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CXFS Conference, VIP Lunch & Learn
September 29, 2015
Table of Contents
•  Why We’re Here
•  Our Company
•  Our Team
•  Past Work
•  Competitive Pressures for Financial Institutions
•  The Gap of Discontent
•  Key Inhibitors of CX Success
•  Hypothesis 1: Holistic Organizational Balance for CX
•  Our Offerings that Support Hypothesis 1
•  Hypothesis 2: CX + BI + IM
•  Our Offerings that Support Hypothesis 2
•  Road Map: 180 Day Action Plan
•  CX Maturity Program
•  Comprehensive List of Centerline’s Offerings
First, why we’re here.
To learn, connect and to share some hypotheses that are making a difference for some of our clients.
We’re chronically curious about what is keeping CXperts from doing their best work within their org.
What is happening inside your organizations that prevents you or slows your progress in achieving the CX success and
growth you are after?
And also…what can you be doing alongside CX that will elevate your results even further?
Our company
Centerline itself is a Modern Marketing Laboratory, creating custom success
formulas for the world’s most progressive enterprises.
The people speaking here
today are from this team.!

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Unprecedented changes in B2B buying dynamics are rendering legacy sales models increasingly less effective. With a digitally-empowered buyer firmly in control of the sales process, a new approach must emerge which is more customer-centric, more integrated with other functions and more technologically-enabled in order to secure sustainable growth.

CMO Changing Structure of Marketing_report
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Traditional marketing structures are being disrupted by new technologies and the focus on the customer experience. This is forcing companies to rethink how marketing is structured within their organizations. There is a trend toward centralizing marketing functions and breaking down silos. Companies are also looking to structure themselves around customer segments rather than individual products. This has marketing reporting into roles like the Chief Customer Officer rather than being its own separate silo. Many Chief Marketing Officers understand change is needed but are struggling with how to restructure. New models emerging include appointing marketing technologists to bridge marketing and IT or having a Chief Digital Officer drive digital innovation.

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Our team
Centerline Marketing Change Management (MCM) is a team that enacts change within organizations,
with specific focus on designing and implementing CX/CEM programs and initiatives.
Past Work
By Centerline: !
By Centerliners: !
Financial Institutions are on the front line of CX
This Disruption is Causing the Gap of Discontent

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This document outlines Neil Keene's presentation on building a center of excellence for customer engagement. The presentation covers evaluating organizational challenges, building the framework for a CoE including structure and core processes, sample case studies, and measuring key performance indicators. The framework includes customer segmentation, content strategy, content mix, change management processes, and tools/platforms to drive engagement. The presentation emphasizes establishing standardized processes and full integration across the CoE to maximize impact.

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The Goal of CX: Shrink The Gap of Discontent
What is complicating your CX efforts?
Top10 CX Program inhibitors.
Different silos
Different CX methodology
Isolated BI teams, not focused on CX
Disconnected innovation methodology
Different levels of authority in play
Varying levels of IT involvement
Different budgets
The org not set up for success
No agile processes in place
The culture was totally disengaged
Key Inhibitors of CX Success:

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Build Your Army of One Using Marketing Automation with Limited Resources
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Roy Keely and Jana Rhyu discussed how their companies, Xcentric and LoopUp respectively, use Pardot marketing automation to scale their marketing efforts with limited resources. They described how Pardot enables them to nurture leads through automated campaigns, integrate marketing and sales data in Salesforce, and measure the impact of their campaigns on pipeline and revenue. Both highlighted how Pardot has helped them increase lead generation, qualify leads more effectively for sales, and engage existing customers through personalized messaging based on profiling and testing of content and messaging.

df14marketing automationsales
Building a Center of Excellence
Building a Center of ExcellenceBuilding a Center of Excellence
Building a Center of Excellence

Building a Center of Excellence in MCM and how to execute your strategy effectively. (Neil Keene Pharma Force Austin, TX 9/21.)

marketingmulti-channel marketingmcm
Different silos
Different CX methodology
Isolated BI teams, not focused on CX
Disconnected innovation methodology
Different levels of authority in play
Varying levels of IT involvement
Different budgets
The org not set up for success
No agile processes in place
The culture was totally disengaged
This is where we end
up spending most of
our time. !
Key Inhibitors of CX Success:
Different silos
Different CX methodology
Isolated BI teams, not focused on CX
Disconnected innovation methodology
Different levels of authority in play
Varying levels of IT involvement
Different budgets
The org not set up for success
No agile processes in place
The culture was totally disengaged
And where we bring the
most value to our
clients. !
Key Inhibitors of CX Success:
Hypothesis 1:
There are three key organizational
segments that require holistic
balance in order for CX initiatives to
be truly successful.
money marketcredit
This white space
represents your
surrounded by
typical products
and channels.
Current CX efforts
tend to focus on
the space
between you and
the market.

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OpsStars NY Session | A B2B Revenue Ops Success Framework and Maturity Model
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OpsStars NY Session | A B2B Revenue Ops Success Framework and Maturity Model

Matt Heinz – President & Founder, Heinz Marketing Learn the seven components of revenue operations success in B2B, including the strategy, alignment, process and technology components necessary to create a predictable, repeatable and scalable sales pipeline development engine. Matt Heinz will share results from his latest RevOps survey. You’ll walk away with a specific framework and maturity model to implement within your organization.

Improving Sales Enablement Keeping it Simple
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Improving Sales Enablement Keeping it Simple

This document discusses best practices for sales enablement. It defines sales enablement as providing the right information to sellers at the right time to advance sales opportunities. Common sales enablement mistakes include focusing only on collateral creation and taking a top-down approach. Best practices involve focusing on buyers, getting sales team input, defining metrics with sales, and announcing success stories. Next practices could include mobile strategies, on-demand training, and measuring content usage. Content should be conversational and mapped to buyers' journeys. Assessing technology use ensures enablement drives impact rather than being technology-led.

Strategic Planning_DF13_Final
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Strategic Planning_DF13_Final

Strategic planning provides focus, alignment, and efficient use of resources. Two companies detailed their strategic planning journeys: HP implemented a sales transformation over 5 years with annual roadmaps, and Adobe focused on an enterprise lead-to-order system. Critical success factors included defining a governance process, prioritizing capabilities based on business value, tracking results, and analyzing ROI.

money marketcredit
Factor 1: Your
There are three
key organizational
segments that
require holistic
balance in order
for CX initiatives
to prove truly
money marketcredit
Factor 2: Your
By having a
process aligned
with structure,
you begin to
achieve a defined
priority of
operations and
money marketcredit
Factor 3: Your
Aligning your
culture with your
structure and
process reaps an
effectiveness and
capability crucial
for CX. This in
turn, leads you
= Quality
Have you experienced a
misalignment with your org?
Process & Culture connected but not connected to leadership
(org)? Or Leadership (org) and process are connected but
Culture is not. These are examples of misalignments.

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Building a Magnetic Brand - A Framework for Value-Driven Brand Marketing
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What makes a B2B brand magnetic? Is it great content engagement? Lovable marketing? It may seem obvious but brands that message value generally attract customers virally. It is part of the lore in technology for example that one of the great computer engineering companies of the 20th century, Digital Equipment or DEC, lost its battle with HP, Sun, IBM an others in distributed computing because of its failure to promote the value of its solutions effectively. Great product businesses have frequently been overtaken by competitors with inferior products but strong value-driven brand marketing when they fail to weave value into their brands.

frameworkb2b marketingvalue
Our Offerings that Support Hypothesis 1:
Organizational Design
Organization Map, Roles/Responsibilities/Authority Matrix, Employee Engagement Programs
Do you find yourself asking any of the following?
1. Our employees are not owning their responsibilities. They are not clear on their role.
2. Departments are siloed and authority is unclear when it comes to decision making.
3. Executive marketing/content decisions are being made irrespective of other departments.
4. Employees morale is low. They feel that their voice is not heard. They say they don't know what changes are happening.
5. We don't have the right talent and/or capabilities to perform the right task necessary
6. There's a lack of organizational accountability.
7. We want to know how to set up marketing organization for sustainable high performance.
8. We need to establish the strategic direction for growth but aren't sure how to get there?
Organizational Audit
Audits/Analysis, Future State Vision & Planning, Marketing Maturity Modeling, Business Case Design, Data-Based Marketing Assessment
Do you find yourself asking any of the following?
1. I am a new executive and know I want to make changes in Marketing but am not sure where we stand today.
2. We are not sure where we need to start the changes we feel are necessary.
3. What are the most modern/progressive marketers doing that may be applicable to us?
4. How can we know what marketing approach is optimal for our company?
5. How do I justify significant marketing transformation (sponsoring/funding the initiative) to the C suite?
6. We want to know what changes can free up some capital to fuel new growth initiatives.
7. We want to know how to develop a business model and operating model to increase our marketing's competitive advantage.
8. We want to plan a major re-alignment that of our investment in technology, people and process and need to figure out how to roadmap it all.
Digital Transformation
Transformation Frameworks, Change Roadmaps, Change-Ops Planning, Implementation Planning/Support
Do you find yourself asking any of the following?
1. We want to simplify the organization. We suspect we are mired in complexity. We want to know what kind of changes can bring much needed simplification to our approach.
2. We want to increase capital efficiency in our marketing. What changes will make our investments work harder?
3. We have to reduce costs in our marketing. Not only do we suspect we are doing much of the wrong things, but we're spending too much in doing them.
4. We know we want to change our approach to marketing, we are struggling to know how.
5. Digital is changing the way our customers want to interact/transact with us. Not sure how to protect our future.
Centers of Excellence
Building Centers of Excellence, Future Vision, Integration Plans, Process/Prioritization Re-engineering, Governance
Do you find yourself asking the following?
1. We need to make significant changes and ensure that they stick.
2. We want to continuously improve
3. We need to empower our people with change
4. How can we manage the change?
5. How can we build in accountability of these changes into our processes and structure?
Our Offerings that Support Hypothesis 1:
Voice of Customer Programs
VOC Integration Strategy, Vendor/Tool Selection, Program Integration/Support
Do you find yourself asking any of the following?
1. We have to shift to listening more to our customer but not sure what works.
2. What options, vendors, tools are there that can help me engage with my customers better?
3. How can I build a program that will help us better capture customer insights?
4. I want to take customers insights and fold that back into business improvements. How do we do that?
Operations Strategy
Operations Maps, Strategic Ops Alignment
Do you find yourself asking any of the following?
1. It's not clear what specific things we need to do to remain aligned to our corporate strategy.
2. We're not planning our resources appropriately to accomplish all the things this company needs to do.
Our Offerings that Support Hypothesis 1:
Hypothesis 2:
The future of effective CX is
more than just CX.

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This document presents a revenue operations success framework and maturity model for B2B companies. The framework includes seven elements: target market, sales cycle, team, message, reach, enabling technology, and metrics of success. Each element is defined and described. A five-level maturity model (initial, ad-hoc, defined, managed, optimized) is provided to assess capabilities for each element. Research findings are shared showing increasing complexity in revenue operations and the benefits of implementing related tools and practices. Alignment between sales and marketing and understanding customer needs are highlighted as important.

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Additive Formula for CX
Customer Experience
Business Intelligence
Financial Institutions potentially have a decade of transactional data. Use it.
- Use data and analytics to segment smarter.
- Use BI with a portfolio approach to innovation.
- Predict segment shifts.
- Prioritize CX innovation backlog, persistently.
- Visualize dynamic gaps.
- Run cost/benefit per segments per cycle.
- Measure performance of enhancements.
- Measure team performance against KPIs/KRIs.
- Run Gap of Discontent Analysis often.
- Build fluency in BI.
Customer Experience
Innovation Management
Innovation Management is the measured process an organization follows to create discoveries
of value that fill unmet customer needs or allow them to get a job done better.
Most customer “excitement” comes from needs they cannot yet articulate. Innovation does that.
FI’s will counter external environmental disruption by bringing net new value to the customer.
money marketcredit
= Quality
and business
intelligence to
the CX within
this space…

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Content Moments, Not Content Marketing. By John Lane - Centerline Digital
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I propose we replace "content marketing" with "content moments." Because people don't want to be sold to. But they do want value from brands. If we start thinking about creating moments that have meaning — experiences that connect, that spark emotion, that illicit action (or reaction) — we'll make a better connection with our audience. This presentation was delivered on May 19, 2015 at the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce BizCon.

content marketingcontent planningcontent strategy
money marketcredit
= Quality
…And greatly
increase your
Our Offerings that Support Hypothesis 2:
Business Intelligence Programs
Full Cycle Business Intelligence/Analytics Programs, Data Warehouse, BI Conceptual
Architecture, Data Models, Visualization, Reporting/Analytics Dashboards, Data Governance
1. We actively use data-based marketing approaches but aren't sure we're doing it as well as we could be.
2. We aren't sure how Business Intelligence.
3. All our data is trapped in silos. We aren't sure how to aggregate across BUs for better approaches to marketing.
Digital Transformation
Transformation Frameworks, Change Roadmaps, Change-Ops Planning, Implementation Planning/
Do you find yourself asking any of the following?
1. We want to simplify the organization. We suspect we are mired in complexity. We want to know what kind of changes can bring much needed simplification to our approach.
2. We want to increase capital efficiency in our marketing. What changes will make our investments work harder?
3. We have to reduce costs in our marketing. Not only do we suspect we are doing much of the wrong things, but we're spending too much in doing them.
4. We know we want to change our approach to marketing, we are struggling to know how.
5. Digital is changing the way our customers want to interact/transact with us. Not sure how to protect our future.
Road Map:180 Day Action Plan
Establish initiative goals
Build business case
Define CXIMBI Agenda
Roadmap 180 day Journey
Design CXIMBI team
Align CXIMBI strategy
with business strategy
Build CXIMBI coalition
Design coalition story
Assemble core CXIMBI
team leadership mandate
Perform a CXIMBI skills/
capabilities Audit
Perform an rapid BU
collaboration audit
Interview leadership, BU heads
Develop CXIMBI internal blog
Establish CXIMBI funding
Co-present business case
Create CXIMBI Charter
Gather and review all CX
Obtain Sr. buy in on
funding and Charter
Review all customer and
Market BI/data/analytics
Kickoff CXIMBI comms
Review innovation
management methods
financial ecosystem
Review customer
Review competitive landscape
Review operations strategy
Review cultural landscape
Develop Comms Plan
Launch internal blog
Road Map:180 Day Action Plan
Establish initiative goals
Build business case
Define CXIMBI Agenda
Roadmap 180 day Journey
Design CXIMBI team
Align CXIMBI strategy
with business strategy
Build CXIMBI coalition
Design coalition story
Assemble core CXIMBI
team leadership mandate
Perform a CXIMBI skills/
capabilities Audit
Perform an rapid BU
collaboration audit
Interview leadership, BU heads
Develop CXIMBI internal blog

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UX Workshop Activity: Missions, Methods and Mindframes. Centerline Digital.

The M3 technique helps stakeholders think from the user's perspective before defining product features. It involves stakeholders brainstorming the missions, mindframes, and methods of target users. Missions are the goals users want to accomplish. Mindframes provide context around the mental states and attitudes driving user goals. Methods are ways to help users achieve their missions. By discussing these three areas, stakeholders reach consensus on priority user needs to inform product strategy, rather than starting with predefined features. The technique surfaces insights and ensures user needs are central to the vision, helping stakeholders avoid a "features first" mentality.

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Ten Things to Consider When Completing your Interactive Media Degree
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Centerliners Brenna Mickey and Cait Smith spoke at their alma mater Elon University to students completing their Master of Arts in Interactive Media. This presentation provides helpful tips and things to think about when venturing out (or back) into the real world.

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designopsdesign opsdesign operations
Present Prototype
Establish core intake
prioritization schema
Establish hardened
Prototype CX innovation
management method
Prototype X-channel data
Prototype BI/data
ETL approach/warehouse
Prototype KPIs/metrics
Prototype CXIMBI process
Prototype org structure
Collaborate on prototypes
Co-establish KPI framework
Progress Communications
Establish Prototype
EnvironmentEstablish CXIMBI funding
Co-present business case
Create CXIMBI Charter
Gather and review all CX
Obtain Sr. buy in on
funding and Charter
Review all customer and
Market BI/data/analytics
Kickoff CXIMBI comms
Review innovation
management methods
financial ecosystem
Review customer
Develop Comms Plan
Launch internal blog
Road Map:180 Day Action Plan
Establish initiative goals
Build business case
Define CXIMBI Agenda
Roadmap 180 day Journey
Design CXIMBI team
Align CXIMBI strategy
with business strategy
Build CXIMBI coalition
Design coalition story
Assemble core CXIMBI
team leadership mandate
Perform a CXIMBI skills/
capabilities Audit
Perform an rapid BU
collaboration audit
Interview leadership, BU heads
Develop CXIMBI internal blog
Review competitive landscape
Review operations strategy
Review cultural landscape
Present CXIMBI ecosystem
to leadership
Run two successive 2 week
CXIMBI sprints
Develop series of video
content on the changes
Tie CXIMBI to financial
Refine ETL for BI/data and
metric outputs
Create CXIMBI governance
Refine CXIMBI processes
Design executive dashboards
Launch video content on
Collaborate on CXIMBI Sprints
Collaborate on ETL for BI/data
Co-create video content for blog
Collaborate on Executive
Present Prototype
Establish core intake
prioritization schema
Establish hardened
Prototype CX innovation
management method
Prototype X-channel data
Prototype BI/data
ETL approach/warehouse
Prototype KPIs/metrics
Prototype CXIMBI process
Prototype org structure
Collaborate on prototypes
Co-establish KPI framework
Progress Communications
Establish Prototype
Establish CXIMBI funding
Co-present business case
Create CXIMBI Charter
Gather and review all CX
Obtain Sr. buy in on
funding and Charter
Review all customer and
Market BI/data/analytics
Kickoff CXIMBI comms
Review innovation
management methods
financial ecosystem
Review customer
Review competitive landscape
Review operations strategy
Review cultural landscape
Develop Comms Plan
Launch internal blog
Establish initiative goals
Build business case
Define CXIMBI Agenda
Roadmap 180 day Journey
Design CXIMBI team
Align CXIMBI strategy
with business strategy
Build CXIMBI coalition
Design coalition story
Assemble core CXIMBI
team leadership mandate
Perform a CXIMBI skills/
capabilities Audit
Perform an rapid BU
collaboration audit
Interview leadership, BU heads
Develop CXIMBI internal blog
Road Map:180 Day Action Plan
Where does your organization currently sit on a CX maturity scale?
What are your current CX goals and are you doing all that is needed to achieve those goals?
Where could you use additional help to achieve these goals?
The following CX Maturity Program will help to answer these questions. It will also provide a trajectory for
your CX program.
CX Maturity Program
Action Needed To Achieve ORG CX GOALS
•  CX need within the org defined
•  The org’s CX benchmark determined
•  Start CX strategy
•  CX leadership identified
•  Establish CX initiative goals
•  Create CX charter
•  Obtain senior buy-in on funding and charter
•  Nominate CX leaders
•  Identify BI desires - what you wish you had
(i.e. data, visualizations, technologies, etc.)
•  Prioritize BI desires
•  Design coalition story
•  Build business case for CX program
•  Roadmap 180 journey
•  Start of CX strategy (align strategy with
biz strategy)
•  Review cultural landscape
•  Review innovation management methods
•  Marketing/Sales/Ops financial ecosystem
•  Review customer segmentation/journeys
•  Review competitive landscape
•  Review operations strategy
•  Conduct BI current state assessment
Your Organization Centerline
CX Maturity Program: Level 1

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Action Needed To Achieve ORG CX GOALS
•  CX team established
•  CX advisory board established
•  Measurement defined
•  Established system for CX data/results
capture and measuring
•  Governance established
•  Internal CX Comms strategy
•  Better understand audiences
•  Better understand and identify
customer behavior
•  Determined if any additional tools are
needed for CX program (i.e. VOC tool) -
If yes, bring on a tool to capture data
•  Design and assemble CX team
•  Assemble CX advisory board
•  Integrate CX with BI and IM
•  Start to capture and review CX data/results
•  Kickoff CX internal communications
•  Launch internal blog
•  Assemble core CX team leadership mandate
•  Perform a CX team skills/capabilities audit
•  Create roles, responsibilities and range of authority
matrix for CX team
•  Design and build centralized data environment
•  Design data models
•  Start building initial data model within
centralized environment based on prioritized BI
•  Start building preliminary reporting and
•  Define data governance plan within centralized
•  Develop internal blog
•  Develop internal communications plan
•  Customer segmentation
•  Customer Journey Mapping
•  Audit of tools capabilities (any CX tools needed
for monitory, listening and engaging with
customers, and/or for the collection of data)
Your Organization Centerline
CX Maturity Program: Level 2
Action Needed To Achieve ORG CX GOALS
•  CX team grows
•  CX knowledge integrated into the org
•  CX integrated across more channels/
•  CX, IM and BI fully integrated
•  Expand CX tool(s) across all channels
and divisions
•  Hire additional needed CX specialists
•  Establish a CX coalition
•  Employee Engagement Program
•  Employee CX Training programs
•  Build out Journey maps across all channels
for all divisions
•  Distribute Channel Matrix to all org divisions
•  Establish KPI framework
•  Continue to capture and review CX data/
•  Make business changes and IM updates
based on CX data/results (BI)
•  Continuous improvement of processes
•  Progress internal communications
•  Document process for external comms
•  Conduct employee survey on CX
•  Develop Employee Engagement Program
•  Develop CX Training Program
•  Build comprehensive journey maps
•  Build Channel Matrix
•  Establish core intake prioritization
•  Co-establish KPI framework
•  Prototype CX innovation management
•  Prototype BI/data ETL approach/
•  Develop series of video content on the
•  Tie CX to financial outcomes
Your Organization Centerline
CX Maturity Program: Level 3
Centerline’s Offerings.
Marketing Strategy
Creative Content
& Experiences
Marketing Change
Organizational Audit
Future State Vision & Planning
Maturity Modeling
Business Case Design
Data-based Marketing Assessment
Organizational Design
Organizational Map
Roles, Responsibilities, and Authority Matrices
Employee Engagement Programs
Digital Transformation
Transformation Frameworks
Change Roadmaps
Change-Ops Planning
Implementation Planning/Support
Training/Skills Development
Center of Excellence
Future Vision
Integration Plans
Organizational Governance
Operations Strategy
Operations Map
Strategic Ops Alignment
Performance Management Programs
People/Teams Performance
Metrics/KPI Strategy
Executive Dashboards
Content Performance Management
Customer Experience (CX) Programs
CX program design
CX Axis Shift Plans
CX Governance Program Design
Voice of Customer Programs
VOC Tools/Program Selection
VOC Integration Strategy
Program Integration/Support
Discovery & Consensus
Stakeholder interviews
Ignitor Sessions
Thought Leadership Workshops
Digital Ecosystem Mapping
Map Working Session
Map Development
Business Intelligence Programs
Full-Cycle BI/Analytics Programs
Data Warehouse
BI Conceptual Architecture
Data Models
Reporting Analytics Dashboards
Data Governance
Measurement Goals
Governance Workshops
Governance Model & Plan
Content Auditing
Content Inventory
Asset Inventory
Qualitative Assessment
Quantitative Assessment
Audience Research
Rapid Persona Session
Customer Interviews
Persona Development
Supplementary Research
Content Strategy
Content Types
Content Flow
Channel Matrix
Content Model
Taxonomy & Metadata
Content Effectiveness Programs
User Experience
UX Evaluation & Plan
User Flows
Wireframes & Prototypes
Usability Testing
Information Architecture
Card Sorting — Logical Groupings
Information Architecture Development
Competitive Research
Competitor Analysis
Social Monitoring/Reach
Technology Evaluation
Enterprise Content Management
Marketing Automation
Social Monitoring/Automation
Social Media Activation
Audience and Influencer research
Activation Strategy
Media Relations
Social Monitoring and Reporting
Benchmarking / Share of Voice
Marketing Automation
Email Marketing
Brand Identity
Visual System
Style Guide
Template Designs
Social Tiles/Datagrams
CMS Configuration
Site Development
Technical Requirements
Content Creation
Mobile Apps
Sales Tools/Enablement
Infographics/Data Visualization

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How to Get More From Your CX Efforts

  • 1. CXFS Conference, VIP Lunch & Learn September 29, 2015 HOW TO GET MORE FROM YOUR CX EFFORTS
  • 2. Table of Contents •  Why We’re Here •  Our Company •  Our Team •  Past Work •  Competitive Pressures for Financial Institutions •  The Gap of Discontent •  Key Inhibitors of CX Success •  Hypothesis 1: Holistic Organizational Balance for CX •  Our Offerings that Support Hypothesis 1 •  Hypothesis 2: CX + BI + IM •  Our Offerings that Support Hypothesis 2 •  Road Map: 180 Day Action Plan •  CX Maturity Program •  Comprehensive List of Centerline’s Offerings 1!
  • 3. First, why we’re here. To learn, connect and to share some hypotheses that are making a difference for some of our clients. We’re chronically curious about what is keeping CXperts from doing their best work within their org. What is happening inside your organizations that prevents you or slows your progress in achieving the CX success and growth you are after? And also…what can you be doing alongside CX that will elevate your results even further? 2!
  • 4. Our company Centerline itself is a Modern Marketing Laboratory, creating custom success formulas for the world’s most progressive enterprises. The people speaking here today are from this team.! 3!
  • 5. Our team Centerline Marketing Change Management (MCM) is a team that enacts change within organizations, with specific focus on designing and implementing CX/CEM programs and initiatives. 4!
  • 6. Past Work By Centerline: ! By Centerliners: ! 5!
  • 7. Financial Institutions are on the front line of CX 6!
  • 8. Discontent This Disruption is Causing the Gap of Discontent 7!
  • 9. Discontent The Goal of CX: Shrink The Gap of Discontent 8!
  • 10. What is complicating your CX efforts? 9!
  • 11. Top10 CX Program inhibitors. 10!
  • 12. IDIOSYNCRATIC COMMON Different silos Different CX methodology Isolated BI teams, not focused on CX Disconnected innovation methodology Different levels of authority in play Varying levels of IT involvement Different budgets The org not set up for success No agile processes in place The culture was totally disengaged Key Inhibitors of CX Success: 11!
  • 13. IDIOSYNCRATIC COMMON Different silos Different CX methodology Isolated BI teams, not focused on CX Disconnected innovation methodology Different levels of authority in play Varying levels of IT involvement Different budgets The org not set up for success No agile processes in place The culture was totally disengaged This is where we end up spending most of our time. ! Key Inhibitors of CX Success: 12!
  • 14. IDIOSYNCRATIC COMMON Different silos Different CX methodology Isolated BI teams, not focused on CX Disconnected innovation methodology Different levels of authority in play Varying levels of IT involvement Different budgets The org not set up for success No agile processes in place The culture was totally disengaged And where we bring the most value to our clients. ! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. ! Key Inhibitors of CX Success: 13!
  • 15. Hypothesis 1: There are three key organizational segments that require holistic balance in order for CX initiatives to be truly successful. 14!
  • 16. CUSTOMERS PROSPECTS PROSPECTS PRODUCTS insuranceloans money marketcredit moneytransfer analysis CHANNELS social CX CX CX CX Environment This white space represents your financial institution, surrounded by typical products and channels. Current CX efforts tend to focus on the space between you and the market.
  • 17. CUSTOMERS PROSPECTS PROSPECTS PRODUCTS insuranceloans money marketcredit moneytransfer analysis CHANNELS social ORG CX CX CX CX Environment Factor 1: Your Organizational Structure. There are three key organizational segments that require holistic balance in order for CX initiatives to prove truly successful.
  • 18. CUSTOMERS PROSPECTS PROSPECTS PRODUCTS insuranceloans money marketcredit moneytransfer analysis CHANNELS social ORG PROCESS CX CX CX CX priority Environment Factor 2: Your Organizational Process By having a process aligned with structure, you begin to achieve a defined priority of operations and strategy.
  • 19. CUSTOMERS PROSPECTS PROSPECTS PRODUCTS insuranceloans money marketcredit moneytransfer analysis CHANNELS social ORG PROCESS CULTURE effectiveness capabilitypriority Environment Factor 3: Your Culture Aligning your culture with your structure and process reaps an effectiveness and capability crucial for CX. This in turn, leads you organizational quality = Quality CX CX CX CX CX CX CX CX
  • 20. Have you experienced a misalignment with your org? Process & Culture connected but not connected to leadership (org)? Or Leadership (org) and process are connected but Culture is not. These are examples of misalignments. 19!
  • 21. Our Offerings that Support Hypothesis 1: Organizational Design Organization Map, Roles/Responsibilities/Authority Matrix, Employee Engagement Programs Do you find yourself asking any of the following? 1. Our employees are not owning their responsibilities. They are not clear on their role. 2. Departments are siloed and authority is unclear when it comes to decision making. 3. Executive marketing/content decisions are being made irrespective of other departments. 4. Employees morale is low. They feel that their voice is not heard. They say they don't know what changes are happening. 5. We don't have the right talent and/or capabilities to perform the right task necessary 6. There's a lack of organizational accountability. 7. We want to know how to set up marketing organization for sustainable high performance. 8. We need to establish the strategic direction for growth but aren't sure how to get there? Organizational Audit Audits/Analysis, Future State Vision & Planning, Marketing Maturity Modeling, Business Case Design, Data-Based Marketing Assessment Do you find yourself asking any of the following? 1. I am a new executive and know I want to make changes in Marketing but am not sure where we stand today. 2. We are not sure where we need to start the changes we feel are necessary. 3. What are the most modern/progressive marketers doing that may be applicable to us? 4. How can we know what marketing approach is optimal for our company? 5. How do I justify significant marketing transformation (sponsoring/funding the initiative) to the C suite? 6. We want to know what changes can free up some capital to fuel new growth initiatives. 7. We want to know how to develop a business model and operating model to increase our marketing's competitive advantage. 8. We want to plan a major re-alignment that of our investment in technology, people and process and need to figure out how to roadmap it all. 20!
  • 22. Digital Transformation Transformation Frameworks, Change Roadmaps, Change-Ops Planning, Implementation Planning/Support Do you find yourself asking any of the following? 1. We want to simplify the organization. We suspect we are mired in complexity. We want to know what kind of changes can bring much needed simplification to our approach. 2. We want to increase capital efficiency in our marketing. What changes will make our investments work harder? 3. We have to reduce costs in our marketing. Not only do we suspect we are doing much of the wrong things, but we're spending too much in doing them. 4. We know we want to change our approach to marketing, we are struggling to know how. 5. Digital is changing the way our customers want to interact/transact with us. Not sure how to protect our future. Centers of Excellence Building Centers of Excellence, Future Vision, Integration Plans, Process/Prioritization Re-engineering, Governance Do you find yourself asking the following? 1. We need to make significant changes and ensure that they stick. 2. We want to continuously improve 3. We need to empower our people with change 4. How can we manage the change? 5. How can we build in accountability of these changes into our processes and structure? Our Offerings that Support Hypothesis 1: 21!
  • 23. Voice of Customer Programs VOC Integration Strategy, Vendor/Tool Selection, Program Integration/Support Do you find yourself asking any of the following? 1. We have to shift to listening more to our customer but not sure what works. 2. What options, vendors, tools are there that can help me engage with my customers better? 3. How can I build a program that will help us better capture customer insights? 4. I want to take customers insights and fold that back into business improvements. How do we do that? Operations Strategy Operations Maps, Strategic Ops Alignment Do you find yourself asking any of the following? 1. It's not clear what specific things we need to do to remain aligned to our corporate strategy. 2. We're not planning our resources appropriately to accomplish all the things this company needs to do. Our Offerings that Support Hypothesis 1: 22!
  • 24. Hypothesis 2: The future of effective CX is more than just CX. 23!
  • 26. Customer Experience CX Business Intelligence BI Innovation Management IM++ Business Intelligence Financial Institutions potentially have a decade of transactional data. Use it. - Use data and analytics to segment smarter. - Use BI with a portfolio approach to innovation. - Predict segment shifts. - Prioritize CX innovation backlog, persistently. - Visualize dynamic gaps. - Run cost/benefit per segments per cycle. - Measure performance of enhancements. - Measure team performance against KPIs/KRIs. - Run Gap of Discontent Analysis often. - Build fluency in BI. 25!
  • 27. Customer Experience CX Business Intelligence BI Innovation Management IM++ Innovation Management Innovation Management is the measured process an organization follows to create discoveries of value that fill unmet customer needs or allow them to get a job done better. Most customer “excitement” comes from needs they cannot yet articulate. Innovation does that. FI’s will counter external environmental disruption by bringing net new value to the customer. 26!
  • 28. CUSTOMERS PROSPECTS PROSPECTS PRODUCTS insuranceloans money marketcredit moneytransfer analysis CHANNELS social ORG PROCESS CULTURE CX CX CX CX effectiveness capabilitypriority PROSPECTS KEY = Quality Internal Engagement External Experience Introduce innovation management and business intelligence to the CX within this space… CX CX CX CX
  • 29. CUSTOMERS PROSPECTS PROSPECTS PROSPECTS a PRODUCTS insuranceloans money marketcredit moneytransfer analysis CHANNELS social ORG PROCESS CULTURE CX BI IM CX BI IM CX BI IM CX BI IM effectiveness capabilitypriority KEY = Quality Internal Engagement External Experience CUSTOMERS …And greatly increase your serviceable market
  • 30. Our Offerings that Support Hypothesis 2: Business Intelligence Programs Full Cycle Business Intelligence/Analytics Programs, Data Warehouse, BI Conceptual Architecture, Data Models, Visualization, Reporting/Analytics Dashboards, Data Governance 1. We actively use data-based marketing approaches but aren't sure we're doing it as well as we could be. 2. We aren't sure how Business Intelligence. 3. All our data is trapped in silos. We aren't sure how to aggregate across BUs for better approaches to marketing. Digital Transformation Transformation Frameworks, Change Roadmaps, Change-Ops Planning, Implementation Planning/ Support Do you find yourself asking any of the following? 1. We want to simplify the organization. We suspect we are mired in complexity. We want to know what kind of changes can bring much needed simplification to our approach. 2. We want to increase capital efficiency in our marketing. What changes will make our investments work harder? 3. We have to reduce costs in our marketing. Not only do we suspect we are doing much of the wrong things, but we're spending too much in doing them. 4. We know we want to change our approach to marketing, we are struggling to know how. 5. Digital is changing the way our customers want to interact/transact with us. Not sure how to protect our future. 29!
  • 31. Road Map:180 Day Action Plan Establish initiative goals Build business case Define CXIMBI Agenda Roadmap 180 day Journey Design CXIMBI team Align CXIMBI strategy with business strategy Build CXIMBI coalition Design coalition story Assemble core CXIMBI team leadership mandate Perform a CXIMBI skills/ capabilities Audit Perform an rapid BU collaboration audit Interview leadership, BU heads Develop CXIMBI internal blog 30! CLIENTCENTERLINE
  • 32. Establish CXIMBI funding Co-present business case Create CXIMBI Charter Gather and review all CX data/results Obtain Sr. buy in on funding and Charter Review all customer and Market BI/data/analytics Kickoff CXIMBI comms Review innovation management methods Marketing/Sales/Ops financial ecosystem Review customer segmentation/journeys Review competitive landscape Review operations strategy Review cultural landscape Develop Comms Plan Launch internal blog Road Map:180 Day Action Plan Establish initiative goals Build business case Define CXIMBI Agenda Roadmap 180 day Journey Design CXIMBI team Align CXIMBI strategy with business strategy Build CXIMBI coalition Design coalition story Assemble core CXIMBI team leadership mandate Perform a CXIMBI skills/ capabilities Audit Perform an rapid BU collaboration audit Interview leadership, BU heads Develop CXIMBI internal blog 31! CLIENTCENTERLINE
  • 33. Present Prototype Ecosystem Establish core intake prioritization schema Establish hardened measurement/reporting Prototype CX innovation management method Prototype X-channel data collection Prototype BI/data ETL approach/warehouse Prototype KPIs/metrics Prototype CXIMBI process Prototype org structure Collaborate on prototypes Co-establish KPI framework Progress Communications Establish Prototype EnvironmentEstablish CXIMBI funding Co-present business case Create CXIMBI Charter Gather and review all CX data/results Obtain Sr. buy in on funding and Charter Review all customer and Market BI/data/analytics Kickoff CXIMBI comms Review innovation management methods Marketing/Sales/Ops financial ecosystem Review customer segmentation/journeys Develop Comms Plan Launch internal blog Road Map:180 Day Action Plan Establish initiative goals Build business case Define CXIMBI Agenda Roadmap 180 day Journey Design CXIMBI team Align CXIMBI strategy with business strategy Build CXIMBI coalition Design coalition story Assemble core CXIMBI team leadership mandate Perform a CXIMBI skills/ capabilities Audit Perform an rapid BU collaboration audit Interview leadership, BU heads Develop CXIMBI internal blog 32! Review competitive landscape Review operations strategy Review cultural landscape CLIENTCENTERLINE
  • 34. Present CXIMBI ecosystem to leadership Run two successive 2 week CXIMBI sprints Develop series of video content on the changes Tie CXIMBI to financial outcomes Refine ETL for BI/data and metric outputs Create CXIMBI governance Refine CXIMBI processes Design executive dashboards Launch video content on CXIMBI blog Collaborate on CXIMBI Sprints Collaborate on ETL for BI/data Co-create video content for blog Collaborate on Executive Dashboards Present Prototype Ecosystem Establish core intake prioritization schema Establish hardened measurement/reporting Prototype CX innovation management method Prototype X-channel data collection Prototype BI/data ETL approach/warehouse Prototype KPIs/metrics Prototype CXIMBI process Prototype org structure Collaborate on prototypes Co-establish KPI framework Progress Communications Establish Prototype Environment Establish CXIMBI funding Co-present business case Create CXIMBI Charter Gather and review all CX data/results Obtain Sr. buy in on funding and Charter Review all customer and Market BI/data/analytics Kickoff CXIMBI comms Review innovation management methods Marketing/Sales/Ops financial ecosystem Review customer segmentation/journeys Review competitive landscape Review operations strategy Review cultural landscape Develop Comms Plan Launch internal blog CLIENTCENTERLINE Establish initiative goals Build business case Define CXIMBI Agenda Roadmap 180 day Journey Design CXIMBI team Align CXIMBI strategy with business strategy Build CXIMBI coalition Design coalition story Assemble core CXIMBI team leadership mandate Perform a CXIMBI skills/ capabilities Audit Perform an rapid BU collaboration audit Interview leadership, BU heads Develop CXIMBI internal blog Road Map:180 Day Action Plan 33!
  • 35. Where does your organization currently sit on a CX maturity scale? What are your current CX goals and are you doing all that is needed to achieve those goals? Where could you use additional help to achieve these goals? The following CX Maturity Program will help to answer these questions. It will also provide a trajectory for your CX program. CX Maturity Program BUILD MOMENTUM ESTABALISH CX FOUNDATION GETTING STARTED 34!
  • 36. BUILD MOMENTUM ESTABALISH CX FOUNDATION GETTING STARTED ORG CX GOALS Action Needed To Achieve ORG CX GOALS •  CX need within the org defined •  The org’s CX benchmark determined •  Start CX strategy •  CX leadership identified •  Establish CX initiative goals •  Create CX charter •  Obtain senior buy-in on funding and charter •  Nominate CX leaders •  Identify BI desires - what you wish you had (i.e. data, visualizations, technologies, etc.) •  Prioritize BI desires •  Design coalition story •  Build business case for CX program •  Roadmap 180 journey •  Start of CX strategy (align strategy with biz strategy) •  Review cultural landscape •  Review innovation management methods •  Marketing/Sales/Ops financial ecosystem •  Review customer segmentation/journeys •  Review competitive landscape •  Review operations strategy •  Conduct BI current state assessment LEVEL 1 Your Organization Centerline CX Maturity Program: Level 1 35!
  • 37. BUILD MOMENTUM ESTABALISH CX FOUNDATION GETTING STARTED ORG CX GOALS Action Needed To Achieve ORG CX GOALS •  CX team established •  CX advisory board established •  Measurement defined •  Established system for CX data/results capture and measuring •  Governance established •  Internal CX Comms strategy established •  Better understand audiences •  Better understand and identify customer behavior •  Determined if any additional tools are needed for CX program (i.e. VOC tool) - If yes, bring on a tool to capture data •  Design and assemble CX team •  Assemble CX advisory board •  Integrate CX with BI and IM •  Start to capture and review CX data/results •  Kickoff CX internal communications strategy •  Launch internal blog •  Assemble core CX team leadership mandate •  Perform a CX team skills/capabilities audit •  Create roles, responsibilities and range of authority matrix for CX team •  Design and build centralized data environment •  Design data models •  Start building initial data model within centralized environment based on prioritized BI desires •  Start building preliminary reporting and dashboards •  Define data governance plan within centralized environment •  Develop internal blog •  Develop internal communications plan •  Customer segmentation •  Customer Journey Mapping •  Audit of tools capabilities (any CX tools needed for monitory, listening and engaging with customers, and/or for the collection of data) LEVEL 2 Your Organization Centerline CX Maturity Program: Level 2 36!
  • 38. BUILD MOMENTUM ESTABALISH CX FOUNDATION GETTING STARTED ORG CX GOALS Action Needed To Achieve ORG CX GOALS •  CX team grows •  CX knowledge integrated into the org culture •  CX integrated across more channels/ divisions •  CX, IM and BI fully integrated •  Expand CX tool(s) across all channels and divisions •  Hire additional needed CX specialists •  Establish a CX coalition •  Employee Engagement Program •  Employee CX Training programs •  Build out Journey maps across all channels for all divisions •  Distribute Channel Matrix to all org divisions •  Establish KPI framework •  Continue to capture and review CX data/ results •  Make business changes and IM updates based on CX data/results (BI) •  Continuous improvement of processes •  Progress internal communications •  Document process for external comms •  Conduct employee survey on CX •  Develop Employee Engagement Program •  Develop CX Training Program •  Build comprehensive journey maps •  Build Channel Matrix •  Establish core intake prioritization schema •  Co-establish KPI framework •  Prototype CX innovation management method •  Prototype BI/data ETL approach/ warehouse •  Develop series of video content on the changes •  Tie CX to financial outcomes LEVEL 3 Your Organization Centerline CX Maturity Program: Level 3 37!
  • 40. Marketing Strategy Creative Content & Experiences Marketing Change Management Organizational Audit Future State Vision & Planning Maturity Modeling Business Case Design Data-based Marketing Assessment Organizational Design Organizational Map Roles, Responsibilities, and Authority Matrices Employee Engagement Programs Digital Transformation Transformation Frameworks Change Roadmaps Change-Ops Planning Implementation Planning/Support Training/Skills Development Center of Excellence Future Vision Integration Plans Process/Re-prioritization Organizational Governance Operations Strategy Operations Map Strategic Ops Alignment Performance Management Programs People/Teams Performance Metrics/KPI Strategy Executive Dashboards Content Performance Management Customer Experience (CX) Programs CX program design CX Axis Shift Plans CX Governance Program Design Voice of Customer Programs VOC Tools/Program Selection VOC Integration Strategy Program Integration/Support Discovery & Consensus Stakeholder interviews Ignitor Sessions Thought Leadership Workshops Digital Ecosystem Mapping Map Working Session Map Development Business Intelligence Programs Full-Cycle BI/Analytics Programs Data Warehouse BI Conceptual Architecture Data Models Visualization Reporting Analytics Dashboards Data Governance Measurement Goals Governance Governance Workshops Governance Model & Plan Content Auditing Content Inventory Asset Inventory Qualitative Assessment Quantitative Assessment Audience Research Rapid Persona Session Customer Interviews Persona Development Supplementary Research Content Strategy Content Types Content Flow Channel Matrix Content Model Taxonomy & Metadata Content Effectiveness Programs User Experience UX Evaluation & Plan User Flows Wireframes & Prototypes Usability Testing Information Architecture Card Sorting — Logical Groupings Information Architecture Development Competitive Research Competitor Analysis Social Monitoring/Reach Technology Evaluation Enterprise Content Management Marketing Automation Social Monitoring/Automation Social Media Activation Audience and Influencer research Activation Strategy Media Relations Social Monitoring and Reporting Benchmarking / Share of Voice Marketing Automation Email Marketing Retargeting Newsletters Brand Brand Identity Visual System Storytelling Design Style Guide Template Designs Social Tiles/Datagrams Development CMS Configuration Site Development QA/Testing Technical Requirements Content Creation Websites Interactives Mobile Apps Sales Tools/Enablement Infographics/Data Visualization eBooks/Whitepapers Presentations Blog/Vlog Video Animations 39!
  • 41. THANK YOU! Connect with us 40!