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Secrets of Successful
Cloud Foundry Adopters
Dormain Drewitz
May, 2018
Transformation is
Minimum “Shoddy” Product
in production in 28 days
First quote delivered in 10
hours, 11% conversion rate
after four months
45 updates in the first 55
days in production
Transformation is
Built a digital network of service
providers for non-tow roadside
Reduced wait times by almost
Revenue lift of “tens of millions”
likely to grow to “hundreds of
Transformation is
Reduced daily logistics
planning process from 4-6
hours to minutes
Weekly releases to a secure
Saving ~$200k a day on
fuel costs

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Introduction to Cloud Native Computing
Introduction to Cloud Native ComputingIntroduction to Cloud Native Computing
Introduction to Cloud Native Computing

This document provides an introduction to cloud native computing, including: - Cloud native computing enables rapid application development and deployment at scale through distributed systems, automation, and other techniques. - Traditional monolithic architectures are difficult to scale and maintain, while distributed systems improve availability, performance, and scalability through decomposition and parallelization. - Cloud native platforms are built for distributed applications and provide automation, continuous deployment, efficient resource utilization, fault tolerance, security and scalability.

Spring Boot & Spring Cloud on Pivotal Application Service
Spring Boot & Spring Cloud on Pivotal Application ServiceSpring Boot & Spring Cloud on Pivotal Application Service
Spring Boot & Spring Cloud on Pivotal Application Service

SpringOne Tour by Pivotal London Spring Boot & Spring Cloud on Pivotal Application Service by Neven Cvetkovic

Evolving to Cloud-Native - Nate Schutta (2/2)
Evolving to Cloud-Native - Nate Schutta (2/2)Evolving to Cloud-Native - Nate Schutta (2/2)
Evolving to Cloud-Native - Nate Schutta (2/2)

The document discusses moving from monolithic applications to microservices and serverless architectures. It outlines the benefits of these approaches, such as improved developer productivity, scalability, and operational efficiencies. It also notes some challenges, such as increased complexity. The document provides guidance on planning the transition, including assessing applications, creating a roadmap, and piloting changes on select applications before full migration.

springone tourcloud nativepivotal software
The future is here.
It’s just not evenly distributed.
- William Gibson
From idea to production: 6-9 months
T-Mobile: “From Zero to 12 Million”
46% of Cloud Foundry users deploy in under a week
Source: Cloud Foundry Application Runtime User Survey, 2017

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Are We Really Cloud-Native?
Are We Really Cloud-Native?Are We Really Cloud-Native?
Are We Really Cloud-Native?

Video and slides synchronized, mp3 and slide download available at URL Bert Ertman goes beyond the hype of being Cloud-native and focuses instead on what being Cloud-native actually requires in terms of skills and experience for Java Developers and how it affects and impacts traditional systems design. Filmed at Bert Ertman is VP of Technology at Luminis. He is a frequent speaker on Java, Cloud, and software architecture all over the world, book author, and serial conference organizer. He was awarded the coveted title of Java Champion in 2008, and is a JavaOne RockStar speaker and a two-fold Duke’s Choice Award winner.

bert ertmaninfoqqcon
Microservice Scars - 2hr
Microservice Scars - 2hrMicroservice Scars - 2hr
Microservice Scars - 2hr

The slide deck for our recent talk at the alt.Net meetup: Note: These slides make almost no sense without the presentation, although some have requested the slides, so here they are. If there are any questions regarding the slides, feel free to contact either Abhaya or Joshua. Microservice scars: PageUp is on a journey from monolith to microservices. This talk is to discuss the lessons we learnt from our first microservice. It has been running in production for 9 months - looking back, we have scars, and we've learnt a lot - lets have a retro! We will cover all sorts of topics ranging from the technical details of our approach, in terms of technology stack, continuous deployments, to the soft skills - stakeholder management, team dynamic. We talk through our experience, and what we took from it. Something for everyone. Abhaya Chauhan is a Senior Technical Advisor at PageUp - led the team for PageUp's first microservice. He is focused on ensuring the company is ready for scale. Reducing time to market and bringing agility back to our product. He loves to focus on delivering pragmatically, and showing value.@AbhayaChauhan Joshua Toth is a Full Stack Developer at PageUp - A member of the team that produced PageUp's first microservice. He loves learning about new technologies and tackling whatever challenge is presented. He has an interest in security and devops as a culture.@TothJoshuaJ

Pivotal Overview: Canadian Team
Pivotal Overview: Canadian TeamPivotal Overview: Canadian Team
Pivotal Overview: Canadian Team

This document provides an introduction to Pivotal and discusses their perspectives on trends in IT like decentralized workloads, accelerating digital transformation, and increasing focus on security. It outlines Pivotal's objectives of focusing on business outcomes, increasing agility and reducing risk, improving developer experience, implementing a standard operating model, and increasing infrastructure utilization. The document discusses examples of companies that have successfully transformed with Pivotal's help. It also summarizes Pivotal's value proposition in areas like operational efficiency, developer productivity, high availability, and comprehensive security. Finally, it briefly outlines Pivotal's history and customer base.

Making the once impossible trivial.
● Employ 500:1 developer
to operator ratio
● Perform zero-downtime
● Runs the same way
on every public/private
● Accelerate feedback
loops by improving
delivery velocity
● Focus on applications,
not infrastructure
● Give developers the
tools and frameworks
to build resilient apps
● Adopt a
● Continuously update
platforms to limit
threat impact
● Apply the 3 R’s →
repair, repave, rotate
● Run platforms that
stays online under
all circumstances
● Scale up and down, in
and out, through
● Deploy multi-cloud
resilience patterns
High Availability
The Pivotal value proposition
Embedded OS
(Windows & Linux)
CPI (15 methods)
Product Updates
Java | .NET | NodeJS
Pivotal Application
Service (PAS)
Application Code & Frameworks
Buildpacks | Spring Boot | Spring Cloud |
Elastic | Packaged Software | Spark
Pivotal Container
Service (PKS)
>cf push >kubectl run
Azure &
Azure StackGoogle CloudAWSOpenstack
Pivotal Services
Pivotal and
Partner Products
Public Cloud
— CVEs
Repave Rotate
— Credhub
Cloud Foundry BOSH
An open source tool chain
for release engineering,
deployment, and lifecycle
management of large scale
distributed services.
• Packaging w/ embedded OS
• Server provisioning on any IaaS
• Software deployment across clusters
• Health monitoring (server AND
• Service state monitoring
• Self-healing w/ Resurrector
• Storage management
• Rolling upgrades via canaries

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Monoliths to microservices workshop
Monoliths to microservices workshopMonoliths to microservices workshop
Monoliths to microservices workshop

This document provides an overview of a hands-on technical workshop on transforming monolithic applications to microservices. The workshop will cover industry trends in application development, Red Hat's approach to application modernization, migrating existing Java EE applications to Red Hat OpenShift, developing microservices using frameworks like Spring Boot and deploying using OpenShift and DevOps processes. Attendees will learn how to discuss migration strategies with customers, develop reactive microservices, package microservices, and prevent and detect issues in distributed systems. The all-day workshop includes sessions on moving existing apps to the cloud, developing on OpenShift, monolith to microservices migration, reactive microservices, and packaging and detecting issues in microservices applications.

red hatopenshiftjboss eap
Why to Cloud Native
Why to Cloud NativeWhy to Cloud Native
Why to Cloud Native

This document provides an overview of cloud native concepts including: - Cloud native is defined as applications optimized for modern distributed systems capable of scaling to thousands of nodes. - The pillars of cloud native include devops, continuous delivery, microservices, and containers. - Common use cases for cloud native include development, operations, legacy application refactoring, migration to cloud, and building new microservice applications. - While cloud native adoption is growing, challenges include complexity, cultural changes, lack of training, security concerns, and monitoring difficulties.

cloud nativekubernetes
Accelerating Time to Market
Accelerating Time to MarketAccelerating Time to Market
Accelerating Time to Market

Barriers to entry are collapsing as digital startups come out of nowhere to disrupt entire industries. In this session we will discuss the capabilities you need to deliver business innovation through software to market faster than your competitors. Speaker: Faiz Parkar, Director EMEA GTM, Pivotal

dubai digital transformation forum 2016
cf push Automates Developer + Operator workflows
After you cf push, PAS:
➢ Uploads your code
➢ Detects and installs required
runtime & middleware
➢ Sets up a route (or URL)
➢ Creates a load balancing entry
➢ Creates SSL termination
➢ Creates health monitoring &
logging subsystems
➢ Starts your app in a healthy state,
with the desired number of
➢ Binds specified backing services
K8s Cluster
K8s Cluster
K8s Cluster
Built with open-source Kubernetes — Constant compatibility
with the current stable release of Kubernetes, operated by
BOSH. No proprietary extensions.
Production-ready — Highly available from apps to infrastructure,
no single points of failure. Built-in health checks, scaling,
auto-healing and rolling upgrades.
Multicloud — BOSH provides a reliable and consistent
operational experience. For any cloud.
Network management and security out-of-the-box with VMware
NSX-T. Multi-cloud, multi-hypervisor.
GCP APIs access — The GCP Service Broker allows apps to
transparently access Google Cloud APIs, from anywhere. Easily
move workloads to/from Google Container Engine (GKE).
Fully automated Ops — Fully automated deploy, scale, patch,
upgrade. No downtime. Use CD pipelines to deploy your
platform, too.
VMware GCP Azure Openstack AWS
Execute functions in response to
events. Use PFS to handle web
events, event-based integration,
and large scale streaming data.
Pivotal Function Service (PFS): A Runtime for Functions
Trigger functions via HTTP/Message Broker — PFS is architected to
support event stream processing, connecting to message topics via a
language-neutral, function container interface.
Run functions anywhere — PFS lets you easily run functions
on-premises and in the public cloud for maximum flexibility.
Use modern DevOps workflows — PFS allows you to use familiar,
container-based workflows for serverless scenarios.
Pluggable event brokers — PFS can be connected easily with popular
message brokers such as Kafka, RabbitMQ, Google Pub/Sub, and AWS
Polyglot — PFS supports the authoring of functions in your chosen
framework - Node.js, Spring/Java, or Shell.
Kubernetes Native — PFS runs natively on top of Kubernetes, making
it easy to trigger code or containers in response to events.
PCF Ecosystem
Mobile Networking
App Integration
DevOps Tooling
API Gateways

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ClouNS - A Cloud-native Application Reference Model for Enterprise Architects
ClouNS - A Cloud-native Application Reference Model for Enterprise ArchitectsClouNS - A Cloud-native Application Reference Model for Enterprise Architects
ClouNS - A Cloud-native Application Reference Model for Enterprise Architects

The capability to operate cloud-native applications can create enormous business growth and value. But enterprise architects should be aware that cloud-native applications are vulnerable to vendor lock-in. We investigated cloud-native application design principles, public cloud service providers, and industrial cloud standards. All results indicate that most cloud service categories seem to foster vendor lock-in situations which might be especially problematic for enterprise architectures. This might sound disillusioning at first. However, we present a reference model for cloud-native applications that relies only on a small subset of well standardized IaaS services. The reference model can be used for codifying cloud technologies. It can guide technology identification, classification, adoption, research and development processes for cloud-native application and for vendor lock-in aware enterprise architecture engineering methodologies.

cloud computingeamcloud-native
Going Cloud Native at Comcast: How We Migrated a Massive Legacy SOA Platform ...
Going Cloud Native at Comcast: How We Migrated a Massive Legacy SOA Platform ...Going Cloud Native at Comcast: How We Migrated a Massive Legacy SOA Platform ...
Going Cloud Native at Comcast: How We Migrated a Massive Legacy SOA Platform ...

SpringOne Platform 2017 Todd Migliore, Comcast During this session I will be giving an overview of how Comcast developed the xfinity service platform and successfully migrated over 70 legacy SOA services to our next gen cloud native microservice platform. This project has been three years in the making and I have been leading it all along. We are finally at the finish line and I would like to share all that we have learned on our journey with the rest of the community. This session will be particularly useful to other enterprises contemplating a similar transformation. I will be covering the full gamut of our transformation. Everything from cloud native principals, continuous delivery, what is a microservice, service migration strategies, consumer migrations strategies, devops transformation, multi-site active/active architecture, distributed data architecture, resiliency patterns, and auto failover. Most importantly i will share some of the benefits our dev teams, business, and customers are experiencing as a result of this transformation.

springone platformspringone platform 2017
Microservices, containers and event driven architecture - key factors in agil...
Microservices, containers and event driven architecture - key factors in agil...Microservices, containers and event driven architecture - key factors in agil...
Microservices, containers and event driven architecture - key factors in agil...

Presentation at Red Hat's "API, Microservices, Integration and Container" day, Tustin, CA, 6/21/2018.

red hat
you need to
transform Process &
Build for
Any App, Every Cloud,
One Platform
PCF 2.0
Tracker / Spring / Concourse
Pivotal Labs
Data / AI
Culture, tools, and platform
Secrets of Successful Cloud Foundry Adopters
Secrets of Successful Cloud Foundry Adopters
“The best gift you we can give the
team is a way to sustain change”
- Kevin Mackett & Parker Flemming, Pivotal Solutions Architects

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Putting data to work
Putting data to workPutting data to work
Putting data to work

The document discusses foundational technologies for data-driven businesses. It describes how data is growing exponentially and outlines challenges in using data due to issues like inconsistency, duplication, and size. It then presents an intelligent data lifecycle framework involving ingesting, interpreting, and transforming data. Key foundational technologies are discussed like messaging systems, data virtualization, rules engines, machine learning, business process management, and robotic process automation. An anti-money laundering use case is presented using these technologies in an open system architecture.

red hatbig dataprocess automation
cross cloud inter-operability with iPaaS and serverless for Telco cloud SDN/NFV
cross cloud inter-operability with iPaaS and serverless for Telco cloud SDN/NFVcross cloud inter-operability with iPaaS and serverless for Telco cloud SDN/NFV
cross cloud inter-operability with iPaaS and serverless for Telco cloud SDN/NFV

An overview of how SDN/NFV can be orchestrated with serverless and iPaas environment typically in Hybrid Cloud world. Cross cloud inter-operability for Telco cloud.

sdn nfv serverless ipaasipaas sdn nfvhybrid cloud sdn nfv
Agile integration: Decomposing the monolith
Agile integration: Decomposing the monolith Agile integration: Decomposing the monolith
Agile integration: Decomposing the monolith

This document discusses strategies for decomposing monolithic applications into microservices and ensuring resilience of the resulting microservices architecture. It covers decomposing monoliths using API-first and single responsibility principles. Managing the complex microservices architecture requires approaches for cross-cutting concerns like fault tolerance, traffic management, policy enforcement, distributed tracing, and infrastructure concerns like circuit breaking. A service mesh like Istio deployed as sidecars can provide a communications control plane for traffic management, policy enforcement, and distributed tracing between microservices.

red hat
Secrets of Successful Cloud Foundry Adopters
Orange: Delivering a new business app in ⅓ time
● Improve customer satisfaction
● Reduce cost by reducing customer call center volume
● Increase revenue
● Engaged with Pivotal Labs
● Built/deployed app backend on Pivotal Cloud Foundry
● Direct collaboration between developers, marketing, and users
for feedback-driven iteration
● Launched MVP product in 6 months versus 18 months
● 50% of B2B customers using app after 9 months
Secrets of Successful Cloud Foundry Adopters
T-Mobile: “From Zero to 12 Million”

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Made for Each Other: Microservices + PaaS
Made for Each Other: Microservices + PaaSMade for Each Other: Microservices + PaaS
Made for Each Other: Microservices + PaaS

Companies need to build better software faster to compete. But existing monolithic applications, legacy platforms, and lengthy operational deployment cycles are holding innovation back. Microservices are becoming the cloud architecture of choice because they offer the ability to loosely couple applications into discrete services that can be surgically changed without requiring disruptive overhauls. This approach enables the responsiveness and rapid change needed by the business. Enterprise PaaS is a critical foundation to simplify the operations, governance, and health management of these new architectures. Together with a DevOps culture, microservices and PaaS are the engine that drives innovation at speed.

pivotal softwareredmonkpaas
LIVE DEMO: Pivotal Cloud Foundry
LIVE DEMO: Pivotal Cloud FoundryLIVE DEMO: Pivotal Cloud Foundry
LIVE DEMO: Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Pivotal Cloud Foundry is a platform as a service that allows developers to quickly build, deploy, and scale applications. It provides users agility by enabling self-service access to application services and deployment resources. It also provides operators agility by automating infrastructure maintenance through containerization and DevOps practices like continuous integration/delivery.

dubai digital transformation forum 2016
Pivotal Developer-Ready Infrastructure Slides
Pivotal Developer-Ready Infrastructure SlidesPivotal Developer-Ready Infrastructure Slides
Pivotal Developer-Ready Infrastructure Slides

This document discusses developer ready infrastructure and the evolution of cloud platforms. It argues that platforms need to support developers through automation and by handling operational concerns so developers can focus on building applications. It outlines different platform layers from infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to fully managed application platforms and serverless functions. Pivotal's approach leverages Kubernetes, BOSH, and Cloud Foundry to provide a fully automated and production-ready container platform that can run on any cloud and handle all operational tasks.

Secrets of Successful Cloud Foundry Adopters
Comcast: “Highest-value services first”
Source: @dormaindrewitz
Secrets of Successful Cloud Foundry Adopters
Secrets of Successful Cloud Foundry Adopters

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Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.0: First Look
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.0: First LookPivotal Cloud Foundry 2.0: First Look
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.0: First Look

Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.0 is a presentation about new features in Pivotal's platform as a service (PaaS) offering. Key updates include deeper integration with VMware NSX for networking and security, a new monitoring dashboard called PCF Healthwatch, support for Windows containers and .NET applications, and new services like Pivotal Container Service (PKS) for Kubernetes and Pivotal Function Service (PFS) for serverless functions. The presentation discusses how these updates help with developer productivity, operational efficiency, security, and running applications on any infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

pivotal cloud foundrydevelopmentproductivity
Yohanes Widi Sono - Modern Development for Business Agility
Yohanes Widi Sono - Modern Development for Business AgilityYohanes Widi Sono - Modern Development for Business Agility
Yohanes Widi Sono - Modern Development for Business Agility

The document discusses modern approaches to application development for business agility, including microservices architecture and DevOps practices. It summarizes that high-performing organizations deploy code 200x more frequently, have 3x lower failure rates, and recover from failures 24x faster. The document then provides an overview of microservices architecture, challenges with monolithic applications, and how Red Hat technologies can help organizations adopt modern app development practices for the hybrid cloud.

Connected Architecture Fabric Creating a Connected World
Connected Architecture Fabric Creating a Connected WorldConnected Architecture Fabric Creating a Connected World
Connected Architecture Fabric Creating a Connected World

In-memory contextual processing, API Clouds, and Industrial Things are driving digital transformation and connecting the world. In this session, Chris will describe how leading IT teams incorporate new reference architecture components and practices that enhance connections across people, devices, and partners.   In this session, you will learn: Why new business and customer expectations demand a connected business What new connected architecture fabric components create strategic business opportunity How leading IT teams incorporate new components and practices

platform as a servicecontextual processingindustrial things
Secrets of Successful Cloud Foundry Adopters
Measuring Success
The Fourth Secret
Digital Metrics are hard to come by
Source: Gartner, “To the Point: How Industry CIOs are Shaping Board Thinking About Digital Transformation”, Gartner Symposium
Barcelona, November 5, 2017, Rich McAvey
IT Transformation Metrics Matter

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DevOps LA Meetup Intro to Habitat
DevOps LA Meetup Intro to HabitatDevOps LA Meetup Intro to Habitat
DevOps LA Meetup Intro to Habitat

For the DevOps LA Meetup January 18, 2017 - An introduction to Habitat, a new open source application by Chef for application automation.

Pivotal CloudFoundry on Google cloud platform
Pivotal CloudFoundry on Google cloud platformPivotal CloudFoundry on Google cloud platform
Pivotal CloudFoundry on Google cloud platform

This document is a slide presentation by Ronak Banka on using Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) together. It discusses how PCF provides a platform for deploying applications on GCP that enables both developer and operator productivity through features like automated deployments, service integration, and operations. It also highlights benefits of using PCF on GCP like performance, scale, cost savings, and access to differentiated GCP services.

Enabling application portability with the greatest of ease!
Enabling application portability with the greatest of ease!Enabling application portability with the greatest of ease!
Enabling application portability with the greatest of ease!

This document discusses enabling application portability with microservices using Project Shipped. It notes the challenges of developing applications in the digital disruption era across multiple languages, data sources, and clouds. Project Shipped enhances the software development lifecycle to provide continuous integration and deployment of microservices across internal and external clouds. It demonstrates using Mantl and Consul for microservice discovery, load balancing and deployment to multiple environments. The presentation concludes by discussing a proof of concept using Project Shipped and Cisco's CMX API to build and deploy a microservice to different environments.

microservicesapplication policycloud computing
Cover w/ Image
VSM: Developer Self-service
● Shift from “push” to “pull”
● Automate creating environments,
updating network changes, adding
● Developers deploy apps
“Wait-time for a new
environment went
from 90 days to 15
– Andy Zitney, Allstate
Cover w/ Image
Metrics That Matter are Visible
● Answering the question “how are we
● Small number of highly visible metrics
● Easy to understand
● Constant reinforcement from senior
leadership through middle management
● Education
Comcast: Measure the valuable metrics before and after
Source: @dormaindrewitz
CSAA Insurance: Measure the valuable metrics
Source: @dormaindrewitz

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Red Hat Openshift on Microsoft Azure
Red Hat Openshift on Microsoft AzureRed Hat Openshift on Microsoft Azure
Red Hat Openshift on Microsoft Azure

This document provides an overview and agenda for a developer 2 developer webcast series on microservice architecture and container technologies. It includes details on upcoming webcasts in March and April 2017 focused on microservice architecture, Azure container service, Pivotal cloud foundry, and RedHat OpenShift. The document also advertises a webcast on RedHat OpenShift presented by John Archer on containerization with OpenShift and how it enables modern application development.

openshiftred hatmicrosoft
Sukumar Nayak-Agile-DevOps-Cloud Management
Sukumar Nayak-Agile-DevOps-Cloud ManagementSukumar Nayak-Agile-DevOps-Cloud Management
Sukumar Nayak-Agile-DevOps-Cloud Management

The document provides an overview of Agile, DevOps and Cloud Management from a security, risk management and audit compliance perspective. It discusses how the IT industry paradigm is shifting towards microservices, containers, continuous delivery and cloud platforms. DevOps is described as development and operations engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle. Key differences in DevOps include changes to configuration management, release and change management, and event monitoring. Factors for DevOps success include culture, collaboration, eliminating waste, unified processes, tooling and automation.

PCF: Platform for a New Era - Kubernetes for the Enterprise - London
PCF: Platform for a New Era - Kubernetes for the Enterprise - LondonPCF: Platform for a New Era - Kubernetes for the Enterprise - London
PCF: Platform for a New Era - Kubernetes for the Enterprise - London

PCF: Platform for a New Era - Kubernetes for the Enterprise - London Cornelia Davis Sr. Director of Technology, Pivotal 28th March 2018

5. Don’t launch with the Avengers
You want the team everyone can relate to… … not unattainable, rock star heroes
Cover w/ Image
Select teams carefully
● Different experience levels
● Different skills
● Volunteers who are passionate
about change
● Team focus on equality over
6. Embrace (and invest) in Test and Release Automation
Cover w/ Image
Writing a test first helps:
● Gain the CONFIDENCE you need to
REFACTOR your code to keep it CLEAN
so that you can GO FAST FOREVER.
● Tease out and think through your APIs.
● Clarify exactly what behavior you’re
trying to build.
● Know when you’re done.
● Triangulate on simple, maintainable
implementations, by making each test
pass one by one.
● Write just enough code to make each
test pass.
Matthew Kane Parker, Head of Engineering, Pivotal Labs

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OpenShift: Devops Made Easy
OpenShift: Devops Made EasyOpenShift: Devops Made Easy
OpenShift: Devops Made Easy

This document summarizes an agenda for a Basefarm Tech MeetUp on OpenShift. The agenda includes welcome remarks, presentations on DevOps, microservices, containers and OpenShift architecture from Red Hat speakers, and a live demo of a "Safely Agile" application on OpenShift. Basefarm also provides OpenShift installation and operations services to help customers implement and manage OpenShift platforms.

Red Hat: Three Pillars of Integration
Red Hat:  Three Pillars of IntegrationRed Hat:  Three Pillars of Integration
Red Hat: Three Pillars of Integration

Scott Cranton, presenting at Red Hat's "Microservices, Integration, API, and Containers" Day, Tustin, CA, 6/21/208

red hat
AWS Partner: Grindr: Aggregate, Analyze, and Act on 900M Daily API Calls
AWS Partner: Grindr: Aggregate, Analyze, and Act on 900M Daily API CallsAWS Partner: Grindr: Aggregate, Analyze, and Act on 900M Daily API Calls
AWS Partner: Grindr: Aggregate, Analyze, and Act on 900M Daily API Calls

Monitoring and making sense of infrastructure data can be an arduous process. Managing a volume of API calls from more than one million active users every minute presents an even more complex and demanding challenge. Using Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Datadog, Grindr overcame a series of infrastructure challenges by both implementing and managing highly scalable, high availability, and top performing infrastructure, as well as aggregating, analyzing, and acting on key infrastructure data KPIs.

aws clouddatadogaws
The Deployment Equation
The Deployment Equation
Test-Driven Development
- Increase test coverage
- Co-locate cognitive
- Reduce hand-off waste
Continuous Integration
- Automate
undifferentiated heavy
- Code always ready for
deployment to
- Team alignment
- Minimize interpretation
7. Be bold
Neville George, Comcast, “10 Lessons We Learned with Cloud Foundry”,
Top down boldness
John Heveran, Liberty Mutual,

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John N. Lewis - Resume - Public
John N. Lewis - Resume - Public John N. Lewis - Resume - Public
John N. Lewis - Resume - Public

The document provides a summary of John Nelson Lewis's experience as a cloud architect, engineering manager, and senior systems engineer over the past 15 years. He has worked for companies such as Avanade, ServiceNow, and Microsoft, taking software services from design through testing and into production environments. He has experience architecting solutions involving hybrid cloud, Azure, automation, and configuration management tools.

IBM Think 2020 Openshift on IBM Z and LinuxONE
IBM Think 2020 Openshift on IBM Z and LinuxONEIBM Think 2020 Openshift on IBM Z and LinuxONE
IBM Think 2020 Openshift on IBM Z and LinuxONE

IBM Think 2020 - Openshift on IBM Z and LinuxONE #mainframe #openshift #kubernetes #modernization #ibm #devops #openshift4 #redhatopenshift #redhat #ibmz #linuxone #ibmer

Cloud-Native Workshop New York- Pivotal
Cloud-Native Workshop New York- PivotalCloud-Native Workshop New York- Pivotal
Cloud-Native Workshop New York- Pivotal

This document outlines the agenda for a developer productivity and Pivotal Cloud Foundry event. The agenda includes presentations on Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Virtustream, Dynatrace, debugging applications, agile development, and a wrap up session. It also provides documentation on Pivotal Cloud Foundry including an overview, typical customer outcomes, the cloud platform evolution, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry ecosystem services. Finally, it shares customer case studies on how Liberty Mutual, Verizon, and Humana have used Pivotal technologies.

pivotal softwarepivotal cloud foundrycloud native
Recap of 7 Secrets of Successful Digital Transformers
1. Do the “dojo”: create space for change
2. Pick an application(s): Ensure focus
3. Feed developer groundswell: Help new ways go viral
4. Measure: Mix business and tech metrics
5. Select the first team carefully: Avoid rockstar heroes
6. Embrace Test and Release Automation: The investment will
pay dividends
7. Be bold: top to bottom, go big to make it real
Transforming How The World Builds Software
© Copyright 2017 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights Reserved.

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Secrets of Successful Cloud Foundry Adopters

  • 1. © Copyright 2017 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights Reserved. Version 1.0 Secrets of Successful Cloud Foundry Adopters Dormain Drewitz @dormaindrewitz May, 2018
  • 2. Digital Transformation is Here Minimum “Shoddy” Product in production in 28 days First quote delivered in 10 hours, 11% conversion rate after four months 45 updates in the first 55 days in production @dormaindrewitz
  • 3. Digital Transformation is Here Built a digital network of service providers for non-tow roadside assistance Reduced wait times by almost half Revenue lift of “tens of millions” likely to grow to “hundreds of millions”
  • 4. Digital Transformation is Here Reduced daily logistics planning process from 4-6 hours to minutes Weekly releases to a secure network Saving ~$200k a day on fuel costs
  • 5. The future is here. It’s just not evenly distributed. - William Gibson @dormaindrewitz
  • 6. 6 From idea to production: 6-9 months @dormaindrewitz
  • 7. T-Mobile: “From Zero to 12 Million” @dormaindrewitz
  • 8. 46% of Cloud Foundry users deploy in under a week Source: Cloud Foundry Application Runtime User Survey, 2017 @dormaindrewitz
  • 9. Making the once impossible trivial. DEFINING TRANSFORMATION
  • 10. Operational Efficiency ● Employ 500:1 developer to operator ratio ● Perform zero-downtime upgrades ● Runs the same way on every public/private cloud Developer Productivity Comprehensive Security ● Accelerate feedback loops by improving delivery velocity ● Focus on applications, not infrastructure ● Give developers the tools and frameworks to build resilient apps ● Adopt a defense-in-depth approach ● Continuously update platforms to limit threat impact ● Apply the 3 R’s → repair, repave, rotate ● Run platforms that stays online under all circumstances ● Scale up and down, in and out, through automation ● Deploy multi-cloud resilience patterns High Availability The Pivotal value proposition
  • 11. Embedded OS (Windows & Linux) NSX-T CPI (15 methods) v1 v2 v3 ... CVEs Product Updates Java | .NET | NodeJS Pivotal Application Service (PAS) Application Code & Frameworks Buildpacks | Spring Boot | Spring Cloud | Steeltoe Elastic | Packaged Software | Spark Pivotal Container Service (PKS) >cf push >kubectl run vSphere Azure & Azure StackGoogle CloudAWSOpenstack Pivotal Network “3Rs” Github Concourse Concourse Pivotal Services Marketplace Pivotal and Partner Products Continuous delivery Public Cloud Services Customer Managed Services OpenServiceBrokerAPI Repair — CVEs Repave Rotate — Credhub
  • 12. Cloud Foundry BOSH An open source tool chain for release engineering, deployment, and lifecycle management of large scale distributed services. • Packaging w/ embedded OS • Server provisioning on any IaaS • Software deployment across clusters • Health monitoring (server AND processes) • Service state monitoring • Self-healing w/ Resurrector • Storage management • Rolling upgrades via canaries
  • 13. cf push Automates Developer + Operator workflows After you cf push, PAS: ➢ Uploads your code ➢ Detects and installs required runtime & middleware (“Buildpacks”) ➢ Sets up a route (or URL) ➢ Creates a load balancing entry ➢ Creates SSL termination ➢ Creates health monitoring & logging subsystems ➢ Starts your app in a healthy state, with the desired number of instances ➢ Binds specified backing services
  • 14. BOSH GCP Service Broker Harbor NSX-T Kubernetes K8s Cluster K8s Cluster K8s Cluster Built with open-source Kubernetes — Constant compatibility with the current stable release of Kubernetes, operated by BOSH. No proprietary extensions. Production-ready — Highly available from apps to infrastructure, no single points of failure. Built-in health checks, scaling, auto-healing and rolling upgrades. Multicloud — BOSH provides a reliable and consistent operational experience. For any cloud. Network management and security out-of-the-box with VMware NSX-T. Multi-cloud, multi-hypervisor. GCP APIs access — The GCP Service Broker allows apps to transparently access Google Cloud APIs, from anywhere. Easily move workloads to/from Google Container Engine (GKE). Fully automated Ops — Fully automated deploy, scale, patch, upgrade. No downtime. Use CD pipelines to deploy your platform, too. VMware GCP Azure Openstack AWS PKSController
  • 15. Execute functions in response to events. Use PFS to handle web events, event-based integration, and large scale streaming data. Pivotal Function Service (PFS): A Runtime for Functions Trigger functions via HTTP/Message Broker — PFS is architected to support event stream processing, connecting to message topics via a language-neutral, function container interface. Run functions anywhere — PFS lets you easily run functions on-premises and in the public cloud for maximum flexibility. Use modern DevOps workflows — PFS allows you to use familiar, container-based workflows for serverless scenarios. Pluggable event brokers — PFS can be connected easily with popular message brokers such as Kafka, RabbitMQ, Google Pub/Sub, and AWS Kinesis. Polyglot — PFS supports the authoring of functions in your chosen framework - Node.js, Spring/Java, or Shell. Kubernetes Native — PFS runs natively on top of Kubernetes, making it easy to trigger code or containers in response to events.
  • 16. PCF Ecosystem Mobile Networking Storage BPM App Integration DevOps Tooling Data Management Microservices Management CRM CommerceIAMIDE/CodeOther APM/Monitoring Search Security SIEM/Log/Audit API Gateways Messaging IaaS
  • 17. Everything you need to transform Process & Culture Build for change Tools Continuously Improve Platform Any App, Every Cloud, One Platform PCF 2.0 Tracker / Spring / Concourse Pivotal Labs Data / AI Apps Culture, tools, and platform
  • 20. “The best gift you we can give the team is a way to sustain change” - Kevin Mackett & Parker Flemming, Pivotal Solutions Architects
  • 22. Orange: Delivering a new business app in ⅓ time Challenges/Goals: ● Improve customer satisfaction ● Reduce cost by reducing customer call center volume ● Increase revenue Solutions: ● Engaged with Pivotal Labs ● Built/deployed app backend on Pivotal Cloud Foundry Outcomes: ● Direct collaboration between developers, marketing, and users for feedback-driven iteration ● Launched MVP product in 6 months versus 18 months ● 50% of B2B customers using app after 9 months
  • 24. T-Mobile: “From Zero to 12 Million” @dormaindrewitz
  • 26. Comcast: “Highest-value services first” Source: @dormaindrewitz
  • 30. Measuring Success The Fourth Secret @dormaindrewitz
  • 31. Digital Metrics are hard to come by Source: Gartner, “To the Point: How Industry CIOs are Shaping Board Thinking About Digital Transformation”, Gartner Symposium Barcelona, November 5, 2017, Rich McAvey
  • 32. IT Transformation Metrics Matter @dormaindrewitz
  • 33. Cover w/ Image VSM: Developer Self-service ● Shift from “push” to “pull” ● Automate creating environments, updating network changes, adding capacity ● Developers deploy apps “Wait-time for a new environment went from 90 days to 15 minutes” – Andy Zitney, Allstate eam-improving-development-with-pivotal-and-cloud-foundry
  • 34. Cover w/ Image Metrics That Matter are Visible ● Answering the question “how are we doing” ● Small number of highly visible metrics ● Easy to understand ● Constant reinforcement from senior leadership through middle management ● Education
  • 35. Comcast: Measure the valuable metrics before and after Source: @dormaindrewitz
  • 36. CSAA Insurance: Measure the valuable metrics Source: @dormaindrewitz
  • 37. 5. Don’t launch with the Avengers You want the team everyone can relate to… … not unattainable, rock star heroes @dormaindrewitz
  • 38. Cover w/ Image Select teams carefully ● Different experience levels ● Different skills ● Volunteers who are passionate about change ● Team focus on equality over seniority -of-no-jon-osborn-brian-jimerson
  • 39. 6. Embrace (and invest) in Test and Release Automation @dormaindrewitz
  • 40. Cover w/ Image Why TDD Writing a test first helps: ● Gain the CONFIDENCE you need to REFACTOR your code to keep it CLEAN so that you can GO FAST FOREVER. ● Tease out and think through your APIs. ● Clarify exactly what behavior you’re trying to build. ● Know when you’re done. ● Triangulate on simple, maintainable implementations, by making each test pass one by one. ● Write just enough code to make each test pass. Matthew Kane Parker, Head of Engineering, Pivotal Labs
  • 42. The Deployment Equation Micro- services Automated Pipelines Self-service Infrastructure Deploys Test-Driven Development - Increase test coverage - Co-locate cognitive work - Reduce hand-off waste Continuous Integration - Automate undifferentiated heavy lifting - Code always ready for deployment to production Visibility - Team alignment - Minimize interpretation overhead
  • 43. 7. Be bold Neville George, Comcast, “10 Lessons We Learned with Cloud Foundry”, @dormaindrewitz
  • 44. Top down boldness John Heveran, Liberty Mutual, @dormaindrewitz
  • 45. Recap of 7 Secrets of Successful Digital Transformers 1. Do the “dojo”: create space for change 2. Pick an application(s): Ensure focus 3. Feed developer groundswell: Help new ways go viral 4. Measure: Mix business and tech metrics 5. Select the first team carefully: Avoid rockstar heroes 6. Embrace Test and Release Automation: The investment will pay dividends 7. Be bold: top to bottom, go big to make it real @dormaindrewitz
  • 47. Transforming How The World Builds Software © Copyright 2017 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights Reserved.