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The operating system
for the solo economy
April 2021
PM online day
About me
Roman Rossov
Growth Product manager @Xolo
13 years experience of PM, Ucoz,
Depositphotos, TransferWise
Xolo is a pioneer in global
freelance-tech industry
Unique company-as-a-service concept:
Legal entity + banking + business SaaS +
accounting + tax support
● Our mission is to reduce the disproportionate
hurdles of solopreneurship by 10X
● The only truly global player in freelance-tech
● Based in Tallinn, Estonia
● Total fundraising so far €10m
Product manager evolution
in a high growth startup

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Agile marketing - beyond it 2021

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At the Next Gen Customer Experience (CX) in Financial Services conference, Centerline's Marketing Change Management team presents two hypotheses on the importance of organizational balance and elevating your CX using data and innovation. As a key takeaway, the presentation included a CX Maturity Program to gauge your organizational CX maturity as well as helps identify goals and where to focus your efforts moving forward.

marketingchange managementfinancial
Product-Led Growth Through User-Journey Optimization
Product-Led Growth Through User-Journey OptimizationProduct-Led Growth Through User-Journey Optimization
Product-Led Growth Through User-Journey Optimization

It has become increasingly important to drive business objectives by doing experimentation and learn to fail fast. Internet companies like Airbnb, Pinterest, Facebook, Netflix rely heavily on product innovations to drive growth with fast pace changes in their product and user journeys for continuous improvements. In the post-COVID world, organizations will move towards product innovation that brings their business back on track and gains user trust. Ankit Gupta is responsible for building growth products at Myntra. In his session, Ankit will share his learnings from his personal meetings with the growth leaders and how the implementation of those strategies helps deliver growth in his organization.

by VWO
productproduct led growthuser experience
Designer/Support/Engineer/Analyst etc
Product specialist
Product manager
Senior PM
Group PM
Product director
Senior Product director
Level 1
Being a product specialist
Being a product specialist
● Moved a metric at least once
● Communicates with mother team in a clear
● Can do simple analysis (Excel+SQL)
● Finished 10+ small fixes
● Can-do attitude
● Found a mentor from PM’s
Level 5
Being a product manager
10-200 employees

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Go-to-Market Strategy vs Marketing Strategy
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Go-to-Market Strategy vs Marketing Strategy

The document discusses go-to-market strategies versus marketing strategies. It notes that go-to-market strategies specifically focus on product launches, while marketing strategies can apply to ongoing activities. Go-to-market strategies involve additional components to coordinate with product development. Once launched, the go-to-market strategy evolves into an overall marketing strategy. The document then provides details on developing effective go-to-market strategies, including defining target markets, sales processes, distribution channels, and product roadmaps.

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Main takeaways: -PMs don't need a lot of data points to prioritize the features for the upcoming sprint. They just need to identify the relevant one's. -PMs should be skilled to strike the balance between agility in making decisions and accuracy of perceived outcomes -PMs should be able to prioritize the feature requests with minimum data points available and optimum techniques

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The Secret to Building a Sales Enablement Powerhouse
The Secret to Building a Sales Enablement PowerhouseThe Secret to Building a Sales Enablement Powerhouse
The Secret to Building a Sales Enablement Powerhouse

Alex from Procore and Marc from MindTickle explore: State of the industry Need for Sales Enablement Sales Enablement and Sales Readiness at Procore Best-in-class framework for Sales Readiness

sales enablementsales trainingsales performance
Being a product manager
● You build a KPI structure for your respective team/area.
● You have a realistic understanding of which KPIs are addressable and which ones
are not doable within your team or remit.
● You can link projects in a roadmap to actual KPIs and you’re able to explain how
your projects move these KPIs.
● You create dashboards for monitoring progress, and your team/s are actively
measuring and optimising the impact of projects.
● You’ve delivered 1 large or 2 medium projects with Engineers as part of a product
● You’re able to frame problems and solutions clearly and communicate to the wider
● You coach your team members and help give feedback to other teams regularly.
Your detailed feedback might result in a deliverable action point.
● You can effectively run structured monthly and quarterly cross-team small-scale
planning/discovery sessions to align on our mission. You proactively seek feedback.
● You can connect your project delivery to wider goals and objectives and can
effectively measure the impact through appropriate OKRs and or KPIs.
● You can build coherent and realistic delivery plans for medium scale projects.
Salary: 3-4k EUR
Level 10
Being a Senior PM
200-500 employees
Being a Senior PM
● You’re able to explain how your team’s projects move the KPIs across your
● You can significantly move one of the 4 pillars of our mission or volumes. You
might do so with sub-KPI’s directly linking to the mission pillars.
● You’ve executed at least 3 or 4 projects with significant impact. You have a
clear idea of what opportunities you want to take moving forward.
● You develop strong execution methods that can be shared and used by wider
● You make sure your team is accountable in their delivery.
● You’re capable of optimising the best technical solutions to avoid over- and
under-engineering problems, making sure that the effort of Engineers focuses
on the right areas. You do so by using data and insights.
● You can build coherent, achievable and realistic delivery plans for large scale
projects. You know the difference between being customer-let in figuring out a
solution vs the ability to step back and evaluate if we can actually deliver to the
market in a different way.
● You coach your team members and consistently offer feedback for your
immediate and other teams.
● You coach the wider team across different functions.
● You can lead the hiring and onboarding of a PM – running the process from job
ad creation to a candidate accepting our offer. You make sure your new joiner
has a clear onboarding plan and milestones.
Salary: 4-5.2k EUR
Level 30
Being a Group PM/Principal PM
1000 employees
20-100 MLN ARR

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CMOs should use accountability to build a bridge between marketing and the rest of the organisation. To change the perception that marketing is a cost centre, investments in marketing must translate to the bottom line results. Yet most marketing professionals don’t dare to to assume accountability on the bottom line results and to prove their contribution to the organisation. Last year we launched the first study called ‘Can B2B marketers show ROI?’, as we wanted to see how CMO’s has taken MPM into their organisations in 2015, we re-visited about 30 CMO’s and surveyed them about this topic.

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Solent HUG September 2021

Dan Tyre talking about Sales Enablement at our virtual Solent HUG (HubSpot User Group) recently. It was great to see so many enthusiastic and engaged attendees at the webinar. The feedback so far has been fantastic. We look forward to inviting you to the next one in due course and we plan to run them at least quarterly. Please visit our chapter and keep an eye on upcoming events: #SolentHUG Best wishes Sam (Solent HUG team).

Sales Onboarding - Accelerating New Hire Productivity
Sales Onboarding - Accelerating New Hire ProductivitySales Onboarding - Accelerating New Hire Productivity
Sales Onboarding - Accelerating New Hire Productivity

#1 Discuss components of a best-in-class Onboarding Program #2 Measure and monitor key Performance Indicators of new hires #3 Use best practices to improve Onboarding Effectiveness

sales trainingsales enablementsales readiness
Being a Group PM/Principal PM
● You are able to lead PM’s or you are highly specialised in a specific metric or
● You contribute with making hiring plans for the organisation
● You own and get buy-in from the broader team at Wise to build a 12-month
vision for your area. You also help the sub-teams you lead to set up their plans
and goals.
● You ensure that your teams have clear measurements for how they solve
problems that lead up to the goals of the product area you’re working on and
the Wise mission pillars.
● You influence studies taking across user research, product analysts and
consumer insights teams to collect insights in uncertain areas.
Salary: 5.2-6.2k EUR
Level 50+
Being a Product Director
2000+ employees
100+ MLN ARR
Being a Product Director
● You lead upwards of three PMs and delivery teams, with scope across a region
or a broad area of the product (i.e. verification, Asia Pacific)
● You resolve blockers across the tribe and relevant sections of the organisation to
ensure that the teams have the optimal environment to to execute their plans.
● You build a strong momentum for delivery across multiple teams.
● You work cross team to reduce dependence on product teams, by building up
strong operational teams.
● You define a hiring plan for at least 5 teams and hires and onboard at least 5
PMs – running the process from job ad creation to a candidate accepting our
offer. You make sure your new joiner has a clear onboarding plan and
● You contribute to the development of our PM culture – creating new frameworks
and approaches, contributing to Wise’s strategy together with other leads.
Salary: 6.2-7k EUR
Being a Senior product director
100 product managers

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How and what of sales readiness
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How and what of sales readiness

This document discusses how MindTickle helps companies improve sales readiness through online training and assessments for sales reps. It notes that the typical onboarding process takes several months for reps to become fully productive. MindTickle provides tools to start onboarding earlier and track learning progress to identify gaps. This allows companies to reduce onboarding time and efforts by over 40% through replacing in-person training with online modules accessible on any device. Customers report increased participation in training and improved sales performance as a result.

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Maria gitah k.k. muadilu why strategic management
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strategic management as a way to increase your companies long term existence and competitive advantage .

@Virtual CMO Agile simple Marketing Framework March 2013
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@Virtual CMO Agile simple Marketing Framework March 2013

A simple, easy and concise framework with working examples on setting up an Agile approach for marketing and marketing team deliverables. Teams love it (gives them sense of real ownership and makes it easier to manage and multi-task), heads of marketing find it very easy to manage (or rather it requires minimal management) and others in the organization love the results they see from an Agile approach - win win for all. It was crafted with start ups and hyper growth digital/tech companies in mind, but it has been used in larger marketing organizations, and may provide a competitive edge for those who can adapt it to their teams.

Being a Senior product director
● You manage and account for the impact of upwards of 5 PMs and
tribes that contain multiple sub-teams.
● You help unblock and resolve barriers across the all functions of the
tribe and large sections of the organisation. You ensure that the teams
have the optimal environment for performance and impact.
● You own and move metrics of a tribe within Wise (i.e. Regional
Expansions, Customer Journey, Crime Fighting)
● You work at the organisational level to understand if there are any KPIs
that are missing or whether we’re correctly measuring the impact in
certain areas.
● You define 12-24 month objectives for your tribe, a longer term vision
and a feasible strategy to achieve it.
● You make sure the teams in your tribe/area understand how to set
objectives s and make sure they have key results to support these.
● You lead upwards of 5 PMs, with at least one of them being a “Lead of
Leads” (Senior PM or a group PM).
● You lead initiatives outside of your tribe/area that contribute to the
Wise mission.
● You have a clear plan for how to grow and scale your organisation over
the next 2-5 years.
● You initiate and drive cultural change where needed to make sure that
the teams have the best environment for creating impact.
Salary: 7k+ EUR + significant stock
Thank you!
Roman Rossov
FB: roman.rossov.5
Telegram: @Roman Product

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Evgeniy Bachinskiy: BCP Real Talk. Making a plan that won't go down the drain...
Lviv Startup Club
Vladyslav Tkachuk: Ідентичність у сервісному бізнесі: як вирізнятися на ринку...
Vladyslav Tkachuk: Ідентичність у сервісному бізнесі: як вирізнятися на ринку...Vladyslav Tkachuk: Ідентичність у сервісному бізнесі: як вирізнятися на ринку...
Vladyslav Tkachuk: Ідентичність у сервісному бізнесі: як вирізнятися на ринку...
Lviv Startup Club
Valeriy Kozlov: Transition to Fact-Based, Data-Driven Decision Making in B2B ...
Valeriy Kozlov: Transition to Fact-Based, Data-Driven Decision Making in B2B ...Valeriy Kozlov: Transition to Fact-Based, Data-Driven Decision Making in B2B ...
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Lviv Startup Club
Oleksa Stelmakh: Scaling of IT Outsourcing Company: From 1 to 100 and from 10...
Oleksa Stelmakh: Scaling of IT Outsourcing Company: From 1 to 100 and from 10...Oleksa Stelmakh: Scaling of IT Outsourcing Company: From 1 to 100 and from 10...
Oleksa Stelmakh: Scaling of IT Outsourcing Company: From 1 to 100 and from 10...
Lviv Startup Club
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Lviv Startup Club
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Lviv Startup Club
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Lviv Startup Club
Oleksandr Klymchuk: PMO Maturity and Continuous Improvement (UA)
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Oleksandr Klymchuk: PMO Maturity and Continuous Improvement (UA)
Lviv Startup Club
Maksym Vyshnivetskyi: PMO KPIs (UA) (#12)
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Lviv Startup Club
Evgen Osmak: Methods of key project parameters estimation: from the shaman-in...
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Evgen Osmak: Methods of key project parameters estimation: from the shaman-in...
Lviv Startup Club
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Helen Lubchak: Тренди в управлінні проєктами та miltech (UA)Helen Lubchak: Тренди в управлінні проєктами та miltech (UA)
Helen Lubchak: Тренди в управлінні проєктами та miltech (UA)
Lviv Startup Club

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Roman Rossov: Product manager evolution in a high growth startup

  • 1. The operating system for the solo economy April 2021 PM online day
  • 2. About me Roman Rossov Growth Product manager @Xolo 13 years experience of PM, Ucoz, Depositphotos, TransferWise
  • 3. Xolo is a pioneer in global freelance-tech industry 70,000 solopreneurs Unique company-as-a-service concept: Legal entity + banking + business SaaS + accounting + tax support ● Our mission is to reduce the disproportionate hurdles of solopreneurship by 10X ● The only truly global player in freelance-tech ● Based in Tallinn, Estonia ● Total fundraising so far €10m 119 countries 11 MLN EUR investments
  • 4. Product manager evolution in a high growth startup
  • 5. Evolution Designer/Support/Engineer/Analyst etc Product specialist Product manager Senior PM Group PM Product director Senior Product director
  • 6. Level 1 Being a product specialist
  • 7. Being a product specialist ● Moved a metric at least once ● Communicates with mother team in a clear way ● Can do simple analysis (Excel+SQL) ● Finished 10+ small fixes ● Can-do attitude ● Found a mentor from PM’s
  • 8. Level 5 Being a product manager 10-200 employees 5MLN ARR
  • 9. Being a product manager ● You build a KPI structure for your respective team/area. ● You have a realistic understanding of which KPIs are addressable and which ones are not doable within your team or remit. ● You can link projects in a roadmap to actual KPIs and you’re able to explain how your projects move these KPIs. ● You create dashboards for monitoring progress, and your team/s are actively measuring and optimising the impact of projects. ● You’ve delivered 1 large or 2 medium projects with Engineers as part of a product team. ● You’re able to frame problems and solutions clearly and communicate to the wider team. ● You coach your team members and help give feedback to other teams regularly. Your detailed feedback might result in a deliverable action point. ● You can effectively run structured monthly and quarterly cross-team small-scale planning/discovery sessions to align on our mission. You proactively seek feedback. ● You can connect your project delivery to wider goals and objectives and can effectively measure the impact through appropriate OKRs and or KPIs. ● You can build coherent and realistic delivery plans for medium scale projects. Salary: 3-4k EUR
  • 10. Level 10 Being a Senior PM 200-500 employees 20 MLN ARR
  • 11. Being a Senior PM ● You’re able to explain how your team’s projects move the KPIs across your domain. ● You can significantly move one of the 4 pillars of our mission or volumes. You might do so with sub-KPI’s directly linking to the mission pillars. ● You’ve executed at least 3 or 4 projects with significant impact. You have a clear idea of what opportunities you want to take moving forward. ● You develop strong execution methods that can be shared and used by wider teams. ● You make sure your team is accountable in their delivery. ● You’re capable of optimising the best technical solutions to avoid over- and under-engineering problems, making sure that the effort of Engineers focuses on the right areas. You do so by using data and insights. ● You can build coherent, achievable and realistic delivery plans for large scale projects. You know the difference between being customer-let in figuring out a solution vs the ability to step back and evaluate if we can actually deliver to the market in a different way. ● You coach your team members and consistently offer feedback for your immediate and other teams. ● You coach the wider team across different functions. ● You can lead the hiring and onboarding of a PM – running the process from job ad creation to a candidate accepting our offer. You make sure your new joiner has a clear onboarding plan and milestones. Salary: 4-5.2k EUR
  • 12. Level 30 Being a Group PM/Principal PM 1000 employees 20-100 MLN ARR
  • 13. Being a Group PM/Principal PM ● You are able to lead PM’s or you are highly specialised in a specific metric or function ● You contribute with making hiring plans for the organisation ● You own and get buy-in from the broader team at Wise to build a 12-month vision for your area. You also help the sub-teams you lead to set up their plans and goals. ● You ensure that your teams have clear measurements for how they solve problems that lead up to the goals of the product area you’re working on and the Wise mission pillars. ● You influence studies taking across user research, product analysts and consumer insights teams to collect insights in uncertain areas. Salary: 5.2-6.2k EUR
  • 14. Level 50+ Being a Product Director 2000+ employees 100+ MLN ARR
  • 15. Being a Product Director ● You lead upwards of three PMs and delivery teams, with scope across a region or a broad area of the product (i.e. verification, Asia Pacific) ● You resolve blockers across the tribe and relevant sections of the organisation to ensure that the teams have the optimal environment to to execute their plans. ● You build a strong momentum for delivery across multiple teams. ● You work cross team to reduce dependence on product teams, by building up strong operational teams. ● You define a hiring plan for at least 5 teams and hires and onboard at least 5 PMs – running the process from job ad creation to a candidate accepting our offer. You make sure your new joiner has a clear onboarding plan and milestones. ● You contribute to the development of our PM culture – creating new frameworks and approaches, contributing to Wise’s strategy together with other leads. Salary: 6.2-7k EUR
  • 16. Level GODLIKE Being a Senior product director 100 product managers
  • 17. Being a Senior product director ● You manage and account for the impact of upwards of 5 PMs and tribes that contain multiple sub-teams. ● You help unblock and resolve barriers across the all functions of the tribe and large sections of the organisation. You ensure that the teams have the optimal environment for performance and impact. ● You own and move metrics of a tribe within Wise (i.e. Regional Expansions, Customer Journey, Crime Fighting) ● You work at the organisational level to understand if there are any KPIs that are missing or whether we’re correctly measuring the impact in certain areas. ● You define 12-24 month objectives for your tribe, a longer term vision and a feasible strategy to achieve it. ● You make sure the teams in your tribe/area understand how to set objectives s and make sure they have key results to support these. ● You lead upwards of 5 PMs, with at least one of them being a “Lead of Leads” (Senior PM or a group PM). ● You lead initiatives outside of your tribe/area that contribute to the Wise mission. ● You have a clear plan for how to grow and scale your organisation over the next 2-5 years. ● You initiate and drive cultural change where needed to make sure that the teams have the best environment for creating impact. Salary: 7k+ EUR + significant stock
  • 18. Thank you! Roman Rossov FB: roman.rossov.5 Telegram: @Roman Product

Editor's Notes

  1. Just a placeholder text right now