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Top 5 event technology trends for 2010  “what every event manager should know" By John Martinez Managing Director Shocklogic Global Ltd [email_address]
Online event communities  Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes Top 5 event technology trends for 2010  “what every event manager should know" John Martinez, Managing Director, Shocklogic Global Ltd
Is this the year 2010? Yes No

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Apple Vs. Facebook – Who Will Win The Data Privacy War?Apple Vs. Facebook – Who Will Win The Data Privacy War?
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Apple and Facebook are taking very different approaches towards user privacy and transparency. In this article, we discuss these and explore which approach will more likely to win in the long run.

Mobile Trends 2016
Mobile Trends 2016Mobile Trends 2016
Mobile Trends 2016

The document discusses 13 predicted mobile trends for 2016. The key trends include mobile surpassing desktop usage, with more Google searches on mobile than desktop in some countries. Mobile apps are also taking over daily life, with over half of digital media time spent in apps. The rise of the Internet of Things and connected home devices accessible through mobile is another trend. Virtual and augmented reality, wearable devices, and precise indoor mobile location services are also covered as emerging trends for 2016. Increased mobile video advertising, mobile ecommerce, cloud services, and the ongoing Android vs iOS competition are highlighted as well.

Le mobile peut-il être roi sans être ROIste ?
Le mobile peut-il être roi sans être ROIste ?Le mobile peut-il être roi sans être ROIste ?
Le mobile peut-il être roi sans être ROIste ?

Le mobile peut-il être roi sans être ROIste ? Retrouver la présentation de la Keynote et de la table ronde avec Benoît Lelarge, millennial media, Guillaume Dolbeau, PMU, Pascale Martin, Nestlé, Laurent Battais, Médiamétrie, Alexandre Tan, Gameloft. Après New-York, Pékin, Londres et Singapour, le MMA Forum s’est installé pour la première fois à Paris le 5 décembre dernier. Cet événement n’aurait pas pu avoir lieu sans la confiance de nos partenaires : Solocal Group, Havas Media / Mobext, SFR Régie, Millennial Media et Sofialys. Le succès du Forum a par ailleurs été assuré par la qualité reconnue des différents intervenants.

mma forummobilemobile marketing
What choice best describes what you do? Event organiser Association Charity Government Supplier Other
From the following areas which is of more interest to you?  Online event communities  Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes None All of the above 27
Online event communities  Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes Top 5 event technology trends for 2010  “what every event manager should know" John Martinez, Managing Director, Shocklogic Global Ltd

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Como será a publicidade digital no futuro? - Emi Gal - Teads
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Como será a publicidade digital no futuro? - Emi Gal - Teads

1. The document discusses the future of advertising and how it will evolve with advances in technology. 2. It predicts that future ads will be self-assembled in real-time, self-optimizing based on data and performance, and conversational so consumers can interact with ads. 3. These changes are becoming possible due to developments in artificial intelligence, like deep learning, and increased computing power and data availability.

Empathic Computing: From Wearables to Biohacking
Empathic Computing: From Wearables to BiohackingEmpathic Computing: From Wearables to Biohacking
Empathic Computing: From Wearables to Biohacking

Free download at: In the past few years, information technology has become increasingly personal and social and has made its presence very much felt. The emergence of wearable computing and other forms of empathic ‘things’ seems a logical further step: even more intimate, more human-oriented, and ubiquitous. There are more and more devices that count our steps, take our blood pressure or measure the indoor temperature, track our location or conversations. We are witnessing a computer boom in terms of kinds, shapes and sizes – around, on or inside the body – that behave increasingly smart and link up more and more intuitively with man’s extremely personal and natural interface. In the next decade Personal Computing will become really personal: inside, on and around the person with attention for the context of the individual. In this study we explore this development and present seven manifestations that can define the impact on business, such as the ‘quantified employee’ and the ‘body as the new password’

personal dataquantified selfwearables
The Beyonders customer journey - in 2020 everything will be phygital
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The Beyonders customer journey - in 2020 everything will be phygital

This document discusses the evolving customer journey and experience in an increasingly digital world. It emphasizes that physical and digital experiences are equally important and companies must connect all touchpoints along the customer journey. To build a total experience, companies need to connect how the human relates to the brand, value propositions, journey, and conversations. Data will also be a key future asset, and companies should develop algorithms to power personalized marketing actions. Overall, companies must take a human-centered approach and focus on building trust through seamless, personalized, and transparent experiences across physical and digital channels.

phygitalcustomer experiencecustomer journey
Online Communities? (Social/Professional Networking)
Online EVENT Communities? (Social/Professional Networking) Extend event life cycle Expand event experience

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Open social mobile apps increase community involvement in policing and confid...
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Our presentation on how our open social mobile apps increase community involvement in policing and confidence in the criminal justice system, for the College of Policing event on Mobile Apps for policing, given at the Home Office on 26th April 2013

virtual communitypoliceopen data
Israel redefining innovation at International CES 2015
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Israel redefining innovation at International CES 2015

This document provides information on 13 Israeli technology companies that will be exhibiting at CES 2015 in Las Vegas. It includes brief 1-3 sentence descriptions of each company's product or solution and highlights what makes it innovative and impactful in the market. The companies cover a range of technologies including virtual reality cameras, personalized video marketing platforms, mobile entertainment for kids, automated translation for phone calls, and wearable devices for interacting with projected digital content.

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The Razorfish 5: Five Technologies that will change your business
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The Razorfish 5: Five Technologies that will change your business

The document discusses five technologies that will change businesses in 2010: 1. Cloud services and infrastructure will allow businesses to do more, faster by provisioning servers in minutes rather than weeks and scaling applications on demand. 2. Touchscreen and gesture-based technologies like those seen in "Minority Report" will start becoming reality and change customer experiences in stores and on devices. 3. Mobile applications will become standard for businesses as platforms like the iPhone and Android grow in popularity. 4. Agile development practices will help businesses innovate faster and communicate better for distributed development teams. 5. These technologies, especially cloud computing, will shape business models in 2010 and beyond by enabling new opportunities for

Social networking for your events in 2010 Not of interest Already using tools Looking to implement
Online event communities  Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes Top 5 event technology trends for 2010  “what every event manager should know" John Martinez, Managing Director, Shocklogic Global Ltd
Speaker management Communities, presentation builders, speaker room software
Online event communities  Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes Top 5 event technology trends for 2010  “what every event manager should know" John Martinez, Managing Director, Shocklogic Global Ltd

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Atlas: Facebook's Next-Generation Advertising Platform

Facebook has re-released Atlas, the ad serving platform it purchased from Microsoft in 2013. What are the recent changes, and how will they impact advertisers? Learn more about it in this white paper.

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Activate Technology & Media Outlook 2021
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This year, the team at Activate Consulting has identified the 12 most important insights for technology and media in 2021 and the years ahead. Key topics include: *$375 Billion Global Technology and Media Growth Dollars up for Grabs *Consumer Technology and Media Time and Attention *Super Users, Super Consumers *Gaming: The New Technology Paradigm *Esports: The Mainstream Sport of the Future *Video: The Fight for Battleground Households *AR/VR: On the Verge of Widespread Adoption *Connectivity: Intensifying the Need for Speed *eCommerce: Accelerating Five Years in Five Months *Sports & Sports Tech: Revolutionizing the Fan Experience *Sports Betting: $25 Billion for Technology and Media Companies *Advertising: Technology’s Identity Crisis

Digital trends 2017
Digital trends 2017 Digital trends 2017
Digital trends 2017

Digital is resonating in every client conversations; its becoming a business imperative for transformation and value accretion . Here's a snapshot of 2017 Digital trends emanating from multiple client conversations across industries and provide a go forward view for what's coming up in 2017 for enterprises keen on being digital.

digitaldigital marketingdigital strategy
Onsite event registration Self registration (Equipment, process, staff, solutions) People flow Efficiency  Badge Pre-print vs Print-On-Demand
Onsite event registration Self registration (Equipment, process, staff, solutions) People flow Efficiency  Badge Pre-print vs Print-On-Demand
Onsite event registration Self registration (Equipment, process, staff, solutions) People flow Efficiency  Badge Pre-print vs Print-On-Demand
Online event communities  Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes Top 5 event technology trends for 2010  “what every event manager should know" John Martinez, Managing Director, Shocklogic Global Ltd

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From Theory to Practice – 5 Ways to Do Cross-Device Right Every year there’s a white-hot topic in digital marketing. This year it’s cross-device marketing. In theory, cross-device sounds like a winning strategy to reach consumers with fragmented attention across multiple screens – but doing cross-device right requires a building plans around the customer and their cross-device usage patterns, not platforms or devices. Put theory into practice by learning the 5 key drivers of cross-device marketing effectiveness.

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iStrategy Melbourne - Taking on Asia: the Opportunity For Australian Brands -...iStrategy Melbourne - Taking on Asia: the Opportunity For Australian Brands -...
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The document discusses the large opportunity for Australian brands in Asia due to the region's high population and economic growth, noting trends like rising mobile internet and social media usage. It recommends that brands research local markets, adapt their strategies to each country or region, localize their messaging, products, and brands, and utilize local expertise to succeed in Asia's complex and varied consumer landscapes. The document provides examples of how some multinational brands have successfully localized their approaches.

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MDW Boulder April '11 | Kim Laama_UX in the Digital Ecosystem
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MDW Boulder April '11 | Kim Laama_UX in the Digital Ecosystem

The document discusses user experience (UX) in the digital ecosystem. It covers topics like building digital platforms across desktop, web, social and mobile channels. It also discusses defining the structure of these platforms to meet business needs and user requirements at different stages from inspiration to celebration. Finally, it talks about creating relationships by managing communities, rewarding behaviors, building around causes, and enabling local connections.

Websites vs Mobile web vs SMS Smart phones (Rich Mob Web Browsers, wireless broadband, SMS, Intelligent cameras)
Websites vs Mobile web vs SMS Smart phones (Rich Mob Web Browsers, wireless broadband, SMS, Intelligent cameras) Augmented Reality:  (AR is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or  augmented  by) virtual computer-generated imagery- creating a mixed reality.)
Websites vs Mobile web vs SMS Smart phones (Web enabled, SMS, Intelligent cameras) Augmented Reality:  (AR is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or  augmented  by) virtual computer-generated imagery- creating a mixed reality.)
Websites vs Mobile web vs SMS Smart phones (Rich Mob Web Browsers, wireless broadband, SMS, Intelligent cameras) Augmented Reality:  (AR is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or  augmented  by) virtual computer-generated imagery- creating a mixed reality.)   -   Alerts: Don’t get lost or be late again Friends: Find, track, tweet Schedule Video and news feeds all year Interactive tracking Where are you in the exhibition and   which exhibitors you are close to. Route to next destination Exhibitor info: Products, literature Send emails Tweet business contacts

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Technology in 2022 by Cassandra Van Broekhuizen

My final project discusses what cell phones, television and social media will look like in the year 2022, and how these technologies will influence our day to day lives. I look at Roger's Diffusion of Innovation, Uses and Gratification Theory, Social Cognitive Theory and Media System Dependency Theory to see how these technologies will develop between now and 2022.

360i's 2015 International CES Hot List
360i's 2015 International CES Hot List360i's 2015 International CES Hot List
360i's 2015 International CES Hot List

360i's 2015 International CES Hot List provides a comprehensive recap and essential takeaways from 2015 International CES. On the showroom floor this year marketers saw first-hand the dawn of the Connected Age, a new era of marketing powered by more accessible, affordable and applicable consumer technology innovations that are changing consumer behavior and transforming brand marketing. From connected homes to virtual reality, the following report provides an overview of the top trends and technologies from this year’s CES to help marketers position their brands for the future.

by 360i
2015 international cesces
Sogeti Strategic Mobile Design 2011
Sogeti Strategic Mobile Design 2011Sogeti Strategic Mobile Design 2011
Sogeti Strategic Mobile Design 2011

To create the best mobile applications possible we have to look at the design from a user perspective before we start programming a single line of code. And the design process doesn’t stop after the first deployment. When an application has been submitted to a marketplace or appstore we can start monitoring the usage and study the end-user reviews. The following topics are covered in this slidedeck: 1. Creating awareness on the importance of app strategy and design. 2. What should be happening before we start developing mobile apps? 3. What should be done once the mobile app has been deployed? 4. Wrap up and next steps.

Websites vs Mobile web vs SMS Smart phones (Rich Mob Web Browsers, wireless broadband, SMS, Intelligent cameras) Augmented Reality:  (AR is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or  augmented  by) virtual computer-generated imagery- creating a mixed reality.)   -   -
Do you own a smart phone? Yes No
How relevant is mobile technology for your events in 2010 Not relevant Very relevant Undecided, need to find out more
Online event communities  Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes Top 5 event technology trends for 2010  “what every event manager should know" John Martinez, Managing Director, Shocklogic Global Ltd

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Interaction Builders Manifesto
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Software Development changed a lot over last twenty years. From desktop to web, to platform development. In this slide deck I show you these impacts and present a new manifesto for technologists building interactions.

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Mobile, Philip Nyborg
Mobile, Philip NyborgMobile, Philip Nyborg
Mobile, Philip Nyborg

IBM is placing a strong emphasis on mobile technologies and applications. The document discusses IBM's MobileFirst initiative which provides tools to help organizations create more personalized, efficient and secure mobile interactions. It highlights growth in mobile transactions, devices, apps and users. IBM acquired 10 companies since 2006 and doubled its 2013 investment in mobile to strengthen its capabilities. The Worklight platform allows developing cross-platform hybrid and native mobile apps using a common codebase. It provides tools for testing, analytics, push notifications, and app distribution to enterprises.

mobilityibm smarter business 2013mobile
The Top App Development Trends Shaping the Industry in 2024-25 .pdf
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The Top App Development Trends Shaping the Industry in 2024-25 .pdf

Technology has taken up space all over the world. From generating content with a single command on ChatGPT to getting your food served by Robots at your favorite restaurant, artificial advancements have ruled every space. Every industry is set to develop top-notch technology in every sector; finance, IT, healthcare, gaming, and banking, with competitive market standards. One of these rapidly growing industries is Mobile App Development. According to the Straits Research report, it is expected to reach USD 583.03 billion at a CAGR OF 12.8% between (2022 and 2030). It clearly shows how mobile app development has become an integral part of the digital landscape and revolutionized technology.

mobile applicationmobile app developmentapp development framework
The added value of using barcodes Barcode technology is mature and evolving Lead retrieval, access control, access security 1D Barcodes, 2D Barcodes, QR Codes
The added value of using barcodes Barcode technology is mature and evolving Lead retrieval, access control, access security 1D Barcodes, 2D Barcodes, QR Codes
The added value of using barcodes Barcode technology is mature and evolving Lead retrieval, access control, access security 1D Barcodes, 2D Barcodes, QR Codes NFC (Near Field Communication) Technologies
How relevant is barcode/lead retrieval technology for your events in 2010 Not relevant Very relevant Undecided, need to find out more

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The document discusses the evolution of the web from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0. It describes some of the key features of Web 2.0, including using the web as a platform, harnessing collective intelligence through user contributions, and moving beyond traditional software release cycles. Several examples of innovative Web 2.0 startups are provided that demonstrate new design patterns like leveraging user-generated content and allowing perpetual improvement through frequent updates.

TargetSummit Moscow 2016 | Fighting Ads Fraud in the Mobile Apps, David Mail
TargetSummit Moscow 2016 | Fighting Ads Fraud in the Mobile Apps, David MailTargetSummit Moscow 2016 | Fighting Ads Fraud in the Mobile Apps, David Mail
TargetSummit Moscow 2016 | Fighting Ads Fraud in the Mobile Apps, David Mail

Fighting Ads Fraud in the Mobile Apps, David Mail VP R&D AT INNERACTIVE.

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Internal Meetup - Mobility
Internal Meetup - MobilityInternal Meetup - Mobility
Internal Meetup - Mobility

The document outlines an internal meeting agenda focused on mobility trends and technologies. The agenda includes discussions on mobility trends through 2020 and beyond, challenges and opportunities in the space, traditional vs platform-based development approaches, and mobile application lifecycle management including application performance monitoring and deployment. Presentation topics will cover customer use cases, disruptive technologies, development approaches like native, hybrid and cross-platform apps, and new technologies like Flutter. Case studies on specific platforms and apps developed with technologies like Outsystems and Flutter will also be shared.

Now ... Lets chat!
Now ... Lets chat! (Meaning ... You ask questions)
Thank you! [email_address]

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Similar to Presentation at Chase 2010 by John Martinez Shocklogic (20)

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Presentation at Chase 2010 by John Martinez Shocklogic

  • 1. Top 5 event technology trends for 2010 “what every event manager should know" By John Martinez Managing Director Shocklogic Global Ltd [email_address]
  • 2.  
  • 3. Online event communities Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes Top 5 event technology trends for 2010 “what every event manager should know" John Martinez, Managing Director, Shocklogic Global Ltd
  • 4. Is this the year 2010? Yes No
  • 5. What choice best describes what you do? Event organiser Association Charity Government Supplier Other
  • 6. From the following areas which is of more interest to you? Online event communities Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes None All of the above 27
  • 7. Online event communities Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes Top 5 event technology trends for 2010 “what every event manager should know" John Martinez, Managing Director, Shocklogic Global Ltd
  • 8.  
  • 10.  
  • 11.  
  • 12. Online EVENT Communities? (Social/Professional Networking) Extend event life cycle Expand event experience
  • 13. Social networking for your events in 2010 Not of interest Already using tools Looking to implement
  • 14. Online event communities Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes Top 5 event technology trends for 2010 “what every event manager should know" John Martinez, Managing Director, Shocklogic Global Ltd
  • 15. Speaker management Communities, presentation builders, speaker room software
  • 16. Online event communities Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes Top 5 event technology trends for 2010 “what every event manager should know" John Martinez, Managing Director, Shocklogic Global Ltd
  • 17. Onsite event registration Self registration (Equipment, process, staff, solutions) People flow Efficiency Badge Pre-print vs Print-On-Demand
  • 18. Onsite event registration Self registration (Equipment, process, staff, solutions) People flow Efficiency Badge Pre-print vs Print-On-Demand
  • 19. Onsite event registration Self registration (Equipment, process, staff, solutions) People flow Efficiency Badge Pre-print vs Print-On-Demand
  • 20. Online event communities Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes Top 5 event technology trends for 2010 “what every event manager should know" John Martinez, Managing Director, Shocklogic Global Ltd
  • 21. Websites vs Mobile web vs SMS Smart phones (Rich Mob Web Browsers, wireless broadband, SMS, Intelligent cameras)
  • 22. Websites vs Mobile web vs SMS Smart phones (Rich Mob Web Browsers, wireless broadband, SMS, Intelligent cameras) Augmented Reality: (AR is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or  augmented  by) virtual computer-generated imagery- creating a mixed reality.)
  • 23. Websites vs Mobile web vs SMS Smart phones (Web enabled, SMS, Intelligent cameras) Augmented Reality: (AR is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or  augmented  by) virtual computer-generated imagery- creating a mixed reality.)
  • 24. Websites vs Mobile web vs SMS Smart phones (Rich Mob Web Browsers, wireless broadband, SMS, Intelligent cameras) Augmented Reality: (AR is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or  augmented  by) virtual computer-generated imagery- creating a mixed reality.) - Alerts: Don’t get lost or be late again Friends: Find, track, tweet Schedule Video and news feeds all year Interactive tracking Where are you in the exhibition and which exhibitors you are close to. Route to next destination Exhibitor info: Products, literature Send emails Tweet business contacts
  • 25. Websites vs Mobile web vs SMS Smart phones (Rich Mob Web Browsers, wireless broadband, SMS, Intelligent cameras) Augmented Reality: (AR is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are merged with (or  augmented  by) virtual computer-generated imagery- creating a mixed reality.) - -
  • 26. Do you own a smart phone? Yes No
  • 27. How relevant is mobile technology for your events in 2010 Not relevant Very relevant Undecided, need to find out more
  • 28. Online event communities Speaker management Onsite event registration Website vs. mobile web vs. SMS The added value of using barcodes Top 5 event technology trends for 2010 “what every event manager should know" John Martinez, Managing Director, Shocklogic Global Ltd
  • 29. The added value of using barcodes Barcode technology is mature and evolving Lead retrieval, access control, access security 1D Barcodes, 2D Barcodes, QR Codes
  • 30. The added value of using barcodes Barcode technology is mature and evolving Lead retrieval, access control, access security 1D Barcodes, 2D Barcodes, QR Codes
  • 31. The added value of using barcodes Barcode technology is mature and evolving Lead retrieval, access control, access security 1D Barcodes, 2D Barcodes, QR Codes NFC (Near Field Communication) Technologies
  • 32. How relevant is barcode/lead retrieval technology for your events in 2010 Not relevant Very relevant Undecided, need to find out more
  • 33. Now ... Lets chat!
  • 34. Now ... Lets chat! (Meaning ... You ask questions)