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Reaching for the Stars ICT and the Future of Learning Derek Wenmoth Director, eLearning CORE Education Ltd
Looking back… 2009 is the international year of astronomy 400 years ago Gallileo first viewed space through a telescope 40 years ago Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon
Where were you? Across the world students gathered in classrooms and school halls to follows the story as it unfolded. But they didn’t watch it with a data projector.. …  or a colour TV.. …  or even a black and white TV Most listened to the whole thing on a radio!
39 years later… 2008 - The Phoenix Mars Lander successfully lands on the surface of Mars Another historic event that is likely to change the future in ways not yet imagined.

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Engaging Digital Natives - BPET Sub-Committee
Engaging Digital Natives - BPET Sub-CommitteeEngaging Digital Natives - BPET Sub-Committee
Engaging Digital Natives - BPET Sub-Committee

This document discusses the changing nature of education and literacy in the digital age. It notes that students today, known as "digital natives," have grown up with technology and process information differently than previous generations. Their brains have physically changed as a result of new technologies. The document also discusses the rise of participatory culture online and new forms of literacy, like collaboration and networking, that are important for students to learn. It argues that education must change to communicate in students' language and leverage new technologies and literacies to better engage and prepare students for the future.

Distributed Learning spaces
Distributed Learning spacesDistributed Learning spaces
Distributed Learning spaces

The document provides an overview of a presentation on distributed learning spaces in higher education. The presentation covers trends in learning spaces, a framework for designing learning environments that includes distributed learning spaces and seamless learning. It also explores seven principles of learning space design and different types of learning spaces including physical, blended, virtual, academic, outdoor and mobile spaces. The presentation schedule includes discussing personal learning spaces and the affordances of different learning environments.

learning spaces

This document discusses e-learning at Pukekohe Valley School from 2010-2012 and beyond. It highlights the importance of developing students' information gathering and processing skills in a digital age. It also acknowledges that the Ministry of Education has been working on e-learning and sees it as key to developing competencies. The document then discusses challenges of implementing e-learning including limited equipment, managing resources, online safety, and the need for innovation and risk-taking. It provides examples of e-learning tools and strategies for managing bottlenecks to help envision what e-learning could look like in classrooms.

pukekohedakinaneict pd
The Digital World Think of the communications technologies that are “taken for granted” now that weren’t around when you were at school….
New Tools Then Pen Chalkboard/ Whiteboard Banda Gestetner 16mm projector Slide shows Telephone Fax Library Now Next? Txting/Pxting Blogs/Wikis Pod/Vod-casting Data projector LMS IM/SMS Digital cameras iMovie Google Peer2peer networks Virtual reality Wearable computers Ubiquitous identity Voice recognition Agents and avitars Visualisation Miniaturisation Reusable paper Semantic web PLEs
New Tools Then Pen Chalkboard/ Whiteboard Banda Gestetner 16mm projector Slide shows Telephone Fax Library Now Next? Txting/Pxting Blogs/Wikis Pod/Vod-casting Data projector LMS IM/SMS Digital cameras iMovie Google Peer2peer networks Virtual reality Wearable computers Ubiquitous identity Voice recognition Agents and avitars Visualisation Miniaturisation Reusable paper Semantic web PLEs Analog Digital Connected Ubiquitous

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The Technological and Digital Lifeworld Teaching and Learning in the 21 Centu...
The Technological and Digital Lifeworld Teaching and Learning in the 21 Centu...The Technological and Digital Lifeworld Teaching and Learning in the 21 Centu...
The Technological and Digital Lifeworld Teaching and Learning in the 21 Centu...

The document discusses the digital and technological lifeworld of students in the 21st century. It explores how technologies like mobile phones, computers, virtual reality, robotics, and online learning platforms mediate students' experiences and shape their digital lifeworlds. These technologies are ubiquitous in students' lives both in and out of school. The document also examines how access to different technologies can impact social advantages and disadvantages, and how developing technological literacy is important for students to become creators rather than just consumers in a world increasingly embedded with technology.

Learning in a networked world
Learning in a networked worldLearning in a networked world
Learning in a networked world

My keynote presentation to the AADES conference in Melbourne 2013. Abstract: What does learning look like in a world that is increasingly networked? How can we harness the ever-increasing range of online technologies to support effective learning? What are the implications for teachers, for students, and for the wider community? And what are the implications for distance education providers as the boundaries blur between them and traditional face-to-face providers? In this keynote address Derek will explore current trends in education and how these are re-shaping how we think about schooling, teaching and the role of learners. He will provide insights into how we need to respond these questions in order to meet the challenges of learning in a networked world.

networked schoolsdistance education
Toolbelt Theory
Toolbelt TheoryToolbelt Theory
Toolbelt Theory

Toolbelt Theory, how to give every student the tools they need for success. Traverse City, 23 June 2009

New Literacies “ Don’t you think that our students need to be literate in terms of multimedia, images and sound… … or they’ll be as disadvantaged as we would have been if we’d left school without being able to read and write?”
Comment is Free Less Dickens   More Dr Kawashima What constitutes ‘text’? novels short stories plays poems comics e-mails films games TV programmes text messages blogs social networking sites

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New Literacy in the Web 2.0 World
New Literacy in the Web 2.0 WorldNew Literacy in the Web 2.0 World
New Literacy in the Web 2.0 World

The presentation discusses emerging literacies and argues that school curriculum mus tbe revised to teach students to manage information, make meaning from multimodal text and represent knowledge and information. The session also introduces an idea of social networking literacy.

Transforming learning julia atkin 2014
Transforming learning   julia atkin 2014Transforming learning   julia atkin 2014
Transforming learning julia atkin 2014

This document discusses transforming learning environments to meet the needs of modern education. It begins by looking at how education is at a crossroads, needing to either stick with traditional models or undergo radical changes. It then examines how the nature of learning has changed from pre-industrial to industrial to knowledge-based eras. Key drivers for new learning environment designs include preparing students for uncertainty and rapid change. The document advocates for settings that inspire creativity, investigation and self-expression over traditional classrooms. It provides examples of innovative learning space designs.

Online Learning in a Networked Age
Online Learning in a Networked AgeOnline Learning in a Networked Age
Online Learning in a Networked Age

Online learning is being transformed by new technologies and social connections. [1] Tools like YouTube and social media allow learning to occur anywhere and be shared widely. [2] Networks provide opportunities for inspiration, collaboration, and crowdsourcing knowledge. [3] Visible, open learning helps develop strong connections and communities for sharing ideas.

You’ll be needing this… A 5 year-old from an ICT-rich pre-school experience, says to the new entrant teacher on his first day at primary school, “ here’s my blog address - you’ll be needing this ” Reveals lots about what the child knows and understands about learning, communicating, assessment etc!
Some things will have to change… Education  in  the Future: What will our schools be like? Where will learning occur? What will be the role of teachers? What technology will be used? Education  for  the Future: What must we be doing  today  to ensure that our students are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to function in the world of tomorrow?
New Mental Models What are the ideas about knowledge, mind, and learning that inform your current thinking about how you teach and how schools should be organised? Ref: Jane Gilbert (2005)  Catching the Knowledge Wave - NZCER
Knowledge Knowledge is “stuff ” It  can be stored  - in minds, books or other kinds of databases Knowledge is  true , correct, “the facts” It is something stable that accumulates slowly over time;  new knowledge builds on older knowledge It is built up by people, and people can “have” it, however, it  exists objectively , independently of people There are different branches of knowledge called  disciplines or subjects Each discipline has its  own way of doing things

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Hodges literacy and today’s technnology presentation
Hodges literacy and today’s technnology presentationHodges literacy and today’s technnology presentation
Hodges literacy and today’s technnology presentation

The document discusses the importance of literacy and technology in education. It argues that students should graduate with technological familiarity, literacy skills, and the ability to learn how to learn. The library plays a key role in developing these skills in information-rich environments. Additionally, libraries should be designed to encourage literacy and discovery for both kids and teens, incorporating new technologies that motivate students.

Open Scholarship & Connected Learning
Open Scholarship & Connected LearningOpen Scholarship & Connected Learning
Open Scholarship & Connected Learning

This document summarizes a presentation about open scholarship and connected learning. It discusses how knowledge is acquired and shared, from human thought to various coding languages. It also examines shifts towards more open and collaborative models of learning, including the rise of open content online and network literacies. Key barriers like power and control are addressed. The importance of collaboration, critical thinking, and questioning established ideas are emphasized in developing 21st century learning networks.

Pondering Media, Literacy, & Learning in a Networked World
Pondering Media, Literacy, & Learning in a Networked WorldPondering Media, Literacy, & Learning in a Networked World
Pondering Media, Literacy, & Learning in a Networked World

Keynote presentation given at the Regina Teacher's Convention in Regina, Saskatchewan on March 8, 2013

Minds Minds are like  containers  (filing cabinets or databases), they  store knowledge Minds also  process knowledge ; they take it in, organise it and represent it Minds are the  places where thinking and learning happen Some minds have more capacity than other minds for  storing and processing  knowledge The mind is  located in the brain , but its activities are distinct from the brain’s other functions
Learning Learning is the process by which  knowledge gets stored in minds Learning is an  individual activity : it takes place in individual minds Learning is an activity that  happens in more or less the same way in all individuals Learners of the same age (or stage of development) will be ready for the  same kinds of knowledge at the same time Learning is easier if the knowledge to be learned is broken down into parts and  introduced as a series of steps .
New schools What would students learn? How would they learn? When would they learn? Who would they learn with? What would they learn on or with? Where would they learn? How will they/we know what they’ve learned? Who decides? Etc…
Role of  Technology Technology changes the way the world works. As technology evolves, so must the skill sets of those who use it. In order to remain competitive tomorrow, today ’s  students need to develop techniques that readily adapt to changes as they occur.

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Ubiquitous learning, ubiquitous computing, & lived experience

Ubiquitous learning, ubiquitous computing, and lived experience Presented at the Sixth International Conference on Networked Learning, 5 May, 2008, Halkidiki, Greece

Avatar Project - SFYS 2009
Avatar Project - SFYS 2009Avatar Project - SFYS 2009
Avatar Project - SFYS 2009

This document summarizes a 3-year research project that explored how virtual worlds could be used to engage disadvantaged youth. The project worked with 44 students from a culturally diverse, low-income high school in Melbourne, Australia. Students were introduced to the virtual world Second Life, where they could customize avatars, explore the environment, and participate in activities. However, students faced barriers like limited technology access at home and a digital divide. While the virtual world offered new opportunities, it did not mitigate the layers of disadvantage students experienced in their everyday lives.

digital divideavatarvirtual world
Click U2010
Click U2010Click U2010
Click U2010

"It's 2010: 20 Technologies to Watch, and How to Cope" for SLA's Click University. The real secret is that the best way to cope is to remain positive and reframe our perception of the changes. They don't happen to us. We make them happen. Create the future. Who is better qualified to help invent the information and knowledge based economy than us?

New ways of writing…
New ways of publishing

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Elearning session for Secondary PGCE and GTP trainees
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Elearning session for Secondary PGCE and GTP trainees

This document discusses the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. It introduces concepts like digital natives, digital immigrants, and the flipped classroom. It also discusses challenges around integrating new technologies without proper pedagogical guidance. Key terms related to e-learning and web tools are defined. Throughout, it emphasizes the importance of pedagogy over technology when incorporating new tools into teaching.

Clef presentation 08162010
Clef presentation 08162010Clef presentation 08162010
Clef presentation 08162010

PowerPoint on the basics of digital storytelling, shared on August 16, 2010, at the CLEF Networking Conference

Preparing students for their future
Preparing students for their futurePreparing students for their future
Preparing students for their future

The document discusses how communication technologies have changed rapidly and will continue to change, shaping new literacies students need to be fluent in to not be disadvantaged. It argues students need multimedia literacy in addition to traditional reading and writing. It outlines key competencies needed for students' future, including thinking skills, using language and tools, self-management, relationships, participation and lifelong learning. Educators must prepare students for massive changes in human capabilities through emerging technologies over the next decade.

New ways of visualising the world
New ways of visualising the universe
2020 & Beyond… To what extent are we prepared, as a society and as educators, for the massive changes in human capabilities that digital technologies are likely to enable in the next 13 years? To what extent are our future visions for education based upon assumptions about humanity, society and technology that are no longer valid? To what extent can we, as educators, help to shape the developments of technology in order to enhance human development?
Thank you Derek Wenmoth Director, eLearning CORE Education Ltd [email_address]

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Saaste 2013
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Saaste 2013

Keynote Address, 4 July 2013, South African Association for Science and Technology Education (SAASTE). Rethinking learning: Learning technologies in a networked society.

Why blended learning and e portfolios
Why blended learning and e portfolios Why blended learning and e portfolios
Why blended learning and e portfolios

The document discusses how the new information landscape has changed the way we communicate, work, and learn. Web 2.0 tools allow for greater communication, user control, collaboration, and sharing of information. Teachers are now expected to use e-learning and tools like blogs, wikis, and podcasts to develop student-centered and collaborative learning. Key skills needed for the future include critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and innovation.

Illuminating learning
Illuminating learningIlluminating learning
Illuminating learning

The document discusses the vision for the "Illuminating Learners District" focus for 2010-2011 on getting students and staff "plugged into" learning. It notes that today's learners have access to greater information resources, can create and share digital content, and want to contribute to collective knowledge. The document advocates connecting learners both inside and outside of classrooms through various technologies and establishing personal learning networks to support learners as creators, remixers, collaborators, and owners of their own learning.

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Reaching For The Stars

  • 1. Reaching for the Stars ICT and the Future of Learning Derek Wenmoth Director, eLearning CORE Education Ltd
  • 2. Looking back… 2009 is the international year of astronomy 400 years ago Gallileo first viewed space through a telescope 40 years ago Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon
  • 3. Where were you? Across the world students gathered in classrooms and school halls to follows the story as it unfolded. But they didn’t watch it with a data projector.. … or a colour TV.. … or even a black and white TV Most listened to the whole thing on a radio!
  • 4. 39 years later… 2008 - The Phoenix Mars Lander successfully lands on the surface of Mars Another historic event that is likely to change the future in ways not yet imagined.
  • 5.  
  • 6. The Digital World Think of the communications technologies that are “taken for granted” now that weren’t around when you were at school….
  • 7. New Tools Then Pen Chalkboard/ Whiteboard Banda Gestetner 16mm projector Slide shows Telephone Fax Library Now Next? Txting/Pxting Blogs/Wikis Pod/Vod-casting Data projector LMS IM/SMS Digital cameras iMovie Google Peer2peer networks Virtual reality Wearable computers Ubiquitous identity Voice recognition Agents and avitars Visualisation Miniaturisation Reusable paper Semantic web PLEs
  • 8. New Tools Then Pen Chalkboard/ Whiteboard Banda Gestetner 16mm projector Slide shows Telephone Fax Library Now Next? Txting/Pxting Blogs/Wikis Pod/Vod-casting Data projector LMS IM/SMS Digital cameras iMovie Google Peer2peer networks Virtual reality Wearable computers Ubiquitous identity Voice recognition Agents and avitars Visualisation Miniaturisation Reusable paper Semantic web PLEs Analog Digital Connected Ubiquitous
  • 9. New Literacies “ Don’t you think that our students need to be literate in terms of multimedia, images and sound… … or they’ll be as disadvantaged as we would have been if we’d left school without being able to read and write?”
  • 10. Comment is Free Less Dickens More Dr Kawashima What constitutes ‘text’? novels short stories plays poems comics e-mails films games TV programmes text messages blogs social networking sites
  • 12.  
  • 13. You’ll be needing this… A 5 year-old from an ICT-rich pre-school experience, says to the new entrant teacher on his first day at primary school, “ here’s my blog address - you’ll be needing this ” Reveals lots about what the child knows and understands about learning, communicating, assessment etc!
  • 14. Some things will have to change… Education in the Future: What will our schools be like? Where will learning occur? What will be the role of teachers? What technology will be used? Education for the Future: What must we be doing today to ensure that our students are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to function in the world of tomorrow?
  • 15. New Mental Models What are the ideas about knowledge, mind, and learning that inform your current thinking about how you teach and how schools should be organised? Ref: Jane Gilbert (2005) Catching the Knowledge Wave - NZCER
  • 16. Knowledge Knowledge is “stuff ” It can be stored - in minds, books or other kinds of databases Knowledge is true , correct, “the facts” It is something stable that accumulates slowly over time; new knowledge builds on older knowledge It is built up by people, and people can “have” it, however, it exists objectively , independently of people There are different branches of knowledge called disciplines or subjects Each discipline has its own way of doing things
  • 17. Minds Minds are like containers (filing cabinets or databases), they store knowledge Minds also process knowledge ; they take it in, organise it and represent it Minds are the places where thinking and learning happen Some minds have more capacity than other minds for storing and processing knowledge The mind is located in the brain , but its activities are distinct from the brain’s other functions
  • 18. Learning Learning is the process by which knowledge gets stored in minds Learning is an individual activity : it takes place in individual minds Learning is an activity that happens in more or less the same way in all individuals Learners of the same age (or stage of development) will be ready for the same kinds of knowledge at the same time Learning is easier if the knowledge to be learned is broken down into parts and introduced as a series of steps .
  • 19. New schools What would students learn? How would they learn? When would they learn? Who would they learn with? What would they learn on or with? Where would they learn? How will they/we know what they’ve learned? Who decides? Etc…
  • 20. Role of Technology Technology changes the way the world works. As technology evolves, so must the skill sets of those who use it. In order to remain competitive tomorrow, today ’s students need to develop techniques that readily adapt to changes as they occur.
  • 21. New ways of writing…
  • 22. New ways of publishing
  • 23.  
  • 24.  
  • 25. New ways of visualising the world
  • 26. New ways of visualising the universe
  • 27. 2020 & Beyond… To what extent are we prepared, as a society and as educators, for the massive changes in human capabilities that digital technologies are likely to enable in the next 13 years? To what extent are our future visions for education based upon assumptions about humanity, society and technology that are no longer valid? To what extent can we, as educators, help to shape the developments of technology in order to enhance human development?
  • 28. Thank you Derek Wenmoth Director, eLearning CORE Education Ltd [email_address]