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Sandboxed platform using IFrames,
postMessage and localStorage
Tomás Pérez - @tomasperezv
Sandboxed platform using IFrames
- Separated execution context
- Better security and privacy
- We control the release process
- More difficult communication
- IFrames are expensive
How expensive are IFrames?

A lot(*):

Extending IFrame’s security with CSP
Sandboxed IFrame’s
<iframe sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups" href="..."></iframe>

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Secure web messaging in HTML5
Secure web messaging in HTML5Secure web messaging in HTML5
Secure web messaging in HTML5

The document provides an overview of secure web messaging in HTML5. It discusses how traditional methods of communication like JavaScript, AJAX, and frames had limitations due to the same-origin policy. The HTML5 postMessage API allows for secure cross-origin communication between frames by abstracting multiple principals. While more secure than previous techniques, the postMessage API still requires careful configuration of target origins, validation of received data, and mitigation of framing attacks to prevent security issues like cross-site scripting.

securityhtml5web 2.0
Buried by time, dust and BeEF
Buried by time, dust and BeEFBuried by time, dust and BeEF
Buried by time, dust and BeEF

Slides of my talk at RuxCon 2013: For those who do not listen Mayhem and black metal, the talk title might seem a bit weird, and I can't blame you. You know the boundaries of the Same Origin Policy, you know SQL injection and time-delays, you know BeEF. You also know that when sending cross-domain XHRs you can still monitor the timing of the response: you might want to infer on 0 or 1 bits depending if the response was delayed or not. This means it's possible to exploit every kind of SQL injection, blind or not blind, through an hooked browser, if you can inject a time-delay and monitor the response timing. You don't need a 0day or a particular SOP bypass to do this, and it works in every browser. The potential of being faster than a normal single-host multi-threaded SQLi dumper will be explored. Two experiments will be shown: WebWorkers as well as multiple synched hooked browsers, which split the workload communicating partial results to a central server. A pure JavaScript approach will be exclusively presented during this talk, including live demos. Such approach would work for both internet facing targets as well as applications available in the intranet of the hooked browser. The talk will finish discussing the implications of such an approach in terms of Incident Response and Forensics, showing evidence of a very small footprint.

michele orruxssdistributed data dumping
The Hidden XSS - Attacking the Desktop & Mobile Platforms
The Hidden XSS - Attacking the Desktop & Mobile PlatformsThe Hidden XSS - Attacking the Desktop & Mobile Platforms
The Hidden XSS - Attacking the Desktop & Mobile Platforms

The document discusses cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks that can occur outside of web browsers on desktop and mobile platforms. It provides examples of XSS vulnerabilities found in Skype, Adium, Android's Gmail app, Google Earth, and outlines a tool built to automate discovery and exfiltration of files across platforms like Mac, Android and others. The document encourages developers to properly filter HTML and secure apps from XSS attacks.

Cross platform application development

postMessage transfer rate
Sending: content of the message
frame.contentWindow.postMessage(message, ...);
msg [in]
Type: any
One of the following:
● JavaScript primitive, such as a string
● object
● Array
● ...

(*)[object Object]
.postMessage(..., '');

window.addEventListener('message', function(messageEvt) {
if (messageEvt.origin === '') {
Communication between browser tabs

Communication with another browser window or tab
- server side
- postMessage
- Cookies
- localStorage

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Html5 security
Html5 securityHtml5 security
Html5 security

The document discusses security considerations for HTML5. It notes that while HTML5 specifications are not inherently flawed, bad code can introduce new vulnerabilities. It outlines several attack vectors like XSS, history tampering, web storage manipulation, and clickjacking. It also discusses mitigations like script isolation, cross-document messaging, sandboxing, and CORS, noting their limitations. The document aims to raise awareness of the expanded client-side attack surface in HTML5.

web securityhtml5
New web attacks-nethemba
New web attacks-nethembaNew web attacks-nethemba
New web attacks-nethemba

This document discusses various web application attacks and protections. It covers Cross Site Scripting (XSS), Universal Cross Site Scripting, Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Same Origin Policy, and how these vulnerabilities can be exploited through techniques like SQL injection, port scanning, cache poisoning and prototype hijacking. The document also discusses how to conduct "blind" SQL injection attacks when error messages are not returned.

Html5: Something wicked this way comes (Hack in Paris)
Html5: Something wicked this way comes (Hack in Paris)Html5: Something wicked this way comes (Hack in Paris)
Html5: Something wicked this way comes (Hack in Paris)

This document discusses several HTML5-based attacks that could be used to compromise a target named Bob. It describes using filejacking to access files on Bob's computer, poisoning Bob's app cache to gain persistent access, performing silent file uploads to plant incriminating evidence, using UI redressing to trick Bob into actions, and extracting sensitive information from Bob's employer's internal sites using drag-and-drop content extraction. The document provides proof-of-concept demos and notes limitations but emphasizes that HTML5 expands attack possibilities against unaware users. It concludes by encouraging developers to implement proper defenses like X-Frame-Options to prevent framing attacks.

ui redressingsecurityhtml5
Is localStorage always available?
localStorage.setItem('key', 'value')
constructor: StorageConstructor
code: 22
length: 0
constructor: DOMExceptionConstructor
message: "QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: DOM Exception 22"
Third party security considerations and localStorage
localStorage locks
The UI Thread is stopped for some operations
Firefox and Chrome wait until the first read is requested, then load all the items
Cross platform application development

localStorage locks

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Html5: something wicked this way comes - HackPra
Html5: something wicked this way comes - HackPraHtml5: something wicked this way comes - HackPra
Html5: something wicked this way comes - HackPra

Video recording of the talk: HTML5 is quickly gaining media attention and popularity among browser vendors and web developers. Having tremendous features, together with its sister specifications like Drag & Drop API, File API or Geolocation it allows developers to build rich web applications that easily blend with desktop & mobile environments. The talk will be focused on finding the weakest link and combining several recent attack techniques to turn a security vulnerability into a successful exploit. We'll show how to build a successful advanced UI-Redressing attack (also known as clickjacking), presenting the latest findings in this field, including malicious games and quizes. We'll work on file upload functionalities in current web applications and see how attackers might use HTML5 APIs for their advantage. Putting all these building blocks together will enable us to launch an attack and exploit even the otherwise unexploitable vulnerabilities.

ui redressingsecurityhtml5
Front end-security
Front end-securityFront end-security
Front end-security

The document discusses security issues that can occur on the web front end, including cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and hijacking. It covers how the same-origin policy works and can be relaxed through mechanisms like document.domain and CORS. Specific types of XSS like persistent and DOM-based XSS are described. The document also discusses CSRF, hijacking techniques like clickjacking, and methods for finding vulnerabilities like XSS filtering and fuzzing. Defensive techniques like X-Frame-Options, Content Security Policy, HTTPS, and CSRF tokens are recommended.

securityfront endweb
Be ef presentation-securitybyte2011-michele_orru
Be ef presentation-securitybyte2011-michele_orruBe ef presentation-securitybyte2011-michele_orru
Be ef presentation-securitybyte2011-michele_orru

Outline: What the hell is BeEF? ✴Cutting Target enumeration and analysis ✴Devouring Internal net fingerprint Exploiting internal services through the hooked browser Keylogging, browser pwnage ✴Digesting Persistence, tunneling sqlmap/Burp through BeEF proxy XSSrays integration ✴Future development and ideas

michele orruweb securitytunneling proxy
localStorage notifications via the storage event
window.addEventListener('storage', function() {}, false);

The event change is only emitted when the values actually change: use a
timestamp if needed.
{key: 'command', value: 'play', timestamp: 1373021690574}
Can we trigger the event manually?
var evt = document.createEvent('StorageEvent');
evt.initStorageEvent('storage', ...);

Yes...although not to communicate between different windows.
Cross platform application development

localStorage communication strategies
A) Create a new item every time, but remove it once it’s received.
B) New item, don't remove once it’s received, instead do it regularly.
C) Reuse always the same item (use timestamp)
Notification delay
Chrome ~2 milliseconds
IE10 ~34 milliseconds

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Practical web-attacks2
Practical web-attacks2Practical web-attacks2
Practical web-attacks2

This document outlines an agenda for a presentation on web application attacks. The presentation will demonstrate common vulnerabilities like unvalidated parameters, access control flaws, session management issues, cross-site scripting, injection flaws, improper error handling, AJAX security issues, authentication flaws, code quality issues, concurrency problems, and parameter tampering. It lists tools that will be used like WebGoat and WebScarab and provides references for further information.

Hacktivity2011 be ef-preso_micheleorru
Hacktivity2011 be ef-preso_micheleorruHacktivity2011 be ef-preso_micheleorru
Hacktivity2011 be ef-preso_micheleorru

This document discusses the Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF), which allows penetration testers to target browsers within different security contexts and select modules in real-time to exploit vulnerabilities. It outlines how BeEF can be used to enumerate targets, fingerprint internal networks by detecting devices from their images, exploit services like JBoss via the browser, persistently keylog victims, tunnel network requests through the browser as a proxy, and integrate the XssRays module to detect cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. Future development ideas include improving XssRays and adding multi-hooked browser support.

michele orrutunneling proxybrowser exploitation framework
Xss is more than a simple threat
Xss is more than a simple threatXss is more than a simple threat
Xss is more than a simple threat

XSS (cross-site scripting) is a client-side vulnerability that allows injection of malicious JavaScript which can then be run on a victim's browser. The document discusses different types of XSS (non-persistent, persistent, DOM-based), examples of how to perform basic and advanced XSS attacks, ways XSS has been used on major websites, and how attackers can exploit XSS vulnerabilities for activities like session hijacking, cookie stealing, clickjacking, and more.

Performance improvements
Prefetch / Prerender


Rendering pages
<link rel="prerender" href="...">
Fetching static resources
<link rel="prefetch" href="...">
Cross platform application development

Potential improvements
Batching postMessages

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Sandboxed platform using IFrames, postMessage and localStorage

  • 1. Sandboxed platform using IFrames, postMessage and localStorage Tomás Pérez - @tomasperezv
  • 2. Sandboxed platform using IFrames Good - Separated execution context - Better security and privacy - We control the release process Bad - More difficult communication - IFrames are expensive
  • 3. How expensive are IFrames? A lot(*): (*)
  • 4. Extending IFrame’s security with CSP Sandboxed IFrame’s <iframe sandbox="allow-scripts allow-popups" href="..."></iframe>
  • 5. Cross platform application development postMessage transfer rate
  • 6. Sending: content of the message frame.contentWindow.postMessage(message, ...); msg [in] Type: any One of the following: ● JavaScript primitive, such as a string ● object ● Array ● ... (*)[object Object]
  • 8. Communication between browser tabs Communication with another browser window or tab - server side - postMessage - Cookies - localStorage
  • 9. Is localStorage always available? window.localStorage localStorage.setItem('key', 'value') Storage DOMException constructor: StorageConstructor code: 22 length: 0 constructor: DOMExceptionConstructor message: "QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: DOM Exception 22"
  • 10. Third party security considerations and localStorage
  • 11. localStorage locks The UI Thread is stopped for some operations Firefox and Chrome wait until the first read is requested, then load all the items
  • 12. Cross platform application development localStorage locks
  • 13. localStorage notifications via the storage event window.addEventListener('storage', function() {}, false); The event change is only emitted when the values actually change: use a timestamp if needed. {key: 'command', value: 'play', timestamp: 1373021690574}
  • 14. Can we trigger the event manually? var evt = document.createEvent('StorageEvent'); evt.initStorageEvent('storage', ...); window.dispatchEvent(evt); Yes...although not to communicate between different windows.
  • 15. Cross platform application development localStorage communication strategies Options: A) Create a new item every time, but remove it once it’s received. B) New item, don't remove once it’s received, instead do it regularly. C) Reuse always the same item (use timestamp)
  • 16. Notification delay Chrome ~2 milliseconds IE10 ~34 milliseconds
  • 17. Performance improvements Prefetch / Prerender ● ● Rendering pages <link rel="prerender" href="..."> Fetching static resources <link rel="prefetch" href="...">
  • 18. Cross platform application development Potential improvements Batching postMessages Webworkers