer designed by the Electronic Freedom Frontier ( over 56 hours to crack DES
  • 70. ITM 578 70 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) The successor to 3DES is Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), based on the Rijndael Block Cipher, a block cipher with a variable block length and a key length of either128, 192, or 256 bits It would take the same computer approximately 4,698,864 quintillion years to crack AES
  • 71. ITM 578 71 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Asymmetric Encryption  Best known as public key encryption  Uses two different keys  Either key can be used to encrypt or decrypt the message, however, if Key A is used to encrypt the message, only Key B can decrypt, and if Key B is used to encrypt a message, only Key A can decrypt it.  Public key is stored in a public location, where anyone can use it  Private key is a secret known only to the owner of the key pair
  • 73. ITM 578 73 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Digital Signatures  An interesting thing happens when the asymmetric process is reversed, that is the private key is used to encrypt a short message  The public key can be used to decrypt it, and the fact that the message was sent by the organization that owns the private key cannot be refuted  This is known as nonrepudiation, which is the foundation of digital signatures  Digital Signatures are encrypted messages that are independently verified by a central facility (registry) as authentic
  • 74. ITM 578 74 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RSA  One of the most popular public key cryptosystems  Stands for Rivest-Shamir-Aldeman, its developers  First public key encryption algorithm developed and published for commercial use  Part of Web browsers from both Microsoft and Netscape  56 bit version is not secure; 128 bit version is acceptable
  • 75. ITM 578 75 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PKI or Public Key Infrastructure  Public Key Infrastructure is the entire set of hardware, software, and cryptosystems necessary to implement public key encryption  PKI systems are based on public-key cryptosystems and include digital certificates and certificate authorities (CAs) and can: – Issue digital certificates – Issue crypto keys – Provide tools to use crypto to secure information – Provide verification and return of certificates
  • 76. ITM 578 76 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PKI Benefits PKI protects information assets in several ways: – Authentication – Integrity – Privacy – Authorization – Nonrepudiation
  • 77. ITM 578 77 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Digital Certificates & Certificate Authorities  A digital certificate is an electronic document, similar to a digital signature, attached to a file certifying that this file is from the organization it claims to be from and has not been modified from the original format  A Certificate Authority is an agency that manages the issuance of certificates and serves as the electronic notary public to verify their worth and integrity
  • 78. ITM 578 78 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Hybrid Systems  In practice, pure asymmetric key encryption not widely used except in the area of certificates  More often used in conjunction with symmetric key encryption creating a hybrid system  Use the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange method that uses asymmetric techniques to exchange symmetric keys to enable efficient, secure communications based on symmetric keys  Diffie-Hellman provided the foundation for subsequent developments in public key encryption
  • 79. ITM 578 79 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Hybrid Encryption Example
  • 80. ITM 578 80 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Securing E-mail  Encryption cryptosystems have been adapted to inject some degree of security into e-mail: – S/MIME builds on the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) encoding format by adding encryption and authentication – Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) was proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a standard to function with the public key cryptosystems – PEM uses 3DES symmetric key encryption and RSA for key exchanges and digital signatures – Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), developed by Phil Zimmerman, uses the IDEA Cipher along with RSA for key exchange
  • 81. ITM 578 81 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Securing the Web Secure Electronic Transactions (SET) Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (SHTTP) Secure Shell (SSH) IPSec
  • 82. ITM 578 82 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IPSec  IP Security (IPSec) is the cryptographic authentication and encryption product of the IETF’s IP Protocol Security Working Group  Defined in RFC 1825, 1826, and 1827  Used to create Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and is an open framework for security development within the TCP/IP family of protocol standards  Combines several different cryptosystem elements and includes: – the IP Security Protocol itself – the Internet Key Exchange
  • 83. ITM 578 83 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IPSec Operations  IPSec works in two modes of operation: – In transport mode only the IP data is encrypted, not the IP headers themselves – In tunnel mode, the entire IP packet is encrypted and is then placed as the payload in another IP packet  The implementation of these technologies is very popular through a process known as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)  In the most common implementation, a VPN allows a user to turn the Internet into a private network between points on the public network
  • 84. ITM 578 84 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Kerberos Scenario: Initial Login
  • 85. ITM 578 85 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Kerberos Scenario: Request for Services
  • 86. ITM 578 86 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Sesame  To solve some of the problems associated with Kerberos, a new project, the Secure European System for Applications in a Multivendor Environment (SESAME), was developed as a European research and development project, partly funded by the European Commission  SESAME is similar in part to Kerberos in that the user is first authenticated to an authentication server to receive a token
  • 87. ITM 578 87 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Access Control Devices  To insure secure operation, access control needs strong authentication (two-factor authentication)  Consist of the user’s personal password or passphrase but requires at least one other factor to represent strong authentication  Frequently a physical device is used for the second factor  When considering access control you address: – What you know – What you have – Who you are – What you produce
  • 88. ITM 578 88 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY What You Are - Biometrics  Most of the technologies that scan human characteristics convert these images to some form of minutiae  Minutiae are unique points of reference that are digitized and stored in an encrypted format  Each subsequent scan is also digitized and then compared with the encoded value to determine if users are who they claim to be  The problem is that some human characteristics can change over time, due to normal development, injury, or illness
  • 89. ITM 578 89 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Voice recognition Signature recognition Hand geometry Hand and palm print Fingerprint Iris recognition Retinal Recognition Facial geometry Recognition Characteristics FIGURE 8-20 Recognition Characteristics
  • 90. ITM 578 90 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Effectiveness of Biometrics Biometric technologies are evaluated on three basic criteria: –False Reject Rate –False Accept Rate –Crossover Error Rate
  • 91. ITM 578 91 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY False Reject Rate (FRR) The percentage or value associated with the rate at which authentic users are denied or prevented access to authorized areas, as a result of a failure in the biometric device Type I error Probably of the least concern to security
  • 92. ITM 578 92 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY False Accept Rate (FAR) The percentage or value associated with the rate at which fraudulent or non-users are allowed access to systems or areas, as a result of a failure in the biometric device Type II error This type of error is unacceptable to security, as it represents a clear breach
  • 93. ITM 578 93 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Crossover Error Rate (CER) The crossover error rate is the point at which the number of false rejections equals the false acceptances, also known as the equal error rate It is possibly the most common and important overall measure of the accuracy of a biometric system The optimal setting is somewhere near the equal error rate or CER
  • 94. ITM 578 94 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Acceptability of Biometrics While the use of one authentication area is necessary to access the system, the more devices used the better To obtain strong authentication, the systems must use two or more authentication areas
  • 95. ITM 578 95 ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The End… Questions?

Editor's Notes

  1. Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this chapter you should be able to: Define and identify the various types of firewalls. Discuss the approaches to firewall implementation. Discuss the approaches to dial-up access and protection. Identify and describe the two categories of intrusion detection systems. Discuss the two strategies behind intrusion detection systems. Discuss the process of encryption and define key terms. Identify and discuss common approaches to cryptography. Compare and contrast symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Discuss various approaches to biometric access control.
  2. Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this chapter you should be able to: Define and identify the various types of firewalls. Discuss the approaches to firewall implementation. Discuss the approaches to dial-up access and protection. Identify and describe the two categories of intrusion detection systems. Discuss the two strategies behind intrusion detection systems. Discuss the process of encryption and define key terms. Identify and discuss common approaches to cryptography. Compare and contrast symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Discuss various approaches to biometric access control.
  3. Introduction Information security- A discipline that relies people, policy, education, training, awareness, procedures, and technology to improve the protection of an organization’s information assets Technical solutions can maintain Confidentiality of information Integrity of information Availability of information in each of its three states (storage, transmission, and processing).
  4. Physical Design Of The SecSDLC The physical design phase of the SecSDLC is made up of two parts: security technologies and physical security. Physical design takes the logical design, expressed by the information security blueprint and the contingency planning elements and extends the design to the next level.
  5. Physical Design Of The SecSDLC The physical design phase encompasses the selection of technologies and processes to implement controls to manage risk from threats to the information assets of the organization. At the end of the physical design phase you have: Selected technologies needed to support the information security blueprint Defined what the successful solution for a secured environment will encompass Designed physical security measures that support the technical solutions Prepared to create project plans in the implementation phase to follow
  6. Firewalls A firewall as part of an information security program is any device that prevents a specific type of information from moving between the outside world, known as the untrusted network, and the inside world, known as the trusted network, and vice versa. Firewalls have made significant advances since the earliest implementations At the present time, there are five generally recognized generations of firewalls, and these generations can be implemented in a wide variety of architectures. The firewall may be a separate computer system, a service running on an existing router or server, or a separate network containing a number of supporting devices.
  7. First Generation The first generation of firewalls are called packet filtering firewalls, because they are simple networking devices that filter packets based on their headers as they travel to and from the organization’s networks. In this case the firewall examines every incoming packet header and it can selectively filter packets (accepting or rejecting as needed) based on: address, packet type, port request and others factors. These devices scan network data packets looking for compliance with or violation of rules configured into the firewall’s database. If a first generation firewall finds a packet that matches a restriction, it simply refuses to forward it. The restrictions most commonly implemented are based on: IP source and destination address Direction (inbound or outbound) Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) source and destination port-requests Early firewall models examine one aspect of the packet header: the destination and source address. They enforce address restrictions, rules designed to prohibit packets with certain addresses or partial addresses, from passing through the device. They accomplish this through access control lists (ACLs), created and modified by the firewall administrators. The ability to restrict a specific service is now considered standard in most modern routers, and is invisible to the user. Unfortunately these systems are unable to detect if packet headers have been modified, as occurs from IP spoofing attacks.
  8. Second Generation The next generation of firewalls is called the application-level firewall. The application firewall is frequently a dedicated computer separate from the filtering router and quite commonly used in conjunction with a filtering router. The application firewall is also known as a proxy server, since it runs special software designed to serve as a proxy for a service request. With this configuration the proxy server, rather than the Web server is exposed to the outside world, in the DMZ. A demilitarized zone (DMZ) is an intermediate area between a trusted network and an un-trusted network. Additional filtering routers can be implemented behind the proxy server restricting the access of internal systems to the proxy server alone, thus further protecting internal systems. The primary disadvantage of application-level firewalls is that they are designed for a specific protocol and cannot easily be reconfigured to protect against attacks on protocols for which they are not designed.
  9. Third Generation The next generation of firewalls, stateful inspection firewalls, keeps track of each network connection established between internal and external systems using a state table. These state tables track the state and context of each packet in the conversation, by recording which station sent what packet and when. Like first generation firewalls, stateful inspection firewalls perform packet filtering, but they take it a step further. Whereas simple packet filtering firewalls only allow or deny certain packets based on their address, a stateful firewall can restrict incoming packets by denying access to packets that are responses to internal requests. If the stateful firewall receives an incoming packet that it cannot match in its state table, then it defaults to its ACL to determine whether to allow the packet to pass. The primary disadvantage of this type of firewall is the additional processing requirements of managing and verifying packets against the state table. This can possibly expose the system to a DoS attack. In such an attack, the firewall can be subjected to a large number of external packets, slowing it down as it attempts to compare all of the incoming packets first to the state table and then to the ACL. On the positive side, these firewalls can track connectionless packet traffic such as UDP and remote procedure calls (RPC) traffic.
  10. Fourth Generation While static filtering firewalls, such as first and third generation, allow entire sets of one type of packet to enter in response to authorized requests, a dynamic packet filtering firewall allows only a particular packet with a particular source, destination and port address to enter through the firewall. It does this by understanding how the protocol functions, and opening and closing “doors” in the firewall, based on the information contained in the packet header. In this manner, dynamic packet filters are an intermediate form, between traditional static packet filters and application proxies.
  11. Fifth Generation The final form of firewall is the kernel proxy, a specialized form that works under the Windows NT Executive, which is the kernel of Windows NT. It evaluates packets at multiple layers of the protocol stack, by checking security in the kernel as data is passed up and down the stack.
  12. Packet-filtering Routers Most organizations with an Internet connection have some form of a router as the interface at the perimeter between the organization’s internal networks and the external service provider. Many of these routers can be configured to filter packets that the organization does not allow into the network. This is a simple but effective means to lower the organization’s risk to external attack. The drawback to this type of system includes a lack of auditing and strong authentication. The complexity of the access control lists used to filter the packets can grow and degrade network performance.
  13. Screened-Host Firewall Systems The next type of architecture combines the packet-filtering router with a separate, dedicated firewall such as an application proxy server. This approach allows the router to pre-screen packets to minimize the network traffic and load on the internal proxy. The application proxy examines an application layer protocol, such as HTTP, and performs the proxy services. This separate host is often referred to as a bastion-host, as it represents a single, rich target for external attacks, and should be very thoroughly secured.
  14. Dual-homed Host Firewalls The next step up in firewall architectural complexity is the dual-homed host. With this configuration, the bastion-host contains two NICs (network interface cards), rather than the one contained by in bastion-host configuration. One NIC is connected to the external network, and one is connected to the internal network, providing an additional layer of protection. With two NICs all traffic must physically go through the firewall to move between the internal and external networks. A technology known as network-address translation is commonly implemented with this architecture. Network-address translation (NAT) is a method of mapping real, valid, external IP addresses to special ranges of internal IP addresses, creating yet another barrier to internal intrusion. These internal addresses can consist of three different ranges.
  15. Screened-Subnet Firewalls (with DMZ) The final architecture presented here is the screened-subnet firewall. The subnet firewall consists of two or more internal bastion-hosts, behind a packet-filtering router, with each host protecting the trusted network. There are a many variants of the screened subnet architecture. The first general model consists of two filtering routers, with one or more dual-homed bastion-host between them. The second general model involves the connection from the outside or un-trusted network going through this path: Through an external filtering router Into and then out of a routing firewall to the separate network segment known as the DMZ Connections into the trusted internal network are allowed only from the DMZ bastion-host servers
  16. Provides an intermediate area between the trusted network and the untrusted network, known as a demilitarized zone (DMZ) The DMZ can be a dedicated port on the firewall device linking a single bastion-host or it can be connected to a screened subnet or DMZ Until recently, servers providing services through the un-trusted network were commonly placed in the DMZ Examples include Web, file transfer protocol (FTP), and certain database servers More recent strategies utilizing proxy servers have provided much more secure solutions
  17. SOCKS Servers The SOCKS system is a proprietary circuit-level proxy server that places special SOCKS client-side agents on each workstation. The general approach is to place the filtering requirements on the individual workstation, rather than on a single point of defense (and thus point of failure). This frees the entry router of filtering responsibilities, but then requires each workstation to be managed as a firewall detection and protection device. A SOCKS system can require additional support and management resources to configure and manage possibly hundreds of individual clients, versus a single device or set of devices.
  18. Selecting the Right Firewall 1.What type of firewall technology offers the right balance of protection features and cost for the needs of the organization? 2.What features are included in the base price? What features are available at extra cost? Are all cost factors known? 3.How easy is it to set up and configure the firewall? How accessible are staff technicians with the mastery to do it well? 4.Can the candidate firewall adapt to the growing network in the target organization? Each firewall device will have its own set of configuration rules that regulate its actions In practice the configuration of firewall policies can be something of a nightmare Simple mistakes can turn the device into a choke point In general, when security rules conflict with the performance of business, security loses since organizations are much more willing to live with a potential risk than a certain failure
  19. Each firewall device will have its own set of configuration rules that regulate its actions In practice the configuration of firewall policies can be something of a nightmare Simple mistakes can turn the device into a choke point In general, when security rules conflict with the performance of business, security loses since organizations are much more willing to live with a potential risk than a certain failure
  20. Firewall Recommended Practices All traffic from the trusted network is allowed out The firewall device is always inaccessible directly from the public network Allow Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) data to pass through your firewall, but insure it is all routed to a well-configured SMTP gateway to filter and route messaging traffic securely All Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) data should be denied Block telnet (terminal emulation) access to all internal servers from the public networks When Web services are offered outside the firewall, deny HTTP traffic from reaching your internal networks by using some form of proxy access or DMZ architecture
  21. Dial-Up Protection While internal network connection via private networks are now less popular due to the high cost of installation, maintenance, and protection, dial-up connections are still quite common. It is a widely held view that unsecured, dial-up access represents a substantial exposure to attack. An attacker who suspects that an organization has dial-up lines can use a device called a war-dialer to locate the connection points. Network connectivity offered by organization by using dial-up connections are usually much simpler and less sophisticated than those deployed with Internet connections. For the most part, simple username and password schemes are the only means of authentication.
  22. The RADIUS system centralizes the management of user authentication by placing the responsibility for authenticating each user in the central RADIUS server When a remote access server (RAS) receives a request for network connection from a dial-up client, it passes the request along with the user’s credentials to the RADIUS server. RADIUS then validates the credentials and passes the resulting decision (accept or deny) back to the accepting remote access server (RAS).
  23. Terminal Access Controller Access Control System The Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS) is another remote access authorization system that is based on a client/server configuration. It contains a centralized database, such as RADIUS, and validates the user’s credentials at the TACACS server. There are three versions of TACACS: TACACS, Extended TACACS, and TACACS+.
  24. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) Information security intrusion detection systems (IDSs) work like a burglar alarms. When the alarm detects a violation of its configuration, it activates the alarm. As with firewall systems, IDSs require complex configurations to provide the level of detection and response desired. An IDS operates as either network-based, when the technology is focused on protecting network information assets, or host-based, when the technology is focused on protecting server or host information assets. IDSs use one of two detection methods, signature based or statistical anomaly-based. Host-based IDSs A host-based IDS resides on a particular computer or server, known as the host, and monitors activity on that system. Most host-based IDSs work on the principle of configuration or change management, in which the systems record the file sizes, locations, and other attributes, and then report when one or more of these attributes changes, when new files are created, and when existing files are deleted. A Host-based IDS can also monitor systems logs for pre-defined events. The IDS maintains its own log files; so when hackers successfully modify a systems log in an attempt to cover their tracks, the IDS provides independent verification that the attack occurred. Once properly configured, host-IDSs are very reliable. A host-based IDS that is managed can monitor multiple computers simultaneously. It does this by storing a client file on each monitored host and has that host report back to the master console, which is usually located on the systems administrator’s computer. Network-based IDSs A network-based IDS works differently than its host-based counterpart. While a host-based IDS resides on a host (or hosts) and monitors only activities on the host, a network-based IDS monitors network traffic. When a pre-defined condition occurs, a network-based IDS responds and notifies the appropriate administrator. The network IDS must match known and unknown attack strategies against its knowledge base to determine whether or not an attack has occurred. Network IDSs result in many more false positive readings than do host-based IDSs, as the system is attempting to read into the pattern of activity on the network to determine what is normal and what is not. Signature-based IDSs A signature-based IDS or knowledge-based IDS examines data traffic looking for something that matches the signatures, which are pre-configured, predetermined attack patterns. The problem with this approach is that the signatures must be continually updated, as new attack strategies are identified. If attackers are slow and methodical, they may slip undetected through the IDS, as their actions may not match the signature that includes factors based on duration of the events. Statistical Anomaly-based IDSs Another common method used in IDS is the statistical anomaly-based IDS (stat IDS) or behavior-based IDS. The stat IDS collects data from normal traffic and establishes a baseline. Once the baseline is established, the IDS periodically samples network activity, based on statistical methods, and compares the samples to the baseline. When the activity is outside the baseline parameters (known as a clipping level), the IDS then notifies the administrator. The advantage of this approach is that the system is able to detect new types of attacks, as it looks for abnormal activity of any type. Unfortunately these systems require much more overhead and processing capacity than signature-based versions, as they must constantly attempt to pattern matched activity to the baseline. These systems also may not detect minor changes to systems variables and may generate many false positives.
  25. A network-based IDS works differently than its host-based counterpart. While a host-based IDS resides on a host (or hosts) and monitors only activities on the host, a network-based IDS monitors network traffic. When a pre-defined condition occurs, a network-based IDS responds and notifies the appropriate administrator. The network IDS must match known and unknown attack strategies against its knowledge base to determine whether or not an attack has occurred. Network IDSs result in many more false positive readings than do host-based IDSs, as the system is attempting to read into the pattern of activity on the network to determine what is normal and what is not.
  26. Scanning tools are used to collect information needed by an attacker to succeed. One of the preparatory parts of an attack is the collection of information about a potential target, a process known as footprinting. Footprinting is the organized research of the Internet addresses owned or controlled by a target organization. The attacker uses public Internet data sources to perform keyword searches to identify the network addresses of the organization. This research is augmented with the browsing of the organization’s Web pages.
  27. The next phase of the pre-attack data gathering process is called fingerprinting. This is the systematic examination of all of the Internet addresses of the organization (collected during the footprinting phase noted above). Accomplished with tools discussed in the next section, fingerprinting reveals useful information for the anticipated attack
  28. Although some may not perceive them as defensive tools, scanners, sniffers, and other analysis tools are invaluable to security administrators in enabling them to see what the attacker sees. Scanner and analysis tools can find vulnerabilities in systems, holes in security components, and unsecured aspects of the network. Unfortunately, they cannot detect the unpredictable behavior of people. One word of caution though, many of these tools have distinct signatures, and some Internet service providers (ISPs) scan for these signatures. If the ISP discovers someone using hacker tools, it can pull access privileges. It’s best to establish a working relationship with the ISP and notify it of the purpose and extent of the signatures.
  29. Port Scanners Port scanning utilities (or port scanners) are tools used to identify (or fingerprint) computers that are active on a network, as well as the ports and services active on those computers, the functions and roles the machines are fulfilling, and other useful information. The more specific the scanner is, the better it can give you detailed information that will be useful later. A port is a network channel or connection point in a data communications system. Within the TCP/IP networking protocol, TCP and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port numbers differentiate between multiple communication channels used to connect to network services being offered on the same network device. Why secure open ports? An open port can be used to send commands to a computer, gain access to a server, and exert control over a networking device. The general rule of thumb is to remove from service or secure any port not absolutely necessary for the conduct of business. If a business doesn’t host Web services, there may be no need for port 80 to be available on its servers.
  30. Vulnerability Scanners Vulnerability scanners are capable of scanning networks for very detailed information. As a class, they identify exposed usernames and groups, show open network shares, expose configuration problems, and other vulnerabilities in servers.
  31. Packet Sniffers A packet sniffer is a network tool that collects copies of packets from the network and analyzes them. It can provide a network administrator with valuable information to diagnose and resolve networking issues. In the wrong hands, a sniffer can be used to eavesdrop on the network traffic. Typically, to use these types of programs most effectively, you must be internal to a network. Simply tapping into an Internet connection floods you with more data than you can process, and technically constitutes a violation of the wiretapping act. To use a packet sniffer legally, you must be: 1) on a network that the organization owns; 2) under direct authorization of the owners of the network, and 3) have knowledge and consent of the content creators (users).
  32. Content Filters Although technically not a firewall, a content filter is a software filter that allows administrators to restrict accessible content from within a network. The most common application of a content filter is the restriction of Web sites with non-business related material, such as pornography. Another application is the restriction of spam e-mail from outside sources.
  33. Trap And Trace The trap function describes software designed to entice individuals who are illegally perusing the internal areas of a network. These individuals either discover directly or find indicators of rich content areas on the network, that turn out to be areas set up exclusively to distract potential miscreants. Better known as honey pots, these directories or servers distract the attacker while notifying the administrator. The newest accompaniment to the trap is the trace. Similar in concept to Caller ID, the trace is a process by which the organization attempts to determine the identity of someone discovered in unauthorized areas of the network or systems. If this individual turns out to be someone internal to the organization, the administrators are completely within their purview to track them down and turn them over to internal or external authorities If it turns out that the individual is outside the security perimeter, then numerous legal issues arise, as described in earlier chapters.
  34. Cryptography And Encryption-Based Solutions Although not a specific application or security tool, encryption represents a sophisticated approach to security that is implemented in many security systems. In fact, many security-related tools use embedded encryption technologies to protect sensitive information handled by the application. Encryption is the process of converting an original message into a form that is unreadable by unauthorized individuals, that is anyone without the tools to convert the encrypted message back to its original format. The science of encryption, known as cryptology encompasses cryptography, from the Greek words kryptos, meaning hidden, and graphein, meaning to write, and cryptanalysis, the process of obtaining the original message (or plaintext) from an encrypted message (or ciphertext), without the knowledge of the algorithms and keys used to perform the encryption.
  35. Encryption Definitions Algorithm: the mathematical formula used to convert an unencrypted message into an encrypted message. Cipher: the transformation of the individual components (characters, bytes or bits) of an unencrypted message into encrypted components. Ciphertext or cryptogram: the unintelligible encrypted or encoded message resulting from an encryption. Code: the transformation of the larger components (words or phrases) of an unencrypted message into encrypted components. Cryptosystem: the set of transformations necessary to convert an unencrypted message into an encrypted message. Decipher: to decrypt or convert ciphertext to plaintext. Encipher: to encrypt or convert plaintext to ciphertext.
  36. Cryptography And Encryption-Based Solutions The notation used to describe the encryption process differs depending on the source. The first uses the letters M to represent the original message, C to represent the ending ciphertext, and E to represent the encryption process: E(M) = C. This formula represents the application of encryption to a message to create ciphertext. D represents the decryption or deciphering process, thus D[E(M)]=M. K is used to represent the key, thus E(M, K) = C, or encrypting the message with the key results in the ciphertext. Now look at a simple form of encryption based on two concepts: the block cipher and the exclusive OR operation. With the block cipher method, the message is divided into blocks, i.e., 8 or 16 bit blocks, and then each block is transformed using the algorithm and key. The exclusive or operation (XOR) is a function of Boolean algebra whereby two bits are compared, and if the two bits are identical, the result is a binary 0. If the two bits are NOT the same, the result is a binary 1.
  37. Encryption Operations In encryption the most commonly used algorithms include two functions: substitution and transposition. In a substitution cipher, you substitute one value for another. This is a simple enough method by itself but very powerful if combined with other operations. This type of substitution is based on a monoalphabetic substitution, since it only uses one alphabet. More advanced substitution ciphers use two or more alphabets, and are referred to as polyalphabetic substitutions. Caesar reportedly used a three-value shift to the right giving that particular substitution cipher his name – the “Caesar Cipher. Just like the substitution operation, the transposition cipher is simple to understand but can be complex to decipher if properly used. Unlike the substitution cipher, the transposition cipher (or permutation cipher) simply rearranges the values within a block to create the ciphertext. This can be done at the bit level or at the byte (character) level. Transposition ciphers move these bits or bytes to another location in the block, so that bit 1 becomes bit 4, bit 2 becomes bit 7 etc.
  38. Vernam Cipher Also known as the one-time pad, the Vernam cipher was developed at AT&T and uses a one-use set of characters, the value of which is added to the block of text. The resulting sum is then converted to text. When the two are added, if the values exceed 26, 26 is subtracted from the total (Modulo 26). The corresponding results are then converted back to text:
  39. Book or Running Key Cipher Another method, made popular by spy movies, is the use of text in a book as the algorithm to decrypt a message. The key consists of 1) knowing which book to use, and 2) a list of codes representing the page number, line number, and word number of the plaintext word. Dictionaries and thesauruses make the most popular sources as they guarantee every word needed, although almost any book will suffice.
  40. Symmetric encryption uses the same key, also known as a secret key to conduct both the encryption and decryption of the message Symmetric encryption methods can be extremely efficient, requiring minimal processing to either encrypt or decrypt the message The problem is that both the sender and the receiver must possess the encryption key If either copy of the key is compromised, an intermediate can decrypt and read the messages One of the challenges of symmetric key encryption is getting a copy of the key to the receiver, a process that must be conducted out of band to avoid interception
  41. Symmetric Encryption There are a number of popular symmetric encryption cryptosystems. One of the most familiar is Data Encryption Standard (DES), developed in 1977 by IBM and based on the Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA). DEA uses a 64-bit block size and a 56-bit key. The algorithm begins by adding parity bits to the key (resulting in 64 bits) and then apples the key in 16 rounds of XOR, substitution, and transposition operations. With a 56 bit key, the algorithm has 256 possible keys to choose from (over 72 quadrillion). DES is a federally approved standard for nonclassified data. DES was cracked in 1997 when Rivest-Shamir-Aldeman (RSA) put a bounty on the algorithm. RSA offered a $10,000 reward for the first person or team to crack the algorithm. Fourteen thousand users collaborated over the Internet to finally break the encryption.
  42. Triple DES or 3DES Triple DES or 3DES was developed as an improvement to DES and uses up to three keys in succession. It is substantially more secure than DES, not only because it uses up to three keys to DES’s one, but because it also performs three different encryption operations as described below: 1)3DES encrypts the message with key 1, then decrypts it with key 2, and then it encrypts it with key 1 again. 2)3DES encrypts the message with key 1, then it encrypts it again with key 2, and then it encrypts it a third time with key 1 again. 3)3DES encrypts the message three times with three different keys, the most secure level of encryption possible with 3DES. Symmetric Encryption The successor to 3DES is Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), based on the Rinjndael Block Cipher, which is a block cipher with a variable block length and a key length of either128, 192, or 256 bits. In 1998, it took a special computer designed by the Electronic Freedom Frontier ( over 56 hours to crack DES. It would take the same computer approximately 4,698,864 quintillion years to crack AES.
  43. Another category of encryption techniques also known as public key encryption Symmetric encryption uses a single key to encrypt and decrypt but asymmetric encryption uses two different, but related keys, one public and one private If Key A is used to encrypt the message, only Key B can decrypt Public key is stored in a public location, where anyone can use it and the private key, is known only to the owner of the key pair
  44. The problem with asymmetric encryption is that it requires four keys to hold a single conversation between two parties. Asymmetric encryption is not as efficient as symmetric encryptions in terms of CPU computations. As a result, the hybrid system described in the section on Public Key Infrastructure is more commonly used, instead of a pure asymmetric system.
  45. Digital Signatures An interesting thing happens when the asymmetric process is reversed, that is the private key is used to encrypt a short message. The public key can be used to decrypt it, and the fact that the message was sent by the organization that owns the private key cannot be refuted. This is known as non-repudiation, which is the foundation of digital signatures. Digital Signatures are encrypted messages that are independently verified by a central facility (registry) as authentic.
  46. RSA One of the most popular public key cryptosystems is RSA. RSA stands for Rivest-Shamir-Aldeman, its developers. RSA is the first public key encryption algorithm developed and published for commercial use. RSA is very popular and is part of Web browsers from both Microsoft and Netscape.
  47. PKI Public Key Infrastructure is the entire set of hardware, software, and cryptosystems necessary to implement public key encryption. PKI systems are based on public-key cryptosystems and include digital certificates and certificate authorities (CAs). A common implementation of PKI includes: systems to issue digital certificates to users and servers; encryption enrollment; key issuing systems; tools for managing the key issuance; verification and return of certificates; and any other services associated with PKI.
  48. PKI protects information assets in several ways: Authentication. Digital certificates in a PKI system permit parties to validate the identity of other of the parties in an Internet transaction. Integrity. A digital certificate demonstrates that the content signed by the certificate has not been altered while being moved from server to client. Privacy. Digital certificates keep information from being intercepted during transmission over the Internet. Authorization. Digital certificates issued in a PKI environment can replace user IDs and passwords, enhance security, and reduce some of the overhead required for authorization processes and controlling access privileges. Nonrepudiation. Digital certificates can validate actions, making it less likely that customers or partners can later repudiate a digitally signed transaction.
  49. Digital Certificates and Certificate Authorities As alluded to earlier, a digital certificate is an electronic document, similar to a digital signature, attacked to a file certifying that this file is from the organization it claims to be from and has not been modified from the originating format. A Certificate Authority is an agency that manages the issuance of certificates and serves as the electronic notary public to verify their worth and integrity.
  50. Hybrid Systems In practice asymmetric key encryption is not widely used except in the area of certificates. Instead, it is more often used in conjunction with symmetric key encryption creating a hybrid system. The current process is based on the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange method, which is a way to exchange private keys without exposure to any third parties using public key encryption. With this method asymmetric encryption is used as a method to exchange symmetric keys, so that two organizations can conduct quick, efficient, secure communications based on symmetric encryption. Diffie-Hellman provided the foundation for subsequent developments in public key encryption.
  51. Securing E-mail A number of encryption cryptosystems have been adapted in an attempt to inject some degree of security into e-mail, a notoriously unsecured medium. S/MIME builds on the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) encoding format by adding encryption and authentication through digital signatures based on public key cryptosystems. Securing E-mail Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) was proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a standard to function with the public key cryptosystems. PEM uses 3DES symmetric key encryption and RSA for key exchanges and digital signatures. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) was developed by Phil Zimmerman and uses the IDEA Cipher, a 128-bit symmetric key block encryption algorithm with 64 bit blocks for message encoding. IDEA performs 8 rounds on 16 bit sub-blocks using algebraic calculations. PGP also uses RSA for symmetric key exchange and for digital signatures.
  52. Securing the Web Secure Electronic Transactions (SET) was developed by MasterCard and Visa in 1997 to provide protection from electronic payment fraud. SET works by encrypting the credit card transfers with DES for encryption and RSA for key exchange, much as other algorithms do. SET provides the security for both Internet-based credit card transactions and the encryption of swipe systems of those credit cards in retail stores. Secure Socket Layer was developed by Netscape in 1994 to provide security in online electronic commerce transactions. It uses a number of algorithms, but mainly relies on RSA for key transfer and IDEA, DES or 3DES for encrypted symmetric key-based data transfer. Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (SHTTP) is an encrypted solution to the unsecured version of HTTP. It provides an alternative to the aforementioned protocols and can provide secure e-commerce transactions as well as encrypted Web pages for secure data transfer over the Web, using a number of different algorithms. Secure Shell (SSH) provides security over remote access connections using tunneling. It provides authentication services between a client and server. IP Security (IPSec) is the cryptographic authentication and encryption product of the IETF’s IP Protocol Security Working Group, defined in RFC 1825, 1826 and 1827. IP Security (IPSec) is used to create Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and is an open framework for security development within the TCP/IP family of protocol standards.
  53. IPSec IPSec combines several different cryptosystems including: Diffie-Hellman key exchange for deriving key material between peers on a public network Public key cryptography for signing the Diffie-Hellman exchanges to guarantee the identity of the two parties Bulk encryption algorithms, such as DES, for encrypting the data Digital certificates signed by a certificate authority to act as digital ID cards. IPSec includes: 1) the IP Security Protocol itself, which defines the information to add to an IP packet, as well as how to encrypt packet data; and 2) the Internet Key Exchange, which uses asymmetric-based key exchange and negotiates the security associations.
  54. IPSec Operation IPSec works in two modes of operation: In transport mode only the IP data is encrypted, not the IP headers themselves. In tunnel mode, the entire IP packet is encrypted and is then placed as the payload in another IP packet. The implementation of these technologies is very popular through a process known as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). A VPN is a network within a network. In the most common implementation, a VPN allows a user to turn the Internet into a private network. However, using the tunneling approach described earlier, an individual or organization can set up tunneling points across the Internet and send encrypted data back and forth, using the IP-packet-within-an-IP-packet method to get the data across safely and securely. VPNs are simple to set up and maintain and usually just require the tunneling points to be dual-homed, connecting a private network to the Internet or to another outside connection point.
  55. Kerberos uses symmetric key encryption to validate an individual user to various network resources Kerberos keeps a database containing the private keys of clients and servers Network services running on servers in the network register with Kerberos, as do the clients that wish to use those services The Kerberos system knows these private keys and can authenticate one network node (client or server) to another
  56. Sesame To solve some of the problems associated with Kerberos, a new project, the Secure European System for Applications in a Multi-vendor Environment (SESAME), was developed as a European research and development project, partly funded by the European Commission. SESAME is similar in part to Kerberos in that the user is first authenticated to an authentication server to receive a token.
  57. Access Control Devices There are a number of components to a successful access control physical design, the most important of which is the need for strong authentication (two-factor authentication). This authentication can consist of the user’s personal password or passphrase but requires at least one other factor to represent strong authentication. Frequently a physical device is used for the second factor. When considering access control you address: What you know: for example, passwords and pass-phrase What you have: tokens and smart cards Who you are: fingerprints, hand topography, hand geometry, retinal, and iris recognition What you produce: voice and signature pattern recognition Authentication is the validation of a user’s identity, in other words, “Are you whom you claim to be?”
  58. What You Are Most of the technologies that scan human characteristics convert these images to some form of minutiae. Minutiae are unique points of reference that are digitized and stored in an encrypted format. Each subsequent scan is also digitized and then compared with the encoded value to determine if users are who they claim to be. The problem is that some human characteristics can change over time, due to normal development, injury, or illness.
  59. Effectiveness of Biometrics Biometric technologies are evaluated on three basic criteria: False Reject Rate False Accept Rate Crossover Error Rate
  60. False Reject Rate The false reject rate is the percentage or value associated with the rate at which authentic users are denied or prevented access to authorized areas, as a result of a failure in the biometric device. This error rate is also known as a Type I error. This error rate, while a nuisance to authorized users, is probably of the least concern to security individuals.
  61. Crossover Error Rate (CER) The crossover error rate is the point at which the number of false rejections equals the false acceptances, also known as the equal error rate. It is possibly the most common and important overall measure of the accuracy of a biometric system. The optimal setting is somewhere near the equal error rate or CER.
  62. Acceptability of Biometrics While the use of one authentication area is necessary for access to the system, the more devices used the better. To obtain strong authentication, the systems must use two or more authentication areas.