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Rock Your 
Web Apps 
with Vaadin 
Coding Serbia 
Ville Ingman, Vaadin Ltd
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014

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Building Progressive Web Apps for Android and iOS
Building Progressive Web Apps for Android and iOSBuilding Progressive Web Apps for Android and iOS
Building Progressive Web Apps for Android and iOS

Presented at Web Unleashed 2017. More info at Presented by Simon MacDonald, Adobe Overview Progressive Web Apps are the new hotness with Google pressing hard to make them the defacto choice for building mobile applications but what’s to be done about iOS where many of the key API’s are not supported. That’s where Apache Cordova/PhoneGap comes in by polyfilling the missing functionality. In this talk Simon will show you how to create a PWA that runs on the web, Android and iOS from a single code base. Take advantage of some new tools to easily deploy and test your PWA. Beginning with a brief overview of Progressive Web Apps, what features make your web app progressive and which API’s you can take advantage of, Simon will discuss the availability of these API’s on various platforms, taking care not to completely dump on Apple for falling behind. No, that’s a lie, he will jokingly take Apple to task. He will introduce Apache Cordova/PhoneGap, explaining how you can use Apache Cordova/PhoneGap to deploy a web application to Android and iOS; explaining how Cordova plugins allow us to polyfil the missing functionality on iOS. Simon will demo a PWA running on the desktop in Chrome, Android in Chrome and as a compiled hybrid app on iOS all from the same codebase. Objective To introduce developers to building progressive web apps for all platforms. Target Audience Web application developers Five Things Audience Members Will Learn What are Progressive Web Apps How to build a progressive web app The differences between PWA’s on Chrome and Safari How to use a single code base to target web, Android and iOS How to deploy a PWA on iOS as an app

web designweb developmentweb unleashed 2017
Building for Your Next Billion - Google I/O 2017
Building for Your Next Billion - Google I/O 2017Building for Your Next Billion - Google I/O 2017
Building for Your Next Billion - Google I/O 2017

New internet users are coming online around the world and are facing very different constraints to accessing the internet. In this talk, we'll cover what we've learned from building experiences for new internet users and walk through how you can build great experiences that work well for billions of users around the world. This is a presentation from Google I/O 2017, the video is available at Speakers: Tal Oppenheimer, Mariya Moeva, Robert Nyman

accelerated mobile pagesampio17
AEM responsive
AEM responsiveAEM responsive
AEM responsive

The document discusses Adobe Experience Manager's capabilities for responsive web design. It provides an overview of responsive vs adaptive design and outlines AEM's features for editing responsive layouts through a grid system. The presentation covers how to enable responsive editing in AEM, including setting up breakpoints and using the responsive paragraph system. It also provides examples of how to leverage the grid for layouting, floating, breaking, nesting and hiding content across breakpoints.

Our Mission 
Make building amazing 
web applications easy
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
very active there 
> 100.000 developers from 
> 6.000 cities 
> 470 add-ons in the 
Asia 4 % 
20 % 
22 % 
54 % 
Vaadin Ecosystem 

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Predictability for the Web
Predictability for the WebPredictability for the Web
Predictability for the Web

This document discusses improving predictability for web developers. It describes challenges like cross-browser inconsistencies that make development difficult. The authors outline efforts by Chrome to address these issues, such as collaborating with other browsers, listening to developers, and minimizing breaking changes. Developers are encouraged to test new browser features, file bugs, and provide feedback to help continue enhancing predictability.

browser bug searcherdeveloper feedbackcross-browser
10 practices that every developer needs to start right now
10 practices that every developer needs to start right now10 practices that every developer needs to start right now
10 practices that every developer needs to start right now

Gathered from over 15 years of development and consulting experience with some of the largest development companies in the world. These are the 10 practices that are the lowest hanging fruit and will also have the greatest impact on the way that you write and deliver software. Enjoy.

HATEOAS 101 - Opinionated Introduction to a REST API Style
HATEOAS 101 - Opinionated Introduction to a REST API StyleHATEOAS 101 - Opinionated Introduction to a REST API Style
HATEOAS 101 - Opinionated Introduction to a REST API Style

The document provides an introduction to HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State), which is one of the constraints of REST. It defines HATEOAS as using hypermedia links in responses to drive application state, rather than through out-of-band information. Popular web APIs often violate HATEOAS by not including these links, unlike web user interfaces which adhere to it. While including links in API responses may be helpful for developers, it does not truly implement HATEOAS unless the links drive the client application state at runtime, rather than the developer deciding application flow. A true HATEOAS client would handle generic RESTful APIs similar to how a feed reader handles synd

rest designhateousapi design
40% of Fortune 100 
Typical use-cases are 
ERPs, Financial and Intranet/Extranet 
services i.e. Business Applications
But but, what is a 
good framework for 
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014

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Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web AppsProgressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps

Presented at Web Unleashed 2017 More info at Overview Most people feel a lot less restricted to open up a browser in lieu of installing a mobile app. The convenience, security and simplicity of just typing a URL into an address bar is a powerful advantage of the web, and Progressive Web Apps (PWA) combine this with the feel of native applications. In short, PWAs are applications that use modern web capabilities to provide a user experience similar to that of mobile and native apps. This presentation will go over how you can add a number of progressive aspects to your application including faster load times, offline support and the ability to install to your mobile home screen. Objective Explain the concept of Progressive Web Apps, how to build one and how to improve apps built with React, Angular or any other framework without adding too much complexity. Target Audience Front-end developers Assumed Audience Knowledge Some understanding of building web applications with a JavaScript framework or library Five Things Audience Members Will Learn What exactly is a Progressive Web App How to use Lighthouse to test and improve your webpage Improve app loading times with a Service Worker App Shell Use a App Shell + Dynamic Content model to allow for offline support Add a web app manifest file to allow for installing an app to a mobile home screen

web application frameworksweb application developmentweb development
ASP.NET AJAX with Visual Studio 2008
ASP.NET AJAX with Visual Studio 2008ASP.NET AJAX with Visual Studio 2008
ASP.NET AJAX with Visual Studio 2008

This document provides an overview of ASP.NET AJAX with Visual Studio 2008, including: 1) Benefits of using ASP.NET AJAX such as asynchronous JavaScript calls that reduce page loads and improve the user experience. 2) Key concepts of ASP.NET AJAX including UpdatePanels, triggers, and client-side JavaScript libraries. 3) Differences between client-centric and server-centric programming models in ASP.NET AJAX.

Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEM
Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEMBuild single page applications using AngularJS on AEM
Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEM

The document discusses building single page applications using AngularJS on Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). It provides an overview of what single page applications are and their pros and cons. It then details the technical reasons for choosing to build an SPA, including creating a native-like user experience on all devices and making the application search and social friendly. The document outlines the proof of concept built, which combines Sling with AngularJS on AEM. It describes the base page component used and how it conditionally includes full pages or just content partials. The routing and use of AngularJS to control navigation between views is also summarized.

Long life cycle 
Short life cycle
JSF Vaadin 
Long life cycle 
Short life cycle 
HTML5 & 
JS frameworks
> [] + []; 
> [] + {}; 
> [object Object] 
> {} + []; 
> 0 
> {} + {}; 
> NaN 
> NaN == NaN; 
> false 
> typeof NaN; 
> number 
> var foo = [0]; 
> foo == !foo; 
> true

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Progressive Web Apps: o melhor da Web appficada
Progressive Web Apps: o melhor da Web appficadaProgressive Web Apps: o melhor da Web appficada
Progressive Web Apps: o melhor da Web appficada

Slides da palestra de Sérgio Lopes na RubyConf Brazil. Site de exemplo:

progressive web appsmobilewebdev
API Technical Writing
API Technical WritingAPI Technical Writing
API Technical Writing

This document provides an introduction to API technical writing. It begins with definitions of APIs and their role in software development. It then discusses different types of APIs and provides demonstrations of JavaScript and REST APIs. The document outlines key components of API documentation and provides examples. It also discusses how API technical writers work with engineering teams and how to get started in the field.

PrimeTime JSF with PrimeFaces - Dec 2014
PrimeTime JSF with PrimeFaces - Dec 2014PrimeTime JSF with PrimeFaces - Dec 2014
PrimeTime JSF with PrimeFaces - Dec 2014

This document provides an overview of PrimeFaces, an open source JavaServer Faces (JSF) component library. It describes key features like being lightweight, easy to use, supporting Ajax, client-side validation, themes, and mobile. It also discusses the community, documentation, books, and commercial support options available for PrimeFaces.

Lessons learned so far 
1. How to make a happy Finn 
2. A good Java dev understands where “a framework” is good at 
3. You don’t want to maintain a lot of raw JavaScript
Building blocks
Optimized sideClient-Productivity 
Optimized for 
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014

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Primefaces Confess 2012
Primefaces Confess 2012Primefaces Confess 2012
Primefaces Confess 2012

This document provides information about Çagatay Çivici and PrimeFaces. Çagatay Çivici is a JSF expert group member and lead of PrimeFaces. PrimeFaces is an open source Java server faces component library developed by PrimeTeknoloji, where Çagatay is a co-founder. The document outlines features of PrimeFaces like being lightweight, easy to use, supporting over 100 UI components, and advanced Ajax capabilities.

primefaces jsf
Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEM
Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEMBuild single page applications using AngularJS on AEM
Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEM

Presented at CONNECT Web Experience '15 Basel June 25. How the Adobe on Adobe team used AngularJS and AEM to build out a single page application site. One of the main goals with this proof of concept project was that the pattern had to be super simple to develop in. It had to be JSP free. It had to function smoothly on everything from a mobile device to a desktop and everything in between. The site also needed to be SEO friendly. Follow along to see the process and the challenges.


This document provides an overview of the server-side and client-side architecture of Vaadin applications. It discusses the Vaadin development toolchain and process, runtime architecture, use of Java servlets for web applications, the client-side engine, class diagrams for button click listeners and UI components, field component interfaces and relationships, and the integration of client-side widgets.

6/7 8 
IE 6/7 Safari Opera IE 8 
6/7 8 
14% 18% 36% 54% 
3.5 Browsers to support in 2012 
3.5 Browsers to support in 2012 
IE 6/7 Safari Opera IE 8 
14% 18% 36% 54% 
Since gwt is used extensively 
in the enterprise, this may 
explain why tablets are more 
popular than support for 
What kind of devices does your app support? 
Browsers developers expect to support in 2013 
9 10 
IE 9 IE 10 Firefox 
79% 80% 94% 94% 
Browsers developers expect to support in 2013 
9 10 
IE 9 IE 10 Firefox 
79% 80% 94% 94% 
app support? 
“Since gwt is used extensively 
in the enterprise, this explain why tablets are popular than support for 
“Daniel iPad 
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014

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Bridging the Gap: Single-Page Apps and AEM
Bridging the Gap: Single-Page Apps and AEMBridging the Gap: Single-Page Apps and AEM
Bridging the Gap: Single-Page Apps and AEM

Presented at adaptTo() 2015 in Berlin. Single-page apps (SPA) have reached critical mass, widely regarded as the most effective pattern for building seamless experiences with web technology. This session will dive into bringing this paradigm to an AEM instance near you - including tips and tricks for leveraging AngularJS to optimize your SPA development, and examples of bringing your content to the app store with Adobe’s PhoneGap.

Usability in the GeoWeb
Usability in the GeoWebUsability in the GeoWeb
Usability in the GeoWeb

This document discusses how web design firms can compete with internal GIS teams by providing web-based GIS (WebGIS) applications. It notes that WebGIS requires learning new tools like JavaScript, AJAX, and RESTful services. To protect their work, internal GIS teams need to learn these new web technologies and prioritize usability over features to create responsive applications. The document advocates for an iterative development process with a focus on performance and usability testing.

Azure and web sites hackaton deck
Azure and web sites hackaton deckAzure and web sites hackaton deck
Azure and web sites hackaton deck

This document discusses cloud computing and Microsoft Azure. It provides an overview of what a cloud is and statistics on the growth of cloud adoption over time. It then discusses Microsoft Azure's global presence and growth metrics. Examples are given of companies using Azure, including their objectives, tactics and results. Key features of Azure Websites are outlined. Traffic Manager and its use for load balancing and disaster recovery are explained. Finally, some tasks for a hackathon on Azure are proposed.

Web app layers 
required required optional optional optional 
required required optional 
required required 
required required 
required required 
java to 
Web app layers 
required required optional optional optional 
required required optional 
required required 
required required 
required required 
java to 
1 layer 
3 layers 
-50% lines of code 
-50% dev. time 
-50% maintenance
How does it work, 
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014

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Oracle fusion middleware 11g build applications with adf
Oracle fusion middleware 11g build applications with adfOracle fusion middleware 11g build applications with adf
Oracle fusion middleware 11g build applications with adf oracle adf online training. contact us: or call us: +919052666559 oracle adf technologies like oracle adf suite, oracle adf bpel online training,oracle adf 11g online training, oracle adf admin online training,oracle adf bpm training,oracle adf developer training,oracle fusion adf training . real time Oracle scm online training by industrail experts for details call:+919052666559 hands on training on oracle online TRAINING. Getting Started with Oracle ADF Getting Started with Oracle ADF Why Oracle ADF? Oracle ADF architecture Developing with ADF Your first Fusion web application Introduction to ADF Business Components Business service layer Overview of ADF Business Components Building a simple business service Oracle ADF Model Tester Using the ADF Model Tester to test the CRUD operations on business data Understanding the runtime behavior of ADF Business Components Introducing Entity Object Introduction Ingredients of an entity object Core features of ADF entity objects Developing entity objects Developing entity objects

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• Initial HTML 
• CSS (theme) 
• Images 
• JavaScript 
1.2M total 
• name=”Joonas” 
• button clicked 
261 bytes
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
• name=”Joonas” 
• button clicked 
261 bytes 
• Add notification 
267 bytes

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The Cool stuff that 
make you look good
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014

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Best oracle adf online training institute india
Best oracle adf online training institute indiaBest oracle adf online training institute india
Best oracle adf online training institute india oracle adf online training. contact us: or call us: +919052666559 oracle adf technologies like oracle adf suite, oracle adf bpel online training,oracle adf 11g online training, oracle adf admin online training,oracle adf bpm training,oracle adf developer training,oracle fusion adf training . real time Oracle scm online training by industrail experts for details call:+919052666559 hands on training on oracle online TRAINING. Getting Started with Oracle ADF Getting Started with Oracle ADF Why Oracle ADF? Oracle ADF architecture Developing with ADF Your first Fusion web application Introduction to ADF Business Components Business service layer Overview of ADF Business Components Building a simple business service Oracle ADF Model Tester Using the ADF Model Tester to test the CRUD operations on business data Understanding the runtime behavior of ADF Business Components Introducing Entity Object Introduction Ingredients of an entity object Core features of ADF entity objects Developing entity objects Developing entity objects

AWS Summit 2015 Tokyo Breakout: Global Large Scale Cloud Design and Cloud Nat...
AWS Summit 2015 Tokyo Breakout: Global Large Scale Cloud Design and Cloud Nat...AWS Summit 2015 Tokyo Breakout: Global Large Scale Cloud Design and Cloud Nat...
AWS Summit 2015 Tokyo Breakout: Global Large Scale Cloud Design and Cloud Nat...

This is a presentation shared from Fast Retailing Co., Ltd. in one of Breakout sessions in AWS Summit Tokyo 2015, talking about how we use AWS, what's the best way to design system on Cloud comparing the best practices on-premises. In addition to the topic about global network design to distribute all of our system to our global customers as well as employees/store staffs.

fast retailingcloudaws
Real-time data with a VaadinDrone in Bluemix at IBM InterConnect 2015
Real-time data with a VaadinDrone in Bluemix at IBM InterConnect 2015Real-time data with a VaadinDrone in Bluemix at IBM InterConnect 2015
Real-time data with a VaadinDrone in Bluemix at IBM InterConnect 2015

Flying an AR.Drone2.0 through a Java API and sending events through MQTT through Apache Paho to Bluemix cloud's IoT Foundation and visualizing the data in a Vaadin web UI that let's you control the drone bi-directionally through MQTT. Lots of buzzwords but even more to the point with backflip drones and two clowns on stage.

dronereal-time datacloud
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Syntactically Awesome 
Variables & functions

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Supero Technology LLC and UBN Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. are IT companies that provide various software solutions and services. UBN was founded in 2011 and has over 80 employees with experience in multiple technologies and platforms. The companies serve over 25 clients across various locations in the US and India. They offer solutions including enterprise mobility, Salesforce CRM, data warehousing, and more across numerous technology areas such as mobile, Java, Microsoft, and open source.

Dreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile design
Dreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile designDreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile design
Dreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile design

A session talk for #NAGW2012 on: Mobile app, choices Dreamweaver’s place Creating Mobile Design (actual design, not code) Other helpful Adobe tools to create HTML/CSS jQuery Mobile in DW PhoneGap Build in DW

Performance Measurement and Monitoring for Salesforce Web & Mobile Apps
Performance Measurement and Monitoring for Salesforce Web & Mobile AppsPerformance Measurement and Monitoring for Salesforce Web & Mobile Apps
Performance Measurement and Monitoring for Salesforce Web & Mobile Apps

This document discusses performance measurement and monitoring for Salesforce web and mobile apps. It introduces key concepts in understanding web and mobile performance such as waterfall charts and metrics. Tools for measuring performance are presented, including Lighthouse, a proprietary Salesforce tool. Recommendations are provided for optimizing web and mobile performance through techniques like reducing network requests, caching, and minimizing payload sizes.

Selector Inheritance
Server-side component 
Client-side components 
with GWT 
Client-side JS 
Custom themes
470 add-ons 

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How to Monitor Your Java & .NET Applications with eG Enterprise
How to Monitor Your Java & .NET Applications with eG EnterpriseHow to Monitor Your Java & .NET Applications with eG Enterprise
How to Monitor Your Java & .NET Applications with eG Enterprise

Troubleshooting application problems is never easy. There’s always a blame game going on between App Dev, IT Ops and DevOps teams to decide where an application problem originated and who owns it. There could be a code-level issue in the application, a long-running query can slow application processing, slow third-party calls are another common problem in the application framework. In the latest update of our IT monitoring solution, eG Enterprise version 6.3, we’ve introduced new application performance monitoring (APM) capabilities to deliver code-level and query-level visibility for Java and .NET environments. Join this session and learn how the new capabilities will help you extend performance monitoring to solve more complex IT problems. Key topics to be covered in the webinar: Real User Monitoring: Track user experience issues in real time Business Transaction Tracing: Analyze application transactions and identify code-level issues Converged App & Infra Monitoring: Get correlated insight to pinpoint the root cause of problems: Network? Database? Virtualization? App code?

apmapplication performance monitoringjava
Build (Web)VR with A-Frame (COSCUP 2019 Taipei)
Build (Web)VR with A-Frame (COSCUP 2019 Taipei)Build (Web)VR with A-Frame (COSCUP 2019 Taipei)
Build (Web)VR with A-Frame (COSCUP 2019 Taipei)

This document provides an overview and introduction to building virtual reality (VR) experiences using WebVR and the A-Frame framework. It discusses: - What WebVR is and how it allows creating VR tools, standards, and experiences for the open web. - What A-Frame is and its features for building VR scenes in HTML such as being easy to learn, cross-platform support, performance optimizations, and a visual inspector. - Examples of VR experiences that have been built with A-Frame, Mozilla's work in mixed reality and VR including Firefox Reality, Spoke for creating 3D environments, and Unity WebVR assets.

Introduction to Web application development with Vaadin 7.1 - Tzukanov
Introduction to Web application development with Vaadin 7.1 - TzukanovIntroduction to Web application development with Vaadin 7.1 - Tzukanov
Introduction to Web application development with Vaadin 7.1 - Tzukanov

This document provides an introduction to web application development with Vaadin, a Java-based framework for building rich client web apps. It discusses what Vaadin is, why it was created, and how to get started using it. Key points include that Vaadin allows building UIs with rich Java components that work across devices, has a client-server architecture with the UI running on the server, and embraces the Java programming language.

codemotion roma 2014michael tzukanovvaadin 7.1
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014

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Vaadin codemotion2014rome
Vaadin codemotion2014romeVaadin codemotion2014rome
Vaadin codemotion2014rome

This document provides an introduction to web application development with Vaadin, a Java-based framework for building rich client web apps. It discusses what Vaadin is, why it was created, and how to get started using it. Key points include that Vaadin allows building UIs with rich Java components that work across devices, has a client-server architecture with the UI running on the server, and embraces the Java programming language.

20 Tips for High Performance Responsive Design that the Pros Won’t Tell You
20 Tips for High Performance Responsive Design that the Pros Won’t Tell You20 Tips for High Performance Responsive Design that the Pros Won’t Tell You
20 Tips for High Performance Responsive Design that the Pros Won’t Tell You

This document provides 20 tips for achieving high performance responsive design. Some of the key tips include preferring CSS and fonts over images to reduce file sizes, optimizing images, enhancing touch operations, using lazy loading, employing a content delivery network, validating code, and setting page load speed goals. It also recommends being selective with content, planning the technology approach, getting expert training, designing mobile first or simultaneously across devices, and setting up analytics by breakpoint. The tips are aimed at improving page loading speeds, reducing file sizes, and creating an optimized experience across devices.

responsive design5th fingermobile site
Real World SharePoint Framework and Azure Services
Real World SharePoint Framework and Azure ServicesReal World SharePoint Framework and Azure Services
Real World SharePoint Framework and Azure Services

Building Solution in Office 365 requires leveraging other cloud services, such as Azure Services. For those new to SharePoint and all SharePoint veterans, building cloud ready “Full Trust” solutions for Office 365 introduces a huge paradigm shift over the traditional on-premise full-trust development model. In this session, we will look at a couple common full trust solutions and move them to Office365 and Azure. We will leverage various Azure services such as Azure Functions, Event Grids and WebJobs. See demonstrations on how event receivers become Azure Function and Event Grids, and timer jobs become Azure WebJobs. Learn about other useful Azure services for replacing full trust functionality. Don’t pass up this opportunity to learn skills and knowledge you need to build Office 365 Solutions leveraging Cloud Services Attendee Takeaways: 1. Understand how to take Full Trust solutions from On-premise to the Office365. 2. Learn how to use Azure Functions, Event Grids, WebJobs and several other Azure Services. 3. See demonstrations of a couple common Full Trust Solutions converted to cloud solutions on Office365 and Azure.

sharepoint frameworkazure servicesazure functions
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Client-side Server-side 
Use for 
• Offline! 
• Low latency interaction! 
• Maximum scalability 
Use for 
• Most places ( - 50% cost )! 
• High security! 
• Utilizing full Java platform 
Benefits of the both sides, but adds complexity
Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
Try the demo at

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Idc mobility event - Compuware slides
Idc mobility event - Compuware slidesIdc mobility event - Compuware slides
Idc mobility event - Compuware slides

This document discusses how enterprise applications need to be prepared for the growing mobile user base. It provides tips for organizations, including adopting the end user's perspective, ensuring services can be accessed 24/7 from any device, and using a "one web" approach to application performance management that treats all devices and browsers equally. The document also stresses the importance of meeting and exceeding user expectations around performance and satisfaction to drive adoption of mobile apps and websites.

mobile application developmentmobile device
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introduction of Ansys software and basic and advance knowledge of modelling s...
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introduction of Ansys software and basic and advance knowledge of modelling s...

Ansys Mechanical enables you to solve complex structural engineering problems and make better, faster design decisions. With the finite element analysis (FEA) solvers available in the suite, you can customize and automate solutions for your structural mechanics problems and parameterize them to analyze multiple design scenarios. Ansys Mechanical is a dynamic tool that has a complete range of analysis tools.

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Ported to Cloud with Wing_ Blue ZnZone app from _Hexagonal Architecture Expla...
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Presentation to Wing wing community. Porting "Blue Zone" application featured in the "Hexagonal Architecture Explained" book.

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React vs Next js: Which is Better for Web Development? - Semiosis Software Pr...React vs Next js: Which is Better for Web Development? - Semiosis Software Pr...
React vs Next js: Which is Better for Web Development? - Semiosis Software Pr...

React and Next.js are complementary tools in web development. React, a JavaScript library, specializes in building user interfaces with its component-based architecture and efficient state management. Next.js extends React by providing server-side rendering, routing, and other utilities, making it ideal for building SEO-friendly, high-performance web applications.

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Your project needs and long-term objectives will ultimately choose which of React Native and Flutter to use. For applications using JavaScript and current web technologies in particular, React Native is a mature and trustworthy choice. For projects that value performance and customizability across many platforms, Flutter, on the other hand, provides outstanding performance and a unified UI development experience.

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Mindfire Solutions specializes in DevOps services, facilitating digital transformation through streamlined software development and operational efficiency. Their expertise enhances collaboration, accelerates delivery cycles, and ensures scalability using cloud-native technologies. Mindfire Solutions empowers businesses to innovate rapidly and maintain competitive advantage in dynamic market landscapes.

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Discover the fascinating world of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology with our comprehensive presentation. Learn how OCR converts various types of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDFs, or images captured by a digital camera, into editable and searchable data. Dive into the history, modern applications, and future trends of OCR technology. Get step-by-step instructions on how to extract text from any image online for free using a simple tool, along with best practices for OCR image preparation. Ideal for professionals, students, and tech enthusiasts looking to harness the power of OCR.

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Enhance the top 9 user pain points with effective visual design elements to improve user experience & satisfaction. Learn the best design strategies

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Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014
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A robust software testing strategy encompassing functional and non-functional testing is fundamental for development teams. These twin pillars are essential for ensuring the success of your applications. But why are they so critical? Functional testing rigorously examines the application's processes against predefined requirements, ensuring they align seamlessly. Conversely, non-functional testing evaluates performance and reliability under load, enhancing the end-user experience.

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Explore the rapid development journey of TryBoxLang, completed in just 48 hours. This session delves into the innovative process behind creating TryBoxLang, a platform designed to showcase the capabilities of BoxLang by Ortus Solutions. Discover the challenges, strategies, and outcomes of this accelerated development effort, highlighting how TryBoxLang provides a practical introduction to BoxLang's features and benefits.

Break data silos with real-time connectivity using Confluent Cloud Connectors
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Break data silos with real-time connectivity using Confluent Cloud Connectors

Connectors integrate Apache Kafka® with external data systems, enabling you to move away from a brittle spaghetti architecture to one that is more streamlined, secure, and future-proof. However, if your team still spends multiple dev cycles building and managing connectors using just open source Kafka Connect, it’s time to consider a faster and cost-effective alternative.

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Lessons learned today 
1. Finns smile always 
2. Vaadin is good for web apps, brings you great productivity 
3. Vaadin tries to keep Java guys out of trouble 
4. If I catch you building your home pages with Vaadin I’ll 
take you behind the sauna (a not-so-fun Finnish tradition)

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Are you wondering how to migrate to the Cloud? At the ITB session, we addressed the challenge of managing multiple ColdFusion licenses and AWS EC2 instances. Discover how you can consolidate with just one EC2 instance capable of running over 50 apps using CommandBox ColdFusion. This solution supports both ColdFusion flavors and includes cb-websites, a GoLang binary for managing CommandBox websites.

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Unlock the full potential of mobile monitoring with ONEMONITAR. Our advanced and discreet app offers a comprehensive suite of features, including hidden call recording, real-time GPS tracking, message monitoring, and much more. Perfect for parents, employers, and anyone needing a reliable solution, ONEMONITAR ensures you stay informed and in control. Explore the key features of ONEMONITAR and see why it’s the trusted choice for Android device monitoring. Share this infographic to spread the word about the ultimate mobile spy app!

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Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin: Coding Serbia 2014

  • 1. Rock Your Web Apps with Vaadin Coding Serbia Ville Ingman, Vaadin Ltd
  • 5. Our Mission Make building amazing web applications easy
  • 8. very active there > 100.000 developers from > 6.000 cities > 470 add-ons in the marketplace Other Asia 4 % 20 % Americas 22 % Europe 54 % Vaadin Ecosystem Apache-licensed
  • 9. 40% of Fortune 100 Typical use-cases are ERPs, Financial and Intranet/Extranet services i.e. Business Applications
  • 10. But but, what is a good framework for me?
  • 13. Data centric Web application Content centric Web site Long life cycle ABSTRACTION LEVEL LOW HIGH Short life cycle
  • 14. JSF Vaadin frameworks Data centric Web application Content centric Web site Long life cycle Short life cycle HTML5 & JS frameworks
  • 15. > [] + []; > > [] + {}; > [object Object] > {} + []; > 0 > {} + {}; > NaN > NaN == NaN; > false > typeof NaN; > number > var foo = [0]; > foo == !foo; > true
  • 16.
  • 17. Lessons learned so far 1. How to make a happy Finn 2. A good Java dev understands where “a framework” is good at 3. You don’t want to maintain a lot of raw JavaScript
  • 19. for Optimized sideClient-Productivity Optimized for Server- Control
  • 21. Tablets 6/7 8 IE 6/7 Safari Opera IE 8 6/7 8 14% 18% 36% 54% 98.1% 3.5 Browsers to support in 2012 3.5 Browsers to support in 2012 IE 6/7 Safari Opera IE 8 14% 18% 36% 54% Since gwt is used extensively in the enterprise, this may explain why tablets are more popular than support for phones” Phones + + What kind of devices does your app support? 36.1% Desktop browsers Browsers developers expect to support in 2013 Chrome 9 10 IE 9 IE 10 Firefox 79% 80% 94% 94% Browsers developers expect to support in 2013 Chrome 9 10 IE 9 IE 10 Firefox 79% 80% 94% 94% app support? 98.1% Phones 25.7% 36.1% Others 2.1% “Since gwt is used extensively in the enterprise, this explain why tablets are popular than support for phones” Daniel iPhone Android WP 25.7% 36.1% Tablets “Daniel iPad Android Windows
  • 25. Web app layers required required optional optional optional Vaadin required required optional GWT required required required required JS required required backend! server web! server communication java to javascript javascript
  • 26. Web app layers required required optional optional optional Vaadin required required optional GWT required required required required JS required required backend! server web! server communication java to javascript javascript 1 layer vs 3 layers -50% lines of code -50% dev. time -50% maintenance
  • 27. How does it work, really?
  • 29. • Initial HTML • CSS (theme) • Images • JavaScript ! 1.2M total 307k compress 135k reduced widgetset
  • 30. • name=”Joonas” • button clicked ! 261 bytes
  • 32. • name=”Joonas” • button clicked ! 261 bytes • Add notification ! 267 bytes
  • 33. The Cool stuff that make you look good
  • 43. Extendability: Add-ons! Server-side component compositions Client-side components with GWT Client-side JS components Custom themes
  • 50. Client-side Server-side Use for • Offline! • Low latency interaction! • Maximum scalability Use for • Most places ( - 50% cost )! • High security! • Utilizing full Java platform Hybrid Benefits of the both sides, but adds complexity
  • 52. Try the demo at
  • 53. Try the demo at
  • 54. Try the demo at
  • 55. Try the demo at
  • 56. Try the demo at
  • 57. Try the demo at
  • 58. Try the demo at
  • 59. Try the demo at
  • 60. Try the demo at
  • 61. Try the demo at
  • 62. Try the demo at
  • 63. Try the demo at
  • 64. Try the demo at
  • 65. Try the demo at
  • 66. Try the demo at
  • 67. Try the demo at
  • 68. Built-in Server @Push Atmosphere: WebSockets, HTTPStreaming, Long polling
  • 71. Eclipse Download plugin from Marketplace
  • 73. Netbeans Download plugin Netbeans Plugin Portal
  • 74. mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId= com.vaadin -DarchetypeArtifactId= vaadin-archetype-application -DarchetypeVersion= 7.1.7 Maven
  • 75. Download for Free ISBN 978-952-93-1970-1 9789529319701 728 pages PDF, ePub, HTML
  • 76. Lessons learned today 1. Finns smile always 2. Vaadin is good for web apps, brings you great productivity 3. Vaadin tries to keep Java guys out of trouble 4. If I catch you building your home pages with Vaadin I’ll take you behind the sauna (a not-so-fun Finnish tradition)