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Real World Scala hAkking

  Raymond Roestenburg
About me

•   Java since 1997
•   Scala since 2010
•   Mostly backend systems
•   Lead architect Traffic Management at CSC
•   Akka committer

twtr: @RayRoestenburg
Company I work for

             Traffic Management
             • Section Control
             • Weigh in Motion
             • Traffic Information
             • Traffic Enforcement

•   @MIGO-BORAS sensordomain
•   Sensor networks
•   Typesafe stack
•   Akka Actors
•   Apache Camel Integration
•   Remote Actors
•   Monitoring
•   Testing
•   Deployment

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Akka Fundamentals
Akka FundamentalsAkka Fundamentals
Akka Fundamentals

This document provides an overview of Akka fundamentals including: - The actor model which uses message passing between encapsulated state and behavior units to achieve concurrency - The Akka actor API for building fault tolerant distributed applications in Scala and Java - Fault tolerance techniques in Akka like supervision which allows actors to monitor and respond to failures of child actors - Routing which provides abstractions for distributing messages to multiple receiver actors

actor modelakkascala
Reactive Streams - László van den Hoek
Reactive Streams - László van den HoekReactive Streams - László van den Hoek
Reactive Streams - László van den Hoek

This document provides an overview of reactive programming concepts including Reactive Streams and implementations like Akka and Akka Streams. It discusses: - Non-blocking processing with asynchronous event loops and back pressure to prevent OutOfMemoryErrors. - Use cases for Reactive Streams like managing uneven producer/consumer rates, ordering requirements, and efficient resource usage. - Key aspects of Reactive Streams including the Publisher, Subscriber, and Subscription interfaces. - How Akka implements the actor model for building concurrent, distributed applications and provides features like ordered message delivery, location transparency, and high-level components. - How Akka Streams implements Reactive Streams for building data pipelines

reactive streams
Multi-threading in the modern era: Vertx Akka and Quasar
Multi-threading in the modern era: Vertx Akka and QuasarMulti-threading in the modern era: Vertx Akka and Quasar
Multi-threading in the modern era: Vertx Akka and Quasar

Everybody wants scalable systems. However, writing non-blocking applications in Java is not an easy task. In this session, we'll go over 3 different frameworks for managing multi-treading and concurrency support (Akka, Vertx and Quasar).


•   Koninklijke Marechaussee
•   MTV (Mobiel Toezicht Vreemdelingen)
•   Prevent illegal border crossing
•   Sensor domain
•   Fixed locations
•   Mobile vehicles
•   Cameras, Radars
•   Vehicle properties
•   January 2012
Sensor networks

• Usable for many applications in our field
     •   Distributed along highways and provincial roads
     •   Traffic Enforcement
     •   Traffic Information
     •   Other applications
     •   Roadside systems
     •   Range of sensor types
          – Camera’s, Infrared, Laser, Piezoelectric, Loops, Mobile
            units, …
     • Remotely Configure & Control
Why Scala & Akka

• Less code, less bugs
• Less code, same VM power
• Experienced team (Java, C#, C)
     • 3 experienced Java devs
     • 1 experienced C# dev with no Java experience
• Need to interoperate with existing Java and
  C (JNA)
• Simplify development (C->Java->Scala)
• Ubuntu
Scala 2.9.x

•   Learning curve (Start with simple features)
•   Traits, Tupels, Stackable Traits
•   First Class Functions
•   Scala Collections
       • map, flatMap, partition, foreach, filter, groupBy..
• Option type
       • map.. orElse, foreach,..
• Case classes
• REPL, DSLs, Extension methods

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Zeppelin meetup 2016 madrid
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Zeppelin meetup 2016 madrid

The third session of the meetup in Apache Zeppelin in Madrid. This shows the multi-user features and so on.

apache zeppelin
Erlang factory SF 2011 "Erlang and the big switch in social games"
Erlang factory SF 2011 "Erlang and the big switch in social games"Erlang factory SF 2011 "Erlang and the big switch in social games"
Erlang factory SF 2011 "Erlang and the big switch in social games"

talk given at erlang factory 2011 about using erlang to build social games backends Watch the video of this presentation

erlang erlangfactory 2011 social games
Samza portable runner for beam
Samza portable runner for beamSamza portable runner for beam
Samza portable runner for beam

Hai Lu presented on the Samza Portable Runner for Apache Beam. The key points are: 1) The Samza Portable Runner allows stream processing to be done in multiple languages like Python by translating Beam pipelines into the Samza execution engine. 2) It provides a high-level Python SDK for building streaming applications on top of Beam's portability framework. Pipelines are translated from Python into the language-independent Beam representation. 3) Performance is improved through batching/bundling messages between the Python and Java processes to reduce round trips. Initial tests showed throughput increasing with larger bundle sizes. 4) Example use cases demonstrated near real-time image OCR, model training,

beamstream processingsamza
Typesafe Stack

• Current Stack
     • Open Source
     • SBT 0.7.7
     • Scala 2.9.0-1
     • Akka 1.1.3
     • Camel & Camel Components 2.7.0
     • Jboss Netty 3.2.4
• When we started early 2010
     • Akka 0.7, Scala 2.8.0Beta1
Akka Usage

  Actors, Remote, TestKit, Serialization,
 STM, Agents, Dataflow, Async HTTP (Mist),
 FSM, Transactors

 MicroKernel, Camel, AMQP, Scalaz,
 Spring, OSGi, DataFlow, Persistence,
Akka Actors

      ActorRef    Mailbox      Actor

Message to send


Akka Actors

    ActorRef   Mailbox      Actor



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Scaling software with akka
Scaling software with akkaScaling software with akka
Scaling software with akka

The document discusses the actor model and how it can be used to build concurrent, scalable and fault-tolerant applications. It explains that actors are the fundamental unit of computation that encapsulate processing, storage, and communication capabilities. Actors communicate asynchronously by message passing and can create new actors, send messages, and designate how to handle the next received message. This model allows software to be easily distributed and to automatically scale up and out.

Ruby on Rails All Hands Meeting
Ruby on Rails All Hands MeetingRuby on Rails All Hands Meeting
Ruby on Rails All Hands Meeting

This document provides an overview of Ruby on Rails, Apache httpd, and Oracle. It discusses why Ruby on Rails is useful for rapid prototyping, and how it can be integrated with Apache and Oracle. The document demonstrates Rails generators, routing, testing with RSpec, and security features. It also outlines how to configure Apache and link Rails to an Oracle database. The presenter provides cheat sheets for creating a sample Rails application integrated with Devise, ActiveAdmin, and a database, with minimal code required. The key takeaway is that learning is fun through experimenting with different technologies.

Getting Deep on Orchestration - Nickoloff - DockerCon16
Getting Deep on Orchestration - Nickoloff - DockerCon16Getting Deep on Orchestration - Nickoloff - DockerCon16
Getting Deep on Orchestration - Nickoloff - DockerCon16

Orchestration platforms let us work with higher level ideas like services and jobs; but there is more to a platform than scheduling and service discovery. A platform is a collection of actors and APIs that work together and provide those higher level abstractions on a distributed system. In this session we'll go deep on the architecture of open source orchestration platforms, consider scaling pains, reveal extension points, and reflect on an orchestration platform at Amazon. We'll finish with a demo of a homemade abstraction for failure injection by policy.

Akka Actors

    ActorRef   Mailbox      Actor


Akka Actors

    ActorRef   Mailbox      Actor


Akka Actors

    ActorRef   Mailbox      Actor


Akka Actors

    ActorRef   Mailbox      Actor



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Java 8 in Anger (JavaOne)
Java 8 in Anger (JavaOne)Java 8 in Anger (JavaOne)
Java 8 in Anger (JavaOne)

The document summarizes some of the key new features and changes in Java 8. It discusses the removal of the JDBC-ODBC bridge and additions to JDBC 4.2. It also mentions new classes and methods added to packages for concurrency, networking, and XML processing. Enhancements to the HotSpot VM include hardware-accelerated AES encryption. Default methods and Java Mission Control 5.3 are also noted. The latter part provides an example application using new features like lambda expressions and streams to analyze sentiment in tweets.

Introduction to Akka
Introduction to AkkaIntroduction to Akka
Introduction to Akka

In this you will learn about Akka – What is Akka, some design principles behind it, and why was it developed. So let’s begin.

akkaakka streamsakka cluster
Deploying microservices on AWS
Deploying microservices on AWSDeploying microservices on AWS
Deploying microservices on AWS

This document discusses deploying microservices on AWS. It begins by explaining what microservices are and then discusses hosting options on AWS including EC2, ECS, and Lambda. ECS is identified as the preferred option since it allows hosting containers with Docker. The document then covers deployment aspects like using source control with Git for multiple environments, building and testing code, deploying single services or entire clusters, live testing, and monitoring with alerts.

One-way messaging

Two-way with Futures
Camel Actors

• Camel Component integration
• Consumers and Producers

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FunctionalConf '16 Robert Virding Erlang Ecosystem
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FunctionalConf '16 Robert Virding Erlang Ecosystem

The document discusses the background and origins of the Erlang ecosystem. It describes how Erlang was originally developed at Ericsson to address the challenges of programming telephone switching systems, which required handling a large number of concurrent processes, distributed systems, continuous operation, and fault tolerance. It outlines the principles that guided the design of Erlang, including lightweight concurrency, asynchronous messaging, and error handling through process supervision. Finally, it discusses how the Erlang ecosystem has expanded through additional languages like Elixir and LFE that maintain Erlang's principles, as well as integrations with other languages like Lua.

erlangecosystem functional programming
Lessons learned migrating 100+ services to Kubernetes
Lessons learned migrating 100+ services to KubernetesLessons learned migrating 100+ services to Kubernetes
Lessons learned migrating 100+ services to Kubernetes

TransferWise migrated over 150 services from bare metal servers to Kubernetes in AWS over the course of a year. They developed tools and processes to automate cluster creation with Terraform, service deployment through custom manifest generation from YAML definitions, and a network mesh with Envoy to enable service-to-service communication. Some lessons learned included not exposing Kubernetes complexity, choosing the right CNI plugin, and installing node local DNS to reduce errors. Future plans include using EKS for simplified upgrades, enabling developer environments, and implementing network policies and advanced deployment pipelines.

Erlang as a cloud citizen, a fractal approach to throughput
Erlang as a cloud citizen, a fractal approach to throughputErlang as a cloud citizen, a fractal approach to throughput
Erlang as a cloud citizen, a fractal approach to throughput

Talk given at Erlang Factory San Francisco 2012 The video of this presentation is available at

Camel Consumers
Camel Producers
Camel Producers

• Use CamelContext


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Erlang factory 2011 london
Erlang factory 2011 londonErlang factory 2011 london
Erlang factory 2011 london

Slides of erlang factory 2011 London talk "Designing for performance with erlang" Video of this presentation available at

social gameserlangfactoryperformance
High performance network programming on the jvm oscon 2012
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High performance network programming on the jvm oscon 2012

This document summarizes a talk on high performance network programming on the JVM. The talk discusses choosing between synchronous and asynchronous I/O, with examples of when each approach is best. It also covers how to optimize synchronous I/O on the JVM to maximize throughput. The document provides benchmarks comparing the performance of a simple synchronous memcache client versus an asynchronous one.

Working with groups 2
Working with groups 2Working with groups 2
Working with groups 2

Presentation to the Hampton Roads Association of Environmental Educators September 15, 2011 by Debra Burrell, CVA, Volunteer Services Manager, Norfolk Botanical Garden, Norfolk VA.

group volunteersvolunteers

Camel Producers        Local Processing   Camel Consumers

     Heartbeat,                                 Remote Actors
     Long Running,
     Remote Error Handling

• Case classes
     • Simple data containers
     • toProtobuf and fromProtobuf on case class
       and companion object for remoting
• Every msg has a
     • correlation Id to the event
     • Timestamp
• Logging, Tracing, Performance
Event Process Chains

Load Balancer      EndPoint (Consumer/Producer)

Forwarding Actor
Remote Actors

• Client
     • Actor.remote.actorFor(name, host,port)
• Server
     • Actor.remote.register(name, actorRef)

• remoteActorFor: (String, String, Int) =>
  ActorRef = remote.actorFor

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Computadora precios
Computadora preciosComputadora precios
Computadora precios

El documento lista precios y especificaciones de varios componentes de computadora como procesadores, memorias, discos duros, tarjetas de video, unidades ópticas, cajas, fuentes de poder, teclados, mouse y sistemas operativos.

Inleefreis Zambia
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Inleefreis Zambia
Akka tips
Akka tipsAkka tips
Akka tips

Hakking tips 'n tricks: practical patterns, tips and tricks working with Akka actors!

Remote Actors Internals

   •   RemoteActorRef                    • RemoteServer
   •   RemoteClient                      • Netty Server
   •   Netty Channels                    • Lifecycle Event
   •   Serialization (Scala,               listeners
       Java, (S)JSON, ProtoBuf           • RemoteProtocol

RemoteActorRef RemoteProtocol ActorRef       Mailbox    Actor

          RemoteClient    RemoteServer
Remote Actors (Akka 1.1.3)

•   JBoss Netty (Channels)
•   Not as transparent as you would like
•   Remote Lifecycle Listeners
•   Closing sockets, reconnect
•   Own Guaranteed Delivery implementation
     – Specific requirements
     – Bases on Idempotent Receiver and Repeating
       messages after reconnect
     – Non-Trivial
     – Heartbeats
     – Exp Backoff
Remote configuration

•   #compression-scheme = "zlib“ #leave out
•   zlib-compression-level = 0
•   client: reconnection-time-window = 2000000
•   client: read-timeout (we use 60)
•   backlog = 4096 # Netty backlog for
    connections, should suffice, increase if
    failures happen

• Application level monitoring
• Listener Actors contain Custom JMX MBeans
• Direct passthrough of msg or translation

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Sound cloud
Sound cloudSound cloud
Sound cloud

SoundCloud allows users to upload, share and record songs for free or with a paid account, and can be accessed from an iPhone. Users can sign up, upload songs, record tracks, make groups and friends, and share their music with others around the world. Many famous artists use SoundCloud as it is easy, free and fast to share their music.

Bootstrapping a Scala Mindset (Scala eXchange 2014)
Bootstrapping a Scala Mindset (Scala eXchange 2014)Bootstrapping a Scala Mindset (Scala eXchange 2014)
Bootstrapping a Scala Mindset (Scala eXchange 2014)

Watch the video of me presenting this at Scala Exchange 2014 : The aim of this session was to map out the key stages involved in moving productively from a Java to a Scala mindset. As Scala gains increasing traction in OO developer communities, more and more Java developers are in the progress of making the move from being Imperative-comfortable to FP-fluent. Many are lured by the terser syntax, others by the promise of powerful high-level constructs, and more still by the thrill of challenging themselves and learning something almost entirely new to them. The problem however, is that for many their initial enthusiasm soon wears off and the realization of how much a mind-shift this really is sinks in. In this session I discussed in some detail the key steps along a path which via much trial-and-error, has proved for me to be effective in undertaking this transition. We began at the base-camp of understanding (Java-concepts to let go of, the initially-unfamiliar syntax, the equally-unfamiliar maths idiom) and from there up into the lower foothills (the basics of the type system, infix notation, ""everything is an expression"" and referential transparency) before progressing on to the lower peaks of the language (Pattern-matching with case classes and partial functions) and ending at one significant Monadic taster (Option, map/flatMap and the for-comprehension). For maximum benefit I also pointed out the pain points I encountered, techniques and resources I used to overcome these, and we ended by mentioning next steps and further inroads into the language.

scala java learning lessonslearned
Manual camara panasonic
Manual camara panasonicManual camara panasonic
Manual camara panasonic

This document provides operating instructions for a digital video camera. It contains safety information, descriptions of camera parts and their functions, instructions for using modes like recording, playback and editing, and specifications. Functions covered include recording, playback controls, menu settings, self-timer, zoom, autofocus, white balance and more. Users are advised to read the manual fully before use and handle the camera carefully.

camara panasonic
Testing with TestKit
Testing one-way Actor Output
Microkernel deployment

• sbt dist (akka-sbt-plugin)
• Creates dist directory
• init.d scripts

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The Trouble with Naming
The Trouble with NamingThe Trouble with Naming
The Trouble with Naming

A lightning talk first presented at the 9th annual (2014) Java Posse Roundup in Crested Butte Colorado

Turning a Crisis into a Drama
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Turning a Crisis into a Drama

This document discusses turning a crisis into unnecessary drama and offers sarcastic advice on how to make the situation worse. It recommends crowding around anyone typing, keeping information to yourself by relying on rumors and gossip instead of facts, working incredibly long hours while simultaneously changing many things and introducing new problems, and placing religious-level belief in selective statistics rather than considering all available data. The overall tone is critical of exaggerating crises and problems through panic, lack of communication, unreasonable actions, and ignoring evidence.

Five Whys - Devoxx UK 2014
Five Whys - Devoxx UK 2014Five Whys - Devoxx UK 2014
Five Whys - Devoxx UK 2014

The presentation I gave at Devoxx UK 2014, subtitled "Counter-Intuitive Solutions to (All-Too-Common) Problems

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Real world Scala hAkking NLJUG JFall 2011

  • 1. Real World Scala hAkking Raymond Roestenburg
  • 2. About me • Java since 1997 • Scala since 2010 • Mostly backend systems • Lead architect Traffic Management at CSC • Akka committer code: blog: twtr: @RayRoestenburg
  • 3. Company I work for Traffic Management • Section Control • Weigh in Motion • Traffic Information • Traffic Enforcement
  • 4. Agenda • @MIGO-BORAS sensordomain • Sensor networks • Typesafe stack • Akka Actors • Apache Camel Integration • Remote Actors • Monitoring • Testing • Deployment
  • 5. @MIGO-BORAS • Koninklijke Marechaussee • MTV (Mobiel Toezicht Vreemdelingen) • Prevent illegal border crossing • Sensor domain • Fixed locations • Mobile vehicles • Cameras, Radars • Vehicle properties • January 2012
  • 6. Sensor networks • Usable for many applications in our field • Distributed along highways and provincial roads • Traffic Enforcement • Traffic Information • Other applications • Roadside systems • Range of sensor types – Camera’s, Infrared, Laser, Piezoelectric, Loops, Mobile units, … • Remotely Configure & Control
  • 7. Why Scala & Akka • Less code, less bugs • Less code, same VM power • Experienced team (Java, C#, C) • 3 experienced Java devs • 1 experienced C# dev with no Java experience • Need to interoperate with existing Java and C (JNA) • Simplify development (C->Java->Scala) • Ubuntu
  • 8. Scala 2.9.x • Learning curve (Start with simple features) • Traits, Tupels, Stackable Traits • First Class Functions • Scala Collections • map, flatMap, partition, foreach, filter, groupBy.. • Option type • map.. orElse, foreach,.. • Case classes • REPL, DSLs, Extension methods
  • 9. Typesafe Stack • Current Stack • Open Source • SBT 0.7.7 • Scala 2.9.0-1 • Akka 1.1.3 • Camel & Camel Components 2.7.0 (FTP,Mina,Jetty,…) • Jboss Netty 3.2.4 • When we started early 2010 • Akka 0.7, Scala 2.8.0Beta1
  • 10. Akka Usage Core Actors, Remote, TestKit, Serialization, STM, Agents, Dataflow, Async HTTP (Mist), FSM, Transactors Modules MicroKernel, Camel, AMQP, Scalaz, Spring, OSGi, DataFlow, Persistence,
  • 11. Akka Actors ActorRef Mailbox Actor Message to send Dispatcher Threads
  • 12. Akka Actors ActorRef Mailbox Actor Dispatcher Threads
  • 13. Akka Actors ActorRef Mailbox Actor Dispatcher Threads
  • 14. Akka Actors ActorRef Mailbox Actor Dispatcher Threads
  • 15. Akka Actors ActorRef Mailbox Actor Dispatcher Threads
  • 16. Akka Actors ActorRef Mailbox Actor Dispatcher Threads
  • 17. One-way messaging Shared Dispatcher
  • 20. Camel Actors • Camel Component integration • Consumers and Producers
  • 23. Camel Producers • Use CamelContext
  • 25. Dispatchers Camel Producers Local Processing Camel Consumers Heartbeat, Remote Actors Cleanup, Schedule, Long Running, Redelivery, Remote Error Handling
  • 26. Messages • Case classes • Simple data containers • toProtobuf and fromProtobuf on case class and companion object for remoting • Every msg has a • correlation Id to the event • Timestamp • Logging, Tracing, Performance
  • 27. Event Process Chains Load Balancer EndPoint (Consumer/Producer) Forwarding Actor
  • 28. Remote Actors • Client • Actor.remote.actorFor(name, host,port) • Server • Actor.remote.register(name, actorRef) • remoteActorFor: (String, String, Int) => ActorRef = remote.actorFor
  • 29. Remote Actors Internals • RemoteActorRef • RemoteServer • RemoteClient • Netty Server • Netty Channels • Lifecycle Event • Serialization (Scala, listeners Java, (S)JSON, ProtoBuf • RemoteProtocol RemoteActorRef RemoteProtocol ActorRef Mailbox Actor RemoteClient RemoteServer
  • 30. Remote Actors (Akka 1.1.3) • JBoss Netty (Channels) • Not as transparent as you would like • Remote Lifecycle Listeners • Closing sockets, reconnect • Own Guaranteed Delivery implementation – Specific requirements – Bases on Idempotent Receiver and Repeating messages after reconnect – Non-Trivial – Heartbeats – Exp Backoff
  • 31. Remote configuration • #compression-scheme = "zlib“ #leave out • zlib-compression-level = 0 • client: reconnection-time-window = 2000000 • client: read-timeout (we use 60) • backlog = 4096 # Netty backlog for connections, should suffice, increase if failures happen
  • 32. Monitoring • Application level monitoring • Listener Actors contain Custom JMX MBeans • Direct passthrough of msg or translation
  • 35. Microkernel deployment • sbt dist (akka-sbt-plugin) • Creates dist directory • init.d scripts

Editor's Notes

  1. ActorRef is an immutable reference which exclusively gives access to the Actor.Actors run on Dispatchers. A Dispatcher runs a mailbox to process messages.Amount of messages per mailbox run is configurable. (actor.throughput, default 5)
  2. One way messaging between two ActorsActors can process messages in parallel
  3. One way messaging between two ActorsActors can process messages in parallel
  4. !!! Is preferred over !!Futuresalso run onDispatchers.FutureTimeoutException happens onfuture.get. IfonlyonComplete and failure are registered, yougetnoFutureTimeoutException